November 16, 2021

"Two Yale Law School deans, along with Yale Law School’s Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, worked together in an attempt to blackball two students of color from job opportunities as retaliation for refusing to lie to support the University’s investigation into a professor of color."

So reads the complaint quoted in "Two students sue Yale Law administrators for alleged retaliation in Amy Chua case" (Yale News).

ADDED: David Lat has this — very intra-Yale — at Substack:
If Dean Gerken wants to be renewed, I think she might have to fire some folks—specifically, Ellen Cosgrove and Yaseen Eldik. This isn’t something Gerken would do willingly; she doesn’t relish admitting mistakes, and rumor has it that Cosgrove is the Littlefinger of the YLS kingdom, a canny operator with all sorts of dirt to spill. But I find it hard to imagine that some heads won’t roll over all this—and if Gerken doesn’t want it to be her head, she’ll have to offer up some others.


Achilles said...

Amy Chua sounds like a "white" name according to Yale.

Funny how everyone who opposes the party line turns out to be of the excluded/persecuted race even if it is honorary membership in that race.

The leftist autocrats really can't do anything without their rhetorical weapons like "racism!" because their principles are so abhorrent to decent people.

gilbar said...
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tim maguire said...

In the original story, they only threatened career retaliation. If they actually took steps towards it, that's a whole other level. No matter what, they should all be fired and the office of DEI disbanded. If it's true, there should be consequences for Yale as an institution for its involvement in this travesty

Big Mike said...
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Joe Smith said...

'...Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion...'

Yale is one of the schools where the number of administrators exceeds the number of students.

All of these woke jobs exist only to appease a radical, and increasingly violent, BLM/Antifa contingent that has found purchase in Academia these days...

BarrySanders20 said...

Chua is not a crazed leftist and won't submit to that tribe, so they hate her. Can't have an independent thinker at a law school!

JK Brown said...

Do they really not expect people to see DIE when they purposely mix up the words in Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. And DIE is actually a linear progress from diversity, to inclusion, to achieve equity. When I see DEI, I covert it to DIE and see it as a sign for the organization.

Mike Sylwester said...

Are all the "people of color" in this situation Orientals?

Is the problem a concern that Amy Chua, an Oriental, was "mentoring" Oriental students and thus giving them special advantages?

Wince said...

These vicious depredations within the university hierarchy, serving administrator's personal piques rather than true interests of the educational institution, do seem correlated in large measure with the affluence, endowment and profligacy of the institution.

Perhaps due to the prevalence of cushy sinecures.

Amadeus 48 said...

Amy Chua counterattacks!

I think those Yale law students need to work harder. They seem to have a lot of time to gossip and slander their professors and fellow students. Also, they seem a bit full of themselves, don't they?

Gerken has certainly put herself in a pickle. I used to know Ellen Cosgrove when she was at Chicago. She was pretty realistic in those days. But as they say about assistant deans, they are mice in training to be rats.

Ceciliahere said...

You can’t make this stuff up!

Owen said...

I went to that place too many years ago. When the Trent Colbert fiasco began, I emailed Dean Gerken congratulating her on her campus having achieved a whole new level of oppressive stupidity. As this fiasco continues to unfold (and widen), it looks as if Cosgrove and Eldik should never have been given their jobs. In hindsight I would hope that people begin --just begin-- to contemplate the possibility that, when your job is to find "diversity inclusion and equity" problems, (a) there is no legitimate formal credentialing process, you just make it up and hopscotch among the PC-obsessed institutions, parlaying your identitarian BS into ever-more-glittering positions. And (b) given the nature of your "job," you will indeed find problems just so you can claim to have fixed them, and to that end you will use all means necessary, including deception, abuse of office and extortion.

Pass the popcorn. What's the over/under on Gerken's continued tenure?

Rollo said...

They say that Yale has more administrators than undergraduates. That includes all the graduate and professional schools, but still, the statistic is troubling.

Fernandinande said...

"Our students are highly entitles wusses."

Krumhorn said...

These are the same dean/dei clowns who have been pegging another student up the ass for his “trap house” party invitation.

Honestly, the lefties are nasty little shits.

- Krumhorn

Earnest Prole said...

“They want to get documents, they want to subpoena the other side [and] get internal emails between Gerken, Cosgrove and Eldik,” he said. “All of those emails would be… discoverable, meaning that they can be produced and turned over to the plaintiffs. The other thing about discovery is you get to ask questions of the relevant people under oath or deposition.” He said that, even if the plaintiffs do not win the case, they could still force Law School administrators to reveal some “embarrassing” documents and emails.

If there's a lawyer version of a chef's kiss, this deserves it.

