November 7, 2021

"So why the raids? Since when does the FBI [conduct] raids over missing diaries?"

Asks Jonathan Turley in "FBI Raids Project Veritas Writers . . . Over A Missing Biden Diary?" 
Project Veritas decided not to run the story because it could not verify that the diary belonged to [Ashley] Biden... Instead, it alerted the police, according to [James] O’Keefe: “Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful owner. We never published it.” ...

What is the alleged federal crime (and what is the precedent for a major federal investigation over such an alleged theft)? What precautions were taken by the Biden Administration in light of the claimed media status of the targeted individuals? Why was there a delay in this action being taken if the alleged theft occurred a year ago? Has this matter been under investigation for a year and did the White House request the intervention of the FBI?


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The use of the FBI is also reminiscent of the still unexplained use of the FBI when Joe Biden was Vice President to search for a gun owned by Hunter Biden that was discarded behind a restaurant.

The Bidens; trashiest family in the trailer park!

PB said...

The FBI is clearly operating outside of it's lane. They are out of control.

Joe Smith said...

Two things to add...

I read that O'Keefe tried to give it to the daughter's attorney and they refused to take it...presumedly to avoid authenticating it as a result.

And also that Trump authorized the FBI to go after it? Sounds odd, but even then it is wrong. It is not a federal matter.

The executive branch (or anybody in government) should not have their own private goon squad...

Owen said...

Prof. A: your questions would make perfect sense if we were still operating in a world where law, evidence, justice, due process and all of the rest of that fond nonsense still had purchase. But we aren’t. And they don’t.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The FBI was busy looking into the busted McDonald's ice-cream machines.

I wish I was making this up.

zipity said...

Need any more evidence that the FBI/CIA/DOJ are hopelessly compromised political activists, and that they should all be burned to the ground and rebuilt from the ground up?

I didn't think so.

Uncle Pavian said...

Apparently, at about the same time that they started monitoring local school board meetings for sedition.

rehajm said...

REPORT: FBI Lost HD Rittenhouse Video, Never Told The Defense It Existed

Another day, another instance of the FBI “losing” exculpatory evidence and violating Brady.

Charlie Currie said...

The search for information about the diary is a pretence to search all of PV's files to see what they have coming up next. PV is a thorn in the left's side.

Sally327 said...

This seems along the same lines as something I read at another website ( about the FBI flying drones over the riots in Kenosha, WI. Some of the evidence being presented by the prosecutors in the Rittenhouse trial comes from those drones. I understand that it's not illegal for LEOs to conduct surveillance like this in a public place but what exactly was the FBI's role?

rehajm said...

While we’re pointed out the corruption of the FBI I’d like to mention the lack of criticism of this stunt from the rest of legacy media…

Imagine if Trump had the FBI raid Jim Acosta’s home

gilbar said...

imagine, just imagine; it was supposedly President Trump's daughter's diary that was stolen
And NBC had it? Does Anyone think that NBC would have 'decided not to run the story because it could not verify that the diary belonged' ???
Does Anyone think that the FBI would have gotten involved?
Does Anyone think that NBC wouldn't have received a Pulitzer Price ??

Lurker21 said...

It's yet to be established that the diary was actually stolen.

What is the legal rule on lost and found stuff?

In practice, if nobody claims it in 30 days or so, it's gone for good.

I lose so much stuff that way, you wouldn't believe it ...

Scott M said...

If you're in possession of something like this, even if you can't verify it's authenticity, you're going to photograph the hell out of it, down to the nth detail, right? It doesn't matter if it wasn't originally published because they couldn't prove that it was actually Ashley Biden's, though the FBI being involved would seem to indicate that it is. Regardless, everyone is walking around with what amounts to a production studio in their pockets these days. No way that entire tome wasn't cataloged.

who-knew said...

The raid happened because Project Veritas is viewed as a political enemy of the current regime. They don't give a rat's ass about the diary per se, but I bet they're salivating over the thought that they might scare up some other damaging information about Project Veritas. The FBI and the DOJ are totally corrupt and politicized. Start from that assumption and it all makes sense.

