November 23, 2021

"I’m not a racist person. I support the BLM movement. I support peacefully demonstrating. I believe there needs to be change."

"I believe there’s a lot of prosecutorial misconduct, not just in my case but in other cases. It’s just amazing to see how much a prosecutor can take advantage of someone."

ADDED: Here's the full transcript for the interview (which goes beyond what's in that clip). Excerpts:
Tucker Carlson: What did you make of the President of the United States calling you a white supremacist? 
Kyle Rittenhouse: Mr. President, if I could say one thing to you, I would urge you to go back and watch the trial and understand the facts before you make a statement. ... It’s actually quite hysterical how nobody can go back and look at the facts of the case. He crossed state lines, false. He’s a white supremacist, false. None of that is true. And the lies that they can just get away with spreading is just sickening and it’s disgrace to this country.... If you look at the case, you look at the facts. No matter what your opinion is or where you stand it. This wasn’t a political case, it shouldn’t been a political case, it was made a political case. This had nothing to do with race. The ways people are twisting this, it’s just sickening. 
Tucker Carlson: I think a lot of people watching have reached the same conclusion and they would like to see you help make this better by holding some of these liars to account. Do you plan to do that? 
Kyle Rittenhouse: I have really good lawyers who are taking care of that right now. So I’m hoping one day there will be accountability for their actions that they did.... 
Tucker Carlson: So during the trial, was there ever a point where you thought, despite the fact you had all this video evidence on your side, bolstering your story, did you ever think I might go to jail for the rest of my life?  
Kyle Rittenhouse: That was a thought I had every single day until I got the not guilty verdict.... And if I was convicted, no one would ever be privileged to defend their life against attackers. And thank God they came to the correct verdict of a not guilty. ... 
Tucker Carlson: What do you think your life’s going to be like after this? 
Kyle Rittenhouse: I’m hoping I can live a quiet, stress-free life and be free of any intimidation or harassment and just go on with my life as a normal 18-year-old kid attending college....  do intend on going in campus and pursuing a career in nursing. I may change it. I’ve been looking into law. I may want to become a lawyer. I haven’t completely decided yet.... 
Tucker Carlson: I read that you’re not going to stay in the Midwest. 
Kyle Rittenhouse: I’m not.... 
Tucker Carlson: Why are you so calm? 
Kyle Rittenhouse: I’m a naturally calm person. I find it to be a problem when people are overreacting, because things are out of our control, so I try not to deal with that.... Believe me, on the inside, I’m freaking out.... But the best thing you can do… You freak out, everybody else freaks out. It’s like a chain reaction. So the best thing I can do is stay calm. 


Gahrie said...

Nice try Kyle, but they're only going to be satisfied by full Hari Kiri.

Jaq said...

Muad'Dib! Muad'Dib! He has come!

David Begley said...

I’m looking forward to seeing Joe Biden getting sued for defamation and paying $10m of his own money. It’s about time that dumb fuck pay pay up for his own fucking stupidity.

Nancy said...

Excellent! If I could Photoshop, I'd show myself in the "jealous girlfriend" meme turning away from my old love Ed Durr to my new hearthrob Kyle.

Jaq said...

"’m looking forward to seeing Joe Biden getting sued for defamation and paying $10m of his own money."

To use a metaphor from Bonfire of the Vanities, which is what we are living right now, $10 million dollars to Joe Biden is one of the crumbs that falls onto the floor from a slice of cake as it's being served to some member of the Biden Clan by the ChiComs, or some billionaire or huge corporation like GM, which has retained Biden clan bag man James Biden as a "lobbyist."

All I ask for is that he doesn't get bought off to keep the settlement secret.

Fernandinande said...

"I’m not a racist person. I support the BLM movement."

I'm not a racist but I support racists. Check.

Shoeless Joe said...

Speaking of prosecutorial misconduct: Kyle Rittenhouse ... meet David Evans, Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligmann. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Mike Sylwester said...

It's important to keep in mind that Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines.

Mike Sylwester said...

I'll bet that the Wisconsin prosecutors were angry when they learned that the $2 million bail was posted for Rittenhouse.

They regretted that they had not asked that the bail be set to $4 million.

rhhardin said...

Kyle's now another Greta Thunberg, a soap opera source of useless youthful wisdom for the masses.

No news without feelz.

Temujin said...

I tried to watch it, but I have to say, watching Kyle is disconcerting. He's clearly just a kid. He got himself into a huge mess, into something way bigger than he imagined. It's a bit creepy listening to him. And virtually everything he says in public now is going to be used against him. And I can see an easy path for him to end up in a puddle of shit, with the world laughing at him and dumping him off to the side of a road.

He's going to be groomed for the spotlight, then used for target practice. His best next move is to just go silent. Disappear into his own life. But I suspect he's going to be obnoxiously front and center until he is taken down- either legally, or by some non-stop governmental character who wants his scalp.

michaele said...

