January 3, 2022

"34% of voters say the Republican Party is headed in the right direction, up 10 points from immediately after Jan. 6 and slightly higher than before the attack on the Capitol."

"68% percent of Democrats say Jan. 6 had a 'major impact' on their worldview, but only 35% of independents and 24% of Republicans agree. 59% of voters said Trump is at least somewhat responsible for the events that led to a group of people attacking the Capitol, and 47% say the same of Republicans in Congress. Both figures are down slightly from immediately after the attack.... Since July, the share of voters who say they approve of the select committee has fallen 7 points to 46 percent, fueled by declining support among Democrats, independents and Republicans, all of whom have become more likely to express uncertainty about an investigation that has often failed to capture their attention on a large scale... Overall, the trends signal a weariness verging on disinterest in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack one year later...."


rhhardin said...

The British attacked the capitol. Jan 6 wasn't an attack.

Kevin said...

I can still remember when dissent was the highest form of patriotism.

Sebastian said...

"events that led to"

Artfully phrased. It's not as if Trump led them to. It's not events that caused.

"a group of people attacking the Capitol"

How many people at the Capitol on Jan. 6 "attacked" it? Video clearly shows a substantial number walking in unobstructed and walking through without attacking anything or anybody.

"Overall, the trends signal a weariness verging on disinterest in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack one year later"

Good. Might people detect BS in the Dem propaganda? But for the time being the Insurrection Narrative is too useful for Dems to let go.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Overall, the trends signal a weariness verging on disinterest in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack one year later..."

Bingo! We have a winner!

gilbar said...

Sebastian said...
How many people at the Capitol on Jan. 6 "attacked" it? Video clearly shows a substantial number walking in unobstructed and walking through without attacking anything or anybody.

Ray Epps and his band, CLEARLY attacked the Capitol's barrier fencing; as well as the signs stating that it was Illegal to enter. THIS was the crime; that is Why the FBI is looking for him
Oh wait... The FBI is NOT looking for Any of Those people; i guess they already know where they are

Jaq said...

"Four flushers in the media forced to fold when it was time to show their hand; film at eleven."

bobby said...

Polls are useless when they don't cover the boundaries. Meaning, "I don't like President John" can mean I think he's too far right, or too far left. Lots of people don't like that select committee because it hasn't jailed huge numbers of people. But they're still going to vote for the members.

Gahrie said...

One of the questions historians will ask is why the Republican Party was content to sit back and let the Democrats persecute the January 6 protestors.

Gahrie said...

What happened on Jan 6 was nether unique nor unusual...the Democratic and MSM reaction to it is both.

Ann Althouse said...

Was the Wisconsin Capitol "attacked" in 2011?

Ann Althouse said...

Was the "Occupy" movement an "attack" on everything they occupied?

Achilles said...

So how long did the NYT's lie about officer Sicknick being killed?

The entire January 6th "Insurrection" narrative is a lie pushed by disgusting people.

Leland said...

I vote for the US abandonment of Afghanistan.

Xmas said...


Historians will note that Republicans are generally not populists and they revile disruptive mass actions and protests. So they have an initial impetus to distanve themselves from the Jan 6th prosecutions.

However, they can also see the obvious overreach happening with throwing the book at confused tourists. So for now they can just let this play out. Then sometime in March or April, just in time for 2022 primary fundraising, they'll attack the process and try to get Jan 6th detainees released.

Achilles said...

Rosanne Boyland was actually beaten to death by capitol police on video.

Not a peep from the NYT's.

The capitol police were attacking women to provoke a response from the men and veterans in the crowd.

Achilles said...

What is the thinking process of people that still accept publications like the NYT's and the WAPO as news sources after they so conspicuously lied and spread the Officer Sicknick blood libel?

Gahrie said...

One of the problems that the Democratic Party currently has (I believe the Republicans do too, but to a lesser extent) is that they are too tactical. They're too focused on the immediate, the quick gain. Every day is a new contest, unaffected by either the past or the future, we have to win today's headlines/soundbite/click count...

The Democrats neither realize, or would care if they did realize, how hypocritical their actions seem. Mostly because it doesn't matter. Why not? Largely because they know the media won't call them on it. And if some small online nobody forces the media to pay attention, someone will immediately form an organization devoted to characterizing the hypocrisy as old news and advising us to move on.

Besides, tomorrow is another day...

