November 4, 2021

"Igor Danchenko, a Russia analyst who worked with Christopher Steele, the author of a dossier of rumors and unproven assertions about Donald J. Trump, was taken into custody as part of the Durham investigation."

 The NYT reports.

Some claims from the Steele dossier made their way into an F.B.I. wiretap application targeting a former Trump campaign adviser in October 2016. Other portions of it — particularly a salacious claim about a purported sex tape — caused a political and media firestorm when Buzzfeed published the materials in January 2017, shortly before Mr. Trump was sworn in....F.B.I. agents interviewed Mr. Danchenko in 2017 when they were seeking to run down the claims in the dossier.... 

Mr. Steele’s efforts were part of opposition research that Democrats were indirectly funding by the time the 2016 general election took shape. Mr. Steele’s business intelligence firm was a subcontractor to another research firm, Fusion GPS, which in turn had been hired by the Perkins Coie law firm, which was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign. 


Achilles said...

The Venn diagram of people who believed in russian collusion and Qanon and Bush being the mastermind of 9/11 is almost perfectly overlapping.

They all fall within the room temperature IQ subset.

Big Mike said...

Mr. Steele’s efforts were part of opposition research that Democrats were indirectly funding by the time the 2016 general election took shape.

Indirectly? If they used Hillary Clinton campaign funds to fund Steele’s crap there was nothing “indirect” about it.

Wince said...

Okay, I guess that makes at least two reasons why Hillary did not hit the campaign trail for McAuliffe.

MikeR said...

The walls are closing in.
Interesting. Been a long time waiting, but the arrests are at least on-topic: Unlike the Mueller Investigation, here people are getting arrested for doing the things that the investigation was about.

Jersey Fled said...


Jon Burack said...

I love that second paragraph you quote. How nice of the Times to provide its usually clueless readers with a precise description of the laundering process by which the Times itself and so many other media hacks hid the dynamics of the Russia-Collusion investigation under a rock. Leading to a three-years-long post-election partisan opposition research hit job masquerading as an august official investigation by the impeccable public servants of the FBI, DOJ, et al.

Poor old Terry McCauliffe who was stupid enough to hire the top dog of Perkins Coie Mark Elias in the last two days of his sinking campaign. Too late, too late, to fish his carcass out of the morass. Could it mark a new and healthier day? I hope and pray.

Drago said...

"Mr. Steele’s efforts were part of opposition research that Democrats were indirectly funding by the time the 2016 general election took shape. Mr. Steele’s business intelligence firm was a subcontractor to another research firm, Fusion GPS, which in turn had been hired by the Perkins Coie law firm, which was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign."

There are lots of "buffers" in the Clinton/DNC/media crime"family".

Marc Elias is just an legal "button" man.

Anonymous said...

The Weasals finess things better now that the dossier has served its purpose and the wrong thinkers are investigating our good guys.

But most of the important claims in the dossier — which was written by Mr. Danchenko’s employer, Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent — have not been proven, and some have been refuted.

CJinPA said...

I believe that is the first time NYT used such language to describe the Russia Collusion Hoax:

Mr. Steele’s efforts were part of opposition research that Democrats were indirectly funding by the time the 2016 general election took shape. Mr. Steele’s business intelligence firm was a subcontractor to another research firm, Fusion GPS, which in turn had been hired by the Perkins Coie law firm, which was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign.

I could be wrong. But it seems to mark a deliberate change in tone, as more facts come to light suggesting media-Democrats collusion to overturn the 2016 election.

who-knew said...

This sounds like it might turn up something really interesting. But this is America under the deep state so I will expect nothing and harbor a very small hope that I'm wrong.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When Does Hillary get indicted for her role in a cascade of lies, deceptions, and international money grubbing using her private server?

FullMoon said...

Well, here is some typical B.S. :
"But most of the important claims in the dossier — which was written by Mr. Danchenko’s employer, Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent — have not been proven, and some have been refuted. "

Leaves the gullible with impression that some of the important claims have been proven, and that some have not been refuted, therefore, they must be true.

BTW, have scoured the porn sites for the tape, to no avail. I suppose Tom Arnold is still saving it for 2024 October surprise.

Michael K said...

Only a few years late.

rehajm said...

So it was Hillary colluding with the Russians al along. Quelle surprise...

So when do they come for everyone else involved and everyone who went along with this fraud FOR OVER THREE YEARS and how do we get our money back?

ALSO: What else did they lie to us about?

ALSO: ALSO: What are they lying about now?

Douglas B. Levene said...

