December 5, 2021

"A group of white supremacists stormed through downtown Washington, D.C. on Saturday evening, bearing American flags and mildly menacing plastic shields while marching to the beat of a snare drum..."

"... down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.... Members wore a uniform: white gators, sunglasses, blue jackets, khaki pants, and brown boots and hats. Some donned plastic shinguards, seeming to anticipate violence. As Patriot Front’s leader Thomas Rousseau... said, 'Our demonstrations are an exhibition of our unified capability to organize....' At the end of the night... it became clear that more than two dozen members of the white supremacist group could not leave... But the large rented moving van could not fit them all, so many of them were forced to wait in 45-degree darkness as the bulky orange vehicle made multiple trips over the course of nearly three hours. As the group finally departed, one police officer yelled, 'Whose shield is that?' after one white supremacist apparently left his plastic shield behind."

From "White Supremacists Stage Bizarro Rally in Downtown D.C., Find Themselves Stranded/Though they intended to 'reclaim America,' members of Patriot Front had more than enough trouble reclaiming their own ride" (The Daily Beast).

White gators?
Oh, I get it. White gaiters. White gators would be a little scary, kind of a Moby Dick on land concept.

Anyway, it's clear that The Daily Beast had to choose between portraying this group as terrifying or mocking them for ineptitude. It's nice to see this easy victory for mockery, even as The Beast tripped over its own mockery and wrote "white gators."


Temujin said...

Thank God! I've been hearing for 18 years now how White Supremacists were everywhere and were the single biggest problem we face in America.

Thankfully some finally showed up. I sit here terrified. Bring on the Pussy Hats.

David Begley said...

Funded by The Lincoln Project. Get it? Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln Project.

Christopher said...

Some of the righties I follow on Twitter see this as an inept Fed Op. I don't know if that's true, but lately I've increasingly felt I don't know anything about anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How do we know these people are white supremacists?
Because they are not arsonist brownshirt Antifa nazi? Or because the hack press says so.

gilbar said...

more than two dozen members of the white supremacist group

SO.... of those, how many were FBI? 20? 24? All of them?

If we Wanted to eliminate white supremacist groups; couldn't we just eliminate the FBI?
i'm just saying

Anonymous said...

White gators? I think gators=leggings=spats

an obsolete article of military dress that turn 'low quarters' (dress shoes) into something resembling ankle height boots

Last in common use in the American Army around 1941. I have seen them used by color guards along with white helmets and white leather Sam Brown belts . very archaic.

what I see in the photo is a bunch of men, likely many Vets, each wearing their favorite old pair of combat boots. Some polished black leather, others Army and Marine desert style.

I see no leggings, white or otherwise


Bob Boyd said...

Probably FBI Academy candidates trying to earn extra credit.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

There is a funny twitchy thread about this.

Anonymous said...

PS: could it be that the reporter had never seen 'bloused boots'?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing sanctioned violence includes the SUV driving Waukesha terrorist, billion dollars in damage Antifa-Terror and intimidation labeled "peaceful protest", this guy,, the lies about Rittenhouse and his attackers, labeling parents as domestic terrorists while refusing to label actual domestic terror by left-wing terrorist groups as terror. and on and on.

but if you march with a flag - and don't cause any damage - you get labeled a White Supremacist.

Are they? Is this group's manifesto based on white supremacy?
I don't know anything about this group. We are supposed to take the word of the press, who do nothing but lie and sell half-truths and narratives that fall apart when examined?

Menahem Globus said...

Not many fat guys among those fellows. And I don't get the meth addict vibes the Aryan Nation losers who would show up in Spokane now and then put off. Most seem like frat kids or ROTC types. Wonder if they rented the Uhauls in Quantico.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are now defining actual colors as racist.

The color white is racist. In all forms. We must rid ourselves of the color white.
I hope all the artists across the land are listening. If you sell white paint, or use white paint, or fabric or whatever - you will be labeled a white supremacist and punished accordingly.

I hope that white gator is in hiding. The corrupt left want it dead.

MadTownGuy said...

False flag operation?

Bob Boyd said...

Where was Nathan Phillips when we needed him?

cfs said...

