November 20, 2021

Did Joe Biden get angry over the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse? And did he refuse to take back his baseless assertion that Kyle Rittenhouse is a "white supremacist"?

I'm seeing headlines to that effect — for example, "Kyle Rittenhouse: Biden angry after teen cleared of shootings" (BBC). Biden spent part of yesterday morning under sedation, getting a colonoscopy, but he was back in the world of the conscious by the time the verdict came out, able to hear the news and fly into a seething rage or whatever happened that got reported as anger.

First, let's look at the video. Video was important in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, and it's important now as we judge the emotional state of our President:

He's asked for a reaction to the verdict, which he says he just heard, and his first words were exactly what a calm, rational person would say if he didn't watch the trial: "I didn't watch the trial." The reporter loads in a challenge: "Do you stand by your past comment" accusing Kyle Rittenhouse of "white supremacy"?

Biden is cautious: "Well, look, I stand by what the jury concluded. The jury system works, and we have to abide by it." That is absolutely not anger. He's not losing his cool in the slightest, and he simply ignores the problem of his ignorant remark about white supremacy. And that's the end of it. Immediately, there's another question on another topic (his health). 

Second, there's a "Statement by President Biden" at the White House website. Here's the whole thing, and I've put the anger material in boldface:
While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken. I ran on a promise to bring Americans together, because I believe that what unites us is far greater than what divides us. I know that we’re not going to heal our country’s wounds overnight, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to do everything in my power to ensure that every American is treated equally, with fairness and dignity, under the law.

I urge everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law. Violence and destruction of property have no place in our democracy. The White House and Federal authorities have been in contact with Governor Evers’s office to prepare for any outcome in this case, and I have spoken with the Governor this afternoon and offered support and any assistance needed to ensure public safety.

I don't know who wrote that, and I very much doubt that Biden had much involvement, but the tone is about calmness. Anger is only there to be acknowledged. It's a first step toward gaining composure: I know you're angry but....  

Yes, the statement includes Biden in the feeling of anger — "myself included" — but that doesn't make me feel as though Biden is actually angry.

The verdict didn't make me angry. I watched the trial from the point where Rittenhouse took the stand, and it seems obvious to me that, given the burden of proof, acquittal was the right result. I'm sure Biden knows that too, and so there's nothing about the verdict that should make any knowledgable person angry. 

I am angry about some things other than the verdict. I'm angry that Governor Evers didn't take steps to end the violence before it devolved into the chaos that Rittenhouse entered. I'm angry that the media did such a terrible job of reporting on the Jacob Blake incident that inflamed people and led to the violence. And I'm angry at Joe Biden for contributing to the inflammation back when he called Rittenhouse a white supremacist.

Some anger is justified, and I don't know exactly what the White House statement is designating as the cause of Biden's anger. Frankly, I think it's nothing but rhetoric, intended to pull in angry citizens and make them want to go along with Biden's appeal to keep the peace. If I were one of those angry citizens — if I believed that the entire Kenosha story reeked of systemic racism — I would not for one second believe that Biden authentically shares my anger. 


John henry said...

The greatest accomplishment of the brief Harris administration is Rittenhouse going free.

Maybe she would be an OK president based on all her accomplishments

John Henry

rehajm said...

Frankly, I think it's nothing but rhetoric, intended to pull in angry citizens and make them want to go along with Biden's appeal to keep the peace

I think the rhetoric- and the violence and the rioting and the BLM and the CRT and the media turned propagandists…and the rest of it- is nothing but rhetoric, intended to stop the slide of the black vote away from white Democrats. A couple of percent and Democrats lose everything…


Christopher B said...

Rent moratorium.
Payments to illegal aliens.
Rittenhouse verdict.

Most commenters here will probably recognize the pattern. Joe isn't in charge.

jaydub said...

As regards the statement by the WH regarding him being angry, it was published under his name so why do you doubt Biden either wrote it or approved it? It has been out there for a while now, why do you think he would not have corrected the statement if he didn't agree with it? Is he oblivious to what is written in his name about a potentially incendiary event in the country he leads? Is this much different from what Kamala Harris said, specifically that she was "disappointed in the verdict," that the verdict "speaks for itself" and that it shows that America has more to do make its justice system "more equitable?" What exactly did the Rittenhouse trial expose about the American justice system that needs to be done to make it more equitable? Did he question any of that?