I watched the whole interview and Kyle seemed like a well intentioned and good hearted kid/now young man. He presented himself with composure, had flashes of rueful self deprecating humor...overall, very authentic and likable. I hope the future is kind to him. He has been put through hell by the justice system.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

His first pair of lawyers left him in pretrial detention against his will in order to fund raise (and pay themselves) and one actually suggested he was in an “unorganized militia,” leading him to look up what a militia was. No wonder he fired those grifters. The young man is very thoughtful and seems genuine. He appeared shocked at the racial spin that Media applied to his case. I think it’s good for America to learn just how large the portion of “protesters” in last year’s riots were simply anarchy-seeking violent thugs taking advantage of the hands-off policy of lefty mayors.

Sebastian said...

"It’s just amazing to see how much a prosecutor can take advantage of someone."

All lefties will agree with his lament, tout de suite, right? I mean, Kyle is a martyr to their cause, no?

What's that--they actually vilify him? They wanted him falsely accused, maliciously prosecuted, incarcerated for years? You mean, they don't actually believe the things they profess to believe?

Leland said...

He broadcast that across state lines!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Biden, with his murdering Potemkin mouth, probably murdered the innocent people in Waukesha.

David Begley said...

Tim in Vermont.

I’m convinced lawyer Ben Crump read Bonfire of the Vanities and modeled Trayvon Martin’s PR from it.

Owen said...

Temujin @ 7:09: I just hope your prediction is so very wrong. He deserves better; and so do the rest of us out here, trying to keep the world from being torn apart by too many Jokers.

gilbar said...

rhhardin said...
Kyle's now another Greta Thunberg, a soap opera source of useless youthful wisdom for the masses.

I've Got to give Credit, where Credit is DUE. You Nailed this one hardin!! Good Job!
Here's the Plan.

We take Kyle, and Greta; and place them on an island... With no one but camera crews
(well, in 2nd season, they'll find out about the Cannibals; but 1st, it's Just Them)

Will they Kill each other? Will they fall in Lovey Love Love? STAY TUNED!!!

Wince said...

That interview did a good job of memorializing his public image immediately after his acquittal.

Rittenhouse should let his lawyers do his public speaking from now on.

Rollo said...

Clearly he's not prepared to be a symbol or an icon or a culture warrior or anybody's epic hero. I'm not going to put him on trial again for not measuring up to unrealistic expectations. The best thing is to wish the guy a soft landing back in everyday reality.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shame on the corrupt collective left.

THEY unleashed the insane Antifa brownshirted Nazis.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I am so glad I know now that it's illegal to cross state lines.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats should watch that video. Learn what honest journalism looks like.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Riots and Arson -

Riots and Arson...

Riots and Arson in the name of the White left's rage - are all Ok with the elite white left (and Joy Reid - who is a white leftist herself)

wendybar said...

michaele said...
I watched the whole interview and Kyle seemed like a well intentioned and good hearted kid/now young man. He presented himself with composure, had flashes of rueful self deprecating humor...overall, very authentic and likable. I hope the future is kind to him. He has been put through hell by the justice system.

I agree wholeheartedly!! This kid was put through hell, like Nick Sandmann was. The lying Pravda media and the Progressives want his life ruined.

Andrew said...

I agree with Termujin. I wish Kyle would stay silent. Sometimes it's best not to self-vindicate. And I strongly doubt that he supports BLM. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think he's just trying to say the right thing to demonstrate he's not one of "them." But he will still be hated. To go on Fox news just confirms what his critics already believe about him. There's no way to win them over.

But if he does go on more shows, I wish he'd shout, "Allah abkar!" and confuse everybody.

M Jordan said...

Tucker didn’t ask the question I yearned for: Kyle, how do you feel about having ended two lives? I’m pretty sure he’d have said he hated that fact but he had to defend himself which would have have been the right answer. But we aren’t looking for answers in these kind of interviews, we’re reading body language.

But I’m not critiquing Tucker. It was nice to see a sympathetic interviewer rather than the serpents from the left. I will not soon forget the cobra-charming manner of Katie Couric with Sarah Palin nor the same with Samantha Guthrie interviewing Nick Sandmann: “Would you (pause, sad eyes) like to (pause, almost tearful eyes) apologize to that Indian chief?”

Andrew said...

By the way, some of you are acting like crossing state lines is no big deal, like it's something to laugh about. It's a big f'g deal to cross state lines. It's not a joke. It's not a game. It's a f'g crime. And I know so many people who just go from one state to another as if it's nothing. I tell them, "Do you realize what you have done?"

Christy said...

For me, a great disappointment from the Duke lacrosse case, was that the black community did not make common cause with those players. I never understood why they didn't take advantage of the publicity generated to point up the evils of rogue prosecutors. The system that had targeted with impunity black men was suddenly revealed as corrupt. What a fine time to get reforms! Instead they hated (mostly) rich white kids more than they hated injustices their own community faced.