Gahrie said...

However, they can also see the obvious overreach happening with throwing the book at confused tourists. So for now they can just let this play out. Then sometime in March or April, just in time for 2022 primary fundraising, they'll attack the process and try to get Jan 6th detainees released.

You say this like it's a good thing.

What about those poor American citizens who have been sitting in solitary for a year now for an offense that should have been punished by a couple of weekends picking up trash on the freeway?

Jersey Fled said...

"68% percent of Democrats say Jan. 6 had a 'major impact' on their worldview"

In fact their worldview wasn't changed at all. These are the same people who believed that Trump collided with Russia to steal the 2016 election. And still do.

Gahrie said...

These are the same people who believed that Trump collided with Russia to steal the 2016 election. And still do.

Well, to be fair, the people who told them that, still haven't told them it was a lie.

Mea Sententia said...

I belong to the 65 percent of independents for whom Jan 6 is not a major matter. I put it in the larger context of all the protests of 2020. If anyone did commit a crime (and protesting is not a crime) they should face punishment. But honestly, the events of Jan 6 are so shrouded in a fog of secrecy and propaganda that I cannot evaluate what happened that day.

Bob Boyd said...

Exclusive: Secret Commandos with Shoot-to-Kill Authority Were at the Capitol

"On Sunday, January 3, the heads of a half-dozen elite government special operations teams met in Quantico, Virginia, to go over potential threats, contingencies, and plans for the upcoming Joint Session of Congress. The meeting, and the subsequent deployment of these shadowy commandos on January 6, has never before been revealed.
Rosen made a unilateral decision to take the preparatory steps to deploy Justice Department and so-called "national" forces. There was no formal request from the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service, or the Metropolitan Police Department—in fact, no external request from any agency. The leadership in Justice and the FBI anticipated the worst and decided to act independently, the special operations forces lurking behind the scenes.
The contingency units meeting on January 3 included the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team, the FBI's national "Render Safe" team, an FBI SWAT team from the Baltimore Field Office, Special Response Teams from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group.
All of these assets were "pre-deployed" and ready to go over the weekend of January 2-3, staging out of the FBI Academy complex in Quantico, 30 miles south of the Capitol building. If a WMD or terrorist attack occurred, the units were to move via helicopter to the site of the incident. The activation of the catastrophic response units, operating under plans already approved by President Trump, entailed an automatic green light allowing federal responders to take the initiative and spare no resources, including shoot-to-kill authority, to deal with this most extraordinary condition."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jan 6th - Who are the people who died, and how did they die? Media silent.

Who is Ray Epps?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When Antifa thugs and BLM cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to infrastructure, public and private businesses - is that an "Attack"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

100% of MSNBC loyalists say Jan 6th is worse than 9/11.

Howard said...

Dead cat bounce

rcocean said...

The idea that anyone - with an IQ over 90 - will vote in November 2021 based on what happened on Jan 6, 2021 is absurd. People care more about inflation, exploding crime, Biden's crazy $5,000 billion graft bill, and the open border.

I fully expect Liz Cheney to lose the Republican nomination in Wyoming. And it will be because of her hysterical, Leftwing reaction to Jan 6th, and her attacks on any Republican who disagrees with her.

gilbar said...

Bob Boyd said...
Exclusive: Secret Commandos with Shoot-to-Kill Authority Were at the Capitol

So, were the FBI (and the others) waiting and hoping; that when they executed Ashli Babbit,
that some (many?) of the 'insurrectionists' would return fire? Thus justifying Martial law?

Was the Whole Thing, supposed to be bigger?

MikeR said...

"The idea that anyone - with an IQ over 90 - will vote in November 2021 based on what happened on Jan 6, 2021 is absurd." Uh, no. There are many millions of nominally intelligent people who lost their minds and its still lost.

AMDG said...

During the summer of 2020 rioters outside the White House caused the President to be moved to a secure bunker within the compound. Initially, Democrats derided this but that became silence.

In 2018 during the Kavanaugh hearings Democrat Senators colluded to have agitators admitted to the Capitol and Senate office buildings. These agitators harassed and threatened Senators. Democrats were either silent on or supportive of the agitators.

In 2017 a crazed individual inspired by Bernie Sanders shot up a baseball practice of around 20 Republican Senators and Reps. Thankfully, only one person was wounded but if members of the leadership had not been there, there would have been no Capitol Police on hand and the result could easily have been a massacre of a good chunk of the Republican House and Senate memberships. After a few days of perfunctory outrage the Democrats and their media butt monkeys have been silent.

