২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০২১

J.D. Vance is trending on Twitter this morning, because of the Ohio Senate candidates debate.

I'll just embed one tweet, because it led to a conversation that made me laugh aloud:


ME: "Hope it takes down the rest of the GQP with it" — that's what it says, "GQP." I don't know what the Q is supposed to be. Grand Queer Party? That's how I see "Q"? What else could it be, Gentlemen's Quarterly Party?


ME, laughing: That never crossed my mind.

For more tweets on J.D. Vance and his inflammatory, Trumpesque quotes — and Mandel's effort at topping him — here's the Twitter page.

৩৩টি মন্তব্য:

tim maguire বলেছেন...

I knew what he meant once I settled in and realized what was going on. First I thought I had a bit of schmutz on my screen. Then, what is that? Oh, it's GOP, but with a QAnon smear thrown in. I bet he thinks he's clever.

"Look, it's funny! And the best humor is true, therefore it's true. The GOP IS QAnon! Ha ha ha! I bet they're really mad at me!""

R C Belaire বলেছেন...

"Q" and "O" are too far apart on the keyboard to be a typo, but you never know...

Gunner বলেছেন...

They hate this Vance guy even more than Ted Cruz.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Progressives are the only ones who see "Q" Just like they are the only ones who hear dog whistles all the time. They are the nuts they are claiming everyone else is.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

I thought queer as well, though it seemed nonsensical, queer even.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

The Left thinks that QAnon is a big deal and that he has a big following on the Right. That's crazy.

My understanding of QAnon is that he said "trust the plan" and "follow the plan" and "Trump has a plan."

Did the plan involving losing?

The Left likes to slander the right about Q. Kind of like the KKK slander.

On Twitter, they call Tucker Carlson, "Tucker Q Carlson."

Mattman26 বলেছেন...

“It lead?”

Oh dear, one of my lawyer pet peeves!

Chuck বলেছেন...

Come on! You didn’t understand “GQP”?

Thank you, Meade, for helping her out.

In Michigan; they just held a rally of deplorables at the state capitol. In attendance and among the several speakers was state representative Daire Rendon whose district is comprised by Crawford, Kalkaska, Missaukee, and Roscommon Counties. She was wearing a Q pin.


narciso বলেছেন...

but a buffalo candidate who believes the police arrived from slave patrols, thats totes fine,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The collective left fear losing power more than anything.
That's why they lose their minds with hate.

narciso বলেছেন...

but a buffalo candidate who believes the police arrived from slave patrols, thats totes fine,

so called critical race theory comes from derrick bell, who is so averse to the american experience, he thinks we would turn over african americans to aliens, I guess like the original african chieftains,

Nancy বলেছেন...

And he's got a PhD! And needs to tell us!

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

J.D. Vance is a bad joke, and his attempt to adopt a Trumpesque populist pose on the fly is cringe-inducing. His CV screams careerist ambition: a stint in the Marine Corps, Ohio State, Yale Law, San Francisco tech industry investor, principal at Mithril Capital (Thiel's VC firm), and a fellowship at AEI.

The most populous concession Vance makes in Hillbilly Elegy is that hillbillies are, in fact, human beings who deserve being treated with some minimal level of dignity. With that out of the way, he reassures us that there socioeconomic condition is a consequence of their own laziness, stupidity, and bad cultural habits. His solution? Tough love, discipline, and personal responsibility. In other words, the standard pull yourself up by your bootstraps argument that Republicans have been making for decades.

WK বলেছেন...

Not looking forward to voting in the primary. Mandel always comes across as slimy. Vance - liked his book but not sure about his campaign. Jane Timken was a Romney delegate. There are about 10 candidates so for declaring for the republican senate primary. One of the candidates also seems to be running for senate in Wisconsin. Another ran for office as a democrat in 2018.... lots of great choices.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

They hate this Vance guy even more than Ted Cruz.

He's a class traitor. Poor people who get into Ivy League colleges and then into finance are supposed to be Democrats.

Chuck বলেছেন...

There's always Marjorie Taylor Qreene, to set the record straight on what the meaning and importance of Qanon is...


Achilles বলেছেন...

It is time for the public education system to go.

