There are some things that destroy a movement and trigger the cascade.
The Democrats having Biden and Kamala go out on National TV and tell numerous obvious lies and make several obvious stupid comparisons had doomed this administration.
There is a massive disconnect between DC and the country.
The real indicator here was not the incompetent Biden administration. Ted Cruz is not a stupid person. But he is clearly in that bubble.
“I remember vividly the first time I walked in this chamber. I walked through those doors, but I walked through those doors as a 21-year-old tourist,” Biden claimed. “In those days, you could literally drive right up to the front steps. … I drove up to the steps and there had been a rare Saturday session. It had just ended. So I walked up the steps, found myself in front of what we call the elevators, and I walked to the right to the Reception Room.”
So, he drove his car to the road at the base of the capitol steps, got out and left his car there, and walked up to these strange things we call "elevators" and illegally entered a secure area, and did not spend a year in jail prior to his trial.
'So, he drove his car to the road at the base of the capitol steps, got out and left his car there, and walked up to these strange things we call "elevators" and illegally entered a secure area, and did not spend a year in jail prior to his trial.'
He clearly misspoke. It was a thing we call 'horseless carriages.'
I believe anyone who walked thru unlocked or even an open Capitol Building Door - was arrested and is being held and prosecuted. Prosecuted harshly - even if the crime was walking in, standing aside, taking a few photos and then leaving. You are a terrorist, according to the US government.
The US Government (aka - North Korea-Cuba-China) wants you crushed, ruined and humiliated. Your real crime? supporting Trump.
The GOP Sen/Reps should be bringing this up with every opportunity.
It should be obvious to you by now the GOP is on the other side.
Every Republican in DC with the exception of MTG and a couple others applauds the elimination of the 6th and 8th amendment protections for the J6 protestors.
Don't forget many dozens of police stations firebombed, and the Pentagon bombed by Obama's BFF Bill Ayers. Plus the FALN attack on Congress, where they shot five Congressmen, nearly killing one.
“Often misquoted as 'money is the root of all evil'. Originates in the Bible, Timothy 6:10 (King James Version): For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
I lifted this from a google search b/c for the love of God, why so much overt lying? So much BS? I’m sick of my “betters” being asshole people. They should be better- hell: the should Be Best!
Hey, let's add that time the Bernie Bro shot Rep. Steve Scalise and others at their baseball game - a targeted assassination attempt using actual firearms, that ended only when the perpetrator was shot dead. That would make 9 assaults on democracy, right?
Bill, Republic of Texas said... Anyone else remember when newly elected Congresscritter AOC lead hundreds of leftists and took over Pelosi's office.
She needs a jail cell in the J6 annex.
1/7/22, 12:25 PM
Yep. They had a sit in. The media loved it. The progressives can do and say whatever they want with no consequences. America is waking up to that fact, and they aren't happy.
Yeah, Rand runs that way. If you've encountered the book, you'll know that the biggest speech in it is maybe ten times that length :-) I really do wish Prof. Akston had trained his top students to argue concisely.
And the WORST insurrection of all.... "Consider an email from a reader named James Dalton. Writing on Jan. 5, he says: “Five years ago today, a historic and despicable meeting was held in the Oval Office. President Obama presided. Present were VP Biden, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper and other denizens of the swamp.
“The purpose of this meeting was to upend/derail the incoming Administration via promulgating a discredited dossier and earnest talk of a nonexistent collusion with Russia.”"-
While it didn't result from a forcible entry, in 1954 four Puerto Rican "nationalists" fired handguns anywhere between 16 and 30 times (I've read multiple numbers) from the gallery and shot 5 members of the House of Representatives on the floor of the House.
President Jimmy Carter (D) eventually granted them clemency, freeing them.
"If you ever meet a hot, lefty, lunatic chick and want to get her in bed...."
Never. Not even in an alternate universe. In this universe, doing this would violate the rule "never stick your d**k in crazy". Especially if the "crazy" is a leftist.
Left Bank of the Charles said... I don’t see how No. 8 counts as “breaking in” if the doors were open and he walked in.
