From "Joe Biden’s Year of Hoping Dangerously/It was a brutal start for the new President" by Susan B. Glasser (in The New Yorker).
December 31, 2021
"We could not imagine that Trump would become President, that he would sow disinformation and denial about a deadly virus, that he would attack the legitimacy of American democracy itself..."
"... rather than concede defeat. Over the past year, Biden has struggled with his own set of unimaginable challenges that became intractable realities. I lived in Russia for four years, where decades of life under the Soviet Union had taught a cynical population a truth that Americans only now seem to be learning for themselves: it can always get worse."
So she's saying Biden is worse?
Sounds about right.
By Biden's own campaign rhetoric, he should resign his position.
"We could not imagine that Trump would become President, that he would sow disinformation and denial about a deadly virus, that he would attack the legitimacy of American democracy itself..."
she's RIGHT! all that IS unimaginable. Especially seeing how none of it ever happened
But, she IS right about Something..... Biden is worse
It depends on how hard they mean to cling to power.
They are illegitimate.
We know it. They know it. It is ll over but for the crying now.
Blue Lies Matter, at least to Glasser. We’re aware it can get worse. That was guaranteed once the fix was in with the flood of mail in ballots. When progressives say the end of democracy is nigh that is revealing their intent not their fear of Trump or Far White Wing Supersupremacists or whatever. It’s them telegraphing their moves.
Glasser asserts. Liberal women (e.g., Althouse) believe.
"Sow disinformation and denial about a deadly virus"?
Are we talking about February 2020 again? Trump is banning flights from China because of the rapid spread of a new disease, while Democrats call him racists and recommend people celebrate the Chinese New Year in public venues? A few weeks later, Fauci would go on tv, tell college kids to continue with their Spring Break plans and how masks are useless for something like this.
Oh wait, next part "he would attack the legitimacy of American democracy itself". Ah, this is just a continuation of the Russian Collusion narrative.
I glanced back at our host's Susan Glasser links. Looks like Ms. Glasser is in a perpetual state of being all wee wee'd up. Give her a few years and she may be a bag lady on street corners yelling mindless curses into the wind.
At some point one grows tired of listening to her--or reading her stuff.
You really see the New Yorker business model in this piece.
A compendium of wishful conclusory statements setting the stage of Orange Man Bad and dignified Joe Biden trying against the odds, then...
oh, those of you still wishing to cling to the media narrative we've served up over the last five years will have to subscribe if you want to get your fix of positive reinforcement that everything you believed wasn't all bullshit.
“Couldn’t imagine?” Really? Every Trump story for five years was made up entirely or spun creatively with progressive DNC Media “imagination” so sorry lady. Your premise is so far off we can’t trust what you write.
Please explain why the left's inability to imagine Trump as president justified their actions against him and his administration.
I accept that pulling the "W" keys off the keyboards was a bit rude of Clinton's White House staff when George W Bush was elected and taking office, but hey, funny. The FBI & CIA helping the Clinton campaign fabricate an impeachable offense from whole cloth, well, that seems a bit beyond what Segretti called "ratfucking" a candidate back in the Nixon days.
And again, leftists don't have a divine right to rule, no matter what they may think or say about it, and getting them to understand this would go a long way to reuniting the country.
This is how the 12-year girl writes in her diary, and complains about all the bad things that are happening to her favorite boy band.
The collective lies spun by the collective Leninist liar media.
Trump dumping and heaps of Trump hate. Never ending obsessive lies about what Trump said. blah blah blah.
To the corrupt collective left- Trump would like you to drink bleach.
He never said that.
I will say it! I would like the collective liars in the leftist MEDIA to drink a nice cocktail of bleach to ring in the new year. bottoms up, jackals.
@Mr Wibble: I would have agreed with you re Biden gone after the SOTU, but now I doubt it. Too many people in the Administration benefit from Biden reading fixed scripts off teleprompters and then taking the blame for the mistakes.