It's obvious these are all feds. They apparently ordered their tan khakis from the "white supremacy" department of Walmart. I believe the shades are standard FBI issue though. So, the FBI has created a new white supremacist group that everything will now be blamed on. Increase the departmental budget!

Jaq said...

That's the symbol from DeSantis's hurricane response, err, I mean white nationalist militia and army of secession, State Guard.

It's kind of interesting that Andy Ngo tweeted that there weren't any Anifa on hand to show up in a flash mob, when the call went out. One of them said he had a day job, which was likely dressing up like they imagine white nationalists would dress and staging a "demonstration of Nazis" at the Capitol.

These guys had funding, and only utter lack of curiosity will keep us from knowing who rented those U-Hauls and paid for all of those shields and professionally printed banners, and all of those uniforms.

Like I said, I won't believe it's the Stinkin' Project until gadfly comes out and roundly denounces these people.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

They were Feds. They think white supremacists dress alike in khaki pants and white shirts. Just look at the fake white supremacists that the Lincoln Project hired to pose in front of Governor Youngkin's bus. What a load of crap, and the lemmings on the internet and on the MSM will keep reposting and reporting this like it is true. THIS is why we point and laugh at them. And STORMING?? Really?? Looks like they just marched. They didn't burn down a thing, unlike the Brown Shirts that work for the Democrats...Antifa and BLM. I would MUCH rather have the likes of these guys march through my city, than the Brown Shirts of the Democrats.

Jersey Fled said...

Maybe if they burned down some buildings, threw some bricks at police, and beat up a few Asian American journalists they wouldn't be so comical..

wendybar said...

Progressives love their fake news....

cf said...

these guys give off that tiki-torch vibe of the creepily Normal looking protesters in that early statue-saving protest that ended in authorities forcing both sides into each other for tragic consequences.

That is, I believe this is a false flag setup.

I wanna see ONE of those guys maskless and talking, or even three of em. Otherwise, I figure it's our #WorstRulingClassEver Kabuki staging meant to keep everybody afraid and under control.

hombre said...

“White supremacists” equal people who respect the flag, the country, the law and the Constitution.

stlcdr said...

Public place. Wearing masks, as mandated. Not harassing anyone. What's the problem?

(Not seeing a lot of storming, and the video doesn't show them demonstrating they are white supremist. Perhaps they interviewed someone in the group who confirmed that they are).

The shields, for some reason, reminded me of Captain America.

doctrev said...

Fake and gay. If every one of these "white supremacists" isn't doxxed and fired by Monday night, this is obviously an FBI op. It's actually less convincing that the Youngkin tiki torch lie.

Lurker21 said...

Spats would have made a more daring statement than gaiters, but wouldn't inspire the same fear as white gators.

You'd think the FBI would have realized that by now.

Amadeus 48 said...

This clown posse may be the sum total of all white supremacists in America. Look on their works, ye mighty, and despair.

How many embedded FBI agents?

rcocean said...

So, 24, yes TWENTY FOUR, nuts protest, and I'm supposed to care? Why is this a nationwide story?

How biased does the MSM have to get before people are willing to take action or even get vocal about it? Burn an American flag? Ho hum. Antifa attack's Tucker Carlson's home, threaten US Senators, Burns down part of Portland, commit violence, etc. and the MSM doesn't get upset and refuses to even name them, most of the time. A leftwinger tries to kill 5 Republican Congressmen, and its a short-term story and memory holed.

I suppose this absurd overreaction by the WaPo is part of the push for a "Domestic Terrorism" bill to further destroy our liberties. . And how is something "Midly menacing"? Talk about reaching. I assume they were carrying those MENACING Shields because they were afraid antifa would show up and attack them. Sorry, I meant "Violence would break out".

Bob Boyd said...

The marchers could very well be Lincoln Project interns who were promised, if they participated in the march, they wouldn't have to bottom for their bosses for the whole month of February.

Whether that promise will be kept is another matter.

Achilles said...

Looks like the FBI decided to do some cosplay.

John Borell said...

Odds those are Feds? At least 75%

Aggie said...

