From "The Democrats’ Hispanic Voter Problem It's Not As Bad As You Think—It’s Worse" by Ruy Teixeira (SubStack).
December 9, 2021
"It is hard to avoid the conclusion that Democrats have seriously erred by lumping Hispanics in with 'people of color' and assuming they embraced the activism around racial issues..."
"... that dominated so much of the political scene in 2020, particularly in the summer.... Crime as an issue rated higher with these voters than immigration or racial equality, two issues that Democrats assumed would clear the path to big gains among Hispanic voters.... The findings about relatively positive Hispanic attitudes toward police have been confirmed by poll after poll, as concern about crime in their communities has spiked.
An important thing to remember about the Hispanic population is that they are heavily oriented toward upward mobility and see themselves as being able to benefit from available opportunities to attain that. Three-fifths of Latinos in the national exit poll said they believed life would be better for the next generation of Americans.
They are also patriotic. By well over 3:1, Hispanics in the VSG survey said they would rather be a citizen of the United States than any other country in the world and by 35 points said they were proud of the way American democracy works.... Clearly, this constituency does not harbor particularly radical views on the nature of American society and its supposed intrinsic racism and white supremacy. They are instead a patriotic, upwardly mobile, working class group with quite practical and down to earth concerns."
From "The Democrats’ Hispanic Voter Problem It's Not As Bad As You Think—It’s Worse" by Ruy Teixeira (SubStack).
From "The Democrats’ Hispanic Voter Problem It's Not As Bad As You Think—It’s Worse" by Ruy Teixeira (SubStack).
racial politics,
Ruy Teixeira
it IS hard to avoid the conclusion that Hispanics would be TOTALLY IN FAVOR of:
Chix with Dicks in high school
Gay marriage
Rioting Mobs of white college kids screaming: BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Hundreds of Thousands of Haitians coming to the USA, to Take their jobs
From colored (i.e. low-information attribute) people to "people of color" (i.e. color bloc, a racist designation). Per chance "Jew privilege", too. There are precedents. What are the people of brown to do? Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment) breeds adversity.
That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. Lose your religion. #HateLovesAbortion
Plus and in general hispanics are not crazy about black people.
¡Vamos Brandon!
Hispanics compete against Blacks for the Affirmative Action opportunities and jobs.
Man the Democrats have such a hard on for criminals these days and on the flip side very little sympathy for the victims of crime. I think our criminal justice system is in need of serious reform but this trend of not arresting and imprisoning anyone seems like pure folly and is most discriminatory to the poor which tend to be minorities but I guess the wrong minorities. If you really want to poor minorities I think allowing them to keep their possessions would go a long way to making their lives better. A kind of invisible tax break.
This follows from the Democratic Party's wishful thinking of a "permanent majority" circa the Reagan Administration's immigration policy changes of the 1980s. At that point the US was 80% to 90% White, and non-White groups of that era voted very heavily for Democrats. Those advocating looser immigration and open borders saw a larger non-White population as a way to build and keep an edge over Republican conservatives -- as historically mostly White.
1. People in Latin America do vote for conservatives and Latin American countries often have conservative governments. E.g., Catholics with historically large families. Therefore, when the non-White population reaches a critical mass its ideological orientation stands to revert to the mean/average.
2. The "Hispanic" category is extremely dated per pre-1960s race concepts and Hispanic is not a unified thing. Hispanic includes everything from Spanish-speaking but WHITE urban sophisticates from large cities, to native/tribal populations, to the multi-race offspring of former African slaves. So, one actually gets a broad cut of broad views and ideologies.
As a result, we now have a perverse PUMPING UP of racial divisions by the party that once sought to eliminate them. As recently as the 1990s some on the left said "Race is only a social construct and it does not actually exist." But, it existed again as soon as needed for political purposes.
Wait for irreversible and shocking political splits that were once unthinkable.
If Hispanics turn Republican by, say, a two-to-one margin, Democratic elites will sound like Donald Trump begging for a border wall.
Q: Why did the immigrants come to the us?
