December 29, 2021

"Ghislaine Maxwell convicted of trafficking girls for Jeffrey Epstein."

 WaPo reports.

At trial, prosecutors argued that the teenagers, who were as young as 14 during their encounters with Epstein, expected Maxwell to be a buffer and chaperone between them and the much older multimillionaire. Instead, Maxwell facilitated massage appointments and gave instructions on what Epstein liked, the now-grown women said. She also sometimes arranged their flights and other travel details when they visited his homes.Three of the four accusers who took the witness stand during the three-week trial in U.S. District Court in Manhattan said they also were subjected to unwanted sexual touching by Maxwell herself. The women described how Maxwell warmed them up to the idea of massaging Epstein by giving them lessons and instructions.

“Maxwell was a sophisticated predator who knew exactly what she was doing,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Alison Moe said during closing arguments on Dec. 20. “She caused deep and lasting harm to young girls.”

ADDED: The top-rated comment over there is about Trump: "There’s a special kind of lack of humanity in people who prey on children. Trump and Gaetz are similar. Lock them both up. Despicable people." The next 2 highest-rated comments are also about Trump.


gilbar said...

Ghislaine Did NOT Commit Suicide!!!

Achilles said...

Did the FBI manage to find all of her computers and safe houses and destroy everything?

Sebastian said...

"who were as young as 14 during their encounters with Epstein . . .. She also sometimes arranged their flights and other travel details when they visited his homes"

Haven't followed the trial, but how did this happen? Where did they live, and with whom? Why did they get on the plane? What did they think they were visiting for?

Big Mike said...


Leland said...

So WaPo wants us to believe it was all for Jeffrey Epstein, only.

Lexington Green said...

Trump is the horrible ex-boyfriend or ex-husband the lefties can never forget, the guy who slapped them around, and when he did it, he gave their life meaning. Good old nice guy Joe Biden, the non-threatening beta male, has moved into the house, but all they ever talk about is their horrible, vicious ex. It’s like they have a secret craving for him that they dare not speak aloud.

M said...

“ The top-rated comment over there is about Trump”

Is there any proof Trump had sexual relations with under aged girls? I have never heard anything substantive regarding this. Is it just more “everything bad reminds me of how much I hate Trump” leftardism?

Most child predators in political power or have great wealth are politically left. IDK about middle class or lower offenders but since the left is the “let everything hang out” ideology I would expect predators to gravitate to the left.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Juries are one of the few American institutions still getting it right most of the time.

Howard said...

Mission Accomplished. Someone will be punished, that door is closed, it's time to move on.

tim maguire said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...Juries are one of the few American institutions still getting it right most of the time.

Because they're not made up of experts or cultural influencers.

Avian said...

Where in the Hell were the parents of these girls? They are complicit too. Maxwell will
get some time, but a regular Federal Women's prison will
seem like heaven to her after being in the wretched lockup she is in

Achilles said...

”ADDED: The top-rated comment over there is about Trump: "There’s a special kind of lack of humanity in people who prey on children. Trump and Gaetz are similar. Lock them both up. Despicable people." The next 2 highest-rated comments are also about Trump.

Just standard "blue lies."

Jeffrey Epstein was already blatantly murdered while in jail. Everyone knows why he was murdered.

But there are still people out there that justify supporting a known rapist like Joe Biden who is obviously corrupt and completely illegitimate.

They supported Bill Clinton knowing that he was a sexual predator with victims going back decades. Everyone knows that Bill and dozens of other globalist leftist icons were just evil men who raped women and underage girls.

Everyone knows what is going on. But they still knowingly support evil. They have to tell lies like this to justify their position and the position of their tribe.

But they just want "normal" right Ann?

PM said...

Wonder who paid for Epstein's suicide?

LordSomber said...

"Trump is the horrible ex-boyfriend or ex-husband the lefties can never forget, the guy who slapped them around, and when he did it, he gave their life meaning. Good old nice guy Joe Biden, the non-threatening beta male, has moved into the house, but all they ever talk about is their horrible, vicious ex. It’s like they have a secret craving for him that they dare not speak aloud."

Otherwise known as "Alpha Widows".

Dave Begley said...