Biden and Harris are just pandering to the base and could give a shit about whether Rittenhouse was railroaded to a prison for the rest of his life or whether justice was done. Is it beyond the pale that they would welcome a few more weeks of rioting to distract from their incompetent leadership and crap poll numbers? I don't think it is.

RoseAnne said...

Had whoever wrote Biden's response left out the words "myself included", I would agree with you. Instead, they distract from any other message he may want to convey.

Tina Trent said...

I don’t think there’s a lot of doubt among normal Americans who don’t want their cities burned that Biden betrayed the very values he’s purporting to espouse here when he made his original accusation. He was playing with fire every bit as much as Obama did with his disgusting “beer summit” and all the Antifa terrorists do as they desperately seek approbation from BLM types on MSNBC and black rioters and their Antifa mascots who are permitted to loot and destroy.

The Rittenhouse case is Antifa and the white Left’s deeply longed-for socially permissible blackface moment. They’re not angry: they can hardly control their glee. Now they’re the victims of the evil RaCisAmericans. Maybe Biden will invite Rittenhouse to the White House to perform ritual humiliation over a beer. The Independent in Britain actually ran a headline saying Rittenhouse was acquitted of killing three black men. They quickly worm-holed it, but that’s the whole point of this exercise. We have re-formed our entire society around ritualistic performances of the imaginary persecution of blacks. Now the kids from Antioch majoring in Antifa think they can join in. They better watch out: there’s a definite sell-by date on poaching persecution points from the professional baiters.

Nobody believes Biden knows what he’s saying when he actually says it with his own mouth: they certainly don’t believe, or care, how his press office spins a statement. I feel sorry for the judge and jurors. They literally have to go into hiding from the lynch mob now. Their lives, jobs and families are now in mortal danger.

steve_g said...

That video of President Biden was the most coherent I've seen him since he assumed the Presidency. If that was the only time I saw him speak I'd conclude he was cognitively normal.

I have seen him many other times, and I do believe he's suffering from dementia or similar. But he did OK in that video.

rhhardin said...

It's a failed show trial. They'll do better next time. That's the message.

Tank said...

If you started watching from Rittenhouse’s testimony, you missed the State’s witnesses proving self defense too.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"back in the world of the conscious"

Not sure that he crossed that state line.

Jaq said...

This whole trial was like litigating some piece of the collateral damage of a drone strike, which had been ordered by an irresponsible politician, in an attempt to place the blame on one of its many victims.

Temujin said...

Gosh, he's angry?

I'm angry about the hundreds of Americans still left behind in Afghanistan.
Our open Southern Borders.
The ridiculous mandates.
The ass-reaming bills they are trying to pass.

He's angry? He ain't seen angry. He will. A year from now.

michaele said...

I was actually decently impressed that Biden was out and about and sounding coherent so soon after his colonoscopy. It's not that the procedure itself is bad but the prep that is necessary that takes place during the evening before is a pretty big deal for a man his age. He has had to be off his blood thinner medication for a few days leading up to it and now for a few days after...hat elevates his risk category. No wonder there might have been some discussion about how to get a new VP nomination through Congress and Senate.

Leland said...

I’m not one of the Americans angry and concerned about the verdict. I’m angry about the riots and lack of concern by the government to do something about them.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

I don't believe it can be read in any other way than a belief that the jury got it wrong. Then the disingenuous "bringing people together" claptrap. I'm pretty angry that the supposed uniter who admittedly didn't watch the trial, feels free to second guess 18 people that spent 2 weeks listening to testimony and 3+ days deliberating it, and in doing so puts himself in direct opposition to people like me who did pay at least a modicum of attention and try to understand the actual facts. Boilerplate endorsement of the jury system doesn't do anything to ameliorate that the POTUS is a blind narrative-follower.

Mark said...

He still likely faces civil suits from the families of the deceased.

