I mean, I could just as well tweet: Brainlessness is ruining everything #LadyGagaSystemic oppression is evil and destroys the world #Rittenhouse
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) November 20, 2021
Or: Logic leaps R Us #hashtags
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
I mean, I could just as well tweet: Brainlessness is ruining everything #LadyGagaSystemic oppression is evil and destroys the world #Rittenhouse
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) November 20, 2021
Sure but, which side is she on?
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)
All we hear is radio Gaga
Radio goo goo
Radio Gaga
All we hear is radio Gaga
Radio blah blah
Lady Gaga is a member of the bubble-dwelling leftist elite hillarywoodland hivemind.
# or $$$$$$
These people like corrupt insiders and lies for "news"
Who knows? She could have been talking about how the system as run by Binger et all oppressed Rittenhouse. (Well she could be..no really it is possible....)
Stephanie should know better. She went to a Sacred Heart high school.
This hashtag is going to backfire on the leftist shitheads.
I am looking forward to Rittenhouse becoming a billionaire suing these people.
Lady Gaga is just assuring the elites that she still wants to be part of their club. Without the collective, most elites could not point to anything of meaning in their lives.
Nonplussed. Some thing defy comment.
These entertainers seem to suffer from an occupational disease —hubris?— that rots their brains and forces them to share their political insights with the rest of us. It reminds me of the virus that infects a certain species of ant and causes it to perch on top of a certain plant in the jungle waiting for a certain bird to seize and consume it, and thereby propagate the pathogen.
Evolution makes room for many strangely deformed lives.
It is interesting to read people that think “the system” is unjust get upset that “the system” failed to convict an innocent man.
Meanwhile, in a case of three white men that killed a black man, it looks like the defense walked into a directed verdict of guilty.
I may have misremembered the ant’s situation. But in fact this version is even more on point, what with exploding heads and spores released across the landscape.
There was a silly time-travel tv show a few years back that featured as its "big bad" a secretive organization known as Rittenhouse. Were the writers prescient or something? ;)
Her first album was really good, but like Brecht, she got political and her art suffered for it.
Real oppression starts with the leftists who demanded riots - made those riots possible and did nothing to stop the rioting.
"Systematic oppression is evil and destroys the world"
Just wait until Lady Gaga learns about Islam.
Gawg, babe, wear weird outfits; sing, for sure; and STFU, you dolt.
The real answer is don't read tweets at all or get curious about any strange notation beginning with an old-fashioned "pound sign."
With apologies to Pete Seeger:
Where have all the victims gone
Long time passing
Where have all the victims gone
Long time ago
Where have all the victims gone
Kyle Rittenhouse shot them every one
Oh, when will you ever learn
Why you will never learn
Who could forget the classic Michelle Obama #Bring Back Our Girls?
"I mean, I could just as well tweet: Brainlessness is ruining everything #LadyGaga. Or: Logic leaps R Us #hashtags"
You could. And you would be right. But it would also be beside the point. The musings of a nice liberal woman on the sidelines make no difference to a movement that propagates its memes to control the culture and society as a whole. Unless and until the Althouses of America truly decide to put an end to it.
The world is destroyed every day, in little pieces and jigs and jags.
Sometimes new pieces come in to fill the spaces, but they may or may not fit, and as such, they may or may not last.
Myself, I am trying to establish Systemic Optimism.
I had a girlfriend who believed she was oppressed, and as is often the case, the powers of oppression grew to be everything that wasn't her or her cat.
I told her she should be more like her cat: find the ray of sunshine coming in and lay in it, belly up.
She said I was being facile and, yes, oppressive. I am still somewhat amazed at where the conversations go between two white women who can afford the luxury of designer shoes.
And, after all, she put a collar around her cat's neck, so it isn't like she fully understood how oppression works.
Lady Gaga does not know one fact about what went on during this trial. She’s been too busy promoting her new movie. But the Hollywood elites have nothing to lose by sending out a a tweet like this. She wants to be perceived as though she’s tuned in and up to date on the struggle for equality. It’s a P.R. move. Phony clueless #LadyGaga
Damn! Self-defense! Let's get rid of it.
this Lady makes a Great Point!
The "Systemic oppression" of Kyle Rittenhouse IS "evil and destroys the world"
Thank GOD, that Justice prevailed, and this "Systemic oppression" of Kyle is OVER!!!
#AR on a Sling
#the 2nd Amendment protects YOU
Systemic oppression is evil and destroys the world #Rittenhouse
OK Gaga, define your terms.
Because that would be a hoot.