"A group of white supremacists' all wearing masks? Sounds completely phony from top to bottom. Since the group doesn't seem to exist in any real capacity save for pageantry, then maybe it's a staged production to give everyone the 'Muh White Suprem'cy' willies. Fences up around the Capitol for Christmas!

Just curious, how many pallets of bricks were staged in advance of the parade? Did it come with a food truck? How many stores were torched and looted? Oh.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left call "Antifa" anti-fascist.

LOL. Why? Antifa use intimidation, violence, arson etc... to fight the so-called menace of any group this runs counter to the left's authority. Authority that is sanctioned by the highest levels of government. Merrick's DOJ, the FBI, The president and his VP... the leader of the House of representatives. the media.

Chris Cuomo(CNN-D) himself stated that it's basically OK for antifa to punch people.

rcocean said...

Sorry, I didn't read closely enough. Its just the Daily Beast. Never mind. And "White Gators" Ha.

I had to look up Gaiters. Per Wikipedia they're used for hiking, and primarly keep rocks, debris and snow out of your footware. I thought they might be like Goloshes but I guess not since goloshes are a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow.

Why is it called a gaiter?

Supposed Origin:
"leather cover for the ankle," 1775, from French guêtre "belonging to peasant attire," of uncertain origin; probably ultimately from Frankish *wrist "instep," or a similar Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *wirstiz (source also of German Rist "instep," English wrist), from *wreik- "to turn," from PIE root

Bob Boyd said...

They didn't really "storm" through downtown Washington, did they?
It was more like a short gust from a horse's ass.

rehajm said...


tds said...

If the FBI or the Lincoln Project organized a fake "white-supremacist" demonstration how would it be different from what we see here?

mikee said...

Snazzy hoodies, too. Walmart musta made a bundle when this march outfit was chosen.

Owen said...

False flag operation.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Two dozen? Well, Presidents have been elected who drew smaller crowds.

Lucien said...

In a brutal display of White Privilege they eschewed burning, looting, breaking windows, and intimidating people into saying the pledge of allegiance. This mockery of those whose economic desperation drives them to form well organized gangs that attack high-end stores was perhaps the most violent aspect of their campaign of “harm” and “unsafeness”.

loudogblog said...

This reminds me a little of the Illinois Nazis in The Blues Brothers.

John henry said...

Sounds like another fbi false flag.

One of the tells for the is the incompetence.

In related news I read that our president emeritus Trump has raised $1 billion for his new social media website. I just signed up for the wait list at


Achilles said...

The face masks are a great touch.

The FBI got caught with the Jan 6th protest because so many of their operatives were photographed at the front of the crowd.

Peglegged Picador said...

I get that we have free speech and all. That being said, it would be nice to see you actually condemn this type of thinking instead of playing cutesy lexicographer

Mattman26 said...

I guess for me the only question is whether these guys are actually white supremacists. Afraid I really can’t take the Beast’s word for it, and would be eager to see proof. (Beyond wearing khakis.)

John henry said...

Is it legal to transport live people in the back of a box truck?

I'd be willing to bet not.

Cops could have, at the very least asked to see the drivers licenses and papers to see the renters names.

They could have refused to let them move with people I side.

They could have done this if they were not complicit in the whole affair.

Otoh, even fake white supremacist groups have the right to peacefully assemble. So thanks to them for that.


BG said...

Stormed?? Mildly menacing plastic shields?? (Face palm)
I noticed the Beast did not provide the video clip, just a photo.
Must keep up the narrative.

Leora said...

If this isn't a false flag outfit funded by supporters of the administration I'll eat my gaiters. They bear a definite resemblance to the Tiki torchers of Charlottesville - no background on who they are, all young fit men with covered faces which is not the Trump supporter profile. What reporter will figure out who paid for the U-haul and how these folks were recruited. I'd bet on someone like Andy Ngo or Posobiec way before any "mainstream" reporter gets into it.

L Day said...

I think they meant to spell it "gaiters", but that would still be wrong. Gaiters are worn at the ankle to keep mud, snow and such out of one's boots. The face mask the marchers were wearing are more commonly called buffs these days.