Sebastian said...

"So why the raids?"

Why not? The Dem deep state doesn't rest. They fight. In particular, they fight overt enemies, like Project Veritas.

Why fight in this case? Because they can. And because the diary does contain some salacious stuff that can hurt the Big Guy.

R C Belaire said...

Someone's getting worried -- big time.

effinayright said...

Why doesn't the FBI rename itself the Gestapo and get it over with?

Chris Lopes said...

The idea that the FBI might be running political interference for the Biden administration (as the potential for embarrassing revelations is quite obvious) is (sadly) not only possible, but quite likely. There isn't any other reasonable explanation. It's not like the diary contains nuclear launch codes or something else national security related.

Gahrie said...

Turley did not commit suicide.

BoatSchool said...

The most likely answer to Turkey’s question is that the FBI is actually looking for something other than the diary, which something they hope to come across during the search.

The diary is simply a means to an end.

‘ Carter Page - please pick the white courtesy phone.’

Maynard said...

The FBI wants to get the goods, any goods on James O'Keefe before he gets more goods on them.

They are the Stasi who work for the Democrat party and the Deep State.

Narayanan said...

Project Veritas decided not to run the story because it could not verify that the diary belonged to [Ashley] Biden... Instead, it alerted the police, according to [James] O’Keefe: “Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful owner. We never published it.” ...
it is so simple - how come wipipo don't get it

Project Veritas did not choose right standard or course of conduct or action

I say FBI/DOJ synapse connections / thinking go like this :

- by choosing not to publish Project Veritas gave up any claim or pretense of being media entitled to presumed 1A protection.

- ergo : now they can be treated are simply hoaxer/alleged purloiners

Narayanan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

Banana Republic Goon Squad. Leave It To Brandon.

Michael K said...

Simple. The FBI is now filling the role of the KGB in the Soviet Union.

Comrade, please show me your papers.

madAsHell said...

Since when does the FBI exonerate the email practices of a Presidential candidate??

madAsHell said...

.....and doesn't the FBI raid essentially validate the diary?

Anonymous said...

A more important question is why The New York Times knew about the raid notwithstanding the FBIhaving warned O'Keefe nor to disclose the raid.

TTB said...

I suspect the alleged federal crime is revelation of a single line in the journal which could be interpreted in a way to embarrass Joe Biden.

Michael K said...

I would like to thank the FBI and the clueless individual who sicced them on Veritas for confirming that the diary is genuine and the stories of Biden showering with his young daughter are probably true.

Achilles said...

""So why the raids? Since when does the FBI [conduct] raids over missing diaries?""

This is an illegitimate regime acting like an illegitimate regime.

It has a bunch of shithead supporters that cheer on authoritarian attacks and repression of their political opponents.

Joe Biden is doing everything they accused Trump of doing.

Joe Biden supporters need to keep it up. We need to know who you are.

Fredrick said...

Well they sure don't want the media talking about Durham's indictment of Igor Danchenko and the cast of characters that leads to.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I read that O'Keefe tried to return the diary to Biden lawyers, but they refused to accept it because that would authenticate it. This was probably O'Keefe's reasoning as well, though he hasn't said that.
An entertaining game of chess, so far.
But it does accentuate the idea that electing Biden was never going to give us a "normal" presidency. His family dynamics are as damaged and electric as anything you would read in a Fitzgerald novel, but not in a good, entertaining way. More like an "OMG! The woman I love and cannot stop loving is drinking two fifths of vodka each day!" kind of way.

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

Yes! What ARE the Federal laws being broken here? And why is the FBI acting a lot like a gang instead of a legal investigation agency?

Achilles said...

In order for the FBI to be involved there has to be some violation of Federal Law.

What law was violated?

Censorship. Political repression. Political violence. Two tier law system.