Is Durham trying to put together a charge against Steele, Elias and others for conspiring to fabricate and feed to the FBI false claims about a presidential candidate? It looks like it, with smaller charges against the small fish (Danchenko and Sussman) that can be pled down in exchange for testimony against the big fish. Of course, it's entirely possible that the small fish won't plea and will take their chances on a favorable DC jury. It's a tough case to prosecute but Durham seems like the kind of methodical prosecutor who might be able to pull it together, and I wish him well.

Howard said...

What are the Charges? Five counts of lying to the FBI. I thought you people awarded the Metal of Honor for that.

narciso said...

danchenkos mentor, fiona hill, is still pushing this same carp, in her upper class accent

Original Mike said...

Nobody knows what Durham knows.

daskol said...

They see that the rubes are getting restless per the elections. I hope as a result they hang one of the big Russia hoax players out to dry, maybe even Hillary. That’s a modified limited hangout I would enjoy.

rehajm said...

Howard said...

I thought you people...


wendybar said...

Meh...but the guilty Hillary will remain guilty as sin, free as a bird as Unrepetent Domestic Terrorist and Obama buddy Bill Ayers said on 9/11 in the cop of the New Yorker that he was pictured on the cover of standing on a crumpled American flag...

And Obama is still running around free after spying on Hillary's opponent prior to the election......

Readering said...

Indictment under seal because other(s) to be arrested?

Peter Spieker said...

I wish I could be optimistic about this Durham investigation, but I’m not. It seems to me the indictments he is bringing are calculated to push the narrative that, while there were problems with the Trump Russia investigation, the problems stemmed from lies told to the FBI and the Justice department by outsiders, and not from misconduct by high authorities within the DOJ or the Bureau. Those authorities were lied to, don’t you see, by these outsiders and a maybe a few FBI agents. They didn’t have any choice but to launch an objective investigation to find the facts. That’s nonsense, but I think the DOJ hopes it is spinnable nonsense, at least to the less well informed. It’s all about trying to protect the reputation of “the Department” and “the Bureau” – they know at this point that a compete denial of wrong doing by everyone concerned is not going to work. I hope I’ll be shown to be wrong about Durham, we will see.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is a Russian Asset. Same with Maddow.

Yancey Ward said...

"Of course, it's entirely possible that the small fish won't plea and will take their chances on a favorable DC jury."

I think Sussman's first indictment is in the DC circuit, but Danchenko is being charged in the Eastern District of VA, not DC. Additionally, Sussman is likely to face charges in the Eastern VA district, too, according to the unsealed DC indictment's wording.

Drago said...

Howard: "What are the Charges? Five counts of lying to the FBI. I thought you people awarded the Metal of Honor for that."

Hmmmm. Your deflections and projections are becoming even more inaccurate and weak as time progresses.

I wonder why that is?

Drago said...

Original Mike: "Nobody knows what Durham knows."


Inga was just around here the other day white knighting for He Who Must Not Be Named because, you know, lying lefties supporting lying lefties.

Jaq said...

"Nobody knows what Durham knows."

[GIF of pretty girl looking up from her drink for a second, then spitting it out in laughter.]

"I thought you people awarded the Metal of Honor for that."

Google up Clinesmith. Don't bother with Wikipedia, because they will not allow a page to be created for the guy. See who gets rewarded for lying, didn't even get disbarred after pleading guilty to lying to a judge. Rudy got disbarred without a hearing for stuff he said in the media, which was never adjudicated. Tell me about lying. Usually, you are not so completely out of touch with your trolling, you usually leave some ambiguity as cover.

rehajm said...

Is Durham trying to put together a charge against Steele, Elias and others for conspiring to fabricate and feed to the FBI false claims about a presidential candidate? It looks like it, with smaller charges against the small fish...

It looks that way to me, too...and based on the Twitter rants Elias has been spouting lately, he sounds like a cornered liberal who knows the walls may be closing in...

Joe Smith said...

Wow...the NYT is backpedaling faster than Lance Armstrong in upside-down world.

Where was 'unproven' when they were angling for a Pulitzer?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mr. Steele’s efforts were part of opposition research that Democrats were indirectly funding by the time the 2016 general election took shape. Mr. Steele’s business intelligence firm was a subcontractor to another research firm, Fusion GPS, which in turn had been hired by the Perkins Coie law firm, which was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Translation: The Clinton Campaign laundered the payments for Mr.s Steele's hit job through the Perkins Coie law firm, so they could hide the expenditures from the campaign disclosers.

In a legitimate world, that would be a felony, and everyone involved would be in prison (that means whoever in the campaign knew about it, everyone at Perkins Coie who knew about it, everyone at Fusion GPS that knew about it, and Steele and anyone on his team who knew about it).