Well, the Dems are claiming that the "J6 insurrectionists" "broke in", despite the fact that teh vast majority of them simply waked in through open doors.
President Trumps says I participated in the 'real insurrection" on Election Day when I carried the absentee ballot of my sickly, elderly housemate to a convenient polling place to drop off at the same time I voted myself in person.
Readering: "President Trumps says I participated in the 'real insurrection" on Election Day when I carried the absentee ballot of my sickly, elderly housemate to a convenient polling place to drop off at the same time I voted myself in person."
Knowing that their lies about mass mail in ballots and ballot harvesting aren't fooling anyone, our dumb lefties return to equating absentee ballots with controls to the mass unregulated ballots.
These false equivalences are crucially important to the leftists as they seek to federalize and make permanent their third world-banana republic-corrupted voting schemes.
Greg the Class Traitor: “ Well, the Dems are claiming that the "J6 insurrectionists" "broke in", despite the fact that teh vast majority of them simply waked in through open doors.”
And how did the doors become open? Their fellow rioters broke through them.
Left Bank of the Charles said... Greg the Class Traitor: “ Well, the Dems are claiming that the "J6 insurrectionists" "broke in", despite the fact that teh vast majority of them simply waked in through open doors.”
And how did the doors become open? Their fellow rioters broke through them.
No, the police opened them
You really should try getting out of your left wing bubble
Readering: "President Trumps says I participated in the 'real insurrection" on Election Day when I carried the absentee ballot of my sickly, elderly housemate to a convenient polling place to drop off at the same time I voted myself in person."
makes me curious WHO the housemate thought he was voting for? ASSUMING that the housemate realized that he was voting?
Left Bank: "And how did the doors become open? Their fellow rioters broke through them."
Boy, as in the Rittenhouse case, you are going to be quite surprised when you finally see the videos everyone whose not in the lefty bubble have been watching.......
....but then again, you still believe russian collusion happened and Putin changed votes and the hoax Clinton dossier was proven correct, so you probably aren't teachable in any productive way.
We already have video of several of those "insurrectionists" who were instigators in removing the barriers to the Capital, and providing directions to the crowds via bullhorns.....who have oddly not been picked up nor charged, even though several of them were identified quite quickly and conclusively.....almost as if they were members of the FBI Hoax Whitmer kidnapping "plot", which was basically just a bunch of FBI guys and their helpers making it all happen.
Just as in the Hutaree Militia hoax case from 2016....which also got thrown out when the Judge uncovered the corrupt FBI practices and it was revealed the FBI guys themselves came up with all the "ideas" and planning details and the weapons.
Well, that certainly made for a tidy little case, didn't it? And it was perfectly timed to support the Hillary campaign narrative requirements in 2016.
How convenient!....and it would have worked too, if it hadn't been for those meddling defense attorneys!
Readering babbled "President Trumps says I participated in the 'real insurrection" on Election Day when I carried the absentee ballot of my sickly, elderly housemate to a convenient polling place to drop off at the same time I voted myself in person."
1: Are you related to this "sickly, elderly housemate"? 2: How was it that your "housemate" just happened to have a ballot (s)he hadn't yet mailed in? 3: How do we know you didn't fill out the ballot yourself? 4: If you paid your housemate in exchange for being about to vote the ballot however you wished, how would we be able to tell the difference between that situation, and a situation where you honestly carried in the ballot?
Vote integrity matters. In any State where the law protects the integrity of the vote, no one other than the voter, ballot officials, post office workers, and possibly a family member may be legally allowed to hand the voter's ballot
Is it legal in your State for non-family members to turn in someone else's ballot? no?
Then you engaged in vote fraud.
Which is a criminal attack on the election, and democracy
The Federalist should be ashamed to write such crap. Follow my step by step rebuttal:
1. 55 non-violent protesters were arrested by the Trump Administration after a sit-in at the Interior Department on 10/15/21.