The current Democrat caterwauling about January 6th is nothing more than theatre. If the roles were reversed and it were Antifa types who assaulted the Capitol there would be silence on the part of Democrats and the media.

Ann Althouse said...

“The activation of the catastrophic response units, operating under plans already approved by President Trump, entailed an automatic green light allowing federal responders to take the initiative and spare no resources, including shoot-to-kill authority, to deal with this most extraordinary condition." — that has to mean Trump wasn’t on the side of any violent effort directed at the Capitol. He was vigorously on the other side (unless it was some genius plan to make the govt shoot first).

wendybar said...

Go back and watch videos of Trumps inaugerations where Limos were lit on fire, and politicians were getting surrounded and threatened....Go back to when Rand Paul and his wife were surrounded by crazies and had to have help getting to their hotel because of the threats of violence. The media portrayed them as non violent. This is what happens when you have 2 sets of laws, and 2 sets of outcomes. This is NOT going to ever end well with the left dividing us as much as they can.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

“The activation of the catastrophic response units, operating under plans already approved by President Trump, entailed an automatic green light allowing federal responders to take the initiative and spare no resources, including shoot-to-kill authority, to deal with this most extraordinary condition." — that has to mean Trump wasn’t on the side of any violent effort directed at the Capitol. He was vigorously on the other side (unless it was some genius plan to make the govt shoot first).

We know who planned the January 6th "Insurrection."

Who was Ray Epps?

Wa St Blogger said...

Polls about current issues tell us one thing, and one thing only. How effective has the media been at setting the narrative.

BarrySanders20 said...

Poor #MeToo. Trying and failing to stay relevant, tagging along on the chart saying "Hey, me too!" but nobody cares anymore after it snagged mostly democrats, D funders, and D enablers.

Bob Boyd said...

@ Althouse

This article, like so many these days, is confusing and contradictory, leaving the reader feeling like he/she is being manipulated.

It says: operating under plans already approved by President Trump

But it also says: Rosen made a unilateral decision to take the preparatory steps to deploy Justice Department and so-called "national" forces. There was no formal request from the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service, or the Metropolitan Police Department—in fact, no external request from any agency. The leadership in Justice and the FBI anticipated the worst and decided to act independently

So did Trump approve these specific plans or had he previously signed a much more general executive order that the AG decided to apply in this case?
It doesn't say Trump was definitely consulted or knew about these specific plans. It kind of implies that, but it also strongly implies Rosen acted alone without consulting the President, but assures us he did so legally because Trump had authorized such emergency planning. Yet it doesn't come right out and say they deliberately kept Trump out of the loop.

Drago said...

The collapse of this latest set of sham-peachment-like democratical/LLR/NeverTrump narratives is why the narrative "pivot" over the last week occurred.

Now Trump is guilty not of leading a hoax insurrection, a lie which has already completely collapsed and failed in true Adam Schiff-Liz Cheney-Pelosi fashion, but instead is now "guilty" of "dereliction of duty" and "negligence" and for not giving a statement in the precise room of the White House Liz Cheney believes, for some moronic reason, was "required"!

Aaaahh! Of course!

Remember the "Rittenhouse crossed State Lines" lefty narrative gambit?

Well, now we will have the "Trump did not utilize the Situation Room to send a message to those at the Capital, instead he used a microphone in the driveway!!!eleventy1!11!1!!!1!"

Yes, you read that correctly: those are the 3 "charges" the Adam Schiff-Apprentice-In-Training Liz Cheney used just this last weekend: "dereliction of duty", "negligence" and "didn't use the Situation Room"!!

That's how bad its gotten for the Jan 6/Russian Collusion/Ukraine Phone Call Hoaxers!

Drago said...

Bob Boyd: "So did Trump approve these specific plans or had he previously signed a much more general executive order that the AG decided to apply in this case?
It doesn't say Trump was definitely consulted or knew about these specific plans. It kind of implies that, but it also strongly implies Rosen acted alone without consulting the President, but assures us he did so legally because Trump had authorized such emergency planning. Yet it doesn't come right out and say they deliberately kept Trump out of the loop."

This was the "playbook" for the full 4 years Trump was President, wasn't it?

