November 2, 2021

"No more blah blah blah."


rehajm said...

Though she lectures us we don’t have a future unless we meet her demands she’s somehow managed to grow up quite a bit since her parents started her on her rant…

Bonus: Escalators are back in political style. De rigeur…

TheDopeFromHope said...

How did Greta Funberg get to Glasgow? Swim? Canoe? And how much money is she making off the "existential crisis" scam?

gilbar said...

gilbar to UN security.... You've Got Guns... USE THEM!!!

This foreign national is advocating the violent overthrow of our system...
No blah blah blah, it's time for Bang Bang BANG

Mr. Forward said...

The blah blah blah is stuck on a cargo ship off Long Beach.

RMc said...

Years from now, Greta will be leading a quiet life with her husband and children, deeply embarrassed over her past life as a child shill.

Enigma said...

Let's place bets on how long it will take Ms. Thunberg to realize she's in a permanent political minority and that she'll never get what she wants for the rest of her life.

When Christianity dominated Western thinking 100+ years ago, many expected the imminent end of the world and a quick trip to heaven before they died. However, many generations died without the world changing much at all. Governments worldwide are now paying lip service to climate either because of disbelief or because they know they can't deliver technologically.

Faith never goes away. Hope springs eternal.

Jaq said...

The wet dream of socialism is to be in charge of managing scarcity, and they don't mind creating it themselves artificially. Abundance goes against the fundamental justifications for socialism and socialism is everything.

I keep bringing up Caesar's book, but he describes a tribe in either Gaul or Germania, I forget, but they deliberately switch everything up every year, change ownership of farms, etc, so that everybody stays poor and equal, because, he says, that's the way they like things.

mezzrow said...

...brought to you by the NYT, the home of blah, blah, blah.

Temujin said...

She is the devil that will lead the younger generation into the abyss. She is the face of the upcoming dark ages. And I do mean dark. Beside being cold and dark, it'll be the age of ignorance, as they determine which 'facts' are approved and allowed, and what year history will be allowed to begin. Hint: anything that took place over 20 years ago is suspect and may be erased. They will eliminate capitalism for a massive global government. And everyone will be equally miserable. Except of course, Greta and her friends.

She is damaged goods. Deranged, in need of massive psychological help, with parents who should be horsewhipped for putting up their child as an act to pay for their retirement. This is the face of darkness for the future generation.

I do hope there is a face of enlightenment somewhere out there who can offset her.

PS- the most cringey thing I've witnessed in my life is the sight of the hapless, feckless UN lackeys sitting in approval and applauding as she insults them from their own dais.

R C Belaire said...

Her 15 minutes of "fame" seems like an eternity... But maybe that's just me.

Misinforminimalism said...

Sorry, lady, that's who you've hitched your wagon to. You can (and have) demand that they don sackcloth, but you're going to discover, as all of the generations before you discovered, that you simply can't shame a bureaucracy into doing the right thing.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post. You'll find an amusing story about her father on the front page of today's Wall Street Journal in the A-Hed

Iman said...

Yumpin’ Yiminy! Mama mia, when will this sad little girl meet her own, personal Waterloo?

MikeR said...

"No more blah blah blah" Isn't that what she does?
These people remind me of the adults in the Charlie Brown TV specials. "Bah bah. Bah pah bah pah bah." That is literally all I hear when they speak.

michaele said...

That's quite a winning slogan she's got going there. Even though I disagree with her predictions and solutions, she's on target about the "blah, blah, blah" stuff.

Howard said...

You go, girl. I don't agree with her suggestions for combating climate warming, but I love how angry and uncomfortable she makes deniers.

Fernandinande said...

"What do we want?"

"Climate justice!'

"When do we want it?"

"As soon as is reasonably possible!"

She's a mentally ill girl, correct? So it's nice of her to be handing out free advice.

Sebastian said...

So our choice is between utter fools and the certifiably insane?

hawkeyedjb said...

The world goes to hell in a handbasket woven by a mentally retarded teenager. God help us if any of our "leaders" listen to this demented little gnome.

Fernandinande said...

11:00 am: Biden: None of us can escape the worst that's yet to come if we fail to seize this blah blah blah! And I don't want to have to replace the $455,000 fence at my beach house if the sea level blah blah blah.

Prince Chuck: We have to put ourselves on what might be called a warlike footing. We need a vast military-style global blah blah blah.

tim maguire said...

Is Greta still going everywhere by billionaire's yacht, with fresh crews flown in and out at someone else's expense so that she can have a tiny carbon footprint?

Charlie said...

We're now being bullied by angry teenagers to change our basic systems........great.

Joe Smith said...

Did she walk there? Is she Jesus?

Scott Patton said...

Blah blah blah is essentially the job description of that whole crew. Blah blah blah get you a taste of the enormous river of taxpayer cash devoted to a particular crisis of interest. Imagine how many people are downstream getting their own taste. The crisis is serving its purpose.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Greta's been abused as a child. Her parents indoctrinated her about the non-existent climate crisis and how CO2 is causing the globe to boil over and how soon everyone will be dead because the temperature rose 2-deg C since 1850. The climate is much more complex than what her parents believe. CO2 is not some volume control. Alaska has received 11-ft of global warming goodness so far since September 23.

