October 14, 2021

Joe Rogan corners Sanjay Gupta.

All Gupta can do is smile and act casual and charming.


Joe Smith said...

911? I'd like to report a murder : )

mezzrow said...

He's such a charming man. So handsome and reassuring.

He even "told" on the FDA "you are not a horse" to gain our trust. Eventually, you're just stuck with the lie after all that has been used up though, and there you are with nothing left but a smile.

The point of today's media is to change the subject before we ever reach that point.

[narrative - Besides, Rogan smokes dope, looks like my thumb, and covers modern martial arts, right? I'm supposed to take him seriously? He says himself he's a moron.]

I'm just surprised Gupta went on. He won't go back. The memory hole is plenty big enough to hold this.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

I assume you've seen the clip of Lemon and Gupta. Here's from Greenwald.


Gupta should have had the integrity to say "We were wrong to say that he was taking a veterinary medication. He was prescribed Ivermectin by his doctor; this was a prescription medication for humans. It is true that it has not been cleared for treating Covid."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sanjay just laughs.
What an asshole.

Corner a liar - they laugh and laugh.

The corrupt asshole left want people to die.

rhhardin said...

It's not a lie. It's entertainment for the audience that comes for it.

You see the same thing on the right today in outrage bait.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Ivermectin can be a very effective medication" - says Gupta.

oh really? do tell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gupta "People were taking the veterinary medication."

Really - who? what people? a significant amount of people? or did you just make that up so you can mock the medication? because it sounds like a big fat lie.
How many?
Sounds more like something the lair press would make up because they love to lie and sell bs and mock "Horse de-wormer!" and keep the masses in place (down) for the betterment of their Party(D).

How can anyone not despise the corrupt press and their corrupt party?

Slayer said...

Gupta is on CNN only because the powers that be think he looks like a Cuomo.

Enigma said...

And so begins the inevitable split between left-leaning people with sincere moral principles versus opportunistic psychopaths who exploit situations for personal gain.

lys said...

Later in the interview he goes on to ask "If they’re lying about a comedian taking horse medication, what are they telling us about Russia? What are they telling us about Syria?”

Given the stories about RBG and Russian Collusion the last couple of days, you would be naive to think they aren't covering up even bigger stories.

Big Mike said...

What was CNN thinking, not having their lawyers prep Gupta?

Scary thought, what if they did and IDK is their best defense?

wendybar said...

And then Gupta RAN to Don Lemons show and denounced Ivermectin as a horse medication and that it wasn't approved for Covid by the FDA. There IS a human for of Ivermectin that has been prescribed for other things...and it IS working in India. It's almost like Progressives would rather we die than take something that wasn't approved yet...even though the vaccine was rushed and HASN'T been tested long enough to see what the long term effects are.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

PS...and I am saying this as a vaccinated person. I don't think I am going to take the booster though. The way it is being pushed by Progressives...sorry. I don't TRUST them. They hate us.

Achilles said...

The tides have turned.

The preference cascade continues.

Nobody is going to defend this corrupt lying regime much longer.

M Jordan said...

All Rogan did is ask simple questions without backing down. The media has no idea how to respond outside their bubble.

I will boast again on these pages of the time a year and a half ago that I bested one of the nation’s top climatologists (he convinced Republican Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana to push for climate legislation) in a public setting. It’s totally true. I kicked his ass, me a retired high school English teacher. He told a crowd of farmers that they better just get used to it, that our state’s temps would rise 6 to 7 degrees over the next 30 years. I asked him after his speech how many climate skeptics he works with. He smiled condescendingly. “Well, to be honest there really are no climate skeptics in the field.”

I was ready for that. “How about Dr. Judith Curry, Dr. Roger Pielke, and Dr. Timothy Ball?”

He was stunned. He stuttered around then weakly said, “We’ll, I wouldn’t necessarily classify Roger Pielke as a skeptic.” The crowd laughed. He then cut off the Q&A and dismissed us.

