October 5, 2021

"Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, today Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices..."

"... to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend.... According to the Attorney General’s memorandum, the Justice Department will launch a series of additional efforts in the coming days designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel....  The Justice Department will also create specialized training and guidance for local school boards and school administrators. This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats, how to report threatening conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes."

Feels like a gesture at answering the question I asked a week ago: "Why don't schools call the police when crimes are committed in school?"


Mike Sylwester said...

We all are very lucky that Merrick Garland did not become a US Supreme Court Justice.

Maynard said...

Will our wonderful AG be pursuing the activists who are chasing down Kyrsten Sinema at her house, on a plane and in a bathroom. That seems a lot more aggressive than any parent protests.

I appreciate Mitch McConnell for keeping this fascist Bozo off the SCOTUS.

Kai Akker said...

They are protecting their own.

But their peculiar self-righteousness will inevitably cause them to repress, suppress, and depress all the rest of us.

Dave Begley said...

Harassment, intimidation and threats of violence? Doesn't that really mean parents who are upset with masks and CRT? Isn't this what democracy looks like? Any school board members chased into the bathroom and filmed?

I'm sure its the case in school boards across the country like it is in Omaha. The school boards are packed with liberals and former teachers.

Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Merrick Garland.

Kevin said...

The schools are in the process of destroying themselves.

The only paths forward are school choice or compusory national indoctrination.

Big Mike said...

This is not about intimidation and threats of violence. This is about members of the extreme left wing getting legitimate pushback from ordinary parents concerned about their children’s education, and the extreme lefties not liking it. And it’s about using the FBI to harass, intimidate, and threaten violence against those parents.

I'm Not Sure said...

"This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats, how to report threatening conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes."

If your interaction with other people's children is causing you to be threatened by their parents, you might want to take a minute to think about what it is you have been doing.

Just sayin'.

wendybar said...

So parents upset about the indoctrination of their children are Domestic Terrorists, but illegals harassing an American Senator in the bathroom or on an airplane is just procedure. Got it. Progressives are nuts. We live in upside down world.

Temujin said...

Yes, we've actually gone well past the point in which our government makes no bones about it: "We hate our citizens and if we could, we'd get new ones. We're working on it now."

Frankly, the DoJ has been so thoroughly corrupted it's not even almost a surprise that this action has been announced. The formerly 'moderate' Democrat and almost-Supreme Court Justice Merrick Garland has proven to be as malleable as a brain-dead Joe Biden, but requires far less hands-on managing. He is nothing if not a political hack. Our Attorney General.

Covid tore away the wall that stood between parents and their kids schools, who is running them, and how they are trying to work around parents in their quest to shovel non-reality into their kids minds. Math and Science? You'll need to go to S. Korea or China to have your kids learn that. Here in the US, we're looking to graduate kids with 'other' skills and knowledge.

Parents are disagreeing. And disagreeing with the Democratic/Media/Big Tech/Corporate narratives cannot be accepted. So, bring in the feckless Merrick Garland and go after parents concerned about how bad our schools are. And, let's not kid ourselves- by any metric- our kids are learning less than any industrialized/civilized nation on earth. We're setting up a foundation for civilizational collapse.

But...open the southern borders, spend dollars into infinity, print so many more of them that they take on zero value, allow corruption in the FBI, State Dept., DoJ, NSA, CIA to go on and on in front of everybody with no accountability.

Then...ratchet up the IRS to have access to every monetary transaction made by citizens, no matter how small. And arrest parents for disagreeing with what is being taught to their kids in these 'schools'.

I'll leave it to Matt Walsh:

Leftist activists can come to your house with bullhorns. Film you in the bathroom. Loot your business. Burn police stations. The FBI does nothing.
But if conservative parents raise their voices at a school board meeting, they’re hunted down as terrorists.
The law is dead.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) October 5, 2021

Fernandinande said...

Merrick B. Garland

That name always makes me imagine the "Elephant Man" wearing flowers.

MikeR said...

"Feels like a gesture at answering the question I asked a week ago" Yeah. Except they didn't concern themselves with threats directed to students. Just themselves.