Democrats are just terrible people.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Simple. Project Veritas has exposed legal wrong doings by darlings of the left such as ACORN and Planned Parenthood. Project Veritas has been a pain in the ass to these lefty institutions. A Dept. Of Justice that was weaponized by the Obama and Biden Administrations is now persecuting and harassing Project Veritas in an attempt to silence Project Veritas and send a message to the country not to cross the rulers of our country and their favored “institutions”.

Wa St Blogger said...

Until we punish the wrong doers and the enablers we will continue to get this abuse of power. I prefer conservative candidates because I prefer a less active government, but I would turn on them in an instant if the liberals stopped being the baddies and the conservatives started. Fascism has taken a country over due to the inaction of the citizens. It can happen here. If you say you value integrity and consistently applied laws and yet you do not vote out the people who fail in that regard, then you don't actually value those things. If the politicians knew they would be thrown out on their ear they would clean up their act. but if they know they can get away with it, they will keep pushing the envelope until they go too far. Probably where we are today. And if you patronize media that enables this activity then you justify their behavior.

Krontekag said...

They are looking for something else. Maybe just fishing.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

All good questions someone outside the Fox News universe should also be asking. Like Glen Greenwald tweeted overnight, all the best reporting on Russiagate was in right wing media. The most trusted and shared news on Facebook is Shapiro’s Daily Wire. The merger of Big Tech and Legacy Media is resulting in a product fewer want and no one trusts. Using the Deep State Stasi signals how weak and afraid Biden is of losing the narrative.

Steve Pitment said...

They don't even care anymore that we can all see the corruption of these agencies. It is past the point where anybody can do anything about it. It doesn't matter what happens in elections. The DOJ and FBI do as they please, which is to further the interests of the permanent DC class and the Democrat party.

Steve Pitment said...

They don't even care anymore that we can all see the corruption of these agencies. It is past the point where anybody can do anything about it. It doesn't matter what happens in elections. The DOJ and FBI do as they please, which is to further the interests of the permanent DC class and the Democrat party.

ken in tx said...

Something needs to be done with regard to the FBI. With regard to how it operates and when and why it is deployed. I think something along the lines of a civilian version of the War Powers Act, something that requires the Justice Dept to report to Congress what they are doing and why.

Drago said...

We already know the answer to the question.

The DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA and all the rest have made institutional decisions that taking their pro-dem status from unspoken and denied to undeniable poses no real risk to their organizations.

Their morphing into an openly Stasi/Praetorian Guard operational arm of the democraticals is nearly complete.

Anything that represents a political danger to the democraticals will be ruthlessly attacked by these agencies.

madAsHell said...

So, Joe leaves 100's behind in Afghanistan.

Humper leaves his laptop at the repair shop.

Ashley leaves her diary.

This is a big family of FUCK-UPs!

Michael K said...

imagine, just imagine; it was supposedly President Trump's daughter's diary that was stolen

The legacy media are already pushing the complaints of the daughter of Trump's alcoholic brother. I think she even has a book out.

rehajm said...

The search for information about the diary is a pretence to search all of PV's files to see what they have coming up next.

…or the FBI and team left know someone on their side was Veritassed and are intimidating PV to prevent it going public…

Leora said...

I was inspired by this story to donate to Project Veritas which I have done from time to time. To my surprise, my Donor Advised fund at Fidelity no longer has them available as a charitable organization. They are still listed on the IRS site as a qualified 501(c)3 able to receive charitable donations. I donated directly on their website This is the second time I have had this happen so I probably will not be making another donation to the Donor Advised fund. The other one who was not on the Fidelity site was Alliance Defending Freedom.

I totally hate having to think in terms of conspiracies but it keeps getting harder not to.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Why doesn't the FBI rename itself the Gestapo and get it over with?

Fascist Bureau of Intimidation. They can keep the same acronym.

Kansas City said...

This is so bizarre there has to be an unknown plausible explanation for it.

Ray - SoCal said...

Nice Streisand Effect!

