November 5, 2021

Federal judge, sentencing a woman to jail, takes her to task for believing in Critical Race Theory.

I'm reading "She said she wasn’t going to jail for Jan. 6, citing ‘blonde hair white skin.’ A judge sentenced her to 60 days behind bars" (WaPo).

“For better or worse, you’ve become one of the faces of January 6,” U.S. District Judge Christopher R. Cooper of D.C. told Jenna Ryan, 50.... “You suggested antifa was somehow involved. And perhaps most famously, you said that because you had blonde hair and white skin, you wouldn’t be going to jail.”

He was referring to a tweet Ryan posted in March saying, “Sorry I have blonde hair white skin a great job a great future and I’m not going to jail. . . . I did nothing wrong.”

But I'm going to stick with Critical Race Theory. Ryan made her belief in white privilege so overt that it threatened white privilege. Attacking her openly stated expectation helps maintain the privilege.

Complicating the analysis: The judge is black.

ADDED: I wrote "believing in Critical Race Theory," then I thought shouldn't it be "believing Critical Race Theory"? I realized the "in" implies that the correctness of what John McWhorter is saying in "Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America." Does one believe in Critical Race Theory or is it a methodology that one can choose to engage in? I do the latter.


gilbar said...

So just to be Clear....
the black judge SENT her to jail... BECAUSE she was white?
AND! there's NO SUCH THING as critical race theory????
got it!

tim maguire said...

Sounds like the judge handed her grounds for appeal. He should be sanctioned.

David Begley said...

Holding the 1-6 people without bail, solitary confinement and very harsh prison sentences is the darkest episode in American judicial history.

Sixty days for what? Trespassing?

rehajm said...

You suggested antifa was somehow involved.

Of course we know that to be bullshit because A) neither the New York Times or Washington Post reported Antifa’s involvement and 2) we have photographic evidence it was the FBI and their surrogates instigating the crowd, not Antifa and $) just because there were a dozen or so dressed in Antifa’s de facto uniform and moving in a coordinated way to break through windows and doors is no reason to suspect they were involved…

Sally327 said...

I remember when Reality Winner, who was arrested for espionage a few years ago, said much the same thing, something about how she could rely on being pretty, white and cute and she'd get away with it. Although I think she'd already been arrested and was sitting in jail at the time so she should have been having serious doubts about how well that was going to work out for her.

I don't think it's a white thing as much as it's a belief that many attractive women have, perhaps justifiably, that they will be able to get away with more than those people who aren't good-looking women can get away with. Maybe it should be called Critical Beauty Theory.

rehajm said...

ALSO: since late Tuesday night we’re being told CRT doesn’t exist, so knock it off, Ann…

mezzrow said...

Is anyone surprised? We had to get here sooner or later.

Too bad this is behind a paywall. I'm sure the details are important and interesting. I'm also pretty sure that no one can accurately predict where this will lead. The times get more interesting every day.

Uncle Pavian said...

There are people who are so special that they can't be sent to jail, no matter what they do. For most criminal defendants, saying so is just dumb.

tommyesq said...

Not sure how "become on of the faces of January 6" should have come into play - that she was in a photograph should make her more liable or more deserving of jail time? How can that seem anything other than political?

Patrick Henry was right! said...

It's not measurable or falsifiable. Therefore, it's a belief system or, if you will, religion.
It's also every bit as racist as Apartheid. So, engage with it then. Just shows the inherent racism of leftists.

Fernandinande said...

"And perhaps most famously, you said that because you had blonde hair and white skin, you wouldn’t be going to jail."

She said she wasn't going to jail because she had done nothing wrong, not because of her skin or job.

Complicating the analysis: The judge is black.

No, he's not black.

Does one believe in Critical Race Theory or is it a methodology that one can choose to engage in?

"Bullshit" covers both cases.

pacwest said...

I do the latter.

Lucky you to have that choice.

Owen said...

The judge is aware of the the political dimension of his sentence, which is wound around the political dimension of her action and her attitude. Heck, the “crime” and her attitude and the prosecution and verdict and sentence are nothing BUT political. She appears to have broken nothing and hurt nobody, but OMG she has “assaulted democracy” by “parading” in, excuse me, “the People’s House.”
The judge may think he has completed the tragic arc, taught the lesson, vindicated society and calmed the political culture, with his 60-day hammer on this contumacious little nail. Me? I think he’s created another martyr.
This isn’t over.