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Howard said...
What are the Charges? Five counts of lying to the FBI. I thought you people awarded the Metal of Honor for that.

Well, Howard, you people destroy people's lies for dishonest claims of that (see Michael Flynn).

So destroying your lives for doing it is justice.

zipity said...

Hillary, James Comey, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Lisa Paige, Steele, Lorettan Lynch, Rod Rosenstein and others should be in prison by now.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

What are the Charges? Five counts of lying to the FBI. I thought you people awarded the Metal of Honor for that.

No, Howard. That's your team. McCabe, Comey, Clapper. They are all on CNN now.

rehajm said...

One of the main "sources" of Trump/Russia info turned out to be a Hillary Clinton advisor w/ deep ties to the Clintons and the DNC…One of the other Danchenko/Steele Russian "sources" - Was expecting to be rewarded w/ a job in the Hillary Clinton State Department.

Where in the Biden Administration are these people now?

Achilles said...

Howard said...

What are the Charges? Five counts of lying to the FBI. I thought you people awarded the Metal of Honor for that.

I am sure you think that is a brilliant and witty remark.

Pretty much what we expect from a supporter of president Poopy Pants.

Joe Biden is smarter than you are.

Ceciliahere said...

Let me know when they arrest James Comey and Andrew McCabe.

Drago said...

Howard: "What are the Charges? Five counts of lying to the FBI."

First off, Danchenko lied to the FBI in 2017. The FBI knew he lied, but since the FBI was actually all in with the conspiracy to bring down a Presidency they let it slide.

It's only now that he's being charged for his lies which served the hoax, which you bought hook line and sinker and apparently still do to this very day, because Durham, for some unknown reason, actually appears to be approaching this with some integrity.

Though I will not get my hopes up on any sort of actual justice for what the Clintons/dems/LLR's/media pulled.

Tom said...

Igor Denchenko didn’t kill himself.

rehajm said...

More important: what kind of deal was struck so this shit comes out two days after the 2021 election and not two months before the 2020 election?

Drago said...

Just going to get this in now: Danchenko didn't kill himself.

rehajm said...

According to Durham’s indictment, the Washington Post knew in January of 2017 that the PRIMARY SOURCE for the bogus Steele dossier peddled by the FBI was a “Russian agent” according to the career Democrat operative who employed him.


- Sean Davis Tweet

Democracy Dies in Darkness.

- WaPo

Quaestor said...

Indirectly? If they used Hillary Clinton campaign funds to fund Steele’s crap there was nothing “indirect” about it.

Another example of the NYT's standard procedure of promulgating "truthy" lies. If no check or draft written to Igor Danchenko by the Clinton campaign can be found it's just another case of Hillary Clinton, an experienced and successful career criminal, covering her tracks.

Danchenko was hired and paid by a cascade of cutouts and stooges, a familiar tactic to anyone aware of the history of organized crime in America.

cubanbob said...

If Steele gets pinched, then Perkins Coie is the ultimate target. Hillary and the FBI will get an undeserved pass.

Quaestor said...

What are the Charges? Five counts of lying to the FBI.

Howard believes lies for the left are the deeds of saints. He's proven this numerous times before.

Iman said...

I’d love to be surprised to eventually read that Durham and team have finally held people accountable, but his pace indicates my ashes will be spread in the Pacific Ocean off Carmel first.

Narayanan said...

Blogger Original Mike said...
Nobody knows what Durham knows.
not even his shadow?! or only his shadow?!

Owen said...

I thought the statute of limitations had already run on most of these people for most of the postulated bad acts. Or will the prosecution argue that the clock doesn’t start until the fraud is exposed?

Like others here I will not hold my breath. Danchenko is a bit player. The stars are multiple levels of deniability away from him.

alan markus said...

Where is that troll that used to post here as "PresidentPoopyPants"?

StephenFearby said...


NYT description of one of the co-author of this piece:

Adam Goldman reports on the F.B.I. and national security from Washington, D.C., and is a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner

Wikipedia's description:
Adam Goldman is a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist...and for his coverage of the Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

(Which was so puny (only some fake social media posts) that didn't have any effect on the election results.)

JaimeRoberto said...

That's foreign collusion done right. You have to launder it through a chain of cutouts to make it legitimate.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"What are the Charges? Five counts of lying to the FBI. I thought you people awarded the Metal of Honor for that."

Depends on who is lying. If it's a Dem they get a leftover "Hero of the Soviet Union" medal from the stash kept in John Kerry's desk. He got them after Republicans defeated the USSR in the Cold War as a consolation prize.

