Said one person who works at the mall described in "Smash-and-Grab Thieves Target Hayward Mall; Lululemon Store Robbed in San Jose’s Santana Row" (CBS SF)("Witnesses described some 40 to 50 looters wielding hammers and other tools looted Sam’s Jewelers, breaking glass cases and quickly fleeing").
ADDED: "Why some US cities are facing a spree of 'smash-and-grab' crimes" (CNN): "'There's no political will to prosecute the people in this climate. Why should a police officer waste time getting into an altercation when the person is not going to jail because it's overcrowded and a prosecutor is not going to prosecute that case because it's not high on the priority list?'... The decriminalization of low-level offenses in some states has created opportunities for criminals to manipulate the system.... 'It is incredibly easy to sell stolen merchandise online through e-commerce platforms....'"
“People with no morals, no sense for other people’s safety."
There's a word for people like that- progressives. You know- the kind of people who think burning and looting is "mostly peaceful".
How can the speaker be surprised? CA created this culture.
People with no morals no sense of other people's safety. That describes Biden and all the Liberals in Congress.
Recognize that crude, naïve, and absolutist woke morality emerged in the absence of functional moral training in the youth subculture.
Recognize that woke is what happens and what MUST happen when infants reach adulthood with severe gaps in their survival toolkit.
Gated communities (houses) have long been the norm in some parts of the country. Gated shopping and lifestyles may be next.
We risk descent into territorial tribes. South African style apartheid may be coming to your town soon.
I applaud American innovation. Folks figured out how to have the benefit of widespread looting, without the risks associated with burning and rioting.
When anarchy finally arrives in the 'burbs, people will will start to wake up and wonder why we allowed this to go on for the last two years. Better late than never!
This will accelerate the closing of Malls. A little Haiku:
Down go local taxes
Up goes ordering online
Jeff Bezos smiles.
It's not a feelings problem. It's a structural problem.
Cloward-Piven goes both ways.
"The worse, the better."
Impossible to distinguish from a donation-in-kind to your local R politician as the 2022 election approaches.
Good and hard for them, good for me.
I feel helpless.
That's what they want. It helps with the redistribution efforts.
With only a few minor injuries and the judicious use of non-lethal pepper spray, it sounds like safety was a huge consideration of the robbers. They had much more concern for human life and health than Kyle Rittenhouse, that's for sure. Just making someone feel helpless might be disturbing, but it is completely safe. Americans are soft as fuck and the robbers coddled the sheeple while they did their business. The big complaint is just hurt feelings and embarrassment for being scared. Welcome to the roaring twenties, people. Safety and satisfaction is not guaranteed.
Unintended consequences and collateral damage?
Intentional revenge on the capitalist hoarders?
This could have happened in my neighborhood or yours, but it didn't.
Why not?
I like when other countries run weird social experiments, so that my country can avoid nonsense without paying the price of testing them on herself. However, I have some doubt whether a country with a large nuke arsenal should do it
Blame the parents. These people indoctrinate their children into a culture of criminality from an early age. And they're active participants in their children's activities. In this case, someone drove their psychotic teens to mall and supplied them with weapons to bash Asian shopkeepers.
Did you know that, according to The Atlantic, 10% of families account for 70% of criminals? These losers supply their kids with drugs and weapons. They help their creepy kids terrorize and cyber bully other children. These are the creeps who get into fist fights at kids' sporting events. Bad parenting is a big problem. Can Big Government promote good parenting? Intensive home visits, parent training, money? What's the solution to so many degenerates reproducing?
Did anyone tell that lady that this is the future the Democrats want for her and her friends and relatives?
"Scary" is baby talk.
When the BLM protesters established their camp in Seattle, the city provided them with porta-potties, and concrete blocks. The city government also had the police stand down. We saw similar efforts in Portland.
Now, it seems that we have had multiple smash, and grab flash mobs. They all arrive at the same time, and depart.
This is not happenstance. These efforts are coordinated, and organized. Would Nancy Pelosi sink so low?
Facilitate belief that some people are above the law because they’ve been oppressed all their lives and you’ll get this and far, far worse.
The Democrat party did this.
People get what they vote for over and over. I am all out of fucks to give.
@Althouse, more specifically, that’s the future Ben Wikler sees for you and Meade. You don’t have to believe it, but if you imagine that the head of the Wisconsin Democrat Party had no hand in the policies that resulted in riots in Madison and Kenosha then you’re fooling yourself.
