Chris Cuomo allegedly texted an Andrew Cuomo staffer, quoted in "Chris Cuomo allegedly blasted Janice Dean as ‘that Fox weather bitch’ in smear plot" (NY Post).
The "weather bitch" he wanted to discredited Fox News, meteorologist Janice Dean, had criticized Governor Cuomo for his policy of putting Covid patients in nursing homes. Her husband's elderly parents had died of Covid in March and April of 2020, and she said this in March 2021 on "Fox and Friends":
“We knew he was covering up the numbers and now we are getting more and more information and facts to prove this is true. And the fact that his top aide Melissa de Rosa was in on it to help cover up the numbers, to downplay them.... They have never apologized to the families, 15,000 that deserve an apology. The only thing the governor is going to be sorry about is that he got caught. You know what — he needs to go to jail and all of those around him.... Promoting that book and making money off of COVID and the deaths of our loved ones is disgusting, corrupt and it needs to be investigated."
Interviewed yesterday, Dean said:
"As I have said from day one, this was never about politics. I watched first-hand how the governor’s office treated grieving families trying to get answers about the March 25th 2020 executive order to admit over 9,000 COVID positive patients into nursing homes. Instead of addressing our concerns or expressing their condolences, Cuomo’s spokesperson Rich Azzopardi called us a ‘death cult.'... Over the last year and a half I have seen victims of Andrew Cuomo and those demanding accountability demeaned and smeared in the press and on social media. And now, with the release of texts and testimony from the AG report, we have seen black and white proof of both Azzopardi and Melissa DeRosa spending many hours of their days in office trying to smear Cuomo’s victims and retaliating against them instead of working hard to help New Yorkers and their families during a once in a lifetime pandemic. So while I am not surprised to hear that the Cuomo’s administration alongside his brother Chris Cuomo were doing the same with me, I am glad these details are coming to light. None of these people cared about our families. They only cared about themselves and abused their power to try and stifle our voices. We’ve only asked for answers as to why our families were put in danger and the reasoning behind the massive cover up of their deaths."
We're told that neither Andrew nor Chris Cuomo wanted to talk to the NY Post about this story.
Let me go back to that text: This Fox weather bitch... Any help painting her as a far right crazy?
It's not that shocking to me, because it's exactly what their on-air statements make me imagine they're saying behind the scenes, brainstorming their stupid shows. It's pre-determined that anyone on the other side ought to be portrayed as insane and extremist, and — if female — deserves to be called a bitch.
The next major scandal is that hospitals and doctors are refusing to give sick patients ivermectin. In Naperville, Illinois, a daughter had to go to court to get it for her 71 year old dad. It worked. He lived.
It's not that shocking to me, because it's exactly what their on-air statements make me imagine they're saying behind the scenes, brainstorming their stupid shows. It's pre-determined that anyone on the other side ought to be portrayed as insane and extremist, and — if female — deserves to be called a bitch.
And yet modern feminism continues to ally with them and support them in their quest for power.
you Know how you can tell, that a politician/media guy is a TRUE FEMINIST?
They refer to women that don't submit to them Bitches
THAT is True Feminism
The linked article says her parents but the linked linked article says her in-laws.
It was her in-laws that passed, not her parents. Doesn’t change the story. However, Gov Wolf in PA did the same thing. A good friend lost his mom to COVID in a nursing home. Gov. Wolf and his secretary of Health, who is in the Biden Admin gets a pass.
"It's pre-determined that anyone on the other side ought to be portrayed as insane and extremist, and — if female — deserves to be called a bitch."
OK, Althouses of America. Now remember that the next time, and the next--what the lefty pols really think of you, how they really talk, what their priorities really are. I know, I know, the right to kill babies makes you forgive lots of sins, even get down on your knees for the likes of Bill Clinton. But in the voting booth, next time, are you gonna be their b#$*h again?
Take those panties off, Chris Cuomo.
I can't wait to see what our trolls have to say about this. I am sure they will not disappoint and will have some bizarre rationalization passed off as a ratiocination. Or when somebody is denounced, they just become non people, and so no defense of their conduct is needed, even if it's pretty obvious that the entire left wing press behaves in this manner, from ABC to MSNBC to CNN.
They only cared about themselves and abused their power to try and stifle our voices.
Biden+Pelosi+Cuomo+Hillary Clinton and the collective left's offical campaign slogan now and forever.
"wanted to discredited"
Sorry, Althouse, but the Cuomo brothers are your people from your side of the political spectrum. You can’t be the sort of person who advocates for Ben Wikler and celebrates the election of Tony Evers, then gets all bent out of shape at Democrat politicians using the standard Democrat playbook.