As a sometime lesbian I have a sense that Lady Gaga's personal hygiene may not be all it could be.
I am not just talking about the meat dress she once wore, although that doesn't persuade me in a different direction.
I just think she is probably... stubbly.
You know what I mean.
Don't get me wrong: Lady Gaga IS talented.
And maybe the throes of talent do not leave the proper time for taking care of the garden.
But of course, it can also go the other way: I suspect Celine Dion's lady hygiene might be a bit overwrought. You know: unnatural dryness, overly perfume-y, those kind of things.
And this is not just because Celine is older: I bet Ariana Grande's scent is not unlike the chemical whiff of an expensive hair salon.
Probably an issue with razor-burn, too.
Just something I was thinking about as a sometime lesbian.
Its amazing how all these Millionaire artists, entertainers, actors, and sports figures HATE Karl Rittenhouse. They also cheered when Ashli Babbit was executed by Lt. Byrd They consider themselves to be Aristocrats surrounded by Peasants.
Loren Spatula?
Welcome back Lazlo.
I could just as well tweet: Brainlessness is ruining everything #LadyGaga
So why don’t you? You know, until it crosses the minds of Democrats that they are at serious risk of losing voters like you and other college-educated women, They. Will. Not. Change. A. Damned. Thing.
Rittenhouse traveled from El Paso, Texas, were he obtained a full-auto M-16 with 650 round snail drum magazines from Mexican cartel members. Leaving his white hood and robes behind he was dressed in full camo he waited in the shadows. Peering through his night scope, he spotted a group of Black school kids walking to see a production of Othello. The production was mandatory viewing for their AP classes in Advanced literature. Three white males were serving as chaperones for the children when Rittenhouse burst forth from the shadows yelling, "Die, [N-word], die!"
The three brave chaperones hurled their bodies in front of the hail of bullets saving dozens, perhaps hundreds of the innocent children.
Lady Gaga nods approvingly.
Ceciliahere said...
She wants to be perceived as though she’s tuned in and up to date on the struggle for equality. It’s a P.R. move. Phony clueless #LadyGaga
Basically, yes. It's not enough to be seen at the right places with the right people anymore. One must present the right attitudes as well these days. It's what happens when the Nerds get power. Weinstein is the perfect example of that.
Correct name: Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.
Lady Gaga has her dressing rooms "cleansed" of evil spirits. She actually pays someone to do that.
She's in the NewAge Movement.
And you're expecting rationality from the likes of her?
I'd be willing to bet that Stefani Germanotta believes in her black little heart that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist who went out with his gun that night with the intent of bagging a few black people. And I'd be willing to bet she thought the guys that got shot were black. Even my own wife, a very smart but apolitical woman, thought some of the guys that got shot were black.
Note I refuse to call them victims.
Amadeus 48 said...
"Damn! Self-defense! Let's get rid of it."
The issue is NOT self-defense - it's should he have been there? The cops on the scene told him to "Go Home!" and that's where he should've been.
He's not a hero - he's a dumb kid who's killed people and is lucky he's not dead himself.
protecting indian immigrants from white reavers, (that's oppression) gene wilder gif, tell me more,
Maybe Rittenhouse was found not guilty by reason of insanity… the insanity of the elite.
Lady Gaga has a new movie out, "House of Gucci", in which she plays a woman who hired a hitman to kill her ex-husband. While she was filming that movie in Italy, one of her employees was out walking her dogs in LA. He was attacked by some people trying to snatch the dogs. They shot him and he almost died. I have wondered before where her sympathies were in that situation, with the employee or his attackers.
If you are oppressed, just don't try to dognap Lady Gaga's pets.
Who expects rational argument from a woman who impersonates female impersonators?
Once Rittenhouse gets his huge payout from the MSM he should allow lawyers to use his situation to sue EVERY celebrity, CEO, politician and talking head who vilified him. LET THE LAWYERS KEEP THE MONEY. It will properly motivate them. Just set the precedent that if celebrities slander someone with no facts they will pay. Make them pay Rittenhouse. Take them down with lawfare like you took down that pedophile with your AK.
Crack Emcee: "The issue is NOT self-defense - it's should he have been there?"
But only completely.
Open a book. Read about self-defense laws.
Or....just continue to be you.
Lady Gaga's whole schtick is to camouflage her utter conventionality with whacky costumes and drag queen aesthetics. She adopts the punk appeal to misfits, outcasts, and nonconformists, but her sound is nightclub dance-pop. A rich white girl from the Upper West Side expressing socially progressive bromides. Rebel.
