২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০২১

"The flight attendant apparently bumped the passenger while moving through the first-class cabin..."

"... according to Julie Hedrick, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, which represents those who fly for American Airlines. The flight attendant apologized, but the passenger left his seat, confronted her as she stood in the aircraft’s galley, then punched her in the face, Hedrick said.... American is among several carriers that have limited alcohol sales on domestic flights. The carrier does offer alcohol in its first-class cabins.... 'It’s not just the masks,' Hedrick said. 'Our passengers have changed. Their behavior on our flights, the safety of our flight attendants, the safety of our passengers — every day is being threatened here.'"

From "Flight attendant suffers broken bones in ‘one of the worst displays of unruly behavior’ in the skies/The incident prompted the pilots to divert the flight to Denver, where a passenger was detained" (WaPo).

1. Maybe just get rid of all the alcohol. Don't give those first-class people more of a sense of privilege. They're entitled enough. Don't further inflate their attitude with alcohol — and special, elites-only alcohol at that. You're facilitating their irrationality. At some point, they believe they've got a right to beat the servants.

2. The planes now are filled with the people who feel that it's okay to pack into the sealed metal tube with everyone else's germs. There's a much higher concentration of daring risk-takers, folks who think that the world's their oyster. The cautious people are staying home. The cramped space is now elbow-to-elbow with people who want what's theirs, like that armrest, and that bit of aisle that one's meaty upper arm occupies and that the flight attendant goes ahead and pushes through. This means war! to those folks. Not all of them, but enough of them that chaos lies close to the surface.

3. The top-rated comment blames Trump: "A friend of mine has been a bartender for 10-15 years and, as you might imagine, has seen a lot bad behavior from patrons even in her upscale bar and grill. As far as I can tell, she is apolitical, but it is her firm opinion that Trump's public behavior over the last four or five years has brought these bad actors out of the woodwork. He made it okay." 

4. Here's the Trump performance that reminded me of: 

5. "Who cares? We all have a weight problem."

৮৭টি মন্তব্য:

R C Belaire বলেছেন...

Trump -- "The gift that keeps on giving." I very much doubt I'll live to see the day when the Left/Dems/Progressives find someone else to hate/blame other than Trump...

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

TDS is a good tag for that outburst at the end. Acting like a spoiled brat is how one excels at being progressive and entitled.

Chuck বলেছেন...

So that wasn’t school board president Trump at a school board meeting, I take it.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Compare a Tea Party protest to a BLM protest.

We know that people on the right are kinder decent people. Tea Party protests left the ground cleaner than when they started.

The left is full of violent shitheads that think looting and burning and attacking political opponents is OK.

But projection is all they have left.

Kevin বলেছেন...

What, no racial angle?

FleetUSA বলেছেন...

WaPo readers are generally TDS afflicted so the comment is not unusual.

mikee বলেছেন...

And to think, just 20 years ago every person flying had to face the fact that it was up to them to stop any misbehavior if somebody tried to hijack the flight.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Yeah, it's the Trump people flying first class.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

"Don't give those first-class people more of a sense of privilege. They're entitled enough. Don't further inflate their attitude with alcohol — and special, elites-only alcohol at that. You're facilitating their irrationality. At some point, they believe they've got a right to beat the servants."

That is a really stupid comment. What are you talking about? Some people are willing to pay up for a little more room and an easier exit from the airplane. So what? There is the occasional drunken passenger in the first (usually "business") class cabin, but I have seen more obnoxious, entitled behavior at the back of the plane where passengers really are stressed out, and they try to jam their too-large luggage into the overhead compartments. I understand that you don't like airplanes, so you and Meade drive to go on trips. You would probably like air travel more if you paid up for business class seats.

Spare us comments like, "At some point, they believe they've got a right to beat the servants." I have never encountered anyone like that. You ought to be embarrassed at having written that. Louts are louts, drunk or sober, wherever you find them.

gilbar বলেছেন...

not to worry,
soon (thanx to hyperinflation) planes will be less crowded, few will be able to afford tickets

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"their irrationality . . . they believe they've got a right . . . the people who feel that it's okay . . . daring risk-takers"

Cautiously sitting at home (still cleaning shoes to avoid infection?), Althouse knows this. She just knows. One of the people who feel they've got a right to generalize about millions of travelers on the basis of a few incidents, displaying their irrational aversion to travel and its presumed dangers, feeling that it's okay to vilify the daring risk-takers who so imprudently took the risk to--well, something or other.

