October 31, 2021

The media genius strikes again — with a tomahawk.


I was in denial. He didn't go to the game, I thought. It was in the Daily Mail, Meade said, and that wasn't enough. I've got to check. There's the screen shot. Maybe that was some other occasion? But no, that's in The Guardian. It's real. The man went to the World Series. And Melania looks utterly pleased to be screwing with the haters alongside her eminent husband.

I think the tomahawk chop is awful and that the people of Atlanta ought to want to abandon it, but they're not succumbing to chop-shaming, and the irrepressible ex-President is with them: ADDED: The haters say she's faking it:


David Begley said...

Why is the tomahawk chop considered to be racist? It represents the Native killing a foe, who was often White.

gspencer said...

All they're doing is mimicking the motion needed to make chopped liver. It has nothing to do with Tonto and friends.

wendybar said...

Get over it. It is an innocent gesture. Being named the BRAVES is honorable, and Progressives read into things they need to stay out of. Grow up. If it were up to them, we would grunt at each other. Kneeling for the anthem is awful. But they won't stop.

dreams said...

Liberals are basically psychopaths, they're just not normal.

Big Mike said...

So Donald and Melania Trump are doing two things that liberal elitists disapprove of — the tomahawk chop, and breathing. [Yawn]

rhhardin said...

Good for Trump.

Sebastian said...

"I think the tomahawk chop is awful"

Oh, jeez, not you too? Say it ain't so.

"the people of Atlanta ought to want to abandon it"

Why exactly? To bow to their betters?

"but they're not succumbing to chop-shaming"

At least for now, it signals the combined virtues of respecting tradition, supporting the team, and civilly raising a middle finger. Shame on the shamers.

rhhardin said...

It sounds like an Althouse grab them by the pussy moment.

rhhardin said...

Paleface privilege.

doctrev said...

Who the hell is Resist Programming, and how fake is Twitter to promote them ahead of Barstool Sports or Outkick?

It doesn't matter. Trump's genius, as ever, is to effortlessly dominate the national narrative even when the Kristol/ Goldberg media is frantically trying to push the opposite idea of conformity. It is why he won the election, and why the Biden regime will not survive.

mikee said...

You think the chop is bad? The students at the University of Texas at Austin students ring cowbells at football games. COWBELLS!

Chuck said...

Quick question: I watched the majority, but certainly not all, of what was a very good ball game. I may have missed it if Fox Sports noted the presence of Trump. Did the Fox Sports broadcast ever note Trump's presence? The stadium (Truist Stadium staff in Atlanta) did not acknowledge Trump or even put him on the video board.

Major League Baseball did not invite Trump.

JRoberts said...

Trump haters pounce.

In other news, I hope the rumors about Trump supporting David Perdue to primary Brian Kemp for Georgia Governor are false.

Butkus51 said...

Maybe he should have worn blackface. Dems seem to have no problem with that. You might say that they endorse it.

Hey Skipper said...

Racist doing racist tomahawk chop at World Series.

racist: noun
a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized

Here is a perfect abuse of progressive abuse of language. "Racist" has a specific meaning, yet whoever the knuckle head at Resist Programming might be, would be gasping if pressed to demonstrate how the chop is prejudiced against, or antagonistic towards indigenous Americans.

Which begs the question: why is the tomahawk chop awful?

wendybar said...

It's funny now. Who knew Jane Fonda and Ted Turner were RACISTS too?? I vividly remember them cheerfully doing the tomahawk chop a few years back. Maybe it wasn't racist back then, because Progressives didn't climb out from under their rocks to divide us yet???

Gahrie said...

I think the tomahawk chop is awful and that the people of Atlanta ought to want to abandon it, but they're not succumbing to chop-shaming, and the irrepressible ex-President is with them:

Does it matter to you that the local Indian tribes enjoy and support the Braves and the tomahawk chop?

Personally I think the "N" word is awful and that Black people ought to want to abandon it. Black people don't give a shit about what I think.

Gahrie said...

I bet Trump eats bananas with his hands and the skins on too.

Eddie said...

