২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০২১

"You can believe him, because he's done it before" — Obama's pitch for McAuliffe.

I've cued this to start when Obama starts, but the first 5 minutes is introductions and instructions on how to vote. There's some byplay about how wives tell their husbands what to do: Michelle would say something obscene if Obama said he wanted to run for office again after being out of office, which is McAuliffe's predicament, and Obama doesn't know what Doris might have said to Terry. 

All the signs say "Terry," by the way. He's become one of those first-name guys, like Bernie.

The repeated line — "You can believe him, because he's done it before" — depends on the voters' perception that things went well when McAuliffe was governor and are going well under Northam — "Northram," as Obama calls him. 

It's an anti-change argument from a rhetorician who built his career on the abstraction "change." Obama portrays Virginia as in the middle of a process of "movin' forward" and needing to decide whether to keep going or whether "to go backwards": "We can plunge right back into the misguided policies and the divisiveness and the negligence."

৩৭টি মন্তব্য:

gilbar বলেছেন...

so, let me get this straight?
Obama portrays Virginia as in the middle of a process of "movin' forward" and needing to decide whether to keep going or whether "to go backwards": "We can plunge right back into the misguided policies and the divisiveness and the negligence."

So he's AGAINST "terry"? Against going "backwards", back to the way it was under the former Gov?
O'Bama is Saying that Virginia needs to be "movin' forward"? Forward to a NEW Governor?

Temujin বলেছেন...

No one denies the meaning of what you see with your own senses like Barack Obama. One forgets what a outrageously skilled liar he is, until you hear him talk again. It's cringey just to hear him turn reality on its ear while he talks about how putting young men in dresses into women's rest rooms and locker rooms is "moving forward" while questioning it is "to go backwards". Taking money from the CCP is apparently "moving forward" as well. As is keeping parents out of their kids education.

You gotta love how the Left has turned language into a weapon. Obama's talent is that he does it so charmingly, unlike Terry.

Lloyd W. Robertson বলেছেন...

I'd still like to know what McAuliffe had to do with "Charlottesville." There were public officials who had something to do with issuing permits to two hostile groups of people, and then the hostile groups were marshalled so as to crowd together, screaming at each other. Trump had nothing to do with any of this, McAuliffe as Governor had something to do with it, and McAuliffe no doubt thought any violence could be blamed on Trump. The media obliged.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Obama still has the estrogen cloud around him, against the he's a piece of sh*t view that the other camp has always had.

The question is always whether he still seem to mean well to women voters. Men see right through him.

People who know what has to be done unfortunately never seem to women to mean well.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

I want to say that nothing Obama says means anything, that he was never more than an adequate reader of other people's words off the teleprompter. Appearing to employ soaring rhetoric, when in reality what he's saying is so empty, so generic that you won't be able to remember any of it 5 minutes later.

But there are some important exceptions that undermine this generally true statement--the smartest and truest thing that got said about Obama during the 2008 campaign was said by Obama himself--that he was a blank slate on which people write their own dreams (he understood that all the adoration was bullshit; that people supported him not for who he was but for who they convinced themselves he was). The smartest and truest thing that got said about Biden in 2020 was also said by Obama--never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up. There's a reason Obama didn't endorse Biden until there was literally no other person he could have endorsed.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Given what's gone on in Virginia the last few months and the policies McAuliffe has doubled and tripled and quadrupled down on it's hard for me to fathom there isn't a unanimous rejection of the left.

Then I see this kind of rhetoric and it reminds me how effective this crap is on about 50 percent of the population.

McAuliffe 'wins' by +1.5

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

McAuliffe will win. It doesn't matter what he says or does, upper-middle-class suburban white women and minorities will vote for him.

michaele বলেছেন...

Those "young activists" he rhapsodizes about who helped elect him to the US Senate are now in their mid 30's or older. I wonder if their idealism back then had them envisioning the rise of Critical Race Theory as such an important part of the Democrat message?

David Begley বলেছেন...

Fuck Terry.

Fuck Barack.

They are both radical authoritarians who hate parents.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"It's an anti-change argument from a rhetorician who built his career on the abstraction "change."

Even "change" was just a tool. They are progressives after all.

Ending divisiveness = deplorables shut up.

Kevin বলেছেন...

All the signs say "Terry," by the way. He's become one of those first-name guys, like Bernie.

Well that McAuliffe guy has been taking a beating lately.

Maybe he can sue to have his last name taken off the ballot.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Why the fuck is Michelle complaining? Politics made them fabulously rich and with a beach mansion on Martha’s Vineyard. Two ungrateful fucks.

wendybar বলেছেন...

The Divider in Chief. He divided this country like nobody else before. He divided us by RACE (ESPECIALLY RACE), gender, religion and class. This asshole makes me sick. HE belongs in prison for spying on President Trump. He will get hit by Karma just like Alec Baldwin did...and I can hardly wait. It will be one of the best days of my life.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

He’s going to side with the secretive socialist school boards when it comes to teaching things parents object to and how do you know? He’s done it before! Terry will defend old white Democrats wearing blackface and how do you know? He’s done it before! Terry depends on the radical teachers unions who are teaching the poisonous CRT-derived curricula, teaching children to hate each other based on skin color and how do you know? He’s done it before!

That’s quite a handy rhetorical device there Barry!

Kevin বলেছেন...

"We can plunge right back into the misguided policies and the divisiveness and the negligence."

Of Jimmy Carter.

