December 15, 2021

"An Associated Press review of every potential case of voter fraud in the six battleground states disputed by former President Donald Trump has found fewer than 475..."

"... a number that would have made no difference in the 2020 presidential election. Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and their 79 Electoral College votes by a combined 311,257 votes out of 25.5 million ballots cast for president. The disputed ballots represent just 0.15% of his victory margin in those states. The cases could not throw the outcome into question even if all the potentially fraudulent votes were for Biden, which they were not, and even if those ballots were actually counted, which in most cases they were not. The review also showed no collusion intended to rig the voting. Virtually every case was based on an individual acting alone to cast additional ballots.... Contacted for comment, Trump repeated a litany of unfounded claims of fraud he had made previously, but offered no new evidence that specifically contradicted the AP’s reporting. He said a soon-to-come report from a source he would not disclose would support his case, and insisted increased mail voting alone had opened the door to cheating that involved 'hundreds of thousands of votes.' 'I just don’t think you should make a fool out of yourself by saying 400 votes,' he said."


Achilles said...

They used force to illegally remove republican poll observers from counting stations.

At that point the election is illegitimate.


MikeD said...

I have very little faith in anything the AP puts out these days Heritage did an exhaustive survey on election "integrity". WI scored high!

Milo Minderbinder said...

One should expect nothing less from the Associated Press.

Mike Sylwester said...

Contacted for comment, Trump repeated a litany of unfounded claims of fraud he had made previously ....

AP could have omitted the word unfounded, but AP could not help itself.

AP cannot report its story in a professionally unbiased manner.

Achilles said...

I like how Ann also picked the most absurd story out of the bunch.

Only 475 fraudulent votes.

Joe ShitsHisPants totally got 81 million votes.


Meanwhile the democrats are trying to federalize elections. I kinda hope they get Manchin to cave and set the filibuster aside.

mikee said...

So those AZ precincts/towns with 2x more votes than population- not real or not sus?

MikeR said...

All I can say is that the article is not the least bit convincing. They asked election officials in each of the states about fraud, and were told in each of the states what the election officials thought might have been fraud, and wasn't. They mention that Republican officials think that there were "security gaps".
We all know that this is a court case between two parties. One of the parties includes the national media, who chose a side long ago. That side is making a claim here, and has done a study supporting their claim. But the other side doesn't trust them and will assume that the first side's study didn't bother to focus on the places where "security gaps" really happen.
When you have a court case you don't let one of the two sides try it themselves.

gahrie said...

Now explain the unprecedented events on election night in which the counting in four key states was stopped for various reasons, poll watchers sent home, and then counting resumed early that morning, without Republican poll watchers, when they figured out how many votes they needed to find for Biden to win.

William said...

I'm inclined to believe the AP story, but I've got some doubts. The credulous way they reported on the Russian collusion story and other hoaxes has subverted their credibility. Whether or not any votes were fraudulent, the media certainly did what they could to fix the election. Should you believe an Athenian who tells you all Athenians are liars? Should you believe the media when they report something negative about Trump?....None dare call it treason when it succeeds. At one time it was defamatory to call Bernie Madoff a fraud.....In his book on LBJ, Caro details how LBJ flooded the election with thousands of fraudulent votes and thereby won his first election to Senator. Of course, Biden and Democrats nowadays are so much more honest and upstanding that such a thing could never happen again.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Fewer than 475? That's an odd way to word it. Why not give the exact number? And only 475? That sounds INCREDIBLY low - you would expect more than that from just unintentional issues.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

While I don't believe that there was widespread voter fraud that changed the election outcome, it is absurd to claim that they reviewed every potential case of voter fraud.

Every single vote cast is a potential case of voter fraud. At most they checked cases that raised some red flag.

How many potential red flags are avoided by not requiring voter ID? By not purging voter roles? By allowing mail-in voting?

Readering said...

The basic themes from a year of comments here have been (1) no way could so many people vote for senile Biden, (2) the Democrats always cheat, so of course they stole the election from Trump, and (3) mail in voting was illegal and so the Democrats won illegally. No answer except from the most deluded on the courts rejecting all challenges. Trump's claim of some new eport being released soon that reveals all is at this point not worth commenting on.

