November 30, 2021

Sunrise — 7:03.



gadfly said...

Turn out the lights, the anti-vax Trumpians are losing - big time.

Gospace said...

Went to a funeral yesterday. The deceased died with covid- and it was probably contributory to her death. She was unvaxxed. As were many of those in attendance. Did it change anyone's mind about vaccination? No. She met the clinical definition of morbidly obese, a term not allowed anymore, had asthma, and a history of frequent pneumonia. And unlike many of the other unvaxxed present wasn't taking any supplements or doing anything in particular to reduce her chances of serious disease or death should she contract it. Hew husband had it at the same time- recovered. Also not taking supplements or doing anything in particular- and with a better health history. Also unvaxxed.

There were a number of people at the funeral who masked up. All from her side of the family- I knew all of them. (I knew a very few of his side by sight from the wedding...) There was a mixture of vaxxed and unvaxxed there. Every single masked person was vaccinated.

So, who's living a more healthy life? The unvaxxed living normally, smiling, laughing, crying, hugging, sharing emotions by facial expressions? Or the vaxxed up masked- avoiding human contact, not sharing smiles and other facial expressions, afraid to hug or engage in normal human activity?

In case you're in doubt, IMHO it's the unvaxxed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lady Gaga was emotional talking about about early dementia stage Tony Bennet introducing her by name to the stage at his 90th birthday bash 🥲

She got from the old timer the acceptance she sought from Madonna maybe 🤔

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Recognition* instead of acceptance.

BG said...

Omicron - is that a Decepticon? Asking for a friend.

Howard said...

The cool thing about mask wearing is we are forced to focus on the expression in the eyes. I love seeing women who smile honestly because their eyes light up and sparkle. I feel sorry for you mask pussies who are so put out by so little effort and inconvenience. True snowflakes. I'm off to swim now with my Covid workout buddies. We have all been very close and generally follow the rules but go out to eat together, travel to competitions together and none of us has got the bug yet.

All the verklemptidness Gospace harps about exists in her own frightened mind and is just a virtue signal to fellow handwringers possessed by the orange demon.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Omicron is an obscure Marvel character who started out as a baddie and then had a change of heart and became an Avenger.

Wait a minute... does joking count as misinformation? I don't want to be subpoenaed.

Drago said...

Detroit Superintendent @Dr_Vitti
: "Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory, especially in social studies, but you'll find it in English language arts and the other disciplines. We were very intentional about ... embedding critical race theory within our curriculum."

You know what I love most about this admission by the Detroit School Superintendent?

Its Detroit. Which is in Michigan. Which is the state a certain LLR who shall remain nameless hails from and who claimed there was no such thing as CRT being taught in schools.

rhhardin said...

Sunset at Fort Madison IA
scroll back to 16:30-16:40 CST. Stays up for 12 hours before scrolling away off the end (live stream)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The following is meant as a joke... any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Omicron is a failed Obama campaign merch. Nobody wears a watch now.

Jersey Fled said...

So, who's living a more healthy life? The unvaxxed living normally, smiling, laughing, crying, hugging, sharing emotions by facial expressions? Or the vaxxed up masked- avoiding human contact, not sharing smiles and other facial expressions, afraid to hug or engage in normal human activity?

How about option three: the unmasked vaxxed living normally etc.

Gospace said...

Ah, Howard, how interesting it must be in your imaginary world.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

I'm a hard core deplorable, but find it useful and interesting to read and try to understand what my mom and her fellow lefties are thinking. I read Slate, look at the MSM news feed, CNN on occasion, and WAPO. I draw the line at NYT.
I do my best to avoid supporting financially the evil empire, but will go so far as to pay a nominal amount for their try-out subscription. I paid $30 for a year of WAPO, I think because I have a tenuous connection to a university. My year is up soon, and they sent me a notice that the next year will be $100. No way I'm paying a hundred bucks for that rag.
I went to my Account page and checked the box to cancel my subscription. The next page asked e for the reason for cancelling. There were multiple boxes that I could have checked, chief among them "Concern about content," and "Cost of the subscription." I checked the Cost box.
Next screen offered me a 1 year extension for ten bucks. I took it.
Might be useful information for some of the Professor's readers.

GatorNavy said...

B.G. Sez

Omicron - is that a Decepticon? Asking for a friend.

Omicron is a family restaurant in West Bend, WI.

You ignorant wretch


I'm Not Sure said...

There is no such thing as CRT, it's not being taught in the schools and oh, by the way- it's spectacular.

Jaq said...

"The cool thing about mask wearing is we are forced to focus on the expression in the eyes. I love seeing women who smile honestly because their eyes light up and sparkle."