Iman said...

Garland is such a moderate!

Resist these Biden admin assclowns.

Michael K said...

Parents are now "Domestic Terrorists" if they oppose CRT and other crazy teaching. The exodus from public schools is growing and this might be enough to get that trend accelerated. Ron DeSantis got elected Governor of Florida by supporting school vouchers which appeal to black parents.

jaydub said...

Think about the bullet we dodged when Mitch McConnell kept Garland off the Supreme Court.

Aggie said...

There aren't many things about the Biden administration that make me breathe a sigh of relief, but Merrick Garland's leadership at the DOJ certainly qualifies as an exception. Thank God he wasn't appointed to the Supreme Court.

GRW3 said...

In these years since Columbine is there really a school that can't identify an actual threat? This is about hurt feelings over parents interfering with their indoctrination efforts.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Feels like a gesture at answering the question I asked a week ago: 'Why don't schools call the police when crimes are committed in school?'"

No, feels like a gesture at getting concerned parents off the backs of teachers, school board members, and school workers as they go about their work of propagandizing public school students. I think the phrase "Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers, and workers in the nation's public schools..." means something. I doubt those "threats and intimidation" are coming from the students. In fact, I doubt that the threats and intimidation are much more than vehemently expressed differences of opinion between public school apparatchiks and tax-paying parents who expect better from their public schools than mask mandates and race-baiting.

TreeJoe said...

Why is this directed through the FBI?

Why is the letter that went to the AG specifically citing defense of CRT and masking policies, and the outrage over those things is considered domestic terrorism rather than raucous and occasionally violent DISSENT.

I literally saw cities burning and police stations under siege and it wasn't called domestic terrorism. Yet mildly violent cases of raucous school board meetings are????

cubanbob said...

Two things I surmised:

1-McConnell did the nation a favor by keeping Garland off the Supreme Court.
2-Protesting by the parents that they don't want their kids indoctrinated isn't a crime. Treating it as such reminds me of the quote about the party replacing the people with a new people.

Ice Nine said...

You can hate on McConnell all you want but at least he kept this evil, fascist piece of shit off the Supreme Court.

Owen said...

What could possibly go wrong with turning parents of school-children into terrorists worthy of FBI surveillance, “friendly interviews” and a permanent file? I expect the NSA will be asked to work overtime trawling through citizens’ emails and text messages where they swap agenda ideas for the next school board meeting or decide —horrors— to pull Junior out of public school and start pooling resources for tutors. This is going to give Biden and the Dems a lock on the next election!

gilbar said...

It's Nice, that the Biden admin is drawing lines, and drawing them so clearly
On One Side
Teachers Unions, Illegal Aliens, Marxists and Portlania "Progressives"...
On the Other Side
Mothers and Fathers, The Police, People That Love (or, at Least, Like) America...
(you, know people like the Rapper Pitbull Rapper Pitbull says 'f--- you' to critics of America, tells them to go to Cuba

I mean, Seriously? They're siccing the FBI, on Parents?
Where the hell, do they think we are New South Wales?

Captain BillieBob said...

We can't have those pesky parent showing an interest in what their children are learning. We have experts ready willing and able to fill your kids heads with left wing clap trap. Who do these uneducated unwashed rubes think they are?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm sure all those "death threats" are like, totally real, man.

gahrie said...

Feels like a gesture at answering the question I asked a week ago:

How is harassing and arresting parents demanding a role in their child's education a gesture at punishing students who commit crimes?

Any school board member who cooperates with the FBI in this should be immediately recalled and replaced. Any school board fighting with parents over what and how their children are taught should be recalled and replaced.

CRT is hate pure and simple. I will not teach it and will force them to fire me when assigned the class.

Captain BillieBob said...

That smell coming from DC is fear. People have had enough and are pushing back against the tyranny of the left/democrat/uni-party. There is change coming starting at the local level.

Michael said...