I did not realized:
- Daughter has drug addiction issues
- may have been molested as a child
- is in a broken marriage with affairs by both parts
- and she showered with her Father

The diary was written while she was in rehab in Florida, then left behind in a hotel room. Next occupant found it and tried to shop it to various outlets. One I never heard of published it.

Veritas claims to have given the diary to the fbi.

Gahrie said...

Who cares that the Democrats are using the FBI as their goons?

That's so boring, and boring is good.

Quaestor said...

The legacy media are already pushing the complaints of the daughter of Trump's alcoholic brother. I think she even has a book out.

The niece's main complaint seems to be that DJT did not lavish enough largess upon her to compensate for her drunkard daddy.

As for the FBI raid, the diary was just the excuse for a "fishing expedition" ordered by Ron Klain's cock-holster, Merrick Garland.

tim maguire said...

I’m not that concerned about a raid to recover a personal diary given that the person is the daughter of the president—“national security” has hung on much flimsier hooks than this without people raising much of a stink.

My question is, if O’Keefe already turned over the diary, then what were the people behind the raid hoping to find? Why would these tactics be used against someone who is cooperating?

Mr. Forward said...

Since when did the FBI conduct raids for stealing a diary?
I think that started when I borrowed Big Sister’s diary and read it out loud on the schoolbus.
She made a federal case out of it.

wendybar said...

If your eyes aren't open to the corrupt deep state by now...go back to sleep. Nothing will ever change your mind, and you are part of the problem.

wendybar said...

HOW did the NYT's find out about the raids beforehand?? The same way CNN learned of the Roger Stone raid at 4 am in the morning?? Is the NYT's part of the FBI now?? Is CNN?? Talk about Progressives sticking together. There is a problem here, and it is going to be addressed one day, and Progressives ARE NOT going to be happy.

wendybar said...

Great comment on Legal Insurrection about the FBI "The difference between the KGB and the FBI is that when the KGB staged a coup against Mikhail Gorbachev they were stripped of their power and disbanded. But when the FBI attempted a coup against Donald Trump not much happened to those responsible."- UserP / Legal Insurrection

Lurker21 said...

Compromise solution:

Publish the diary in full and give Ashley the royalties.

After Joe gets his ten percent or fifty percent.

Achilles said...

Leora said...

I totally hate having to think in terms of conspiracies but it keeps getting harder not to.

I am sure there will be some Biden supporters along shortly to tell you to stop believing nonsense like our Corporations and government are allied against individual freedom.

There are real scandals like Russian collusion and the insurrection on January 6th.

Achilles said...

Who is Ray Epps?

Two journalists asked Ray Epps why he was filmed on January 6th at the INSURRECTION at the front of the group exhorting everyone to get in the capitol.

Then they asked him why he was not in jail like the other January 6th protesters.

Then they talk to his daughter who said "She would not be surprised if he was an FBI informant."

Then they were followed home and interrogated by the FBI.

wendybar said...

When the National Enquirer is more factually honest than CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo ect..ect...ect...

Anonymous said...

Michael K said...
Simple. The FBI is now filling the role of the KGB in the Soviet Union.

Comrade, please show me your papers.Michael K said...
Simple. The FBI is now filling the role of the KGB in the Soviet Union.

Comrade, please show me your papers.

While it clearly has a Soviet stench to it, I think the better fit it is NKVD

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”

Beria to Stalin

Martha said...

Definitely a mistake to focus so much attention on Ashley Biden and her “stolen” missing diary.
Ashley seems to be as troubled as half brother Hunter. Drug addiction. Sex addiction. Showered with father —AT WHAT AGE!
Marriage in shambles. Career in shambles. Finances in shambles. Nose destroyed by cocaine. In and out of rehab.
Why did the FBI decide now was the time to focus on the first daughter’s diary?
Why did old slow Joe think 2020 was a good time for another run for the White House with a degenerating brain and a disaster of a family propped up by drugs and rehab.

Anonymous said...