I remember when the tomahawk chop started back in the early 90s. I'm sure some fans borrowed it from places like FSU, but it seemed to me to be a fairly spontaneous happening. People were not being prompted to do it by the Braves organization.

It was very powerful to be a part of that back then. I imagine there is a similar experience among soccer fans who do that sort of communal chanting. I have no idea whether it feels like a spontaneous crowd expression today.

I don't see why the chop would be uniquely troubling for an organization called "The Atlanta Braves." Also, my understanding is that it was Europeans who introduced tomahawks to the native Americans.

Anonymous said...

I've seen old footage of Ted Turner and Jane Fonda, both reliably progressives, do the tomahawk chop in that stadium.

Doesn't that count for something?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How is an symbol of Native American Strength considered racist?

oh right - the hivemind says so.

mezzrow said...

Blame Deion Sanders. Really.

Deion, while playing both football and baseball professionally, publicly wished to hear the "chop" chant while playing for the Braves, because he had such wonderful memories of his days at Florida State listening to those dulcet tones as he and his mates turned the rest of the ACC into chopped liver.

So much white privilege, so little time. Deion's coaching his own kids up at Jackson State these days, and they're having a good year. Jackson State has an outstanding band, btw. If you get a chance to see them someday, I would go if I were you.

rcocean said...

I love the racist Tomahawk chop. I couldn't understand the subtitle about it "It Conradicts Trump's claim MLB invited him" - but I assume its just the same ol' Regime Media "We must attack Trump as a liar, fool, wrong, etc. no matter what"

People having fun Doing the Tomahawk chop and the libtards are upset. Native Americans don't care, why do they? I'll tell you why. Its not about "feeling for the poor Indians", its about hating declasse whites and getting upset they're having a good time. Once you realize Liberal/leftist are motivated by hate of declasse whites and not by a love of minorities, all their actions make sense.

I was hoping for a "Fuck Joe Biden" chant, but maybe W/S crowds are more stuffy.

Chuck said...

"The haters say..."

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Biden is a white supremacist racist based solely on 4 decades of his utterances while a US senator.

Mark said...

I think the tomahawk chop is awful and that the people of Atlanta ought to want to abandon it

Pretty obvious this comment and post is missing the CBS tag.

Chuck said...

doctrev said...
It doesn't matter. Trump's genius, as ever, is to effortlessly dominate the national narrative even when the Kristol/ Goldberg media is frantically trying to push the opposite idea of conformity. It is why he won the election...

Thank you. I didn't have to bring it up. You did. The insane, stupid, baseless claim that "Trump won."

Trump lost. Fuck your feelings.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Anything that a white person does that relates in some way to anyone who can be considered an oppressed minority is totally racist. Don't ask me to explain why - it relates to a minority, you racist! Of course it's racist.

Next up on the chopping block (no pun intended): San Fran and their ageist mascot.

Maynard said...

Let me understand this racist phenomenon.

We name our favorite sports teams after Native Americans in order to insult and derogate them. We mimic some of their actions because it is simple to do and we want to further insult them.

That only makes sense in the leftwing universe.

We all know that it is about obedience. Thou shalt do what the rulers decree, whether it makes sense or not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The haters say she's faking it

I wish they would explain how that works. I mean; according to them Trump is loathsome, is broke and will be assassinated by the Russian mobsters he borrowed money from any day now. Why does she stay around? Can't she find some regular millionaire to run off with?

Conrad said...

Jimmy and Roslyn Carter used to go to Atlanta Braves games a lot. And they did the Chop.

Woke kids don't seem to understand that it's actually possible to engage in frivolous and fun traditions of this sort while nevertheless still respecting and honoring the culture and heritage of Native Americans. We can, to coin a phrase, "walk and chew gum at the same time."

Why can't the woke folks work on perfecting their own humanity rather than telling everyone else what they must do to become perfect? Who are these people? Who elected them?

eddiejetson said...

Professor Althouse trips on the same step every time.

Skeptical Voter said...

Hey when in Atlanta do as the Atlantans do. Trump easily "goes native" wherever he's at.