Birches said...

Amy Chua does not back down. Tiger mom indeeds.

Anonymous said...

They need to create some new openings in the Law school administration, starting with the Dean.

There seem to be multiple patterns here.

Robert Marshall said...

Law professor Monica Bell LAW ’09 said that she believes the sole point of the lawsuit is to generate press attention. She said that she does not believe the two law students “think they can win” the lawsuit, and that the lawsuit’s purpose is to “make things … look bad.”

As if Yale Law, its dean Gerken, and its DEI-stasi agents Cosgrove and Eldik, need any help at all in looking bad! Their campaign against conservative students and the Federalist Society have taken care of the "looking bad" part quite well, on their own. What a shit-show they're running at YLS!

Temujin said...

Universities will not heal, will not get better, and will continue their slide into the realm of anti-intellectualism and the absurd until the Diversity Directors are shown the door and their departments shuttered. They control the U currently. And they have nothing to do with education. They are- to use a repeated phrase- a disease within the body. They need bright lights shone on them, and funds removed from them.

Critter said...

Harbinger of where the Left is heading. Mafia-like behavior as part of the fascist practices of progressives.

Douglas B. Levene said...

My prediction: Cosgrove and Eldik will be eased out of their YLS positions, and given safe refuge elsewhere at Yale. Dean Gerken will be left to twist in the wind for a few months more before being renewed as Dean. At the end of the day, her fund-raising ability will prevail over the doubts about her integrity and competence.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey now... about Yale -

PM said...

I would've had drinks with her in college, and would now.
And I wouldn't be pissy about it later.

Gospace said...

So did Binder train at Yale or guest lecture at Yale? Seems he did the same thing for witnesses in the Rittenhouse case.

Drago said...

University and Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken, Law School Associate Dean Ellen Cosgrove and Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Yaseen Eldik would all make great additions to Merrick Garland's DOJ.

I'm sure it wouldn't take much to get Andy McCarthy and Hugh Hewitt to vouch for how wonderful those administrators are and how proud we could be for such appointments.

Then, about 3 years later, both Andy and Hugh would be back to say "wow, who knew those cats were such wild eyed lying lefties?!".

Yancey Ward said...

And these "people of color" are almost all surely Asian ethnically, not black. If they were black, this article never gets written in the first place.

Rollo said...

This could put Gerken in quite a pickle.

Drago said...

Have any Yale alumnus/alumni put forth a petition to rename Yale University "Patrice Lumumba / People's Friendship University" yet?

Now's the time.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is what happened- Chua has a target on her back, but Yale can't really fire her even though they desperately wish to. Someone/s has/have been monitoring everything she is doing, probably other students, with or without the encouragement of the administrators. This is where the "dossier" came from- it is probably filled with salacious lies and/or misrepresentations, but the school needed the testimony of the students Chua was mentoring, they refused to stab Chua in the back, so I don't doubt for a second that the adminstrators put a lot of pressure on them to get them to cooperate- it is human nature to try to coerce cooperation if ones inferiors refuse to give it willingly- it is a fundamental tool of inquisitors throughout history. Surprisingly, the two students (are they the only ones, or the only ones willing to sue over the matter) fought back when they believed they had been retaliated against.

They may or may not be correct in their allegations in the lawsuit, but that is what a lawsuit is for- to determine the facts of the matter through discovery. When a lawyers like Lat tries to smear people for using a lawsuit to gain discovery, I am just flabbergasted- did he get his law degree out of a box of Cracker Jacks?

Big Mike said...

Not a surprise. Lefties like their minorities to be tractable and compliant.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike said...
Not a surprise. Lefties like their black people to be tractable and compliant.

Almost certainly, Amy Chua, Jane and John Doe, are Asian POC. The minority only when it helps the Leftist argument flavor.

The lawsuit pokes Yale in the eye with the POC references.

Readering said...

A YLS grad academic pointed out to me that a significant percentage of YLS students envision a career in academia, which is of course dominated by leftists. Hence the anonymity sought by plaintiffs here and the real significance of the warning to the student in the trap house controversy, more than the "character and fitness" allusion in their conversation (which only NY out of 50 states really focuses on). I assume that student does not see himself in academia.

Nice said...

Chua broke the rules. They told her not to have students in her home. She went ahead and students in her home, even after several warnings. There's no defense, after that point. No matter what the students felt, or the students' dealings with Yale after that, the fact remains: Chua did something she was specifically told not to do. And, it's fairly reasonable on Yale's part: Don't have students in your home--seems to make sense, for a variety of reasons, not just boundaries--alcohol, pandemic, husband's issues etc... These cutesy home visits also seem wildly impractical if she'd already been given an office on campus, to conduct any extra ministering she felt students needed.