If Oliver Stone can come out with a new documentary on 11/22/63, I suppose we can look forward to 2020 election documentaries in coming 60 years. Interesting that there has been no serious Trumpist documentary yet.

doctrev said...

Oh, the AP reported it. Guess that's settled. If anyone wants to devote serious horsepower to actual investigations, you could do worse than fully read these.

But some people are really lazy and entitled, relying mostly on unearned titles to grant some imaginary authority.

Two-eyed Jack said...

When I was young, it was commonly accepted that only a rube would think that the vote in Chicago, New Orleans, or Philadelphia (among other places) was on the level. Now we are told that thinking fraud in these places is vanishingly small is a mark of sophistication and clear thinking about our political processes.

Further, unsophisticated thinking can lead to serious consequences, like the "deadly Jan. 6 attempted insurrection" where the police beat one rube to death and shot and killed another.

wild chicken said...

Lol. Sounds about right.

Things you got to watch are tight local elections in places like Paterson or Atlanta. Any council or legis seat with a 7 vote margin will be recounted sometimes at the candidate's expense.

Always cracks me up when a candidate or supporter just can't believe he lost.

TeaBagHag said...

That's fascinating and all but patriot MAGAts won't accept this set of facts or anything else resembling truth or reason. They are too deep down the rabbit hole of this cult of willful, proud ignorance.
Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown

rehajm said...

'AP reports' - as credible as the people who report 'AP reports'.

Wince said...

Not much of a refutation.

The AP report seems limited to only dismissing "widespread" instances of individual voter fraud as insufficient to change the outcome of the election, while entirely ignoring potential instances of highly concentrated systemic insider election fraud.

The report does not seem to address allegations of corruption within the system, and the AP relies on those very same officials for its research.

For its review, AP reporters in five states contacted roughly 340 election offices for details about every instance of potential voter fraud that was identified as part of their post-election review and certification process.

Nowhere does it seem the AP raises much less attempt to refute the allegations surrounding systemic the late night ballot dumps, illegal changes in election procedures, observer lock-outs, absentee ballot and chain of custody irregularities.

rhhardin said...

Fraud committed by software is undiscoverable, even if you vet the source code. See Ken Thompson's Turing Lecture (On Trusting Trust) for the simple method, and variations of it.

who-knew said...

Not that interesting, even if true. Now let's see the AP go after the actual questions about the election: lack of legally signature verifications, political operatives "helping" nursing home residents vote, illegal ballot collection practices, and Zuck bucks taking over election administration (see Green Bay for example). Oh wait, I forgot, the 2020 election was the cleanest and most fairly conducted election in U.S, history.

Jim at said...

Said it before. I'll say it again.

Until someone can explain to me why five battleground states stopped updating vote totals at the same time - sent poll watchers home - and then three hours later miraculously had Biden in the lead, that election will always stink.

And they know it.

Fandor said...

The only fools are the American people who trust the lying AP and MSM to do any investigate reporting. Their "sources"are"in dispute". Our sources have arrived at a different conclusion. Well over 60 million voters believe the November 2020 presidential election was stolen by fraud in key voting districts within the battleground states. No one has proven it is not true. What was certified on January 6, 2021 was the complicity of Democrats and Republicans corruption. Both parties needed to cover up their dubious dealings,governing and looting of the American taxpayers that President Trump continued to expose. The outsider had to go. On that point both parties could agree.

Dave Begley said...

This is total and complete bullshit from Fake News AP.

Read Mollie Hemingway's "Rigged" to find out how some vote cheating was done.

The fucking news media is as fucking corrupt as it was in the USSR and is now in China. What the fuck is wrong with these people? We've got an incompetent and senile guy in the WH who is wrecking the country. Are these fuckheads happy about that?

Koot Katmandu said...

I am not convincible there was not major fraud in that election. Too many mail in ballets, too many changed rules do to COVID, Trump had the coat tails not Biden.

Looks like the elections were designed so they could not be audited. Also any party telling me no ID is required to vote is trying to cheat. No other reason.

Big Mike said...

I believe Trump before I believe the AP. The AP lost its reputation for veracity a looonnnnggg time ago.

Lurker21 said...

The AP reports that the AP found nothing wrong with the election.

I bet they really had to do a lot of digging and aggressive reporting to get the story.