Don't mess with Janice! She has been fierce from the beginning of the nursing home scandal. Gov. Cuomo and company deserved to loose their jobs and more for their despicable actions during the pandemic. I paid close attention to this because I had two relatives in nursing homes at the time. The media couldn't shut her down even though they tried!
"painting her as a far right crazy".......this is what the MSM does on EVERY story now.....Covid, Jan 6, school board meetings, CRT, BLM, the doesn't matter anymore what the story is. Paint the non-believers as insane. It's a religion now.
Correction made: "Her husband's elderly parents" for "Her elderly parents"
Cuomo is as classy as Joel Biden. Both are corrupt politicians. Andrew ordered people with Covid transferred from hospitals to nursing homes where they died. He claimed there was no room in hospitals. But, Trump had sent a medical ship to handle patients, the Javitz Center in NYC was set up as a hospital, and a large area in Central Park was made available to treat patients in a facility built there. Andrew made sure that his precious mother, Matilda, was well taken care of. I’m sure she was the first person in N. Y. State to get a Covid shot. The man is hateful and deserves to be in prison for killing so many New Yorkers in nursing homes. When will he be punished and justice be served? (One thing, I believe it was Janice Dean’s husbands’s parents who died because of Cuomo's callous decision.) What a shame! I’m proud of her and that she kept speaking out on this subject so people were made aware of Cuomo’s actions. How dare he call Janice Dean a bitch! I wonder if Cuomo still goes to mass and receives Communion like his buddy Joe Biden. They make me ashamed to be a Catholic of Italian and Irish descent. Andrew and Joe have no qualms about people dying because of their unconscionable decisions.
Corrupt money whoring democrats like Pelosi, Biden family & Clinton families and the horrid Cuomos - they don't give a crap about anyone but their own pleasure their own dicks and their desire for power and wealth.
Fuck Hillary
If only we could rid ourselves of this corruption once an for all.
Cuomos are scumbags.
Their downfall has been schadenfreudealicious.
"Weather Bitch" is probably some amateur meteorologist's blog.
"Foxy Weather Bitch" is probably a competitor's blog.
Janice Dean did good skits on Imus as their newsbabe for several years. Now she relates it as traumatizing, sexual harassment and all that, where the entire point of her role was the girl in taunt the girl. It's a job she auditioned for on the air with that happening.
Nowadays being traumatized gets you points so that's what you do.
I'd characterize it not as being a bitch but as being clueless.
This is acceptable behavior on CNN. And yet, that's all I see in an airport: CNN. Why?
The Cuomos are pissed because Janice Dean fought for her in laws and held Killer Andrew Cuomo accountable. The Cuomos are entitled creeps, and the Cuomo name should be taken off the Tappan Zee Bridge and it should be renamed the original name....Tappan Zee. Cuomo offends me. I guess it would be alright to knock it down?? (kidding, but being progressive-like)
Cuomo is not the only Governor who did this. Whitmer in Michigan did the same although the death toll was less. The reasons are still obscure. Trump hatred (He sent a hospital ship)? Money ? Why?
The Cuomos both got nailed but for the wrong reasons. I’m autistic enough to feel unsatisfied because of this. I want the dots properly connected to reveal what scumbags they were, not a grotesque dot-portrait that misses the dark, withered hearts of these two pseudo-tough Mafia posers.
Megyn Kelly has been all over this on her podcasts--she has had Janice Dean on several times to talk about Andrew Cuomo's failures in dealing with COVID. The two became good friends while working at Fox News. Dean's husband is a New York City firefighter.
As long as democrats can gain power, get their rocks off, gain massive wealth at the expense of the little guy.... under the watchful and cooperative eye of the corrupt FBI insider club - what's a few thousand elderly deaths?
I would be interested to know what other reporters Andrew Cuomo recruited to help him smear his accusers. I remember Soledad O'Brien being really nasty to Janet Dean about this issue, and I wonder if she did it just on her own, or in service to Gov Cuomo.
2 down, 20 million to go
And why did Andrew Cuomo lose his governorship, and his Emmy, and his book deal? Recite it with me loud and hard, Not for killing, not for lying, but for inappropriate touching.
Is there a democrat anywhere who is not a lying corrupt piece of shit?
Anyone who votes or supports democrats and their policies should at a minimum be thrown in jail for life.
Interviewed yesterday, Dean said:
"As I have said from day one, this was never about politics.
It would have been clarifying if she had said /for me this was never about politics./
since for Democrats it is always about politics all the time and they project on all others in the universe.