Kyle maybe today's right wing hero, but eventually he will realize that he was just their useful idiot once the next hot button issue comes out and he is left in the media's dumpster.

MayBee said...

I am angry about some things other than the verdict. I'm angry that Governor Evers didn't take steps to end the violence before it devolved into the chaos that Rittenhouse entered. I'm angry that the media did such a terrible job of reporting on the Jacob Blake incident that inflamed people and led to the violence. And I'm angry at Joe Biden for contributing to the inflammation back when he called Rittenhouse a white supremacist.


I'm also angry about the whole summer of 2020. I cannot believe the way things were with burning and riots and people being told it was racist to not let them happen, and politicians not doing anything about it.
I'm angry that we are at a place where the Vice Presidential candidate would go sit at the bedside of a guy who got shot by police for holding a knife and trying to get in a car (not his) with children in it. That the NBA would put that guy's name on their jerseys.
And that the guy who eventually became president would call out an un-convicted 18 year old as a white supremacists, and then when that kid is found innocent, say the verdict makes him angry. Imagine being 18 and having the president of your own country say you being found innocent by a jury makes him angry. Imagine!

Marcus Bressler said...

Since they wrote, "myself included", your take is off. Don't put words into the mouth of the *POTUS describing his emotional state if not true or approved by him.

Mike Sylwester said...

One year ago, NOVEMBER 20, 2020

Kenosha shooting suspect Kyle Rittenhouse posts $2 million bail

(CNN) Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen accused in the fatal shooting of two people in AUGUST during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was released from custody after posting $2 million in bail, according to the county's sheriff's department. ...

Attorney Lin Wood said in a tweet on Friday that Mike Lindell, CEO of My Pillow, Inc., and actor Ricky Schroder helped raise the "required $2M cash bail" for Rittenhouse.

"God bless ALL who donated to help #FightBack raise required $2M cash bail. Special thanks to Actor Ricky Schroder & Mike Lindell for putting us over the top. Kyle is SAFE. Thanks to ALL who helped this boy," read the tweet. ...

Kenosha County Commissioner Loren Keating said in setting the bond earlier this month that the court considered Rittenhouse a "flight risk," because he could face a "mandatory life sentence or at least significant amounts of time, likely decades of time period of incarceration" if convicted.

Rittenhouse was afraid he would spend the rest of his life in prison after turning himself in to authorities, a friend of the teenager told police in a recorded interview that CNN obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

"The dude's sweating like a pig. He's just freaking out. His face is white. He's like, 'I'm going to jail for the rest of my life. I'm done.' He's just scared," the friend, Dominick Black, is seen explaining to a detective in the video recorded on August 26 in Antioch, Illinois, where Rittenhouse was arrested. ...

An attorney for Rittenhouse has claimed that there is evidence that the teen acted in self-defense.

Rittenhouse is due back in court for a preliminary hearing on December 3.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden will be okay emotionally. It was probably just a bout of White Rage. Nothing to worry about.

Joe's colon might be another matter.
According to my sources, they discovered some kind of Chinese drone paddling around up in there. They tried get a picture of it, but it too quick for them. All the shots were blurry. Damn thing wouldn't keep still. It kept going around corners and heading deeper until they finally ran out of hose. It was pretty frustrating, I guess.
The spooks wanted to screw an adaptor onto the scope and try to catch it using a thumb drive marked "Top Secret" for bait, but Kamala was in the Oval so Jill said, No, just leave it.

Mrs. X said...

Yes, the statement includes Biden in the feeling of anger — "myself included" — but that doesn't make me feel as though Biden is actually angry.
And you feel this way because…?
Official statements consist of words. If words don’t matter (and apparently they don’t) we are in a bad way.
You say you feel Biden isn’t really angry. I say that though Biden seems calm in the posted video, he is often angry when talking to the press and someone wrote an official statement that said he was angry. Therefore, I feel that he actually is angry.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don’t think that Biden himself was really angry, or at least substantively angry, but rather, at worst, angry as he sometimes does at dealing with the real world in his diminished capacity -similar to how he feels when he is served the wrong flavor of ice cream. Rather, the anger was most likely on part of the left wing cabal and handlers who control him.