I have to admit, a lot of black girls wearing masks have this whole Arabian Nights thing going on that gets me going, a little bit.

n.n said...

Beware the non-sterilizing, excess adverse events vaxxxation and silent spread... and all cause mortality in the same cohorts, particularly young, weird.

Table 6. Attendance to emergency care and deaths by vaccination status among Delta confirmed cases (sequencing and genotyping) in England, 1 February 2021 to 7 June 2021.

unvaccinated 0.0012
< 21 days dose 1 0.0
> 21 days dose 1 0.0013
> 14 days dose 2 0.0067

Deaths by vaccination status, England

Table 3: Weekly age-specific mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19, per 100,000 people, England, deaths occurring between 2 January 2021 and 24 September 2021


24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 10-59 0.4
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 60-69 8.5
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 70-79 12.2
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 80+ 40.6
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 10-59 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 60-69 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 70-79 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 80+ :
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 10-59 0.2
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 60-69 10.4
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 70-79 13.3
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 80+ 45.6
24-Sep-21 Second dose 10-59 0.2
24-Sep-21 Second dose 60-69 1.1
24-Sep-21 Second dose 70-79 2.8
24-Sep-21 Second dose 80+ 10

Table 4: Weekly age-specific mortality rates by vaccination status for all deaths, per 100,000 people, England, deaths occurring between 2 January 2021 and 24 September 2021

Age-specific rate per 100,000


24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 10-59 0.9
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 60-69 24.0
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 70-79 59.6
24-Sep-21 Unvaccinated 80+ 214.4
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 10-59 1.7
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 60-69 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 70-79 :
24-Sep-21 Within 21 days of first dose 80+ :
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 10-59 2.1
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 60-69 78.2
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 70-79 152.9
24-Sep-21 21 days or more after first dose 80+ 381.5
24-Sep-21 Second dose 10-59 2.2
24-Sep-21 Second dose 60-69 12.8
24-Sep-21 Second dose 70-79 37.2
24-Sep-21 Second dose 80+ 157.4

n.n said...

Omicron - is that a Decepticon?

Apparently, it's a less than diverse (count them on one hand) vaxxxer (i.e. non-sterilizing, excess adverse events, short-term, limited-scope therapy) cohort who were infected and suffered disease progression.

BG said...

Omicron is a family restaurant in West Bend, WI.

I don't think I've been to West Bend in over 20 years. Had to look up to see if what you were saying is true.
Oh...those poor, poor owners.

There used to be a supper club west of Madison on 151 named Aides (Family name). Yeah...until...
Actually, they closed for other reasons but at that time the name didn't help.

Jaq said...

I prefer Biden's "Omnicron" as it has a much more fearsome, yet in a Saturday morning cartoonish way, sound.

Jaq said...

I was just at the gym, and there were a lot of people there, including a 'pony tail girl' on the elliptical trainer, and I was just thinking that "fuck it," if Omnicron is what is going to get me, come get me you bastard! Like Lt Dan lashed to the mast of that shrimp boat in Forest Gump, I have had all I can take. I know that there was a case in Montreal, and when I was having a drink at the local imbibery, I was talking to a truck driver who goes to Montreal every day, and so I probably have it already.

[insert GIF from the movie "Outbreak" here with the country turning red with cases in three days.]

I am just past caring. I know my kids worry about me, and if I catch it, and it's really bad, I am not going to like it, but between now and that day, I plan to live my life. I am getting my booster jab tomorrow morning, I had the Moderna in February, and immunity fades to coronaviruses. So if I stop posting here, feel free to blame the jab. But that's as far as I will go, I am not locking myself up any more. If the jab is not enough, I bow to evolution, like every creature who has ever lived.

Jaq said...

The problem with that dataset n.n., is that it combines ages ten to fifty-nine. I have great respect for you, but you have to understand that binning age groups that broadly is going to be misleading and even create false trends. I spent the last half of my career in tech in the analysis of very similar statistics, and people paid good money for techniques that sliced them finer and finer, while still maintaining significance, because the very fine binning of the data provided actionable insights, as long as it was statistically significant. The broad binned stuff, which would be the equivalent of your [10-59], was virtually worthless to decision makers.

Biologically, a ten year old may as well be a different species from a fifty-nine year old. If I were binning that data, it would be in decade increments, at most, and better yet, five years, or even one year, if there was enough data to make the one year data statistically stable, which there may not be. It was stupid of the UK to release that data in that form, which could easily be used to mislead the gullible.

Drago said...

