That could mean that all 19 are refusing to cooperate or that Bannon is alone among the group. It's the latter, as you might guess, but the language is susceptible to the first interpretation.
I am only one of many bloggers following this story, but I think I am the only one harping on the ambiguity of that headline.
Go in wearing a viking hat.
Isn't he the guy that Trump pardoned for stealing build-the-wall money?
Give credit where it's due: it's a near-perfect ambiguity.
The Left wants to crush Steve Bannon.
The Left's M.O. has been to destroy and crush anyone who worked for or supported Trump. It sends a terrifying message. The Left doesn't just want to defeat political opponents, they want to personally destroy them. Look what they did to General Flynn and many others. This is all sick. This is wrong. But that's how the Left rolls. The political is personal and nothing is off limits. Justices Kavanaugh and Thomas also saw how this works.
Serious Proposal
Maybe Journalism Majors, should HAVE TO take a Law class? Or maybe a basic English class?
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
The word "cooperating" is dubious in this context.
If a person has been ordered to appear and to answer questions, then he might comply, but not in any spirit of "cooperation".
I am only one of many bloggers following this story, but I think I am the only one harping on the ambiguity of that headline.
That is because when most people see a star chamber stasi court in action they focus on the star chamber stasi court rather than the ambiguity that the government propaganda outlets use to push the activity of the star chamber stasi court.
I don’t think drawing attention to the ambiguity constitutes harping on the subject. To my mind, harping requires repetition. You do harp on some things, but this is not yet an example of harping. I think I had better close down this comment now, or I will be guilty of harping on the subject of harping.
I have not read the Washington Post article, but it certainly should include the expression kangaroo court.
The only non-ambiguous thing about the whole January 6 business is the shooting of Ashli Babbitt. She's dead and an LLD with a gun killed her.
Ummm, it seems to me the "only" identifies Bannon as the sole resistor.
The headline "Bannon one of 19" implies he's a member of a group not cooperating.
If the story says there are 19 not "cooperating," then the headline is definitely wrong.
I'll be happy to hear an alternative explanation.
This, by the way, is what happens when newspapers dump their copy desks to save money and let the reporters write the headlines.
"Give credit where it's due: it's a near-perfect ambiguity."
I agree. It's a true marvel.
Witness: "Isn't he the guy that Trump pardoned for stealing build-the-wall money?"
Nice try.
How is Democratic Underground these days?
I suggest Bannon go back and look at the performance of Oliver North before the Congressional committee investigating Irangate. Give them nothing. Take everything.
They're not journalism majors. They're English lit majors.
J school is for those mopes working local papers and TV stations. Oh and PR.
None of the other people subpoenaed are as well known as Bannon, so going for a criminal indictment for them would garner no effective press. (It would be reported breathlessly, even though the public would say "Who?")
Journalism... isn't that an English Language degree. You're killin it lately Professor!
Eats, shoots...and LEAVES!
I cannot recommend the candidate too highly; waste no time hiring xim.
He should appear and bring a tambourine to shake every time they asked a question.
this show is getting old, the snippets of footage we have seen belie any insurrectionist claptrap, why isn't the full 14,0000 hours of footage released,
LMFAO; as the House is debating the Steve Bannon contempt resolution, Republicans are using their time to talk about IRS powers in the Biden Build Back Better Act.
Dave Begley said...
The Left wants to crush Steve Bannon.
Well, the Department of Justice in the Trump Administration wanted to prosecute him for multiple federal fraud counts. So there’s that.
And Donald Trump pardoned Bannon before the prosecution could proceed. A completely irregular, suspicious, extralegal deployment of the presidential pardon power.
Narr, there was an article once with a whole bunch of those. Job references that wouldn't get you in trouble. In addition to "I cannot recommend Bob too highly," they had "You will be truly fortunate to get Bob to work for you."
All they had to do was drop in a "the" before "only." Or if the other meaning was intended, before "19" instead. Didn't they once teach this stuff in eighth grade?
Oh please Biden. Do away with executive privilege.