Michael বলেছেন...

I feel no entitlement for buying a first class seat and using it any more than I feel entitled when I buy prime instead of choice steak. Only someone who never flies would consider the inside of a modern plane a Petrie dish. In the over three million miles I have flown over the decades I have never witnessed rowdy behavior though I am not surprised to see it becoming more common as the culture coarsens and the public offloads the merest hint of decorum or taste. I rarely see anyone in first class drinking anything, much less getting drunk. Your number two point is as if written by someone who washes off Covid germs from their shoes. Sans clue.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Being threatened with arrest by the flight attendants if your mask slips off your nose while boarding or your foot touches the bulkhead in flight doesn’t contribute to deescalating passenger anxiety, either…

What's emanating from your penumbra বলেছেন...

Hilarious. When someone disrupts a flight, then we're all supposed to back the authorities against the disruptor. Those passengers are so entitled. Take away their drinks!

But when someone disrupts a Trump event, we all should feel sympathy for the disruptor. Trump is out of line to try to enforce order.

Hopefully I'm just misunderstanding the point. Otherwise, what a stupid BS take. You have Joe Biden locking a journalist in a closet. That's probably Trump's fault too.

As for explaining the supposed increase in bad behavior on airplanes, maybe it has more to do with resistance to authoritarianism. Don't get me wrong, it's despicable behavior, especially the violence. But when I see how airline representatives act, arbitrary orders backed by fed enforcement but without limitations the gov't might be subject to, I vote with my wallet and avoid them if possible.

ReadDude বলেছেন...

That gospel song sung by the young man in the train station evokes thoughts of the Coffee Pot groups Andrew Hickey venerates. Those were some inspiring vocals!

The best part is at the end, he is asked if he's recording and he said "I'm working on it!"

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

On the Trump front, he was probably being addressed by Jim Acosta of CNN, a no-talent of the first order. Get him outta here!

The WaPoo commenters are something, right, Fat? How about Biden's alternately creepy (whisper, whisper, whisper) and bullying (I want take him out behind the gym and beat the crap outta him!) behavior?

Biden and Trump have the gift of being teetotal and acting like drunks. Great.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

2. The planes now are filled with the people who feel that it's okay to pack into the sealed metal tube with everyone else's germs.

apparently planes are safe indoor spaces because the air is refreshed several times an hour, unlike buildings

Leland বলেছেন...

Seems like this happens a bit more with American than other airlines. American duck taped a 13-yr old in August for being unruly. In July, they removed a woman from a flight because she didn't follow a dress code. American is certainly not alone, but maybe some introspection into how they handle passengers could be considered. Nah, just blame Trump.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Trumps behavior?? More like Obama letting BLM form because HE thought the Police acted stupidly when they got called to a home break in ....and it was the owner of the house...Henry Gates, who was black..so of course the cop was RACIST!!! THIS started it all, and Obama never let up. It was us against them right from the beginning of his presidency...which gave us TRUMP who fought BACK. These progressives were so blinded by Saint Obama, they have no idea how he ruined America with his divisiveness.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Remember the TEA PARTY?? Remember how Obama and the Progressives denigrated them, when all they wanted was less government and less taxes??? Boy did they grate on Obama, who proceeded to call them all racists. Obama divided us by RACE, gender, religion and class. Congratulations Progressives. Now trying to blame the division and hate on Trump when Obama created Trump.

Tom T. বলেছেন...

One article points out that the captain called for "able-bodied men" to assist, and two came up, presumably from coach, to help restrain the guy. So if you're going to call out the fact that there are some crazy, angry men up there, I think it's important to now that there are altruistic men up there too, putting their own safety on the line.