Contacted for comment, Trump repeated a litany of unfounded claims of fraud he had made previously, but offered no new evidence that specifically contradicted the AP’s reporting.

It only seems fair -- the AP offered no new evidence that specifically contradicted Trump's claims.

Dave Begley said...

This "story" is so fucking duplicitous.

We know that there was all sorts of cheating in WI with the abuse of mail-in and absentee voting along with the dropboxes.

PA changed existing voting law and did not follow the PA Constitution to do so. I read the brief. And the PA Supreme Court opinion was perhaps the worst judicial opinion that I have ever read. The PA Supreme Court is elected and they did the political bidding of their masters. A total fucking disgrace.

Owen said...

Remind me why we should believe AP? Especially since this review comes a year and more after the event?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Really? They looked at every single absentee ballot envelope in Fulton County?

IIRC, the people doing lawsuits over this still haven't received all the data they've requested, that's legally required, and that is needed to prove / disprove fraud.

So, since AP does not have that data, we know their story is utter BS

cfkane1701 said...

Is this the same AP that "didn't know" that Hamas was working in the same building the were in on the Gaza Strip? Who were given plenty of time to leave the building before Israel knocked it to the ground, and then castigated Israel for barbarism?

At this point, if the AP reported the sky was blue, I would look up for confirmation.

I have no trust in that so-called news organization to examine evidence and report without bias.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I for one, Totally trust the AP. /

Tim said...

The mail votes in 6 states are highly suspect. The entire election stank to high heaven. You will note that they are trying very hard to keep Covid a national emergency so they can try to do a repeat of 2020...they know they cannot win a fair election. That is the opinion of over a third of the country. And it may be higher than that. I expect November 2022 is going to be a huge defeat for Democrats country wide. To the point that Illinois may regret its gerrymandering.

Howard said...

Send Money

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

AP? Yeah, that TOTALLY confirms it.

They also draw the definition of "fraudulent" very narrowly, which of course serves their Prog propagandistic purpose. Every vote that was counted after a high Court superceded the clearly written laws of a state was fraudulent.

Temujin said...

I'm sorry. Did you say, "the AP"?

They're certainly a non-corrupted media source to hone in on the issues with that election.

This fix is so in and so settled, so past the point of discovery that it's moot at this point. The task now is to never let these systems put in place to corrupt the elections to ever happen again. And to never let these clowns who installed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ever live down the current path of destruction they've set us on. And by 'these clowns' I mean every Democrat for two generations.

James K said...

In other news, the AP reports that only 0.1% of spouses cheat, based on counts of legal cases in which spouses were found to have cheated relative to the total number of married couples.

rcocean said...

If you believe AP you're an idiot. What "voter fraud" did they look at? Why didn't they look at the "fraud" 6 months ago or 9 months ago. How did they prove "Fraud"?

The key to this scam is to use the word "Fraud". what is "Fraud"? Its anything you want it to mean. Are illegal aliens voting 'fraud'? It depends. Are invalid votes "fraud"? Who knows. If some mail-in votes have signatures that dont' match "fraud'? Maybe. Are votes from people with no address or from out of state "fraud"? Maybe.

Invaild votes shouldn't count. But if you count Invalid votes is that "fraud"? Maybe. How could the AP determine if there was "fraud" when the Secretaries of State didn't give them access to all the voter data?

Only an audit can determine if there were invalid votes cast, not a few AP reporters trying NOT to find voter fraud so they can attack Trump.

Jonathan said...

They misspelled "provable."

Butkus51 said...


RMc said...

Believe the Associated Press, you deplorable racist!

Michael K said...

Obviously a highly trustworthy source. HAHAHAHA

PB said...

The AP is no longer an objective, credible news source. I ignore them.

Doug said...

"Associated Press". That's all you need to know.

madAsHell said...

Does anyone trust the Associated Press??

Joe Biden spent the entire presidential campaign in his basement with a face diaper, and screaming "Black Lives Matter".

He then won the election with more votes than Obama.

Today, he can barely read the teleprompter.

Tina Trent said...

We always had much higher number of dead voters in Fulton County (Atlanta) Georgia. Nobody dared to say so. People joked about it openly.

Paul said...

AP review? Hahahahahaha.