Kevin said...

Plastic shields were the giveaway.

Do you know where your Democratic staffers were this weekend?

Mike Sylwester said...

A group of white supremacists stormed through downtown Washington, D.C.

Is there a video that shows them storming through the downtown?

If so, then that would be the video to post.

Captain BillieBob said...

White gaiters. White gators.

I don't see either. Looks to me that they are wearing knee pads and shin guards. The writer/writers can't distinguish between plastic shin guards and gaiters/gators. How sad is that.

Doug said...

Will be watching for the Daily Beast to cough and clear its throat and look off into the distance when it is discovered who those "Patriot Front" white supremacists really were.

Mikey NTH said...

Well I'm terrified now.

StoughtonSconnie said...

I hate that today’s political climate has made me so severely cynical, but something doesn’t seem right with this. By right I mean logical, not political. The group referenced has a Social Media presence that was born five hours before this. Unless all of these so-called right wing extremists lived in the same town, how did they organize? Flyers posted on campus? Snail mail?

Am I too jaded that I find myself wondering how many of these posters are Lincoln Pageant or FBI informants?

stlcdr said...

So, no idea who Patriot Front are or this Thomas guy. Doesn't seem like they are doing much wrong, even if they are 'white supremists'. If you don't like them then mockery - or ignoring them - is probably the best tack.

Butkus51 said...

Feds protesting Feds again. The love that Reischstag play.

David53 said...

I'm not seeing gaiters as part of the uniform. I see some people wearing blousing garters which are much different from gaiters. Many trouser legs weren't bloused at all, I wonder if only the FBI moles were blousing their trousers.

Gospace said...

Total false flag. Right wingers? Wearing masks? Nope.

All wearing khaki pants? Nope- that's a trademark trope that left wingers believe about the right- a tell it's a false flag.

I haven't looked- but other commenters on other sites have noted one of the flags is being carried upside down- not a signature move on the right.

MikeD said...

Pretty sure that meets the definition of a false flag operation.

Critter said...

What exactly makes them white supremicists and not just proud Americans? Was it carrying the American flag with respect for the flag? Wearing similar clothing? Carrying protective shields? An objective observer would see similar groups from BLM and ANTIFA except with anti-American and Marxist/Communist flags as similarly making a statement about their very different beliefs. What exactly is different between the two versions of public statements? An objective observer might discern the reporters from the Daily Beast were partisans on the side of BLM/ANTIFA. An objective observer might be right.

ALP said...

I can't decide if these people are an offshoot of, and related to, drag queens or your typical Comi-con attendee.

cubanbob said...

The beast mocks itself inadvertently. Notice that the "White Supremacists" aren't rioting, looting, committing arson, destroying property, yelling obscenities. They didn't look armed. Everything the the Beast supports in BLM and Antifa. The progressives have reached ( for now) their high tide. They can sense that the tide is starting to recede.

Drago said...

Those FBI guys sure do know how to march well together.

Tom said...

I’m not saying these are liberals in disguise but these are liberals in disguise.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is it wrong to wear khaki pants now?

Whiskeybum said...

Wow - people carrying the American flag right there in Washington D.C.? Crazy! Did they sing any patriotic songs? (shudder!)

White Supremists? Were there any racial slurs thrown out? Any burning crosses? Anyone strung up? I can't believe this article left out all those juicy, condemning actions of this hate group!

"Some donned plastic shinguards, seeming to anticipate violence." Gee, who would anticipate violence against them when countermarching against Antifa goals? Did they have pre-positioned brick bats to throw at bystanders? What pikers - they need to travel to Portland to see how it's done.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

At the end of the night... it became clear that more than two dozen members of the white supremacist group could not leave... But the large rented moving van could not fit them all, so many of them were forced to wait in 45-degree darkness as the bulky orange vehicle made multiple trips over the course of nearly three hours.

Wow. So I guess that means there were, what, 30 people doing this?

Wow, 30 people hold a protest in DC! Behold the fearsome enemy!

Heartless Aztec said...

Antigua false flag actors. The Penske take away trucks are the tell.

Gunner said...

Oh Noezzz! Republicans did another Insurrection!