Columbia journalism school is one of the "theory" schools so yeah an MA from one probably never taught the lit major how to write headlines. It was quite an art back when you had to fit a specific space. And you always needed someone with dirty mind to make sure you haven't been unintentionally hilarious.
I have noticed the poor grammar as well in news articles in recent years. I am guessing that the journalism classes at the colleges and universities these days are putting an emphasis on being an activist / subjective journalist instead of being objective with just the facts in their reporting. That combined with the not as good as it should be English literacy skills and test scores from elementary, middle, and high school that are reported annually nationwide, it is no wonder that these college graduates (news writers and news editors) have poorly written headlines and stories. Plus, students are no longer given much instruction when younger on cursive handwriting and they rely on spellcheckers to correct their spelling. Is it any wonder that most of the top spellers in the annual Scripps National Spelling Bee are home schooled?
rosalynn boyland might have been clubbed in the tunnels we need to see the footage to check,
If I were him I also would ignore the subpoena. It's a Communist style show trial. Of course the Dimwits don't realize that come 2023 when they lose both houses of Congress a lot of Dimwits are also going to get subpoenaed for their roles from 2015 forward.
Everything is overblown by these Democrat hustlers. And when that doesn’t appear to be working in their favor, they lie, lie, lie, and then lie some more.
THEY are guilty of what they accuse others of. THEY are worthless, malevolent, dishonest motherfuckers who had better straighten up and fly right or they will lose everything.
Witness said...
Isn't he the guy that Trump pardoned for stealing build-the-wall money?
You mean the veteran who lost limbs defending your freedom who is being attacked by another stasi star chamber.
You people are absolutely disgusting.
Ann, once upon a time, telling the truth ‘without fear or favor’ was the job description of a American Journalism. Today, doing the job that way could very well cost a journalist his or her job. For example, do you remember David Remnick's (The New Yorker's Editor in Chief) invitation to Steve Bannon for an interview. The Left's Twitter mob objected the Remnick withdrew his invitation. In American journalism, a dam had been broken. It is now normal for editors at legacy publications to capitulate to outrage not only from their readers, but from their own staff. I remember Bari Weiss being hired by the NYT to publish conservative points of view. Not only was that impossible but the ostracization by the NYT's readers and the staff was embarrassing. The censure escalated to outright bullying. Her colleagues called her a liar on Twitter. In Slack, an online workplace messaging board, someone posted an axe emoji next to her name. In July 2020, Bari Weiss quit the Times with a blistering resignation letter. ‘Twitter is not on the masthead of the New York Times. But Twitter has become its ultimate editor,’ Weiss wrote. In the end, only the mob has the right to judge you. And too many journalists have ceded them that right.
Here's another example of Journalism' status from Instanpundit"
Bannon is right to be wary of Democrats. After all, they worked hard to frame and indict him in the build the wall case. He was not connected to the fund and yet they tried to prosecute him just to bankrupt him and punish him for being a Trump ally. Trump was forced to pardon him but note that he did not pardon anyone actually connected to the fund.
It will be interesting to see if Trump declares Bannon covered by executive privilege, in which case he would either not testify or testify by saying the subject is covered by executive privilege and he cannot answer the question. In any case, Bannon seems open to testifying if Trump lets him.
It helps that Bannon is smarter than 98% of the Democrats and 85% of the Republicans.
Critter: "Bannon is right to be wary of Democrats"
Dont forget to include the democrats who pose as republicans. Some of the most far left democraticals will also label themselves "lifelong republicans".
Bannon is some mighty juicy clickbait and a five percenter.
"Witness said...
Isn't he the guy that Trump pardoned for stealing build-the-wall money?
Isn't Witness the one who molested all of those toddlers?
"Well, the Department of Justice in the Trump Administration wanted to prosecute him"
The fact that you believe the Department of Justice was ever part of the Trump administration confirms you are a moron. As an aside, it' quite telling that you capitalized administration.
"And Donald Trump pardoned Bannon before the prosecution could proceed. A completely irregular, suspicious, extralegal deployment of the presidential pardon power."
Am I the only one hearing laughter coming out of both Nixon an Ford's graves?