This palaver of a climate crisis is nothing but a power grab of the elites away from us mundanes. I'll believe it is a crisis when our "betters" start acting like it is. COP26 attracted 30,000 attendees, most of who flew the CO2 spewing private jets to Glascow. As an act of piety to the climate crisis gods, the elites drove so many electric vehicles that the EVs were being recharged by portable charging stations. These charging stations were powered by diesel generators.

So much for saving the planet by reducing CO2 emissions.

The Elder said...

When it comes to blah blah, blah, no one is a more experienced practitioner than our dear little Greta.

Wince said...

"This is what leadership looks like," really?

Sydney said...

No more “blah,blah,blah.” Wasn’t that a line in an original Star Trek episode when a bunch of children had taken over a planet?

Danno said...

Greta is a spoiled child from very affluent parents that are climate activists.

On climate change- In centuries past, the northern European lowlanders built dikes. In the current response to it, they became dykes.

Aggie said...

Hey, wait a second how come she isn't using the stairs?

Big Mike said...

The useful idiot is becoming less useful. But she’s still an idiot.

Michael said...

This from the Crown Princess of "Blah, blah, blah."

Readering said...

No more blah blah blah, it's putting Biden to sleep.

Mikey NTH said...

Did you think they were actually going to change things? They used you, Greta, until you were no longer useful.

Big Mike said...

Someone tell the little lady that the world leader who reduced CO2 the most from 2016 to 2020 was Donald Trump. I want to see if her head literally explodes, with blood and pieces of skull and eyeballs and (tiny quantities of) grey matter flying all over the place. Or is “head exploding” just a figurative term?

LordSomber said...

No blah blah blah.

Meade said...

Sure, you hear “no more blah blah blah.” What I hear is “Fuck Joe Brandon.”

But that’s just me.

Temujin said...

Deniers, Howard? I'm not a denier. I actually agree with many, many climate scientists. You know, the ones you're not allowed to read.

mikee said...

One day she may have a romantic relationship, or even offspring. .....Shudder....

tim maguire said...

Howard said...You go, girl. I don't agree with her suggestions for combating climate warming, but I love how angry and uncomfortable she makes deniers.

Thank you, Howard, for popping in a again to remind us that you have no political views beyond "Orange Man Bad."

wendybar said...

gilbar said...
gilbar to UN security.... You've Got Guns... USE THEM!!!

This foreign national is advocating the violent overthrow of our system...
No blah blah blah, it's time for Bang Bang BANG

11/2/21, 6:21 AM


wendybar said...

Big Mike said...
Someone tell the little lady that the world leader who reduced CO2 the most from 2016 to 2020 was Donald Trump. I want to see if her head literally explodes, with blood and pieces of skull and eyeballs and (tiny quantities of) grey matter flying all over the place. Or is “head exploding” just a figurative term?

AND this^^^^^

wendybar said...

Big Mike said...
Someone tell the little lady that the world leader who reduced CO2 the most from 2016 to 2020 was Donald Trump. I want to see if her head literally explodes, with blood and pieces of skull and eyeballs and (tiny quantities of) grey matter flying all over the place. Or is “head exploding” just a figurative term?

AND this^^^

gilbar said...

Remember back when greta was 15? an ugly mentally disturbed viciously angry 15?
She was so cute back then!!
Everyone wanted pictures taken with the ugly mentally disturbed viciously angry 15 year old

But Now. But Now, she's 18, and getting older every day. She's not a cute little girl;
she's an ugly mentally disturbed viciously angry young adult...
With the mind of an ugly mentally disturbed viciously angry young adult...
I'm not so sure that cute, anymore. She needs a makeover. WAIT! I HAVE IT!
She NEEDS to become an ugly mentally disturbed viciously angry MAN!!!!

Achilles said...

Howard said...

You go, girl. I don't agree with her suggestions for combating climate warming, but I love how angry and uncomfortable she makes deniers.

Howard is demonstrating how stupid the followers of this cult have to be.

Howard doesn't even know the basic environmental history of the planet. But he likes to worship the saints.

Ignorance attracts ignorance.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Greta is just the new Jean d'Arc. She plays the prophetess to call the faithful to arms. She has the ear of the Pope and the nobles who stand to gain from her calls to purity. They heed her call by sacrificing the lives and livelihoods of the peasantry.

At some point, someone will get sick of her shit and burn her at the stake.

My money is on the Chinese, not the English, doing it this time 'round.

Lyle said...

Planet justice? Meade is going to prison.

Critter said...

Has Greta come out in favor of next generation nuclear power? If not, she is a fraud who doesn't care about the earth and its climate.

If she has not, it only proves that she is just another lefty who wants our God-given rights taken away and the socialist elite to govern every aspect of our lives. Remember, it was the national socialist party that was the political home of Hitler.

Drago said...

It is appropriate that Howard is a follower of the teenaged know-nothing.