Of course, with Biden, even if he weren’t burdened with rapidly progressing dementia, I don’t know if he really ever got to real anger. Rather, he has 50 years of expressing anger upon demand. It was a political tool. Nothing more.

Why would his cabal and handlers be angry? Because they came to power at least partially through the violence practiced by their party’s stormtroopers: AntiFA, BLM, etc. It only worked where compliant governors and mayors gave orders to their police and National Guard to stand down, not interfere, except maybe to thwart attempts at self defense from their party’s stormtroopers. Now that they have control of the Executive Branch, they are using the FBI and Homeland Security to thwart any coordinated attempts at self defense by communities. Their stormtroopers cannot be expected to successfully intimidate communities around the country, if opposed by organized force, so preventing that appears to be the prime job responsibility these days of these agencies.

So, Rittenhouse killed two, and wounded one, of their stormtroopers, their brown shirts, and he isn’t going to go to prison for it. That’s why they are angry. If he can go up against them, with apparent impunity, then others will too. And they can’t have that, because their power depends, in part, on their ability to intimidate their enemies. Of course, their intimidation is illegal, and that was part of why Rittenhouse was acquitted. But, for them, illegality is a minor stumbling obstacle. Power is what is important to them, and if the laws have to be vent, or ignored, to get there, then so be it. Except most of the country disagrees.

Wince said...

If I were one of those angry citizens — if I believed that the entire Kenosha story reeked of systemic racism — I would not for one second believe that Biden authentically shares my anger.

Watch at least 2 minutes of the following video, including Clarence Thomas' hilarious take, to understand what a vapid yet pretentious gas-bag Biden has always been.

"A fundamental question that's going to be almost impossible for non lawyers to grasp in an exchange, but you know and I know."

Biden Has Always Been a Doofus...

iowan2 said...

The thing about the whole leftist, woke, sjw, racebaiters, and equity trolls response, is their attitude of canceling the Constitution.

The anger from the anti verdict crowd requires they ignore the protections they have from an abusive tyrannical government.
What this crowd wants is for the government to ignore the rule of law and bend to a violent, destructive minority.

As our host has pointed out. The anger should be directed at the govt actors that refused to take available actions to protect life and property. If that had happened, citizens would not have responded by arming themselves to protect, what the govt refused to protect.
(there is lots of video of previous nights in Kenosha with lots of armed citizens on the street. Rittenhouse was not a one of)

Wince said...

Did Joe Biden get angry over the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse? And did he refuse to take back his baseless assertion that Kyle Rittenhouse is a "white supremacist"?

Meanwhile, the two turkeys Biden pardoned were both white.

Rollo said...

A competent speechwriter ought to be able to judge the boss's state of mind and write accordingly, even without direct personal contact. Yesterday, that was impossible for various reasons.

Still, it's likely that Biden isn't really in charge. Maybe nobody's in overall charge, and everyone is acting out the ideological script inside their heads.

Fernandinande said...

Did Joe Biden get angry over the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse?

He said he did and it might be an exception to his normal mode of mostly lying.

And did he refuse to take back his baseless assertion that Kyle Rittenhouse is a "white supremacist"?


Rory said...

"That video of President Biden was the most coherent I've seen him since he assumed the Presidency. If that was the only time I saw him speak I'd conclude he was cognitively normal."

The colonoscopy anesthetic is "lights out" and then lights back on. I'm going to guess you have to be clean going into that? Yesterday may have been the least medicated we've seen him in a long, long time.

ga6 said...

"Is he oblivious"? Yes

holdfast said...

I am curious, does this count as a “mean tweet?

Because I was promised no more me in tweets

traditionalguy said...

It’s hard to keep up with this twisted narrative. White teen shoots
3 other white men that wanted to kill him for resisting their riot du jour that a Wisconsin white Governor had ordered the white police to stand down from. But somehow that is all about racist Wisconsin white people.

That’s quite a game you guys play up there in Wisconsin.

Down in Atlanta we prefer playing baseball, except when your game takes away our Allstar Game as a part of the imaginary racial game you like to play so much.