There is a reason Fauci and Daszak pushed thru the cash payments to the ChiComs (via the NIH grant process) for previously disallowed gain of function research in the ChiCom military bio-weapons lab in Wuhan in January of 2017. They knew they could do it and no one in the chain above who might disapprove would ever even be notified.

This happened across the entirety of the Federal Govt beginning in Jan 2017 and never ended.

This latest revelation is in perfect harmony with previous analysis that the fed govt deep staters really did believe those Trump supporters would be loaded to the hilt with weapons and would start using them after all the provocateurs kicked into high gear.

One can only assume with perfect hindsight, the government agencies involved would have spent more time getting some mentally ill person to start shooting at police earlier on in the process to create a much better Reichstag Fire-like incident.

Having had Trump approve more generic plans earlier provides the "cover" Rosen probably felt was needed so that even if things go sideways, it would still be Trump's Fault!

Here's an oldie but goodie: Remember when Reagan was blamed for cuts to school lunch programs and mocked repeatedly because a Carter holdover in the USDA worked with other democraticals to get ketchup listed as a "vegetable"?

Same deal. Same playbook. Over and over and over again.

Larry1984 said...

Was the January 6th demonstration that involved a very small group of rioters without guns comparable to the insurrection at Fort Sumpter in 1861 that caused close to a million lives? Any person that cannot see the difference has a cerebral/rectal inversion.

Michael K said...

The political prisoners held in appalling conditions in the DC jail will, like the Ayatollah's hostages, be held until the GOP takes Congress. Cheney will not be in that Congress and Pelosi will not be Speaker.

Maybe then we will learn some truth.

Leo said...

Of course, the events of Jan 6 having a major impact on their worldview works two ways. Mostly peaceful protest followed by a year in prison before trial and the congressional committee on a witchhunt? That could change someone's worldview.

Bruce Hayden said...

For me, the 1/6 protest was a defining moment. Not that anyone protested the very obvious theft of the election, but that the same people who stole the election would kill a couple of the female protesters (with impunity) and then lock up a bunch of them for essentially misdemeanors, deny them bail, and hold them in conditions that would otherwise scandalize the sensibilities of the judges hearing the cases. then, it turns out that the whole thing was a setup from the first.

Several have asked who Ray Epps is. He was identified through video, and is one of the instigators who broke down fences, broke windows, etc, while exporting the crowd to violence. If the public can have identified him from video that day, the FBI and Capital Police surely know exactly who he is. And if they didn’t, they have been provided with evidence linking him to the violence. But they never showed any interest in arresting him, nor in the other instigators of violence identified by video. Instead, they have arrested people who were ushered into the Capital by Capital Police, and never engaged in any violence, and then have been held in brutal conditions, in very obvious violation of the Constitutional rights. They have even arrested people who never entered the Capital. Some of the identified instigators may be FBI plants, but others appear to have been AntiFA, who had previously been seen instigating BLM riots and looting sprees, but doing just what was done here - breaking the windows, shouting encouragement, then fading away. The Feds know who many, if not all of them are, but hasn’t, as far as we know, arrested a single one.

The funny thing is that too many people now know what happened, and continues to happen. There have been multiple attempts at keeping this going, but the only people showing up at these events are undercover FBI agents and professional leftist instigators (see above). Trump warned that the August 1-6 protest was a setup, and so it was “protesters” with identical sunglasses, watches, haircuts, and water bottles, dressed for an FBI picnic who showed up instead. Or the group of them with matching tiki torches, kakis, navy jackets, haircuts (again), etc at a VA Governor campaign event. The conspiracy on 1/6 was not the very peaceful protesters, but an unholy alliance of Capital Police, Federal LEOs, and AntiFA militants arranged against them. And it continues to this day, with the FBI showing up with numerous undercover agents, CIs, and other civilian collaborators to anything that might possibly be turned into another (supposedly) violent right wing protest event.

Narr said...

If nothing else, this poll provides a snapshot of Vital Issues as defined by our media overlords. It's always good to know that sort of thing.

GRW3 said...

The last I heard/read was that there are 22 unindicted co-conspirators that were very instrumental in the bad actions on that day. This screams 'government operative' involvement. Just like the ones (was it seven, handled by the FBI) involved with the plot to kidnap the Michigan governor. (Also check out the Frontline documentary about how the FBI used this technique to encourage a group of gullible Muslims to engage in a terrorism plot.)