But are we talking about actual, credible threats? Or are we really talking about people who have legitimate issues with what their children are (or aren't) being taught in school and refuse to be stifled or ignored by the Powers That Be? In a well-ordered world, schools are accountable to local elected school boards and ultimately to parents and voters and not to Federal educrats or teachers unions. Is Biden just siccing the FBI on anyone who isn't drinking the Progressive Kool-Aid?

mikee said...

Lawfare against opposition to leftists continues apace. Whatever happened to the leftist admonition that if people hate you, you must understand their perspective and accept its validity? Or does that only apply to anti-American foreign haters? /s

Don't leftists realize that if they cancel, censor, and silence all the concerned but law-abiding opposition to their totalitarian ways, the remaining non-supporters will be the insanely irrational, the criminal, the revolutionary violent folks? It won't be many, but it will be messy. Better they listen to the opposition's reasoning, and perhaps try to understand it, and maybe even accept its validity and back down from their elitist demands for respect of their uthori-TAY, than force the opposition to behave like the terrorists the left labels them.

phantommut said...

Will they carve out a special exemption for following pro-CRT school employees into the bathroom, filming the "protest", then publishing it on social media?

Real American said...

"In recent months, there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and
threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who
participate in the vital work of running our nation's public schools."

The memo cites no stats to support the claim of a "spike". It is obviously written in response to the NSBA letter which also doesn't cite any stats in claiming there's a trend.

If there's a concerning trend here, it's one of the left trying to criminalize its political opposition and cast speech with which it disagrees as violence.

ElPresidenteCastro said...

Schools will happily call the police in instances of crimes, so long as it is the sort of victim.

Heck they’ll even call the cops for an excess of democracy.

Anonymous said...

They won't call the police when a young minority thug beats some cassmate because: Social Justice

They want parents beaten at board meetings for speaking out against the fact that the school won't call the police.

The irony here is that the real issue that the School Boards were complaining about is they could not get their local Sheriffs to come in with batons at school board meetings. It was like Sheriffs understood the 1st A and public outrage. It was the Boards that had led sheltered lives when only teachers showed at their meetings.

Deputy Sheriffs are parents in those schools. They don't like beating and arresting neighbors.

Richard Aubrey said...

Can't recall where I heard it, but it seems to be more and more apt; "Garland Archipelago".
What is a "threat"? Anything the school board member says it is. Including grumping about CRT.
Remember a couple of years ago when the U-Mich want all NOOOOOSE! RAAACISTY! over a fly-fishing knot? You'd want to think at least one of the Wolverines knew better but that would mean they lied about it. So you'd want to think none of the Wolverines knew better.
Why would a highly-partisan school board be any smarter than the Ann Arborites, knowing the Feeble Batards of Instigation are out looking for another case, not claim a "threat"? Especially when it's all about "feelz".
And given the Jan6 version of due process, Garland's going to have to find some old circus tents.

Achilles said...

Time for the public school system to be replaced.

They are overstepping with vaccine and mask mandates on kids.

It has been clear for a long time the people in charge of public education don't actually care about the children's welfare.

Rit said...

Exactly. Just who in the world do these parents think they are getting upset that schools are teaching their children that there are 97 genders, that America is racist at it's core and that to be white is to be an oppressor. And on top of all of that the world is on the brink of a catastrophic and perhaps inevitable collapse due to fossil fuel usage. The nerve of these parents. Don't they realize that the school board members are their betters? The finest of the finest and beyond reproach, working tirelessly and selflessly to improve the lives of the children. The children!!! Let's sic the Feds on them.

Rit said...

Exactly. Just who in the world do these parents think they are getting upset that schools are teaching their children that there are 97 genders, that America is racist at it's core and that to be white is to be an oppressor. And on top of all of that the world is on the brink of a catastrophic and perhaps inevitable collapse due to fossil fuel usage. The nerve of these parents. Don't they realize that the school board members are their betters? The finest of the finest and beyond reproach, working tirelessly and selflessly to improve the lives of the children. The children!!! Let's sic the Feds on them.

Joe Smith said...

Disagreement is now apparently intimidation.

This is not the country I remember growing up in, nor is it the country I wish for my children...

What a world.

Btw, since when do I have to click on traffic lights to post these days?

Sebastian said...