Sebastian said...

"Attacking her openly stated expectation helps maintain the privilege."

Yeah, sure. Privilege to be enjoyed in jail, on the basis of a judge's openly stated animus.

Kevin said...

It’s neither a religion nor an idea.

It’s straight up racism.

Let’s start there.

Whiskeybum said...

"He was referring to a tweet Ryan posted in March saying, “Sorry I have blonde hair white skin a great job a great future and I’m not going to jail. . . . I did nothing wrong.”

Looking at the Twitter spat from whence this quote came (and the interpretation from WaPo), it seems everyone thinks she is saying that because she's white, she won't go to jail. But my take is that she's saying 'I'm not going to jail [because] I did nothing wrong.'

What about the white/blonde/great job part then? My take is that she's obviously been harassed and called things like 'white privileged','white supremacist', privileged to hold the job she has, etc. So she's answering by saying, gee, sorry that I happen to have certain racial characteristics that I was born with, and am not underprivileged by being out of work, etc. You may harass me for those irrelevant facts about me, but it doesn't matter... I've done nothing wrong that I should face jail time for.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I have no idea what she means given the dumb remarks quoted, and the judge too seems to be speaking in code or partially foreign tongue. Is she being sentenced for what she said or what she did?

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

AA: "Attacking her openly stated expectation helps maintain the privilege."

Keep waving those hands. I'm sure it makes sense to you.

Scott Patton said...

"you said that because you had blonde hair and white skin, you wouldn’t be going to jail."
That's not at all what she said in the linked tweet. She said she wouldn't be going to jail because she "did nothing wrong". The white skin blond hair etc. was given as the reason for the "hater parade" accusation in the same tweet.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

AA: "Attacking her openly stated expectation helps maintain the privilege.

Complicating the analysis: The judge is black."

He's the NEW new black face of white supremacy.

Kay said...

Does one believe in Critical Race Theory or is it a methodology that one can choose to engage in? I do the latter.

I think I do the latter as well. I really enjoy reading critical theory about literature and film, and sometimes art. More so gender and queer theory. For instance, I’m about to order Men, Women and Chainsaws by Carol J. Clover which is about gender theory in horror movies.

Achilles said...

Purely political prosecution.

The Regime needs a scapegoat. But it wont save them.

President Poopy Pants will be out before the midterms. The only person more unpopular than Rapey Joe is Heels Up Harris.

This administration has destroyed the Democrat party for a generation. Looks like the University system is about to collapse too and K-12 is on the ropes.

2022 is going to be lit.

MikeR said...

'“It’s clear that you knew this was no ordinary peaceful protest,” he said.' Judging by 2020, it was an "ordinary peaceful protest".

Achilles said...

Let the prosecutions begin.

Leftist shitheads think this goes one way.

Miyares held his first press conference today to discuss the transition, giving the press the opportunity to quiz him on an array of legal matters. One reporter asked him, “Do you plan to investigate Loudoun County Public Schools and the recent sexual assaults that have happened there?” Miyares gave a direct answer: “Yes.”

rhhardin said...

McWhorter is wrong on religion. Religion is a poeticization of ethics. There's no ethics in wokeness that isn't literal, producing the same effect that dogmatism does, a sort of ethical idiocy.

The same thing happens when women do ethics, but instead of wokeness it's any old feeling.

Having a black judge doesn't complicate the analysis but rather explains the sentence.

rhhardin said...

"Why is it that these reductive, inadequate, manifestly a-historical, irrational, utterly low-grade kinds of analysis have become so dominant?"

Stephen Blackwood on wokeism

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the left labeled it Critical Race Theory. We found out they want to teach our children not merely about the history of slavery - which is already taught - but that if you are born white, you are a bad person.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

she is going to jail over "speech"

that is what happens in Cuba.

Achilles said...

In the 60's black and hispanic people pretended to be white on admissions and job apps because of racist democrats in power.

In the 2020's white people pretend to be black and native american on admissions and job apps because of racist democrats in power.

There is a constant.

rehajm said...

Sixty days for what? Trespassing?