They can no longer go on about hope and change. The change they are hoping for is becoming clearer with each day.

holdfast বলেছেন...

You know that Barry is getting super cereal when he drops at final consonant.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Is “backwards” the plural of backward?

Gunner বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Gunner বলেছেন...

I liked it better when Democratic and Republican Ex-Presidents refrained from campaigning after they leave office, but I guess that is over with. The only reason they did not do it was because JFK died in office, LBJ died soon after, nobody wanted Nixon and Ford and Carter's anti-popularity, Reagan was too sick and the first Bush did not like conservatives.

Big Mike বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Big Mike বলেছেন...

Obama portrays Virginia as in the middle of a process of "movin' forward" and needing to decide whether to keep going or whether "to go backwards"

People have taken a look at what it means to be “movin’ forward” and want no part of it.

SteveM বলেছেন...

Obama is also campaigning here in NJ for Gov. Murphy’s re-election. Murphy’s internal polling must be disappointing if he’s bringing in Obama.

Two-eyed Jack বলেছেন...

McCllough asks "Is “backwards” the plural of backward?"

No, it is an instance of the adverbial genitive surviving from when English had a real genitive case.


narciso বলেছেন...

he was elected by driving his major opponents from the ballot, jack ryan and blair hull, when obama says fundamental transformation, or he whistfully muses about 'electricity prices going up' thats when he says the truth

Narayanan বলেছেন...

The repeated line — "You can believe him, because he's done it before"
Joe has fucked up before - Obama is witness testimony to that.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Obama needs to learn how to speak without droppin' his 'Gs.'

He's no genius, but he's not a moron either.

And he's from goddamn Hawaii and spent most of his life in Chicago around wealthy white folks.

What's with the Southern speech affectation?

"I ain't no ways tahred...'

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Repeating my advice from yesterday's Obama/McAuliffe post, if listening to Obama makes you want to support Glenn Youngkin, you can do so here. You might also want to help out his running mate, Winsome Sears, here. And if you wouldn't mind helping us get rid of a Soros-funded AG then a few dollars donated here would be appreciated.

Ceciliahere বলেছেন...

When will Barack and Michele move out of Wash. D.C. Their story was that would stay in DC until their younger daughter graduated H.S. Well, that happened a few years ago and they have not left. They have no intention of leaving the center of political power where they can have their minions close at hand. It’s almost like they just moved a few blocks away from the White House but he is still the president just living in a different neighborhood. Biden is an Obama puppet being run by the Obama people (and a few leftover Clintonistas). The only reason Obama was ever elected president, was because of his color. People felt good about themselves when they voted for him. I think you would call those people racists. Terry had his chance at being governor of VA. The people of VA should be “movin’ on” and try a new guy with some better ideas not the same old bullshit.

Kevin বলেছেন...

If Obama had a son who was running for Governor of Virginia.

He'd look just like Terry McAuliffe.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

The smartest and truest thing that got said about Biden in 2020 was also said by Obama--never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.
what could Obama be referring to? he was United States Senator from Illinois; In office January 3, 2005 – November 16, 2008 and Biden colleague for ~ 3 years.

Only thing that comes to mind is Biden succeeding with Bork but
failing to keep Thomas off Supreme Court.

so why would any R want Biden to success at anything?

mikee বলেছেন...

The odious self righteousness is almost as appalling as the complete omission of, the unresponsiveness to, all criticism, complaints, and corrections required when he gets his way. It is as if the man lives in a bubble of sycophants and never even hears of any negative results from his misguided ideology. True believer, or complete nut case?

Michael K বলেছেন...

That school board letter, and Garland's reaction are going to lose this election for McAuliffe.

Václav Patrik Šulik বলেছেন...

I'm so tired of this race. I live in Northern Virginia - thousands of dollars spent on fliers and ads.

One side is trying to convince you that if you vote for a mini-Mitt Romney, you will be forcing women to be impregnated and not be able to get an abortion and Donald Trump will be reinstalled. The other side is telling us that parents will prevented from being involved in schools and that murderers will roam the streets.

Oddly, there are very few campaign signs littering the byways - that's nice.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

One side is trying to convince you that if you vote for a mini-Mitt Romney, you will be forcing women to be impregnated and not be able to get an abortion and Donald Trump will be reinstalled. The other side is telling us that parents will prevented from being involved in schools and that murderers will roam the streets.

@Vaclav, one of those sides is actually right. I'll let you guess.

wendybar বলেছেন...

SteveM said...
Obama is also campaigning here in NJ for Gov. Murphy’s re-election. Murphy’s internal polling must be disappointing if he’s bringing in Obama.

10/25/21, 9:20 AM

Well, Murphy did kill more elderly in Nursing Homes than Killer Cuomo did, so Obama must LOVE that!!! More room for the illegals Joe is shipping around the country infected with covid and unvaxxed!!!

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

When liberal or progressive parties solidify their control over the government they become small c conservative. That is to say, when they are running things they want to keep on running things and attack any challenge to their power or programs as dangerous or reckless or thoughtless. That evolution is all the more pronounced if the liberals or progressives have a large share of the rich and the corporations behind them.

So they can announce a Green New Deal or a National Gender Equity Strategy which, if it does anything at all, could give the government sweeping new powers to intrude in the economy and the workplace, but if you oppose such programs you are being reckless and dangerous and merely playing politics or acting out of spite. Just exactly how policies are likely to work in practice isn't discussed, the focus is on how irresponsible and destructive anyone who opposes them is.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

The arc of history bends towards Trump.