Wondering when Maxwell starts naming names and giving details. I want to know more about Bill Clinton. At this point, what difference does it make?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Atlantic hardest hit...

Link to Atlantic piece, calling child sex-traffic a fake epidemic.

Then again, i guess you could have a child predator here and there and not necessarily be an epidemic. As long as its "not my kid" 🤷‍♂️

Richard Dillman said...

I think the prosecutors could have negotiated a deal with her in exchange for information on Epstein’s relationship with ex-presidents and some royals. Moreover, Maxwell might not last very long in prison.

Owen said...

I have to think that quite some time ago Ghislaine took out some insurance in the form of incriminating documents and videos etc that would implicate a lot of important people. And she let it be known that these records were in a safe place. With a deadman's switch. So that it would behoove the important people to make sure she was not badly treated or accidentally allowed to strangle herself in her cell.

So it will be interesting to see how much time she serves, under what conditions.

Maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe she did all this, but ends up like her boss despite her efforts.

Pass the popcorn.

More seriously, I'd like to see some restitution for the kids whose lives she helped to ruin.

Joe Smith said...

'Is there any proof Trump had sexual relations with under aged girls?'


But there is evidence that Joe was playing 'hide the loofa' with his daughter...

Maynard said...

10 years from now we will hear about the politicians who were screwing teenage girls and how they were blackmailed. That's about the time we will hear that Joe Biden was the most corrupt politician is US history.

It was Bill Clinton (the intellectual force in the Democrat party) who described this as "telling the truth slowly".

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

Mission Accomplished. Someone will be punished, that door is closed, it's time to move on.

I wonder how long it will take for her suicide to occur? Days? Weeks?

It sure didn't take long for Whitey Bulgar. Hours.

n.n said...

10 years from now we will hear about the politicians who were screwing teenage girls and how they were blackmailed.

Yes, basically a cover-up, with, apparently, compelling interests. A sex reversal from Weinstein and his famous and less female accomplices and defenders. And a #MeToo moment a la Polanski.

Mary Beth said...

10 years from now

Ten years? I'm not that optimistic. I think it will take much longer.

Unknown said...

No plea bargaining for Ms. Maxwell. She has no information the prosecutors want you to know.

Gahrie said...

More seriously, I'd like to see some restitution for the kids whose lives she helped to ruin.

I'd like to see some punishment for the men who ruined their lives.

Drago said...

Unknown: "No plea bargaining for Ms. Maxwell. She has no information the prosecutors want you to know."

And who is one of those "prosecutors"/cover up artists?

James Comey's daughter.

Because of course she is.

Ghislaine Maxwell: guilty of sex trafficking underage girls...for many well known and "important" people...who will forever remain "unknown".

Of course, in order to tie this operation iff completely, Maxwell will have to experience a very "unfortunate" and "unexpected" demise under controlled conditions.

Probably shivved repeatedly while in the shower.

Drago said...

Avian: "Where in the Hell were the parents of these girls?"

Parent, not parents.

They targeted girls of single parent homes.

rcocean said...

The Judge has the details of the verdict SEALED. This whole trial was designed to do the minimum neccessary to convict maxwell while exposing as little as possible of Epstein's crimes and behavior of Prince Andrew, Clinton, and "Desh" among others.

Mr. Hillary Clinton visited Epstein's island 28 times. He's been ID'd there. Its so nice that the Center-Right doesn't want to discuss it. Bad form doncha know. Must always be Gentlemen, even when the otherside never reciprocates. Better to lose, than be undignified. Our reward will be in knowing We've been so nice.

Drago said...

Achilles: "Did the FBI manage to find all of her computers and safe houses and destroy everything?"

Yes they did.

The NYC home, the New Mexico complex and the island getaway.

And all that information is now safely buried with Hunter's laptop, Hunter's gun, Ashley Biden's diary, etc.

Its almost like there is a pattern to how our corrupted democratical-allied Praetorian-FBI operates.....

rcocean said...

Now we'll await the sentence. Given the Establishment ties of the Judge, you can expect a slap on the wrist. Which will be appealed. And if even she goes to Jail, her powerful friends will work on a pardon. I'd expect one in Dec 2024 when Biden leaves office.