Jaq said...

I guess then that there is a comprehensive refutation of the report issued last week then, right? LOL

You know the motto of the Department of Just Us: "Curiosity killed the cat!"

What about the FBI? "End of story."

These kinds of propaganda stories are intended to release what I call "snip and cauterize" memes. These are short little phrases, backed up by nothing, that prevent any little sprig of curiosity from growing into an actual line of inquiry in the person infected with the meme. Cults use them too. That's why there is no actual rebuttal of the claims, "they are baseless!" Well then it should be child's play to write an article detailing the safeguards that were in place in the last election to prevent any of the kinds of fraud which are undetectable after the fact.

So, no Virginia, there is no refutation of those claims.

Kai Akker said...

So all those votes the Democrats were counting at 2 a.m. that night in Philadelphia, after sending the Republicans home with the assurances that the Democrats had stopped the counting -- all those hours of effort across so many precincts couldn't sum to more than 475?

Those poor Democrats. They need some more help from the Zuckabug.

Jupiter said...

Sounds legit.

Static Ping said...

And here we are again, pretending that a brand name of journalism that once held great prestige but has flushed it all down the toilet through a combination of ignorance, incompetence, bias, laziness, corruption, and outright maliciousness has any good will left and should simply be accepted at their word. The American mainstream press is, at best, exceedingly bad at their jobs and, at worst, liars. You might as well tell me this information came from the crazy person on the street corner wearing his underpants on his head. At least I could accept the loon actually believed his own nonsense sincerely.

To summarize, I do not care what the AP has to say about any subject whatsoever. See also: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, The Washington Post, the New York Times, etc.

So what has the North Korean press be harping on this week? At least their lies are creative. It takes real talent to come up with that level of nonsense.

Spiros said...

Ineligible votes are not necessarily "fraudulent." Intent determines whether the action is fraudulent or not. The AP identified 475 criminal dumb@sses. So what? What about the millions of people who are registered to vote in more than one state? And there are tens of millions of voter registrations with incorrect addresses.

I'm just uncomfortable with this election. Our country is big and boisterous. Biden is small and dull.

cubanbob said...

The AP is no more reliable than Pravda in the 1980's. The real tell is the resistance to the voting officials to actual full independent inspection. Another tell is how much effort the Democrats are making to make voting even less subject to subject to scrutiny making the possibility of fraud even more likely. A third of the country thinks there was fraud. That does not help make the government legitimate. Nothing good can come from that.

M said...

Those who doubt the vote totals decide nothing. Those who control the review of the vote totals decide everything.

I wouldn’t believe a Democrat if they told me the sun came up in the morning. Not because I believe in Trump or Republicans. But because Democrats, both politicians and voters, have been blatantly lying and then when caught in their lies laughing and going on as if nothing happened for the majority of my life. Not in the usual ways that people fudge things to work in their favor. But blatant, outright, in your face lying. In fact they use the law to force people to deny facts their eyes can see such as men in a dress are not women. Democrats are Big Brother. That is not hyperbole anymore. That is not even a little bit of exaggeration. In is fact. I can not just accept ANYTHING any Democrat says to me at face value. That is terrifying for our society.

Joe Smith said...

First, it's AP so...

Next, if they didn't do a proper audit, how would they know?

If you think the drop boxes in Atlanta were filled with nothing but legal ballots, I've go a bridge to sell you.

Joe Smith said...

'Lol. Sounds about right.'

We've been hearing for years now from the left that voter fraud is exceedingly rare, almost non-existent.

And yet here we are negotiating the number...

I'm Not Sure said...

People who really believe there was no voting fraud don't fight tooth and nail to prevent audits, they encourage them in order to prove to skeptics that what they claim to know is, in fact, true.

End of story.

cubanbob said...