I have noticed the poor grammar as well in news articles in recent years. I am guessing that the journalism classes at the colleges and universities these days are putting an emphasis on being an activist / subjective journalist instead of being objective with just the facts in their reporting.
No, I think the NYT style sheet now requires Ebonics.
According to comments made just today by pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck's earthly hero, Biden's Earpiece, Jan 6th has now expanded to become not just Pearl Harbor, 9-11, the darkest day in American history and the entire confederacy, it's also MLK's assassination.
We will know Biden's Earpiece and LLR Chuck really mean it though when they begin to tell us Jan 6th is also the Jussie Smollett "tragedy" and the hanging of "noose" door handles in NASCAR garages.
I would have read that as 19 are not cooperating. For the other reading to be more plausible, you would have to already know that there are 19 witnesses.
It seems like only yesterday pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck was lying about what Garland and the DOJ were doing re: parent disapproval of marxist lunacy shoved down their school kids throats (marxist indoctrination that LLR Chuck has expressed strong approval for).
LLR Chuck lectured all and sundry that Garland's unprecedented threatening action was in no way precipitated or connected to the lefty/democratical/LLR-lefty letter, crafted by the lefty/LLR-left national school board association, and then sent to the DOJ by those same lefties/LLR-lefties.
And today Garland raised his pathetic and corrupt and compromised hand and under oath testified that indeed, as many noted earlier, that letter was not just the precipitating trigger for the DOJ's unprecedented threats against parents pushing back against LLR Chuck's beloved marxist educators, it was the ONLY trigger for the DOJ's actions.
This coming on top of the clear evidence Fauci and the entire leadership of the CDC/NIH were lying their little arses off regarding the US/democratical clear funding of the ChiCom military controlled Wuhan bio-warfare lab to perform gain of function research to weaponize bat the one the ChiCom's (and possibly allies in the west?) unleashed on the world.
Not a great week for our LLR Chuck who is already on record in the just the last several days going hard to bat for Brian Stelter and Kamala Harris and Pete Butt-a-Judge-Judge.
Not to worry. LLR Chuck is still running around busy with his "no Americans left in Afghanistan" and "inflation is a myth" lies to even get to these latest debunked lies.
Bannon is right to be wary, because the current President will not pardon him.
May be someone told him his last pardon covered everything. May be that same genius is telling him ex-Presidents get to have executive privilege. Could be that lasts for the rest of both of their lives. Could be he finds a new source of legal advice in stir, shows up, and takes the 5th.
@Mattman26-- I'm sure I saw the same article on artful ambiguity.
By coinkydink, I owe someone a recommendation right now. Fortunately I can be honestly positive.
I have noticed the poor grammar as well in news articles in recent years.
Good grammar is white supremacist.
ABC radio news keeps calling the committee "bipartisan." No, it's anti-Trump. The two RINOs on the committee voted to impeach Trump and are trying to finish the job the Senate torpedoed. They hope to drive the knife into Trump's back, then twist it. Unfortunately for them, hardly anyone is paying attention to the screeches.
Skippy Tisdale: "Am I the only one hearing laughter coming out of both Nixon an Ford's graves?"
Remember, our pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck wanted Trump impeached over pecan pie and scoops of ice cream.
So consider the source.
ABC radio news keeps calling the committee "bipartisan." No, it's anti-Trump. The two RINOs on the committee voted to impeach Trump and are trying to finish the job the Senate torpedoed.
I heard enough of this bullshit for a lifetime, in a very consequential day on the Hill.
Today's vote on Bannon featured eight Republicans voting for a criminal referral:
Gonzalez (Ohio)
The original proposal for a January 6 commission, negotiated by Dems with Katko, had equal numbers of D's and R's and equal parts for staff counsel, subpoenas, etc. Republican leadership pulled the rug out on Katko, and pulled out of the deal.
When Pelosi called for a Select House committee, Kevin McCarthy nominated Jim Jordan, Jim Banks, Rodney Davis, Kelly Armstrong and Troy Nehls. Pelosi denied just two; Jordan (because he is likely a material witness who spoke with Trump on January 6) and Banks because he had made public statements undermining the work of the committee before McCarthy nominated him. Banks and Jordan were the only Pelosi objections. Davis, Armstrong and Nehls then refused to participate. Or else were ordered to pull out by McCarthy.