Critter said...

Clinton's lawyers are no doubt billing lots of hours to this. She knows it is a detailed investigation put together one brick at a time that could nail her and her cohorts. I suspect some calls have been made to the Arkansas mafia. If I'm Durham, I'd make sure to not show any patterns in my daily movements and to surround myself with lots of others when out, including in bathrooms.

Amadeus 48 said...

"How nice of the Times to provide its usually clueless readers with a precise description of the laundering process by which the Times itself and so many other media hacks hid the dynamics of the Russia-Collusion investigation under a rock."

This will be the first time many loyal Times readers will have heard of it. I guess the editors think it is safe to come out of the bunker. But, as with 1939 Stalin-Hitler non-aggression pact, NYT readers know how to handle a 180 degree reversal of the Party line.

Just wait until the weather gets colder. They'll dust off the New Ice Age warnings in a trice.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

alan markus: "Where is that troll that used to post here as "PresidentPoopyPants"?"

Disappeared, as that moniker is far too "on the nose" these days.

Rockeye said...

"taken into custody" is a tell. Igor was arrested. Just another version of the "some people did something" evasive bullshit euphemism-based advocacy journalism. I'm sure that "republicans pounce" and "republicans seize upon" is coming next.

Chris Lopes said...

"Joe Biden is smarter than you are."

That is the most vile insult I have ever read on this blog. You are lucky if he doesn't challenge you to a duel at sunrise.

Jupiter said...

"Some claims from the Steele dossier made their way into an F.B.I. wiretap application targeting a former Trump campaign adviser in October 2016."

Yeah, a claim'll do that. Pesky little buggers.

Drago said...

"Some claims from the Steele dossier made their way into an F.B.I. wiretap application targeting a former Trump campaign adviser in October 2016."

Jupiter: "Yeah, a claim'll do that. Pesky little buggers."

Those darn little Steele hoax dossier claims found their way into all 4 of the F.B.I. wiretap applications targeting Trump campaign advisors all by themselves.

The same way guns just go and fire themselves off. The same way the lefty-hated SUV's (except the ones the lefties drive) just up and hit people for no good reason.

That passive voice stuff just keeps popping up all over.

Next up: Inflation, all by its lonesome, decides to strike at good old honest Joe Biden.

mikee said...

So Durham just arrested the absolute lowest level person involved in the fraudulent "Russian dossier" ratfucking performed for Hillary against Trump. After how many years?

Just a little while back, Andrew McCabe got his pension restored and his 2018 firing expunged from his employment record. The DOJ settled McCabe's lawsuit rather than defending against it at trial. There is zero doubt that McCabe did indeed, as accused, leak info to the WSJ and then lie to investigators about it. But that record is now expunged. The DOJ was apparently worried about what McCabe's lawyers would ask DOJ personnel in discovery, so they settled the case. Hmmm.

The sound of two backs being mutually scratched here is rather like fingernails on a blackboard.

Bender said...

Disinformation -- what the leftists were doing, what they always do -- isn't "opposition research."

Paul said...

But but but... Trump had those mean tweets!

Narr said...

So, John "The Bloodhound" Durham will root out the rogue elements in the DOJ/FBI in a very slow and calculated way, ensuring that such things never ever happen again.

Yeah, rogue elements. That's the ticket.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Owen said...
I thought the statute of limitations had already run on most of these people for most of the postulated bad acts.

Overall, Danchenko faces five false statement charges:

Falsely stating to FBI agents on June 15, 2017 that he had never “spoken with PR Executive-1” (Dolan) about the dossier allegations.
On March 16, 2017, falsely stating to FBI agents that “he received a late July 2016 telephone call from an individual who Danchenko believed was ‘probably’ [Millian"], when in truth and in fact, and as the defendant well knew, [Millian] never called Danchenko.”
On May 18, 2017, falsely stating to FBI agents that he “‘was under the impression’ that a late July 2016 telephone call he received was from [Millian']” when in fact Millian never called Danchenko.
Falsely stating to FBI agents on October 24, 2017 that he had spoken to Millian “on the telephone on more than one occasion.”
On November 16, 2017, falsely stating to the FBI that “he had spoken to [Millian] on the telephone” when he knew he never did.

Bunkypotatohead said...

No worries. Biden will pardon everyone involved on his way out of office. And twitter will ban any mention of it.
Case closed.

pacwest said...

Danchenko didn't kill himself.

I used to be able to hire a professional hit man at a reasonable price, but they're getting awfully pricey these days. Supply and demand I guess.

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