২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০২১

"Atlanta is still seething that Major League Baseball stripped the All-Star Game away from their beloved city this summer."

"Well, politics or not, there’s absolutely nothing MLB can do to stop Atlanta now. Atlanta will host the World Series for the first time since 1999."

It's hard even to remember what offense Georgia committed that deserved the punishment imposed. Something un-woke? Something about voting regulations implying racism? Whatever... so now those terrible people are triumphing, and I don't think they're going to give up singing that doltish "Indian" tune while doing "the tomahawk chop."

The only alternative is another Southern city, those cheaters in Texas.

Ah, baseball is boring, all the Northerners sniff.

৩৭টি মন্তব্য:

Sterling বলেছেন...

One can only hope for many choruses of Let's Go, Brandon! on national television each night.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Lefties lament- Oh why oh why couldn't it be the Yankees and Dodgers? Is there not a Gaia?

Lyle বলেছেন...

Never forget... northerners racially segregated MLB from 1903 to 1947. :)

rcocean বলেছেন...

Love the Tomahawk chop! You can be sure when people use words like "Nasty" or "dumb" or "Doltish" they got nothing other personal pique. Guess the Atlanta fans are having too much fun for the libtards.

And was "Atlanta" really seething? everyone I talked to, didn't give a damn. They all watch it on TV anyway.

Terry di Tufo বলেছেন...

Had the same reaction, ie "what was it again that Atlanta/ Georgia did that got the All Star game moved?' And with the Chop and the Chant, probably the most "offensive" of fans. I enjoyed those when TBS used to show Jane Fonda doing them.

Birches বলেছেন...

LA Times columnist Bill Plaschke lost his mind because they still do the tomahawk chop at Truist Park. I'm too lazy to link the tweet but here's what it said: Regarding NLCS excitement...the stadium just turned the lights off and these fans did the racist chop with their smartphone flashlights...OK, that gets the blood boiling.

TBS actually showed it happening Saturday night which surprised me.

Just desserts is a pretty good reason to support the Braves.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I had so far avoided knowing who was in the world series. I still don't know who the other team is.

I hope they do the tomahawk chop though.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

If you Northerners find baseball to be boring, you can ship the Brewers down to Memphis.

CWJ বলেছেন...

2020 demonstrated that MLB can play the world series wherever they want it played. For example, they could declare that Atlanta or Georgia had too many unvaccinated for it to be safe to play there. Even if this was not true, it wouldn't matter. They took the all-star game away in spite of Georgia's voting laws being less strict than some other states. So facts can be ignored.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

It's delicious that the World Series will be played in one state full of white supremacists who suppress the votes of black people, and another state that won't allow (mostly) black people to kill their babies without jumping through some hoops first.

You can't make this shit up...

Temujin বলেছেন...

Yes, Georgia is requiring people to have an ID to vote. And though they actually expanded voting days and hours, it's apparently not enough time for Democrats to figure out how to get their votes in. Georgia has the nerve of wanting to make sure you are who you say you are before you vote, and that you do it within a set, but expanded variety of days/hours.


Everyone in the stands there should be wearing Stacey Abrams masks to start the game.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Georgia attempted to sure-up voting integrity.

the left - from Biden on down, labeled it "Jim Crow 2.0" (or Jim Eagle) - (wtf?)

Because the left lie about voting and assume that blacks are too stupid to vote, and of course the left benefit when cheating is made easy.
Making it harder to cheat makes the left lose it collective hivemind mind.

Peter Spieker বলেছেন...

Allegedly, according to Biden, the Democrats, and the press, changes In Georgia’s voting rights laws were going to bring back Jim Crow. That was one of most ridiculous political allegations made in recent years, which is remarkable given the general level of political discussion we have now. Some of the changes in the Georgia voting laws might have been unwise for all I know, but Jim Crow?