Not one arrest based on insurrection - media still cal it an insurrection.
not a single gun shot. Except for the bullet that killed a female Trump supporter for no reason.
This "Chuck"character seems pretty weird, in a scary sort of way. Leftists would be triggered if he wasn't one of them.
Didn't he describe himself as a Life Long Republican, sort of like the Lincoln Pedophile Project? Why are we dealing with these obviously phony sociopaths?
Bill Clinton would even be embarrassed.
Drago said...
Witness: "Isn't he the guy that Trump pardoned for stealing build-the-wall money?"
Nice try.
"Nice try" indeed! Those who really care can read about "The Bannon Steal" below:
Surely Bannon holds congress in contempt as well. Just call it even steven.
Drago said...
Witness: "Isn't he the guy that Trump pardoned for stealing build-the-wall money?"
Nice try.
"Nice try" indeed! Those who really care can read about "The Bannon Steal" below:
Pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck is now literally arguing that Nancy Pelosi should have the power to select all republican members of every committee. An unprecedented demand.
Given LLR Chuck's now 6 year running streak of 100% alignment with all democratical politicians/policies and goals, one shouldn't be surprised.
And yes, pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck is also simultaneously arguing that every legal action taken by Trump is now considered "extra-legal" for the sole reason that it was Trump doing it.
Its amazing to watch in real time, isn't it?
Pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck: "When Pelosi called for a Select House committee, Kevin McCarthy nominated Jim Jordan, Jim Banks, Rodney Davis, Kelly Armstrong and Troy Nehls. Pelosi denied just two;"
I realize Pelosi is one of your biggest heroes, but she does not have the power to tell the republican leader who he/she can appoint to committees.
Your "muh normz" changing demands, always in favor, deference and slavish devotion to the democraticals, remains duly noted.
"I heard enough of this bullshit for a lifetime, in a very consequential day on the Hill."
Nothing written after that contradicts the original assertion that the panel is composed entirely of people opposed to Trump. Instead, what was written consisted of excuses and justifications for why this is so. In other words, you proved the point (by making it your founding assumption you were trying to justify) you supposedly wished to refute.
The Demublicans play the Trump card. It's a little early in the game, but things are looking pretty bad on the political front, so here we go.
And today Garland raised his pathetic and corrupt and compromised hand and under oath testified that indeed, as many noted earlier, that letter was not just the precipitating trigger for the DOJ's unprecedented threats against parents pushing back against LLR Chuck's beloved marxist educators, it was the ONLY trigger for the DOJ's actions.
Shockingly enough, having “uh, principles” doesn’t lead one to acknowledge one’s repeated falsehoods.
Today's vote on Bannon featured eight Republicans voting for a criminal referral.
No-one denies that there is a constituency enthralled by the idea of Republicans sacrificing their “uh, principles” and opposing Trump. As you regularly demonstrate, there are integrity-free life-long Republicans that wish to pretend that their jealousy of Trump is somehow noble.
Chris Lopes said...
"I heard enough of this bullshit for a lifetime, in a very consequential day on the Hill."
Nothing written after that contradicts the original assertion that the panel is composed entirely of people opposed to Trump...
The Trump supporters named to the Committee who had no conflicts and no objections from the Speaker, all quit. So yeah; the Committee is all Trump opponents. Bipartisan Trump opponents. Because the Trump flunkies quit.
And now, I just want to double down on this, with a very special, very personal “Fuck you” to Donald Trump and everyone in his family. All of you and your “RINO” bullshit. The Cheney family, the Meijer family and the Upton family were all supporting Republican Party principles and candidates when the Trump crime family was scurrying around New York, supporting Democrats. Not to mention Donald Trump’s personal support for abortion rights, higher tax rates and an “assault weapons” ban.
Not to mention Donald Trump’s personal support for abortion rights, higher tax rates and an “assault weapons” ban.
