For months, Mr. Manchin had huddled privately with Mr. Biden and his top officials in an attempt to secure a compromise. His objections forced the White House to substantially curtail the scope of the package and remove certain programs, including the creation of a clean electricity program and a plan to ban new oil drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
As early as last week, even as Mr. Biden confirmed that efforts to pass the legislation had stalled, he waxed optimistic, saying that talks with Mr. Manchin would continue and that he believed that “we will bridge our differences and advance the Build Back Better plan.”...
“They’re just trying to make the adjustment for the time to fit the money or the money to fit the time,” Mr. Manchin said. “Not changing our approach, not targeting things we should be doing.”
UPDATE: Statement from Press Secretary Jen Psaki:
Senator Manchin’s comments this morning on FOX are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances.... Senator Manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework “in good faith.”... If his comments on FOX and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate....
In earlier eras of American politics, his consistent stand and approach would be considered 'statesman-like'. But not today. Today he will be reviled in all of the major and minor media which slant left. At this point, Joe Manchin does not care. He knows his own party "leaders" will have their knives out for him. He knows what's coming.
He's doing the right thing. The question should not be how could Joe Manchin do this, but how is it there are no other Democratic Senators who would reject this abomination of a bill? They treasure party and power over Nation.
Shame on the lot of them. A year and they're out.
Not all heroes wear capes
The entirety of the collective Democrat left are LYING about the CBO's projected cost.
Anyone else bothered by the ease and frequency of leftist-democrat lies?
Biden won his election and Manchin won his. Manchin didn't to the best of my knowledge publicly supported most of the Biden bills objectives and agenda. For Manchin not supporting the insane spending plan that the Left in Congress and Biden are pushing for almost guarantees his reelection in WV. Apparently Manchin isn't going to take one for the Commie tean.
I support Joe Manchin! He is representing his red constituency in WV. When I lived in Nebraska, we had Ben Nelson, who often voted with the Republicans in the Senate, which is why he was elected and re-elected, until he caved on Obamacare (after which, he retired).
To switch gears, the worst two things about the BBB bill are the repeal of SALT deductible caps (the most expensive item in the bill, which benefits wealthy people who pay high property taxes), and the child care portion of the bill, which dictates higher wages for day care employees (not that there is anything wrong with that), but doesn't subsidize middle class workers for the ensuing higher costs of day care. I think higher standards for child care workers are also required, but there is no indication of where these more qualified workers are going to come from.
Lots of things wrong with the bill, I'll just mention one. It used the same old bullshit of pretending programs are temporary (while the taxes aren't) in order to get a fake CBO score. Disgraceful. Thank you, Sen. Manchin, though I doubt this is over.
Maybe he worries about hyperinflation. I would.
A no now. But what's his price for a yes later? I mean, it isn't like there's principle involved. Dem's gonna Dem.
Romney's hour in the Sun is now here.
These fence sitters- do they sit on top of the spikey post part? The level of agony they endure doing their jobs can’t all be due to just doing their jobs….
Let's go Brandon!
Initially there was debate about whether the plan would lead to unacceptable levels of inflation. Now that we already have those, its fiscal impact is less palatable.
roll out the bribes! Crooks and bribes... bribes and crooks.
By gosh, there IS a moderate Democrat left. Who knew??
Put a wig on him and he looks like Lisa Murkowski.
The difference is that his stance reflects the majority view among the people he represents.
I guess that means that our democracy is finished according to the loony lefties.
I have such genuine concerns about our ever growing national debt. I am angry at all presidents from George W. and the elected federal representatives from the year 2000 onward. At some point, the amount is going to have to matter and will damage this country terribly. Thank you, Joe Manchin, for slowing the train wreck down.
Did Dopey Joe score an own goal by predicting a win? Not really. Once you have let inflation out of the bag, it wanders around that landscape blowing things up. The only cure that has been shown to work involves a eye-watering interest rates and a real slow-down.
Those geniuses that developed "modern monetary theory" are shown to be the idiots that anyone who knew the history of the 1970s and 1980s thought they were. We had Venezuela and Zimbabwe right in front of us.
To quote the professor above, "Let this be a lesson to everyone: What fine benefits are right there for you to take that you do not see?" Also, what dangers clearly lie in the path before us?
Presidents with low 30's actual approval ratings don't get to tell Senators what to do.