While I'll agree the "chop" is sort of stupid, it's a stretch to call it racist. And as for really stupid things to do while watching (or trying to watch) a game, the "wave" is peak stupid.

I think that the "Gator" fans down in Florida do something called the "chomp" which takes two arms. It's also likely to be called out by PETA as disrespectful of alligators.

Michael said...

We do the chop to piss the opposition off. And I suppose that includes Althouse.

Mr. Forward said...

Disarm the tomahawk chop.

Achilles said...

I hope that Ann is being ironic with her post.

It isn't white privilege we should be condemning in this country.

It is the coddled 1st world stick up the ass I deserve a medal for breathing privilege that people born here take for granted and they don't have a fucking clue what the rest of the world is like are full of.

These people routinely like to shit on what everyone else is doing.

People have so much time and freedom and wealth in this country that all they can find to do is talk about how shitty everyone else is and how awful what they are doing is. They can't even be bothered to go see what the Atalanta Braves team has done with reference to local area native americans.

We need more common cultural elements like the Tomahawk Chop. These types of things bring us together.

Lyle Smith said...

Althouse probably hates yoga too. Hard, tiring, and too much cultural appropriation. Love you Ann! Meade too!

Lurker21 said...

"Resist" and "comply" have come to look a lot like synonyms. To me it looks as though the Trumps and the Atlanta fans were the people resisting and "Resist Programming" were the ones demanding compliance.

And everyone is "programmed" one way or the other. "Resisting programming" is something you have to do on your own, not something joining a movement will do for you.

Critter said...

I join the vast majority of Americans in rejecting the self-appointed arbiters of racism who hide behind black face but promote Marxist issues intended to remove anything that stands in the way of the glorious socialist revolution. After all, we haven’t had anything in the 21st century to add to the billions of innocent victims of socialism from 20th century Russian communism, the Mao cultural revolution, the killing fields of Southeast Asia, etc. time to get cracking!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m more offended by trumped up accusations of racism and the perpetuation of LIES by these shame-happy “progressives” like the (still relevant) “fine people” lie, like all the lies of the FBI and Fauci. If you don’t like people who act silly at sporting events you should avoid them. At least they were not shouting “Fuck Joe Biden!” all together while air-chopping.

CWJ said...

Althouse wouldn't like Kansas City during football season.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hate-filled rage-filled hack press(D) are constantly whining about how Trump is so mean...

The cognitive dissonance is ... boggles the mind.

rcocean said...

Hey, and thanks everyone for explaining for the 1000th time why the chop isn't racist. I guess this time the Libtards will agree. 'cause I'm sure they just "Confused" and this will clear it up for them.

Judas Priest.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fight like a brave.
Don't be a slave.
Don't be a dishonest democrat party hack Lincoln project knave.

MountainMan said...

Everyone educate yourselves.

Atlanta Braves and the Native American Community

FSU Relationship with the Seminole Tribe of Florida

And mezzrow above is completely correct about Deion Sanders and how he brought the chop to Atlanta from FSU when he simultaneously played for the Braves and Falcons - sometimes on the same day!

And he is correct about the Jackson State band. I saw them play halftime at a Georgia Tech football game one time and they are awesome.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m quite amused at Althouse freaking out over the chop. I didn’t expect her to get the vapors over silly sports spectators. Really? You should hear Chavez Ravine echo with hateful chants when the (rightly hated) San Fran Giants visit the Dodgers!

doctrev said...

Chuck said...

Trump lost. Fuck your feelings.
10/31/21, 9:34 AM

You know the "facts don't care about your feelings" schtick peddled by Ben Shapiro is mocked constantly by the left and the right, don't you? That Americans across the spectrum overwhelmingly regard his type as obviously propped up by a cabal of shadowy billionaires, not because of their merit and "attractive personality?"

It doesn't matter. National Socialism collapsed as a governing power in about twelve years. Biden is doing his best to make sure the Democratic Party won't last four. Even if Trump lost the election (he didn't), the scale of Biden's current collapse is making normal people convinced the 2020 results were a fraud.