Apparently she missed Moron Joe's statement about election non-integrity:
“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”
He was certainly right about that. Just review the vote counting in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Madison (Sorry, Ann, but the Dems cooked the count in your county) and Detroit. Also, all the illegal changes to election law and execution of election law (Wisconsin Election Commission illegal changes and Pennsylvania). Also, don't forget how Democrats hid what they were doing from Republican observers because the Dems knew what they were doing was illegal.
Those illegal election actions the Lie-Stream Media never covered. Is that what she means?
He has lived up to his personal part of the bargain, at least, returning dignity to the White House, rejecting the inflammatory lies and demagoguery of his predecessor.
Inflammatory lies?
Doesn't "Good people on both sides" qualify?
Going back a bit, doesn't "He'll put y'all back in chains" qualify.
And again, leftists don't have a divine right to rule, no matter what they may think or say about it, and getting them to understand this would go a long way to reuniting the country.
Sorry to say it won't happen. Read Kurt Schlicter's books, especially the first one that he wrote assuming Hillary would win 2016.
They are convinced that only they, with their faculty lounge theories, are qualified to rule. Now, they have come up with massive spending of imaginary money as a way to cling to power. At least Weimar Germany had the excuse of losing a war and massive reparations (See what I did there?) to flood the money supply. The Democrats don't need no stinkin' excuses.
It will not end well. Civil War or collapse. Take your choice.
Yes, April. And after those evil Marxist leftoids drink bleach, hopefully a wildfire will burn their neighborhoods down to mineral Earth.
The Soviet Union was a man-made catastrophe.
Is that New Yorker author saying the virus was man-made?
Talk about “sowing disinformation and denial”.
This is how the 12-year girl writes in her diary, and complains about all the bad things that are happening to her favorite boy band.
Or the boy in the once famous 2007 "Leave Britney Alone!!!!" clip.
I have a lot more sympathy for Britney (and her #1 fan) than I do for Biden.
Britney didn't ask for the troubles she has, and that kid is going to need all the help in life that he can get.
I am thinking of "First Steps Toward Honesty" that the media could take to convince us that they aren't congenital degenerate liars. Admitting that everybody got blindsided by COVID would be one of them. Admitting that whoever actually won the election, the Democrats did what they could to create a situation where cheating would be easier would be another step in the right direction.
Fauci, the guy who partially funded the research on bat viruses that led to this pandemic, is the one who whispered in Trump's ear that it would be over in a few months, with few deaths, like SARS.
Oh yeah, and the Democrats were busy impeaching Trump for inquiring about Biden's corruption in the Ukraine, as a coverup/show trial, while the first bits of the pandemic were coming to light.
And not to mention that Biden assured us that under proper management, he would bring it under control, when the deaths were already falling prior to his inauguration, due to the vaccine that Trump's team developed, overriding all of the Democrats' naysaying.
It's funny how Howard pretends to believe that Trump suggested that people drink bleach, or sad if he believes it, one or the other.
Yeah, hard to believe Hillary lost. What the hell is wrong with American voters?
"We could not imagine that Trump would become President, that he would sow disinformation and denial about a deadly virus, that he would attack the legitimacy of American democracy itself rather than concede defeat."
None of those things happened.
"a truth that Americans only now seem to be learning for themselves:"
Americans are so dumb! Dur dur.
"it can always get worse."
Finally a true statement. Yes, Biden is a lot worse than Trump and everything he messes with becomes worse than it was.
attack the legitimacy of American democracy itself
I laughed, then looked for the brand. Yep, the New Yorker. It is like visiting Bedlam.
If I may summarize: Nothing is Joe Biden's fault. Nothing, nothing, NOTHING. Everything bad you can see, and some things you can't, are Republicans' fault. Everything, everything, EVERYTHING. And all that spending of money we don't have: Desperately needed. And we need even more. DESPERATELY.
tim in vermont: "It's funny how Howard pretends to believe that Trump suggested that people drink bleach, or sad if he believes it, one or the other."