2. A peaceful protest at the White House on May 29, 2020 was marred when one man briefly clashed with uniformed officers of the Secret Service. Four people then arrested for supposedly crossing the temporary fence erected around the White House. “I didn’t even realize what I did was illegal,” said one of the protesters . “I stepped over a barricade. I never got onto the Treasury grounds or White House grounds.”
3. There were stark differences between the Jan 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol aimed at overturning a presidential election and the protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol almost a decade ago. Primarily, Wisconsin's Act 10 protests were overwhelmingly peaceful.
4. President Trump, in pushing a law-and-order message for his re-election campaign, brought tactical units of militarily-clad armed officers from a variety of federal agencies to the Portland streets. They fired tear gas and pulled protesters into unmarked vans, providing limited opportunity for serious protester violence. The Portland protests persisted for 54 days after George Floyd’s killing even as Black Lives Matter demonstrations had waned elsewhere.
5. After Democratic senators killed an anti-abortion bill with the help of a Sen. Wendy Davis filibuster, Republican leadership blamed the death of the bill on a loud “unruly mob” that the Senate majority failed to control. No one was arrested, nobody on premise died.
6. Capitol Police made more arrests on each of the first three days of the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in September, 2018, than they did on Jan 6. The protesters at those hearings — most of them women, many self-identified survivors of sexual assault — had their hands zip-tied and were arrested for transgressions such as shouting out from the gallery, “Kavanaugh can’t be trusted!”
7. National Public Radio received a message from a Communist group calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit: “Tonight we bombed the U.S. Capitol.” Nobody was killed or injured in the attack, but the ARU made clear that it had contemplated lethal action: “We purposely aimed our attack at the institutions of imperialist rule rather than at individual members of the ruling class and government. We did not choose to kill any of them at this time. But their lives are not sacred and their hands are stained with the blood of millions.” So is the Federalist somehow use this communist attack to justify Jan 6 or to spin Bad Bill Clinton's pardon of its leaders many years later?
8. Joe Biden said on retiring from the Senate: "Those French doors leading behind the chamber opened. There were no signs, I just walked in. [LAUGHTER] Literally, I walked in. And I walked in down here . . . and I walked into the chamber and the lights were still on. I was awe-struck, literally awe-struck. . . . And I sat in the presiding officers [chair] [LAUGHTER] and I was mesmerized. And the next thing I know I feel this and all [on] my shoulder and a . . . [Capitol] policeman picks me up, spins me around and said "What are you doing?" And after a few moments [he] realize[d] I was just a "Dumb Struck Kate" and didn't arrest me or anything. But that was my first time I walked into the senate [as an age 21 college student]."
gadfly said... 1. 55 non-violent protesters were arrested by the Trump Administration after a sit-in at the Interior Department on 10/15/21. I wasn't aware Trump was still President in October of 2021. Thank you for letting us know. Also, "arrested" does not equal "threw in jail, and demanded that they be kept there until their trials, which a year later still haven't even had dates set"
2. A peaceful protest at the White House on May 29, 2020 was marred when one man briefly clashed with uniformed officers of the Secret Service. Four people then arrested for supposedly crossing the temporary fence erected around the White House. “I didn’t even realize what I did was illegal,” said one of the protesters . “I stepped over a barricade. I never got onto the Treasury grounds or White House grounds.”
A peaceful protest at Congress on Jan 6, 2021 was marred when a few people briefly clashed with uniformed officers of the Capitol Police. The rest is pretty much a straight fill in from Jan 6. People walking though the building, staying inside the velvet ropes, after the cops invented them in, are a lot less criminal than people who crossed a temporary fence. "I stepped over a barricade" doesn't equal "I had no idea I wasn't supposed to be there"
3. There were stark differences between the Jan 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol aimed at overturning a presidential election and the protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol almost a decade ago. Primarily, Wisconsin's Act 10 protests were overwhelmingly peaceful.
The WI Protests were aimed at overturning the Governor and State Legislature election results. Not because they had any claims that the results were illegitimate 9unlike with the Presidential election) but simply because they'r left wing scum who don't respect democracy, the rule of law, or anything else that gets in their way.
