That's reported at Politico, in "Biden says $450K payments to families separated at southern border are 'not going to happen'/The president discounted news reports saying family members could receive the money as part of settlement negotiations between their lawyers and the Justice Department."
It's worrisome that Biden seems to be out of the loop or forgetful, but encouraging — in a pathetic way — that he reacts to the proposal like an ordinary, down-to-earth, sensible person. It is possible that he's completely with it and informed, but he's just lying, perhaps as part of an effort to re-center the Democratic Party.
Here are the transcript and video of the interchange.
So where did Fox get the report? why could they not specify their source?
was there NYT present among press at that venue? it is in Professoras very own NYT
Family Members Separated at Border May Each Get Up to $450,000
After the Trump administration separated migrant parents from children at the southern border, President Biden pledged to make it up to the families.
"Alex, let's go with 'Demented' for $1000."
The money will be paid. The so-called American Civil Liberties Union is representing these illegal aliens. It will happen.
"Rightwinger media" need to learn how to ask gotcha questions :
e.g. will Biden be keeping his word to square things with families destroyed by Trump by giving them $$$$$$$$
After Woodrow Wilson's stroke, his wife --- Edith Wilson --- pretty much ran the White House.
When will we find out who the person or persons are who are really running the White House now?
And, gosh, where will the culture — which the Democrats own, thanks to college profs, Hollywood stars and prominent musical performers, pro athletes and lefty billionaires and woke corporate chieftains; I don’t think I’ve left any of our “influencers” out— and our politics be after this “recentering” of the Democrats’ party is done? I’m betting more leftward than they were yesterday, way more leftward than they were in, say, oh, I dunno, 1933 or 1965, and ever farther down that road to perdition.
It is possible that he's completely with it and informed, but he's just lying, perhaps as part of an effort to re-center the Democratic Party.
It's also entirely possible that they didn't tell him for fear that he'd shoot his mouth off about and promise them $4.5M apiece.
encouraging — in a pathetic way
That's the closest thing we get to encouragement these days.
The DOJ is just using a tried and true social justice tactic: sue and settle. The ACLU sues the DOJ, it makes a faux attempt to resist, then settles. Joe's been caught trying to funnel money to the ACLU and the illegal aliens. Joe Biden is just pulling a Sgt. Schultz move: "I know nothing!"
Let's go, Brandon!
Entirely possible he's just reflexively being contrary to whatever a Fox reporter asks him, lashing out in anger like many elderly dementia patients.
It is possible that he's completely with it and informed, but he's just lying, perhaps as part of an effort to re-center the Democratic Party.
No, it's not possible. The man has dementia.
Cinema Blend on The Jerk ...
[ ... ] Steve Martin's Navin R. Johnson is so stupid that he’s actually brilliant, looking at things in entirely different ways than the rest of the world. That doesn’t mean that he isn’t still a complete dumbass. Although, it’s possible that [the] biggest idiots in the film are actually all the people who listen to him, somehow not realizing, or simply ignoring, the fact that [he] has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about.
The Jerk
Well, in the last hour, the White House Spox just clarified that (paraphrasing)" because of the evil Trump Administration that separated children and parents - including BABIES and a % year old - this administration is going to correct that evil, blah, blah, blah".
Conclusion - PINO Biden hasn't a clue what his super-charged, hyper-partisan DOJ is doing.
This was staged faux outrage by Biden. The negotiations with the ACLU were inter-agency and were going on for several months. Biden actually campaigned on making these payments (although he probably didn't understand the costs). Let's see how this turns out. Remember, these are negotiations as part of a lawsuit. I doubt they can just go away.
>It is possible that he's completely with it and informed, but he's just lying, perhaps as part of an effort to re-center the Democratic Party.<
Just a simple little guileful ploy, right? A simple guileful ploy requiring more intact brain circuity than he has at his disposal.
Biden is out of the loop. Sue and settle, baby.
Pathetic. Yes, that seems to be the right word.
Given that he's lied about Charlottsville about 20 times, and any number of things, I suppose we can give him the benefit of the doubt for 500th time, and assume he's just senile.
$450, 000 to every illegal alien who was mishandled at the border. That's per person, babies included. Of course, Libtards don't care. They don't care what the Government spends $$ on, as long as they personally get a piece of the action. OR it hurts those Goddamn Republicans.
The real question is whether Biden pooped his pants while answering.
Certainly the DOJ is s******g all over America along with the American Commie Lovers Union.
Biden is completely clueless- he legitimately had no idea about this, and even if someone briefed him on it in the last few days, I am dead certain he had forgotten it.
The plan is just pure political corruption- the various groups representing the plaintiffs will donate anywhere from 5-20% of the funds back to the Democratic Party. The plaintiffs themselves will be luckly to get 10%.