Not being a lawyer I don't know the answer but could Congress in theory under the guarantee clause force the states into complying with legislation requiring photo ID, proof of residency of six months and a day to vote in a particular state and precinct, no ballot harvesting, absentee ballots only by written request, voter rolls cleared annually, absentee ballots must be postmarked no sooner than ten days before an election and received by election day. All mail in votes counted on election day before before the other ballots are counted. All precincts in a state to close at the same time and all precincts to report at the same time to each state secretary of state along with no reporting of results until 10pm Pacific time in national elections or 10pm in states with more than one time zone at 10pm in the zone that is one hour behind. Only US citizens can vote and those currently incarcerated denied the vote. The military vote I'm sure the Pentagon can come up with an electronic voting system for every precinct in the nation with a one time unique key for every service personnel. For US state cast ballots, paper ballots only with a unique number with a copy for the voter so incase there is suspect votes the numbers can be published and the voter can confirm what he/she voted if they choose to do so and every precinct with more than one tenth of a percent of suspected error doesn't get counted in the total vote of the county until the irregularities are properly accounted for and mandatory five year prison terms for those involved with intentional violations. If all of this can be implemented uniformly nationwide for federal. state and local elections the trust of the voters will be greatly increased no matter who or what wins. End of rant.

Aggie said...

An Associate Press review, huh?

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

The reaction to this is simple. You're a sheep if you take AP's word for it.

I'm Not Sure said...

"but could Congress in theory under the guarantee clause force the states into complying with legislation"

Based on what's been reported, it would appear Congress (or one party in Congress, anyway) is eager to pass legislation to make voting even less trustworthy than it currently is.

Joe Smith said...

'Not being a lawyer I don't know the answer but could Congress in theory under the guarantee clause force the states into complying with legislation requiring photo ID, proof of residency of six months and a day to vote in a particular state and precinct, no ballot harvesting, absentee ballots only by written request, voter rolls cleared annually, absentee ballots must be postmarked no sooner than ten days before an election and received by election day.'

I have to show my vaccine papers and my driver's license in order to sit down and eat a fucking taco.

But voting? Our most 'sacred' right? Racism!!

M Jordan said...

Sometimes I waver thinking, Look, let’s just admit they stole the election fair and square and move on, perhaps to steal one ourselves. But then I know we’ll never steal an election cause that’s not how Republicans roll. They just aren’t capable of that level of thuggery. Maybe Mitch McConnell is but the rest of them? Never.

So I take a more pragmatic view now. They stole the presidency and the Senate, they own everything. And they are starting to realize that. You thieves love you some inflation? Flash mob theft? Open borders? Covid deaths? Russian aggression? Men winning women’s swimming meets? White kids getting taught they’re sinners by birth? Masks forever? You better cause THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE STUCK WITH.

Feels good, man.

Michael K said...

No answer except from the most deluded on the courts rejecting all challenges. Trump's claim of some new eport being released soon that reveals all is at this point not worth commenting on.

Notice no mention of the expulsion of GOP election monitors in five states.

Also no mention of the courts rejecting all suits on STANDING, not merits.

I understand the Supremes did not want rioters at their homes. Discretion rather than courage.

Drago said...

Paul: "AP review? Hahahahahaha."

Ah yes. The AP. Those most intrepid of all intrepid news hounds!!

They couldn't figure out they were sharing a building with active hamas terrorists!!

Nothing gets by those guys!

And they AP is STILL humping Russia Russia Russia Hoax Collusion.

So, you know, those cats are as reputable as reputable can be.........


Big Mike said...

@I'm Not Sure, another way to put it is that Democrats certainly act guilty, do they not?

Danno said...

In his Best of the Web Today writings, James Taranto was pointing out the bias in AP's new accountability journalism as far back as 2008.

William said...

I do not know whether the Communist Part of China developed the coronavirus. The one thing I know with absolute certainty is that I do not trust anything the Communist Party of China says about how the virus developed.....I know with absolute certainty that the Democrats are capable of cheating and that the media is capable of covering for their cheating.

Gahrie said...

If all of this can be implemented uniformly nationwide for federal. state and local elections the trust of the voters will be greatly increased no matter who or what wins.

It would require a Constitutional Amendment. The Constitution explicitly gives the States the power to qualify voters and run elections within their states. That is why the 19th Amendment does not give women the right to vote. Instead it says you cannot deny the right to vote solely because someone is a woman. Similarly, the 15th says you cannot deny someone the right to vote because of race or condition of servitude.

Ray - SoCal said...

If WI scored high, then it's even worse in other states.

HA, CA, NY, NJ, and Il were at the bottom. For some reason Democratic Run States are all at the bottom.

I wonder why...

MikeD said...

