December 4, 2021

"This from a man who wrote a book called 'Principles.'"

Quips Bari Weiss in "Women's Tennis Has Balls. Does Wall Street? Cowardice and courage on the question of China" (Substack). 

She's talking about this guy:


wendybar said...

Owned by China like most Politicians are now.

rehajm said...

The control of information and the elimination of anything and anyone that does not support the party. Lots if that going around recently…

Big Mike said...

Even the strictest parents don’t make their children disappear.

rehajm said...

Many of the successful investment mangers we've worked with like Dalio they talk about the search for value and where to find it. Often it's in places where something unpopular or abhorrent is happening. Tobacco, gambling, war, economic collapse. 'Buy when there's blood in the streets' as it where. China's human rights record is certainly one of those places and/but it's a market with the potential to dwarf the rest of the world's GDP. A market too large to ignore, like it or not...

To the layman who sees any investment in China as a political endorsement guys like Dalio are pure evil. I'm not sure they're wrong.

One approach is to invest and use the profits against them...

Tom T. said...

"They behave like a strict parent."

Or a big brother.

Mike Sylwester said...

It's not the business of American institutions to police individual situations in Russia and China.

For example, the US Congress should not be passing laws punishing Russia because of the legal proceedings against an accountant in a tax case in Russia.

Likewise, Wall Street should not be trying to judge a sex-harassment accusation of a tennis player in China.

We here in the USA should mind our own business a lot more.

doctrev said...

I don't think anyone who makes a complete ass of herself on Joe Rogan should continue as a commentator, never mind establish an institute of higher learning. I'd rather get a doctorate from Trump University, and I know that was just a real estate training program. Nonetheless, because Bari Weiss is an absolute paragon of Merit, we -must- take her argument seriously.

I don't sympathize with the CCP, but I know that the WTA doesn't have much investment in China. By contrast, Wall Street would not only lose trillions from disengagement, the companies involved would likely see their workers/ executives arrested, if not executed. Of course, the CCP is an autocratic wannabe hegemon and this was entirely predictable, so maybe those idiots should have learned that during their MBA programs. And increasingly the Biden regime's autocracy is much more arbitrary and incompetent than the CCP's is, even setting aside Biden's obvious incapacity and corruption, so the occupied USA really has no moral high ground.

farmgirl said...

A weasel- that’s what he reminds me of. I’m being judgmental, which I hate. He weasels words and he’s only in it for the green$.
50 years of investing all over the world- what a specimen.

I’m glad u went to Substack. That’s cool.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Commie Dearest.

rehajm said...

I won't let it pass that the most unprincipled actors of late are the activists masquerading as journalists. The atrocities of the players running the Biden administration while the ' President' babbles through the end of his life. There is no one more unprincipled than the propagandists trying to hide it....

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Creepy creep.

gspencer said...

Ray Dalio has always had one over-riding "Principle,"

"What's in it for me?"

gilbar said...

People NEED To Realize that the Chinese are our Masters; They OWN US ALL, we Belong to them
It's Not as if we are living in a Free Country.... Grow UP Sheeple

Critter said...

Environmentalists have long been keen to point out that traditional return on investment analyses ignore externalities which are costs to the rest of us in terms of toxic waste, deforestation, dirty water, etc.Investment in China likewise has externalities in terms of enabling a totalitarian regime to commit atrocities against people. We have gotten to the point where companies and investors are forced to pay for some externalities (toxic waste cleanup, etc.). There needs to be a cost to investment in China to recognize the enormous risk to humanity from their regime, including continued production of biological weapons like COVID-19 (and Omicron?) and ultimately the potential of conquering America.

Adam Smith advocated that capitalism is not good for society without moral people exercising restraint. Guys like Dalio are examples of those who Smith would shame and informally exclude from business enterprises.

doctrev said...

gilbar said...
People NEED To Realize that the Chinese are our Masters; They OWN US ALL, we Belong to them
It's Not as if we are living in a Free Country.... Grow UP Sheeple

12/4/21, 8:49 AM

Oh dear. I hope they kept the receipts. Perhaps they think they own the government, but they don't own the nation. Which means they shall suffer for their hubris, as everyone does.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"the government isn't disappearing people"?

Jan 6th gets us close.
US is on the way to Chinese Communism. Jan 6th animal fur guy - who hurt no one - is rotting in jail for 4 years. All while SUV terrorist got no bail requirements for a lifetime of crime.

and the left cry over the death of St. Joseph child rapist.