...for mean tweets...which sounds like snark but based on the other prosecutions it is clear the courts involved are punishing not for actions but for wrong think. That's why the letters of remorse are helping the incarcerated get released...

Amadeus 48 said...

There are crimes committed with guns. There are crimes committed with briefcases. There are crimes committed with black robes.

Trespassing (and parading) takes on a new, sinister connotation. Judge Cooper is on it like (a-hem) white on rice.

Gahrie said...

Does one believe in Critical Race Theory or is it a methodology that one can choose to engage in? I do the latter.

Of course you do. You're one of the good Germans.

Ann Althouse said...

"just because there were a dozen or so dressed in Antifa’s de facto uniform and moving in a coordinated way to break through windows and doors is no reason to suspect they were involved"

The Lincoln Project does costumes

Ann Althouse said...

"No, he's not black."

If not, his Wikipedia page needs editing

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

The judge is black? And the evidence is in his Wiki page? Can you point to where that page provides the evidence?

Why does a story like this never say "the Obama-appointed judge" sentenced the conservative activist to jail?

Ohhhhh, right.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Oops, I see it now: Cooper is an African-American.[18]

I stand corrected, madam.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

"just because there were a dozen or so dressed in Antifa’s de facto uniform and moving in a coordinated way to break through windows and doors is no reason to suspect they were involved"

The Lincoln Project does costumes

Who is John Sullivan?

Achilles said...

And why is John Sullivan not in jail?

CJinPA said...

“For better or worse, you’ve become one of the faces of January 6,” U.S. District Judge Christopher R. Cooper of D.C. told Jenna Ryan, 50...

Do judges routinely follow media coverage affecting the trial over which they are presiding?

This judge followed the coverage extensively enough to conclude the defendant before him was "one of the faces of January 6."

Gahrie said...

"just because there were a dozen or so dressed in Antifa’s de facto uniform and moving in a coordinated way to break through windows and doors is no reason to suspect they were involved"

The Lincoln Project does costumes

But the Lincoln Project exists to betray the Right , not the Left. The Lincoln Project would have been carrying Tiki torches, not dressed as Antifa.

doctrev said...

Most of my problem with January 6th is that the job was left half done, but honestly- if you think white skin is likely to get you out of a conviction by itself, THESE DAYS, I wouldn't blame a black, white, or purple judge for convicting you on charges of Being Bloody Stupid.

Lyle said...

What does what she said have to do with being sentenced to 60 days in jail? Should the judge even had made this speech?

Bob Boyd said...

None of this would have happened if wasn't for the election. Electoral politics have become way too divisive and destructive, especially the presidential election.
Maybe we should emulate the Chinese, do away with presidential elections and make Biden President for life.
Joe would be a great place to start, kinda like dipping your toe in the water.

Iman said...

Traveshamockery of justice.

Critter said...

Wow! The judge makes no pretext of justice. He’s signaling a purely political decision. Amazing that he doesn’t even try to hide his abuse of the judicial system. He is violating his oath and is not worthy of his position.

tommyesq said...

OMG she has “assaulted democracy” by “parading” in, excuse me, “the People’s House.”

She is guilty of assaulting democracy by taking part in democracy.

rcocean said...

All this simply proves what everyone knows. These are political show trials, and there are two systems of justice: One for the Liberal/left and another for the rest of us. Tresspassers are almost never jailed. But Trump supporters are given 60 days.

I'm sure Miss Lindsey and Mitt Romney approve.

Howard said...

CRT opines that racial disparities are due to structural remnants of historical oppression, not racism. This torques off deplorables because it shows white superiority is not genetic but a social construct based on the results of deterministic history. This is a huge psychological blow to learn that current white success depends, in part, on the fact that the past that none of us is responsible for influences current social outcomes.

That's gotta be a huge blow to those of you with pathologically low self esteem to be told that your success depends on the race and status of your ancestors instead of your bootstrap fantasy.

rehajm said...

The Lincoln Project does costumes

Heh...and on my crazy wall one of the shortest pieces of yarn connects them to Antifa...

Andrew said...

