December 12, 2021

Chris Wallace is leaving "Fox News Sunday" to work on CNN's new streaming platform, CNN+.

NBC News reports. 
"I want to try something new to go beyond politics, to all the things I’m interested in. I’m ready for a new adventure."...  He noted that when he joined the network, he was promised by Fox News executives that they would not interfere with his work and that they have "kept that promise."...

Jeff Zucker, CNN chairman, described it as a rare opportunity to bring someone of Wallace's "caliber" to such a new project.... 


madAsHell said...


I can't even imagine the lame.

God of the Sea People said...

Imagine leaving Fox News for CNN. 😂

rehajm said...


Fandor said...

Good. Chris Wallace's star needs to be swallowed up into the black hole of CNN.
Don't let the blast off kick you in the groin, Chris!
To oblivion and beyond!

Kevin said...

I’m ready for a new adventure."... He noted that when he joined the network, he was promised by Fox News executives that they would not interfere with his work and that they have "kept that promise."...

Attempting to do the news at CNN will definitely be an adventure.

Lars Porsena said...

Chris Wallace leaves Fox for CNN+...never to be seen again.

cfs said...

I hope they aren't expecting to draw Fox viewers over to CNN, because if so, they are to be sorely disappointed. Conservatives have been wanting Fox to get rid of Wallace for years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN? How embarrassing.

Achilles said...

A good little oligarch drone gets a sinecure.

He is not really memorable for anything of value.

effinayright said...'s the first time I've seen a rat jumping ONTO a sinking ship.

Wince said...

Does Zucker think Wallace will bring FoxNews viewers with him?

William said...

Now more than ever joining CNN adds that last bit of polish to the luster of a journalist's name. It's not as glamorous as being a frequent flier with Jeff Epstein but it's in that league.

wendybar said...

A good step for him. He will fit right in with all the liars and progressives currently ruining CNN.

Original Mike said...

"Chris Wallace is leaving "Fox News Sunday""

I left before he did.

Jim Gust said...

Who would ever pay for CNN+? Why?

Shades of Air America.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd say it would be a positive if CNN would ditch the leftist bent (pro one party/ pro one narrative for that party) and become real unbiased news. I do not hold out much hope and I doubt this will help.

Jersey Fled said...

The new Sheppard Smith.

Temujin said...

Chris is clearly taking the high road in his move to CNN.

Just kidding. Chris is obviously so enamored with money and popularity at DC and New York cocktail parties that he's finally decided to toss away any last bit of respectability and throw in with the network that made pedophilia a promotion value.

Just viewing the image of Jeff Zucker makes me feel the need for a shower.

Drago said...

God of the Sea People: "Imagine leaving Fox News for CNN."

Not CNN. CNN+......LOL

The CNN streaming service....where Wallace will be required to generate his own viewership instead of just inheriting the ever shrinking viewership Wallace had at Fox due to Wallace's clear democratical partisanship.

Like Shep Smith, who found out the hard way that he really has zero ability to draw viewership of his own once he left Fox and landed at CNBC, Wallace is about to find out the hard way that no one really wants to listen to him. Not conservatives and certainly not his fellow democraticals. Ah, the deepest cut of all, eh?

The jig is up for these guys, including Bret Baier who had to be "told", via non-contract renewal of the hapless and moronic Jonah Goldberg and Steve Hayes (Baier's college roommate), that it was time to cut loose the deadwood.

Baier sucked it up and went along because, what else is he going to do? Baier couldn't even command loser Shep Smith's CNBC numbers outside of a Fox studio.

The. Jig. Is. Up.

The masks are all off, particularly after Wallace's playing Biden Press Secretary at the previous presidential "debates", which establishment "republican" Frank Fahrenkopf, co-Chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates helped make sure Biden would be protected in via debate topics (which were changed at the last minute) and debate procedures (which were changed at the last minute).

Changed at the last minute....hmmmm, similar to the voting rules changes the democraticals and establishment republicans shoved thru in 2020 using COVID as the excuse.

Chris Lopes said...

He was probably offered an insane amount of money to be the star of what is likely the stupidest streaming service in all creation. No one is watching their cable channel, but yeah there are hoards of people who want to add yet another streaming service that they won't be watching either. It's like throwing a drowning man an anchor.

Drago said...

Lars Porsena: "Chris Wallace leaves Fox for CNN+...never to be seen again."