What happened to that flight attendant was terrible, and I hope the guy gets prosecuted. But I'm not convinced that this is a bigger problem than it ever was. It feels more like just another way for authority to crack down on everyone.

Howard বলেছেন...

It's another overblown internet meme. People have always misbehave on airlines. I think the flights would be a lot calmer if they sold more alcohol than allowed smoking like they used to do in the old days. Of course you had more people having medical problems during the flight but at least they weren't visiting violence on others.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Why this weird lack of information on the man who attacked the flight attendent? They know who he is. They know what he did. Why aren't we being told that? Part of the answer is the brief clip of the man sitting in handcuffs. He's Asian looking. So, he might not even be American. And I sincerly doubt he's a "Trump supporter".

When 1 passenger in 10,000 gets violent, the answer isn't to prevent 9,999 people from having a drink, its punishing people who attack Stewardesses. I'd really like to know why the media and Airline are protecting the man who punched her. They seem to be doing that alot these days. They protected Capital Hill Policeman Byrd who murdered Ashli Babbitt for seven months. They still won't name the whistleblower who lied about Trump during the first impeachment (and yes I know who it is). We need to publicize these people's names so it increases the incentive to behave properly and obey the law.

Ryan বলেছেন...

The suggestion to ban alcohol on flights is a good one. I used to have a drink on flights but gave that up a few years ago. It just feels better to be properly hydrated and sober when in the big tube. Folks can always have a drink after disembarking.

What's emanating from your penumbra বলেছেন...

Are you thinking hard enough about what was meant by "we all have a weight problem?" I sense knee jerk reaction. His comment makes perfect sense if you step back from Trump Derangement Syndrome (if that's even possible) for a moment. Trump says he was told it wasn't politically correct to point out that increasing food stamps for people who already are overweight might not be smart, because it hurts the feelings of overweight people. And he admits to being overweight himself, and opines that people should be less sensitive about hearing criticism of their faults, particularly if it prevents dealing with the issue. But let's act like he's crazy to have that opinion.

SteveM বলেছেন...

I’d also add that as result of baggage check-in fees, all passengers want to carry on their luggage. Given the limited space of the overhead storage, all passengers want to board early on, when there’s likely to be some overhead storage available. When some passengers try to board before their row is called in order to get open storage space, the ticket taker allows them to do so in order to avoid a confrontation. Other passengers seeing that, begin to do the same and it becomes a free-for-all.

robother বলেছেন...

So, Trump's responsible for Blacks punching out Asians, and now Asians punching out flight attendants? Is there evil under the sun for which he isn't responsible?

JustSomeOldDude বলেছেন...

"Maybe just get rid of all the alcohol. Don't give those first-class people more of a sense of privilege. They're entitled enough."

I don't know this for a fact, but I strongly suspect most of first class to be weary, traveling consultants and salespeople who get their mileage points for getting on a plane early every single Monday to travel to some exotic locale that they'll never actually see, work long hours to travel back 'home' on Thursday nights, every week for 48 weeks a year. It's a crappy existence and the first class seat is an entitlement that the airline of their choice would like to reward them for, in order to keep their loyalty. Aside from the spacious seats, the alcohol is about the only differentiation that they get. Let them drink, because they're not the problem.

Temujin বলেছেন...

People who fly have always had to "pack into sealed metal tubes with everyone else's germs." I used to fly regularly and I got sick- a cold, flu, or some sort of sinus thing, at least once or twice a year. That changed when I started using hand wipes- for both after leaving a plane and upon entering my hotel room (remote, thermostat, door handles, light switches). Sounds obsessive, but it's not and I suddenly stopped getting sick.

This was all before Covid. If it's considered to be high risk to fly because of potential germs, I imagine the thought of living in Florida which remains open, maskless, and vaccine optional, gives some the shudders. It shouldn't.

All of society has gone bonkers. Everywhere you look you can see or read about a huge uptick in violent behaviors. From subways and streets of New York, to high schools, retail stores in Chicago or San Francisco, ball parks, and on and on. We, in Western Civilization are being led by the worst of us. People who have for years made excuses for lack of standards and lack of responsible reactions to bad behaviors. In other words, we've been grooming and approving this anti-social behavior for years now. We get more of what we cultivate. And we've cultivated hate. Trump has nothing to do with this except that the very word "Trump" brings outsized reactions- hateful reactions- from those on the Left.