BTW, have either gadfly or Howard come around to declare Rittenhouse guilty of attempted murder for the attack on Juicy Smollett?


Well, give them a bit more time.......

GatorNavy said...

Omicron is a family restaurant in West Bend, WI.

I don't think I've been to West Bend in over 20 years. Had to look up to see if what you were saying is true.
Oh...those poor, poor owners.

There used to be a supper club west of Madison on 151 named Aides (Family name). Yeah...until...
Actually, they closed for other reasons but at that time the name didn't help.

I’m trying to get a breakfast there with my son on Saturday to support them. The boy doesn’t have my sense of humor

gpm said...

>>We have all been very close and generally follow the rules but go out to eat together, travel to competitions together and none of us has got the bug yet.

Have any of you read The Masque of the Red Death?


chuck said...

I was just thinking that "fuck it,"

When I went to get my teeth cleaned in September, the dentist asked me if I had had Covid. I answered "Not yet". I stopped worrying about it months ago, and Omicron looks like a good booster.

n.n said...

It was stupid of the UK to release that data in that form, which could easily be used to mislead the gullible.

Yes, the risk for younger cohorts is less than the statistics over that age span suggest. The all cause death disparity between the unvaccinated (including immune, resistant, and conditional infections) and vaccinated, especially in younger cohorts, is surprising, but may track with the adverse events correlated with the non-sterilizing "vaccines". The highest risk cohort (overweight, diabetic corelated with age) should be less than the statistics indicate, given data from diverse sources, including a perfect survival rate with early treatment of men and women of median age above 80 with multiple comorbidities in Spain last year. The data from the cruise ship of high risk cohorts, including husbands and wives, in close proximity is similarly incongruent with the statistics and outcomes presented to the public. The risk of hospitalization, death, and transmission of the fully vaccinated with respect to the immune and others, progresses with viral evolution to less lethal variants.

n.n said...

There is no such thing as CRT, it's not being taught in the schools and oh, by the way- it's spectacular.

Critical Racists' Theory presumes diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment). So, whether by label, or judgment, racism, sexism, ageism, and other class-based bigotry is being taught and practiced in schools, corporations, government agencies, etc.

Diversity, inequity, and exclusion (DIE)

That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion

walter said...

Howard said...The cool thing about mask wearing is we are forced to focus on the expression in the eyes.

Ah. Like the fundy Muslims. Cool! But..eyes are viral vectors.
Focus on earlobes as your connection to femininity.
Or just stare at tits.
Semper Fud!

walter said...

I know the massive public information campaign has not allowed anyone to escape its reach, but for at least a coupla months, most here have been cleared to access mAbs upon even exposure to rona.
Not I..too thin, young etc..but at MORTAL RISK, NEEED JAB!

Joe Smith said...

'I love seeing women who smile honestly because their eyes light up and sparkle. I feel sorry for you mask pussies who are so put out by so little effort and inconvenience.'

Nice spin.

Fundamentalist Muslims love barricading women behind masks too.

Freedom is slavery...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There used to be a supper club west of Madison on 151 named Aides (Family name). Yeah...until...

There used to be a weight loss pill called “Aids”… yeah, until.

Jaq said...

The media pumped up Chris Christie’s book for weeks while the establishment tried to frame him as a guy who could beat Trump in 2024. His new book sold 2,289 copies. Just the latest wake up call for them that they’re divorced from reality. People don’t want what they’re selling.

I do hope gadfly bought his copy!

gadfly said...

BG said...
There used to be a supper club west of Madison on 151 named Aides (Family name). Yeah...until...

There is a cheese company in New York called Polly-O which was founded by Giuseppe Pollio in 1899 which carried his name until the crippling Polio disease (finally conquered by a vaccine) became prominent after increased disease outbreaks in the 1940s. Thus "Polly the Parrott" was deemed to be a better symbol than an Iron Lung.

gadfly said...

@tim in vermont said...
The media pumped up Chris Christie’s book for weeks while the establishment tried to frame him as a guy who could beat Trump in 2024. His new book sold 2,289 copies. Just the latest wake up call for them that they’re divorced from reality. People don’t want what they’re selling.

I do hope gadfly bought his copy!

Well, now Timmy, you read about as often and as well as your favorite carnival barker, Donny Trump. You cannot show me a post that I ever made favoring "Crispy Cream." He sucked up to Obama to get money for bailing out NJ homeowners who built and rebuilt in flood plains and was Trump the gangster's intimate buddy.

Why were you interested in a book by Chris Christie in the first place? I didn't know he wrote one. I thought that he, like your hero, never wrote anything.

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