People without kids have no idea how angry the people with kids are right now.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Cowboys For Trump founder Couy Griffin is a county commissioner in his home state of New Mexico. He’s been charged in the 1/6 insurrection, and as a result, a recall campaign (unsuccessful) was mounted against him. He says he’s thinking about running for sheriff, or perhaps governor in the future

Last weekend he was speaking at a Qanon conference in Las Vegas.


Luke Lea বলেছেন...

I just listened to all the segments in which J.D. appears and was impressed by the aplomb with which he handled a long series of direct questions on controversial issues in a way that I feel almost certain most Americans will approve. A major political talent in the making. We could use another Lincoln and this hillbilly genius who grew up in the hills of Eastern Kentucky just might be the one

নামহীন বলেছেন...

its Q and anon, not Qanon.

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

"Hope it takes down the rest of the GQP with it."

GQP = Grand Queer Party? When did that happen?

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

Credit where credit is due. GQP is more clever than tRump.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe বলেছেন...

Oh. Q. You had to explain it for me.

How qute.

Drago বলেছেন...

Pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck: "Last weekend he was speaking at a Qanon conference in Las Vegas."


A "Qanon conference"!!!!

Too funny.

How far our pro-marxist Chuck has fallen.

I may have to revise my earlier nomenclature and label Chuck the Poor Man's Gadfly. It's gotten that ridiculous.

And Newsweek!!! Home of Tentacle Porn Afficionado Kurt Eichenwald!!

That's makes a terrific "bookend" for pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck who is also a really, really, big fan of the Lincoln Pedophile Project.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"its Q and anon, not Qanon"

I checked the internet before writing it with the space closed. Maybe there's a conspiracy to write it wrong and you're in the know, but I challenge you to prove it.

Rabel বলেছেন...

Vance is a fraud. Don't be a sucker.

Narr বলেছেন...

Sometimes a story will look really interesting, and I'll read the comments and click on the links and discover that not only do I not have any idea how to score the controversy, I don't even know what the principles think they're doing.

Thus it is with this one.

Not an Ohioian anyway, and the Senate is a turdbowl.

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

Ann, you "checked the internet"? How does one do that, actually?

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Achilles said...
It is time for the public education system to go.

People without kids have no idea how angry the people with kids are right now.
what proportion of assessment is paid by parents-with-students / non-parents - in a typical school district ?

is the levy also on commercial property in the district?

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Republicans and Trump supporters (not the same thing, though they overlap) are tarred by the indelible brush of QAnon because one member of the House of Representatives, one member of the Michigan legislature, and one county commissioner in New Mexico are supporters? That's a pretty damned small percentage of elected Republican officeholders nationwide.

Democrats never had any trouble having a Senator-for-life who was a former Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan, Robert Byrd, who never admitted that there was anything wrong in that. (It was just a "mistake" that ambitious people should avoid, not because it's wrong, but because it looks bad and tends to hold back one's career.) Biden even spoke his eulogy. Somehow neither Biden nor the Democratic party is tarred by their long-time coddling of Byrd.

Not so very long ago, the furthest-right member of Congress, the only one who was a member of the John Birch Society, was Larry McDonald, a Democrat from Georgia. McDonald was killed when the USSR shot down a Korean airliner in 1983. You could tell who was a lunatic right-wing conspiracy theorist even back then: they were the ones who thought the Russians were so afraid of McDonald's brilliant ideas that they murdered 268 other people just to kill him. Did McDonald tar the whole Democratic party even then? Not so far as I can tell. He was just one of 435+100 legislators, an extreme eccentric, quite possibly a total asshole, but that would not have distinguished him from dozens or hundreds of his colleagues even then. (The percentage of assholes in Congress, and their degree of assholicity, has undoubtedly increased since then.)

Someone's Q arguments (Quarguments?) are getting desperate, and they've always been pathetic. Of course, he (she?) is probably paid to post here.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Ohio politicians tend towards the bizarre and extreme: Traficante, that “boy mayor” of Cleveland that was in the House for years, Boehnet, Kasich — now these two guys. Hmmm

Drago বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse: ""its Q and anon, not Qanon"

Isn't Qanon that yogurt with all the probiotics?


Drago বলেছেন...

Interesting observation: Mitt Romney proudly, PROUDLY, marched with the explicitly marxist, anti-Christian, anti-American, Anti-Nuclear-family Black Lives Matter.

LLR Chuck's proudest day as a "lifelong republican".....(wink wink)