Writes the New York Post Editorial Board in "The real lesson of the Rittenhouse trial: Riots guarantee death and ruined lives."
November 17, 2021
"Fearing violence, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers sent the National Guard in to Kenosha in advance of the jury verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case."
"Wise enough — except that, if he’d had the guard out in force as soon as the riots started last year, there probably wouldn’t be a trial now.
That is: If Kenosha hadn’t descended into chaos, the chances of such a deadly encounter ever happening would have been much diminished. Two lives wouldn’t have been ended, and Rittenhouse would still be just another basically normal kid.... Rioting attracts trouble-makers, whether Antifa goons or militia loons. In the chaos, even sane people can go mad.... Joe Biden last year called Rittenhouse a 'white supremacist'; no one’s ever shown the least evidence of that.... But Biden, and all the others who’ve polarized this case, saw some value in fueling the flames."
Kyle Rittenhouse,
order and chaos,
Tony Evers
I agree with the New York Post!
He should have sent them out to begin with, and there wouldn't be this trial. Trump offered them, he refused. HE is at fault for Kenosha burning down, and the jury is now afraid to acquit Kyle because the MOB is out in force promising to burn it all down again...and they videotaped the jurors. That is JURY TAMPERING, and the judge should dismiss with prejudice...especially because it came out today that the prosecutors CHEATED and sent a compressed version of the drone video to defense, when they had the full resolution which they held until closing.
Ya' know........I'm absolutely convinced the riots were sponsored by the Democrat party.
The rioting seems to involve democrat Governors, and Mayors. In Seattle, the Mayor moved in concrete barriers, and porta-potties to support the un-rest.
We didn't see rioting in Republican states.
If Evers ahd sent in the NG in 2020 when the trouble first started, then nobody would be dead and there'd be no trial. He also stole the election in 2020. But I'll bet money he gets reelected because people don't care.
A whole lot of the punditry called Rittenhouse a terrorist, in addition to the President calling him a White Supremacist (because he killed whites, I guess?)
The blood of two dead and the pulverized bicep of a third is on Evers for his lack of action. I would like to hear the justification.
Rioting attracts trouble-makers, whether Antifa goons or militia loons.
Is there any evidence that the militia types made any trouble?
Said by many of us for, well, years. When the state fails to perform it's mission to maintain peace and provide justice, others will step in to provide it. It may be the citizens, like the famous roof top Koreans, or individuals like Kyle Rittenhouse, acting during a short period of unrest when the authorities fail to do so.
Or if it's a long term breakdown, it may take the form of "Godfather, can you help me?" Or McCoy-Hatfield.
Or if the state enacts rules that prevent justice- all the citizens of a town might decide to serve it. One of my all time favorite examples being this one. There's another similar example of this that happened earlier that I recall reading about in high school. The town simply got tired of someone getting away with being a criminal, and stopped it.
I'm sure the NYT is outraged!
Or it owes Tom Cotton an apology.
Now they tell us.
Wanna bet that, if there is rioting, Brandon does something? With or without being asked by the gov.
If not asked, it will probably be illegal and unconstitutional.
That's why President Trump did nothing. He kept offering but the states kept refusing. As did congress on 1/6
So who's the "fascist"?who's "worse than Hitler"?
The possibility that Rittenhouse shot and randomly hit three people of the character of the people he hit is negligible. Those people were recruited to be there, and they were recruited to bust heads.
Needless to say, no one thinks the National Guard will be needed if there is a conviction.
Evers getting the troops on the ready is also an acknowledgement by Democrats that their claim that "all cultures are equally valid" rings really, really hollow. If Kyle is acquitted we'll all get another lesson in what "black culture" means. Hint: it will look like 2020 and the Summer of George Floyd.
The entire hack-D press refer to the dumpster burning rioters as "demonstrators".
The democrat party elite asked for riots and they told the police to stand down.