Yancey Ward said...

"But there is evidence that Joe was playing 'hide the loofa' with his daughter..."

Still peddling that story? The only proof was a fake diary falsely claimed to be written by Biden's daughter. A fake diary the FBI raided James O'Keefe's home to obtain for perfectly innocent reasons, I tell you!

Yancey Ward said...

Here is how Maxwell's plea bargaining session went:

"Ok, Ms. Maxwell, do you have any information relating to Donald Trump?"

"No, but I have information about Bill Clin....."

"I don't mean to interrupt you, but that sounds like a no. We are done here. Take her back to her cell."

rcocean said...

Just wait, in no time at all, the Leftwing historians and writers will get to work, and by 2030, the established story will be that Trump got together with Epstein to molest young girls on his island. And Trump's FBI Director and AG put poor innocent Ms. Maxwell in jail to cover it up.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, it won't take that long rcocean.

effinayright said...

Michael K said...
Blogger Howard said...

Mission Accomplished. Someone will be punished, that door is closed, it's time to move on.

I wonder how long it will take for her suicide to occur? Days? Weeks?

It sure didn't take long for Whitey Bulgar. Hours.

Huh? Whitey Bulger died in prison about five years after he went in, in 2014. It was right after a transfer to a different prison in 2018 that he was killed, by being beaten with a padlock placed inside a sock.

(Odd coincidence: I've always found that a sock full of quarters is very useful in keeping my feral children at bay)

MikeD said...

@Dave Begley; One would think if she was going to expose others it would've been done in a plea deal? Of course, as the Chief Prosecutor was traitorous Comey's niece, they'd not want any closeted skeletons released. The Arkacide Gang can now take care of the problem?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

“The top-rated comment over there is about Trump”

Hey, those sex crimes by Democrat politicians don't cover themselves up, the faithful have to chime in!

I agree with Ace:
1: If she had anything on Trump, we would have heard it
2: If they kill her in jail, it will blow back on them, hard

Note: Biden can give out pardons to everyone involved. What that then means is they have no 5th Amendment right not to talk about everything they did, and everything they saw.

Be it Trump or Desantis, the 2025 President will be cleaning up on this.

Heck, GOP Senate committees will have subpoena power in just over a year

Browndog said...

I see we're all going to dance around the fact politicians/wealthy/upper society engage in sexual deviance on a structural scale not publicly documented since Rome-

This is not a court case. This is evil. This cannot stand.

It will not, as it can not.

Bilwick said...

This just in: America's "Newspaper of Record" (as Instapundit calls the Babylon Bee) reports that Ghislaine Maxwell, having been found guilty, has been sentenced to ten minutes alone with Hillary Clinton. Has that judge no mercy?

Kevin said...

No plea deal proves there’s no evidence against Trump.

Drago said...

Greg: "Heck, GOP Senate committees will have subpoena power in just over a year"

If republicans take the Senate next year, Romney, McConnell, Cassady, Sasse et al will be working overtime to ensure no democraticals are held to account for anything.

In fact, you can bet there will be some back door deals cut with Rubio types to go after Trump and DeSantis. That will consume all the republicans time from 22-24.

Tom T. said...

"Is there any proof Trump had sexual relations with under aged girls?"

To the contrary, Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago for hitting on someone's underage daughter. He was also cited by the lawyer for one of the victims as the only person willing to help in connection with some earlier litigation in 2009. One years about Trump flying on Epstein's plane, but those flights were domestic hops between Florida and New York. I don't think Trump has been shown ever to have flown to the island.

David Begley said...

The biggest mystery in the Universe - at least to me - is why does Hillary stay married to Bill?

Tom T. said...

Further, it was of course the Trump Justice Department that arrested Epstein and Maxwell.

Drago said...

David Begley: "The biggest mystery in the Universe - at least to me - is why does Hillary stay married to Bill?"

Its always been a political arrangement.

Open marriage, they dont live together, they almost never have to see each other, etc.

Its a very modern lefty arrangement.

Quaestor said...

Juries are one of the few American institutions still getting it right most of the time.

Hmmm... Let's do the math.

Jussie Smollett, justice done, 1 point.