I'm almost as excited as Charles Randall of Lawton, Michigan is when he attends a Pee Wee boys' swim meet.

narciso said...

they should call it borg programming, or zombie,

Tina Trent said...

I’ve seen Jimmah and Rosalyn do it. Seen Miss Lillian do it when there warn’t a game around. Seen Jane Fonda and Ted Turner do it. Seen members of the Georgia Supreme Court do it. Seen black people do it, white people do it, South Asian Indian people do it. Seen Asian people do it. Maybe I’ve seen some Native Americans do it. Around here, I usually saw them sitting on nonprofit boards. But I think that was mostly so we could pretend we made another diversity chit, and I didn’t believe half of them really were even a tiny bit Cherokee. I also saw Ted yell once “eat something, damnit” at Jane and then whine that nobody loved him but his buffaloes.

Never saw Elizabeth Warren do it. Also never heard a Cherokee descendant — and those we have in the mountains — complain about it.

People go about their business. Imagine that.

Tina Trent said...

Chuck, you miss the point. Trump needs no invitation in Georgia. The MLB management, however….

traditionalguy said...

The chop and chant came into Atlanta with Deon Sanders from the FSU Seminoles whose fight song it was.. The Seminole Indians of Florida were winners and never surrendered. We honor them for that. Trumpian is American.

holdfast said...

Not so long ago, major-league baseball took the All-Star game away from Atlanta because Georgia wanted to actually have election integrity. I bet that the resurgence in the use of the tomahawk chop is a direct reaction to that. Major league sports seems determined to go woke, but fortunately some fans will resist.

Owen said...

The chop gesture is a power move. A threat to the other team; to one’s foe. Like the Maori Hama, the bold bragging crazy strutting that helps males build courage and unmans their adversaries before the contest; heartens one’s team during the fight; celebrates victory afterward.

For all these reasons it drives the Progs crazy. It is a competitor to whatever bullshit act of obeisance they will contrive.

Michael K said...

The "racism" stuff is just funny. Leftists don't like football (except Kaepernick) but 75% of the NFL is black. So, this year and last year, NFL football is OK. Who cares about the "tomahawk chop" but humorless leftists ?

holdfast said...

Oh, and #LGB.


traditionalguy said...

The chop and chant came into Atlanta with Deon Sanders from the FSU Seminoles whose fight song it was.. The Seminole Indians of Florida were winners and never surrendered. We honor them for that. Trumpian is American.

Owen said...

“Hama” —> “Haka” in my previous.

Want to put the chop on my SpellWrecker…

Chuck said...

Michael said...
We do the chop to piss the opposition off...

Of course. I knew that. But it is a problem for you, when "the opposition" is 55%, 60%, or 65% of the electorate.

effinayright said...

Think of the literally thousands of US and Canadian state/province names, towns, geographical features, mountains, cities, rivers and lakes with American Indian names...think of sports teams proclaiming their fierceness and prowess using Indian names...think of helicopters with names like Sioux, Apache, Black Hawk, Lakota, Cherokee, Chinook...

One article describing how copters were so-named ends with:

"So when you think of these helicopters, remember the spirit, confidence, agility, endurance and warrior ethos their names evoke!"

...and then seriously tell me that Americans hate and despise Indians.

It makes no sense at all---except if you're a Prog.

(and we all know they are crazy as shithouse rats)

Bigwig said...

Breaking News: White lady thinks other people should stop doing something she disapproves of. See also: leafblowers, men in shorts.

Rabel said...

Just a reminder that the disgraceful, awful, hateful, racist Native American imagery associated with the Braves was imported from ... Wisconsin.

Eleanor said...

I've been to a couple of World Series games, and no one invited me, either. I just bought a ticket and showed up.

AndrewV said...

I recall a few years ago the woke crowd tried to go after Florida State over the Seminole name. The President of the Seminole nation shut that down when he announced that the University had the tribal governments permission to use the name. It turns out the members of the tribe are big fans of FSU athletics.

Wilbur said...

I find it interesting - if mildly - that AA objects to the Chop as "awful".