The democrats know that civil unrest feeds their power.
I submit that Gov Evers is responsible for the deaths of the 2 Rioters Rittenhouse shot in self defense.
None of that rioting would have occurred without the hack-D media and the elites of the D-party asking for it... rolling out the red carpet for it.
Private business owners were hung out to dry by a Democrat party, and their pro-rioting agenda.
But it was more important to defeat Trump so the violence and deaths were worth it.
Well, yeah. Looking for the downside here. Quoth the left
"Rioting attracts trouble-makers, whether Antifa goons or militia loons."
have you EVER heard a single mainstream media outlet refer to Antifa as "trouble makers" ? NO.
Good for the NY Post here. However, NONE of the mainstream corporate HACK-D corrupt media outlets will identify Antifa in negative terms. ever.
The left's mentally ill Soros funded brownshirts are the democrat party's silent partner.
"Biden... saw some value in fueling the flames."
Character shows itself, always. It's clear where Hunter learned his ethics.
Evers should be recalled for that serious error. He totally mishandled all the 2020 riots. Madison was hit hard too but not anything like Kenosha.
How could Evers be so stupid? Or was it intentional? Did allowing rioting send a message that if Trump won, the rioting would be even worse? Molly Ball reported in Time mag that the Dems had riots ready to go in 400 cities if Biden lost.
People need to realize that the Dem party is a criminal organization and BLM and Antifa are their muscle. Today's Brownshirts. Yeah, I said it.
'If Kenosha hadn’t descended into chaos, the chances of such a deadly encounter ever happening would have been much diminished.'
Btw, can a citizen sue a sitting president for being called a white supremacist?
Would Joe then use senility as a defense?
He's got a shit-ton of money via the Hunter/China pipeline...
If Kenoshans want to have their small city, they're really have to do something about imported, well-financed, organized political violence. They're going to have to claim their ownership. If Kenoshans mobilized to downtown at the delivery of the verdict, lined the streets as if viewing a parade, and stood as silent witnesses, they would be endorsing the idea and legitimacy of the judicial system. And 100,000 citizens staring in an unfriendly way at a few hundred protestors would pretty quickly deflate any ideas of politically-motivated violence. And if a substantial minority of Kenoshans approve of the riots, approve of the politically-motivated violence, approve of the destruction, well then - I hope they like living in the suburban ghetto, because that's the result that's coming to them, with plenty of precedents to point to. Political violence is always looking for reliable venues.
Defense filed for a mistrial with prejudice late yesterday. It seems that the State had high-def drone video, but only supplied the Defense with a low-resolution copy. Judge has yet to rule.
In riotous times, ignorance runs amok. And in the summer of 2020, rational thinking was turned on its head. Rioters were peaceful protestors. Burning down businesses, ruining peoples lives, threatening, injuring, and even murdering people was all excused because Trump was in office. Democrats publicly supported the rioters. Arranged for immediate bail for those few even arrested. And when Trump offered military help, or suggested Governors send out their National Guard, Trump became the enemy they all coalesced around.
You hit the mark exactly, Ann. Kenosha should never have happened. That city, hurting already as it was, will never recover from what took place there. And within all the inaction from our so-called leaders, telling police to stand down, or not arrest, refusing to send in National Guard, giving the looters and rioters credence as equals to the rest of civil society, this kid took it upon himself to stand up and at least see if he could help. He did not know what he was doing- obviously. But he thought someone needed to try to stand up and help.
And so he was set upon by some pretty loathsome people with criminal records, who- like George Floyd- are now being elevated to sainthood. And though they are all white, somehow those numb headed talkers on the Left are attacking Rittenhouse for....being white, and calling his potential freedom as a show of systemic racism and an excuse to burn, loot, and kill some more.
Tony Evers is late in using the National Guard. And now the Left is threatening the Judge, the jurors, their families, as well as Kenosha and other cities across America. Just as they did going into the election of 2020 they are threatening America. But hell...we've got parents yelling at school board members for the FB I to focus on.