This episode marked a small personal milestone for me. I fear and dislike the tendency to inject politics into everything. In the past, I have always avoided not going to a movie because I disagreed with the views of one of the actors, or not buying a product because I dislike the politics of the owner of a company. If the movie looked good, if the product was something I wanted, that was what mattered. Keep politics out of this sort of thing, that was my attitude. No more. Coca-Cola was a big backer of the All-Star game move and made all sorts of absurd and divisive arguments in its favor. If there is never any push back for this sort of thing, it is just going to get worse and worse. So now, no coke for me. If they are going to inject politics into everything, the best course, I’m afraid, is to fight on the same ground.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Let’s get Alec Baldwin to lecture those darn southerners on prudence.

harrogate বলেছেন...

"Ah, baseball is boring, all the Northerners sniff."

That's a weird sentence supported by neither historic nor current culture.

mikee বলেছেন...

Tomahawk chop? More likely, "Let's go, Brandon!" Or the unexpurgated version of same.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Bahhahahhhahhahahha...Suck it Progressives. Georgia and Texas. What are you going to do now, cancel the World Series???

Achilles বলেছেন...

It will be fun watching the national broadcast deal with the crowd misbehaving.

Let's Go Brandon.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I can’t root for cheaters. But I can’t root for the Native Americans oppressors either.

I guess I could sell my rooting. PayPal me who you want me to root for. The market is the answer.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

for fun, using Draft kings odds I picked 3 teams to win the WS. Milw, TB and SF...any of the 3 win I win a minimum $250....possibley $450. $100 bets......so I lost 300

Thats why I dont gamble on sports, or anything really. Ok, I like blackjack kinda sorta but play rarely.

Stocks are funnerer. UPST

This baseball season is an anomaly.

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

"Ah, baseball is boring, all the Northerners sniff."

Well, the Yankees and Red Sox were both losers -- so they can sniff that while they're at it.

wayworn wanderer বলেছেন...

Couldn't happen to a more self-righteous commissioner. Oh, wait, well, maybe Adam Silver of the NBA. And maybe Roger Goodell.

I guess they are all self-righteous hacks, now that I think about it.

Karma is still a bitch.

Go Astros!

GRW3 বলেছেন...

I'm quite sure the heads of MLB are pulling out their hair about this. Not because of Georgia's new election protection laws (or the new ones in Texas) but because they really, really wanted a Los Angeles - Boston series - top markets, you understand.

BTW, the cheating scandal was way overblown. Five straight ALC championship series pretty much kibosh the notion that sign stealing was not the basis of Astro success. Oh then it was admitted (what everyone who knows baseball, knew) that everybody tries to steal signs, Astros just did it better. Over the years, the Astros came up on the short end of MLB decisions, on and off the field, many times. This was just another one. The proper response would have been just to clarify that sign stealing cannot be done that way, not cost people jobs and create such a ruckus.

pious agnostic বলেছেন...

I imagine there may be more than one outbreak of "Let's Go Brandon!"

Critter বলেছেন...

Odds are for Stacey Abrams to cop a high profile photo showing support for the Braves. Must flush her past remarks down the memory hole.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

@BigMike, I do like that downtown baseball stadium in Memphis!

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

Baseball is the only sport that I regularly follow, but I have been on strike since they pulled the All Star game from Atlanta because of the new voting laws. Sports, particularly baseball, should stay out of politics entirely. Why risk alienating half your audience?

As a consequence, I have been on strike and have paid no attention whatsoever to the season. Ok, I did sneak a peek once in awhile to the playoff standings but I have not watched a single game. I will watch the world series with pure joy because I just know how much it will irk the wokesters to see the tomahawk chop and, hopefully, hear "let's go Brandon" chanted with gusto. With any luck, they'll do both at the same time.

- Krumhorn

Blair বলেছেন...

Cricket is much more fun to watch anyway. The World Cup is on in the mornings on ESPN+ at the moment. People should check that out instead.

Southern Pessimist বলেছেন...

Terry di Tufo said...
Had the same reaction, ie "what was it again that Atlanta/ Georgia did that got the All Star game moved?' And with the Chop and the Chant, probably the most "offensive" of fans. I enjoyed those when TBS used to show Jane Fonda doing them.

I used to have season tickets quite a few rows above Ted and Jane along the first base line back when they very rarely attended games. I am fairly certain that she never did the chop but if she did she had an apprpropiate look of disgust on her face.

Good times.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

It was weird to flip channels and see the Atlanta fans still doing the Tomahawk chop after all these years. Cleveland must be wondering why they had to rename their team.