"Feels like a gesture at answering the question I asked a week ago: "Why don't schools call the police when crimes are committed in school?"

Huh? School board members aren't "in school." They are just upset that parents call BS on their BS. The only police they want is the thought police.

Dave Begley said...

Maybe the fucking FBI could arrest the illegal aliens who followed a US Senator into a bathroom and filmed her in place of seclusion.

If these assholes aren't arrested, this shit continues and gets way worse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Keeping blacks angry and segregated, while importing low-wage illegal entrants, is the left's ultimate show or racism.

it will not be stopped.

Mark said...

Neither school boards nor Garland and Biden's jackbooted DOJ get to set the terms of how constituents hold officials accountable.

Ceciliahere said...

Oh, so the police are not called when a kid is getting the crap beaten out of him in a classroom, but the police are called when parents are using their freedom of speech against woke school board members, teachers and workers in public schools. You know, the parents, the people who pay the salaries for the employees of the Government school system. WTF, is wrong with this country. Glad I don’t have a kid in public school any longer since I would probably be arrested and put in jail for speaking the truth at a school board meeting. It seems that these public servants can”t handle the truth that they are working for the taxpayers and should all be fired. I went to Catholic school K-8 and then attended the local public high school. I immediately noticed that my history teacher would voice his liberal opinion about the subject matter and try to influence the kids to his way of thinking. This was in the late 50’s. One time I made a comment about his view and I was called a “cynic” because I disagreed with him. I was 13 years old and had to find that word in the dictionary. I wonder what happens today if a kid disagrees with a woke teacher. We have got to purge these woke people from our local schools. It’s much easer in the suburbs than it is in the cities. But for the most part, the kids in the cities aren’t so concerned with woke ideas, they’re more concerned about getting through a day without having the crap beaten out of them.

rcocean said...

Notice three things:

1) Nevertrumpers who talked about "authoritarianism" for 4 years, now say zero about using FBI to investigate parents disurpting school board meetings.

2) DC Republicans are AWOL, as usual. Where is Mittens or Sasse on this? Not a peep. Won't even talk about Critical Race Theory.

3) R Senators like Orin Hatch and Miss lindsey talked up Garland was being a "moderate". They knew he wasn't. Just more lies from the GOP establishment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Worth a hearty bolded repeat

"I'll leave it to Matt Walsh:"

Leftist activists can come to your house with bullhorns. Film you in the bathroom. Loot your business. Burn police stations. The FBI does nothing.
But if conservative parents raise their voices at a school board meeting, they’re hunted down as terrorists.
The law is dead.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) October 5, 2021

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I'm looking forward to parents suing Merrick Garland and the school boards for civil rights violations. It's going to be lit. School boards are trying to suppress the parents free speech rights about how awful the school boards are. MG is using his office to suppress those protests. All of that is deprivation of the parents' rights under the color of law. Since there are many such violations, the fines are going to be huge. They should also try a RICO violation for the coordination between the school boards and the DOJ/FBI.

Elliott A said...

The negative reaction of parents to people harming their children will follow a normal distribution of severity. As this problem has been recognized to be so widespread, the total number in the 1% at the far right of the curve must be pretty large. I am surprised that all that has happened is threats.

hombre said...

Garland is an unethical partisan tubesteak. He will destroy any vestiges of respectability remaining in the corrupt DOJ/FBI political machine.

“... the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” will disappear during the QuidProJoe reign. Perhaps the disappearance of the misplaced reliance of ignorant parents on public schools will precede it. Some of us figured it out in the last century.

I'm Not Sure said...

"The only police they want is the thought police."

No, they'd be more than happy to have the real police thump some heads to let the complaining parents know who's in charge.

cubanbob said...

This keeps up and even the Republicans will get around to campaigning to abolish the FBI,the DoJ and the Department of Education and the civil service laws so the president can fire at will. When civil service employees can be canned at anytime just like private sector employees a lot of nonsense will diminish and the smart play will be to be completely apolitical.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Can we chase board members into the bathroom to protest? FBI ain’t looking into that.

Big Mike said...