Plenty of great comments here. Not much to add. Except for one obvious point:

The greatest "assault on democracy" in my lifetime was the Russia collusion hoax as used to overthrow and hinder President Trump. That involved multiple government agencies, and politicians at the highest level. It lasted four years. Jan. 6 was serious, but it was a pinprick in comparison. Not one top level person who was involved in the Russia collusion hoax has spent a day in federal prison. In fact, some have consolidated even more power and prestige. So cry me a river to hear how average citizens on January 6 launched an assault on democracy. What democracy do we even have left?

Leland said...

No, he's not black.

The judge is black? And the evidence is in his Wiki page? Can you point to where that page provides the evidence?

Fact check:

Race: Black or African American

Race or Ethnicity: African American

“Christopher Cooper’s outstanding background and criminal and civil experience stood out even among the exceptionally well-qualified candidates who came forward,” said Norton. “I have every confidence that he will continue along the path of excellence that has characterized his entire career.”

Cooper, an African American, is a graduate of Yale College, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, and Stanford Law School, where he graduated with distinction and served as president of the law review.

M Jordan said...

"Sorry I have blonde hair white skin ..."

The obvious read on this to me and the first thing I thought of was a sarcastic apology for being white to her race-driven critics. As I'm, "I'm so sorry I'm white and have a good life but that's no crime and I'm not going to jail for it."

Which she, apparently, did.

ga6 said...

Did this Judge do an internship at the Andrei Vyshinsky school of law?

Darkisland said...

Blogger Sally327 said...

I don't think it's a white thing as much as it's a belief that many attractive women have, perhaps justifiably, that they will be able to get away with more than those people who aren't good-looking women can get away with. Maybe it should be called Critical Beauty Theory.

Let us now turn to the Book of Jerry,

There actually is an episode where one of Jerry's girlfriends is so good looking that a cop does not give her a ticket. But I can't look for it at the moment.

More and more, I find that everything I need to know about life can be found in Seinfeld episodes.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I do think Antifa and FBI were there at the Capitol to instigate.

Who is Ray Epps?

Who is John Sullivan?

Who was John Sullivan talking to, as he yelled out to others inside the Capitol?

[*It's illegal to be curious or ask questions.*]

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The liar left are now moving the goal posts. Saying crap like "horrible white parents don't want their kids to learn about slavery."


Mea Sententia said...

I read the article—it strengthened my sense that these are political prosecutions. I didn’t read of any action meriting two months in jail. It seems her crime is her opinions.

Balfegor said...

Re: Sally327:

I don't think it's a white thing as much as it's a belief that many attractive women have, perhaps justifiably, that they will be able to get away with more than those people who aren't good-looking women can get away with.

Reality Winner is who I immediately thought of too. But I disagree with the above -- do think there's a generation of young Whites who have grown up hearing the system is egregiously rigged in favour of Whites like them. It shouldn't be surprising that some of them are dumb enough or gullible enough to take it seriously.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It feels like you have to understand the movie Inception to get this story.

PhilD said...

a) There seems to be a logical disconnect here. I would say she believes she is not going to jail because she did nothing wrong and NOT because she thinks she has 'white privilege'.
"I’m not going to jail. . . . I did nothing wrong.”

b) with that kind of (racist) justification for this sentence how much chance she's got if she appeals the sentence?

Michael K said...

It's a religion, complete with heretics and damnation.

Skippy Tisdale said...

A neighbor asked me, "Is CRT just the latest effort by Progressives to explain away African-Americans' innate inferiority?'

I had no idea how to respond.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Ashli Babbitt is reportedly relieved to learn that she dodged a 60-day prion sentence.

Howard said...

Skippy: "Is CRT just the latest effort by Progressives to explain away African-Americans' innate inferiority?'

that's exactly it if you define innate as a result of the historical pressures heaped on AA's like kidnapping, slavery, cultural genocide, fragmenting families, How m Crow, segregation, Lynching, cruel and unusual medical experimenting, conditional social welfare, cultural exploitation, driving while black, etc. Like RHHardin says, It's all about structures and systems... Determinism. It's no wonder the average IQ is down 15-points.

All of this is prima facie evidence in support of reparations.

wendybar said...