I THINK for economic and SAFETY reasons.
Hence, defund the police, pro-crime polices probably aren’t high priorities to them.
They are instead, Republicans.
the latest word, is:
ABC's "The View" co-hosts lamented that Clinton was defeated by former President Trump, with one co-host falsely declaring that she even won the election
There You GO! there WAS fraud, but
the fraud was in 2016
and it was done, by that Damned TRUMP!
can't think of many things More likely to make Hispanics rethink the democrat party line
except maybe chix with dicks
or the Black Liberation Movement
Texeira is of course they guy who came up with the "emerging Democratic majority" theory years ago, positing that Hispanics would drive the Dems to permanent majority party status.
Gosh, I hope that Democrats embrace of unlimited Hispanic immigration comes back to bite them in the rear.
Look, we all know that the second the people pouring over the southern border start voting Republican, the border will be slammed shut, and very soon the southern border will make the Korean DMZ look like a park. You'll be able to see the wall, the moat, and the land mines from space. Democrats hate, hate, hate immigrants that vote Republican--like Cuban refugees, or Vietnamese refugees, who remember that Democrats betrayed them.
Most minorities are not down with the LGBT stuff, pure and simple. Their men like the ladies, and the ladies like to be liked. Any watch of a Spanish soap opera shows that the women don't mind showing off the goodies. So Democrat social policies are a big, big turn off for them. Putting transgendered people in women restrooms? Only white socialist leftist women think that is a good idea.
So Democrats are setting their historic advantage on fire and burning it--hopefully never to get it back.
The 'People of Color' thing is so transparently (see what I did there?) racist.
In the summer, after a few rounds of golf, I (Italian and a bunch of other things) am a couple of shades darker than most Hispanics I know, and darker than Kamala and Shaun 'Talcum X' King by a lot.
Have you ever been to Spain? Have you been paying attention to the bigwigs who've run Mexico for the past many decades?
It's all divisive bullshit. But it works so it will continue
Boy, those Hispanic people suck. They believe in upward mobility. They work hard. Democrats everywhere: feel shivers down your spines. Oops, no, that's just the withdrawl.
"Three-fifths of Latinos in the national exit poll said they believed life would be better for the next generation of Americans. They are also patriotic . . . this constituency does not harbor particularly radical views on the nature of American society and its supposed intrinsic racism and white supremacy."
Telling, isn't it, that believing in a better life, being patriotic, and not being radical about racism is not just bad, but "worse" for Dems. The Dem party, the Dem commentator implies, is for people who are not patriotic, do not believe in a better future, but do hate Amerikkka.
Most people don’t prefer to see issues along racial lines as much as Democrat leaders and strategists.
The problem for Democrats is that they see groups through the filter of their own expectations. After all, it's worked pretty well for them with Black's for generations.
But Hispanics are different. For one thing, they are not a homogenous group. A Mexican is different than a Cuban. Further, they are not united by a history of slavery as Blacks are. And virtually all came here voluntarily (and I might add legally) because they saw something here that they liked. It's called opportunity.
The Democrats screwed the pooch when they went all in on open borders. This has never been popular with Hispanics. Add in the Democrat's soft on crime policies and ambivalence towards free enterprise and you have a perfect trifecta.
I think that Progressive White Privilege knows a hell of a lot more on the subject than those brown Latinx people.
Changing his tune The Emerging Democratic Majority. Of course that was written two decades ago. His party has changed and so has the GOP.
Years ago I attended a lecture by a distinguished sociologist. The lecture was on a different subject but he observed in passing that the Hispanic "minority" was created entirely for political reasons. Politics aside, there is no sociological reason to treat Hispanics as a minority any more than we treat Greek-Americans or Irish-Americans as one: no distinct religion, no distinct language for people born in this country, they marry freely outside the group, etc.
Hispanics are white, thus their culture reinforces white supremacy.
My Ibraham X Kendi talking puppet tells me so.
Classic case of Democrats not treatment people as individuals but as a group with pre-assigned beliefs and preferences. Hispanics will save America.