I'm sure all those "death threats" are like, totally real, man.

@Can of Cheese, of course not. Predators do not warn their prey.

Critter said...

Rest assured that if parents were to get elected to the majority on a school board, the DOJ would issue an advisory on the First Amendment rights of protestors to shout obscenities and threaten them. Merrick Garland is Turing out to be a totally political AG. Thank goodness we avoided him on the Supreme Court.

Tina Trent said...

They’re full of it. First they eliminated expelling even the most violent students. Then they began to encourage children to report so-called “hate crimes” and “microaggressions.” Then they discouraged teachers to report being attacked or threatened with real violence in their classrooms (last year appx. 6% reported being physically attacked by a student, but in anonymous federal surveys that resemble the more accurate victim statistics gathering, 20% of teachers admit being assaulted by a student that year). Now the feds are inventing new evil white boogeymen to monitor and harass. Another completely fictional “rising tide of bigotry and hate,” while real crimes are rarely met with consequences. I’m sure the numbers are higher.

I’ve had three close friends who are or were K-12 teachers in urban public schools. Each of them was assaulted repeatedly — slurs, punching, fistfights, gang fights, desks being thrown. One lasted less than half a semester and won’t talk about it. Another, a big guy, seems to enjoy the abuse and feels he deserves it as a privileged white man. He has no business teaching children. The third is 16 years into her career. She’s been punched, bit, and hit so many times she couldn’t begin to count the incidents. Including by parents. The verbal abuse is incredible. She’s had classrooms with emergency buttons on the teacher’s desk. She intentionally teaches very young kids now, counting the days until she can get vested for retirement and health insurance.

Yet if she reacts back at them in even the smallest way, she will lose her job. She was suspended once for snapping at an ex-con in a GED class. People have no idea how insane it is in the bad public schools. Bernardine Dohrn and her peers at Northwestern started the country’s first scaled no-expelling program in Chicago and spread the program nationwide. With help from the Jimmah Carter Center and the ACLU.

Drago said...

rcocean: "3) R Senators like Orin Hatch and Miss lindsey talked up Garland was being a "moderate". They knew he wasn't. Just more lies from the GOP establishment."

The fake "conservatives" at lefty billionaire funded National "the Weekly Standard" Review, in particular deep state advocate/apologist Andy McCarthy, heaped praise on Garland and extolled his "moderateness" and professionalism.

McCarthy went so far as to say the DOJ "was in the best of hands" with Garland running the show.

What lying grifters.

tommyesq said...

This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats

So trying to coerce people who didn't feel threatened to feel threatened?

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Thankfully our norms have been restored.

Achilles said...

cubanbob said...

This keeps up and even the Republicans will get around to campaigning to abolish the FBI,the DoJ and the Department of Education and the civil service laws so the president can fire at will. When civil service employees can be canned at anytime just like private sector employees a lot of nonsense will diminish and the smart play will be to be completely apolitical.

You don't seem to understand the purpose or the goals of the Republican Party in DC.

They don't have anything to do with actually effecting any changes to what the regime is doing.

They are controlled opposition.

They are just as much responsible for this as the democrat party. Anyone who supported Biden's innaguration and accepted the obviously fraudulent election is working to make all of this happen.

Sheridan said...

My local school board here in Flathead County has a conservative majority which rejects CRT, forced masking, etc. The loudest voices come from those who embrace CRT, the 1619 Project, masking, mandated vaccinations, etc. Board meetings have some parents screaming at the conservative Board. Will The DoJ and the FBI investigate, persecute and ultimately prosecute those liberal malcontents? Not sure if I can hold my breath that long.

Achilles said...

rcocean said...

Notice three things:

1) Nevertrumpers who talked about "authoritarianism" for 4 years, now say zero about using FBI to investigate parents disurpting school board meetings.

2) DC Republicans are AWOL, as usual. Where is Mittens or Sasse on this? Not a peep. Won't even talk about Critical Race Theory.

3) R Senators like Orin Hatch and Miss lindsey talked up Garland was being a "moderate". They knew he wasn't. Just more lies from the GOP establishment.