The more I hear about the Cuomo brothers the more I wonder about how they were brought up. I don't think parents are necessarily to blame for everything about how their kids turn out but it does seem as if the Cuomo boys felt free to live as if there could never be a reckoning, at least not one that they couldn't bury or avoid altogether.
Failing to live up to the Cuomo name or did they deliver exactly what we should have expected? I don't know.
--The "weather bitch" he wanted to discredited Fox News, meteorologist Janice Dean, had criticized Governor Cuomo for his policy of putting Covid patients in nursing homes
I apologize, I don't understand the used of discredited there. Was Fox News already discredited? Did he want the "weather bitch" somehow --to-- the discredited Fox News?
If it's not important to you, it's ok with me. It doesn't bother me, but I thought it might be bothersome to you. However, maybe I do misunderstand the wording there.
I guess it's obvious that Governor Cuomo would have done anything to avoid the appearance of accepting help from Trump.Trump made some kind of military hospital ship available to NYC; it wasn't used. Likewise all the famous "tents" or whatever. There was a also weird story that in the early days, when actual doctors still thought a ventilator was a good idea for a lot of Covid patients, a lot of new ventilators were ordered. Quite a few of them ended up getting pulped and dumped or something. Have we cured poverty, ignorance, and homelessness?
“That Fox Weather Bitch”
See, this is exactly as I imagined them speaking when no one is around. Does it surprise anyone here in the Althouse commentariat?
And it opens the playbook to full view as well. Smear her as far right? Oh noooo not that.
Each of those guys looks more like a mob hit man than DeNiro can only dream of. And they're democrats. Nothing will happen to them in New York.
I am going to repost this once again- from May of 2020, not 2021:
“It's pre-determined that anyone on the other side ought to be portrayed as insane and extremist, and — if female — deserves to be called a bitch.”
You’re missing the point. In this case “the other side” means anyone not a Cuomo. As with Weinstein, ideology is the first smokescreen they reach for. Because the LumpenProg eats that shit up.
Is this the point where people realize Democrat feminism is just for show?
To these people and some who reflexively defend them on this forum “Fox” is as bad if not worse an epithet than “bitch” and is meant to signal the insignificance of Dean’s experience. Because she’s a true victim of Coumo policies. Because she publicly sought answers to those important questions Chris and his DNC-Media friends were actively avoiding. Because Fauci and company claimed we were going to protect the most vulnerable yet from the beginning of this fake plague most people in power did the exact opposite and may never face the exposure and punishment they so richly deserve. Acknowledging Dean and her story threatens their ongoing cover up. The elder Coumo wasn’t fired for endangering old folks and covering up how many died from his orders but for butt-pinching. We live in a sick society.
This is the Left’s go to. Anyone who doesn’t support their narrative is a “right wing crazy”. Even Dem voters would start waking up to this but many Dem voters have been so overwhelmed with the constant stream of “journalism” they no longer watch the news.
Many have also been brainwashed into not even THINKING about some topics. I spoke to an intelligent, articulate relative recently. The topic of the origin of Covid came up and they kept repeating “I don’t know where it came from. I don’t know anything about that” in a tone of voice like Hal saying “I’m afraid I can’t do that Dave”. Just completely void of emotion, intelligence or self agency. Big Brother told them this subject is verboten so they will not allow themselves to read about it, talk about it or even think about it. CREEPY.
Both brothers are garbage people. They could both spend the rest of their lives in a confession booth without ever actually confessing their sins simply because they lack the consciousness to even acknowledge their sins. Janice Dean is the bitch for having the nerve to publicly call out Andrew Cuomo for his role in helping Covid kill her parents.
The thing I find most telling is that these creatures were surprised and outraged that people would object to the government killing their parents.
How freakign sick in the head do you have to be for that to be your position?
Who guards the guardians when they are all in bed with each other?
Honestly, we all know that Mario Cuomo's sons are garbage, don't we? And if you didn't previously, you certainly have more clues about it now, don't you? And CNN? Please.
Let's not waste another minute on CNN. It is the media equivalent to a sewage pit. OK- I wasted another minute.
The times they have a changed. Credibility of SorosDemocrat owned and operated Media is now at zero and dropping fast.
Amazing only that no Clintons were involved in a Democrat trying to smear a woman because he'd done something horrible to her.
The Cuomo brothers have no redeeming qualities.
I suspect there are more irredeemable employees at CNN. Such as the one referenced in the story below.