I grew up Mormon and my parents are old-school. They forbade any caffeine drinks, and still refuse to touch Coke or any caffeinated beverage. My Mormon nephews on the other hand are all over Coke now that the doctrine has been "clarified" (thanks Mitt). Caffeinated hot chocolate is now a thing and shops are popping up around BYU.
So much for the Word of Wisdom keeping people healthy. Plus it forbids eating meat except in time of winter or famine, and permits mild barley drinks (i.e. Beer). Mormons are selective about enforcement though, and ignore those parts by refusing to allow beer and eating meat voraciously.
The journey of Hispanics to American is very different than that of Blacks.
That’s not praise or criticism of one group over the other, it’s simply what was and what is.
So, if Asians aren't 'people of color' (just ask anyone doing college admissions, or talking about the "lack of diversity" at major tech firms), and Hispanics aren't 'people of color', what, exactly, is the difference between 'people of color' and the infamous old term 'colored people'?
How about lumping together millions of citizens, documented immigrants, and undocumented immigrants whose only thing in common is being "of Spanish origin or descent"? That sounds as stupid as lumping together millions of citizens, documented immigrants, and undocumented immigrants whose only thing in common is having some kind of tie to Asia. Isn't this remarkably offensive?
Poor Ruy. He thinks that optimistic, orderly, ambitious Americans are a bad thing---for his party.
At some point, these non-intellectual intellectuals will get around to the idea that people can shape their own destinies in the USA and that ambition, hard work, and reliability count for something. Maybe they'll start asking questions about whether POCs really are victims of the white man. Maybe they'll look around and see all the success stories out there--Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Thomas Sowell, Oprah, Glenn Loury, the one and only BHO, etc. and see their black fiends who are doing great--and realize it isn't 1960 anymore.
NOW can we please secure the border?
Our cleaning lady came from El Salvador in the eighties. She drives a brand new Toyota Highlander, she and her husband own a home, and both of her children are professionals, married with children. She is a big Trumpster. She is not a fan of illegal immigration, because the kind of people they wanted to get away from are streaming into the country in droves.
Shorter version: So you're saying there's hope?
And, according to other recent reporting, by a large margin they hate the made-up term "Latinx".
Democrats are nuts. Just look at Crazy Nancy Pelosi, lying Shifty Schiff, Fang Banger Swalwell, Chuckie the Clown Schumer...not to mention the hateful bigoted Squad who are taking over the party.
Ruy Teixeira literally *wrote the book* (The Emerging Democratic Majority) that lumped Hispanics into POC and that Democrats have used as a road map the last 15 years.
To question our new social order and the orders of the oligarchy as to what is true is very uncool. One might say, "unhip".
The 'People of Color' thing is so transparently (see what I did there?) racist.
I have a bachelor's degree, and I have to admit - I do not see what you did, or attempted to do there.
Dem party, the Dem commentator implies, is for people who are not patriotic, do not believe in a better future, but do hate Amerikkka.
there really seems to be, only ONE GROUP that the democrats are courting
and that is white, single, college educated, females
I'm assuming, that they're assuming that blacks hispanics EVERYONE ELSE will just keep voting D
But look at their actual policies. The Only group that they are shooting for are
white, single, college educated, females. Why? I really don't know. I assume, money
An Asian woman I know told me her employer forced everyone into a diversity training run by some tranny earlier this year and she was called a POC. She's said she's never been so insulted in her life and she's been called straight up racist names in the street by strangers. She's never considered herself a POC as she just doesn't think in racial terms. She's gotten where she has in her career through her own hard work and determination.
It's also not surprising that most Hispanics similarly don't really think of themselves as POCs (or Lah-tinks or some other made up label) and they like this country and think it offers them quite a bit of opportunity to make a good life for themselves.