Systemic oppression is evil and destroys the world #Rittenhouse
I agree. The police / government endorsement of rioting to oppress local business and home owners IS evil and destroys the world.
These people are absolutely living their values. They may say one thing, but when it comes to individuals, it's their actions that show you who and what they are.
Democrats are constantly trying to sell us the importance of high-density living, and the evil, selfish 'old ways' illustrated by single family dwellings. They tell us of the importance of urban density as opposed to suburban and exurban spread, with single family homes on actual lots with some room. Yet time after time, year after year, in city after city, the market speaks: once people get into their early middle ages, they start to prefer the outer ring areas, with their own home, on a plot of land. And not in small numbers. The growth of the suburbs and exurbs is continuing to boom while the cities are losing people as our nation is getting older.
What the poor communities need is not more government focus or "help". What they need is capitalism: investment, development in new neighborhoods, businesses opening to employ people, retail opening to offer some places for those employed people to spend money. The cities need fewer- or no- regulations if they are going to have any chance of moving ahead.
But the most important thing they need is for the area citizens to have a stake in the community. To take part. To parent. To not destroy, steal- or as is the case in San Francisco- shit all over the streets and take whatever they want from the stores.
The last thing any of these people need is more intrusive government. And there has never been a market where a central planner or planning committee knew better about the market than the 10,000 people making 10,000 individual decisions about that same market. Get government out of the way and allow the free market to find the way. It will.
Thank goodness Tulsi Gabbard and Lady Gaga have weighed in on the Rittenhouse trial verdict! I wouldn't have known what to think without their sage contributions.
GaGa by name, gaga by nature.
'She's in the NewAge Movement.'
She's a half-century too late.
"The issue is NOT self-defense - it's should he have been there? The cops on the scene told him to "Go Home!" and that's where he should've been."
The cops should have shared that advice with the rioters. They didn't belong there either.
"He's not a hero - he's a dumb kid who's killed people and is lucky he's not dead himself."
I can agree with this somewhat. He walked into a bad situation without understanding the actual dynamics. On the other hand, had rioters not tried to kill him, everyone one have gotten away alive. Everyone (including the mayor and the cops) acted stupid that night.
Sally327 mentions the dognapping event. She offered a $500,000 reward "no questions asked".
Her employee got shot and she's okay with paying a ransom and not asking questions. For dogs.
Crossed state lines! Crossed state lines!
This calls for a good rant.
Young woman walks down a dark alley dressed provocatively despite admonitions from her parents. She is sexually assaulted, and then shoots and kills her attacker.
The Crack Emcee's logic: The issue is NOT self-defense - it's should she have dressed like that? Her parents had warned her.
We can't all be the Village People.
Get government out of the way and allow the free market to find the way. It will.
This is libertarian claptrap. There is no such thing as a "free market" and never has been. It's a theoretical model. Actually existing capitalism is crony capitalism. We have a western half to our country because we used military force to steal it from a weaker neighbor. We conquered Hawaii. US military force was used in Latin America repeatedly for private business interests. We subjugated the Philippines because it was seen as a foothold into China. We uses gunboats to force Japan to open its markets. We had a national bank, tariffs to protect domestic industries, internal improvements, land grants, homesteads, the creation of new legal entities by legislatures in order to facilitate business activities.
Alan Dershowitz was interviewed by a man- last name Kelley?- and said there is the moral question: should he have been there? and the constitutional/legal question of: was it self-defense… two separate issues and only one can be tried in court, yes?
Cities that border state lines often have residents that live in one state &commute to another to work or go to school. Don’t the elites do that?? Live in states bordering DC &commute? State lines are not sacred- there was a BLM loudmouth w/a bullhorn screaming she was from Little Rock while standing on the Kenosha courthouse steps- what if she was attacked? Would she defend herself? Or take a good beating?
Too many ppl have to little to do and a whole lotta time to do it in. Maybe scrounging for $$&food when it’s all scarce is what’s needed to stop ppl from being dicks to e/other.
Well, Mike- another moral vs constitutional problem, again.
"The issue is NOT self-defense - it's should he have been there? The cops on the scene told him to "Go Home!" and that's where he should've been."
Hey! Crack has the solution to every riot. Cops tell crowd they should go home. They go home. All is well.
If they don't go home prosecute them all on as vastly over-hyped charge you can imagine.
All is well.
We need to know what Madonna thinks about the matter.
And Britney Spears.
Actually existing capitalism is crony capitalism.