Martha said...
Definitely a mistake to focus so much attention on Ashley Biden and her “stolen” missing diary.
Ashley seems to be as troubled as half brother Hunter. Drug addiction. Sex addiction. Showered with father —AT WHAT AGE!

Since it was a memorable event, she was too old and the memory vivid enought to stick.

holdfast said...

Fumbling Brandon’s Intimidators.

Mr. Majestyk said...

I'd like to know which judge issued the search warrant for this raid.

gilbar said...

Serious Question
Including Beau (and Neilia), is there? Was there?
A single member of the Biden clan; that WASN'T a drug addicted incestuous pedophile?
Why did 80 million people's votes go to These freaks?

Jaq said...

Project Veritas nearly cost the Democrats the NJ governorship. They want to know what else they have, who their operatives are, what they are working on, and who is contributing to them.

Why did they raid Rudy's offices and take his phones and computers? Same reason. What did Rudy have on Biden based on all of his snooping around in Ukraine.

I had heard of the diary, but I had assumed it was very possibly fake, until now.

Narayanan said...

madAsHell said...
So, Joe leaves 100's behind in Afghanistan. [action of a monster taunting USA after being elected President]

Humper leaves his laptop at the repair shop.
[a child's cry for help after action of a monster taunting USA by running for President]

Ashley leaves her diary. ?when did this happen?
[a child's cry for help after action of a monster taunting USA by running for President -

This is a big family of children crying for help after monster FUCK-UPs!

Peter Spieker said...

Here are a few somewhat disconnected comments, I hope on topic:

1) People are publishing the private diaries of the children of political figures. This is a wretched state of affairs.
2) Had someone published the diaries of a Trump child, most on the right would have responded with harsh denunciations of the act, the left with praise.
3) I do think there would have been an FBI investigation if a similar situation had developed during the Obama and Clinton presidencies, probably also during either Bush term in office. This regardless of whether the FBI has a real legal right to do such an investigation.
4) Had this happened when Trump was president, with a Trump family diary, there would have been an investigation, but the FBI would have turned things around somehow so that Trump became the actual focus of the investigation.

Chris Lopes said...

"Had someone published the diaries of a Trump child, most on the right would have responded with harsh denunciations of the act, the left with praise."

The people being raided actually refused to publish the diary and turned it over to law enforcement.

Yancey Ward said...

The corruption is deep and undeniable at this point. It is interesting that no one in this thread, not Howard, not Freder, etc. managed to pen a defense of this, even in jest. Like the commenters above, I think the actual goal here was to get a look into Project Veritas' inner workings- what activities they are up to at the moment, and who is donating to them-openly and secretly.

Jason said...

When they seize documents, hard drives and computers, the FBI doesn't just get information related to the diaries. They also get the identities of their informants, identities of their journalists and contributors, identities of their contributors, and advance details of every story they are working on, or will potentially work on in the near future.

Remember what they did to Brendan Eich? God help any federal employee or Democratic insider whose email shows up leaking potentially damaging information to PV. Especially anyone in the FBI or Justice Department itself.

The Elder said...

I want to see the Affidavit that was presented to this Judge that supposedly provided a factual basis to support the issuance of these search warrants. I suspect that Professor Turley would like to see them as well. I think we should all see them!

Amadeus 48 said...

Someone needs to write “The Unknown Joe Biden”, a complete history of the pathologies this empty, stupid, and vicious man has imposed on his family members and now on America. Is there any child or relative that Dopey Joe has not driven to addiction, treatment centers, and death? What is it about him that seems so cheap and dishonest? He is like w character out of William Faulkner—and not one of the noble ones.
Having said that, O’Keefe’s statements don’t quite hang together. Did Veritas pay for the diary? Was the offer of the diary to Ashley’s attorneys an attempt to get verification before publication? What law enforcement agency did they give the diary to? How did it get to the website that published it? Did a Project veritas source leak it?
As to the FBI, years of good public relations have been shattered by their Stasi-like behavior in recent years.

FIDO said...

Questions the media will never ask the administration

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