Kyle Rittenhouse, justice done, 1 point.

Ghislaine Maxwell, justice done, 1 point.

Kim Potter, justice faltered, 0 points.

Derek Chauvin, justice corrupted, -2 points.

Over a period of fewer than 24 months, America has had five criminal trials of international interest, and my mostly unbiased aggregate positive justice rating is 1. As a citizen of an avowedly free and open republic, I'm ashamed to hang my hat on that statistic.

albert venn dicey said...

The age of consent in my country Bulgaria and in many European countries is 14. Her crimes do not seem that heineous to me :-)

William said...

Here are some un-pc thoughts that I cannot speak aloud....Did all those girls have their lives ruined? Epstein was about as good looking as Charley Chaplin (who also had a thing for underage girls) and Epstein paid better. I think a lot of the girls cashed their check and moved on with their lives without undue trauma....Apparently lots of famous and important people visited Fantasy Island, but Prince Andrew is the only name that gets dropped. I get the sense that the authorities are not pursuing these figures with any great zeal. Interesting that the trial comes to a conclusion during Christmas Week when the attention of most people is directed elsewhere.....Ghislaine will probably receive an extremely stiff sentence. I don't think she was the worst criminal in this enterprise. I wonder if the feminists will come to her defense.....Wasn't Epstein doing pretty much what Hefner was doing at the Playboy Mansion, albeit with girls who were four or five years older?

Bunkypotatohead said...

She'll be employed at CNN soon.

Dr Weevil said...

DB (8:38pm):
I'm far from the first to point this out, but the reason Bill and Hillary will never divorce is that spouses cannot be forced to testify against each other.

Owen said...

Browndog @ 7:23: What you said.

This is ultimately just some evil s***.



Wilbur said...

I think she was doomed when the jury heard she was named "Ghislaine".

BUMBLE BEE said...

Of course the records are sealed, Hillary is going to run in 2022.

rastajenk said...

Hillary is going to run for what?

ElPresidenteCastro said...

Prosecutor Maurene Comey didn’t seem interested in expanding the investigation to determine the names of other power players they were raping 14 year olds.

Comey…Comey, where have I hear the name Comey? It would be so odd if it was the same family as James Comey. Seems like a
conspiracy theorists would be agitated f she turned out to be James Comey’s daughter.

I wish I were a member of this club. A Praetorian FBI having my back would really be helpful.

Daniel Jackson said...

Well, whatever else, she's a pro at what she does: like a Captain going down with The Ship, The Madame goes down with the bordello. It's her job to take the rap. She does it quite well at that.

Still, I am saddened that given all the sorry men involved in this story, it is the Woman who takes the rap. It makes for an excellent Morality Play of our times: whoever has not sinned cast the first stone. The public will stone this woman, have at its way with all its self-righteousness, forgetting about the Clients who used her and her services in the course of time.

As The Good Book says: "And the Sons of Judges saw the Daughters of People and took them for themselves." (Genesis 6:2)

Or, in the words of the Talking Heads, "Same as it EVER WAS."

Richard said...

WRT a life insurance policy. To push a metaphor, those pay off after death. Sorry.
I kept waiting for Epstein's death claim to be paid...... Nada. So he was, although plugged in to the worst of the corrupt State, not aware that they'd take apart everything he owned?
His effort to hide the policy from the operatives of the State was inadequate?

Hell, give a guy a dozen envelopes to various sites and a hundred bucks for postage. If anything happens to me, buy a bunch of stamps and throw these in the mail.
Maybe a dozen guys.
No records, no notes to self, no computer entries.

And we have nothing, which presumably was known to whomever wanted him dead. They KNEW there was no dead man switch outside of that which could be swept up instantly.
Maxwell apparently had some ties to Big Intel and perhaps had better trade craft than Epstein had or wanted to take seriously.
Hope so.
Our church supports a shelter for women coming out of being trafficked. A couple are younger than may granddaughters. My widely-admired sense of charity does not apply in certain circumstances.

Old and slow said...

Blogger albert venn dicey said...

The age of consent in my country Bulgaria and in many European countries is 14. Her crimes do not seem that heineous to me :-)


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