"" People with no morals, no sense for other people’s safety. "" And we walk among then daily. You can clearly see it in their eyes. They are antithetical to any standard of civilization. And those are just the criminals.
It's disturbing to realize you live in a community that voted, by referendum, to decriminalize shoplifting, and that elects politicians who defund the police.
This will not end well.
This is the Progressive utopia. Why be scared?? Isn't this what they voted for?? No more law and order!! YAY!! Now let's do what the Progressive squad wants, and empty federal prisons!! YAY!! At least we don't have to read any more mean tweets!!
Surprisingly, the crazy SF wilding is starting to escape to the surrounding suburbs. As businesses close or figure out ways to prevent theft in San Francisco, the thieves, used to getting free stuff, are moving afield.
Abdication by elected authorities will lead to citizen vigilance, aka vigilance societies, aka vigilantes.
It will be interesting to if this spreads from blue states (CA and IL) to red states.
"At lululemon, we are in the midst of a journey to drive meaningful, lasting change in the world and promote well being across our communities. As part of our Impact Agenda we are accelerating programs to become a more inclusive and diverse company."
Choosing mostly homosexuals of color for male models is one sure way to drive meaningful, lasting change in the world and promote well being across their communities.
I was surprised when I first found out that chimps organize themselves into raiding parties.
Meth will do that to you.
Vote for Soros Democrats and live to regret it. I doubt they even see the connection.
"People [criminals] with no morals, no sense for other peoples safety"
Celebrate it. Without Christianity guiding us, as it did the Founders and the Framers, there is no right, no wrong. Our elite betters have been engineering his outcome for decades. Now it's here.
There is coming a time, very soon, when those running amok, under the cultivated guidance of elected leaders from a particular party, are going to run into a large group of citizens who have had enough. I don't mean vigilantes looking for trouble. I mean hard-working, taxpaying citizens who have had enough, have watched as their Government at various levels turn away from their top priority of securing the liberty of their citizens and protecting the civil society in favor of the destruction of civil society.
The masses now realize that the Government is working against them. Something soon is going to tip the barrel over and there will be a Bad Day at Black Rock. If Government is openly working against the security of the citizenry, the citizenry has to secure itself. Our founders, in their infinite wisdom, knew how corrupt and tyrannical Governments can be, and allowed for an armed citizenry.
It might get tested soon. I'm not calling for it, let me be clear. But I am suggesting that this is the natural path of the road taken by our government.
People with no morals, no sense for other people's safety?
Sounds like a progressive, doesn't it?
This, while the Democratic Party is trying to push through closing jails, releasing thousands of criminals back into the streets.
If one actually wanted the country to fail, if they wanted to see the destruction of America, they'd follow the steps taken by both Barack Obama and Joe Biden and their 'team'. China and Russia need only stand back and watch as we implode from within.
This isn't Capitalism. This is socialism, as it begins to take over the body politic.
They're biggie.
White people are evil...
"There's no political will to prosecute the people in this climate"
And why should there be? Property is theft, as one of the original socialists said. Robbery, looting, tax confiscation: it's progressive MO.
But there is political will to go after pharmacies, and event organizers, and "insurrectionists," and "vigilantes," so why complain?
Three words from the not-so-distant past: broken windows policing.
Obviously, it would be denounced as "racist." But it isn't, unless you believe stopping crime is racist. And, it works.
Something needs to be done. The pace of the descent into disorder seems to be quickening. The longer it goes on, the more violent the correction will be.
Where are these events announced? I feel like I'm really missing out on an opportunity for giving nice Christmas gifts this year. I have a pickup truck that can seat three other people in comfort, apropos of nothing at all!
Let's be more specific about what is causing this:
"prosecutor" - Democrat, usually backed financially by George Soros or similar donors'
"some states" - Democrat-dominated blue states
If you live in a Democrat governed state or jurisdiction this is coming your way, if it is not there already.
I have two homes in strong, Republican controlled states and communities and don't have to worry about this.
It is disconcerting that District attorneys can ignore their oath of office to uphold the constitution by personally refusing to prosecute the laws they don't like, and then have no consequences other than recall or removal from office. They should be personally liable both monetarily and legally for their actions as are police officers.
When the pendulum swings back, it's going to swing hard and far.
The way Jim Treacher starts off today's commentary on his Substack site is pretty pointed:
"The death toll of mass murderer Darrell Brooks has now gone up by one. His latest victim was an eight-year-old child. That little boy’s name was Jackson Sparks. He was marching in the Waukesha, WI Christmas parade with his baseball team when Darrell Brooks murdered him.