Imagine how you would feel if you were one of the many people who were injured, had a business crippled, looted or destroyed, or maybe had a relative or friend killed in the myriad of BLM/Antifa "mostly peaceful" riots last year. There's been a no-expensed spared effort to find those that offended their betters but pretty much diddly squat to find and charge those that hurt them. Shameful.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The political prisoners held in appalling conditions in the DC jail will, like the Ayatollah's hostages, be held until the GOP takes Congress. Cheney will not be in that Congress and Pelosi will not be Speaker.“

“Maybe then we will learn some truth.”

Ann asked earlier essentially when does a popular revolution go kinetic? The answer there is probably if the Dems manage to prevent that through strong arm tactics by official (FBI) and unofficial (AntiFA) collaborators, and they manage to prevent their ouster through election fraud of some sort. The Dems are currently engaging in a power grab. Will it be successful? There has been a lot of renewed interest in enacting HR-1, whose sole purpose is to institutionalize and entrench Dem party election fraud. They are engaged in purging wrongthink and conservatives from our military, even at a time of increased international political tensions. My theory is that they want the military compliant, if they have to wield them against the American public. Scary stuff. Which is why the Congressional elections in November may be key in determine whether gun safes around the country are unlocked, and unloaded, readying their owners for action against this power grab.

wendybar said...

Bruce Hayden said...The conspiracy on 1/6 was not the very peaceful protesters, but an unholy alliance of Capital Police, Federal LEOs, and AntiFA militants arranged against them. And it continues to this day, with the FBI showing up with numerous undercover agents, CIs, and other civilian collaborators to anything that might possibly be turned into another (supposedly) violent right wing protest event.

If you are awake, then ^^^THIS^^^ is the only thing that makes sense.

Christopher B said...

Or the group of them with matching tiki torches, kakis, navy jackets, haircuts (again), etc at a VA Governor campaign event.

Bruce, could you be conflating this group of VA Dem losers who stood in the rain in front of Youngkin's bus

with the march of a previously unknown group styled as the 'Patriot Front' who marched in front of the Lincoln Memorial and the National Mall on 4 December 2021?

I do think I read something about other groups that did show up at Younkin events but can't find any specific reports.

MayBee said...

It is hilarious to me that the media is trying to make the anniversary of Jan 6 a thing. Who in the real world even cares? The last two years have been such a mess, Jan 6 doesn't even stand out.

Those who are trying to make it stand out look very very much like they have ulterior motives.

MayBee said...

" AMDG said...
During the summer of 2020 rioters outside the White House caused the President to be moved to a secure bunker within the compound. Initially, Democrats derided this but that became silence.

In 2018 during the Kavanaugh hearings Democrat Senators colluded to have agitators admitted to the Capitol and Senate office buildings. These agitators harassed and threatened Senators. Democrats were either silent on or supportive of the agitators.

In 2017 a crazed individual inspired by Bernie Sanders shot up a baseball practice of around 20 Republican Senators and Reps. Thankfully, only one person was wounded but if members of the leadership had not been there, there would have been no Capitol Police on hand and the result could easily have been a massacre of a good chunk of the Republican House and Senate memberships. After a few days of perfunctory outrage the Democrats and their media butt monkeys have been silent.

The current Democrat caterwauling about January 6th is nothing more than theatre. If the roles were reversed and it were Antifa types who assaulted the Capitol there would be silence on the part of Democrats and the media. "

This absolutely. 100%

Butkus51 said...

Our Reichstag Fire moment.

Who is Ray Epps?

wendybar said...

"Police arrested more than 200 rioters in Washington, D.C., in January 2017 as riots ensued immediately after President Trump’s swearing in ceremony. Four businesses underwent “significant damage” due to vandalism, six police officers sustained minor injuries, and one limousine was torched on Inauguration Day, NBC News reported at the time."

Was this an insurrection?? And why doesn't Clinton clinger George Snufalagus remember it?? (conveniently!!) https://dailycaller.com/2022/01/02/stephanopoulos-hillary-clinton-january-6-election-riots-2016-yvette-simpson/

exhelodrvr1 said...


Drago said...

GRW3: "The last I heard/read was that there are 22 unindicted co-conspirators that were very instrumental in the bad actions on that day. This screams 'government operative' involvement. Just like the ones (was it seven, handled by the FBI) involved with the plot to kidnap the Michigan governor."

it was 12 of the 15 acting as undercover agents or provocateurs for the FBI. But only 12 out of 15...including ALL the main instigators.