This trial is a trial for freedom now. Does the mob control the courts now as well?
Was the NG called out in concern of violence from BLM/Antifa is they couldn't intimidate the jury into conviction or was in called up to stop efforts to safely evacuate Kyle from Kenosha after acquittal and the media stir up a lynch mob by evil, cis-gendered....
After the trial of Rittenhouse is over, which has focused on the very specific details, motivations and characters sucked into this tragic series of events, those in power should reflect on their role in allowing such an incident unfold.
Tony Evers, Governor of Wisconsin; James Kreuser, county executive for Kenosha County; and John Antaramian, mayor of Kenosha; are all Democrats, and Democrats do not do reflection.
"Fearing violence, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers sent the National Guard in to Kenosha in advance of the jury verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case."
Evers must fear those anti-marxist/anti-CRT "domestic terrorist" parents are going to burn Kenosha down if the trial decision goes against Rittenhouse......right?
i don't think Anyone, can blame Tony Evers for being an idiot. Stupid's gotta stupid
Joe Biden last year called Rittenhouse a 'white supremacist'; no one’s ever shown the least evidence of that ...
Joe Biden, President of the United States of America, gets his information from the popular press. And if there are two sides to a story he gets the wrong one.
Fear and loathing in Kenosha.
Evers knows what is coming. He must be close to election.
He knows the leftist shitheads pushed too far with their BLM/Antifa fire brigades.
They lost their monolithic support with black people.
Does the NG have ammo, and anti-riot ROE, or are they just for show?
Evers is horrible. Why wasn't he "fearing violence" before? Seriously, this is just another way of influencing the jurors...
Except that Evers didn't send them to Kenosha. From what I read elsewhere last night the Guard are in a staging area about 1.5 hours' drive away. Not exactly a set up for success.
I initially read the excerpt you quoted, then misread the source as NY Times instead of NY Post and thought WTF until I double checked and saw it was from the Post. I consider this momentary confusion to be your fault since you studiously avoid the Post, seemingly at all costs. So, I have to ask, why now?
he made a big show of the National Guard being out there to intimidate the jury into finding Kyle guilty.
A report based on a court Marshall says the jury is 10 to 2 for acquittal but the two for guilty are afraid of the mob. Maybe a mistrial with prejudice.
Since auto production has been crippled since the pandemic started, I wonder how much the destruction of all of those cars in the George Floyd riots, I mean mostly peaceful demonstrations, has hurt poor people by jacking up the price of used cars even more, since the ones burnt and otherwise destroyed in the rio... I mean mostly peaceful demonstrations can't be replaced in a timely manner. Who cares? It's just people who can't afford private jets that worry about the price of used cars! Give me a new Tesla and the poor sap working at Dunkin Donuts can suck on it!
Now Gov. Evers is fearing violence? Really??? It appeared to me that with the destruction that occurred in Madison in June 2020 and then Kenosha after the Blake incident, neither the mayors of those two cities had the backbone to have their law enforcement personnel enforce the peace nor did Gov. Evers seemed concerned enough at either time to deploy the National Guard to provide those cities additional manpower to help the police in a timely fashion. I am unable to comprehend why those elected Democrat officials had more concern to allow these not so peaceful protestors wreak destruction on private and public property than concern for those people whose private property was damaged and destroyed as well as the taxpayers who have to pay for government property that was damaged or destroyed. Maybe the only difference between now and last year is that Evers is less than one year away from the next election and he saw how a lock for the governor’s seat in both Virginia and New Jersey became a big loss in VA and barely survived in NJ. Sitting on his hands again wouldn’t help his re-election bid.
If I were a blogger who subscribed to the NYT I might just go back to see what tune they were singing at the time.
I am sure that professional journalists soon will challenge President Biden to explain publicly why he called Kyle Rittenhouse a White supremacist.