I don’t find that “heartbreaking.” It’s not a “tragedy.” It’s enraging. It’s an act of evil. It’s an atrocity.
What did Jackson Sparks ever do to anybody? He was just a little kid, marching in a parade with his friends."
Agree with "enraging." I hope he's just giving lefties backs some of what they dished out to Kyle Rittenhouse, because we're civilized people, and we should -- even though Wisconsin has the likes of Thomas Binger, James Kraus, and John Chisholm for prosecutors -- let the justice system do its job. If it still can.
I expect the flash mobs, who are apparently gangs of youths organized by criminals, to become increasingly violent towards those in the stores they are emptying, if only because of the power trip they are on. A moment's thought should propel any retail worker out the back doors as soon as something like this starts.
Beginning of a trend. Next thing you know, white folks be appropriatin'.
The company I work for recently moved our corporate headquarters to Santana Row. Our security team usually provides travel advisories when traveling internationally if there are local issues which may impact safety. Perhaps they will now be providing domestic travel advisories.....
Why should a police officer waste time getting into an altercation when the person is not going to jail because it's overcrowded and a prosecutor is not going to prosecute that case because The Prosecutor is WORKING with the mob
The Ante Fascists are funded by the Same People that the Prosecutors are funded by
The Black Liberation Movement are funded by the Same people as the others are funded by
Follow the Money! Follow the back back to the same fascists that fund it ALL
'It is incredibly easy to sell stolen merchandise online through e-commerce platforms....'"
What has happened in the last few years, that did NOT benefit Jeff Bezos ?
What has happened in the last few years, that did NOT benefit George Soros?
What has happened in the last few years, that did NOT benefit Bill Gates?
What has happened in the last few years, that did NOT benefit Warren Buffet?
Follow the money
It's all fun and games till someone with a gun feels in danger of grievous bodily harm from someone with a hammer or crowbar.
That's why we elected Giuliani in New York. The whole city decided, enough.
Gotta keep up.
“Looters” now a banned word according to a SF-based diversity and inclusion reporter in the Bay Area.
The looters are not technically “looting” because the looting didn’t occur during a declared state of emergency. Problem solved.
Who are you going to believe - the tortured definitions of a biased media or your lying eyes ?
""It was very scary. People with no morals, no sense for other people’s safety. I feel helpless. It’s disturbing.""
Kinda like everywhere else in the world and all of human history.
Americans think their coddled lives just happen.
They never think about the parts of humanity that must be suppressed in order for a society like ours to survive.
But the Oligarchs know what they want.
Biden is a puppet. His earpiece is pushing this. When catharsis comes we need to make sure the people who are responsible for this never have power again.
"There's no political will to prosecute the people in this climate"
And that will remain the case until "Soros backed candidate for DA" becomes an automatic "No" vote
Our fake president said of the Rittenshouse verdict:
"I'm angry at the verdict"
It was clear self-defense against an angry mob. The left's sanctioned angry leftwing mob.
That's why Potemkin Joe and his moral degenerate handlers are so angry.
It's just a happy coincidence that the anger, rage, lawlessness and entitlement continue to spread.
The population always outnumbers the enforcement agencies, and thus a civil society requires that people have a decent amount of self-restraint, respect for the law, and fear of the consequences.
The left has spent the last 60 years undermining every one of those three pillars.
1. Destroy the bulwarks of family and institutions that teach self-restraint, teach everyone that if it feels good so it and other self-interest garbage.
2. Teach that the police force is racist, and corrupt. Help this by making it corrupt through the protection of officers through the unions.
3. Remove the ability of police to respond effectively, remove the consequences for the criminal act, tell the criminal their crime is the fault of the people against whom the commit the crime.
Well done team blue!
"It was very scary. People with no morals, no sense for other people’s safety. I feel helpless. It’s disturbing."
I feel helpless, and find it disturbing, that the people with no morals, and no sense for other people’s safety, that most find really scary, are those that use violence. But it fits: physical slavery = bad. Mental slavery = good.
Until we unravel the lies that have got us here, that misinformation will keep leading us away from the truth, and directly at each other's throats. It's inevitable.
"9 Charged In Smash-and-Grab Robberies at Louis Vuitton, Other Stores At San Francisco's Union Square"
After the suspects offered their political allegiance to the democratic-left, they were released back onto the streets.