Here's a theory: AA knows it is not racist, except under some tortured definition of the word "racist"; I believe AA's objection to the chop is similar to her objection to Trump. She regards both as inalterably declasse.

OK, different strokes. To me, the chop is similar to the songs and chants from European soccer crowds. These sort of things are fun when you're there, but otherwise, oh, not so much. But I don't find them objectionable.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

The lefties Ted Turner and Jane Fonda used to get into doing a tomahawk chop at the Brave games. It wasn't racist then and it's not racist now. It was and is fun.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I think they are mimicking the motion of starting a gas-powered leaf blower.

Lucien said...

Trump won in 2016, yet Chuck assumes — without evidence — that a reference to why he won is about the 2020 election. Hmmm . .

Mark said...

Leftists don't like football

The NFL and sports media, like most of corporate America, is pervasively left.

Joe Smith said...

'I think the tomahawk chop is awful...'

It may be historically inaccurate but it's not racist.

I am fine with no cultural appropriation of any kind.

Now all Native Americans must give up drinking whiskey, close down their casinos, and stop using the wheel.

We good now?

jaydub said...

Damn,lost a buck to my wife. I put the over/under at three days as regards how long Chuck would avoid commenting because of embarrassment over the Pedo Project fiasco in Virginia. I took the over, my wife took the under. Her reasoning being Chuck has no shame. She was right again.

Sebastian said...

If the chop is racist, is it racist because whites appropriate it from Indians, or because it suggests Indians were in fact fierce and bloodthirsty warriors?

And those are the options. Don't give me any postcolonial critical theory BS about how the chop is an "imagined" tradition that unfairly essentializes indigenous peoples.

Dan said...

I grew up a big Braves fan, with my fandom peaking in the 90s when the Braves and the tomahawk chop were at their peak. When those Braves players all retired and TBS stopped airing Braves games gradually lost interest. Over the last several years I had not paid much attention to the Braves, or baseball in general. However, this post-season I've gotten back into watching and rooting for the Braves. While I consider the tomahawk chop and chant harmless fun, I actually find it annoying and dumb now. I would greatly prefer the fans switch to just loud cheering like every other team because it creates a much better atmosphere.

Temujin said...

The Braves name was honorable and selected because native American braves were...just that. Fierce fighters, protecting and fighting for their own. Or, in some cases, just mutilated those they could (but we cannot speak of that).

Trump just won Georgia if he so chooses to run again.

wendybar said...

Chuck said...
Michael said...
We do the chop to piss the opposition off...

Of course. I knew that. But it is a problem for you, when "the opposition" is 55%, 60%, or 65% of the electorate.

10/31/21, 10:56 AM

Chuck is finally admitting he is one of the divisive hateful Progressives who are the opposition of normal people.

Yancey Ward said...

Cut Chuck the Cuck some slack, ladies and gentlemen- it can't be easy for him to watch the Biden Administration collapse into a stinking pile of dogshit not even a year after his "election".

Let's Go Brandon!!

Mrs. X said...

I may have missed it if Fox Sports noted the presence of Trump.

Joe Buck announced that Trump and Melania were there and they were shown on camera. I turned the game on in the bottom of the first. The announcement came shortly after that.

Mikey NTH said...

Oh my God. That is so offensive I don't know if I can ever survive the massive hit to my self-worth. That tomahawk chop. Horror.

Why is this bad? Were there no tomahawks? Has no one else used hatchets or axes on foes? Why the offendedness by proxy? Why the need to fight the battles of others when those others don't care?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Heavens to Betsy, aren't we getting our knickers all in a twist, now?

Trump went to a Braves World Series game and did the "tomahawk chop," just like, oh, tens of thousands of Atlantans. People are freakin' desperate to get Trump back in the news feed (tbf, so is Trump). Carter and his wife did the TC. Fonda and Turner did the TC. But that's different.

Why? Why is it different? Why is it assumed that Trump went to the game solely to perform this "racist gesture," which thousands of -- racists? No, we mustn't say that, not about Georgians, whose voting rights we're fighting for, so "citizens" maybe -- were doing at the same time?