Personally, I witnessed this press conference live and my take was Biden was trying to bait Doocy and make it seem he was claiming that each border crosser was in line to get $450K and tie that absurdity to Fox. Doocy did a poor job in framing the question (why is he a WH correspondent anyway...just because his Goofus Dad is on F&F), a poor job clarifying that it wasn't his networks reporting and a poor job framing the issue was for families separated at the border during Trump's administration. It's a shame we have such abysmal journalists as it should have been a golden opportunity to clear up this issue and to highlight the Biden administration's position. Instead, we are left speculating.
Masscon said...
Personally, I witnessed this press conference live and my take was Biden was trying to bait Doocy and make it seem he was claiming that each border crosser was in line to get $450K and tie that absurdity to Fox. Doocy did a poor job in framing the question (why is he a WH correspondent anyway...just because his Goofus Dad is on F&F), a poor job clarifying that it wasn't his networks reporting and a poor job framing the issue was for families separated at the border during Trump's administration. It's a shame we have such abysmal journalists as it should have been a golden opportunity to clear up this issue and to highlight the Biden administration's position. Instead, we are left speculating.
You must take more naps than Biden.
Doocy is one of the very few WH press people who asks tough questions. Essentially he asked if the story were true.
Why should have HE said up front that HIS network didn't originate the story, when it didn't?
Further WHY, and by what AUTHORITY, should the federal government reward ILLEGAL aliens for sneaking in with potloads of money? UNDER ANY SCENARIO?
You seem curiously uninterested in that.
But you outed yourself by disparaging both Doocys.
Troll, or LIV. Take yer pick.
Ann’s meandering aside, the truth is they are only rebuking the $450k number. The settlement number will be somewhere below it…or above it, but absolutely not $450,000 dollars!
…then they will settle on $450,000 because they haven’t had their lie fix that day…
President Biden “may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department,” the ACLU charged Wednesday, after he labeled as “garbage” a news report that his administration is considering $450,000-per-person payouts to families separated after illegally crossing the US-Mexico border.
In a statement, ACLU executive director Anthony Romero warned Biden that he risked “abandoning a core campaign promise to do justice for the thousands of separated families.
"in a pathetic way"
Possible title for a novel about this whole era.
Biden didn't write that goal and provision - someone else did.
The radical progressives pulling Joe's stings. That's why he doesn't know about it.
I think it's weasel-wording. The proposal as I read it is a one-time reparation to families impacted by separation. He's swapping in an even more absurd strawman - "per person" - and then making a show of sensibly rejecting it.
The actual policy proposal remains unchallenged.
All decent people are worried the cunts won't be disproved before they cunt us all, for a long time.
My understanding is that this proposal is in the context of settling litigation. I don't understand why DOJ does not just take the litigation to trial and let the chips fall where they may. The alleged misconduct occurred under Trump, no?
"It is possible that he's completely with it and informed, but he's just lying, perhaps as part of an effort to re-center the Democratic Party."
Possible? It's a guarantee.
You can't spell gaslighting without B I D E N.
Has the original WSJ story been verified? My understanding is that their sources are "people familiar with the matter" which doesn't give me confidence in the veracity of the story. It could be complete BS, or it could be setting the anchor for a settlement that's "only" 100K per person which they can frame as a victory.
It doesn't really matter what the reality is. Doesn't really matter what Biden or us think either...
Do you think THE CARAVAN MARCHING NORTH has heard they might get half a million if they are separated from their children at the border? That sure makes it sound like the US is going to go out of their way not to separate us once we arrive, I would think if I were marching north.
Try to think like a marcher, ann. They are coming. Are you ready?
For 450,000 dollars, I was thinking those families never got reunited, right?
The half-million is for the "missing" children, never to be found?
I just read the transcript. That's the lamest "Gotcha" ever. "There are reports" then Biden says "Garbage" and then the reporter says "Well, Ok then".
LOL. What is the source for the Reports? Fox News? The NYT? WHere are they getting it? Why not say "Hey you say its garbage but XYZ says its not. Are you calling them a liar"?
Trump got hostile attack questions one after another. The reporters would plan their attacks and work in concert. Anyone who didn't play with them, was denounced as a Trump "flak" or a Trump "Toady". Now, its one DNC question after another.
I'm pretty sure that Biden also stated that no one making less than $400,000 would see a tax increase.
So, he's going to pay the illegal aliens, and then tax the shit out of them!!
Biden is cognitively impaired, and not up to the job.
A half a million here, a million there… pretty soon, we’re talking real $$money$$!
All for breaking our laws and trying to sneak into the country.
If this goes through, the Democrats can kiss goodbye to every suburban mom who is struggling to get by with way less than $450,000. Forever
If the ACLU came to Trump with a demand like this he would give them a hearty FU and wish them luck trying to get it.
readering: "My understanding is that this proposal is in the context of settling litigation. I don't understand why DOJ does not just take the litigation to trial and let the chips fall where they may. The alleged misconduct occurred under Trump, no?"
So much stupidity crammed into so few sentences.