Achilles said...

Joe Biden is a corrupt rapist who has taken billions of dollars from China and completely sold us out.

He called a 17 year old kid a white supremacist.

That is just one more thing this piece of shit did in his life and just one more thing his shitty supporters support.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Could our fake president be any more pathetic and disgusting?

Achilles said...

Democrats have turned Rosenbaum into some sort of martyr.

He violently anally raped 5 children between the ages of 9 and 11. He was repeatedly shouting "Shoot me N*****" before he chased and assaulted Rittenhouse and Kyle shot him.

Of course the leftists are going to make him a hero.

They are terrible people.

The rest of us think Kyle did the world a huge favor by shooting a violent child rapist.

I look forward to an election with this as an issue.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "He still likely faces civil suits from the families of the deceased."


Bring it on. They can run those in parallel with the defamation lawsuits which are going to be much more powerful than Sandman's were/are.

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Kyle maybe today's right wing hero, but eventually he will realize that he was just their useful idiot once the next hot button issue comes out and he is left in the media's dumpster."

The projection here is off the charts...but typical for a dumb lefty.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey now, If anyone knows about white supremacists it's joe Biden who fondly eulogized his self described "mentor", the Exalted Cyclops of the KKK, Robert Byrd(D,WV).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is corrupt Biden angry that Antifa nazi leftists were allowed to riot, loot, burn and destroy - murdering small businesses and property that include black owners?


Why? Biden is a white supremacist.

Iman said...

Frankly, Biden’s just tired of everyone being up his ass…

Christopher B said...

Mark said...
He still likely faces civil suits from the families of the deceased.

A modest amount of research inclines me to believe that Wisconsin only allows suits in the case of a *wrongful death* so acquittal by reason of self-defense would seen to bar them. But please, don't let that interfere with jerkin' yer gerkin to the idea that he'll get his comuppance.

Kyle maybe today's right wing hero, but eventually he will realize that he was just their useful idiot once the next hot button issue comes out and he is left in the media's dumpster.

Kinda like all #MeToo women before Gropey Joe got elected?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Rory said...

The colonoscopy anesthetic is "lights out" and then lights back on. I'm going to guess you have to be clean going into that?

Yes, it needs to be taken into consideration that Joe is a gallon low on shit.

Bender said...

It's been clear for a long time now that Jen Psaki tells Biden what he officially thinks. He can speak all sorts of silly things, but what he says doesn't matter. She is the one who speaks for him.

Kevin said...

Biden's "anger" signals to the masses there was something wrong with the verdict and they are to also be outraged.

Otherwise they might begin to question the bullshit they've been fed all these months.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden's oral statement was a political problem for the White House- it unequivocally said that we have to respect and accept the jury's decision. That is why the written statement included the "anger" part, while also minimizing the respect and acceptance of the jury's decision. The DoJ is going to try to file federal charges against Rittenhouse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

where's the justice against racist white antifa nazi who destroyed 50 million in property in Kenosha - most of which is small business?

Yancey Ward said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne at 9:54 am wins today's internet prize.

wildswan said...

"Yancey Ward said...
Biden's oral statement was a political problem for the White House- it unequivocally said that we have to respect and accept the jury's decision. That is why the written statement included the "anger" part, while also minimizing the respect and acceptance of the jury's decision. The DoJ is going to try to file federal charges against Rittenhouse."

I bet that's right. It would be a tone-deaf move, right up there with "parents are terrorists." But that doesn't make it an unlikely move.
Looking at Joe Biden I didn't think he was angry but just doing a political pretend. But the pretend was still the President siding with Narrativers like Joy Reid who rage for professional reasons all the time. He was fake siding with fake raging. (Vinyl siding? Does Barbie have rage clothes yet?) I also thought that Biden was more alert than he has been since before he became President. Maybe his doctors are re-evaluating drug dosage since there are metabolic circumstances which change absorption rates and being an old, corrupt, incompetent who finds himself President can create those circumstances.

CJinPA said...

‘Your violent rage is justified. Don’t be violent.’
This is what Democrats tell their base. It’s not fooling anyone.