Howard is just recycling all of his previous stupid and endlessly debunked lies because what else can he do?
In about 10 minutes he'll be claiming Sarah Palin illegally crossed State lines to declare she could see Russia from her house!
(Yes, there is a non-zero possibility Howard STILL actually believes Palin said that)
I'm old enough to remember when Barack Obama did this too. No matter how long the recession lasted, it was George W Bush's fault. Same with everything else.
Nothing is Joe Biden's fault.
Also, nothing was the Light Bringer's fault either. It was that nefarious election-stealer George Bush the Younger's fault. Everything. Including the Light-Bringer's failed policies and weak economic recovery. GBTY's fault. That's the Lie-Stream Media's story and their sticking to it.
May I commend again the blog of Prof. Martin van Creveld, "As I Please"?
His latest on Nineteen Eighty-Four is a must-read.
Well...this is completely off topic, but given that you may not have anymore posts this year, or even if you do, I may not be around to read them, I'll take this time to wish you all a Great 2022!
Happy New Year to you, Ann & Meade. And to each and every commenter. Even Howard. You're all part of my entertainment every year and more often than not, bring interesting points of view, or new facts on old topics, and a few laughs as well. Wishing you all a very prosperous, peaceful, healthy & happy New Year.
Be well.
Speaking of disinformation, there's this:
"How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else."
Of course, Joe is so disconnected from reality, and from the words coming out of his own mouth, that no one would consider anything he says "information," dis or no dis.
I don't recall any attack on the "legitimacy" of democracy. Rather, the election was contested because certain states chose to loosen their standards regarding voter ID, mail-in ballots and the collection of ballots. Poor quality control can turn the finest design into useless junk.
All this hand-wringing over "democracy" elides everything that happened to make last year's election suspect. Time magazine itself bragged about it.
At this point I'm ready for Franco.
It rather sounds to me as if she not only COULD imagine all those things, she DID imagine all those things.
No matter how nice you think you might be, Drago, you're still not getting a reacharound.
are you sure about possibility of ""reuniting"" the country?
as I see it : seven of nine would like to reunite with BORG; others will be assimilated after futile resistance
In about 10 minutes he'll be claiming Sarah Palin illegally crossed State lines to declare she could see Russia from her house!
One of your better lines Drago.
"We could not have imagined that Trump would become President."
Honestly, she ought to have stopped there. That's where all the ridiculousness started, with the idea that HRC was a shoo-in. This is why the MSM pushed Trump heavily through most of the campaign: They wanted him to win the nomination, because then -- obviously! -- she'd have a lock. So Time prints up a gazillion copies of its "Madam President" issue, and the Hillary campaign books that gigantic Javits place with the honest-to-God actual glass ceiling, and they sit and wait for the inevitable victory to land in their laps.
I am not a big one for Schadenfreude as a rule, but that "victory party" was something to see.
After 40 years, I cancelled my NY'er subscription in 2015 when every article, including those about food, became screeds over Trump. DJT's influence and consequence rise above all other politicians in the past 75 years. No one compares.
Trump can be President again if he choses, even over the ballot stuffing and corrupt accounting of the Democrats.
The Democrats have given him power previously known only by FDR.
Well over 4 years of this tedious bullshit and these self-anointed arbiters of decency keep spewing their swill.
The power of the Derp State compels them.
" can always get worse."
It is going to get worse. I have been saying that since Biden took the oath of office.
I am guessing that many of the politicians who got checks from Donald Trump prior to his getting into politics had no problem cashing them. As I recall Hillary and Bill even went to his last wedding. If you truly believe someone is that evil and you have any scruples you find a way to NOT hang around with them.
There were 17 or so Republicans running for President in 2016 but Trump ends up with the nomination after millions (billions?) in free publicity from the media. The people who wanted to control the election got what they wanted - until they didn't - and now they want to pretend they were the ones sounding the alarm on Trump all along. "Smug" is bad enough; "smug and incompetent" is beyond tiresome.
