December 31, 2021
"The Taliban have ordered a series of mannequin beheadings, telling clothes shops to remove the heads of dummies that offend Islam...."
"Aziz Rahman, the head of the local department of the [Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in the western Afghan province of Hera], described the mannequins as 'statues' and claimed that they were being worshipped, which is prohibited under Islam. Despite shopkeepers’ pleas that they needed their dummies, Rahman said he 'ordered that they [the mannequins] should have their heads removed' and warned there would be severe punishment if they violated the ruling...."
The London Times reports.
destruction of art,
gender politics,
Let's not be cultural chauvinists, here.
It’s not Islam that is offended but some guy who supposedly speaks for Islam.
Isn’t that it’s own blasphemy?
Nice to see the fellows following the Holy Bible:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
Unless you are selling hats, this is a neutral policy.
Personally I'd like to get The Squad's take on this. Rep. Tlaib- any comments?
Just Muslims doing Muslim things. Honestly, I hate to go all bigot today, but if you look around the entire world, over the last, or....50 years or so...any other religion doing what these people do? So you have to ask: does the problem lie with Islam, or with those outside of it? I'm not sure if this is actually a religion or just a death cult.
Maybe someone can explain it to me in a way I had not thought of yet. Believe me- I've tried.
How does someone like that continue to live, even for a day?
…report the Karens from the safe places they’re always complaining about.
Then where are the shopkeepers supposed to put the heads in order to stay out of trouble? Throw them down a well?
We can talk about Afghanistan in public again?
Shocked, simply shocked, that the Taliban would even think of doing this.
Monotheistic Abrahamic religions are death cults. It's right there in Genesis. The mainstream Jewish and Christian sects have moved away from the word of G_d to appeal to a better informed modern populous. The Taliban are old school following the bible as if their eternal afterlife depends on it.
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
You know, I was on the fence before, but now I am convinced. The Taliban are not very nice people. Nonetheless, defeating the Taliban was not only an unobtainable goal but an unnecessary one. The Al Qaeda that carried out 9/11 was pretty much wiped out by the end of December 2001. We spent the 20 years since then foolishly and hopelessly attempting to prop up a democratic and pluralistic government, which in practice was riddled with corruption, nepotism, position buying, and graft.
Most depressingly, what has kept us in Afghanistan for so long is rank cowardice and opportunism on the part of our political leaders in their belief of the bogeyman of "credibility." It is this bogeyman that causes every effort to scale back or end military operations denounced as "isolationism" or as American "withdrawing from the world," actions which will supposedly and inevitably "embolden our enemies."
From this perspective, in order for American miltiary power to be credible, we must persist in pursuing strategic objectives no matter how useless, hopeless, hapless, or costly they are.
Afghanistan is where empires go to get defeated and Afghans go to die. They can claim that they defeated the USA and the USSR, but what did they win? I suppose if you like to beat women and fuck ten year old boys it's a fine place to live, but if you're into alt rock or eating not so much.
In The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson Mark Twain wrote, God should have forbidden Adam and Eve to eat the serpent instead of the apple.
Has there ever been an announcement of any punishment that wasn't severe? C'mon man!
They were confederates.
the taliban is a colony of the isi and the qatari, with the sultan wannabe, erdogan, they took the lesson of the victory of the soviets, as a lesson to spread islam to central asia,
I find it interesting that the only sinful part of an image is the head/face and that reproducing an image of the human body is okay. It seems like it should be an all or nothing sort of belief. (Same with the Amish and dolls, although, at least they have heads even if they don't have faces.)
Needs "Not the Babylon Bee" tag.
Beheading mannequins? What's next?
Maybe they will start tearing down historical statues.
At least the ones they have not already blown up.
Who acts this way?
Why the heads?
Exodus 33:20
And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
J. Farmer said...You know, I was on the fence before...
Were you impaled or just balancing?
I wonder if they make them sand off the nipples too.
I could imagine a campaign in the United States against mannequins with heads. Not coming from the government, but just a social media campaign attacking mannequin heads as anti-feminist and successfully getting businesses to take off the heads.
Aren't a lot of mannequins in US clothing stores headless?
Not a fan of the Taliban. They are nasty horrible people. But really? This is a complaint? This is what people worry about?
Lot's of people in the in the us are far worse on religious grounds. I read last night that 1000 trees are being cut down in NYC East River park for religious reasons.
“We spent the 20 years since then foolishly and hopelessly attempting to prop up a democratic and pluralistic government, which in practice was riddled with corruption, nepotism, position buying, and graft.”
But enough about the US, let’s discuss Afghanistan.
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
Practice, practice, practice.
How do you get really good at beheading infidels? ....
Ann @ 9:12.
woke is woke.
One would think that the taliban are dummies that offend Islam.
Then where are the shopkeepers supposed to put the heads in order to stay out of trouble?
In storage, next to the Robert E. Lee statues.
Been a while since the old MPVPV has made the news. Of course it’s for saying “off with their heads!” Let’s go Brandon!
Maybe it looked too much like Elaine. If I remember correctly, it had a disturbing effect on George.
They need to focus on generally harmless stuff like this so they can ignore the millions of War Wives and rapes that Joe Biden created.