Don't be too sure.

Tater Stelter brings on..........(wait for it)....(wait for it).... Dan Rather onto "Reliable Sources"!! To talk about Journalistic "integrity" and "truth telling"!!

Wallace will get a few spots here and there as a "thank you" for all the work he put in for Team Dem over the years while playing "moderate" "middle of the road-er" in advancing the dems narratives and plans.

Jaq said...

His ability to studiously ignore that which is right under his nose has landed him a job where that ability is highly prized in "journalists."

I might start watching Fox again, if I hadn't already cut the cord, and if I saw any reason to go back.

effinayright said...

I'm not worried about Wallace landing on his feet----look how Shemp Smith has been vaulting from success to success...

Oh wait...........

David Begley said...

Perfect move. He can fail in spectacular fashion.

Amadeus 48 said...

CNN+--why, it's just like FoxNation. When I canceled the Chicago Tribune, I signed up for FoxNation for two years. It is an interesting melange of stuff.

By the way, I watched Patriot Purge, and I thought it was disjointed and unconvincing. But the criticism of Fox News that it "let its opinion stars make false, paranoid claims against [the president], his administration and his supporters" sounds like the CNN/MSNBC news feed during the Trump administration.

Yancey Ward said...

The Debate Commission will need to find another fake Republican to moderate one of the debates.

Joe Smith said...

Everything he does will be tainted by politics. He won't be able to escape it, nor will he wish too.

Good riddance, jerk.

Drago said...

Amadeus: "By the way, I watched Patriot Purge, and I thought it was disjointed and unconvincing. But the criticism of Fox News that it "let its opinion stars make false, paranoid claims against [the president], his administration and his supporters" sounds like the CNN/MSNBC news feed during the Trump administration."

Interestingly, criticisms of "Patriot Purge" tend to be just as disjointed and, unsurprisingly, quite non-specific....quite purposefully and intentionally non-specific.

Sort of like Adam's Schiff's claims for 5 years that he had seen clear and convincing evidence of russia collusion...but it was all classified so you can't see the obvious and clear and irrefutable evidence!

Darn it!

Drago said...

Chris Lopes: "He was probably offered an insane amount of money to be the star of what is likely the stupidest streaming service in all creation."

Insider wags are now speculating that it was Wallace who was feeding stuff to Stelter for Stelter's ridiculous book which attacked Fox news because, goodness knows, there is nothing happening at CNN that would interest a "journalist" (LOL) like Stelter who hosts "Reliable Sources"!

farmgirl said...

Good luck…
Enjoy your political freedom… heh

rcocean said...

So, the LIberal Democrat who was "unfair and unBalanced" and helped get Biden elected is now leaving the Fake-conservative Network to work at the Completely liberal/left Network.

Good for him. Honesty is the best policy. what liberal democrat is Fox going to put in his place? Maybe when he's over at CNN he can do a special on the "Bravery of the Nevertrumpers".

rcocean said...

I hope Chris that one benefit of working for CNN is that you can Jack off in front of your co-workers.

retail lawyer said...

I haven't seen him in years. I rely on Ann to watch this stuff for me.

Bender said...

Wallace can stop huffing about integrity now.

Drago said...

Undeniable Truth: Wallace leaves Fox, Paul Ryan hardest hit.

pacwest said...

Most likely a "don't let the door hit you on the way out" separation. CBS ABC NBC Sunday news shows were about 3 million viewers. FOX was at 1.2 million.

With the built-in viewership FOX has (Carlson gets 4 million weekdays) he was way underperforming.

readering said...

Wallace is 74. Does not seem like a big deal to me. Assuming the job is Baer's if he wants it.

Critter said...

I don’t watch Wallace’s show, but see clips and read analyses. It seemed to me that about two years ago after Murdoch’s sons (lefties) assumed control of the news organization, that Wallace came out of the “fair and balanced” closet and became openly partisan. I told my wife at the time that Wallace appeared to be auditioning for a leftist network. When I learned his contract was coming up, It only added to the strength of my belief. So no surprise at all for me to see him leave. The most interesting thing is that Wallace is moving to a venture that will compete with Tucker Carlson’s highly touted streaming features. I suspect that Wallace is as worried as the rest of the left that Tucker is setting narratives effectively for the conservative side of issues and needs to be countered from the left.

Iman said...

Good riddance to Wallace and his thufferin’ thuccotath delivery.