And Joe Shishispants's diaper starts to smell pretty bad after an hour or so.
As early as last week, even as Mr. Biden confirmed that efforts to pass the legislation had stalled, he waxed optimistic, saying that talks with Mr. Manchin would continue and that he believed that “we will bridge our differences and advance the Build Back Better plan.”...
Typically Biden. Either lying for effect or just totally clueless.
Everybody gets a lump of coal in their stocking.
Manchin has given his party leadership some big shiny lumps of coal for their Xmas stockings!
Our satisfaction in their discomfiture may be short-lived but it is still worth savoring. Schadenfreude is too precious to waste.
Now kill the vote cheating act and I'll have some respect.
Notice how the NYT's studiously avoids talking about what actually killed the bill.
It was Joe Biden lying about Manchin having agreed to spending that much money.
“The president put out a statement. It’s his statement, not mine,” Manchin said.
I know that it is important for Ann to get the Democrat Regime/Globalist angle on all of these stories. We wouldn't want any unfiltered trashy stuff slipping in to the discussion.
I suppose they could try talking to Republicans.
But then they would have to try finding things to do that are acceptable to a considerable majority of the country. To govern, rather than to rule.
Well Bernie Sanders said that, "Manchin didn't have the guts to vote for the Build Back Better Bill". I say that Senator Manchin's mother didn't raise any fools. Manchin is voting his constituents interests. And last I saw Bernie Sanders wasn't a West Virginia resident.
And prevaricating press secretary Jen Psaki says that Manchin's "no vote" contradicts an agreement Manchin had with the White House. And who knows? Maybe Biden believed he had an agreement to get Manchin's vote. But then Shufflin Senescent Senile Joe believes a lot of things. And Baghdad Barbie Psaki will say whatever crosses her mind (not that the crossing covers that great a distance).
His objections forced the White House to substantially curtail the scope of the package and remove certain programs, including the creation of a clean electricity program and a plan to ban new oil drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
The legislation was not "substantially" curtailed, or there might have been a deal.
This is all NYT posturing to blame Manchin for Biden's overreach.
Shorter Manchin: Merry Christmas, America!
Manchin is a Democratic Senator from a be very Republican state. He votes for this turd and he becomes the former Senator from West Virginia next time he runs for reelection. He's doing what the people he represents want him to do. That's the way it's supposed to work.
Redistributive change and lowered expectations. People... persons aren't so green to believe the political myths and take the Green leap.
He is probably saving 5 Senate seats and 15 House seats from switching D to R in 2022 elections by this action, and all the D's know it. He is the John McCain of 2021, ready to hold the line so many more want to, but won't.
Here's some inside polituics. Manchin could be so firm because there are half-dozen (maybe more) Dem senators facing tough re-election campaigns who don't want to publicly vote on this monstrosity.
"His objections forced the White House to substantially curtail the scope of the package"
Pretending your 10 year program is a e year program isn't "substantially curtail[ing] the scope of the package", it's lying.
The rest of the Democrats refused to negotiate in good faith, so Manchin told them no.
Now if only Republican Senators could lean to do the same
Democrats should primary Manchin. I will order some popcorn.
Glad I was wrong about how much resolve he would have.
The Democrats chose a totally partisan, scorched earth approach with the narrowest of majorities in the House and a 50-50 Senate that required EVERY member of their caucus to agree in order to push partisan legislation by a party vote. It was a bad choice.
They could have found common ground with some Republicans in order to accomplish at least some of their goals and do good things for the American people, but they instead chose to govern like they had overwhelming FDR-style Congressional majorities and try to rig the system to reinforce and retrench their own political power, understanding that what they were doing was going to outrage enough people that they wouldn't get a second bite at the apple any time soon. They failed and they deserved to fail. They deserve nothing more than gridlock until November and then a thorough thrashing at the ballot box. They have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
Yeah, that's nice but its never over till its over. If you trust Joe Manchin to do the right thing, you don't know fake-moderate Joe. Give him enough $$$ and he'll sell you out. Biden didn't meet his price - yet.
One can negotiate in good faith and not reach an agreement. Joe Manchin seems to have a conscience; good for him.
So ‘in good faith’ means that you have promised to knuckle under. Update your dictionary.
Manchin: "They’re just trying to make the adjustment for the time to fit the money or the money to fit the time,” Mr. Manchin said. “Not changing our approach, not targeting things we should be doing.”