Anyone who thinks the DC Republican Party is on their side in this is stupid.

PM said...

On the other hand, a tiny hand, admittedly:
The SF School Board fired its VP Alison Collins, causing her to re-evaluate and withdraw her $87 million lawsuit against said school board. This is the same woman who, armed with Wikipedia, led the attempt to change over a dozen SF school names, including one named for that gd racist, John Muir. All while not teaching kids for a year.

wendybar said...

The FASCISTS are hard at work in Tennessee already. https://tennesseestar.com/2021/10/03/shakopee-school-board-chair-reported-single-mother-to-employer-for-criticizing-the-school-board/

JaimeRoberto said...

The assertions of death threats deserve the "without evidence" disclaimer.

Ray - SoCal said...

Following up on Tina Trent's comment on Teacher's being attacked, from 2016, but I am pretty sure it's about the same.

Teachers Threatened With Injury or Physically Attacked by Students

Some Guesses:

1. Some school districts have near zero violence.

2. There is probably a bunch of under reporting. Teachers are held to much higher standards than kids, and school admins are afraid of being sued.

I wonder why there is not more up to date information. This table ends in 2011. My guess is the typical if we don't measure it, it does not exist. 2011 the President was Obama.

Interesting that Wisconsin has such a high percentage of teachers being attacked. 11%.

gspencer said...

Summarized, "We lefties don't like this self-government stuff, you know, where the people actually get a say in how things are done and run. Therefore, anything we hear that we don't like will ipso facto become a threat. And dealt with as the SA would deal with it."

Leora said...

They seem much quicker to call law enforcement when members of the school board are threatened than when children or staff members are threatened.

Narayanan said...

Critter said...
Rest assured that if parents were to get elected to the majority on a school board, the DOJ would issue an advisory on the First Amendment rights of protestors to shout obscenities and threaten them. Merrick Garland is Turing out to be a totally political AG. Thank goodness we avoided him on the Supreme Court.
is that any better? he will be the one deciding which cases DOJ takes to the USSC.
and the upcoming fraudulent elections will not be nvestigated

that pretty much amounts to lifetime of dedicated work for his D party.

RMc said...

"We hate our citizens and if we could, we'd get new ones. We're working on it now."

The parliament, as usual, wants to dissolve the people and elect a new one.

Jon Burack said...

For over a year, I believe, leftist fanatics have disrupted the Madison school board meetings, forced them to retreat, showed up at key city official's homes to harass them and threaten them, shouted down speakers, etc. Surely Garland and finally these domestic terrorists will be held to account. Right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftist fascists destroy everything.

MountainMan said...

Asra Nomani has got the goods on Merrick Garland.. Family members have financial interests in data mining for school boards.

If you're invested in following all the grimy details of the Loudon County, VA, school board, Nomani's Substack page is the place to go. She is a former WSJ reporter, a single mother with a son in the Loudon County schools, and she follows up on every detail of the controversies there.

Unknown said...

Andy McCarty on the 'Inquisition' and 'Cannonized lies' coming from the Dems.

More to the point (the point being the faux-moderate weakling in the Oval Office), Biden is not going to be able to deliver to progressives the FDR-style transformative legislative victories they covet. Democrats’ congressional majorities are razor-thin, probably temporary, and consumed by infighting. Biden is intimidated by the Bolshevik left, which is why he could not even bring himself to defend Sinema. Since he cannot satisfy the radicals legislatively, he will have to do what it is in his power to do unilaterally. That means unleashing the Justice Department to bludgeon the Left’s political opposition into submission with lawless threats of enforcement action.

It’s going to be a very long 40 months.

Larry J said...

The attorney general is using the power of the FBI to suppress the political speech of people who disagree with their school boards on issues like critical race theory and COVID procedures. Did anyone else suddenly feel a chill down your spine or is it just me?

It's one thing to go after people making actual threats of violence, but the Left has operated in the recent past on the principle of "Your speech is violence, our violence is speech." From that perspective, I can see how they feel threatened when people say things they don't want to hear. I think it's time for a lot of recall elections for school board members across the country.

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