Millions of people living in the US came from other countries where they experienced different forms of government. Millions more have grown up in the US but lived in other countries for one reason or another. They know the difference between a coup and a riot.
Oh, Snowball- you wiley creature, you.
Whatever would we do w/out you to pin the destruction and challenges of this current administration on?
If ever there was truth in Animal Farm- the hijinx of Trump and his secret hate of America paints a picture clear…
If it were not for him- America would truly succeed and be better… built back better.
Not Best, mind you- why would Americans ever want to Be Best when we have better served up on a 4+trillion$ platter?
The glory of life imitating art all crowded on one Godless platform…
@J Severs ... I'm in general agreement, and you can add in the fact that President Klain and Shadow President DOCTOR Jill likely have no desire to exit the cushy positions they have any time soon. There's no way to get rid of Harris that doesn't involve her agreement, however grudgingly it might be given, and I don't think sufficient desperation has set in for the Democrats to want swap Cackles for Crap yet.
I still think it's possible that a serious wipeout in November 2022 might convince the Democrat PTB that they need something more than a corporeal presence in the Oval Office. The issue will be that the swap(s) will almost certainly have to be done during the rump Congress after the election since with a Republican House and the Cocaine Turtle running Senate no Democrat of any significance will be approved for VP after January 2023. Not being able to wait until February 2023 also means that whoever is elevated to replace Biden will be limited to a single term, i.e., as lame a duck as Biden is right now from day one in 2025. (The 22nd only allows two additional elections if the candidate served less than 2 years of a term to which someone else was elected.)
Just a few questions here for Susan B. Glasser:
1. Where does she think those 81,000,000 votes for Biden came from?
2. Can she state with confidence according to a timeline the various positions taken by the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and other federal government agencies on the following matters:
a. facemasks,
b. origins of the virus,
c. gain of function research in Wuhan,
d. the efficacy of school closings,
e. the efficacy of various tests for Covid19 infection,
f. the efficacy of natural immunity in the population,
g. the seriousness of Covid 19 infection among healthy Americans under the age of 50, and
h. the efficacy of the various vaccines at various times?
3. Can she explain how former President Trump caused these agencies to take all these contradictory positions during the post-election period and during the Biden presidency?
After she answers these questions, her thinking should be clearer on what happened in America during the past two years.
The Truth(tm) is coming soon. Not your truth or my truth but THETruth
A lot of people are not going to like The Truth(tm) at all.
But that is OK with me. It will be all the right people and entertaining as Hell. (it will be truth but will feel like Hell to them.
Along about June we can expect to see Robert Woodward whinging "Mr President, we are truth too."
Sadly, or comically, depending on viewpoint nodody will believe this any more than they believed his "Mr president, we are not fake news". Or Nixon "I am not a crook" for that matter. you can sign up now to be notified when it goes live and wide
Howard: "No matter how nice you think you might be, Drago, you're still not getting a reacharound."
Yes, its true. That really is the "top of your game".
I guess it would have to be considering the public positions you've adopted over the last 6 years.
The handmade tale was broadcast. The data from diverse nations, regions, and populations was/is available. Aside from planned parent/hood practices and clinics, which was neither a good nor exclusive Choice in even the most at-risk cohort, Covid-19, -20, and -21, and collateral damage were manageable viral and social contagions. As for the democratic/dictatorial duality, Trump was neither, and that may well be a legitimate cause for criticism.
For over 16 trimesters, the AntiTrumps did everything they could to color him, discredit him, jail him, sabotage him, and force him and his supporters to take a knee, beg, good girl, boy.
They lie so easily, and with such passion. Over and over and over.
We could not imagine that Trump would become President
Start off by admitting that you're utterly clueless. Good
that he would sow disinformation and denial about a deadly virus
You mean like "masks don't protect against Covid, so don't buy them"? Oh, wait, that was Fauci
You mean like "two weeks to flatten the curve"? no, that wasn't Trump either
You mean like "Covid is mainly a killer disease for the old and the sick, and therefore we should protect them, but not shut down the economy"? Ah, but that one is correct.
that he would attack the legitimacy of American democracy itself...