Chua can spin it any way she wants, her groupies can cloud the issue with complaints of their own. Yet the fact remains: there's nothing unreasonable about Yale's rules for Professors to simply not have students in their homes.

Howard said...

This is how the pendulum returns. It a slow process, but it provides many Schadenfreude opportunities. You people earned this! Enjoy

Kai Akker said...

The Yale bear market grinds on. Does not look anywhere near its end.

n.n said...

Students of brown, black, yellow, perhaps orange?

Colored or of color? Attribute or racist designation, respectively.

Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment), inequity, and exclusion.

Yancey Ward said...

Rules against inviting adults- fucking adults- into ones home is the height of idiocy in the first place, Nice. That is a rule that requires active breaking repeatedly. Good on Chua for breaking it, and good on the students if they refused to back stab her.

Amadeus 48 said...

If you read the complaint you will see that John is Asian and Jane is African American.

Ceciliahere said...

If I had it to do over again, I would not have sent my daughter to an Ivy League school. She came home hinting that we are racists and backward Republicans. In my next life, my kid is going to a vocational school/community college and learn how to do something productive. I keep asking young people I run into, e.g. physical therapists, MRI technicians, etc. where they learned their job. I think I would feel better if my daughter was actually doing something worthwhile rather than telling us how unfair this country is. And all the changes we have to make to sustain the environment. I’m getting tired of eating tofu and kale every time we visit her. I went to a nephew’s commencement at Yale and could not believe what I heard. Some guy giving a speech comparing gun violence in Canada v. USA. In my estimation, Yale has become #1 in woke degrees, even passing Brown. Glenn Loury (POC) at Brown is a breath of fresh air and the only professor whose opinion I value and agree with.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Chua can spin it any way she wants, her groupies can cloud the issue with complaints of their own. Yet the fact remains: there's nothing unreasonable about Yale's rules for Professors to simply not have students in their homes.

Is that a reasonable rule? At my own grad school (UC/Berkeley), there was no such rule. I went to gatherings at several professors' homes (and, yes, there was a lot of alcohol at one of those; I remember us all getting pretty sloshed -- the professor in question had a part stake in a wine business -- and then trying to sing Josquin's "La Sol Fa Re Mi" Mass from facsimiles of the original Petrucci partbooks, original clefs and mensuration signs and all); I visited another several times (by myself, yet!) to get things like his own tape of three Hindemith quartets; yet another professor, who lived round the corner from me one year, routinely gave me lifts down to campus. Hell, I house-sat for my own doctoral advisor for three weeks when he was in Europe.

To me, that seems entirely reasonable, for a musicology grad student at perhaps the best department in the country for that study. Maybe Yale Law is different, b/c the stakes are higher?

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

The article is about the YLS Deans retaliating against students for not being willing to lie for them. It is utterly irrelevant whether Chua had students over to her house or not. The rule may be dumb, but it doesn't matter - these Deans are using their positions to harm students who won't participate in their dirty work.

That's how Progressives work.

Joe Smith said...

'Students of brown, black, yellow, perhaps orange?

Colored or of color? Attribute or racist designation, respectively.'

In English, it is really twisting the language to not just say 'colored people.'

I'm not sure why this is so offensive.

If you refer to yourself as 'of color,' you are by definition 'colored.'

Btw, I am wearing jeans of blue today.

Jupiter said...

"As this fiasco continues to unfold (and widen), it looks as if Cosgrove and Eldik should never have been given their jobs."

Oh, you think? Mistakes were made?

Amadeus 48 said...

"When a lawyers [sic] like Lat tries to smear people for using a lawsuit to gain discovery, I am just flabbergasted- did he get his law degree out of a box of Cracker Jacks?"

In fact, I think David Lat is a graduate if Yale Law. He was VP of the Federalist Society. His Wikipedia entry says his parents are doctors in New Jersey.

I don't see Lat's item quoted by Althouse as smearing anybody, but it does suggest a rip-snortin' duel between Cosgrove and Gerken if Cosgrove is set up to be the chump. Since Gerken appears to have been after Chua, I bet there is some good stuff between Gerken and Cosgrove. But let's face it: who is more expendable than the creepy head of DIE at Yale? That guy is a train-wreck. Hey, flunky! Leave those kids alone!

Readering said...

Lat has a new piece on trap house gate from the Fedsoc conference. Apparently Cosgrove, the DEI guy and the YLS official with authority over the Fedsoc budget also put the screws on Fedsoc to apologize and did other nefarious stuff according to YLS Fedsoc. Lat does not blame Gerken but sees the others as toast.

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