-MSNBC probably

Heartless Aztec said...

I hate auto correct.
Antifa not Antigua.

Joe Smith said...

And how is it known they are 'white supremacists'?

Were the American flags the giveaway?

So a new group springs up out of nowhere and we're supposed to believe it?

Lefties are soooooooo fucking stupid.

Howard said...

Undoubtedly a false flag psyops operation orchestrated by Hunter Biden and implemented by ANTIFA.

rehajm said...

This looks utterly fake—but the media’s conspicuous lack of curiosity about it is what makes you absolutely dead certain it’s fake.


0_0 said...

Nothing was burned down? No windows broken? No bystanders attacked?
Truly these people are the greatest threat to our nation.

Yancey Ward said...

Ok, how many of them were FBI?

I put the odds at 50/50 that these weren't rightwingers at all.

Iman said...

Looks like a crack squad of federal employees, perhaps FBI…

Quaestor said...

The linked video showed no one wearing gaiters of any color or description. (Albino crocodilians were conspicuously absent as well.)

There were, however, about half a dozen individuals wearing what could be best described as greaves.

Something else reported by the Daily Beast was also conspicuously absent, any evidence of the ideology of the group. It looks like the Beast served its master by tarring these people with the Democratic Party's favorite calumny.

On the other hand, the State Media may have no choice. Relying as they do on the Newspeak Dictionary (MiniTrue issues a revised edition daily) they must define white supremacist as (1) an avowed follower of Emmanual Goldstein (2) a group, institution, or entity practicing Goldsteinism (3) colloquial, someone showing insufficient love of Big Brother.

RAH said...

Looks like a false flag operation .Especially the preppie clothes.

Marc in Eugene said...

Worse than the issue of 'gator' is the fact that I don't see any gaiters at all in that video.

Marc in Eugene said...

Oh, those stretched out neck-warmers. They are called gaiters, I guess. Ha.

Valentine Smith said...

Ooooh they're so so scary.
If the media keeps representing sad looking groups like this as white supremacists, they'll undermine their own propaganda efforts through absurdity not intended as satire.

Fredrick said...

Was this organized by Roy Epps for that other FBI informant guy, Enrique Tarrio, or are we supposed to believe this is real and not yet another astro-turf media staging event to drive the talking points for the week. And on that note what's up with Waukesha?

MalaiseLongue said...

I would never agree to wait in anything less than 100 degree darkness.

nbks said...

What do we know about this group? Looks like another Lincoln Project false flag effort.

I'm a small govt person myself but this event has multiple tells of fakery:
1) Legit conservative protesters are not professionally organized.
2) Legit conservative protesters are frequently out of shape.
3) Legit conservative protesters dress relatively sloppily.
4) Legit conservative protesters don't have the vision/desire to wear matching outfits

This smells like a leftist's wet dream of how conservatives behave and look.

Paul said...

I don't think much of white supremacist but... strange... these 'white supremacist' didn't loot, burn cars, beat up people, etc... didn't do like Antifa, the supposed 'anti fascist' group, or BLM.

Earnest Prole said...

white gators, sunglasses, blue jackets, khaki pants, and brown boots and hats

In a related story, Tom of Finland's estate announced it would sue the march's organizers for plagiarism and copyright infringement.

Gk1 said...

This looks as staged and as phony as the Charlottesville "Nazis" that showed up. Would be nice if we had a functioning press to find out who staged this instead of trying to chum for outrage and anger.

Jim at said...

I'm still trying to figure why this is news?

Were buildings torched? Windows busted? Looting? Shootings? Wanton destruction and mayhem?

No? Then why?

mezzrow said...

I've never seen a white gator, though I've spent most of my life in Florida.

I am surrounded by white Gators, however. They have no time for white supremacy, as they are far too obsessed with football supremacy to think in those terms.

Time to break in another new coach.

Narayanan said...

StarWars clones cosplay in mismatch constumes?

madAsHell said...

Why do I think this is a staged media event??

The flags, the uniforms.....the camera angle.

It's a slow Sunday news event.......the only other thing they have is Joe Biden's incontinence.

madAsHell said...