Ah, you mean like screaming "voter suppression" when States want to require voters to show State issued photo ID before voting?
You mean like having judges and members of the executive branch rewrite election laws without involving the State Legislatures? Completely destroying the concept of "rule of law"?
You mean like blocking poll watchers from being able to monitor the vote count, and doing other such actions that convince any reasonable person that the vote count can't be trusted?
Oh, wait, all those are done by Democrats, not Trump
Over the past year, Biden has struggled with his own set of unimaginable challenges that became intractable realities.
Bullshit. None of Biden*'s challenges were "unimaginable", we said up front that his solutions were bad and would cause these problems, and then they did.
If you cut oil exploration, and pipelines, you get rising gas prices
If you pay people not to work, you get fewer workers, and therefore fewer goods and services.
When you couple that with printing lots of money, you have more money chasing after fewer good, and thus get inflation
When you let massive numbers of illegal aliens into the US, and don't even bother to test them for Covid, you get more Covid, overwhelmed hospitals, overloaded ERs
When you impose "vaccine mandates" that require people be fired from hospitals, you get overloaded hospitals and ERs
When you bug out of Bagram Airbase in the middle of the night, you're guaranteed a fucked up exit
Essentially all of Biden*'s fuckups were predicted by those of us who aren't left wing morons. The Democrats are getting shit for them because they deserve it
Mr Wibble said...
My theory for a while has been that Biden is gone after the State of the Union. I figured that we'd start seeing articles in November and December about dysfunction behind the scenes, how Biden wasn't always there mentally, etc. It sounds like that's starting up. The knives haven't started going in, but they're being sharpened. "It's too much for Joe" is basically a setup for "he's too old and too weak to continue."
They can't. 50 - 50 Senate. If Joe goes, Harris is no longer VP, and Dems no longer have a tie breaking vote.
So they're stuck with Joe until after the 2022 election, where they get so hammered in the Senate that teh VP vote no longer matters
I just finished the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Malone.
Who wants to tell them Trump isn’t the bad guy?
Mr Wibble said...
So Time prints up a gazillion copies of its "Madam President" issue, and the Hillary campaign books that gigantic Javits place with the honest-to-God actual glass ceiling, and they sit and wait for the inevitable victory to land in their laps.
I am not a big one for Schadenfreude as a rule, but that "victory party" was something to see.
You know that there were documentary film crews all over her HQ that night. My dream is that the film wasn't destroyed but will be one day released once she and Bill are gone.
It's been released, at least a bunch of video clips. They were and are glorious.
Got a bunch of good clips
You have to put a time filter on the search, otherwise all you get is Hillary reading her "victory speech"
“Over the past year, Biden has struggled with his own set of unimaginable challenges that became intractable realities.”
Apart from the senility, Joe has had it easy. Republicans are not seditionists - yet.
Once the media has to finally admit that, not only are the vaccines not preventing people from catching the awful flu, but those vaccines are also causing harm and even death to some people, the narrative will shift. Then, the harm caused by the vaccine will be all the fault of OrangemanBad Trump, and any other messaging from the Biden administration and Fauci will be memory-holed. I suspect that to happen in the first half of 2022. The Fauci push for vaccines will disappear as quick as his early 2020 push for no one to wear masks except medical care providers.
Looks like the democraticals are going to continue replicating their late '70's horror show by now trial-ballooning price controls, which is always a precursor to wage controls.
And they'll tie those to your coming social credit score...
Greg's got the right idea. And if Harris goes, not only is there no tie-breaker for any VP nomination fight, there's no VP to invoke the 25th Amendment, arguably.
That article was hilarious, thanks for sharing it.
They can't. 50 - 50 Senate. If Joe goes, Harris is no longer VP, and Dems no longer have a tie breaking vote.
That also means any new VP candidate has to be acceptable to the R's. They need 51 votes to get the new VP across the finish line and they no longer have the 51st vote.