Skeptical Voter said...

Adios Chris--it's not like I've been watching you very much, unless you pop up at say a Presidential debate where you can answer questions for Joe. But with this move, I'll not be seeing you again--ever. No loss to me.

ALP said...

We just saw the latest South Park "Post Pandemic Special". Set in South Park's future, every store/business whatever has "+" or "Plus" or "Max" appended to the business name. Since that viewing, I see this EVERYWHERE now.

If you can't beat them, join them. I will legally change my name to:

Mary Max (first name) Smith+ Rewards Program (last name)

Ann Althouse said...

I stopped watching the Sunday shows years ago. I don’t watch any political shows on tv.

Static Ping said...

A move that improves the stature of both organizations.

Drago said...

Ann Althouse: "I stopped watching the Sunday shows years ago. I don’t watch any political shows on tv."

Wallace's Sunday show was already like a DNC live stream so you certainly werent missing anything there.

Drago said...

Seems like only yesterday when Wallace was imploring viewers not to think of Jussie Smollett's hoax as emblematic of the democraticals.

No no no. You see, Jussie's antics were just another isolated incident that had no greater context. At all.

Yep, good old "middle of the road-er" "straight shooter" "just calling balls and strikes" Wallace......

mikee said...

Nobody has yet compared Wallace's move to the classic meme of Spinal Tap's appeal becoming more selective, as they move to perform for smaller and smaller audiences? Pity.

Chris Lopes said...

"Tater Stelter brings on..........(wait for it)....(wait for it).... Dan Rather onto "Reliable Sources"!! To talk about Journalistic "integrity" and "truth telling"!!"

You Sir owe me a new irony meter.

madAsHell said...

How much does it cost to set up a streaming service? Does it need a studio?

What makes this compelling?

FullMoon said...

If ratings were actually important and beneficial, CNN would have moved to the right years ago.

Paul said...

CNN is going down the drain. Wallace is just more furniture to arrange on the CNN Titanic.

But I be he gets a nice paycheck!

rcocean said...

I stopped too. Assuming they say anything of interest, which is rare, you can read the trascript in 5 minutes.

I once analyzed a MTP episode several years ago, and found Chuck todd and the Panel, talked 70 percent of the time! And that's excluding commercials. The So-called "Newsmakers" are talking for 15 minutes.

What a waste of time.

rcocean said...

Wallace, like all the other leftists, starting screeching about "Insurrection" on Jan 6th and "There was no stolen election" the day after the election. They've done ZERO, and I mean ZERO, actual reporting to determine if the election was fair or there was an "insurrection"

Just that's no different then Wallace constantly attacked anyone who didn't believe Trump-Russia collusion or said that Saint Bob Mueller wasn't the most honest, objective, man to ever live.

He'll be right at home at CNN, since he's been spouting the CNN=MSNBC party line for 5 years.

DLH said...

Kinda reminds me of Benedict Arnold at West Point, I’m leaving Fox for the Vulture...

Chris Lopes said...

"How much does it cost to set up a streaming service? Does it need a studio?"

The service itself needs servers, lots of them. The pricey part is usually content. Most other services (even if they have a library of material) bleed money the first few years to produce new stuff. I don't know if CNN can really afford that kind of expense, but we will see.

guitar joe said...

I just don't see people paying to stream news. I see Fox moving its brand more in the Carlson/Hannity direction, and other news organizations will follow Fox's lead by aiming news at particular audiences because it's profitable.

Iman said...

I think back to Mr. Tony Snow. Now there was a good man. A lot of insight and a straight shooter, as well.

Achilles said...

CNN's largest revenue source is Billionaire Oligarch money.

So it doesn't really matter if Chris Wallace gets any viewers. Nobody else at CNN does either.

It is all just an effort to keep the proles focused on the right things.

HistoryDoc said...

Where are the people pining for more Chris Wallace?

His move is exactly analagous to the Goldberg/Hayes move. The hiring company thinks this will bring moderate repubs into the fold, but then are shocked to learn only later that outside of Washington DC, there is a miniscule audience for this.

And dems already have plenty of far more lefty talking heads on the roster.

wildswan said...

They keep changing names and hosts. Lefty media now is a sort of water park where names and reps go whirling and splashing down to the drowning pool. "Meghan who? Chris .. Wallace - I thought you said Chris Cuomo. Oh, yeah, last week. OK. And the new anchor is named Jussie? Oh, Jussie is an anchor. What?"