Plastic shields?? Are you kidding me?

Do you question the staging??

PB said...

Where's the evidence they are "white supremecists"? I see none. I think this is a FBI false-flag operation.

Drago said...

Jim at: "I'm still trying to figure why this is news?

Were buildings torched? Windows busted? Looting? Shootings? Wanton destruction and mayhem?"

The left is still in Full Howard Mode pretending Waukesha never happened and the Jussie Smollett legal proceedings are in full swing.

walter said...

If it must be, I prefer to be menaced mildly.

Original Mike said...

Just for the sake of argument, let's take this at face value.

No ANTIFA showed up to protect (well, whoever they claim to be protecting) and there was no damage and no people hurt.

Mark said...

Are we in Egypt?
Because almost everything I see in here dis DeNile.

AndrewV said...

"I've never seen a white gator, though I've spent most of my life in Florida."

I saw an albino gator on display at GatorWorld in Wildwood. Does that count?

Richard Dillman said...

This seems incredibly fake and staged, almost like Jesse Smollet directed the entire scene. It seems like a false flag operation, perhaps with Lincoln Project help.

Richard Dillman said...

This seems incredibly fake and staged, almost like Jesse Smollet directed the entire scene. It seems like a false flag operation, perhaps with Lincoln Project help.

Richard Dillman said...

This seems incredibly fake and staged, almost like Jesse Smollet directed the entire scene. It seems like a false flag operation, perhaps with Lincoln Project help.

Richard Dillman said...

This seems incredibly fake and staged, almost like Jesse Smollet directed the entire scene. It seems like a false flag operation, perhaps with Lincoln Project help.

Richard Dillman said...

This seems incredibly fake and staged, almost like Jesse Smollet directed the entire scene. It seems like a false flag operation, perhaps with Lincoln Project help.

Richard Dillman said...

This seems incredibly fake and staged, almost like Jesse Smollet directed the entire scene. It seems like a false flag operation, perhaps with Lincoln Project help.

Richard Dillman said...

This seems incredibly fake and staged, almost like Jesse Smollet directed the entire scene. It seems like a false flag operation, perhaps with Lincoln Project help.

M Jordan said...

Can the FBI can’t be this stupid. It’s like wearing a Groucho Marx eyebrows and glasses mask so people will think you’re actually Groucho Marx.

So I’m wondering what’s up? And I’m also wondering if the Charlottsville event was a Fed Operation as well. Really wondering.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wonder what small percentage are NOT Feds. Gay uniforms don’t exactly project the image of intimidation that they were apparently going for. It reminds me of the recent “excite the right” dance crew that recently did a paleskin promotional similar to this. If they are serious they are pitiful. If they are fake they are laughable.

Now I’ll read the 99 comments that got here before I did. My hunch is that nobody is impressed by this moronic theatre.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Whoever they are the March for Life needs to hire their publicist because a legit movement that can draw a million marchers to DC should get at least as much publicity as these Bulwark Boys are enjoying.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Are we in Egypt?
Because almost everything I see in here dis DeNile."

I guess the hoax Whitmer "kidnapping" "plot" (12 of the 15 were FBI and FBI provacateurs) which perfectly, perfectly mirrored the 2016 hoax militia plot which was also thrown out when it was shown in court that ALL the key players were FBI, not to mention, of course, the entire russia collusion/dossier hoaxes, on top of the everything that has come out over the last 50 years from the Church Commission alone, we have plenty of data points to identify just who the denialists really are.

BTW, I hope you guys get to the bottom of just who really almost "lynched" Jussie Smollett.

Thoughts and prayers.

M said...

Never heard of any of these white supremacist groups. So how many members of Patriot Front are actually FBI agents? Half? I’m betting at least half. The rest are mental defectives the FBI recruited and activate into doing stupid things when Democrats need a story about scary white people.

PM said...

Oh, God, a SNARE drum.

effinayright said...

Mark said...
Are we in Egypt?
Because almost everything I see in here dis DeNile.

Urf're a real Laff Riot!

Jeff said...

