October 13, 2021
The morning shows "say whatever comes to their mind, like writing a fictional novel" and books "are made up stories and should only be sold as fiction."
Not even possible to believe the lies, exaggerations, and outright fraud committed by very poorly rated Morning "News" Shows about the January 6th protest. They say whatever comes to their mind, like writing a fictional novel. The press has lost its way at a level that is not even believable. Books, likewise, are made up stories and should only be sold as fiction. These are terrible human beings that do this to our Country. The 2020 Election was a fraud rife with errors, irregularities, and scandal. The Radical Left knows it, the media knows it, and the Patriots of our Country know it, and now the U.S.A. is paying a big price—it is very sadly going to hell!
I try to remember to check Trump's website every day, so I can get the equivalent of what once were his tweets. I see that today he sent us to the Newsweek article: "Bob Woodward Says He's Never Seen a Former President With as Much Political Strength as Trump".
Here's the full quote from Woodward (who does not put this "strength" in a positive light):
"What's going on now really is an iron curtain of obedience to Trump... It's not just polite deference, it is obedience. And it really is an iron curtain because it's so strong. These people, like Senator Grassley, can count. They can look at the polls. They go to their home states, they talk to constituents. And there's tens of millions of people who support Trump.... This is a political strength that we have rarely seen, never seen from a former president... After Nixon resigned, he didn't go out and campaign. He conducted a war against history to say Watergate was really just a blip. But the tapes buried Nixon and showed that was not true. Let's face it: Trump's popularity, his power in the Republican party has grown since he left office... It has not shrunk."
Here is what the media have been reporting:
-- The border is closed.
-- The withdraws from Afghanistan was a resounding success.
-- There is no inflation.
-- Everyone wants the $3.5T reconciliation bill to pass except for two Senators.
-- The $3.5T reconciliation bill costs nothing.
-- The President is working hard to keep gas prices down.
-- America is once again respected in the world.
-- There is no conflict of interest with Hunter selling his paintings to anonymous buyers.
Here is what Trump has been reporting:
-- The media are a bunch of liars who make up the news.
Now, Bob Woodward, who should we believe about what happened on 1/6?
Now I'm all cranked up.
"These people, like Senator Grassley, can count. They can look at the polls. They go to their home states, they talk to constituents."
Isn't that kind of the way democracy is supposed to work? Obi Wan Kenobi said it best.
Bill Clinton made a point to team up with his predecessor, his successor's dad! Obama had great political strength but did not wield it like Trump.
After Nixon resigned, he didn't go out and campaign. He conducted a war against history to say Watergate was really just a blip. But the tapes buried Nixon and showed that was not true
It's like the Obama-Biden administrations misuse of surveillance powers to spy on Trump, and yes, 'wiretap' the Trump Tower , not to mention their lies to the FISA courts never happened in Bob, what is it 'Dotard'? Oh, that's right Woodward's world.
You know how they got that data that they misrepresented as Trump's servers secretly communicating with Alpha Bank? This guy who once was fined and ordered to return money for a scam involving grandfather clocks was in charge of investigating hacks and had access to privileged data under color of a government investigation, and took that data and distorted it to make it look like something nefarious was going on in the Trump organization. Of course that specific data had zero to do with his purported remit. He was bucking for a job in Hillary's Administration, and after the New York Times printed the fake "Black Ledger," I guess he felt like making stuff up about Trump was the way to curry favor.
If Watergate was such a heinous crime, Obama, Hillary, and Biden should be playing euchre together in some plush prison on Elba.
Many of these people who want us to think they are very perceptive about the world around us are either lying (in the best case for them) or are total failures at their job of observing, analyzing and reporting. Most conservatives/Republicans/even Trumpists don't love Trump. He's not looked at like the Messiah the way Obama was. His supporters, for the most part, are just happy to finally have stumbled across a politician who will fight for their interests and who doesn't back down to the zeitgeist. So keep the zeitgeist coming. That's how you get more Trump.
As it should, Trump's "power" emanates from the support of the people who appreciate the fact that he's the only politician who's ever effectively gone to war with the deep state political establishment that has betrayed them. A countervailing power that increasing numbers see as the only alternative to a deliberate slide into immiseration and tyranny.
That other politicians are attracted to that power rather than the establishment's power is not a bug, but a feature.
Trump got more legitimate votes than any person in the history of this country.
He won a historic blowout in the election counting legitimate votes.
Then they stopped counting at midnight and millions of "mail-in ballots" showed up and at 3:30 AM on the day after the election Joe Biden was in the lead.
Nobody believes Biden is legitimate and this regime is doing such a terrible job nobody is going to be able to support them publicly.
This is the last flailing gasps of the globalist aristocracy.