I have very little faith in anything the AP puts out these days Heritage did an exhaustive survey on election "integrity". WI scored high!

effinayright said...


No answer except from the most deluded on the courts rejecting all challenges.

If you knew how courts work you would know that almost every case filed was dismissed for one reason or another without allowing the process of "discovery", "a pre-trial procedure in a lawsuit in which each party, through the law of civil procedure, can obtain evidence from the other party or parties by means of discovery devices such as interrogatories, requests for production of documents, requests for admissions and depositions.

So none of those cases were rejected "on the merits".

effinayright said...

Here in Mass. our idiot GOP regularly sends out shakedown letters stating that if I am really worried about "voter ID" issues, I should IMMEDIATELY send them money-----when they sit with their thumbs up their asses not screaming bloody murder about mail-in ballots, which were used extensively in the last election, or the infuriatingly STUPID mask mandates.

It's odd: we used to brag about Mass. having Harvard, MIT, Mass General, the Lahey Clinic, lots of big biotech and computer firms...yet somehow we elect cretinous pols like Ed Markey, Liawatha Warren, John Kerry, Ted (PissBUH) Kennedy, and a host of other Dem chair moisteners..

We may call Boston "The Cradle of Liberty", but Liberty was strangled in its crib here a long time ago.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m sure the AP would play it straight LOL.

Mutaman said...

"They used force to illegally remove republican poll observers from counting stations.

At that point the election is illegitimate.


Said no court anywhere. But link please. Period.

Mutaman said...

"When you have a court case you don't let one of the two sides try it themselves."

Based on what we've seen, if the Trumpsters tried their claims of voter fraud themselves, they'ed still lose.

Mutaman said...

Here's some free advice for you Know Nothings-stop watching tv and get out there and conduct an audit of every place where you think there was "fraud". You know like the one the Right Wingers did in Arizona where they found no proof of fraud and that their ballot recount increased Biden's margin of victory by 360 votes.

Jaq said...

"And the PA Supreme Court opinion was perhaps the worst judicial opinion that I have ever read."

You know that at least one of the elected men on the PA Supreme Court is mobbed up, and his brother, a "labor leader," has. been charged with ballot stuffing, in favor of, BTW, the doe very judges who decided it was OK to throw out Republican election monitors in Philadelphia. The FBI will not name the judges who were wrongly elected by this ballot stuffing in Philadelphia, because "curiosity killed the cat," you know. But we can totes trust them!

If you’re from Philadelphia, though, you know his name, and knew it well before 2013. He’s important to the country now because he’s currently under indictment for bribing a state elections judge to stuff ballots for Democratic candidates. Among the candidates he was paid to get elected are three as-yet-unnamed judges sitting on the Philadelphia Common Pleas Court. That’s where President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has to go when local election officials refuse to let campaign monitors oversee ballot integrity, as has been the case these past few days throughout Pennsylvania.

rwnutjob said...

Obama won 873 counties, Trump won 2497 counties, Biden won 477
Obama won 18 0f 19 bellweathers, Trump won 18 o19 Bellweathers, Biden won 1 of 19
Obama won Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Trump won Florida, Iowa, Ohio,Biden won none of them
Obama won house seats, Trump won House seats, Biden lost house seats.
81,000,000 votes my ass.

farmgirl said...

I know we were all given sharpies where I voted. I read the top of the ballot: pencil or black pen. I questioned the woman about it- she said it was all good. So we used what we were given. Surely she wouldn’t lie about something as serious as our freedom to vote. The Grsnd List says what party we belong to- they know how we vote.

I’d get a black pen if I could do it over again.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

People who really believe there was no voting fraud don't fight tooth and nail to prevent audits, they encourage them in order to prove to skeptics that what they claim to know is, in fact, true.

One trusted media source, Time, quoting actual people who created and implemented a nationwide scheme to change voting laws and pay local officials to harvest only Democrat votes bragged about how successful they were. But now another trusted media source, AP, says nothing to see here. Gee. Who to believe?

Brian said...

Assume that there wasn't voter fraud in enough quantities to affect the presidential election. What does that mean for the next election? At a minimum it would seem that the unusual halt in election counting that happened in 5 states would have to not happen again, or it will seem really suspicious no?