Michael K said...

Kyle maybe today's right wing hero, but eventually he will realize that he was just their useful idiot

It's nice that lefty Mark always identifies himself so well.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Kyle was quite useful indeed but certainly not an idiot. One could make an airtight case that after their Antifa buddy was killed chasing down Rittenhouse and assaulting him further was very idiotic. In fact three of those four idiots won the ultimate stupid prize for playing stupid games. The survivor learned that indeed he could give his right arm for a chance at fame and still come up short. There’s your idiot Mark! Look no further lazy lefties.

Nichevo said...

John henry said...
The greatest accomplishment of the brief Harris administration is Rittenhouse going free.

Funny that her career is built upon her work as a big city DA. I wonder if she was even as good as these droids in Kenosha.

Nichevo said...

Mrs. X said...
Yes, the statement includes Biden in the feeling of anger — "myself included" — but that doesn't make me feel as though Biden is actually angry.
And you feel this way because…?
Official statements consist of words. If words don’t matter (and apparently they don’t) we are in a bad way.
You say you feel Biden isn’t really angry. I say that though Biden seems calm in the posted video, he is often angry when talking to the press and someone wrote an official statement that said he was angry. Therefore, I feel that he actually is angry.

The funny thing is that Althouse is the last person on Earth to tolerate even the most humorous reference to old saws like "no means yes."

Maybe her feeler is busted. She does it very badly.

Joe Smith said...

I'm hoping Rittenhouse sues Biden for comments Joe made as a private citizen.

Might as well spread some of that Chicom money around...

Jim at said...

Kyle maybe today's right wing hero, but eventually he will realize that he was just their useful idiot once the next hot button issue comes out and he is left in the media's dumpster.

This idiocy reveals you have absolutely no clue as to what this trial was about.

Hint: It wasn't about Kyle Rittenhouse.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The DoJ is going to try to file federal charges against Rittenhouse”.

Charging Rittenhouse under the Civil Rights Act is out, since they were all white bread. The only thing that I can see is charging that the purchase of that AR-15 was a straw purchase. But I think the defense there is that the purchaser kept possession of the gun, except when Rittenhouse came and borrowed it.

MikeR said...

The President has said some wrong things about this. The comment about the jury system was the right thing. Maybe he was still fuzzy from anesthesia, that might explain it.

gpm said...

>>Yes, the statement includes Biden in the feeling of anger — "myself included" — but that doesn't make me feel as though Biden is actually angry.

Geez, Althouse, that's obtuse. No one gives a shit about whether Biden is "actually angry." But his "official" statement says that he is. So why shouldn't we believe that he is?

The message is that it's OK to be angry, when there's supposedly (and actually) no legitimate basis for being angry ("[t]he jury system works"). So, please, please, don't act out on your anger, but my official position (being wholly ignorant of the evidence presented at the trial) is that your anger is completely justified, so . . .

Nothing problematic about the initial statement, but his handlers couldn't let it go at that.


Narayanan said...

And I'm angry at Joe Biden for contributing to the inflammation back when he called Rittenhouse a white supremacist.
to put it simply - I find the Professora reaction weird - then and now - some kind of persistent selective amnesia .

I'm not at all angry at Joe Biden for contributing to the inflammation because I never expected any better from him.

and he is now contributing further by insisting that this verdict cannot help to heal the nation's divisions - which oddly Professora does not notice.

Narayanan said...

are we conf-using/lating impotent rage (Biden being President this is still consequential) with righteous anger?

Narayanan said...

looking forward to Biden being asked about this so that the nation can know :
another jury verdict of acquit

who will he be angry at this time? the prosecution?

PackerBronco said...

Brandon might not be angry but the Brandon administration is angry and that's all that matters. Now when the WH chef runs out of pudding, that's when Brandon gets angry.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“And I'm angry at Joe Biden for contributing to the inflammation back when he called Rittenhouse a white supremacist.”