Same this time. While it isn't pretty, white privilege can be used to accomplish reform here, but half the country only sees Rittenhouse as a white supremacist who deserves all the punishment that can be heaped upon him. I imagine everyone at lynchings felt the same way.

Amadeus 48 said...

"I’m looking forward to seeing Joe Biden getting sued for defamation and paying $10m of his own money. It’s about time that dumb fuck pay pay up for his own fucking stupidity."

No, David, we are all going to pay for it, as far as the eye can see, all the time. He can't leave the scene soon enough.

I don't think that Biden's repeating news reports, apparently news reports fostered by Kyle's then-attorney John Pierce (who, together with Lin Wood, the destroyer of the GOP in the Georgia Senate races, let him rot in jail for three months), is going to lead to a good defamation case.

J Melcher said...

I support what I consider good ideas regardless of who thought 'em up, or who else supports the idea. Even Biden has some fair points, once in a great while.

As for BLM, I support the idea of cops, in general, video recording all their official interactions with the public. I would urge the chief executive to insist the FBI record interviews, as a priority. The he-said / she-said thing where the only "evidence" is an agent's hand-written notes of what he remembers a day after an interview is just indefensible, in several senses of that word.

The BLM and I both support abolishing the part of local police funding (so, semi defunding) that flows from asset forfeiture and fines.

Joe Smith said...

There goes the carefully and maliciously-crafted 'narrative.'

Iman said...

It was, for the most part, a good thing he did that interview. But he will regret that he did it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

But, would they lie?

mikee said...

And in a year or so Kyle Rittenhouse will have his defamation settlements from CNN, MSNBC, and other media outlets, and will live the rest of his life in financial comfort. Which will be nice for him, I think, and well deserved.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Blogger Mike Sylwester said...
It's important to keep in mind that Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines."

Just as countless thousands do everyday between Fargo/Moorhead, Duluth/Superior/ New York/Newark, Davenport/Moline, Kansas City/Kansas City...

Big Mike said...

So he supports BLM? Does that mean he deliberately missed when he shot at the black guy who jump-kicked him in the head?

n.n said...

Me, too. Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment) breeds adversity. Baby Lives Matter.

Amadeus 48 said...

Temujin at 7:09.

Agree. I watched three interviews with Mark Richards, the dense lawyer. He told Kyle the most important word in his future is “no”. He didn’t want Kyle to do the Tucker interview.

n.n said...

He was assaulted by people of white.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“Supporting BLM” is the new “some of my best friends are black”.

LA_Bob said...

Contrary to Temujin and others, I'm glad he did the interview. Good for him or not in the long run, it was fascinating to hear his story. He showed a striking aplomb in a chaotic and deadly situation.

I took a pistol course a few years ago. It was structured as sort of a home-defense course, although I didn't know that going in. I learned pretty quickly why some people want to keep guns out of the hands of the masses. Few of them are qualified to handle a home-invasion crisis. They would likely shoot up everything but the bad guy. Occasional practice shooting at stationary targets doesn't really help you to handle a fast moving situation.

I would like to know more about Kyle's history with firearms. He seems to have a good sense of what he is doing.

Michael K said...

Tucker Carlson is a good interviewer. Sean Hannity is not. He talks over his guests. I subscribed to Fox Nation to watch Tucker's interviews. I don't normally watch Fox News. In fact I watch very little TV but college football. Tucker's interviews are worth watching. His series on January 6 is pretty good.

Michael K said...

Also, I think the kid said what he did about BLM because he wanted to sat peaceful protests were OK. Not that he supports their violent stuff, which is 98% of what they do.

Howard said...

Kyle is saying this on advice from counsel to make his lawsuit case against Joe Biden for calling him a white supremacist.

Meanwhile, his lawyers are fighting Lin Wood over the $2,000,000 bail money raised from donations.

Amadeus 48 said...

Obviously I fat fingered “dense” when I meant “defense”.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Rittenhouse's comment re: supporting BLM brought to mind a question. During the rioting, the BLM folks emphatically insisted that the rioters were not part of the BLM "peaceful protest movement". And yet, here we are a year later where the BLM people are now insisting that Rittenhouse shot and killed people protesting (you say protesting, I say rioting, whatevs) with BLM.

So which is it? Were the rioters BLM or not? It's like the BLM people completely forgot their story line of last year.

Bunkypotatohead said...

"Here's the Plan.

We take Kyle, and Greta; and place them on an island... With no one but camera crews
(well, in 2nd season, they'll find out about the Cannibals; but 1st, it's Just Them)

Will they Kill each other? Will they fall in Lovey Love Love? STAY TUNED!!!"

It's one of those peculiar coincidences that they were both born on the same day.
I wouldn't wish that psycho bitch on any white male.

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