It seems the left and much of the Democrat Party wants to undo America solely for the benefit of blacks. They try to include non-blacks and gays, but they do so half-heartedly. Their preferred solution is to eliminate standards of accountability. They just don't think blacks can measure up, so they want to get rid of all the measures. They want to eliminate standards in schools, make crime legal, get rid of police, eliminate Civil Rights and due process, censor speech, and hand out free money - all as some sort of reparations for something they believe can never be repaired. All of these, of course, hurts everyone, including Hispanics.
It's as if the Left's view of blacks is "life is harder for THOSE PEOPLE, so we need to make it easy for them." You see it with vaccine hesitancy. White vaccine hesitant folks are smeared as nothing backwards ass MAGA-hat wearing bigots who need to be forced or die, but when it comes to black folks who feel the same way, the attitude shifts to "THOSE PEOPLE just don't know any better." WTF?
It's no wonder that Hispanics or Asians (not to mention Irish, Jewish, and Italians) - particularly folks whos ancestors came to America post-Civil War and faced numerous racial obstacles of their own - don't feel like they owe some fucking moral debt to this one single group of people who, according to the very folks pushing this agenda, can't get their shit together.
"She's gotten where she has in her career through her own hard work and determination."
White supremacy is a big tent.
After living for quite a while in a city that's 40% Hispanic, I can safely and authritatively say that that non-elite, non-woke Hispanics pretty much want what non-elite, non-woke Whites want out of life. Pay off the house, get the kids started out in life and save up a little money so they can have some fun when they retire.
They have little to no interest in keeping woke, elite Leftists, who's main motivation seems to be to make the above impossible, elected in perpetuity.
"Democrats have seriously erred by lumping Hispanics in with 'people of color'." Meaning what - Hispanics are not people of color? Or, Democrats think 'people of color' are stupid and can be easily manipulated, and Hispanics are not stupid?
Good to hear a person of Brazilian descent opining on "hispanics"
I wonder if Ruy Texiera can trace his heritage to Portugal? Not many Brazilians can. But if he could, that would make him "hispanic" by some definitions.
And speaking of definitions, would someone please tell me what definition of "Hispanic" we are using today?
I know of at least 8-10 definitions. None of which really work by themselves. Some are mutually exclusive.
It is a bullshit term. Ditto Latino/Latina.
And don't get me started on "Latinx". Only racists bent on cultural genocide would use that term. I'm looking at you, Mark. Unless you are using it ironically. Then, I assume, you will let me use terms like j*g, K*ke, G**nea, f*g and so on. If I claim to do it ironically, it is OK, right?
Far better not to use any of those offensive terms. That will help keep you from looking like a fucking racist, OK?
John Henry
Well, Tonto, I think we're not in Harlem anymore.
My Italian grandparents came here nothing. Italians and Hispanics have so many similarities. Italians were Dems for a generation or 2, then many went Rep. Hispanics are transitioning more quickly.
Small sample size to be sure, but none of the Hispanics (both legal immigrants and those born here) I know are in favor of unlimited immigration. When it comes to racism, the way they talk about blacks would put the biggest white bigot on earth to shame. And Hispanics are nowhere near PC enough to GAF. If blacks think that how whites treat them is a problem, they've got another think coming.
The two "Hispanics" that i know best;
one a cousin in law in San Diego, the other a friend in Wyoming; Are Both...
Born in the USA
Speak English as their native language
NEITHER speak spanish.... Yet, they're "hispanic"???
When my family immigrated from Venezuela to the US in 1980, it was to leave corruption in the oil industry and poor educational opportunities for women behind. My dad refused to purchase cheap or refurbished equipment with funds allocated for quality parts so that he could make money under the table to divide with supervisors and other department heads. And he wanted his daughters to be educated well, graduate from college, and be established in successful careers.
Since we left, Venezuela descended into chaos. Many of our family members left the rampant crime and the repression and scarcity of communism (in everything but name) for Florida, Spain, and other places. They say that they do not want the kind of people and mentality they left to follow them here. Many support the Wall to keep out the riff-raff along with the crime, drugs, and guns that pour over the unregulated border.
A few years ago, Mickey Kaus made the point that the poor are most hurt by those who come in and undercut their wages. That may also be driving the desire to shut the door behind you, so to speak.
