November 11, 2021

"Then we hit the 'My Cousin Vinny' point in the cross. For those of you who are sadly unfamiliar with the best law-themed movie ever produced..."

"... two young men find themselves mistaken for murderers. When told by police that they are suspected of having killed someone, one of the men bursts out, in question form, 'I killed someone?' This would later be read in court as if it were a statement of confession, rather than an outburst of bewilderment. In this real-life trial, it turns out that someone had accused Kyle to his face, on the street, of having pointed a gun at him. Knowing that he’d never done that, Kyle responded sarcastically, 'Yeah, I pointed a gun at you,' and immediately turned around and walked away from a situation that could have been escalated. Now, in court, Binder presented this sarcastic remark as if it were a statement of fact, and characterized Kyle’s denial of the statement being made seriously as a lie."

From "Rittenhouse Trial Day 7: Kyle Survives Abusive Cross-Examination" by Andrew Branca (Legal Insurrection)(video of this portion of the trial at the link).


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Big Mike said...

@Crack, don’t bother getting in my face; I’ll ignore you. Go get in the face of Winsome Sears.

If you’re man enough.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Even if acquitted, and he should be, Mr Rittenhouse will be hounded you the left for the rest of his life. Zimmerman was supposed to appear at a self defense seminar in Boise ID and the left pressured the venue to cancel his appearance.

Owen said...

Thinking a bit more about Kyle Rittenhouse and the vicious morons who attacked him...should an openly-carried firearm be characterized as an attractive nuisance? What if he had been carrying concealed, would they have left him alone? What drew them to him: his calling out to ask if anybody needed first aid, or help putting out fires? Or the weapon he was carrying?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

One of the assholes Rittenhouse killed in self defense was filmed saying the N-word over and over. And, N-word guy was a white skinhead.

The left cry crocodile tears over his death.

Bilwick said...

I for one am curious about which conservative think tanks Crack is familiar with. He seems quite erudite, so I'm sure there are many.

Achilles said...

Owen said...

Thinking a bit more about Kyle Rittenhouse and the vicious morons who attacked him...should an openly-carried firearm be characterized as an attractive nuisance? What if he had been carrying concealed, would they have left him alone? What drew them to him: his calling out to ask if anybody needed first aid, or help putting out fires? Or the weapon he was carrying?

There were barbarians that wanted to loot and burn.

Barbarians that want to loot and burn do not like people who protect private property.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "You guys missed the post where and said that she posted on Aaron Rodgers but somehow I'm not impressed."

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

Drago said...

The Hopeless Left Bank: "The provocation of running around the chaotic streets of Kenosha and into the midnight hours waving his AR-15 with his finger next to the trigger negates the self-defense claim"

The entirety of the evidence, including massive amounts of video from all angles and eyewitness testimony, demonstrated conclusively, absolutely, irrefutably that Rittenhouse did NOT "wave" his AR-15 around. Quite the opposite.

What a surprise! The opposite of what the moron Left Bank is claiming is the demonstrably true!

Gee, I did not see that coming.

In fact, the incredible discipline demonstrated by Rittenhouse as ALL the actual evidence (as opposed to what Rachel Maddow or Joy Reid say) demonstrates conclusively, was the very reason his lawyers, against all typical scenario advice, allowed Rittenhouse to take the stand even after the Prosecution went full Little Binger and Fatlock had already lost the case.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...
@Crack, don’t bother getting in my face; I’ll ignore you. Go get in the face of Winsome Sears.

If you’re man enough.

Winsome Sears and I both served. I'm sure we'd be fine.

BTW - throwing a black woman in my face because she's black is racist.

The Crack Emcee said...

I like how you guys will ignore that I'm on the kid's side - I know he did wrong, but I don't want him locked up. The fact you will accept nothing but what you want is what's revealing.

mikee said...

Owen: The open carrying of a firearm is not an attractive nuisance, nor is simply carrying a firearm openly considered under most laws to be brandishing a firearm (i.e., criminally, with intent to threaten). Openly carrying a firearm indicates a person is following the laws regarding bearing a firearm, without threatening others, and that the person is not carrying a gun with criminal intentions.

Pointing a firearm at someone is not just rude, is is usually criminal if not done in self defense. Hence the prosecution's strong efforts to make the pixellated drone footage into evidence that Rittenhouse threateningly pointed his gun at someone momentarily - apparently the only time that entire night he did so without cause.

In the past century, some concealed carry of firearms was considered evidence of criminal intent. That has changed. Today licensed or otherwise legal concealed carry is promoted as a way to avoid public scrutiny while exercising one's right to bear arms, because jackanape leftists may try to cause you harm if they see a firearm on your person. Swatting (calling the police with false reports of illegal activity by the gun owner) or other harassment has been a leftist tactic for decades now. So being able to defend yourself with a concealed weapon, while not disturbing the public with a firearm showing on your person, is today considered by some a polite way to exercise the right to bear arms.

Chris Lopes said...

"And, N-word guy was a white skinhead."

Doesn't surprise me in the least. Dumb ass white boys in jail tend to hang out with other dumb ass white boys, many of whom have less than enlightened views on race. They weren't protesting anything. They wanted to do violence in an area they were unlikely to have to deal with the police. Under other circumstances, they'd have been just as happy (perhaps more) with beating up black people if they could get away with it.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "I like how you guys will ignore that I'm on the kid's side - I know he did wrong, but I don't want him locked up."

No one is ignoring that.

We are simply pointing out your incompetence in assessing the self-defense claims.

Nothing personal.

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...

"We are simply pointing out your incompetence in assessing the self-defense claims."

You don't need a self-defense claim IF YOU'RE NOT THERE.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The Crack Emcee said...
I like how you guys will ignore that I'm on the kid's side - I know he did wrong, but I don't want him locked up.

I don't care "whose side" you're on. I'm on the side of the law and the truth.

The truth is that his every action was legal, including carrying the AR-15 in public.

I'm not banging on you because "you're on the wrong side", I'm banging on you because you're wrong.

If you attack someone after having threatening to kill him, he gets to kill you. If you attack someone with a deadly weapon, or anything that can cause great bodily injury, he can kill you.

Everyone Kyle shot or shot at was guilty of behaving in a way that justified his use of deadly self defense.

If you want people to engage in self defense then notify the cops, rather than just shooting people and disappearing, Kyle needs to be properly found not guilty on all charges.

Because he is not guilty

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Drago said...

"We are simply pointing out your incompetence in assessing the self-defense claims."

You don't need a self-defense claim IF YOU'RE NOT THERE.

So fucking what?

Kyle had an absolute right to be there, as great or greater than the right of any of the people he shot.

The 4 creatures he shot at wouldn't have been shot at if they weren't there. So if we follow your "logic" then they all deserved to be shot for being there.

Case still closed: self defense, not guilty.

The most you can legitimately say on the subject is that the presents of rioting left wing scumbags made it dangerous for decent human beings to be there. So any decent human beings who wanted to be there were welcome advised to be legally armed while there.

Which Kyle was.

You can not make am sort of morally, ethically, or legally valid argument that the presence of criminal scum meant that non-criminal non-scum have no right to be there.

Which is what you are attempting to do

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