OK, Althouse, you’re angry over something that never happened, that you would usually describe as a lie. The claim was that a tweeted video the Biden campaign put out after Trump’s “stand back and stand by” unfairly smeared Kyle Rittenhouse by using a photo of him wielding his AR-15 in Kenosha. As it turns out, a connection between Kyle and the Proud Boys has been shown. And there’s that CVS audio. That puts President Biden in the awkward position of being asked to take back something he didn’t say but isn’t baseless.I think he is handling the situation well.

If you want to be angry with those contributing to the inflammation, be angry with Donald Trump. He rhetorically poured gasoline on the fires all that summer. He did it thinking BLM riots would help him get re-elected, as BLM did in 2016.

Charlie said...

President Klain was angry. That's what it means.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I am angry about some things other than the verdict. I'm angry that Governor Evers didn't take steps to end the violence before it devolved into the chaos that Rittenhouse entered. I'm angry that the media did such a terrible job of reporting on the Jacob Blake incident that inflamed people and led to the violence. And I'm angry at Joe Biden for contributing to the inflammation back when he called Rittenhouse a white supremacist.

Good for you

Drago said...

Left Bank: "OK, Althouse, you’re angry over something that never happened,..."

Russian collusion truther, Charlottesvilke hoax liar, hoax dossier fanboy sez wut?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
“And I'm angry at Joe Biden for contributing to the inflammation back when he called Rittenhouse a white supremacist.”

OK, Althouse, you’re angry over something that never happened, that you would usually describe as a lie. The claim was that a tweeted video the Biden campaign put out after Trump’s “stand back and stand by” unfairly smeared Kyle Rittenhouse by using a photo of him wielding his AR-15 in Kenosha.

IOW, Biden did indeed call Kyle a white supremacist, and you're lying when you claim otherwise.

As it turns out, a connection between Kyle and the Proud Boys has been shown.

Which, since they're not "white supremacist, means nothing for your claim.

And there’s that CVS audio.
Where he proved he's anti-crime

It takes a racist pig like you to go from "anti-crime" to "anti-black". It's rather sick that you apparently think all blacks are criminals

That puts President Biden in the awkward position of being asked to take back something he didn’t say but isn’t baseless.
Except you agreed up above that he DID say it.

I think he is handling the situation well.

But that's only because you're a left wing lying sack of shit

If you want to be angry with those contributing to the inflammation, be angry with Donald Trump. He rhetorically poured gasoline on the fires all that summer.

really? And how did he "pour gasoline on the fires"? By saying that the riots, looting, and murder were unjustified?

The horror!

Got something else? Give us a link to him actually saying it, rather than bullshit left wing liars making up shit.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mark said...
He still likely faces civil suits from the families of the deceased.

Would that be from the family of the white convicted felon sex offender rapist who spent the night he got killed screaming "n!gger"?

Or would that be from the family of the convicted felon who was committing assault with a deadly weapon on Kyle before Kyle shot him?

Or maybe Grosskreutz could sue him. After all, what's the big deal about the fact that Lefty testified under oath that Kyle only shot him because GG had his illegally carried Glock pointed at Kyle?

Yeah, no. THere's not a jury in Kenosha that's going to vote against Kyle on any of those.

Kyle maybe today's right wing hero, but eventually he will realize that he was just their useful idiot once the next hot button issue comes out and he is left in the media's dumpster.

Oh, Kyle's going to be getting a lot more love from the Right. Because he's going to be suing the hell out of all teh social media companies that banned defenses of him on the grounds that those defenses were "misinformation".

You can't sue someone for libel for stating an opinion. But when the companies said "that's disinformation", they were claiming matters of fact, not opinion.

Which means he can sue the hell out of them, and win

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
Charging Rittenhouse under the Civil Rights Act is out, since they were all white bread. The only thing that I can see is charging that the purchase of that AR-15 was a straw purchase. But I think the defense there is that the purchaser kept possession of the gun, except when Rittenhouse came and borrowed it.

Looks like in WI the legal age to own a rifle / shotgun is either 14 or 16. So in either case Kyle is covered.

I'm curious as to whether or not the Kenosha DAs office will be able to get a conviction against Black, the guy who bought and held the gun for Kyle, now that it's been established that it was legal for Kyle to possess the rifle, and that it wasn't used in teh commission of a crime

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