Baseball is boring, but its glory days were when all the teams were no further west or south than St. Louis.

Maynard বলেছেন...

Georgia is requiring people to have an ID to vote.

I wonder if you need an ID to buy Braves tickets.

That has to be racist, doesn't it?

Oh Yea বলেছেন...

Personally I was hoping it would be Tampa Bay and Atlanta, making it the most regional series of the teams in the playoffs with relatively small TV markets. Trading Houston is almost as good. I don't care who wins but a 4 game sweep would be ideal to minimize ad revenue.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Doltish? We'll take it.

Go Braves, go Dawgs, go away if you're too uptight to enjoy the good guys winning; "Delta's ready when you are."

You gotta laugh at Abrams working so hard to portray herself as never favoring MLB taking the All Star game away from Atlanta--as soon as it was clear that'd be unpopular (which, you know, should have been obvious to anyone with a lick of political sense) her team put out statements that she repeatedly asked MLB not to pull the game. Her frequently-expressed support for boycotts and harsh, over the top criticism of the voting bill didn't mean she wanted the game (and draft) pulled, see, because, ah, hmmm. You're racist for thinking that's what it meant!
Funny stuff.

Rabel বলেছেন...

The 4 beat "Let's go, Bran-don" chant works well with the chop. Try it.

The other one works too.

cfkane1701 বলেছেন...

In early 2017, Tom Brady brought the Patriots back from a 28-3 deficit in the Super Bowl to beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in overtime.

Then Roger Goodell, the so-called Ginger Hammer, had to shake his hand (he was Super Bowl MVP) and the hand of Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots. The best part of all of this was that Tom Brady only played 12 games during the regular season, since Roger Goodell had suspended Brady four games for his role in "Deflategate," where the Patriots were suspected of deflating footballs during the previous years' conference championship game.

I sincerely hope Atlanta wins. I hope Rob Manfred puts out his hand and the owner of the Braves just waves him off.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

I somehow found myself watching the Dodgers/Braves series and somehow found myself rooting for Atlanta, a team I’ve long despised. The series was politics free as far as I could see. The celebration at the end was heartwarming: lots of players carrying kids on the arms and shoulders, huge smiles from players, a charming translated interview from the MVP from Puerto Rico, and a beautiful story of reward for the long suffering manager.

I think MLB knows it made a biiiig mistake last summer.

MountainMan বলেছেন...

I know the powers that be would have preferred a Dodgers/Red Sox series for several reasons. But Atlanta is a great baseball town, always has been. For decades before the Braves came in 1966 Atlanta was the home of the Crackers, one of the best-known and most successful minor league teams, playing for many years in the old Southern Association before joining the International League for a few years before the Braves came. They were called "The Yankees of the Minor Leagues" because of all the pennants they won. They played at a much-loved old ball park, Ponce de Leon Ball Park, on Ponce de Leon Ave just east of downtown. The park was demolished after Atlanta Stadium was built and the Braves came and the property was turned into a shopping center. But a giant magnolia tree still stands on the north side of parking lot there, a tree that once captured a long-hit home run by a young Cracker named Eddie Matthews and others by Babe Ruth and Willie Mays in exhibition games. It is a much-loved token and remembrance of the old days of minor league glory. I am rarely in that part of Atlanta anymore but when I do go by, like many natives and older residents, I steal a glance as I go by to make sure it is still safe and securely there.

Like others I quit watching MLB this year because of politics and paid little attention to the season until the Braves got into the playoffs. I hope they win the series during the 3 games in Atlanta and that Rob Manfred gets an appropriate "welcome." There is little love lost between Braves fans and the baseball commissioner's office stemming from the time at the start of the season in 1974 - when Hank Aaron was just 2 homers shy of breaking Ruth's record - and the much-hated Bowie Kuhn decided it was his right to make out the Braves line-up card until the record was broken. Long-time fans will remember that. And I hope they do a real tribute to Hank Aaron, there in Atlanta, where it should have been. And it is nice to see that the locals will be able to make probably enough money on the Series to make up for the losses they took with the cancellation of the All-Star Game.

F**k Rob Manfred.