Now assume that it did happen (systemically, rather than individually). They have to do it again (but less obvious) don't they? Especially if Trump is on the ballot? But even if Trump isn't, there will be a Republican. Based on Biden's current poll numbers that Republican will likely have decent poll numbers. Can you cheat forever? At some point it becomes apparent cheating is going on.

If cheating did happen, people know. They will expect it for their own races as well.

PackerBronco said...

475? There were probably more illegal votes cast by nursing home residents in Wisconsin alone as those residents were "helped" to vote. But AP ain't interested in that ...

Aggie said...

Wait a minute, hold up - I've been reliably assured by a raft of Democratic Officials for years that voting fraud never ever happens. So this must be wrong. Or are we now starting to ease the Window over to accepting that well, yes, it does occasionally happen but it's so infrequent and in such low numbers it makes no difference at all, really! Really !!!

I'm Not Sure said...

Big Mike said...

@I'm Not Sure, another way to put it is that Democrats certainly act guilty, do they not?

I can't think of any other reasonable explanation for their actions. If they haven't done anything wrong, they've got nothing to fear from an audit. Right?

Douglas B. Levene said...

If the House special committee had the brains that God gave sand, they would be doing the same thing: going through each claim of fraud made by or on behalf of Trump, one by one, showing they are false or not (every great lie has a germ of truth), and showing that Trump intentionally lied about the false claims. Trump's campaign of lies was the primary problem, everything else is secondary. But the Democrats are heart-set on proving that the White House orchestrated the January 6 riot and that Trump is guilty of some crime, any crime, so they are off on a frolic and detour that leads nowhere instead of doing the hard, painstaking work of rebutting Trump's lies.

Critter said...

Once the envelopes are separated from the ballots there is no way to audit the actual votes. The voting system for mail-in ballots was designed this way by Democrats for obvious reasons. The problem is only compounded where no voter ID is required on the ballot. So we literally have no idea if mail-in ballots are legitimate. There ballots cannot be individually challenged and will not show up in any review such as the one conducted by the AP. They know that but are trying to support the unfounded narrative that there was no large-scale voter fraud.

Ignoring the obvious has been the tactic of choice by the rabid left.

Jaq said...

They won’t do the work to prove Trump lied, but some people seem awfully convinced of something that hasn’t been proven. Maybe the lack of curiosity is a hint.

M Jordan said...

///Blogger rwnutjob said...
Obama won 873 counties, Trump won 2497 counties, Biden won 477
Obama won 18 0f 19 bellweathers, Trump won 18 o19 Bellweathers, Biden won 1 of 19
Obama won Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Trump won Florida, Iowa, Ohio,Biden won none of them
Obama won house seats, Trump won House seats, Biden lost house seats.
81,000,000 votes my ass.\\\

Well done, sir.

Freder Frederson said...

I can't think of any other reasonable explanation for their actions. If they haven't done anything wrong, they've got nothing to fear from an audit. Right?

Gee, yet the same doesn't apply to trump.

Josephbleau said...

The bane of the Propaganda Press is that people actually remember things. Like the son of a Wisconsin Democrat bigwig who was caught by police slashing the tires of vans the Republicans had for driving people to the polls. We know there is fraud and criminal influence in elections. We know constitutional election rules were broken under cover of covid justice, why don't Democrats want the sheriff to clean up the town? Because they are Dirty Dick, not Polly Pureheart. Harry Reid, " It worked didn't it?"

Mutaman said...

Maybe all you Know Nothings who think the election was rigged should hire Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell to litigate this issue for you. Hurry up though before they get disbarred.

Mutaman said...

Lets sum up this whole thread:

"Duuuuu I went to bed and Trump was ahead and when I woke up he was behind. It was obviously rigged-prove it wasn't"

alanc709 said...

AP reports there is no famine in the Soviet Union. Details in 70 years.

Gahrie said...

"Duuuuu I went to bed and Trump was ahead and when I woke up he was behind. It was obviously rigged-prove it wasn't"

That's not what I said at all. In fact I didn't go to bed, I stayed up all night playing WoW and watching the results. I saw what happened in real time with my own eyes.

The election was clearly stolen, and history will prove this. My biggest regret in life is that I will not be around in 100 years to listen to the judgement of history.

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