This is a payoff mechanism for the ACLU. The DOJ and the ACLU are doing the Washington two-step because the DOJ guys WANT to pay their pals in the ACLU. So the DOJ and the ACLU are "negotiating" (wink wink) and cutting deals for the maximum possible to be paid out to the ACLU via "settlements".
And this wasn't a Trump policy, just like the "cages" you and your lefty pals lied about for 4 years. It was a long standing policy to separate children from the adults if family paternity/maternity could not be effectively established. This helped cut down on the child trafficking that the dems seem to approve of so strongly, along with their lefty allies at The Lincoln Pedophile Project.
But the dems and their media allies knew they could make hay with the lies during the Trump admin and so they did.
That policy is still in effect as we speak but suddenly the media seems very, very disinterested in this story.
So, other than those corrections............
Biden*: "$450,000 per person? That's not going to happen."
No, absolutely no more than $449,999 and not a penny more!
So, either he is lying or he is unaware that his administration has entered a settlement agreement with the attorneys for some of the illegal aliens who were returned to their place of origin to receive a large payout? Which is it? The ole "sue and settle" scam has worked well for the democrats and their attorneys over the past couple of decades.
WH: Biden 'perfectly comfortable' with DOJ settling with illegal migrants separated at border
readering said...
My understanding is that this proposal is in the context of settling litigation. I don't understand why DOJ does not just take the litigation to trial and let the chips fall where they may. The alleged misconduct occurred under Trump, no?
Are you pretending to be pathetic or honestly being pathetic?
Sue and Settle has gotten many illegal and unconstitutional laws on the books while completely bypassing the legislatures that are supposed to write laws.
The DOJ wants the payments to happen because democrats are going to get a cut of the money. Then the democrats will make sure the DOJ apparatchiks get paid. And the ACLU is basically a democrat bagman so they will get a cut. They will donate a fair portion of that cut back to democrats.
This has been an obvious con for a long time.
We are not as stupid as you.
The pendulum swings. are Effingawrong. Where, pray tell, did I ever support rewarding the border crossers? Actually, I am very interested in why the federal government would consider doing this. I merely bemoaned a missed opportunity to get Biden to answer a well-stated is how I believe it should have been asked. Mr. President, reports by the WSJ, the NYT, and others are that your Justice Department is negotiating payments of 450K to illegal border crossers. Why is the federal government responsible for damages to illegal aliens breaking the law to enter our sovereign nation? Regarding disparaging the Doocy's, I dislike nepotism whether it is when Hillary and Bill's spawn are rewarded with million dollar contracts based on nothing other then their parentage or if it's from a Fox host son given a very high profile position based upon his Fathers position in the company. Sorry if that chaps your ass.
It's going to happen.
Very few people (including the media) seem to be concerned that someone else other than the (s)elected President is making the decisions in this administration. What about all those stories of a couple of years ago about the 25th Amendment and the removal of a President due to an inability to do the job? B.S. back then. But, now when it should be considered, Crickets from the media. If there was ever a time when it should be considered, now is it!
Taking a child illegally across an international border should be construed as child endangerment, worthy is separation.
Try leaving your kid in a car while you go grocery shopping.
"My understanding is that this proposal is in the context of settling litigation. I don't understand why DOJ does not just take the litigation to trial and let the chips fall where they may. The alleged misconduct occurred under Trump, no?"
Wow! Let me introduce you to "sue and settle". Look it up. Everyone wins. Except the taxpayers!
How long will it take before insider footage of Biden being out of his mind emerges from leakers? Then they can pull the trigger on the 25th amendment
Biden is senile ... and his puppet masters don't care... they will walk away when the times comes.. anonymously... damage done!
The latest from Politico:
”Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House’s principal deputy press secretary, clarified that position by saying on Thursday that the president was “perfectly comfortable” compensating affected families — just not at a rate of $450,000 apiece.”
Ms. Jean-Pierre is substituting for Jenn Psaki.
So now Biden is said to be onboard with it, according to his press flack. I guess he was given a good talking to.
This is the behavior of a government that HATES you. There are any number of policy proposals that I vehemently disagree with, all of which are more deserving of millions of taxpayer dollars- because at least they would benefit American citizens.
And he lied. The Press Secretary came out and claimed they were considering it. Obama must not have told Biden what he was doing.
Has everybody realized how much this government hates us yet?? Having an open border and offering people hundreds of thousands of dollars is NOT going to stop the flow. They hate us, and are killing AMERICA as we speak.
One step closer to becoming Venezuela every day.
People are excusing Biden's hateful rhetoric (which he displays daily) by saying he's not aligned with his advisors, that he goes off-script, and things get adjusted later. The truth is Biden HATES Peter Doocey, hates being challenged (remember the 82-year-old Iowa farmer?), hates his political opposition and he exercise his hatred with vile, sneering, lying responses. He knows it'll get cleaned up later but he gets to win the moment with his smackdowns. He's done it his entire political career. He's a POS like none I've ever seen.
But he's good at it.
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