Jen Psaki, for the President:
"Senator Manchin’s comments this morning on FOX are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances.... Senator Manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework “in good faith.”... If his comments on FOX and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate."
Both parties must negotiate in good faith. Manchin explained why the President did no such thing.
Yesterday or Friday, Manchin politely called Biden a liar when Biden said Manchin told him he only differed on a few details.
Biden and Psaki lie, and verifiably so, but "fact checkers" aren't checking the left.
What an asshole (and I am referring to Manchin)
Senator Manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework “in good faith.”
In good faith? Is not Senator Manchin a Democrat?
Wait --I should listen to this Psaki creature? The truth is not in her.
I've tried everything humanly possible. I can't get there.
Which is a euphemism for It-ain't-polling-well?
Joe Manchin is a hero. Plain and simple. He has saved the country.
Gregory T. Angelo@gregorytangelo
"Privately Senator Sinema has been telling people it’s not just her and Manchin who are opposed to #BuildBackBetter — many of their Democrat colleagues are opposed as well, but afraid to speak up. She tells them they’re “hiding behind her skirt"
1:51PM 19 Dec 21
What that means is that there are apparently more democraticals secretly against the marxist BBB ploy than republicans who are secretly for it, such as Romney, Murkowski, McConnell, Sasse, etc.
Note to the Brandon administration: Do not bite the hand that feeds you. Publicly attacking Senator Manchin is not going to make him more likely to support you.
Democrats should primary Manchin. I will order some popcorn.
He will be their POTUS nominee in 2014.
Be wary of wolves in sheep's clothing.
What an asshole (and I am referring to Manchin)
Isn't it wonderful that the Leftists have such intellectual and moral superiority?
Thank God for Manchin! Time for him to switch to the Republican party and REALLY screw up Biden's BBB.
"What an asshole (and I am referring to Manchin)"
Yes, actually doing what the people who voted for you want you to do is definitely asshole behavior. He should have rejected their wishes and voted for a bill that includes one of biggest tax breaks in history. Following sleepy Joe and Nancy the P over the cliff is the way to go.
Drago said...
Gregory T. Angelo@gregorytangelo
"Privately Senator Sinema has been telling people it’s not just her and Manchin who are opposed to #BuildBackBetter — many of their Democrat colleagues are opposed as well, but afraid to speak up. She tells them they’re “hiding behind her skirt"
1:51PM 19 Dec 21
What that means is that there are apparently more democraticals secretly against the marxist BBB ploy than republicans who are secretly for it, such as Romney, Murkowski, McConnell, Sasse, etc.
What this means is that the rats are jumping ship.
Nobody supports President Shitshispants except a good solid 30% of the below average IQ people with or without college degrees. Basically journalists and school teachers and other welfare recipients.
If you don't have serious skin in the game it is too embarrassing to be a democrat these days.
“Did Dopey Joe score an own goal by predicting a win? Not really. Once you have let inflation out of the bag, it wanders around that landscape blowing things up. The only cure that has been shown to work involves a eye-watering interest rates and a real slow-down.”
“Those geniuses that developed "modern monetary theory" are shown to be the idiots that anyone who knew the history of the 1970s and 1980s thought they were. We had Venezuela and Zimbabwe right in front of us.”
Very much respectfully disagree. The same solution that worked so well for the Fed in 1979-1981 or so would work just fine now - which was to target the money supply. Under LBJ, Nixon, Ford, and Carter, the Fed had been targeting interest rates. That failed spectacularly. The thing to keep in mind is that actual interest rates include an inflation expectation. The higher the inflation, the higher the actual interest rate (ignoring that it can be manipulated short term through other tools available to the Fed - but those tools can only be pushed so far). This has to be true, because no one rationally loans money unless they can expect to get at least their inflation adjusted back in the end. The basic problem is that the Fed has taken their eyes off of the money supply, again looking at interest rates, while letting the money supply balloon due to out of control deficit spending by our government, that the Fed is instrumental in funding, with that funding by the Fed causing much of the growth in the money supply. Quit deficit spending at the level we are currently doing it, and inflation will quickly disappear.
Maybe he read "Of Tyrants and Trillions," by Theodore Dalrymple.
Maybe he read "Of Tyrants and Trillions," by Theodore Dalrymple.