This is manufactured controversy.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you may find the tomahawk chop to be distasteful, but you’re not an Atlanta resident, and if the tomahawk chop pisses off MLB commissioner Rob Manfred (as Trump’s mere presence at the game appears to have done) then you aren’t going to get them to stop.

Jon Burack said...

I won't criticize Ann if she thinks the Tomahawk chop is awful. I guess if you read it as an insult to Native Americans, you might well think that. I do not really think it is either intended as, or in fact, an insult. The team's name, after all, is "Braves." I do not think you choose a name like that as an insult, and I seriously doubt any actual Indians take it as one. So I suspect they see the chop consistently with that as a light-hearted gesture of humor/respect for the warrior cultures of the tribes. As to those, I think there is a monumental amount of p.c. denial about just how cruel those tribes often were. In a recent discussion about an article by Toure taking Condi Rice to task for her criticisms of CRT, one commenter named "GreenSeaHorse" offered this, which I cannot vouch for as to the specific tribe but I can say with some knowledge is perfectly consistent with the overall history of Indian-White-Black interactions in 18th and 19th century Louisiana. To say nothing about many others, such as the Iroquois or the Commanche for sure. Take it for what its worth.

GreenSeaHorse: “My people are part Tunica-Biloxi, a Choctaw sub-band. There is a story in the area I grew up about the Pascagoula tribe, whose land the Biloxi wanted. After their defeat in battle, the Pascagoulas decided they wouldn’t be “absorbed” by the Biloxi. They marched together as a tribe into the river, singing their death song. Absorption meant, the braves and older boys would be murdered, the old abandoned and the women and other children assigned as slaves/concubines to braves of the tribes. Every Indian tribe had it’s Indian enemies, and after diseases, Indian enemies were the biggest killers of other Indians, not whites."

Tina Trent said...

I found The Sopranos deeply offensive considering what those people did to my grandfather and to me and still managed to admire its story arcs.

I find “they flee from me, that sometimes did me seek” a bit awful, but also recognize its truth and beauty.

I find homosexual/transgender misogyny appalling, but I survived, I am alive…and so on.

I find the Fab Five praising a clearly unstable teenager for cutting off her breasts for no reason almost unwatchable, but still I watched. Now if I expressed my opinion about that show in academia, what do you think would happen to me. Be completely honest.

Jamie said...

Whatever. I await the matchup of the MLB's newest franchise, the Princeton Professors, and their rivals, the Massachusetts Bluestockings.

Me, I was impressed by the stadium organist, who played the intro to "Subdivisions," something of Coldplay, "It's A Small World" (when Altuve was up to bat, so rahthuh uncivil, but kinda clever too, though that may have been the at-bat that gave him one of his HRs)... An altogether unusual repertoire.

Freder Frederson said...

and then seriously tell me that Americans hate and despise Indians.

You do realize that by the end of the 19th Century, the native population of the U.S. had been reduced from at least 9 million (some estimates put it as high as 30 million) at first European contact, to about 250,000? Then we spent a good part of the 20th century trying to destroy what was left of the culture by herding the children into boarding schools where they were punished for speaking their native language.

Tell me again how much we love the Indians.

Jim at said...

I can't stand the Braves (or MLB anymore), but the fact this continues to piss off all the right people is just fine by me.

JK Brown said...

Yes, people really should stop with these Hollywood generated, often by Marxist writers, racist tropes. The tomahawk and tomahawk chop came the sensationalist stories of the late 19th century, mostly completely made up, and the Hollywood writers who picked them up. Same with watermelons and fried chicken memes for blacks.

The best solution is to stop taking common themes from movies and popular books as sooner or later, they'll be declared racist, sexist or some -ist.

Things are so back now, the poorly educated script writers are dragging up the racial/sex/ethnic discrimination themes to find some topic for the show. To watch a 21st century movie or TV show is to think the Civil Rights or Feminist movements of the '60s and '70s never until last week.

Iman said...

I call that motion the “Chuck Chop”, as it mimics the violent closing of my eyelids when I’ve just read a moronic comment and then look for the name of the person posting such excrement and noting it’s the usual suspect.

rehajm said...