Scotty, beam me up...: "Now Gov. Evers is fearing violence? Really???"
Yes, because last year it was only "mostly peaceful" burning/attacking/destruction/mayhem.
This time it might actually be "no so mostly peaceful" burning/attacking/destruction/mayhem.
"If Kyle is acquitted we'll all get another lesson in what "black culture" means."
Which again makes no sense. Why would the black community care if a white guy who shot 3 other white guys walked? It's not like the guys he shot were actually members of the civil rights movement. These were violent criminals who were indulging their violent natures in a place where they believed the police wouldn't interfere with them. They were the kind of men who, had they met him in jail, would have joyful beat Jacob Blake to death.
"Biden, and all the others who’ve polarized this case, saw some value in fueling the flames"
Destroying the U.S. as we know it is their goal, so why wouldn't they?
As long as nice liberal women on the sideline wring their hands and clutch their pearls, they will continue.
Binger Evers and chance.
" It's not like the guys he shot were actually members of the civil rights movement. These were violent criminals who were indulging their violent natures in a place where they believed the police wouldn't interfere with them"
They were part of the BLM movement, allied along with Antifa. Like most BLM and Antifa, they were violent, white men.
Why would BLM care, you ask. Because Kyle has been presented as a white supremacist who took a gun to go menace the fine BLM demonstrators. That’s why. They are following the DNC-Media script. And Joe Biden was a private citizen last year when he called Kyle a white supremacist. He can be sued just like Clinton was for things done pre-POTUS.
Say what ya want, but Wisconsin in the Rittenhouse trial has shown the world an example of German on German violence.
Which is interesting, consider Wisconsin isn't Germany or Austria. But, it's close!
The judge had to tell the jurors to ignore the current president and the former president.
Is it considered withholding discovery if a low resolution film was given to the defense while a higher resolution one is available? Can a ruling for a mistrial with prejudice be based on this? (IANAL, but I read Andy Carpenter novels.)
Joe Biden last year called Rittenhouse a 'white supremacist'; no one’s ever shown the least evidence of that.
The media made a bigger stink about Nixon declaring Manson guilty.
At least Nixon respected the office enough to Clarify Comment on Manson Guilt...
The National Guard has been mobilized, but to a location about 60 miles away from Kenosha. They are not a visible presence there, and hence - not a reliable deterrent to anything at all. Oh look! Pallets of bricks have been magically and instantly appearing on every street corner, say the police over their radios. Pallets - off the back of a truck, using a forklift, but apparently no witnesses.....
So it looks like the Powers That Be may be doubling down on their positions with future violence being teed up with no fetters. How can a small city put up with this unrelenting bullsh*t? Seriously - if city leaders are prioritizing this, what about the potholes? I would get a forklift and start back-loading pallets now. Free Bricks! What an opportunity. Or maybe I’ll stack them outside the mayor’s house and police station.
Ya' know........I'm absolutely convinced the riots were sponsored by the Democrat party.
The rioting seems to involve democrat Governors, and Mayors. In Seattle, the Mayor moved in concrete barriers, and porta-potties to support the un-rest.
...remember all those pallets of bricks, all tarted up, pretending to be a construction site? Did tax dollars pay for all that?
Aggie, you're scaring me.
The National Guard makes NY Times staff feel unsafe, and we can't have that.
The real lesson is don't go parading in the midst of a demonstration/riot with a rifle whether it is legal to do so or not. Very bad things can happen. He may be acquitted - he prob. should be acquitted - but he's a reckless idiot and a punk and not deserving of hero status regardless of your politics.
“Is it considered withholding discovery if a low resolution film was given to the defense while a higher resolution one is available? Can a ruling for a mistrial with prejudice be based on this? (IANAL, but I read Andy Carpenter novels.)”