But society as a whole is falling apart and we're inviting millions of others into our country- no background checks at all- and they'll be bringing their own societal baggage with them to blend in with our failing standards. Should be a good mix.

Alcohol on planes has always been something I've wondered about. Who needs a drink for a 2-3 hour flight? Do you need that? But even so, it's never brought out this much violence as we see today. It's not Trump. It's not the small bottle of vodka. Its what we've allowed to become our standards of behavior.

BogDog বলেছেন...

The dog not barking here is FLYING SUCKS. The airlines pack us in with ever smaller leg room with computer AI designed to pack the plan 100%. They take away all perks (pillows, blankets, good snacks) and have us "served" by self important "flight attendants" who belong to a Union focused on minimizing the service they provide to the cattle in their care. If there is an increase in stress that causes an increase in bad actions, the AIRLINES are to blame.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Oh, so it’s Trump’s rhetoric that is to blame? I may be mis-remembering, but wasn’t it a different former President who used phrases like “punch back twice as hard”? Blaming Trump is just civility bullshit.

Conrad বলেছেন...

I don't accept that the number of these incidents has actually gone up. It may just be that they are being hyped far more than usual by the airline employee unions, and by leftist interests that don't want ordinary people to enjoy recreational travel because of carbon emissions and because it goes against the covid-19 scare.

As for alcohol on planes, while I'm not a violent person in any event, I find a drink or two on the plane to be soothing and relaxing. It's the absence of alcohol that irritating.

Mark O বলেছেন...

Trump's behavior? No. After the summer of 2020 and the general lawlessness of the Biden administration would be a more likely source not only of anger but of a sense that one could burn down a police station without repercussion. What's a silly punch in the nose after that?

For 70 years passengers were offered alcohol on flights with rare problems. Yet, this is the Biden era (begun by Obama) of lower expectations. No drinks; no food; no talking; masks; no flights; and, higher prices.

The anger ripens.

c365 বলেছেন...

I've seen a flight attendant walk full speed with a cart staring at a person's leg as they crashed into it. At least some of them have the attitude that, "if you leave it in the aisle I'm going to make you pay".

I'm sure their feeling is one of both annoyance and contempt for their customers. Sadly, both she and the passenger will be paying for this for years.

Duty of Inquiry বলেছেন...

I think people act out because they believe they have permission to act against their target.
I don't know where this sense of entitlement comes from or why it seems more prevalent now, but I will point to political leaders encouraging followers to assault members of the opposing party, commentators excusing violent acts, and police and prosecutors allowing assaults to happen without arrests or charges.

Righteous anger is one of the most addictive and destructive forces in the human mind.

I have tried to adopt an attitude that I never have a right to be angry with anyone for any reason. Not having a lot of success, but it often slows the process down enough to not show anger.

On the other hand, if the attendant had been a six foot tall, athletically built male I don't think the assault would have happened.

What's emanating from your penumbra বলেছেন...

Who needs a drink on an airplane, right? In fact, who needs a drink ever?

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

Airplanes are now filled with people dressed in pajamas, sweats, flip-flops, and ratty t-shirts who find themselves increasingly nickel-and-dimed to death by the airlines. The problem isn't Trump. The problem is that we have a society which is increasingly savage and crass and there is no pushback. People rise or fall to the level of behavior expected of them by society.

Want to put a stop to this? Start by imposing a dress code on flights.

Birches বলেছেন...

The flight attendants are on record also being petty tyrants. Temujin is right, it's a society problem.

I just happened to fly recently. I won't tell you which airline because I don't want to get them in trouble and because I'm sure it was our fantastic flight crew that made the flight so comfortable. We had an evening flight and after we got in the air the attendants announced they were going to turn off all the lights in the cabin. It was dark, dark enough that it would be pretty hard to see who was still wearing a mask. After about fifteen minutes they did turn on low lights for service and so people could see better to go to the bathroom. But they went totally off again at the end of the flight. Aside from the announcement at the beginning of the flight about CDC masking standards, it wasn't mentioned again. I've been on flights where a flight attendant reminds passengers about the masking requirements frequently. It's super stressful, even if you are in compliant because there's always the fear there's going to be an unpleasant confrontation on the flight.