I wonder if they make them sand off the nipples too
They already do that. Mannequin nipple dust is a powerful aphrodisiac.
J. Farmer said...
You know, I was on the fence before, but now I am convinced. The Taliban are not very nice people. Nonetheless, defeating the Taliban was not only an unobtainable goal but an unnecessary one.
This is wrong.
We could have wiped them out at will.
A couple months off our leashes and the Taliban would have been a bloody reminder in history. We had 1 meter grids on their leadership. We caught and released their soldiers over and over again.
And you can say unnecessary all you want but that is because you were born in a country where you could be free with freedom you don't deserve and haven't earned. A country that has been bathed in blood.
Every single country and society in the world has a brutal bloody past. Right now the Taliban is repeating this pattern murdering thousands and raping millions.
The taliban can order anything they want. No foreign aid. They can destroy their economy and starve. Then how long will they be in power?
Ann Althouse said...
I could imagine a campaign in the United States against mannequins with heads. Not coming from the government, but just a social media campaign attacking mannequin heads as anti-feminist and successfully getting businesses to take off the heads.
You don't need to imagine.
Aunt Jimima.
Uncle Ben.
The Native American Girl on Butter.
Washington Redskins.
Cleveland Indians.
If you think the Taliban treatment of mannequins is extreme, wait until you learn how they treat living, breathing, human beings. You'll be shocked, I think.
Mannequin head or your head.
You choose.
Why is there no womanquin?
There are a lot of dummies in the US government that need to take a trip to Kabul.
I could imagine a campaign in the United States against mannequins with heads. Not coming from the government, but just a social media campaign attacking mannequin heads as anti-feminist and successfully getting businesses to take off the heads.
That campaign started and led by The Squad. After all, they have nothing better do.
I think I can live the rest of my life quite happily if I never have to read or see or hear anything about Afghanistan again. Me and Joe Biden both, right?
The Taliban, so ridiculous, so inept and yet, victorious.
Interesting how the media covers this story but not the many real atrocities occurring in Afghanistan. It;s as if they are trying to portray the country as being concerned with issues that are acceptable for discussion at cocktail parties in NYC elite precincts. And it has its desired effect when Americans identify with the issue and imagine it happening in America. See? We’re just like them.
Good point, Achilles. If the US deep state just murdered another half a million people, little girls in Afghanistan today would be wearing makeup and going to school.
What is a haberdashery to do? Or a wig shop(if any exist over yonder)?
When one of the best known traits of your actual religion- for centuries- is beheading, don't get surprised when that practice shows up in other formats.
Howard: "Good point, Achilles. If the US deep state just murdered another half a million people, little girls in Afghanistan today would be wearing makeup and going to school."
Interesting note: Howard cheered and cheered the drone murder of some hapless chap and a bunch of children by Biden's Earpiece because it changed the media narrative for 48 hours during Biden's Earpiece's disastrous Operation Surrender to the Taliban.
Howard cheered for that as vigorously as he lamented Trump fir whacking islamic terrorist mastermind Soleimani.
Islamists against consumerism?
Maybe Adorno really is behind everything.
When they start burning jazz records we'll know for sure.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
There are a lot of dummies in the US government that need to take a one-way trip on a helicopter.
Given the ever growing and open political alliance between democraticals and islamic supremacists, it should never surprise anyone that in any discussion of what the islamic supremacists are up to all the Althouse Usual Suspects, such as Howard, leap into action to defend their global islamic allies by deflection and projection.
This is democratical SOP.
Well, heads are racist. Or sexist, maybe. Or White! Those heads were White! Plus, they were culturally inappropriated.
"Despite shopkeepers’ pleas that they needed their dummies"
A very prominent feature of living in a Muslim country is that there are plenty of dummies just walking by."
Also applies in any US city where the politics runs blue.
"The Taliban have ordered a series of mannequin beheadings, telling clothes shops to remove the heads of dummies that offend Islam...."
May be helpful for those trying to pick out an outfit for their beheading.
Go to the Bush Presidental Library website and you'll see a blog asking for donations to help starving children in Afghanistan. The library post doesn't say WHY they are starving. Or why we didn't increase the Afghans food supply during our 20 year involvement and Trillion dollars.
On BHTV Daniel larison said the starvation is being caused by the USA freezing Afghan Government assets. Wonder why the London Times is writing about Manequins instead of people dying?
In any case, its their country and if they don't like certain doll heads, so what? Did anyone care that Cuba banned Christmas for 50 years under Castro? Does anyone care what censorship US Allies like Ukraine or Isreael do? Nope. But will look forward to Miss Lindsey crying about Headless maniquins on the Sunday Talk shows.
Some dolls deserve to be beheaded. I'm looking at you, Ken. Maybe GI Joe can do the job.
Well-armed and emboldened by Biden… heads simultaneously in the 7th century AND up their asses…
What could possibly go wrong.
"Nonetheless, defeating the Taliban was not only an unobtainable goal but an unnecessary one."