Andrew said...
The greatest "assault on democracy" in my lifetime was the Russia collusion hoax as used to overthrow and hinder President Trump. That involved multiple government agencies, and politicians at the highest level. It lasted four years. Jan. 6 was serious, but it was a pinprick in comparison. Not one top level person who was involved in the Russia collusion hoax has spent a day in federal prison. In fact, some have consolidated even more power and prestige. So cry me a river to hear how average citizens on January 6 launched an assault on democracy. What democracy do we even have left?

^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^ A MILLION UPVOTES!!!

Rory said...

There actually is an episode where one of Jerry's girlfriends is so good looking that a cop does not give her a ticket. But I can't look for it at the moment.

Iman said...

They’re real and they’re spectacular, John Henry!

Yancey Ward said...

This was a purely political adjudication- the judge's own words condemn him. She is now a political prisoner for the next 60 days.

In any case, despite the DoJ's and the judiciary's shameful conduct here, the real shame rests on the shoulder's of the Right's legal organizations- almost none of them have stepped forward to represent these people pro bono and fight for them. I donated money to those few who did step forward, but there were only 3 or 4 of I could identify online. Even worse, the Republican office holders have offered almost no support. We are now a nation of sniveling cowards it appears.

Fernandinande said...

Fact check:
Race: Black or African American

Cooper is very obviously mostly white and just slightly black, but that's good enough for racist liberal bureaucracies to hang a "one-drop-rule"-based lie upon.

Obama, both of whose parents are well known and is therefore definitely not black, is almost always called "black" because our silly society is almost never honest about race.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gahrie said...

Skippy: "Is CRT just the latest effort by Progressives to explain away African-Americans' innate inferiority?'

that's exactly it if you define innate as a result of the historical pressures heaped on AA's like kidnapping,...

First of all, the slaves were not kidnapped. You make it sound like ships pulled up to the shore in Africa, and everyone jumped off and ran around the jungle with nets. The truth is, the slave ships sailed into African ports and bought the slaves from the Africans who ruled those ports.

Secondly, how do you account for the fact that the IQ results are identical for Black people all over the world, including those that never left Africa?

Lastly, Black Americans are not inferior because they have lower IQs on average. That's like saying White people are inferior because they are not as athletic as Black people.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"It's no wonder the average IQ is down 15-points."

Thanks. I'll tell my neighbor you say yes, Blacks are inferior and apparently, unlike other races, incapable of rising above their station. Good to know.

Hey Skipper said...

Howard said...
Skippy: "Is CRT just the latest effort by Progressives to explain away African-Americans' innate inferiority?'

that's exactly it if you define innate as a result of the historical pressures heaped on AA's like kidnapping, slavery, cultural genocide, fragmenting families ...

Howard, congratulations for completely missing the obvious. Skippy was pointing out that the question is a variation on "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

In case you still haven't sussed it, try providing either a "yes", or a "no", and see where it gets you.

Jupiter said...

"Ryan pleaded guilty in August to one count of parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol."

While white.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Privilege, my ass. It is indisputable that Degenerate Monkey Street People regularly get away with shit that would land Decent Working Folks (of any race) in jail in a heartbeat.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Attorney Guy Womack and Jenna Ryan in their own words:

Support here:

Lurker21 said...

Have we reached the point where "Tan" should be a recognized ethnicity? Those who are naturally so, and those who have become so through sunbathing or sunlamps could unite the country.

Cooper worked in the Clinton Justice Department, and I believe his wife, Amy Jeffress, worked in the Clinton and the Obama Justice Department. Merrick Garland married them (no, they weren't a thruple -- he presided over the ceremony) She represented Lisa Page. He was the judge in the Michael Sussman case. I don't know if he recused himself, but he should have. Such incestuous connections do a lot to make people cynical about the judicial system.

As for Jenna Ryan, she didn't explicitly say that she wouldn't go to jail because she was White. You could connect the dots and say that was her intent, but maybe she's just proud of her hair and complexion. If there wasn't privilege attacked to blonde hair (and a pale complexion), why do some people try to hard to be blonde (or pale)?

Jupiter said...

"Obama, both of whose parents are well known and is therefore definitely not black, is almost always called "black" because our silly society is almost never honest about race."

Sorry, Fernandinande, but Obama's father, Frank Marshall Davis, was very definitely black.

Andrew said...

Thank you, wendybar! That's an honor. ;-)

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