But let's not pretend aggressive behavior on flights as new. Remember the poor guy who wouldn't leave his seat who was carried off the plane? Nothing to do with Trump or Covid.

readering বলেছেন...

I agree with JustSomeOldDude. Keep my coach fare down by encouraging others to buy first class.

CJ বলেছেন...

If Donald Trump had actually mistreated some service people it would have been covered at exhaustive length. The victims would have become celebrities.

Aggie বলেছেন...

"2. The planes now are filled with the people who feel that it's okay to pack into the sealed metal tube with everyone else's germs. There's a much higher concentration of daring risk-takers, folks who think that the world's their oyster. The cautious people are staying home..."

So... a 'daring risk-taker' is now defined as somebody that boldly ventures into the public space with everyone else's germs??"

Good grief, really?

Might be interesting to hear what the full story was. As others have pointed out, there is a notable lack of civility in the post-COVID air-travel world, most of it on the side of authoritarian airline personnel. Both sides should be punished when they abandon civility.

Drago বলেছেন...

R C Belaire: "Trump -- "The gift that keeps on giving." I very much doubt I'll live to see the day when the Left/Dems/Progressives find someone else to hate/blame other than Trump..."

Trump -- "The gift that keeps on giving." I very much doubt I'll live to see the day when the Left/Dems/Progressives/LLR-left find someone else to hate/blame other than Trump...


Critter বলেছেন...

Why all the comments about exogenous factors....alcohol, entitlement, Trump, etc? As a society, we need to return to holding people responsible for their behavior. No excuses. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

None of the exogenous factors matter in terms of responsibility for the felonious attack.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Althouse, BTW, wendybar (8:38) is correct, and so, too, is Sebastian’s last paragraph (8:25 comment).

Related to Sebastian’s point, will there ever come a time when you and other Madison lefties grasp that Obama, first, and then Trump realigned the parties? Under Obama the Democrats became a wholly owned subsidiary of a coterie of Big Tech billionaires and other billionaires (Steyer, Soros, Bloomberg, Sussman, et.al.), and focused on catering to the college-indoctrinated. Trump merely furthered this process by telling the country club Republicans and the businessmen who sought to dictate the party’s policies, but then gave the bulk of their political donations to Democrats that they can take a hike. Trump’s focus on the small businessmen, the people who work with their hands for a living — plumbers, electricians, carpenters, even trash collectors and other unskilled laborers was the watershed. I’m talking about the people to whom you, Althouse, and your fellow libs used to pay lip service, while secretly despising them.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

Im a deplorable, this is all new to me.

rehajm বলেছেন...

That is a really stupid comment. What are you talking about?

To anyone who flies for work Ann's attitude does seem a bit Antoinette-ish, dunnit?

holdfast বলেছেন...

Of course the masks are a huge part of it. If everyone starts the day with 100 patience points, after wearing a disgusting mask for two or three hours on the flight, they are down to about 20. So if nothing else goes wrong, everything will be fine. But when you’ve already used up 80% of your patience points for the day, it’s much easier to blow up over something relatively trivial.

Since I don’t need to go to the bathroom very often, my preference is to get a window seat, put in my AirPod pros, have a couple of stiff drinks and try to go to sleep until the whole miserable experience that is now air travel is over.

Critter বলেছেন...

Why all the comments about exogenous factors....alcohol, entitlement, Trump, etc? As a society, we need to return to holding people responsible for their behavior. No excuses. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

None of the exogenous factors matter in terms of responsibility for the felonious attack.

Paul বলেছেন...

Teach the airline people to fight well. I am sure they saw indicators the nutjob was gonna punch her. She needs to be ready and when he moves.... well as Obama said, "Punch back twice as hard."