All we need to do to beat these assholes is arm ourselves with a few facts, challenge them, and not back down.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

I'll give Gupta credit at least for going on the show. It's frankly shocking to see.

Sebastian said...

"Why would they lie?"

It's their MO. Their audience wants it. It serves the leftist cause.

Why would they not lie? There's no price to pay, and no one holds them accountable. As demonstrated by the very fact that it is extremely unusual for any of the purveyors to risk being exposed, as Gupta does here.

Mike Sylwester said...

I don't care what everybody else says, I liked Sanjay Gupta as the host of Jeopardy.

Narayanan said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
Gupta "People were taking the veterinary medication."
Q to ask : why state physician boards were threatening Drs who would prescribe human form / why pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions?

Quaestor said...

... casual and charming.

Gupta is obviously a descendant of Indian parents or grandparents. The fact that his given name is Sanjay rather than Stephen or Jason suggests his family has maintained close ties with India and Indian culture, which leads me to wonder, he could maintain that fraudulent air of nonchalance if faced with the fact that India is in the process of handing out billions of 6mg Ivermectin tablets in anti-Covid kits? Indian citizens are advised to take the Ivermectin if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 infection as a first response. Since instituting the program, COVID-19 deaths in India have sharply decreased.

Narayanan said...

Slayer said...
Gupta is on CNN only because the powers that be think he looks like a Cuomo.
with name from india he fills multiple intersection boxes

Critter said...

I find it intriguing that the self-proclaimed elites watch networks like CNN religiously when it is apparent to anyone with half a brain how much CNN lies. The only conclusion that seems to explain it is that elitism is more of a cult than a principled group of people loyal to the truth. I suppose I am late to this realization. I should have known it once the elites called Trump supporters a cult. That is an ironclad tip off that they are projecting.

MikeR said...

I guess it depends on what a "lie" is. So many comments out there, "Well, it is used for de-worming horses!"
Well, do you understand what it means that CNN wants to fool you? Seems not.

I'm Not Sure said...

"It's almost like Progressives would rather we die than take something that wasn't approved yet..."


Skippy Tisdale said...

"And then Gupta RAN to Don Lemons show and denounced Ivermectin as a horse medication and that it wasn't approved for Covid by the FDA."

As was absolutely nothing else at that time if memory serves.

LordSomber said...

He plays a doctor on TV.

wild chicken said...

I hear the rest of the interview was quite reasonable and Gupta was allowed to get what info he knows out to the the open-minded part of the audience, if not an apology for what someone else said on CNN.

This is just a clickbait excerpt, because morons just gotta see someone from CNN "destroyed."

This is how Rogan makes the big bucks.

William said...

From the snippets I saw I think Rogan won this round and a couple of others, but Gupta doesn't come off as a bad guy. If I had COVID as Rogan did, I would take whatever medication was safe and that had an outside chance of helping me. A form of Pascal's gamble....On the same principle, I have chosen to get vaccinated. Gupta could have had his gotcha moment with Rogan. Getting vaccinated is a safer bet than probably recovering from the disease and certainly a jab is easier to tolerate than a four day illness.

Michael said...

Never forget: Rogan was prescribed Ivermectin by a licensed physician in the United States

Dave Begley said...

How big is Joe Rogan's audience compared to that of CNN?

Kevin said...

This is just a clickbait excerpt, because morons just gotta see someone from CNN "destroyed."

Gupta is CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent.

Either he approved the messaging beforehand, or CNN doesn't feel it needs to run its medical advice past the doctors that work there.

Rogan was right to have him state CNN's position.

Readering said...

I read that India is now moving away from Ivermectin based on studies indicating it's ineffective.

Quaestor said...

wild chicken writes, "I hear the rest of the interview was quite reasonable..."

You hear...? Hear from whom? Some unidentified source, eh? Morons tend to use rumors rather than evidence, do they not? Why not access the entire program before reporting on it?