Note the silence of all of the idiots that used to speak up in defense of Biden.
It is all over but for the crying. The next few months will make the first 9 look good.
They just can't understand it. Steal an election and voters get pissed. It's easy, peasy.
Not obedience. Just annoyed at vote fraud in industrial numbers. Zuckerberg gives $400 million in "walking around money." Tammany Hall is spinning in its grave.
Trump didn't lose. The election was stolen. That's why he has such "Strength". Anyway, I'm tired of being the lone patriot pushing for "Truth, justice, and the American Way". Hope you like Joe Biden and all that's going on - y'all wanted it or didn't care enough to fight it.
It's worse than Watergate.
"They say whatever comes to their mind, like writing a fictional novel."
Quite true. And these lies feed lunatics like gadfly and LLR Chuck who continue to push the "insurrection" hoax, the collusion hoax, the Trump money laundering hoax, the charlottesville hoax, the "drink bleach" hoax, (this list is actually endless).
To Trump, Woodward's comment is also a compliment to him-- something to publicize, to boast about; in effect, "he says I'm super powerful!" Nothing at all negative, to take exception to.
That's how the world appears to a somebody who is a complete narcissist! And it works, in our degraded culture.
If the Dems had half a brain, they would have bought Trump's silence by not going through with the second phony impeachment.
If news shows didn't make stuff up they'd have no viewers. Trump knows that but is just throwing sand in their gears.
"That's how the world appears to a somebody who is a complete narcissist!"
Now do Joe Biden.
What converted me from an “at least he’s not Hillary” Trump voter into an enthusiastic Trump supporter was the dawning realization that he thinks outside the box. And as Joe Biden continues to divide the country and set us at each others’ throats, as he continues to wreck the US economy with his insane economic policies, as he continues to to screw up the US foreign policy, as he continues to place obstacles in the way of CPB and ICE doing their jobs, the more I am convinced that we will need an out of the box thinker like him to rescue this country after 2024.
ok boomer.
"He's not looked at like the Messiah the way Obama was."
Progressives have the hardest time understanding that just because they think a certain way doesn't mean everybody else does.
PeterJ: "To Trump, Woodward's comment is also a compliment to him-- something to publicize, to boast about; in effect, "he says I'm super powerful!" Nothing at all negative, to take exception to.
That's how the world appears to a somebody who is a complete narcissist! And it works, in our degraded culture."
Politicians being narcissistic and leveraging power/perceptions of power was entirely invented by Trump and has never existed prior to his arrival upon the scene!
Thanks for the revelation PeterJ!
Dumb Lefty Mark: "ok boomer."
It was wise of you to not commit to any actual point here now that we are 9 months into the Biden Earpiece Term and nothing he's done is really defensible anymore.
Its clear you will be one of the last Team Dementia dead enders.
Not gonna jump, don't care what woodward says, I do care at your dismissive assumption @realdonaldtrump isn't in control of what he is putting out now. the Master President Tweeter was hanging it all out there in real time for years, for all to see across the whole wide world. did i mention "in Real Time"?! Courageous. the most transparent leader of a civilization in the history of the world, maybe ever. (will descendants of Xi ever be so transparent?)
it's annoying, dear Althouse, for me to see you have to chirp a little snit on President Trump like the rest of the twits who have to signal they aren't garbage and please can we be included in the chitchat. Or maybe you're just politely transferring old man Biden-style shade to even things up on the chalkboard? in any case, stop it.
Everything we have come to know in the last 12 months proves how badly the world needed and still needs President Trumpistador directing the chaos.
"They say whatever comes to their mind, like writing a fictional novel."
Ya mean like:
"The county has, for whatever reason, also refused to produce the network routers. We want the routers, Sonny, Wendy, we got to get those routers, please. The routers. Come on, Kelly, we can get those routers. Those routers. You know what? We're so beyond the routers, there's so many fraudulent votes without the routers. But if you got those routers, what that will show, and they don't want to give up the routers. They don't want to give them. They are fighting like hell. Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers?"
"Nobody believes Biden is legitimate"
More than 62 different judges do.
"the dawning realization that he thinks outside the box."
Outside the box thinking:
"Trump completely checked out on any decisions at all on COVID efforts between the election and the inauguration. He was essentially telling us all to go f- ourselves and die if he wasn't installed back in office. And it's not as if he did much of anything before, other than not blocking funding to get a vaccine. He made masks and social distancing and lockdowns into a political battleground. He perversely refused to acknowledge the dead and sick, offering virtually no words of comfort or sympathy. He lied about his own bout of coronavirus. He supported the sick f- who protested maskless against restrictions, even to the point of violence, even to the point of an attempted kidnap/murder of the governor of Michigan. He held rallies and events with no masking and no social distancing that were superspreader events. He pointedly declined to use the Defense Production Act until too far into the pandemic and even then on a limited basis. He didn't give a single rat shit about having a national plan on testing and mitigation, and, at the end, we lost two months of vaccine distribution because, as I said, we could all go f- ourselves, as far as he was concerned. So many lives could have been saved. So many jobs and businesses could have been saved."