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I have a blister on my foot. I blame Trump.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Here is a video. The guy was sitting in his seat yelling about stuff, with some people laughing at him, then apparently another passenger comes up and starts punches him while he was still seated. They don't show him hitting a stewardess, but that might have been edited out; at any rate, he seems to have been seated the entire time. Then he was tied to his seat, yelling for help...

Michael বলেছেন...

I have a good friend who advocates executing everyone in jail at the end of every year regardless of the offense they are doing time for. Would concentrate the mind.

Matt বলেছেন...

"Our passengers have changed."

This is code. Almost every time someone says something "has changed", they're talking about a demographic change. Of course, no flight attendant will ever tell you explicitly what the demographic change is. Like Ms. Hedrick, they'll only speak in generalities. It could be anything: younger passengers, less affluent passengers, more of certain nationalities, more of certain races, or even more MAGA voters. It will remain a mystery to everybody except flight attendants.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Holy shit...Trump? Really? Liberals are sick.

"...‘one of the worst displays of unruly behavior’ in the skies..."

Does this include Bill Clinton flying on the Lolita Express?

Btw, flight attendants have gotten fat, along with the rest of us.

The difference is, their work environment is a place with very narrow passageways.

There should also be a height requirement. I'm the guy who always helps the 5'2" attendant get the carry-ons rearranged and pushes the bin door closed because she can't reach it.

Last beef (among many). If you offer Wifi entertainment, make sure your Wifi actually works. It's only been around since 1988 for God's sake...

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed বলেছেন...

It's all very simple: The 60's happened. The West decided that it had had enough of the Enlightenment and the (earlier) revolution of manners. Western society has now turned its back on the ideas of courtesy, self-restrain, and a whole passel of other-focused behaviours that allowed the civilised West to flourish.

We're in the very beginning of the "reaping the whirlwind" phase of what was sown in the 60s.

Thanks, Boomers.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Btw, I flew a private jet recently...one of the 8-seater Netjets versions.

A friend flies this way a lot and had some extra seats.

It was very nice. You show up at a building on the other side of the terminal (no security bullshit).

Have a nice coffee.

10 minutes later you're on a golf cart being taken to the plane.

5 minutes later you're in the air.

When you land you walk off and get into an Uber.

Large, comfy seats. Good food. Mimosas. Quieter than a regular jet.

It is a very expensive way to travel, but it would be worth every penny if I can get to that next gear on income/net worth.

I usually give guys like John Kerry shit about it, but only because of the hypocrisy.

It's awesome : )

Temujin বলেছেন...

Just watched the video linked to by Fernandinande. In it the guy is clearly drunk enough to have been removed from any bar on the ground. I suspect he walked onto the plane that way. And if he did, and no flight attendant noticed it, that's too bad. Someone entering a plane that loud, drunk, and out of control should have been removed before the plane left the gate. He's out of control. And I don't envy flight attendants having to physically deal with an out of control drunk person in the enclosed and very dangerous environment of a plane.

What bothers me more than the drunk guy is the reaction of people around him. Laughing, enjoying the 'entertainment', and of course, holding up their phones to get the video. Gotta get the video, don't you know?

People's response to outrageous or dangerous behavior is why this keeps on growing. Whether it be on a bus, subway, in a move, school, restaurant, or on the street- people will tend to not jump in to help. They won't stand up to bad behavior, or worse- evil. They simply laugh...and get the video. What is that? What happened to people who had the guts to stand up to bad? Granted- in the confines of an airplane 35,000 feet in the air that's not something you necessarily want. But the spillover into airplanes is a result of what we do- or don't do- every day on the ground.

We're entering the New Dark Ages. But, hey- at least we have X gender passports. That'll help.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Daring risk takers?

Tank বলেছেন...

“ Mr Wibble said...
Airplanes are now filled with people dressed in pajamas, sweats, flip-flops, and ratty t-shirts who find themselves increasingly nickel-and-dimed to death by the airlines. The problem isn't Trump. The problem is that we have a society which is increasingly savage and crass and there is no pushback. People rise or fall to the level of behavior expected of them by society“

You forgot shorts.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Someone just posted a video. that's a guy from August. This is October.

rehajm বলেছেন...