The Jan 6 protests were more "overwhelmingly peaceful" than the WI ones.
4. President Trump, in pushing a law-and-order message for his re-election campaign, brought tactical units of militarily-clad armed officers from a variety of federal agencies to the Portland streets. They fired tear gas and pulled protesters into unmarked vans, providing limited opportunity for serious protester violence. The Portland protests persisted for 54 days after George Floyd’s killing even as Black Lives Matter demonstrations had waned elsewhere.
The Portland "protests" involved riots and assaults on the Federal Court building. Which is to say they were and are an open and outright assault on the rule of law.
And the worst you can say about the Trump response was that they arrested the criminal thugs with unmarked vans, so they wouldn't be able to run away? GFY
5. After Democratic senators killed an anti-abortion bill with the help of a Sen. Wendy Davis filibuster, Republican leadership blamed the death of the bill on a loud “unruly mob” that the Senate majority failed to control. No one was arrested, nobody on premise died.
No one was arrested, because the TX police behaved w/ more restraint.
No one died, because teh TX cops decided not to murder anyone
6. Capitol Police made more arrests on each of the first three days of the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in September, 2018, than they did on Jan 6. The protesters at those hearings — most of them women, many self-identified survivors of sexual assault — had their hands zip-tied and were arrested for transgressions such as shouting out from the gallery, “Kavanaugh can’t be trusted!”
The Biden* DoJ has continued to pour massive resources into hunting down and arresting people for the crime of engaging in political protest on J6. Unlike what was done to the Kavanaugh attackers. The issue, though, isn't arrests, it's the actual charging them with crimes, and fighting to punish them.
Some thing that hasn't been happening to the left wing domestic terrorists. The people there were trying to disrupt and obstruct the functioning of government. if that was wrong J6, it was wrong with the Kavanaugh confirmation. If it was acceptable for the Kavanaugh confirmation, then it was acceptable and appropriate on J6
Sorry, the stupid has gotten too high, I can't wade through any more of your idiocy
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Nice of the Federalist to notice.
They probably stole it from Althouse.
There are some things that destroy a movement and trigger the cascade.
The Democrats having Biden and Kamala go out on National TV and tell numerous obvious lies and make several obvious stupid comparisons had doomed this administration.
There is a massive disconnect between DC and the country.
The real indicator here was not the incompetent Biden administration. Ted Cruz is not a stupid person. But he is clearly in that bubble.
And that bubble was just popped for all to see.
there is No Law against Left-Wing Protesters!!
Let's talk about things, that ARE against the law; like not using zome ones proper pronouns
At Portland the AntiFa "mostly peaceful protesters" were firing mortars at the Federal courthouse.
I'm certain that progressives will say, "Well they weren't akshually mortars!"
Sorry Charlie--some of those fireworks mortars have a bigger diameter than the U.S. Army's 4.2 inch mortars.
Why is The Federalist using euphemisms like "broke into" and "assault" instead of "terrorism" in its headline?
But it was for a good, socialistic cause.
Can we have a federal holiday for each of them?? Please??
i Did like #8 though!
Yea, but those weren't like 9/11.
Jan6 was worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and Auschwitz.
Kid you not, a "historian" Doug Brinkley, said we have the pictures of jan6, just like Auschwitz.
And without even reading the link I can tell you the left wing DEMOCRATS didn't obey the velvet ropes....
Ann, perhaps the Jan 6th posts could use a "civility bullshit" tag?
But that's different, because shut up.
Sure, but those protesters didn't kill anyone unlike the January 6th protests, right Mutaman?
The GOP Sen/Reps should be bringing this up with every opportunity.
“I remember vividly the first time I walked in this chamber. I walked through those doors, but I walked through those doors as a 21-year-old tourist,” Biden claimed. “In those days, you could literally drive right up to the front steps. … I drove up to the steps and there had been a rare Saturday session. It had just ended. So I walked up the steps, found myself in front of what we call the elevators, and I walked to the right to the Reception Room.”
So, he drove his car to the road at the base of the capitol steps, got out and left his car there, and walked up to these strange things we call "elevators" and illegally entered a secure area, and did not spend a year in jail prior to his trial.