John Griffin, "A veteran CNN producer who worked “shoulder to shoulder” with now disgraced ex-anchor Chris Cuomo has been indicted on charges of luring young girls to his Vermont ski house for “sexual subservience” training." see N.Y.Post for full article.
Sounds like some contemporary academic "scholarship": conclusion first, then seek (cherry-picked) evidence to support it. And as a last resort, fake it if you can't find it.
gilbar said...
you Know how you can tell, that a politician/media guy is a TRUE FEMINIST?
They refer to women that don't submit to them Bitches
THAT is True Feminism
while They refer to women that submit to them are "my/our own Bitches"
Mikey NTH said...
Who guards the guardians when they are all in bed with each other?
how does circular butt-fuck work without causing peyronie's disease
---Andrew and Joe have no qualms about people dying because of their unconscionable decisions.
Jorge Navarro is likely to be deported and jailed for five years for doing it to a horse, X Y Jet. Five years and deportation to a distant galaxy seem much too little for Cuomo. How many years do you think he'll get?
Sally327 said...
The more I hear about the Cuomo brothers the more I wonder about how they were brought up
Don't you remember? Their father was Mario "The Pious" Cuomo. (Rush named him so).
A real saint. Even a bridge named after him in gratitude and admiration. Obviously had a tremendous influence on his sons.
The man from planned parent/hood.
It was a compliment: Ron Burgundy only dates foxy weather bitches
The thing that "old school" people forget about electronic communication is that it's not really "private." Once you type something and send it out into the internet, the recipient can turn around and release it to the public. Also, everything is backed up and subject to being subpoenaed.
Michael K said...
Cuomo is not the only Governor who did this. Whitmer in Michigan did the same although the death toll was less. The reasons are still obscure. Trump hatred (He sent a hospital ship)? Money ? Why?
In Cuomo's case, it was because hospital executives had funded his Dem Primary win in 2018. They didn't want a bunch of old Medicare patients lying in their hospital beds with low reimbursement rates.
So they got Cuomo to send them elsewhere, causing the deaths of thousands.
Why other Democrat governors did that? I don'[t know. Possibly because they were on the payroll of hospital execs, too.
But it was pure murder, because at the time those orders were given, it was already well known that Covid was mainly a killer of the elderly (we learned that from Italy).
It would be good for the GOP President in 2025 to seek to prosecute every Governor who gave that kind of order.
"In Cuomo's case, it was because hospital executives had funded his Dem Primary win in 2018. They didn't want a bunch of old Medicare patients lying in their hospital beds with low reimbursement rates."
I thought it was at least in part to minimize death numbers in hospital.
So Gov. Cuomo was a bad boy. He called a woman a bitch. He harrassed some female staffers and as a result he was removed from office. How about: He KILLED hundreds or thousands of sick old people. Isn't there ANYONE in NYC who will indict him and put him on trial? Even in Chicago they had the bollocks (figuratively speaking) to try Jessie Smollet.
Ya' know.....I'm sorry, but is she any relation to John Dean???
I'm just speculating here, and it's entirely unwarranted to have that name again in the spotlight, but.......?????
You can get mad about the word "bitch" if you want to, but - if you're honest - we know (as I've always told you) there are women at the heart of what we're collectively experiencing now, and we have to call them something. Jenny McCarthy on Oprah (with a supporting part for Jim Carrey) was the opening gambit of the anti-vaccine movement. Aaron Rodgers got his homeopathic BS from his actress/model girlfriend. The Cuomo's are wedded to a NewAge grifter straight from the Oprah Winfrey School of NewAge Grifters. Welcome-the-fuck-to my world.
Yancey Ward said...
I am going to repost this once again- from May of 2020, not 2021:
Thanks. Really good read!!
Good thing he used the "b" word and not the "n" word so it isn't a hate crime.
But Andrew was awarded an Emmy for playing a politician who saves the day, so its not all bad.
So Althouse, with all the evidence that Democrat leaders and mouthpieces are dishonest and mean and power hungry, how is it that you can consider yourself a Democrat? The Cognitive Dissonance is strong with you.
walter said...
I thought it was at least in part to minimize death numbers in hospital.
As I understand it, they were only allowed to kick them back to nursing homes once they were stabilized and on the mend.
The issue wasn't those people dying, it was them bringing Covid to nursing homes and causing 1/4+ of the patients there to get Covid and die
under Covid protocols did not many of the Healthserviceproviders seek exemptions from malpractice and granted by order of the governors?
"brainstorming" presumes a brain ...
Every single time I read about Chris Cuomo, Ron Burgundy comes to mind.
That must have been an extremely easy film to make.
Proof that men of opposing political views remain bound by language.
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