Maybe he read "Of Tyrants and Trillions," by Theodore Dalrymple.
Imagine if Joe Biden had tried to govern as the moderate he pretended to be, but the 'progressives' were just wearing "Joe from Scranton" as a skin suit. They don't give a flying fuck about his corruption, it's just a cost of doing business for them.
I don't think Manchin is alone in the Democrat Senate. I think Sinema is a NO, and if so, so is Kelly. There's also Tester, Coons Hassan, Cortez Masto and possibly Kaine and Warner.
I was listening to Howie Carr the other day. He had the head of the New Hampshire Republican Party on, talking about their Democrat senator, Maggie Hassan. Joe Biden came to New Hampshire and praised Hassan for "working harder than anybody to get this legislation done."
The Republican pointed out that New Hampshire is dead last of all 50 states in the amount of $$ that it will get from the bill, and noted that Hassan seems to be working a lot harder for her party than for her constituents. He went on to detail various indications that her allegiances were with DC rather than New Hampshire, etc.
New Hampshire is a very purple back and forth Dem/Republican state. I suspect that there are a lot of wavering senators who are getting similar messages back home, with poll results to back it up. .
Yes--I know that they can't all be "dead last."
Fun fact. Manchin is not only the only Democrat who has won a statewide election from his state, he is the only person representing West Virginia in either house of Congress who is not a Republican. The most left-leaning confessional district in the state, the narrow, snake-like 2nd, is rated R+20.
After years of demonstrating the success of "persuasion by bullying and name-calling," the tactic suddenly fails when it is most needed. That's just unfair. And, though I can't quite put my finger on why, it is somehow Trump's fault. Maybe the syllogism is: This is unfair; Trump takes actions to promote unfairness; therefore this is Trump's doing.
Kind of wondering who is threatening or perhaps paying off Manchin?
They could have found common ground with some Republicans
And what exactly would that common ground have included? More tax cuts for the rich?
Freder Frederson said...
They could have found common ground with some Republicans
And what exactly would that common ground have included? *More* tax cuts for the rich?
You mean *more* than what the Democrats are already proposing - repeal of SALT deduction cap?
You need to update your talking points.
Field Marshall Freder Frederson: "And what exactly would that common ground have included? More tax cuts for the rich?"
Seriously, how can you be this stupid?
Tax the rich? Maybe not. Democrats' spending plan could be a tax cut for the rich, budget watchdog finds
Democrats' $1.75 trillion economic and climate bill could end up delivering a tax cut for the richest 5% of Americans, a new analysis finds.
The Build Back Better framework released by the White House last week calls for tax increases on the richest families, including a surtax on multi-millionaires and billionaires.
Although it wasn't addressed in the framework, some observers expect the package will eventually include a repeal of the $10,000 cap on the federal deduction for state and local taxes, known as SALT. Some Democrats have said they won't vote for the legislation without action on the SALT cap, which has been a particular issue in California, New York, New Jersey and other high-tax states.
The bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found in an analysis released Friday that repealing the SALT cap would more than offset the planned tax hikes on the rich."
Corporal (Freder rated a demotion) Freder Frederson: "What an a**hole (and I am referring to Manchin)"
Not going along with the marxists now qualifies as being an a**hole according to a**hole marxists.
Which at least is a coherent political assessment framework.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...What an asshole (and I am referring to Manchin)
Since you are now a piece of shit, having passed through Sen. Manchin's alimentary canal and seeing first-hand his asshole, I'll take your word for it.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Democrats should primary Manchin. I will order some popcorn"
As a Republican, I think this is a mighty fine idea. By all means, sideline the only Democrat capable of winning national office in West Virginia. The future Republican Senatorial nominee, as well as the future Republican Senate majority leader, thank you for your support. I think I will get some popcorn too.
Freder Frederson said...
> They could have found common ground with some Republicans
And what exactly would that common ground have included? More tax cuts for the rich?
No, the Democrats repeal of the limit on the SALT deduction provided that.
The "common ground" with Republicans would have been getting rid of all of the policy proposals (no, we're not going to amnesty a large number of illegal aliens), and lose a bunch of the graft fo the Democrat side, replacing with with some graft for the Republican side.
It's a 50-50 Senate. It's a 51-49 House. The graft should be going no more than 55 -45 to your side.
But you all are a bunch of greedy pigs. So now you're going to get nothing
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