As noted above, its always the same playbook with these guys.

See the Hoax Hutaree Militia case from 2016 where all the same characters from the govt were involved and the judge got so disgusted with all the lies that he threw the case out.


You'd think these FBI "rocket scientists" would at least use a different state the next time around. But hey, I guess they were just used to working in Michigan and besides, the Detroit FBI Field Office was just a cool place to work out of.

Clyde said...

Free the J6 Political Prisoners!

Close the American Gulag in DC!

BUMBLE BEE said...

I thought the image of all those "old fart" Trump supporters climbing over the edifice of the building like ants on a dropped popsicle was great cinema. Those "angry rioting hordes" winding their way through the building herded between the carefully placed velvet rope/brass stanchion poles was a truly Monty Python "riot". Scared the pants off Kamala. At least that was her excuse when spotted.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Just musings of mind as I did a preliminary scan of Althouse this morning.
..The calendar symmetry with June 6, date of another noteworthy "invasion."
..Next noteworthy anniversary of that invasion would be (hmmm) 2024.

Not going any further with that train of thought.

Rabel said...

"...that has to mean Trump wasn’t on the side of any violent effort directed at the Capitol."

Or it could mean that the activities cited are standard practice for such events and Newsweek is as full of shit as ever.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

See the Hoax Hutaree Militia case from 2016 where all the same characters from the govt were involved and the judge got so disgusted with all the lies that he threw the case out.

Trial by press, process is punishment, and acquittal. A handmade tale. Nice.

Drago said...

"...because COV1 clearly originated in China and we were fortunate to escape a major pandemic, so we really had to learn alot more about the viruses that were there, about whether or not people were getting infected with bad viruses, so, in a very minor collaboration, as part of a subcontract of a grant, we had a collaboration with some Chinese Commu…uh..Chinese Scientists......."

"....and what he (Rand Paul), conflated that is that therefore we (the US) were involved in creating the virus. Which is the most ridiculous majestic leap I've ever heard of..."

Little by little Li'l Fauci of Faucism "fame" sees the writing on the wall and suspects the republicans will take back the House and/or the Senate and is already "amending and extending" his previous remarks, made under oath, on his purposeful, knowing, deceitful funding of gain of function research in the ChiCom Bio-warfare lab in Wuhan.

Danno said...

An insurrection isn't led by a guy looking like the mascot for the Minnesota Viqueens. There have been reports on how a guy named Ray Epps may have worked to get unknowing protesters to go onto the Capitol grounds after a fence and warning signs were removed, which appears to be an inside job by the FBI or ?? to start the trespassing that day.

dbp said...

What I notice from the bar charts, is that when there is a difference between the three groups, it's generally the Democrats being much more concerned about the topic and the Republicans being much less concerned.

For some people, the sky is always falling and for some people it isn't.

Narr said...

dbp@603PM notices what I did--D's are more concerned about almost every little thing than R's are.

This is known as the "herd of independent minds effect." R's and I's generally have interesting and productive lives to lead, but D's tend to seek the assurance of hive thinking and conformist thought patterns to ward off ennui.

You can see it hear a lot.

Narr said...

Sea it here. Stupid computer.

Dude1394 said...

Well there is certainly one huge difference between the way the J6 trespassers have been treated/charged and how the BLM/Antifa rioters were. The Republican group have been thrown in the gulag without even a bail hearing for a year. The democrat group was cheered and bailed out by the Vice President the same night or soon thereafter. To never be charged with anything of course sequence.

You want a revolution or some serious payback, that is how you get it.

Danno said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...Was the Wisconsin Capitol "attacked" in 2011?

Judging by your pictures from then, it was clear you and Meade were circulating among some real crazies. I thought a bodyguard was close to being called for.

Narayanan said...

“The activation of the catastrophic response units, operating under plans already approved by President Trump, entailed an automatic green light allowing federal responders to take the initiative and spare no resources, including shoot-to-kill authority, to deal with this most extraordinary condition." — that has to mean Trump wasn’t on the side of any violent effort directed at the Capitol. He was vigorously on the other side (unless it was some genius plan to make the govt shoot first).
could this possibly SOP for all inaugurations? tweaked for occasion

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