The Lincoln Memorial is not downtown. There's no shopping or restaurants within a half mile of it, and it's no more than 3 or 4 hundred feet from the Potomac River, with Virginia on the other side.

Critter said...

It's looking like this was a false flag event from the Democrats or the FBI.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Awesome ratio, Althouse! Maybe Mark or Howard can point us to an example of actual real life conservatives, ones who are willing to go on the record, who have EVER staged a march or demonstration in MATCHING UNIFORMS. That’s so obviously a Hollywood or Paliwood fever dream of what “right wingers” should look like so that the smart set (sic) can mock them. I’m really surprised that this keeps happening with absolutely NO MESSAGING from the (alleged) “group.” Have you ever seen or participated in an organized event that had no message, no stated mission or legislative demands? Purposeless “marching” is funny not menacing. Is white supremacy destined to devolve like racism into 99% fake events just to raise “awareness” of the vanishingly tiny percent of (sorta) (maybe) real problems? Because that strategy has utterly failed to excite the reaction they wanted.

Doug Sherlock said...

Regarding gaiters, spats is short for spatterdashes. A dash is small bits of things like a dash of salt. While gaiters look funny, they do keep dashes of stones out of your shoes, making for a more pleasant hike.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The transport fail is yet another example of the incompetence of the FBI.

MadTownGuy said...

Mattman26 said...

"I guess for me the only question is whether these guys are actually white supremacists. Afraid I really can’t take the Beast’s word for it, and would be eager to see proof. (Beyond wearing khakis.)"

It's Jake. From State Farm.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Is it wrong to wear khaki pants now?”

Real White Nationalists don’t wear kakis. This is a class thing. Kakis are an upper middle class thing, adopted from the upper class. Real White Nationalists tend to be working class, and that means that they would more likely be wearing jeans, or maybe fatigues.

First time I really encountered kakis was in college. Kakis and polo shirts for warm weather and buttoned down Oxford shirts and cords for cold, for the east coast preppies we got slumming out west, for college. The next time I saw them en mass was when IBM went to Casual Dress - which turned into kakis and polo shirts, as their new uniform (I was one of the attys for the AIM alliance, and each company had their distinctive uniform: Apple with collarless shirts, IBM with kakis, and us in pin stripes).

Those guys are wearing a uniform. A really stupid looking uniform, the type that could only be thought up at 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW (FBI headquarters) or across the street at Main Justice. This is the type of thing that they would wear to social gatherings, but with more appropriate masks, and their kakis not bloused. If they are going to be blousing their pants, then they should be wearing pants designed for it, such as the military pants that were designed for it. (Blousing like that was supposedly an American trademark in WW II). Blousing with the military looking boots is supposed to look military, but the pants are cut too tight for that. But FBI agents can’t wear surplus military gear to work for Casual Fridays, so kakis it is.

Others have noted that they are just too fit looking to be real White Supremists. In any real group of such, you are probably going to run into some who have put on at least some weight since they left the military. There would be a mix of body types. These guys just work out too much, which says to me that they are the wrong class. And I think that some of the workout has to be cardio, maybe running. Working out is an upper middle class thing - working class work for a living, so are too tired after work to work out. This is a luxury that only those who work a goodly amount behind a desk can really afford.

Lurker21 said...

Looks like the high school flag team. Did a marching band and a football team show up as well?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Drago said...

The good news is all the dudes from Quantico made it back there in time for Monday morning pancakes!!

Drago said...

I'll bet there is a "dossier" floating about somewhere which "proves" these guys are real white supremacists.

That would make it a slam dunk for Dumb Lefty Mark.

Drago said...

Has Alec Baldwin claimed the White Supremacists In Matching Khakis set him up yet?

If not, his Crisis Management Team is really falling down on the job.

How about a "noose" being found on set as well? (actually just a venetian blind pull cord in one of the trailers......but good enough for Dumb Lefty Mark!)

Brian said...

Kakis are an upper middle class thing

When I first saw the video I thought of them not as Khaki's as one might wear for a casual cocktail hour at the country club, but as 5.11 tactical pants. Closer inspection of the video confirms at least some 5.11's.