What is the deal with drink g bleach?
I drink a couple pints of chlorine bleach daily pretty much all my life. I attribute my general overall health and eternal youth to it.
I drink AAA brand bleach (Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados) fora few dollars a month they run a pipeline right into my house.
Mr Wibble said...
The Javits center ones and the Ben Rhodes clip are great. You just know that there is more. Do you really think that they didn't have a camera crew following Hillary around all night? I want the really juicy stuff, where she's drunk and having a meltdown as it becomes clear that Trump beat her.
I'm pretty sure that the Clintons took possession of any such, and had killed anyone who tried to keep private copies
But yes, I'd love to see those. You could make a movie. Call it "Meltdown"
Mike of Snoqualmie: "That also means any new VP candidate has to be acceptable to the R's. They need 51 votes to get the new VP across the finish line and they no longer have the 51st vote."
The democraticals know that anyone they might choose for VP would automatically get a comfortable number of establishment republucan senator votes.
Romney would crawl over broken glass to give the democraticals enough votes, as would Graham, Cassady, Thune, Sasse, Collins, Murkowski and McConnell.
And thats just off the top of my head.
I neglected to mention the establishment republicans would never even consider extracting any concessions from their bestest buddy democratical buddies for those votes.
Why, that would be unseemly and not be cricket, tut tut, harrumph!
If I was a Republican senator, I would vote to confirm nearly anyone as VP given that Pelosi becomes president if Biden dies and the VP office is empty.
"I lived in Russia for four years, where decades of life under the Soviet Union had taught a cynical population a truth that Americans only now seem to be learning for themselves: it can always get worse."
Yes Comrade, everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. This path always leads to something worse. Why are Americans learning this now? It seems the author is claiming that the US is suffering because it is promulgating policy similar to the USSR. Strange rhetoric. Perhaps this is satire.
It is tough for Biden supporters to watch him shit the bed metaphorically every single day.
They are basically down to blaming unvaccinated people for all the vaccinated people catching COVID right now.
"Over the past year, Biden has struggled with his own set of unimaginable challenges that became intractable realities."
I agree completely, this is the clearest statement of Beiden's mental health I have heard.
Drago said...
The democraticals know that anyone they might choose for VP would automatically get a comfortable number of establishment republucan senator votes.
Romney would crawl over broken glass to give the democraticals enough votes, as would Graham, Cassady, Thune, Sasse, Collins, Murkowski and McConnell.
Nope. I'm sure many of them would like to vote for a Democrat VP, but giving the Democrats. tie-breaking vote in the Senate is not something they could survive doing
All of them (except Romney, who wasn't in the Senate) voted nuke the filibuster for Trump's SCOTUS nominee Gorsuch. I'm sure they didn't want to, but they didn't have a choice. Same with confirming Trump's Cabinet appointments.
Besides, voting for a new Dem VP gives 1 vote for which teh Dems have to pay them off. Refusing to vote in a Dem VP means the Dems have to buy them for every single vote.
They'er amoral. They're not stupid
Those airplane steps almost took him out.
McConnell controls his caucus and will vote for whoever meets his price.
Nichevo: "McConnell controls his caucus and will vote for whoever meets his price."
If we take the "negotiations" between Schumer and McConnell over raising the debt limit as instructive, we see that McConnell's "price" for helping his actual allies, the dems over the republican base,
Greg: "They'er amoral. They're not stupid"
Au contraire.
For the entirety of your life as well as all other Althouse commenters, the GOP's very nickname has been The Stupid Party.
What has been exposed over the last 6 years is that "Stupid Party" "stupidity" (a requirement for the many "Failure Theater" incidents over the last 50 years) has been purposeful and not happenstance.
"Liberals" (i.e., "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators") complaining about disinformation. Priceless.
Trump disinformation? At least Trump answered the reporters questions at virtually all appearances ... Biden never does. We know why but the MSM won't say it for the word is forbidden on CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc... networks.
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