Here is the problem. The prosecution somehow acquires this video. No one knows where it came from (probably from someone’s (unknown to the public) private copter drone). It was probably accepted into evidence because there was no evidence of tampering, and it matched the rest of the evidence. The defense looked at the copy that they got, and didn’t see anything wrong with it. But then, in the prosecution’s closing arguments, they claim to have found evidence of Rittenhouse threatening people with his gun, and that allowed them to argue that his actions provoked one of his assailants/victims to attack him. Turns out that WI is in a minority of states where Provocation can negate self defense. They got their provocation jury instructions, as a result of claiming to find video showing Rittenhouse provoking Rosenbaum (I believe). But the high resolution video that supposedly shows this was not given to the defendant until the defense had rested their case, and could have rebutted it with their own witnesses, etc. Instead, the version that had been given the defense right before trial was a lower resolution, compressed, version that curiously did not show the claimed provocations.
The defense, in their motion for a mistrial with prejudice (I.e. where the state cannot retry the case), pointed to two instance of where the prosecution deliberately violated Rittenhouse’s Constitutional rights and the judge’s orders during their closing arguments, then pointed out that the prosecution had not provided the defense with the high res version of the video, that they based their claim of provocation on, until it was too late to do anything about it. The implication is that supplying the defense with the low res version, then using something in the high res version, that the defense didn’t have, and couldn’t have seen, until too late, to justify the Provocation jury instructions, was intentional and prejudicial. The prejudicial part is easy -the prosecution got their Provocation instructions, which, given the rest of the evidence, was the only way they had to disprove self defense beyond a reasonable doubt. But was it intentional on the part of the prosecution? Normally, attorneys, and in particular, prosecutors who frequently appear before judges, are assumed to be honest, and that something like this would have been inadvertent. But the defense is strongly implying advertency, based on the prosecution’s previous very advertent and intentional misconduct during their closing arguments, that the judge had already called them out for.
Is it enough for a mistrial? Probably not yet. This judge seems to want a jury verdict one way or the other. That puts the onus on them, where it belongs. But if they give a guilty verdict, this can be used as justification for declaring a mistrial, along with the very visible attempt to intimidate the jury. And, the judge has already told the prosecution that any mistrial here is likely to be with prejudice. As my partner would say, “no dosie overs” for them.
"He may be acquitted - he prob. should be acquitted - but he's a reckless idiot and a punk and not deserving of hero status regardless of your politics."
KR prevented future domestic abuse of a Kenosha woman by a mentally ill man that the State had no interest in keeping off the streets, and also removed future violent offenses by killing a skateboard-wielding rioter. Seems pretty heroic to me, especially as he could very well spend the rest of his young life in jail for doing the dirty work the State won't do to keep public order and prevent ongoing criminality.
Keep in mind that the violent riots by some stranger coincidence stopped right after KR shot those dudes in self defense. The message got out - the rioters who previously were immune from consequences now had the possibility of being shot dead for their actions. That chilled things out.
Parading? Not in evidence. Stupid assumption. Lame take. Scrubbing graffiti and putting out fires? Yep. That’s in evidence.
hawkeyedjb: ". . . where Hunter learned his ethics. . . ." BINGO!
The left are out of ideas... (other than bad woke self-enriching ideas) - so everyone who refuses to obey the left - y'all are a pack of White Supremacists.
*never mind Joe Biden's 4 decades of racist utterances.
He may be acquitted - he prob. should be acquitted - but he's a reckless idiot and a punk and not deserving of hero status regardless of your politics.
You add typical lefty nastiness but I sort of agree with you. He was a 17 year old kid who should have stayed home. I also agree he should acquitted and the prosecution is an example of how bad lawyers can be.
Me, I think Tony Evers bears ultimately responsibility for "who" killed those two rioters and maimed the third adventure-seeker. It was third night of Kenosha riots, property damage was significant, mayhem level was significant, and Kenosha cops, like most small cities, are best equipped to handle drunks, crashes, and parades. Evers had authority, Evers had moral duty, and Evers was pitifully virtue-signaling his tacit approval of mislabeled and grossly-misrepresented so-called "protests". Call me a former democrat; I think every Wisconsin citizen has duty to vote this PC twit out-of-office at next opportunity.