Why can't the press accurately describe the perpetrators of these coordinated criminal assaults on society as Blacks when the video evidence clearly shows them to be Black youths and young adults? Is it the same reason why they can't describe the harassers of Asians or the players of "knockout games" against the elderly as Black? People are not stupid and no one is being fooled. We have a huge problem with the Black underclass youths that needs to be addressed, and pretending the problem doesn't exist isn't going to fix anything. Solutions always begin with problem identification, and our media and government officials are too afraid to confront the problem that they certainly knows exists. This will not end well for anyone.
Freelance socialists. Isn't that what they are?
Where is the part where CNN blames Trump?
Howard said...
With only a few minor injuries and the judicious use of non-lethal pepper spray, it sounds like safety was a huge consideration of the robbers. They had much more concern for human life and health than Kyle Rittenhouse, that's for sure.
Go fuck yourself, Howard.
Kyle was out providing first aid services for the protestors, before they tried to kill him.
It would have been nice to see pole jumping and kicking these looters in the head. And pointing Glocks at them for the purpose of shooting them and killing them, unless they reacted first.
Sadly, no one offered that level of defiance.
What's it like, being such a total piece of shit that you have to lie in favor of looters? What's it like, that you instinctively identify and side with the "People with no morals, no sense for other people’s safety"
Just making someone feel helpless might be disturbing, but it is completely safe. Americans are soft as fuck and the robbers coddled the sheeple while they did their business. The big complaint is just hurt feelings and embarrassment for being scared. Welcome to the roaring twenties, people. Safety and satisfaction is not guaranteed.
Say the crap weasel who was just whining about Kyle NOT being "sheeple".
Vile and incoherent. It really sucks to be you
PS - CNN thinks "there's no political will to prosecute the people in this climate."
I wouldn't be so sure of that. The criminal element is rapidly wearing out its welcome, at least in places that aren't crazy-woke. The normals see what's going on in Democrat-run states and cities, and we don't like it.
Looting became acceptable and safe during last years riots.
Feeling better now, Greg?
Regarding lack of political will, I believe Seattle recently elected a Republican DA. I think many areas that may have tried out having progressive DA who wanted to reform criminal justice by not prosecuting crimes have grown tired with that little experiment.
Here in Virginia we have (so far) mostly been spared the smash-and-grab stuff. Was that because Mark Herring, our AG, was a Democrat running for reelection? It didn’t save him. Things are likely to be worse elsewhere when they hold elections next fall, when you consider that Virginia had been blue and getting more so, but the Democrats lost the race for governor, lieutenant governor, AG, and control of the House of Delegates, and the only (only!) thing they were doing to piss off voters was telling them to shut up about their kids getting force fed CRT and not to speak up at school board meetings.
at 4:22 central time I did a search of these comments:
"race" zero hits
"black" 6 hits -- 4 from a single comment by jaydub, one a reference to "black liberation" and one a non-racial reference to the movie bad day at black rock.
We are in a situation where we cannot discuss this subject (gangs of young people looting high end stores) while recognizing the obvious (from the videos) fact that the looters are Black youths. If I were to write this comment at NYT or WaPo, I would expect it to be taken down as racist, or insensitive. We are forced to discuss this looting, which obviously a lot of commenters deplore, as if it is a result of Covid, or church attendance, or having trouble passing 8th grade algebra.
Howard, when they show up at your backdoor with only harmless pepper spray and crow bars you would love Kyle to be your neighbor. The things you lefties think are ok now is disturbing on so many levels.
I love how people are sad that rich liberal chain stores in SF bay area are having their stores "Looted". You're just gullible rube if you think the owners of these "Luxery Stores" give a damn about the middle and working class. Or Law and order. They can afford the losses. That's why they aren't squawking about it.
The Dumb Cons and Libertarians always think its "us business people against the world" We're "The only adults in the room". LOL. It reminds me of the all the average small businessmen I've known who somehow think they and Zuckerberg and Gates are "on the same side". No, you're not.
Right now, I'm just: "Pass the popcorn".
'Where are these events announced?'
If it's on Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc., then those companies should be sued out of existence...
Howard said...
Feeling better now, Greg?
Are you going to stop lying, Howard?
There are places in the US that are referred to as "food deserts" because there are no grocery stores.
This is how they got that way.
There is no solution other than to move someplace where people don't behave that way. Just pick a town that is 99% white.
These events must be coordinated on something like Black Twitter.
Agree with Jaydub at 12:14.
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