Drago said...

Fernandinande: "She's a mentally ill girl, correct?"


Hence the fangirling of Howard. Mental illness is de rigueur amongst the leftist/LLR-leftist leadership.

Freder Frederson said...

Someone tell the little lady that the world leader who reduced CO2 the most from 2016 to 2020 was Donald Trump.

Someone tell wendybar and Big Mike that Donald Trump, if he had his way and kept his campaign promises, would have increased CO2 emissions. Remember he was promised to revive the coal industry? Market forces, not Donald Trump, was what reduced emissions. Natural gas was just cheaper than coal.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Greta Thunberg, the environmental activist, joined protesters outside the United Nations climate conference in Glasgow"

How'd he get there?

Skippy Tisdale said...

"You go, girl. I don't agree with her suggestions for combating climate warming, but I love how angry and uncomfortable she makes deniers."

What on Earth does this have to do with the Holocaust?

narciso said...

are the grimaldis paying her way this time,

Chris Lopes said...

"No more “blah,blah,blah.” Wasn’t that a line in an original Star Trek episode when a bunch of children had taken over a planet?"

The episode was "Miri", and guest started Kim Darby. I also thought of that scene in the show.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Did you think they were actually going to change things? They used you, Greta, until you were no longer useful."

Fortunately for Greta, Cindy Sheehan has formed a support group for battered useful idiots.

Howard said...

Greta is the Trump of climate warming activism. That's why you people are so ascared of her.

William said...

The Freudians, not to be mistaken for the fraudians, used to claim that irrational fears are sometimes the result of subconscious wishes. There's something to that. The Apocalypse has been with us for quite awhile. The Last Judgement has always been just around the corner. When I was a moody adolescent, I used to worry about a nuclear holocaust that would destroy the earth. I think that this was because I was coming to the realization that life on earth sucked and I wished it would all go away. Maybe something like that is going on with Greta.....Interesting to note that my parents' generation--the ones who fought in WWII--didn't worry that much about the Apocalypse. That's probably because they were living through it.....In any event, I myself don't worry much about Climate Justice. I want Climate Equity. Some neighborhoods have endless stretches of shitty weather. The Caribbean gets all those hurricanes, but that's nothing compared to day after day of drear November rain in NYC. I bet those people in Glasgow wouldn't mind a little global warming.

tommyesq said...

Greta seems much less Aspergery these days, good for her.

Big Mike said...

Someone explain to Freder that the people who know how to make use of market forces are businessmen, like Trump. Commie-lovers like Pelosi, Sanders, and Biden, not so much.

Chris Lopes said...

"You go, girl. I don't agree with her suggestions for combating climate warming, but I love how angry and uncomfortable she makes deniers."

First, skepticism is not denial. Second, what you see as "discomfort and anger" is more like amusement and derision. They are laughing at her and the people who promote her.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Someone tell wendybar and Big Mike that Donald Trump, if he had his way and kept his campaign promises, would have increased CO2 emissions. Remember he was promised to revive the coal industry? Market forces, not Donald Trump, was what reduced emissions. Natural gas was just cheaper than coal."

Natural gas was cheaper because Trump immediately jettisoned the obama/biden lockdown on oil and gas leases, exploration AND production.

Under Trump, the US became a net energy exporter, which drove the cost of energy down down down.

But since the lefties like Freder and obama and biden and LLR Chuck assured us we "can't drill our way out of this" was proven as moronic as everything else they ever said, its time to pretend the "other forces" were involved and Trump was just a bystander....after achieving what all the lefties said was not possible.

Not to worry though. We are back to begging Putin and OPEC to increase oil production and making sure the additional profits go to them!...While Putin dictates prices and delivers pressure to Merkel-ized Europe.

PM said...

Greta Greta Greta
Yer a real go-getta
In yer Gudrun sweata
Make the climate betta

Freder Frederson said...

Someone explain to Freder that the people who know how to make use of market forces are businessmen, like Trump.

Then why was Trump so hell bent on reviving the coal industry?

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Howard said...
Greta is the Trump of climate warming activism. That's why you people are so ascared of her."

What does this gibberish even mean?

Jim at said...

Then why was Trump so hell bent on reviving the coal industry?

More along the lines of energy independence and jobs? That ever cross your mind?

Geezus. You can't possibly be so fucking dumb as to think the ONLY reason Trump was pushing coal, natural gas, fracking and other measures was so he could be the one who 'ruined' the planet.

Baceseras said...

Greta Greta Greta
Yer a real go-getta

"Gimme a C, a bouncy C..."

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Then why was Trump so hell bent on reviving the coal industry?"

Multi-faceted energy source competition to create complete national energy independence, particularly refreshing in the face of Clinton/Bush/obama simply transferring coal jobs from the US to your ChiCom allies.


Very basic.

Extraordinarily basic.

But not a made up lie like the kind you find in a hoax dossier so it all goes over your head.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The environmentalists remind me of the military industrial complex...just a different field of endeavor.

We're going to war with somebody dammit, and you better pony up!

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