JAORE said...

So.... don't invest in Israel...
Don't invest in firearms companies....
Don't invest in oil and petroleum companies....

Invest in companies that reside under the thumb of a brutal, genocidal dictatorship that is accelerating the arms race in space, that is the number one polluter in the world.

Makes perfect sense.

Humperdink said...

What a worm. It make me ill to view this slime-ball as one of our business leaders. I suspect his views mirror most our business leaders where $$$ are king. We are owned lock, stock and barrel by the ruthless Chinese, from Biden on down.

Enes Kanter Freedom has balls, the WTA has balls. Trump is the only president in my lifetime who stood up to these Commies. Trump has balls. Anyone else? Ah, no.

Wince said...

The increasingly staccato cadence in the response to that question qualifies as "sputtering," does it not?

Achilles said...

Lebron James is a modern day slave owner.


gilbar said...

doctrev said...
Perhaps they think they own the government, but they don't own the nation.

they DO own the government
they own Facebook, they own Google, they own Microsoft, they own Apple, they own the media

What part of the nation do you think, they Don't OWN? The "people" LOL!

gilbar said...

Big Mike said...
Even the strictest parents don’t make their children disappear.

Planned Parenthood, and a room full of 50 Million dead babies would disagree with you on that

Ceciliahere said...

Dalio and other billionaire business leaders are dependent on China for much of their profits. People like Bloomberg who are willing to deny us our constitutional rights (2nd Amendment) gleefully reap profits from an oppressive and murderous regime. These people are only interested in the bottom line. That’s fine, but then do not preach to Americans about the environment, human rights, etc etc They are the elites who think that they are above it all. Divesting from China is not feasible for them because unlike So. Africa or Israel, if they stopped doing business with CCP they would be wiped out. Too many “woke” hypocrites, the list goes from sports figures to big tech. , politicians etc. etc.

Ann Althouse said...

Any actor playing a villain could benefit from studying this little video. Just copy this guy exactly.

gilbar said...

So, China is a strict parent, that disappears people that are different from what they want
AND THAT'S FINE, on account of because; it's Their Country, and Their Rules?

Tell me again what was wrong with Rhodesia?

doctrev said...

gilbar said...

What part of the nation do you think, they Don't OWN? The "people" LOL!

12/4/21, 10:08 AM

It's ironic: communist nations have enjoyed much greater domination of local media than modern America (for instance, it's still legal to read Vox Day, although ruinous to your employment), yet they collapsed into great piles of nothing.

Anyways, the first step to freeing yourself is to free your mind. Vox Day is one of the most resilient badthinkers, but by no means the only one.

Chris Lopes said...

"Any actor playing a villain could benefit from studying this little video. Just copy this guy exactly."

It is said that every villain is the hero of his or her own story. I'm not sure that's true in this case. He knows he's being a creepy lying piece of shit, but just doesn't care.

Bob Boyd said...

After watching I said, "Dalio sounds like a Harvard man." Then I looked it up. Yup, Harvard MBA.

mikee said...

I grew up with a sociopath for an older brother, who violently abused me until I was almost 16, and strong enough to fight back effectively. He stopped hitting me after I connected forcefully on a nutpunch, while he was sneaking up behind me to hit me. I recall now, decades later, how nice it felt to see him writhing on the ground in pain, instead of being the one in pain.

China should be nutpunched regularly by the US, without warning, just to keep them aware that their misbehavior won't be tolerated in any form, and should be self-controlled.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If only Kevin Spacey could come out of cancellation; he could play this guy.

Narr said...

Youtube pushes Ray Dalio vids at me as I skip around on economic topics, but I had no idea who he was or why I should pay him any attention . . . Now I see that I didn't miss much.

Marx said that Capital is a coward; Dalio is just the illustration.

Mikey NTH said...

The CCP runs China, it is the aristocracy of a feudal/oligarchic system. That Peng Shui has been seen (by the state controlled media and the CCP's IOC lapdog) is because she is famous and the WTA made a stink.

And for Diallo? The Chinese market is for the Chinese, not foreigners, and all his asslicking won't change that.

Will said...

To quote Groucho "those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others."

ndspinelli said...

I subscribe to Weiss, Greenwald and Taibbi. All intellectually honest and worth every penny[$50/annually]

Howard said...