Once you've concluded the goal was unobtainable (history has proven that to be true), the necessity or lack thereof becomes mute. Oh it may make you feel better and enable you to take the loss, but it doesn't change the reality. A liberal democracy was never going to be able to do what Alexander the Great, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union failed to do. Once Al Qaeda was scattered to the wind, it was time to leave.
Howard said...
Good point, Achilles. If the US deep state just murdered another half a million people, little girls in Afghanistan today would be wearing makeup and going to school.
Many more were murdered so you could sit here and talk shit with freedom you don't deserve.
Every society requires suppression of the incompatible. The "deep state" that you support allied itself with the Taliban during the Obama administration. Biden just consummated the deal.
There was a choice between wiping out the Taliban or letting them murder thousands of people and rape millions of women turning them into chattel.
Howard and the political tribe he serves is led by known rapists.
It is just part of being a terrible person.
It's good to see that Biden* was right, and the Taliban is totally Moderate now
Howard said...
Monotheistic Abrahamic religions are death cults. It's right there in Genesis. The mainstream Jewish and Christian sects have moved away from the word of G_d to appeal to a better informed modern populous. The Taliban are old school following the bible as if their eternal afterlife depends on it.
"My Father gave you Ten rules, I give you but One: Love one another as I have loved you"
It's why christians don't keep Kosher.
But you keep on spouting your ignorance, to try to cover up the reality that it was your President Obama who declared that Afghanistan was the important war, and "surged" there
You own that fuckup, Democrats, and no, we're not going to let you hide that
Not if the mannequins have a stubble.
It's touching that Achilles believes that team America World Police actually benefits American citizens.
It's great that you did your duty and fought for your guys but you're just deluding yourself into thinking that the cause you fought for was somehow Noble beyond the survival of your brothers.
The War on Terra was a pointless and stupid gesture orchestrated by the deep state frat house for the expressed intent of extorting trillions of dollars out of the American people.
"So you have to ask: does the problem lie with Islam, or with those outside of it?" One of the frustrating inconsistencies among progressives--and, unfortunately, among libs generally these days--is the tendency to criticize conservative Christians but give Islam a pass on everything. Say what you will about Bill Maher, he criticizes all religions--no exceptions. I think he's wrong, but his is a more respectable position than the "It's a religion of peace" crowd offers.
Howard said...
It's touching that Achilles believes that team America World Police actually benefits American citizens.
It's great that you did your duty and fought for your guys but you're just deluding yourself into thinking that the cause you fought for was somehow Noble beyond the survival of your brothers.
The War on Terra was a pointless and stupid gesture orchestrated by the deep state frat house for the expressed intent of extorting trillions of dollars out of the American people
What is the difference between North Korea and South Korea Howard?
This is wrong.
We could have wiped them out at will.
How do you differentiate Taliban from non-Taliban? If you have to rely on human intelligence from the local population, how do you vet that? How do you know when the Taliban has been wiped out?
A guerilla insurgency utilizing asymmetric warfare presents a host of tactical and logistical challenges to standard military forces. Addressing these challenges is the concern of counterinsurgency.
And you can say unnecessary all you want but that is because you were born in a country where you could be free with freedom you don't deserve and haven't earned. A country that has been bathed in blood.
No, I can say "unnecessary" because the Taliban did not pose any significant threat to vital American national interests. When and where I was born has fuck all to do with the validity of my argument.
Also, being the arbiter of who does and does not "deserve" freedom does not sound the like attitude of a very freedom-loving person. Recall that the vast majority of that blood was not spilt defending our freedoms but expanding ourselves and our influence in an aggressive manner.
Every single country and society in the world has a brutal bloody past. Right now the Taliban is repeating this pattern murdering thousands and raping millions.
And I have no doubt there are many Taliban members who engage in your same crude apologetics. They use "a brutal bloody past" to justify a brutal bloody present. And they, like you, refuse to hold their own group to the standards they demand of others.
J. Farmer said...You know, I was on the fence before...
Were you impaled or just balancing?
I'm not going to beat around the bush. I'm going to bite the bullet and admit your guess is as good as mine. But it's not rocket science, so if we hang in there we should be able to wrap our heads around it. Break a leg.
>>I could imagine a campaign in the United States against mannequins with heads. Not coming from the government, but just a social media campaign attacking mannequin heads as anti-feminist
C'mon Ann... think outside the box. Put the male heads on the females, and vice versa. Leverage the inventory of parts you already have, and appeal to the massive untapped trans market!
And we should cancel those who use the deadname "mann-equin".... Shameful transphobia, denying the personhood of femmeequins, transequins, nonbinaryequins (the other 54 genders left as an exercise for the reader).
>>I'm not going to beat around the bush. I'm going to bite the bullet and admit your guess is as good as mine. But it's not rocket science, so if we hang in there we should be able to wrap our heads around it. Break a leg.
I really hate clichés, and avoid them like... the latest variant of the coronavirus.
I'm very happy to see J. Farmer has re-joined the ranks of commenters on this blog. I can look forward to seeing some intelligent commentary amidst the arid wasteland of bellicosity and childish declarations of the incomparable wonderfulness of the USA (as compared to any other nation or society in the world past or present) that makes up most of the comments most of the time.
Mannequin beheadings is how they practice for the real thing.
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