'So, he drove his car to the road at the base of the capitol steps, got out and left his car there, and walked up to these strange things we call "elevators" and illegally entered a secure area, and did not spend a year in jail prior to his trial.'
He clearly misspoke. It was a thing we call 'horseless carriages.'
I believe anyone who walked thru unlocked or even an open Capitol Building Door - was arrested and is being held and prosecuted. Prosecuted harshly - even if the crime was walking in, standing aside, taking a few photos and then leaving. You are a terrorist, according to the US government.
The US Government (aka - North Korea-Cuba-China) wants you crushed, ruined and humiliated. Your real crime? supporting Trump.
These are buildings that should receive no particular reverence, as we might afford the Lincoln Memorial or Arlington.
No building embodies "democracy."
January 6 is celebrated by the Democrats because it is the first day in the country's history that conservatives rioted.
Probably not the last.
That's the hypocrisy attack. It never works.
Let's Go Brandon. The USA is dead.
exhelodrvr1 said...
The GOP Sen/Reps should be bringing this up with every opportunity.
It should be obvious to you by now the GOP is on the other side.
Every Republican in DC with the exception of MTG and a couple others applauds the elimination of the 6th and 8th amendment protections for the J6 protestors.
Even Dan Crenshaw has been a giant pussy at best.
rhhardin said...
That's the hypocrisy attack. It never works.
Focus on the lies.
Never let them forget the Sicknick Blood libel.
And keep pointing out Ray Epps is not in jail.
Don't forget many dozens of police stations firebombed, and the Pentagon bombed by Obama's BFF Bill Ayers. Plus the FALN attack on Congress, where they shot five Congressmen, nearly killing one.
Obama and AOC support FALN.
How about 1954 when Puerto Rican terrorists shot 5 members of Congress on the floor of the House?
Here's hoping the democrat's 12-alarm fire over Jan 6 inhibits their future ability to justify violent protest. (I ain't holding my breath.)
Here's hoping the democrat's 12-alarm fire over Jan 6 inhibits their future ability to justify violent protest. (I ain't holding my breath.)
I dunno, some of their most egregious stuff seems to come back and bite them in their sorry asses…
“Often misquoted as 'money is the root of all evil'. Originates in the Bible, Timothy 6:10 (King James Version):
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
I lifted this from a google search b/c for the love of God, why so much overt lying? So much BS? I’m sick of my “betters” being asshole people. They should be better- hell: the should Be Best!
Hey, let's add that time the Bernie Bro shot Rep. Steve Scalise and others at their baseball game - a targeted assassination attempt using actual firearms, that ended only when the perpetrator was shot dead. That would make 9 assaults on democracy, right?
Where is that guy?
Geez- I’m so ADd I didn’t finish reading your comment.
I’m embarrassed :’o
quote Bible at own peril
Anyone else remember when newly elected Congresscritter AOC lead hundreds of leftists and took over Pelosi's office.
She needs a jail cell in the J6 annex.
If you ever meet a hot, lefty, lunatic chick and want to get her in bed, just whisper 'January 6' in her ear.
She will go like the Energizer Bunny® all night long.
It's Viagra® for communists...
Well, as much as I admire Ayn Rand- I admire the Bible more.
That’s a lengthy speech Francisco has, there…
Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Anyone else remember when newly elected Congresscritter AOC lead hundreds of leftists and took over Pelosi's office.
She needs a jail cell in the J6 annex.
1/7/22, 12:25 PM
Yep. They had a sit in. The media loved it. The progressives can do and say whatever they want with no consequences. America is waking up to that fact, and they aren't happy.
I don’t see how No. 8 counts as “breaking in” if the doors were open and he walked in.
Left Bank: It was a joke.
Hypocrisy attacks never work?
They work on Conservatives/Republicans. But then pretty much everything does.
Left Bank: "I don’t see how No. 8 counts as “breaking in” if the doors were open and he walked in."
Said about 90% of the January 6th defendants...