She seems as happy as ever

Yeah, sure. The same way you assholes look about your Poopie Pants Messiah.

Fuck you all…

rehajm said...

The Nez Perce I know don’t give a damn- and they’re lefties. It’s wee wee stuff for leftie white ladies though…

Yancey Ward said...

"Joe Buck announced that Trump and Melania were there and they were shown on camera. I turned the game on in the bottom of the first. The announcement came shortly after that."

Oh boy, you have done it now, Mrs. X. Expect Chuck the Cuck to show up and call you a liar and ask that you support that statement with evidence he could easily look up himself.

Bruce Hayden said...

“People having fun Doing the Tomahawk chop and the libtards are upset. Native Americans don't care, why do they? I'll tell you why. Its not about "feeling for the poor Indians", its about hating declasse whites and getting upset they're having a good time. Once you realize Liberal/leftist are motivated by hate of declasse whites and not by a love of minorities, all their actions make sense. “

“I was hoping for a "Fuck Joe Biden" chant, but maybe W/S crowds are more stuffy.”

Just like “Let’s Go Brandon”, it’s the right and the center attacking Biden and the Democrats verbally, because they know that it will piss them off. My prediction is that it will be one thing after another, until the current lunatic leftist regime is ousted. They are humor impaired, and this sort of thing bothers them a lot. They don’t like to be laughed at, so we all do it. Because of this, the anti Biden, anti PC, memes will continue to change faster than they can be shut down. If you don’t like being the National laughingstock stock, next time, don’t so blatantly steal elections, then enforce your mindless dictates, just because you can. The country is falling apart, and it is your fault. Your stupidly mindless policies that you are forcing onto the country are idiotic, and we all know it. This is part of our response.

Caligula said...

"Travel writer doesn't want to ban travel." Imagine that! To state the obvious, the purpose of travel writers is to support the travel product advertising that appears next to what they write.

"Automotive writer doesn't want to ban cars." Really? To state the obvious, ...

"Book publisher doesn't want to ban books." Umm, maybe: they don't want to ban all of them, just the ones they don't like.

Readering said...

When you are trying to reclaim your status as America's past time, but you have to downplay a controversial world series team as being just one of 30 markets, and then feel obliged to put out a statement contradicting the statement of a former US president that he's attending a game at your invitation. Then at the game he (of course) magnifies the controversy you tried to minimize. Meanwhile it is reported that your NFL counterpart was paid $128 million over the last 2 years for getting big, big things signed with the players and the broadcasters.

DanTheMan said...

What this country really needs is a leaf blower that sounds like the tomahawk chop.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Taking offense for the poor native Americans.
That's mighty white of you.

Gospace said...

Racist? Yeah, uh hah.

Like Sarah Palin sending hidden messages out to shoot Gabby Giffords by putting in the crosshairs.

The general public is beginning to massively resist leftist definitions. And the term racist has lost all meaning when used by a Democrat- members of a party that to this day says blacks are too stupid, lazy, and ignorant to obtain voter ID. Can you be any more racist then to believe that?

Bob said...

Althouse hates the tomahawk chop, also hates "Fuck Joe Biden" and its G-rated equivalent, "Let's Go Brandon."

Turning into Mrs. Grundy these days, are you?

Gospace said...

It percolated in my mind after I typed my last comment- what would be the manufactured outrage if the Green Bay Packers started using a meat cleaver chop? Could be exactly the same motion!

The Minnesota Vikings could use both hands over the head and going down- the Broadsword Chop. Would the Norwegians and Swedes get upset?

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Las Vegas Raiders could use similar chops.

The Fighting Irish of Notre Dame- didn't the Irish use broadswords too?

Lurker21 said...

People who aren't heavily invested in Trump hatred are coming to see that Biden is a mistake. That doesn't mean they want Trump back, but any liking they had for Biden is gone.