What's unreasonable about the excerpt? How it is unreasonable to demand truth and not lies and distortions from an alleged cable news channel?

FYI: Home ivermectin based kits in India

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Gupta choked. He should have come back with; "any chance Dr. Phil gave you that prescription?" A disarming joke, Rogan, may have appreciated.

Dr. Phil is not a doctor, doctor. He just plays one on the teve.

Maynard said...

Gupta surely understands that MDs routinely prescribe meds on an off label basis. For example, old tricyclic anti-depressants are used for insomnia and pain relief.

The animus against ivermectin and HCQ started as an anti-Trump trope, but I wonder if it continues as a Big Pharma ploy. Maybe it is simply the "experts" wanting to save their reputations.

Richard Aubrey said...

wild chicken

Well, CNN has the means to put him out of business....

BUMBLE BEE said...

Look at Killer Joe go!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN doubles down on the descriptive language, and context of the drug, and the use by Rogan CNN - they lie. they spin. Of course look at the on-air talent: (Don Lemon OH-LOL! and Jim Acosta OH-LOL!) two clowns.


"The problem with this effort at spin, they said that Rogan took the horse dewormer, which is demonstrably false and they leave out that yes, it’s a “people drug” that has been used by billions and even won a Nobel Prize for the guy who discovered it for the benefit to human medicine. It’s been used all over the world.

Here’s a sample where not only does CNN’s Jim Acosta lie about what Joe Rogan said, but the chyron lies as well, saying that Rogan said he took the “horse dewormer.”

Should Rogan sue? I sure wish he would.

mxgreen said...

The the weasel went on Don Lemon's show:


Tom said...

Polite and friendly as he defends a news network that is using a deadly virus as a political weapon. That’s very polite. It’s also evil.

effinayright said...

Enigma said...
And so begins the inevitable split between left-leaning people with sincere moral principles versus opportunistic psychopaths who exploit situations for personal gain.

The ratio between those two groups today is about one in a thousand.

Ask yourself: when was the last time you can remember hearing a morally-principled lefty make a morally-principled argument?

(me neither)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

above: descriptive = deceptive

Left Bank of the Charles said...

It’s not a lie if Ivermectin is a horse dewormer. But if it were a lie, it raises an interesting libel law question, what are the damages if the reputation of the libeled person is enhanced and the reputation of the libeler is diminished? Would Joe Rohan owe CNN money?

But the unasked question here is this, “Who will speak for the wormy horses?”

Jamie said...

if not an apology for what someone else said on CNN.

You think that's what Rogan was after?

Not to challenge Gupta on the undeniable, and undenied, fact that the network he works for willfully lied about Rogan's treatment, as well as about the nature of ivermectin itself?

Tom said...

I have a rancher friend from Texas. He “garnered” pneumonia a few years back (way before CoVID) and was taking veterinary antibiotics. It was the same drug that the urgent care prescribed but it’s $10 instead of $100. I said, “you’re crazy!” He said that’s common among Texas ranchers because they can easily get the drugs their doctors prescribe at a 90% cost reduction. My guess is that the folks who are taking the horse version of ivermectin were told to take it by a physician but got it way cheaper from a veterinary dispensary and simply were able to do the math to calculate dosing.

It also goes to show that there are parts of this country that operate in an entirely different world than the rest is us and, frankly, many of them are happy for it.

Chuck said...

Wow, what a dumb blog post.

In three hours and eight minutes, Joe Rogan accomplished one thing. It was purely a self-aggrandizing thing for Rogan, and absolutely no skin off the nose of Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Let’s summarize, succinctly.