Yeah, Rand runs that way. If you've encountered the book, you'll know that the biggest speech in it is maybe ten times that length :-) I really do wish Prof. Akston had trained his top students to argue concisely.
Still, it is good, after its fashion. Isn't it?
And the WORST insurrection of all.... "Consider an email from a reader named James Dalton. Writing on Jan. 5, he says: “Five years ago today, a historic and despicable meeting was held in the Oval Office. President Obama presided. Present were VP Biden, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper and other denizens of the swamp.
“The purpose of this meeting was to upend/derail the incoming Administration via promulgating a discredited dossier and earnest talk of a nonexistent collusion with Russia.”"-
I haven’t read it… yet. I’ll have to because I know it is good.
Blogger rcocean said...
Hypocrisy attacks never work?
They work on Conservatives/Republicans. But then pretty much everything does.
Because DC Republicans want to lose.
It is their job.
Left Bank: "I don’t see how No. 8 counts as “breaking in” if the doors were open and he walked in."
While it didn't result from a forcible entry, in 1954 four Puerto Rican "nationalists" fired handguns anywhere between 16 and 30 times (I've read multiple numbers) from the gallery and shot 5 members of the House of Representatives on the floor of the House.
President Jimmy Carter (D) eventually granted them clemency, freeing them.
"If you ever meet a hot, lefty, lunatic chick and want to get her in bed...."
Never. Not even in an alternate universe. In this universe, doing this would violate the rule "never stick your d**k in crazy". Especially if the "crazy" is a leftist.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
I don’t see how No. 8 counts as “breaking in” if the doors were open and he walked in.
Well, the Dems are claiming that the "J6 insurrectionists" "broke in", despite the fact that teh vast majority of them simply waked in through open doors.
Do you ever do self awareness?
President Trumps says I participated in the 'real insurrection" on Election Day when I carried the absentee ballot of my sickly, elderly housemate to a convenient polling place to drop off at the same time I voted myself in person.
Readering: "President Trumps says I participated in the 'real insurrection" on Election Day when I carried the absentee ballot of my sickly, elderly housemate to a convenient polling place to drop off at the same time I voted myself in person."
Knowing that their lies about mass mail in ballots and ballot harvesting aren't fooling anyone, our dumb lefties return to equating absentee ballots with controls to the mass unregulated ballots.
These false equivalences are crucially important to the leftists as they seek to federalize and make permanent their third world-banana republic-corrupted voting schemes.
It's OK when liberal protesters do it.
As Biden used to say - Literally. Link to Insta
Greg the Class Traitor: “ Well, the Dems are claiming that the "J6 insurrectionists" "broke in", despite the fact that teh vast majority of them simply waked in through open doors.”
And how did the doors become open? Their fellow rioters broke through them.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Greg the Class Traitor: “ Well, the Dems are claiming that the "J6 insurrectionists" "broke in", despite the fact that teh vast majority of them simply waked in through open doors.”
And how did the doors become open? Their fellow rioters broke through them.
No, the police opened them
You really should try getting out of your left wing bubble
"President Trumps says I participated in the 'real insurrection" on Election Day when I carried the absentee ballot of my sickly, elderly housemate to a convenient polling place to drop off at the same time I voted myself in person."
makes me curious WHO the housemate thought he was voting for?
ASSUMING that the housemate realized that he was voting?
Left Bank: "And how did the doors become open? Their fellow rioters broke through them."
Boy, as in the Rittenhouse case, you are going to be quite surprised when you finally see the videos everyone whose not in the lefty bubble have been watching.......
....but then again, you still believe russian collusion happened and Putin changed votes and the hoax Clinton dossier was proven correct, so you probably aren't teachable in any productive way.
We already have video of several of those "insurrectionists" who were instigators in removing the barriers to the Capital, and providing directions to the crowds via bullhorns.....who have oddly not been picked up nor charged, even though several of them were identified quite quickly and conclusively.....almost as if they were members of the FBI Hoax Whitmer kidnapping "plot", which was basically just a bunch of FBI guys and their helpers making it all happen.