10 minutes later you're on a golf cart being taken to the plane.

What? Your driver didn't get to drive out on to the tarmac next to your plane?


Lloyd W. Robertson বলেছেন...

Attributing a lot of rudeness to Trump, while the left seems to support calling the FBI if certain people express their opinions in a forceful way. I think part of the rage against Trump was that he was at least as rude "in public," as Pres, as he was in private conversations. Maybe even ruder than his average private conversation. This is somehow the opposite of what we expect: for God's sake be a hypocrite like everyone else. Name-calling and loud (if Twitter can be loud) macho insults? Does this inspire all the loud insulters out there? I kind of doubt it, but saying so serves the purposes of the Trump haters.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...


Airlines simply need to ban, permanently, a-holes from flying. Share the bans. Good luck Mr. (or Ms) Business(wo)man getting to a conference when you can't fly there. Guess you shouldn't have gone off on that attendant. Once this happens to a couple people, reality will sink in.

Nice বলেছেন...

I had the strangest experience trying to get a pumpkin through airport security. I'd packed it in a duffle bag, placed it on the conveyor and it beeped and all kinds of alarms went off. Security acted like it was a bomb or something. It seemed weird to put with checked luggage, well within the carry-on limits, no liquid, and would easily fit in the overhead. But, they just had a big problem and asked why I had it in a duffle and not out and visible in its own tray. I told them I didn't think I needed to make a big display, even though it is Halloween. I had no way of knowing it'd trigger all sort of alarms. So, there I went walking thru JFK, with my clearly visible pumpkin, boarding the plane with it, looking very festive, which was actually not my intention at all.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Here is a video. The guy was sitting in his seat yelling about stuff, with some people laughing at him, then apparently another passenger comes up and starts punches him while he was still seated"

How can that be the same incident? This post is about someone who was in first class and had an aisle seat.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"It's all very simple: The 60's happened."

The cultural distance between girls violating school policy by wearing miniskirts--protesting the infringement on their autonomy, you see--and passengers getting drunk and rowdy on airplanes where most people dress like schlubs is small.

M বলেছেন...

Leftist are the ones who surround diners at outside tables as a form of Mao’s struggle sessions, follow people into elevators and bathrooms, target Jews for running businesses in “their” neighborhood, run amok through neighborhoods intentionally intimidating people, tell parents they have no right to know what is being taught to their own kids, burn down buildings and shoot up congressional baseball games. But sure it’s “Trump supporters” who are rude and out of control. These people are delusional. I wish we could round them all up and deport them to another planet where they could just prey on each other instead of normal people.

M বলেছেন...

Leftist are the ones who surround diners at outside tables as a form of Mao’s struggle sessions, follow people into elevators and bathrooms, target Jews for running businesses in “their” neighborhood, run amok through neighborhoods intentionally intimidating people, tell parents they have no right to know what is being taught to their own kids, burn down buildings and shoot up congressional baseball games. But sure it’s “Trump supporters” who are rude and out of control. These people are delusional. I wish we could round them all up and deport them to another planet where they could just prey on each other instead of normal people.

Gospace বলেছেন...

3. The top-rated comment blames Trump: "A friend of mine has been a bartender for 10-15 years and, as you might imagine, has seen a lot bad behavior from patrons even in her upscale bar and grill. As far as I can tell, she is apolitical, but it is her firm opinion that Trump's public behavior over the last four or five years has brought these bad actors out of the woodwork. He made it okay."

Yep- blame a non-drinker for a drunk's behavior. Makes perfect sense in Bizarro Would.

Caligula বলেছেন...

I have this vision of airliner seats where a bar comes down across the lap upon sit-down, and it can be released only by staff. Presumably there would have to be a safety procedure to unlock if a crash might be immanent, but I don't doubt that could be worked out.

Either that, or mandatory drugs upon boarding ...

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

Does the passenger who committed assault have a name?

Sebastian বলেছেন...

Comment on my own comment--meta, as Zuck would say. Sorry, and meta-sorry.

""It's all very simple: The 60's happened."