Perhaps someday Farmer will make an honest effort to understand both capitalism and the US economy. Because the proper response to his ignorant assertion is sometimes “yes,” but often “no.” Regulatory capture is a real problem, and one that neither political party makes any effort to address. Between lucky timing and novel products fortunes can, and have, been made while society is manifestly better off. I’m thinking about things like personal computers, cell phones. affordable automobiles, flat screen TVs, web browsers, and on and on.
It is the socialist and communist countries where cronyism is the core underpinning of the economy. Having a friend, or the father of a friend, on the Politburo beats working hard for a living, that’s for damned sure!
As for the rest of your foolish rant, I’d be cool with giving California and the Gadsden Purchase back to Mexico (providing they reimburse for the purchase price us in constant dollars, just as soon as France returns the Aquitaine to England, England finished hibinv Ireland back to the Irish, and you find the people who were forced out of present day Eastern Europe when the Viking tribe known as the Rus moved inland from the Baltic Sea. Should ethnic Japanese give their islands back to the Ainu, who were there first? You might not want to vacation on any of the Windward Islands if they were still controlled by the cannibalistic Kalingo tribe. Truth is, conquest has been with us since thousands of years before Gilgamesh and his buddy Enkidu roamed Mesopotamia, and we as a country are no worse than anyone else, and probably better than most.
OTOH, I never heard anyone sing the national anthem as well as her. Not even Houston.
The solution? Forget the free market and institute a Command Society, from top to bottom, with j. Farmer giving the Commands, and the rest of you peasants obeying.
The Crack Emcee said...The cops on the scene told him to "Go Home!" and that's where he should've been.
He was told to go home? Where is that account? Were the rioting arsonist thugs told to go home?
Actually existing capitalism is crony capitalism.
That one is hard to argue with. At some point the cronies so infect the government that it may as well be a command economy. We are being ordered into electric cars, for example, and "green energy" and these diktats from on high are making Biden and Pelosi and Schumer's cronies inconceivably rich.
You got your gaga
She got hashtag
Oh, she got hashtag
What's stopping you from tweeting that? You should. It's 100% true.
@ Farmer
This is libertarian claptrap. There is no such thing as a "free market" and never has been. It's a theoretical model. Actually existing capitalism is crony capitalism.
Wrong. Not sure what bullshit book your pulled that out of and regurgitated - but you are wrong.
I agree with Lady Gaga… Kyle Rittenhouse’s rights were systemically repressed, as where the property rights of the minority small business owners he almost gave his life to protect. #rittenhouse
So-called Crony Capitalism is a perversion of capitalism. A perversion that is born of coercive government, bribery, and pay-to play.
To blanketly wrap all capitalism under the forces of connected government bureaucracy and coercion isn't fair to the millions of unsung small business owners who play by the rules.
Again, Capitalism is not a function of government - it is a system of commerce.
When the so-called collective "we" in government abuse "capitalism", that abuse of capitalism should be labeled something else. The removal of free market and replacement to a government coerced system is no longer capitalism at all. For some reason "crony capitalism" crept in as common usage for "Capitalism" but I submit government coercion and pay-to-play exploitation is beyond an abuse of capitalism - it is an abuse of power.
*bonus* As the government bureaucracy erodes trust in capitalism, we get more government coercion and corruption.
J. Farmer said...
Get government out of the way and allow the free market to find the way. It will.
This is libertarian claptrap. There is no such thing as a "free market" and never has been. It's a theoretical model. Actually existing capitalism is crony capitalism. We have a western half to our country because we used military force to steal it from a weaker neighbor. We conquered Hawaii. US military force was used in Latin America repeatedly for private business interests. We subjugated the Philippines because it was seen as a foothold into China. We uses gunboats to force Japan to open its markets. We had a national bank, tariffs to protect domestic industries, internal improvements, land grants, homesteads, the creation of new legal entities by legislatures in order to facilitate business activities.
Wow Farmer.
You read too much and think too little.
Temujin 1:16
I agree.
It used to be younger generations of newly college educated and other young people were drawn to urban areas and exciting city centers. Employment opportunity + the excitement of the big city and all it offers.
The left have destroyed once vibrant cities with their anti-law/ anti-police policies.
(among the long list)
Now it is more that 50+ somethings looking for that acre lot on the out-skirts. Younger people want to experience a garden, chickens and a life away from grime and crime... and drug-zombies crapping all over the streets. and uncontrolled property theft.
vote democrat!
God I miss George Carlin at threads like this. Fervid drool from Gaga puts her ahead of the has beens and attention whores weighing in.
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