Tomcc said...

Count me among those that are dubious about the market for a CNN streaming service. With or without Mr. Wallace.

Darkisland said...

President Emeritus Trump has raised $1.5 Billion for Next month, I think, they will go live with a Facebook/Twitter/perhaps Google replacement. I read somewhere that Rumble, a YouTube replacement, will be part of the platform.

Seems to me that if he can raise $1.5bn for this, he would raise another couple of billion for Truth to buy CNN lock stock and barrel.

John Malone, who owns much of Liberty Media, perhaps the biggest cable provider is friends with PEDJT and is not a fan of CNN because they cost his company billions and many customers don't like it. He's got almost as much money as Trump and could go halfsies on the deal.

I can see and hear the tagline now "CNN: The most trusted name in news. Brought to you by Truth(tm)"

He could become network head in 2025 when he leaves the presidency. He likes to keep busy, this would give him an interest in his golden years.


Howard said...

Drago likes him some Juicy Fruit all day long. That's okay, Goose is getting his tailhook on.

lane ranger said...

Fox News viewers are grateful.

Michael K said...

I subscribed to FoxNation to watch Tucker Carlson's interviews, which are excellent. I did watch "Patriot Purge" and learned that the Capitol Police beat a woman to death in the tunnel. This was the woman described as a "meth overdose." Someday we may learn the truth but I wouldn't bet on it. Carlson is the only one I watch on TV except football. He sounds like a truth teller but who knows what the truth is?

gilbar said...

Chris who?

madAsHell said...

The service itself needs servers, lots of them.

Thank you. So, they're just doubling down on stupid. There is no cost efficiency.

I noticed in recent adverts that there is also an ESPN+. I can't imagine which attribute they might have enhanced.....and why would anyone pay for that???

ken in tx said...

I thought well of Wallace, based on his weekly appearance on the Mike Gallagher radio show, until the debates when he was so unfairly anti-Trump.

madAsHell said... I wanna pay for the stuff I get free at the airport.

Yancey Ward said...

There may be some money in CNN streaming. Sure, they don't have many viewers any more, but the ones they do have are as dumb as dogshit.

Kansas City said...

What was the likelihood that FOX was going to offer Wallace a new contract at 74 to continue doing FOX News Sunday?

Drago said...

Howard: "Drago likes him some Juicy Fruit all day long. That's okay, Goose is getting his tailhook on."

Howard considers himself "elite".

'nuff said.

Robert Cook said...

"I'd say it would be a positive if CNN would ditch the leftist bent (pro one party/ pro one narrative for that party) and become real unbiased news. I do not hold out much hope and I doubt this will help."

Remember...unbiased news will not always fit your belief system. Be careful what you ask for. Oh...but, you'll just dismiss it as "leftie bent" again.

Drago said...

Cookie: "Remember...unbiased news will not always fit your belief system. Be careful what you ask for. Oh...but, you'll just dismiss it as "leftie bent" again."

Shorter Cookie: CNN is unbiased.


Greg The Class Traitor said...

He noted that when he joined the network, he was promised by Fox News executives that they would not interfere with his work and that they have "kept that promise."...

And he's supposedly leaving because Fox News executives are giving teh same treatment to the much more highly rated Tucker Carlson.

IOW, like almost every other leftie, Wallace is a flaming hypocrite

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Robert Cook said...
Remember...unbiased news will not always fit your belief system. Be careful what you ask for. Oh...but, you'll just dismiss it as "leftie bent" again.

Says the guy who claims that the people running the Biden* Admin aren't actually "leftists".

An unbiased news network will report the news that the Left doesn't want covered. Which is why lefties hate everything that isn't as far to the left as they are.

Because they know their crap ideas can't survive hoest discussion and debate

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Thanks Ace and John Nolte:
For nearly 20 years, Chris Wallace has been the one and only Fox News name brutalized in the ratings.

Last week is a perfect example:

Face the Nation: 2.8 million viewers.
Meet the Press: 2.6 million
This Week: 2.5 million
Fox News Sunday: 1.2 million

So I’m not accused of cherry-picking, here are the ratings for the 2020-2021 season:

Face the Nation: 3.4 million
Meet the Press: 3.3 million
This Week: 3.1 million
Fox News Sunday: 1.3 million

Even I didn't realize exactly how low rated Wallace was

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