Everyone here buys consumer goods from China, right? Please tell your excuses for doing that on national television, then judge this POS.

tim maguire said...

rehajm said... it's a market with the potential to dwarf the rest of the world's GDP. A market too large to ignore, like it or not

A lot of people feel this way, but i don't buy it. India is almost as big, it's a stable democracy with western institutions and we ignore them. China, on the other hand, is a paper tiger that has already peaked. Is too late for them to get rich before they get old.

wildswan said...

If China is a strict parent, what are the Uighurs - adopted children being tortured into behaving properly, i.e., like Han Chinese?

Temujin said...

What mealy-mouthed horseshit. Another billionaire prostrating himself in front of Xi, for the benefit of himself.

Note to Ray: They are running actual concentration camps. Right now. Today. Raping, sterilizing, ripping families apart, disappearing family members. If the Nazis were here today, you'd be playing footsie with Goebbels. You and Phil Knight and LeBron James and Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai, and on and on.

And China is intimidating the entire world, firing lasers at satellites in space, massively building up their military and threatening the world with it, tampering with governments all over the world, and controlling the media- in other countries! (including the US).

There is no forgiving this. Not for anyone. Time will play this out and time will shine a light on all of those kneeling to China for a pat on the head and more money.

Dalio has been paraded for years as a maverick, a great economic mind. Turns out he's just another guy on the take. Looking to not rock the boat as long as the dollars are coming in large and regular for him.

This will not end well for a lot of people.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Everyone here buys consumer goods from China, right? Please tell your excuses for doing that on national television, then judge this POS.

Everyone here supports the bill Republicans are trying to pass banning goods from China made by slave labor.

Democrats are of course opposing this bill because the whole point of the democrat party was to protect slavery from it's very inception.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Everyone here buys consumer goods from China, right? Please tell your excuses for doing that on national television, then judge this POS.

How would a Chinese spy react to this any differently than Howard?

Always deflection and projection.

That is all Howard has.

But Biden supporters knowingly support a President that has taken billions of dollars from China.

Democrats cannot be honest about China. When they are they sound like Dalio.

gilbar said...

China, on the other hand, is a paper tiger that has already peaked.
How long, before China uses more Adult diapers than Baby Diapers? 2025

doctrev said...

Howard said...
Everyone here buys consumer goods from China, right? Please tell your excuses for doing that on national television, then judge this POS.

12/4/21, 4:57 PM

We'd happily buy American if your scumbag pals on Wall Street would stop propping up Biden and start investing in American production. As it is, you'd have to be extremely motivated to find a substitute for everything multinationals have outsourced to China, which is just about EVERYTHING.

If my excuse is "drag the greedy one percenter billionaire tribe into the street and guillotine them," then hell yeah that's going on TV!

Joe Smith said...

'...they behave like a strict parent.'

You didn't eat all your peas, now prepare to have your liver removed!!

Except imagine it in Mandarin...

Chris Lopes said...

"rehajm said... it's a market with the potential to dwarf the rest of the world's GDP. A market too large to ignore, like it or not"

They are a big market being served by Chinese manufacturers. They make the stuff there and sell it here. They don't need our stuff.

Richard Dillman said...

More than a useful idiot. He knows what he is doing, and he has sold his soul and mind to China. Bought and paid for.

Aggie said...

Dalio has been a very successful investor, and the "why" of it really shines though here. He does it by limiting his focus strictly within his expertise, and limiting the range of his curiosity. He would have made a fortune off the Nazis, I think.

His economic prognostications are often right, and that's how he's made his name. But..."They behave like a strict parent" - yeah, Ray...sometimes when you love your kid you just have to stick'em in a forced labor camp and occasionally harvest a kidney - or two. Sometimes, if you really love'em, you gotta kill'em. He's going to regret saying that.

stutefish said...

What surprises me about this is how much he fumbles over the question. It's an obvious question, and you'd think that after 50 years at this game he'd have a whole suite of pat answers ready to go. At the beginning it sounds like he's just trying to say, "I follow local regulations and laws governing investment. I don't invest where the regs require me to do things I think are unethical. I can't be an expert in everything else that might be going on." Which, how hard is it to just say that?

Gabriel said...

I've read "Principles" and it is shot through with admiration for authoritarians.

Not only that he's spent decades in China, not just doing business but also doing charity, and there's no way he's not been in bed with the Chinese government that whole time.

Gabriel said...

I've read "Principles" and it is shot through with admiration for authoritarians.

Not only that he's spent decades in China, not just doing business but also doing charity, and there's no way he's not been in bed with the Chinese government that whole time.

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