Plus his outside the box thinking couldn't even get the mail delivered on time.
I'm a Trumpist. Why? Because he cut my tax rates, stimulated the economy which helped my business and certainly helped my retirement accounts and overall lowered inflation by promoting American energy independence. When the virus came, he organized the massive response and the amazing vaccine development and stopped an economic crash with the PPP. What has Biden done so far to date? The exact opposite of Trump and with the expected results. To me I find it inconceivable that anyone with two working neurons voted for the senile, moronic grifter unless they were expecting to be in on the grift.
Kevin said...
Here is what Trump has been reporting:
-- The media are a bunch of liars who make up the news.
Now, Bob Woodward, who should we believe about what happened on 1/6?
The Trump "fake news" lie has been repeated hundreds upon hundreds of times over the past six years and now you want to know if we should believe Trump about his involvement in the 1/6 coup de tau? DC courtrooms are full of traitorous suspects as we speak - Hello!
Kevin said...
Here is what the media have been reporting:
-- The border is closed.
-- The withdraws from Afghanistan was a resounding success.
-- There is no inflation.
-- Everyone wants the $3.5T reconciliation bill to pass except for two Senators.
-- The $3.5T reconciliation bill costs nothing.
-- The President is working hard to keep gas prices down.
-- America is once again respected in the world.
-- There is no conflict of interest with Hunter selling his paintings to anonymous buyers.
Here is what Trump has been reporting:
-- The media are a bunch of liars who make up the news.
Now, Bob Woodward, who should we believe about what happened on 1/6?
10/13/21, 5:32 PM
DING, DING, DING!!! THIS!! 1 million times THIS.
The Trump "fake news" lie has been repeated hundreds upon hundreds of times over the past six years and now you want to know if we should believe Trump about his involvement in the 1/6 coup de tau? DC courtrooms are full of traitorous suspects as we speak - Hello!
10/14/21, 3:10 AM
Traitorous suspects who have only been charged with parading or trespassing. WOw....SO TRAITOROUS...when we actually have a president who is owned by CHINA Go back to sleep.
The coverup continues....."Judicial Watch noted that in a written transcript of the interview with the sergeant, he detailed he was not sure "if something happened to" Byrd that "caused him to take the shot or not."
"Uh, I saw Lieutenant Byrd kinda. I don’t know if it was before or after. Cause I was trying to figure this out of, but there was at one point where I remember seeing him and he kind of went like this and then came back up again. Uh, I don’t know if that was from him taking the shot and then stepping back from that shot or if it was before that, I can’t, no matter how I tried to rack my brain, I can’t, I can’t figure out when that happened, but uh, so I don’t know if something happened to him where [sic] caused him to take the shot or not," the written transcript states."
I've noticed the MSM is using "woke" pronouns; here's an example of a non-political news item (a mailman was shot) where They changed a person's statements to fit the MSM's transphobicphobic Newspeak:
“It’s so sad this poor person was just doing their job,” said neighborhood resident Sedira Stager. ...
She said she’d had many wonderful conversations with mail carriers there.
What Sedira Stager really said:
"It’s so sad that this poor man just did his job,” said neighborhood resident Sedira Stager. ...
She said she had had many wonderful conversations with postmen there.
"The Trump "fake news" lie has been repeated hundreds upon hundreds of times over the past six years and now you want to know if we should believe Trump about his involvement in the 1/6 coup de tau?"
Your argument is that if someone calls the media a bunch of liars, he must be a liar. I'm trying to give this a generous reading, but I can't come up with anything else. Can you clarify? Like for example if I call you a liar once, that might be true. But I call you a liar a hundred times, then I am the one that is lying, and also I am now lying about everything.
It's interesting to me to see that gadfly only follows news sources who protect him from knowing that there was never any collusion, or even any slightly credible evidence of collusion. How cosseted he must be in his news consumption to not know that it was all cooked up by the Hillary campaign because she was angry about the email investigation and wanted to hit back so she sent her lawyers to lie to the FBI. Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer, has pled guilty of lying to FISA to justify spying on Trump, and Sussman, a Hillary lawyer, has been indicted for lying to the FBI and making up stories about Russian collusion. The only America Citizens indicted in "RussiaGate" were people pushing the lie for the Democrats.
Indeed who are we to believe on J6? The proven liars who are the FBI, or the man accused of lying, and yet where the hard evidence never seems to show up, despite enormous resources spent investigating him?
