October 20, 2021

"President Biden headed to his childhood hometown, Scranton, Pa., on Wednesday to... give a speech at the Electric City Trolley Museum, where he will reflect on his working-class upbringing and how it influenced his values and the policies he has pursued in office."

From "Biden Heads to Scranton to Sell a Shrinking Agenda/The president’s trip comes as Democrats circle in on a deal to advance two bills carrying a scaled-back version of his domestic policy priorities" (NYT).

It seems to be argument by pathos.

The poor, lost, little old man... tottering home.... Let's take him to the Trolley Museum. He always loved the trolleys. That might put a smile on his face.

ADDED: Here's the speech at the trolley museum (and notice that the man who introduces Biden is not wearing a mask and speaks directly at Biden's face):

ALSO: He begins "Hello, hello, hello" — like Lisa Kudrow in "The Comeback."


Meade said...

Poor Brandon.

Meade said...

Brandon—screwed up Afghanistan
What do you do when you're Brandon, and you know you're a scam.

Wherever you go, for the rest of your life
You must prove…
you like trains.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

will there be ice cream?

Michael K said...

I saw a little bit of that speech. Just pitiful.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Meade, no fair to do that to Chuck Connors!

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Ice cream all around. Music by calliope. Clowns are out--too scary. No elephants.

Maynard said...

I was assured in these pages that a record 81 million people voted for this pitiful old man.

Well, not all of those people were alive, sorta like Uncle Joe.

gspencer said...

Visiting the Electric City Trolley Museum?

He should drop in on Dunder Mifflin. See if they're getting their regular paper supplies.

R C Belaire said...

The Democrats may find that extricating themselves from the Biden (p)residency may prove quite difficult. They, and their media enablers, have so much invested in the old guy. The VP, of course, is as useless as t*ts on a bull.

Quaestor said...

It seems to be argument by pathos.

No doubt that's Ron Klain's plan -- Biden as Don Quixote spurring Rocinante in a valiant charge against Corn Pop the Giant.

Fat chance, Ronnie. So far you've only achieved bathos.

Meade said...

Brandon was ninety years old today,
They took away all of his toys.
Dr. Jill sent newspaper clippings to him,
About his old friends who'd stopped being boys.
There was Burn E. Sandderp, just turned eighty-three,
His leather chair waits in the senate.
And General Milley, eighty-seven years old,
Commanding his very own tank.
But Brandon still finds it a nice thing to do,
To lie about nude in the sand,
Drawing pictures of ice cream that look like clouds,
And thrashing the air with his hands.

But wait, oh Brandon’s productive you know,
He produces the finest of sound,
Putting drumsticks on either side of his nose,
Snorting the best coke in town,
Well what’s left over...

Brandon was ninety years old today,
And blather came foam from his tongue.
He looked at me eyes wide and plainly said,
Is it true that I'm no longer young?
And the children call him creepy,
what the women call sex assault,
And sometimes he's so shameless
That he hardly knows which head to sniff…
Which speech to muff…
And I should have told him, "No, you're not old."
And I should have let him go on...playing ...with his trains.

Chris Lopes said...

"The poor, lost, little old man... tottering home.... Let's take him to the Trolley Museum. He always loved the trolleys. That might put a smile on his face."

Cruel neutrality can be pretty cruel sometimes.

rehajm said...

Farewell Tour*

*...like Cher and Phish

ndspinelli said...

The Comeback is a very underrated series. Kudrow is a courageous actress, not afraid to be unpleasant or mocked. She played the wife of John Holmes[Johnny Wadd] in a pretty good film, Wonderland. Val Kilmer plays Holmes and their scenes together are superb.

Josephbleau said...

Now Beiden is doing his own goddam CSpan presidential heritage book notes tours! He wants to go to his own funeral.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

In Mr Roger's Neighborhood the trolley takes you to the Neighborhood of Make-believe. Seems like a good place for President Biden to talk about his policy proposals...

Josephbleau said...

Joe Beiden comes out on the podium in Scranton and states, “I was born a poor Black child.”

rhhardin said...

Interurban trolley cars are the wave of the future.

Jaq said...

It's argument by bathos*

* Insincere or grossly sentimental pathos.

rcocean said...

Biden didn't have a "Working class upbringing"! What are they talking about? And he was a US senator at the age of 30. He's been a powerful member of the political elite for 50 years.

David Lenz said...

"The poor, lost, little old man... tottering home...." saved this country and the world from four more years of Trump. For that we should be thankful everyday, and two times on Sunday.

cfs said...

Biden is from Scranton? Well, I didn't know that! He should have mentioned it before. It's just a middle-class mill town where everyone knows everyone. I bed ole Joe has done every blue-color job there is, from driving a truck, to working at a clock factory, to working in a lumber yard. Good ole Joe, just a blues singing hard working man. No wonder he is such a good president for the middle class.