The cultural distance between girls violating school policy by wearing miniskirts--protesting the infringement on their autonomy, you see--and passengers getting drunk and rowdy on airplanes where most people dress like schlubs is small."

But not quite so simple: here is Althouse posting a comment in effect critical of her, and hosting a commentariat that, though less rowdy than before, must occasionally appear like uncouth airline passengers to her. Two things one could also trace to "the 60s," as she might.

Ficta বলেছেন...

@Nice: From an X-ray point of view, there is very little difference between pumpkins and plastic explosives. Seriously, the TSA has spent a fair amount of time and energy trying to develop ways to tell the difference between fruit and explosives (since a lot of commercial fruit shipments travel in the hold of passenger planes these days).

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Trump inspired a physical assault against a flight attendant? It’s far more likely Trump inspired Althouse's downwardly mobile, ADD-fueled rant against the rich and entitled drinking their speakeasy booze, beating their servants, taking dangerous risks, and making the world their oyster, at the expense of honest, hardworking, sober, cautious homebodies like you and me.

Drago বলেছেন...

Blaming Trump for this is very reminscent of the hilarious, truly remarkable, unforgettable, LLR Chuck "Great Pecan Pie Crisis".

A gin and tonic drenched full weekend of LLR Chuck Drunk Posting threats and demands that the entire Trump administrative team/Communications shop be dragged in front of a Grand Jury and made to testify under oath as to the veracity of Sarah Sanders claim to have baked a couple of Pecan Pies!

Along with Meade getting LLR Chuck to admit Chuck's "very strong"/"extremely strong"/"unbelievably strong" border control methods meant basically fully open borders with no controls at all, the "The Great Pecan Pie Crisis" is up there with the All Time Fantastic LLR Chuck Fake Conservative incidents.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Maybe if all the passengers bleached their shoes before boarding, Althouse would be more comfortable flying.

Brad বলেছেন...

Blaming Trump ... sure, the "catch all."

Funny thing . . . as outrageous as he often was, people on the Left routinely treated whatever he did as a "Hold my Beer" moment.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

If you can't learn to hold your liquor by the time you're in 12th grade, you probably never will...

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

Those of us who fly coach get number by flight attendants all the time, particularly when they are moving the snack cart. The attendant usually says they are sorry, the response is usually "that's ok", and life goes on. Being in first class had nothing to do with it, the passenger was just a shit head.

Leora বলেছেন...

Of all the nasty stories I heard about Trump while working in NY area real estate, not one was a story where he was nasty to a waitress, bartender, flight attendant or driver.

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

Doing away with alcohol means you don't need all those waitresses in the sky anymore. The airlines can fire them and lower your ticket price.
Win win.

Mrs. X বলেছেন...

Who needs a drink for a 2-3 hour flight?

Nervous fliers. I’m one. A drink doesn’t keep me from decking the flight attendant, but it does keep me from clutching random seat mates’ arms in terror in even the most minor turbulence.

Frank বলেছেন...

Masks interfere with normal human communication. That can lead to misunderstandings and worse.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Achilles said a lot of stuff, ending with,
”But projection is all they have left.”


Robert Cook বলেছেন...

”Who needs a drink on an airplane, right? In fact, who needs a drink ever?“

Well, if you really mean “needs” rather than “would like,” I’d answer: Alcoholics.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

”Masks interfere with normal human communication. That can lead to misunderstandings and worse.“

Language has the same shortcoming and can produce the same consequences.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“ Doing away with alcohol means you don't need all those waitresses in the sky anymore. The airlines can fire them and lower your ticket price.
“Win win.”

Instead of flying weekly, as I was doing just over a decade ago, we now fly first class, since we are only flying a couple times a year. We justify the expense, because there is room for the cat, and the seats are better for her back. I used to sneak shooters aboard for her when we were flying coach. But don’t need to flying first class. And they give you real food. You do get spoiled - we get 1 flight waitress for 8, 9, or 12, while 100+ in coach share a pair of them. If they cut out the drinks and meals, I think that we start flying SWA again, and pay for early boarding. We got pretty good keeping the middle seat open for the cat.