Incidentally, those accusing Trump of lying most loudly in the media have been shown to be the liars as the facts became known, including Rachael Maddow, CNN, those CIA guys who lied about Hunter's laptop being "Russian disinformation." yada yada yada. At best they were just duped by DNC lawyers, at best.
The party's over, the punch bowl is empty, and there never was any liquor in it. You guys were just hopped up on your own fever dreams.
The Poor Man's LLR Chuck, gadfly: "The Trump "fake news" lie...."
Interesting observation: To this very day gadfly continues to push the Russis Russia Russia hoax, the Trump/money laundering hoax, the Charlottesville hoax, ALL the Ukraine hoaxes, etc.
First, Trump is a genius. I’m still Ann Coulterish pissed at him, but he is a media genius.
Re: covid. And yes, I am fully inoculated. And worked CDC grants in Public Health. And nobody there takes Fauci seriously. They didn’t in 1992 and don’t now. He’s a slippery glory hound.
Trump did as good or better than any other Western country. Some successes, some failures. So cut the whining. It will be at least three years before we figure this out. The statistics are all over the place. This is a goddam weird disease. The only effective advice so far is to close borders and lose weight. Trump: check, check.
Read more widely.
No treason charges. No insurrection charges. Gadfly lies in real time. The courts in DC aren’t “full” — it’s the jails Gadfly. And the DOJ is withholding exculpatory evidence, which every protester who can afford decent counsel has been able to prove easily and get clients released pending trial. Trials that are being pushed far into 2022 for the purpose of punishment as process, something evil fascists like Garland Biden and Pelosi love to do to people who won’t vote for them. You’re on the wrong side of history again Gadfly!
Hillary-Maddow-MSDNC-FBI+ frauds made up out of whole clothe the Russian-Trump collusion story. A bogus conspiracy theory still believed by many on the hivemind left. All while the collective left/media ignored all the secret money flowing from Russia to the Clinton foundation while she-> was SECRETARY OF STATE using a private server to SERVER HER.
"Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers?"
Speaking as someone who has been working in the IT field in various roles since 1981 and who has a Masters degree in Computer Security and a Security+ certification, this question strikes me as perfectly reasonable.
Notice the rhetorical slight of hand from Woodward? Slipping in an equivalency of Nixon who violated the law and Trump who did nothing of the sort. This equivalency is taken for granted by the left. TDS lives in Woodward’s brain and that of his fellow travelers.
Speaking of routers:
As far as I know, no cyber security expert thinks that computers should have anything to do with voting. Elections need to meet two criteria, they have to assure the anonymity of the ballot while providing the public confidence in the integrity of the results. Computers are inherently ill-suited for doing that.
Collusion thy name is Joseph Robinette Biden
Depending upon your viewpoint two "fictional" books were released on October 12. Molly Hemingway is the author of "Rigged" which describes the 2020 election. Chuck will say it is Trumpian fiction. And it may be.
Then my very own Congress Critter Adam Schiff (guess I'm either just not lucky, or I should move) released "Midnight in Washington". If you are a believer in the Schiffster, the book is probably the "God's Honest Truth". Just ask Chuck. If you are a bit more cynical, well it's just more fiction from a partisan hack.
I've not read (nor am I likely to) Adam's ruminations. But he supposedly suggests that Bob Mueller's performance in his testimony before Schiff's committee was marked by Mueller's "apparent cognitive decline". Well I'm not certain about that. It's often the case that the Big Poohbah in charge of a committee effort, and committee drafted report, is not fully familiar with the details. Schiff said he was frustrated because he couldn't get Mueller to "state the conclusions in his report". And Schiff argues that this deprived the American public of knowledge of the report's conclusions. Well I call nonsense on that. The entire report was published and sold in bookstores and on newstands throughout the USA. If any American citizen wanted to know what the Mueller report said, all they had to do was read it.
But the Schiffster's whining is much of a much with his "parody" to open the Ukraine impeachment fiasco. Schiff's inabiliity to put words in "Witness" Mueller's mouth is something that happens often to not particularly competent prosecutors.
"As far as I know, no cyber security expert thinks that computers should have anything to do with voting."
Those ballot counting machines do not count as computers? What about for tabulation, should that all be done longhand?
Seems like your sweeping generalization is a bit too sweeping.
It would be better if newspeople did say whatever came into their minds, but actually it looks like what they say is very tightly controlled.
I'd like it if a CNN anchor was having a bad day at home and 99 problems to worry about and decided to take it out on Fauci or Biden or Harris, but that never happens.
Those ballot counting machines do not count as computers? What about for tabulation, should that all be done longhand?
Yes, the ballot counting machines count as computers and all tabulation should be done manually.
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