.....and then I woke up.

cfs said...

I realize that he was elected by fraud, but some people actually did cast their vote for him. Not 81 million, but some. Gosh, what foolish, foolish people. Will they ever admit what they have done to this country? First by casting that vote, and second by not admitting the fraud that pushed him over the top and put him in the White House.

walter said...

Did Mayor Barrette drop by in a conductor outfit?

Anonymous said...

Did he get rewarded with ice cream afterwards?

Chris Lopes said...

"The poor, lost, little old man... tottering home...." saved this country and the world from four more years of Trump."

I realize there are people who believe that any price paid is worth getting rid of Orange the Clown. For me, it isn't an either/or thing. I'm convinced we could have gotten rid of the mean tweets without bringing about the zombie apocalypse. But hey, no mean tweets, amiright!

Laslo Spatula said...

I won't believe him until he wears the Carter Sweater.


I am Laslo.

BoatSchool said...

But you have his word in it “as a Biden.”

Howard said...

I imagine he spent the day in his old basement playing with his train set while his staff told him that it was the entire country's Amtrak system

Darkisland said...

"Trains good, planes bad! Woo, Woo!"

John Henry

GatorNavy said...

Good thing President Biden chose Kamala as his Vice-President. If he had selected Hillary, he would die in his sleep in Scranton.

Andrew said...

"...For that we should be thankful everyday, and two times on Sunday."

China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, the Taliban, et al, are certainly very thankful. Raise a glass with them.

Having just paid $40 for 12 gallons of gas, and having just gone grocery shopping, and having watched local schools close early because they don't have enough bus drivers, I am not thankful.

Amadeus 48 said...

I am with tim-in-vermont.

Biden is a constant shower of bathos. He eats, sleeps, and walks in an over-powering gush of bathos. His very essence is bathetic. He is empty, phony, and vicious.

I watched that speech until he said the Spendapalooza wouldn't raise the deficit by a dime. Where has that SOB been for the last fifty years? Oh, yeah. Washington. And he was exceptionally stupid on his best day, which was some time in the 1970s.

And now he is POTUS. Great.

Joe Smith said...

Did he get a yummy ice cream?

New drinking game: every time you hear 'Scranton' or 'My old man' take a shot.

Kind of like Kasich and 'Mail man.'

You'll be hammered in 30 minutes...

Mutaman said...

The Meade mentality:

Trump says:
"Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media," Trump said in a statement released Tuesday morning. "Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!"

Meade-No comment

Biden says: "Hello,hello,hello"

Meade-Damn the torpedoes,full spleen ahead.

James K said...

2.1 million miles on Amtrak doesn't seem plausible. That's about 1,000 miles/week for 40 years.

Narayanan said...

Francisco to Dagny : I came to witness the farce
- Atlas Shrugged

I have been witnessing for 40 years

Amadeus 48 said...

"Biden says: 'Hello,hello,hello'"

Biden said a bit more than that. He talked for 50 minutes. Or maybe the truth of that 50 minutes can be summed up in "Hello,hello,hello".

With Joe Biden the tank is always empty, so don't ever get your hopes up. It is always nonstop malarkey, delivered with lies, smears, cheap sentiment, and phony chest-beating.

r said...

calling this an argument by pathos is an insult to an actual argument by pathos. Maybe you meant to say pathological argument?

Yancey Ward said...

Let's add it up, Mutaman- how many Iraqis died over the last 18 years because of what Colin Powell did? May he burn in Hell is the kindest thing I can say about the guy.

Critter said...

Doctors advise putting those with advanced dementia in familiar and comfortable environments. It is compassionate to let Biden spend his days in places like the trolley museum. Don’t tell him about China’s success in hypersonic missiles. It could cause a setback, especially because his old friends from the CCP are not upholding the nonexistent Taiwan agreement.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Buttigieg likes trains. Maybe the two of them can schedule a play date.

Chris Lopes said...

"The Meade mentality"

I'm guessing the difference is that only one of these guys is actually in charge of anything. Trump says or does something stupid and the only thing that happens is it makes it into some asshole calling himself a comedian's act. Biden says or does something stupid and people die.

Bob Miller said...

Okay, I get it, Biden is old and he likes trains. Do you have anything actually interesting to say? Anything a little bit insightful, dare I say it… profound?

No. All I see is snark, so this blog and it commenters, just sit around criticizing, completely full of themselves, snarking it up. But you folks don’t actually do anything, right? You just criticize everyone else, people who are actually working to make this world better. People like Joe Biden. You all are a waste of time. Get a life. You too Ann.

Iman said...