Noting Rittenhouse's family back-story, the absentee wayward dad, the hardworking but overwhelmed mom, the homelessness and evictions and school-absences, all labels of "white privilege" are ridiculous here. Rittenhouse was a poster-child of what happens to many white working-class kids here in Wisconsin: lots of dysfunction, lots of poor choices, lots of "there but by the grace of God" catastrophic events.
Bricks in Kenosha? Again? Pay No Attention to the Brick Wizard Behind the Curtain....
When the state says theyre not going to do anything about riots in the streets they also implied that Kenosha is a lawless zone and its every man for himself. Or just get beat up and killed.
The fact it has to be discuseed is gross.
Keep in mind that the violent riots by some stranger coincidence stopped right after KR shot those dudes in self defense. The message got out - the rioters who previously were immune from consequences now had the possibility of being shot dead for their actions. That chilled things out.
@Not Obeyed, I thought that’s what happened, but couldn’t be sure. I also note that Governor Evers couldn’t be bothered to bestir himself to send in the National Guard until there were dead lefties in the streets.
"He was a 17 year old kid who should have stayed home."
As should have the rioters. The men shot were not protesting the unjust killing of a black man by white cops. They were being the violent thugs they were in a place they were unlikely to be arrested. Jacob Blake's death meant nothing but opportunity to them.
jim5301: "The real lesson is don't go parading in the midst of a demonstration/riot with a rifle whether it is legal to do so or not. Very bad things can happen. He may be acquitted - he prob. should be acquitted - but he's a reckless idiot and a punk and not deserving of hero status regardless of your politics."
The left is literally making convicted pedophiles and domestic abusers heroes.
Any comment on that?
Or no?
Cat got your tongue?
jim5301 said...
The real lesson is don't get detached from your group... Loners get targeted
"Fearing violence" or figuring that violence will not be politically helpful in this particular case.
"The defense looked at the copy that they got, and didn’t see anything wrong with it."
Except in the higher resolution version, it became pretty clear that Rittenhouse was defending his own life.
Well the Governor now wants a show trial... back then he just wanted anarchy.
The National Guard is not being brought in to protect the town.
They are there to round up the "white supremacists" who show up to complain after Rittenhouse gets railroaded.
Chris Lopes said...
Jacob Blake's death meant nothing but opportunity to them.
Worse, yet. Blake survived. He's alive, though paralyzed from the waist down.
antifa and blm are the shock troops of the democrats. the point being made, not just here but in most other cities, is that the leftist thugs own the streets. anyone who attempts to stop them will be dealt with. they have been given a pass to assault, attack, destroy, and riot, with the full support of most democrats.
The 60's marxists said that leftist violence was justified, because 'justice'. all right violence was pure fascism.
I hope all those who have voted for Democrats in the last 20 years are proud of what is happening now. You helped to make it happen. bill and hillary, obama, biden, and other politicians of the left have made this very clear.
but yeah, voting for the above scumbags made you feel so self righteous and cool. fuck that. voting on feelings, fueled by propaganda from pro communist rags like the washington post, nyt times, new yorker, vanity fair, doesn't make you anything but a good, and stupid, party apparatchik.
and the totalitarians, once in power, always killed those people first.
but still, stand proud, those thugs burning, looting and destroying america are your legacy. revel in it.
Americans should be able to sue the hack-D press for their instigation of riots.
corrupt leftwing media stand shoulder to shoulder with Antifa nazi. It's on video. forever.
Can we sue them? Americans should be able to sue the media over their request for rioting, their excusing and promotion of White Left Antifa Nazi violence and harassment and the billions in damage that rioting caused.
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