Joe Rogan got COVID, and felt really sick. He got advanced — and very expensive — treatment including monoclonal antibodies. That is a form of treatment that is medically respected, however reluctantly since we’d rather people not get as sick as Joe Rogan was. In addition, Rogan sought a prescription from a doctor who had been one of his podcast guests; appearing as a contrarian medical expert on the subjects of COVID vaccines and therapeutics. That doctor wrote a prescription for Rogan to receive some Stromectol, the trade name for the human form of the antiparastic Ivermectin. Which, in another form is used as a common horse de-wormer. And as we know, some people do seem to have taken Ivermectin intended for livestock themselves as they latch onto the Fox News Channel Ivermectin-versus-COVID narrative.

So there is this; some CNN reporter, editors and producers oversaw the sloppy reporting on their network that Joe Rogan had received the livestock de-wormer. When in fact Rogan had been prescribed (dubiously) the human prescription form of Ivermectin. CNN should have quickly corrected that reporting. If I had any supervisory role at CNN, I would have worked up a self-correction on that.

But it wasn’t Sanjay Gupta’s reporting. When Joe Rogan invited Dr. Gupta to join him on the podcast, Rogan knew that, but he also knew (or should have known) that he’d be able to get agreement with Dr. Gupta that medical prescription Ivermectin is not the same as livestock de-wormer. Completely unsurprisingly, that is what Dr. Gupta conceded. To the indescribable delight of right-wing media. And this blog.

It is as if refuting one report on CNN was the whole game. The single most overwhelmingly important thing. It most definitely appears to have been the most important thing to this blog. Aha! We got CNN!

Which is the dumbest, Trumpiest (repetitive?) thing I can imagine. Ivermectin is not an approved treatment for COVID, and meathead Joe Rogan doesn’t stand a chance arguing with Michigan-educated Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Sanjay cornered Rogan on vaccine safety and efficacy, and Rogan, in his own inimitably dumb way, agreed that he couldn’t object to a vaccine.

Of course that wasn’t the lede on right-wing media. Or, this blog.

wendybar said...

Narayanan said...
Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
Gupta "People were taking the veterinary medication."
Q to ask : why state physician boards were threatening Drs who would prescribe human form / why pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions?

10/14/21, 2:58 PM

They want us dead!!

wendybar said...

This is just a clickbait excerpt, because morons just gotta see someone from CNN "destroyed."

This is how Rogan makes the big bucks.

10/14/21, 3:25 PM

If we want to see CNN "destroyed" we would just turn on CNN and watch them ourselves. If more people actually tuned in...they would be shocked at how much lying goes on there.

Drago said...

Readering: "I read that India is now moving away from Ivermectin based on studies indicating it's ineffective."

I guess your sources were anonymous. Maybe you read it in a dossier?

wendybar said...

Tom said...
Polite and friendly as he defends a news network that is using a deadly virus as a political weapon. That’s very polite. It’s also evil.

10/14/21, 5:32 PM


LA_Bob said...

I happen to catch a bit of Ben Shapiro's show driving home from a hike. Shapiro played the exchange, and yes, Rogan was quite firm with him. Great to hear.

And, M Jordan, congratulations. I'd love to know who that climatologist was.

Aggie said...

Gupta is disingenuous in many ways. For instance although the FDA and medical community do not sanction its use as a primary COVID-19 treatment, it is sanctioned and commonly used as an early treatment in 7 countries, and used unofficially in 13 more - including the USA.

There are over 60 scientific studies on its use for COVID-19 treatment and it shows a record of giving 65% improvement in the cases.

https://c19early.com/ - scroll down.

wild chicken said...

Quaestor I think I'd have to sit through a crapton of ads to hear the whole thing. I believe it was Scott Adams I heard talk about it this morning who watched it all do I didn't have to.

I doubt even with his fancy title that Gupta would have editorial control over any nutty lede a talking head wants to run with.

Quaestor said...

They roll out HORSE DE-WORMER AGAIN...

Many veterinary drugs, perhaps the majority are also used to treat humans and were originally developed for that purpose. Two that come to mind besides Ivermectin, are Butazolidin and Lasix.

gilbar said...

how am i supposed to know what to think about this; without hearing from our CNN expert?
CHUCK? Explain this, please!!