Just as in the Hutaree Militia hoax case from 2016....which also got thrown out when the Judge uncovered the corrupt FBI practices and it was revealed the FBI guys themselves came up with all the "ideas" and planning details and the weapons.
Well, that certainly made for a tidy little case, didn't it? And it was perfectly timed to support the Hillary campaign narrative requirements in 2016.
How convenient!....and it would have worked too, if it hadn't been for those meddling defense attorneys!
Left Bank of the Charles said...
And how did the doors become open? Their fellow rioters broke through them.
That would be John Sullivan and Ray Epps.
Both men are mysteriously not in jail.
It is mysterious.
Readering babbled
"President Trumps says I participated in the 'real insurrection" on Election Day when I carried the absentee ballot of my sickly, elderly housemate to a convenient polling place to drop off at the same time I voted myself in person."
1: Are you related to this "sickly, elderly housemate"?
2: How was it that your "housemate" just happened to have a ballot (s)he hadn't yet mailed in?
3: How do we know you didn't fill out the ballot yourself?
4: If you paid your housemate in exchange for being about to vote the ballot however you wished, how would we be able to tell the difference between that situation, and a situation where you honestly carried in the ballot?
Vote integrity matters. In any State where the law protects the integrity of the vote, no one other than the voter, ballot officials, post office workers, and possibly a family member may be legally allowed to hand the voter's ballot
Is it legal in your State for non-family members to turn in someone else's ballot? no?
Then you engaged in vote fraud.
Which is a criminal attack on the election, and democracy
The Federalist should be ashamed to write such crap. Follow my step by step rebuttal:
1. 55 non-violent protesters were arrested by the Trump Administration after a sit-in at the Interior Department on 10/15/21.
2. A peaceful protest at the White House on May 29, 2020 was marred when one man briefly clashed with uniformed officers of the Secret Service. Four people then arrested for supposedly crossing the temporary fence erected around the White House. “I didn’t even realize what I did was illegal,” said one of the protesters . “I stepped over a barricade. I never got onto the Treasury grounds or White House grounds.”
3. There were stark differences between the Jan 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol aimed at overturning a presidential election and the protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol almost a decade ago. Primarily, Wisconsin's Act 10 protests were overwhelmingly peaceful.
4. President Trump, in pushing a law-and-order message for his re-election campaign, brought tactical units of militarily-clad armed officers from a variety of federal agencies to the Portland streets. They fired tear gas and pulled protesters into unmarked vans, providing limited opportunity for serious protester violence. The Portland protests persisted for 54 days after George Floyd’s killing even as Black Lives Matter demonstrations had waned elsewhere.
5. After Democratic senators killed an anti-abortion bill with the help of a Sen. Wendy Davis filibuster, Republican leadership blamed the death of the bill on a loud “unruly mob” that the Senate majority failed to control. No one was arrested, nobody on premise died.
6. Capitol Police made more arrests on each of the first three days of the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in September, 2018, than they did on Jan 6. The protesters at those hearings — most of them women, many self-identified survivors of sexual assault — had their hands zip-tied and were arrested for transgressions such as shouting out from the gallery, “Kavanaugh can’t be trusted!”
7. National Public Radio received a message from a Communist group calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit: “Tonight we bombed the U.S. Capitol.” Nobody was killed or injured in the attack, but the ARU made clear that it had contemplated lethal action: “We purposely aimed our attack at the institutions of imperialist rule rather than at individual members of the ruling class and government. We did not choose to kill any of them at this time. But their lives are not sacred and their hands are stained with the blood of millions.” So is the Federalist somehow use this communist attack to justify Jan 6 or to spin Bad Bill Clinton's pardon of its leaders many years later?