These types of pants are de-facto uniforms for places like shooting ranges. Cops wear them, "elite" tactical operator wear them, so everybody else wears them. They do serve a purpose though. In an action oriented pistol sport such as USPSA, being able to move is a critical component. These pants are lighter wearing than something such as bluejeans, but almost as rugged. They are very comfortable to with lots of pockets to store things in for when you are standing around all day.

The bigger tell is that they are all the same (with slight variation of manufacturer or color).

I'm leaning to some fringe white supremacist group that is heavily infiltrated by the FBI. The FBI may have even suggested the pants/uniform to be able to look to sales records as evidence of guilt. "You went out and bought a uniform for this insurrection!"

A real white supremacist group wouldn't be hiding their faces though, or would have taken credit for it after the fact. That's the sort of thing that drives eyeballs and gains membership.

The fact these people disappeared is interesting. U-Haul trailers picking them up? The FBI could pick them up in about 15 minutes if they wanted to, which tells me something as well. The NYT could find out who they were in 15 minutes as well, but they haven't, have they?

Bruce Hayden said...

Over at Ace

This weekend, a group of several hundred calling itself "Patriot Front" paraded around Washington DC very conspiciously. The marchers all had their faces covered in the same way, all appeared to be about the same age (20 something), all carrying the same upside-down American flag, the same round plastic shields and similar tactical gear. And then, after the march was over, the marchers were spotted getting into U-Haul trucks and driven away.
The social media account that first posted the video of the march that first went viral as a warning suddenly switched and claimed to be a 'Patriot Front' before being suspended by Twitter. Also, the account was created sometime in November. My guess, late November.

Every conservative on social media is saying "What is this 'Pstriot Front'? I've never heard of them before today." The marchers look like this:

In other words, very much like participants in yet another FBI false flag operation.

And you know who wasn't there? Antifa. If this were a Proud Boys or Patriot Prayer march, Antifa/black bloc would have shown up in force and done their best to turn it into a street brawl complete with bear spray, fireworks, baseball bats, and Molotov cocktails.

But Antifa apparently took the night off. Hmmm, I wonder why.

Can the feds be any more ineptly obvious? I mean, holy crap, if I wanted to present an image of a scary right-wing "insurrection"-type group in order to frighten ignorant and easily duped progressives who never leave their impermeable bubbles, it would be these guys.

In other words, this is the most obvious false flag operation the feds have ever done. You know, they've done this so many times, you'd think they'd be good at it by now.

So it looks like the feds are just trying to burn off their excess funds so their budget won't be downsized next fiscal year. Either that or it's another Lincoln Project field trip.

n.n said...

The left are now defining actual colors as racist.

Allegations of diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment) under the Rainbow banner of selective exclusion: white, black, and brown... people of white, people of black, people of brown, babies, and other color blocs.

rcocean said...

Remember the AJAX 'white tornado' commmerical? Whiter than white. The white knight.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Around here at least, those loose neck-covering masks-plus are called "gaiters." There has been some discussion (e.g.) about whether they work as masks for COVID purposes. (The consensus appears to be that they are likely actually worse than nothing.) I had never heard until now of "gaiters" as legwear, actually.

Incidentally, when I first read this post yesterday, I saw the "gators," clicked through, and found that in the article it said "gaiters" already. (Presumably at some point yesterday an editor spotted it and fixed it.) Then I read further down Ann's account and saw that she had flagged it as an error. But my first thought was that she'd made the error herself!

Tina Trent said...

This was an FBI or DOJ ops. Period. Here’s a job for a reporter: trace the rental van.

Tina Trent said...

Also, who signed the permit; who was appointed spokesperson — no spokesperson equals ops; when was the permit issued; who paid for it; when was security requested; by whom. Come on people. Report.

Drago said...

The next "White Supremacist" false flag operation should include having everyone dressed in tuxedos, wearing Monopoly Man monocles and dancing while playing "Putting on the Ritz" in the background.

Bender said...

So, the "person" who first tweeted out this silly march as a dangerous thing was "@SherylLewellen," a young pretty blonde woman. Except that her image was computer created and the Twitter address later came back to the Patriot Front, with lots of leftist followers, before it was suspended.

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