About a third of the country is politically non-binary. Voting for Obama didn't mean they couldn't vote for Trump. Voting for Trump didn't mean they couldn't vote for Biden, or stay home. Not liking Trump doesn't mean that they like Biden.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...
"Joe Buck announced that Trump and Melania were there and they were shown on camera. I turned the game on in the bottom of the first. The announcement came shortly after that."

Oh boy, you have done it now, Mrs. X. Expect Chuck the Cuck to show up and call you a liar and ask that you support that statement with evidence he could easily look up himself.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have a mental issue? Right here on this page, I started off by saying that I did not watch the whole game. I said that I didn't know whether the Fox Sports broadcast showed or mentioned Trump.

So where do you get off with this comment aimed at me?

Good God, these pages are filled with some stupid commenters. And let's face it; if commenting moderation rules were actually enforced regarding regular and repetitive personal attacks, they would be better comments pages.

Even the bottom-of-the-page instructions have devolved. No more admonitions about how the blog owner doesn't want any personal attacks, personal back-and-forth, repetitive and or off-topic things. I quoted her past instructions (for emphasis on how badly they were enforced) ow it is down to just the completely bland, "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author." Full stop. Whatever. Moderation is enabled. Not much moderation is actually done.

mikee said...

To express disapproval, Texas Aggies hold their hands together as if praying, then raise them up, and hiss loudly. It is meant to mimic a a large horse pissing. Often done by a stadium of over 100,000 former and present students when a bad call is made against the Aggie football team. Anyone have any problem with that?

Aggie said...

Wait, the Tomahawk chop is racist? I guess calling the team the Braves is racist too, then? Racist, really? Wait a minute - whaddya mean the Native Americans don't mind? Who minds, then? Did somebody put them in actual charge or did they just claim the title and assume everyone would go along - As Usual?

hired man said...

You are losing it, Madame Professor/Progressor Grundy. Your comments on the “chop” not only wholly PC, but sophomoric. What you’re losing is your fastball—and maybe this reader after, I suppose, almost ten years. And while I’m at it, your morning runs and Lake Mendota sunrises have become a bit too precious for their daily repetition.

Quaestor said...

Chuck the Cuck writes, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Haters is just code for Democrats.

All Democrats are either evil or stupid, often both. And that's a bad thing.

Quaestor said...

Althouse writes, "I think the tomahawk chop is awful and that the people of Atlanta ought to want to abandon it."

What's it to you, Althouse? Is it that you'd rather find fault in others than seek out and correct your own?

Drago said...

Pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck: "What the fuck is wrong with you?"


LLR Chuck feigns shock, SHOCK(!), that everyone recognizes his long established modus operandi.

Remember, LLR Chuck demanded the Trump Admin communications shop be taken en masse before a Grand Jury and put under oath over a pecan pie photo!

Drago said...

Pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck (who was banned by the blog moderators in part for his racist and vicious anti-child and anti-conservative women posts): "Good God, these pages are filled with some stupid commenters. And let's face it; if commenting moderation rules were actually enforced regarding regular and repetitive personal attacks, they would be better comments pages."

Here's a simple suggestion upon which all reasonable commenters can agree: commenters who have been banned should remain banned.


Chezmiriam said...

You've got a bunch of GQP fans and now you are trying to encourage them to condemn Trump's psychopathology? Good luck with that.

Chezmiriam said...

You've got a bunch of GQP fans and now you are trying to encourage them to condemn Trump's psychopathology? Good luck with that.

Jaq said...

Lots of stuff people do I don't like, but hey, average IQ is 100. You still gotta like people.

Crazy World said...

So nice to see the smiling Trumps again.

PM said...

Well, I've already stopped giving 'high-fives', saying 'dis' and 'dabbing' when I win at Scrabble out of respect for a formerly-enslaved people. So I'm down with this...er, I mean I support it.

Tina Trent said...

Freder Frederickson, the very worst thing we could have done to native people is give them a separate set of laws and land.

Immediately, the Indian thugs and Indian mafia ruling their communities took all the bennies and left the rest of them worse off.

Radical colorblind equality is the only way to lift people from self pity and tribalism to self-help and upper mobility.

So why do you fetishize their enslavement? Is it sexual or economic?

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