T J Sawyer said...

I have two friends in Egypt who were both treated with Ivermectin this summer enabling quick recovery. This appears to be standard procedure there as in India. The link posted at 4:35 by Quaestor on Indian home treatment kits should be required viewing for our media horse medicine "experts."

Interested Bystander said...

That was almost painful. Is this what Germans mean by schadenfreud?

farmgirl said...

Gupta went willingly, I’m supposing.
Cornered isn’t accurate…
Smiling charmingly- that’s guilt on a 2face. IMhumbleO, I add.

gpm said...

>>I don't care what everybody else says, I liked Sanjay Gupta as the host of Jeopardy.

Chacun son gout. I thought he sucked big time.


Maynard said...

I read that India is now moving away from Ivermectin based on studies indicating it's ineffective.

Where did you read that?

CNN.com does not count. Neither do most of your state propaganda sources, so I am wondering how credible your assertion is.

I am still baffled that leftists refuse to allow off-label treatments for the Wuhan Flu. What is the purpose?

Gojuplyr831@gmail.com said...

Ivermectin is - technically - used to treat horses. By that standard, how many of those deriding Rogan feed their children horse feed? Oats - as in oatmeal - being much more commonly fed to horses that Invermectin.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Joe Rohan averages 11-million listeners per episode. CNN averages about 700-thousand on their highest rated shows. Tater can’t even pull 200K. Sanjay went to see what having a big audience feels like.

Saint Croix said...

It's mano v. mano combat, in the octagon.

Uh-oh! Metrosexual down. He's down. He's not coming back from that one. He's beating on the mat with his hand. He's begging the ref to call it. It's over. It's over. That was fast. That was super-fast. No refunds.

No, wait, he's still smiling. What a competitor. The metrosexual is still smiling. Everything is fine. He's giving an interview at CNN.

"I went into the octagon!"

"And you're still smiling."

"Oh yes, oh yes, everything's fine. Metrosexual win, if you know what I mean. I am not taking testosterone shots. That has not been FDA approved. I don't know where that rumor came from. Everything's fine. My career is not over. My reputation for honesty remains intact. Still smiling. Still smiling."

Saint Croix said...

"I can afford people medicine, motherfucker."

The metrosexual is speechless. He has been called a "motherfucker" to his face. And simultaneously mocked for his relative poverty! What a power play.

The metrosexual thought there would be pot-smoking. Where is the marijuana? "I was told there would be marijuana!"

I don't think the metrosexual will be returning to the Octagon. The fans have no interest in a rematch. That one-sided beatdown was kind of embarrassing.

walter said...

Should have pumped the Gupper with booze and pot.

MadTownGuy said...

Readering said...

"I read that India is now moving away from Ivermectin based on studies indicating it's ineffective."


daskol said...

Anyone besides me remember when Gupta was Obama’s nominee for Surgeon General for a hot moment, before withdrawing from consideration for undisclosed reasons that hinted at scandal? I’ve always wondered what he was up to that the incoming, overwhelmingly popular with the press Obama regime thought was too hot to touch. He was game to go on Rogan, but he did absolutely nothing to help CNN or the broader MSM reputation.

walter said...

Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Oct 13
I walked into the lion’s den and spoke with with @joerogan
on his podcast for more than 3 hours — vaccines, ivermectin, and much more. Friends tried to get me to turn down his invite, but ultimately I’m glad I did it.

Blogger Big Mike said...
What was CNN thinking, not having their lawyers prep Gupta?
Scary thought, what if they did and IDK is their best defense?
Yep. Considering Rogan publicly questioned whether he should sue CNN over the horse dewormer framing.

Tina Trent said...

At one point my dad was on pig derived insulin and my dog was on Humulin. Neither had type 2, which almost always may be controlled by food behavior. As type ones, their pancreases could produce no insulin.

So this debate isn’t odd. It’s Gupta’s job to sell expensive pharmacology over common sense. What a loser.

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