Okay “Bob Miller”, on Blogger since October 2021…

The “make this world better” was the dead giveaway. Same words used by Peppermint Pisshockey to describe Biden’s Afghanistan Asshattery in August.

wendybar said...

What are YOU doing Bob Miller, other than bashing a blogess and her commenters because they are ragging on what a terrible President you Progressives installed?? Why do you think handing elite politicians 5 trillion dollars will actually fix anything, when they never fixed anything with the money they stole from us before?? But they all got richer.

tommyesq said...

You just criticize everyone else, people who are actually working to make this world better. People like Joe Biden.

Whose lives is Biden trying to make better? His, Cocaine Hunter's, Xi's? He certainly is making most everyone else's life worse, seemingly deliberately. Get a brain.

Anonymous said...

"People like Joe Biden."

Only about 43 percent of them according to recent polling.

Amadeus 48 said...

Joe Biden working to make the world a better place? Surely you jest.

Bilwick said...

"People like Joe Biden."

Yeah, stupid people.

henge2243 said...

"The Electric City Trolley Museum"? What, they couldn't find a buggy whip factory where he could deliver his remarks?

DarkHelmet said...

"No. All I see is snark, so this blog and it commenters, just sit around criticizing, completely full of themselves, snarking it up. But you folks don’t actually do anything, right? You just criticize everyone else, people who are actually working to make this world better. People like Joe Biden. You all are a waste of time. Get a life. You too Ann."

Possibly posted by DOCTOR Jill?

Nobody else in the world believes Idiot Joe is trying to do any such thing. Not even Idiot Joe.

For the record, I do a lot. I work. I pay taxes. I take care of my family. I mow my yard. I am kind to animals.

Here's what I DON'T do: live off of taxpayers my entire life; make sure my offspring get millions in graft; lie to the country on a regular basis; go along with every crackpot lefty idea dreamed up in the last fifty years in order to get and keep power.

So I'll put my record as a human being against Idiot Biden's any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Let's Go Brandon.

Bob Miller said...

Nice try Darkhelmet, the comments on this blog are 95% meaningless snark.

For the record Joe Biden also “Does a lot. Works. Pays taxes. Takes care of his family. He’s kind to animals.” I’ll concede one thing however, Joe Biden probably doesn’t mow his grass. You got him there! I’m sure the history books will remember your grass mowing.

But I’m falling into your snarky trap. So I’ll leave you with this:

This country is falling apart. The president’s $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan is vitally needed to rebuild American society. I’ve traveled the world, many countries in Europe, many in Asia, and when I come back home things here look horribly tired and run down, it’s very, very depressing. As a society we are living on the significant investments made decades ago, but we are now resting on our laurels, coasting, and slowly falling behind the rest of the world.

The rest of the (first) world invests regularly and heavily in its communities, it invests in its people. Biden’s budget plan is a huge step in the right direction, and if you poll almost all the major pieces of the legislation, the American people are strongly supportive.

But not in a million years will I convince you or anyone else on this blog, so this is all wasted time. Over and out.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "The Meade mentality:

Trump says:
"Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media," Trump said in a statement released Tuesday morning. "Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!"

Meade-No comment

Biden says: "Hello,hello,hello"

Meade-Damn the torpedoes,full spleen ahead."

Well, lets break this down:

- "Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction...," (undeniably true)

- "..be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media.." (undeniably true)

- "Hope that happens to me someday." (He probably does hope that will be true when he passes)

- "He (Powell) was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans." (demonstrably and undeniably true)

- " He made plenty of mistakes, .." (well documented and true)

- "..but anyway, may he rest in peace!" (nice finish)

Apparently, Mutaman is very very very upset (not quite LLR upset, but still) that Trump offered up a series of undeniably true statements interspersed with nice future hopes and wll wishes for the departed.

I suspect Mutaman will want to impeach Trump again over this as basically every utterance, meal choice, travel destination ete related to Trump is now to be considered criminal and/or social justice-y penalty worthy.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck is now posting as "Bob Miller"?

Drago said...

Bob Miller: "You just criticize everyone else, people who are actually working to make this world better. People like Joe Biden."

Joe Biden has already made China, Russia and Iran much much better.

The US?

The record already speaks for itself, and dropping another $3.5B into the back pockets of lefty/dem groups isn't going to improve the US.

You can just tell that Bob is very upset he can't toss everyone at Althouse blog into a Maoist struggle session.

Joanne Jacobs said...

Why spend billions of dollars to create thousands of jobs when there are 10 million unfilled jobs now?

Joanne Jacobs said...

Why spend billions of dollars to create thousands of jobs when there are 10 million unfilled jobs now?

Lurker21 said...

Like I said, I hate it when they make us feel sorry for them ...

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