8. Joe Biden said on retiring from the Senate: "Those French doors leading behind the chamber opened. There were no signs, I just walked in. [LAUGHTER] Literally, I walked in. And I walked in down here . . . and I walked into the chamber and the lights were still on. I was awe-struck, literally awe-struck. . . . And I sat in the presiding officers [chair] [LAUGHTER] and I was mesmerized. And the next thing I know I feel this and all [on] my shoulder and a . . . [Capitol] policeman picks me up, spins me around and said "What are you doing?" And after a few moments [he] realize[d] I was just a "Dumb Struck Kate" and didn't arrest me or anything. But that was my first time I walked into the senate [as an age 21 college student]."
gadfly: "Follow my step by step rebuttal:"
gadfly "So is the Federalist somehow use this communist attack to justify Jan 6 or to spin Bad Bill Clinton's pardon of its leaders many years later?"
Communists = Progressives. get it yet??
gadfly said...
1. 55 non-violent protesters were arrested by the Trump Administration after a sit-in at the Interior Department on 10/15/21.
I wasn't aware Trump was still President in October of 2021. Thank you for letting us know.
Also, "arrested" does not equal "threw in jail, and demanded that they be kept there until their trials, which a year later still haven't even had dates set"
2. A peaceful protest at the White House on May 29, 2020 was marred when one man briefly clashed with uniformed officers of the Secret Service. Four people then arrested for supposedly crossing the temporary fence erected around the White House. “I didn’t even realize what I did was illegal,” said one of the protesters . “I stepped over a barricade. I never got onto the Treasury grounds or White House grounds.”
A peaceful protest at Congress on Jan 6, 2021 was marred when a few people briefly clashed with uniformed officers of the Capitol Police. The rest is pretty much a straight fill in from Jan 6. People walking though the building, staying inside the velvet ropes, after the cops invented them in, are a lot less criminal than people who crossed a temporary fence. "I stepped over a barricade" doesn't equal "I had no idea I wasn't supposed to be there"
3. There were stark differences between the Jan 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol aimed at overturning a presidential election and the protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol almost a decade ago. Primarily, Wisconsin's Act 10 protests were overwhelmingly peaceful.
The WI Protests were aimed at overturning the Governor and State Legislature election results. Not because they had any claims that the results were illegitimate 9unlike with the Presidential election) but simply because they'r left wing scum who don't respect democracy, the rule of law, or anything else that gets in their way.
The Jan 6 protests were more "overwhelmingly peaceful" than the WI ones.
4. President Trump, in pushing a law-and-order message for his re-election campaign, brought tactical units of militarily-clad armed officers from a variety of federal agencies to the Portland streets. They fired tear gas and pulled protesters into unmarked vans, providing limited opportunity for serious protester violence. The Portland protests persisted for 54 days after George Floyd’s killing even as Black Lives Matter demonstrations had waned elsewhere.
The Portland "protests" involved riots and assaults on the Federal Court building. Which is to say they were and are an open and outright assault on the rule of law.
And the worst you can say about the Trump response was that they arrested the criminal thugs with unmarked vans, so they wouldn't be able to run away?
5. After Democratic senators killed an anti-abortion bill with the help of a Sen. Wendy Davis filibuster, Republican leadership blamed the death of the bill on a loud “unruly mob” that the Senate majority failed to control. No one was arrested, nobody on premise died.
No one was arrested, because the TX police behaved w/ more restraint.
No one died, because teh TX cops decided not to murder anyone
6. Capitol Police made more arrests on each of the first three days of the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in September, 2018, than they did on Jan 6. The protesters at those hearings — most of them women, many self-identified survivors of sexual assault — had their hands zip-tied and were arrested for transgressions such as shouting out from the gallery, “Kavanaugh can’t be trusted!”
The Biden* DoJ has continued to pour massive resources into hunting down and arresting people for the crime of engaging in political protest on J6. Unlike what was done to the Kavanaugh attackers.
The issue, though, isn't arrests, it's the actual charging them with crimes, and fighting to punish them.
Some thing that hasn't been happening to the left wing domestic terrorists.
The people there were trying to disrupt and obstruct the functioning of government. if that was wrong J6, it was wrong with the Kavanaugh confirmation.
If it was acceptable for the Kavanaugh confirmation, then it was acceptable and appropriate on J6
Sorry, the stupid has gotten too high, I can't wade through any more of your idiocy
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