One of the ladies who worked at the school I was at a few years ago was very anti-Trump because her brother was deported after being rear-ended. He was not at fault, but the accident exposed his immigration status. 2 years later when I came to buy pupusas at her dad's church, her brothers told me that many businesses being destroyed in the BLM riots were Hispanic-owned. They had family suffering great financial losses.
Another friend who had come into this country illegally told me that she and her husband (who is now a master plumber) were supporters of the wall. She had become a citizen in 2019 and voted for Trump. They are solidly middle-class and their children are in GT classes. They only allow Spanish at home, but want their kids learning English at school so that they will be successful. She told me that the school she attended in her mountain village in Mexico is now surrounded by high concrete walls because of the bullets that whizzed through the playground during a drug gang shootout. She was alarmed at the recent surge in crime in our cities.
In most cases, Hispanic is a euphemism for Mestizo. An actual European Spaniard doesn't qualify.
Our next door neighbor is Spanish. He has the American and Texas flags flying outside his house. He works, as does his wife, and kids go to school. NOT ONE WIT DIFFERENT THAN US OR OTHER NEIGHBORS.
Now I've worked at a Catholic charity that gives cloths free to the needy. Spanish come there and they get just a few items... they don't want handouts.. blacks come there and get things by the shopping cart.
Very different mindsets.
So which way do you think they vote?
Once the Democrats start realizing this they will shut down the border faster than you can sneeze.
It's almost as if BIPOC was only BI.
Or even just B.
I don’t imagine it helped when Pelosi publicly embraced MS-13. MS-13 preferentially preys upon Hispanics and are not well liked by citizens of Hispanic descent.
I predicted 20 years ago that this would happen, because hispanics are the third culturally Roman Catholic group to arrive in the US in great numbers, along with the Irish (mid-19th C) and Italians (early-20th C). Nearly all immigrant groups will start out voting Democrat, but it's what happens in later generations that matters.
The Irish, a Gaelic culture, remained loyal Democrats. The Italians, a Latin culture, became deeply Republican. It was logical that hispanics, also a Latin culture, would behave much more like Italians than Irish, which is what we're now seeing.
My SIL is Hispanic and we talk about this during our weekly Sunday morning breakfast. He says the Hispanic community (not the activist talking heads and politicos) are very upset about illegal immigration. His immigrant father is particularly vocal, he says. They all feel the impact on their struggling businesses when they have to compete against illegal day labor. Cesar Chavez knew this and was virulently anti illegal immigration. Any open border politician should be hounded away from any celebration of Chavez.
Again, I had to go to college to learn that most of the "Hispanics" I grew up with, played with, worked with, and studied with weren't white. I imagine a lot of them were surprised to learn they weren't white, too!
News flash--try as they do, Democrats also make mistakes lumping all "Hispanics" in one group. Ditto "Asians and Pacific Islanders." Ditto "Blacks." Ditto "Whites." Ditto "Native Americans."
To think a Cuban whose parents fled Castro has a lot in common with a Mexican who left Zacateca or a Hispanic whose ancestors owned property in California at the time of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, is the height of arrogance. And what does a poor Afghan have in common with an engineer from Bangalore with the grandchild of a Hmong whofled the Communists in 1975, with a Chinese child of privilege enrolled at Stanford, with a Japanese whose ancestors came ver in the 1890s, with the descendant of the cHinese brought over to build railroads in the 1880s, with an Indonesian or a Filipino? A descendant of slaves witha Nigerian doctor who just arrived, voluntarily? A WASP decsendant from Massachusetts Bay Colony, with dec]scendants of Irish who came over to avoid the Potato Famine, a German Jew fleeing the defeat of 1848, or a Russian Jew fleeing pogroms in 1907, or...
It is all insane and deeply insulting and dehumanizing. And as hard as the politicians and media and faux academics and allied groups work at creating these false ethnicities, reality has a way of eventualy shining a light on things they would prefer remain in the shadow.
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