All of which are more likely because of the people you now endorse. “Uh, principles” strike again!
Pookie said
... there are integrity-free life-long Republicans that wish to pretend that their jealousy of Trump is somehow noble.
giddy up.
Chuck said: A completely irregular, suspicious, extralegal deployment of the presidential pardon power.
Extralegal? Please enlighten us with your legal knowledge on the limitations of presidential pardon powers. Can a president pardon a former president? Can he pardon a wealthy donor to his campaign? Can he pardon over 100,000 draft evaders in one fell swoop?
As to Bannon, maybe he doesn't care that he's referred to the DOJ for contempt of Congress. Contempt of Congress is a misdemeanor isn't it? It has to be adjudicated in a court of law. And he only has to run out the clock until there's a new congress.
Seems like elementary game theory if you ask me.
This Just In...
“The violent, deadly insurrection on the Capitol nine months ago, it was about white supremacy."
i Sh*t You NOT! According to Resident Jo Biden's teleprompter; The REASON that black congressional aide MURDERED Ashli Babbit, was because of (wait for it!) White Supremacy!
To repeat, pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck wants Pelosi to have full power over the republican party caucus and how it operates.
An unprecedented demand.
To "conserve conservatism" no doubt....
Pelosi denied just two; Jordan (because he is likely a material witness who spoke with Trump on January 6)....
Pelosi controlled the Capitol Police.
gilbar: "This Just In...
“The violent, deadly insurrection on the Capitol nine months ago, it was about white supremacy."
The far left, such as LLR Chuck, have to shift back to the old standby of "white supremacy" for Jan 6 since, once again, LLR Chuck's "insurrection" lies (which have been continuous and ever morphing) have been debunked from his own democratical allies:
Merrick Garland, just yesterday and under oath:
Question: Have any individuals who have been arrested for participating in the riot been charged with “insurrection"?
Garland: “I don’t believe so.”
“Has any defendant involved in the January 6th events been charged with insurrection?”
Garland: “I don’t believe so,”
In pro-marxist pro-CRT Pelosi-fanboy and Biden voter LLR Chuck-ville, that means tens of thousands of highly organized insurrectionists mounted a violent offensive against the peace-loving democraticals and stormed the Capitol Castle with Tanks, armored personnel vehicles, airpower (F-15's) and advanced tactical weaponry which left thousands upon thousands of innocent government workers murdered and thousands more children homeless and orphaned.......also AOC required 35 more minutes of intense personal therapy with her Sherpa Advisor....(which clearly was the most unkindest cut of all.....)
At least, that's what Geo-political-military strategy genius (oft quoted and linked to by our very own LLR Chuck) George "The Walrus" Conway believes.
Maynard: "This "Chuck"character seems pretty weird, in a scary sort of way. Leftists would be triggered if he wasn't one of them.
Didn't he describe himself as a Life Long Republican, sort of like the Lincoln Pedophile Project? Why are we dealing with these obviously phony sociopaths?
Bill Clinton would even be embarrassed."
Even funnier is his little pathetic adopted sidekick gadfly who once tried to launch a blog (I kid you not) and for that purpose gadfly would take an article or two each day found on the web and immediately try to repurpose it as though is were his/her/xer's.
Pathetic doesn't begin to describe that "effort".
Still, there is probably someone somewhere who loves him/her/xer and that's nice.
A quick review of past comments demonstrates conclusively the pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck has never, ever, demanded that a republican Senate or House leader be afforded the power to select opposing party members for committee assignments.
Yet, "strangely" (wink wink), our pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voting LLR Chuck suddenly vehemently (violently? Insurrection-ally?) demands the Pelosi be given that power immediately. ...and I'm assuming forevermore as well.
It's hard to "conserve conservatism" when those darn republicans won't simply hand everything single thing over to Chuck's beloved democraticals........
Some of those darn republicans won't even support Chuck's beloved Lincoln Pedophile Project!
This Just In: The Biden's Earpiece Administration has just announced that the Violent January 6th Insurrection which displaced over 137 Million people globally and caused the greatest mass migration of refugees in the history of the world from the US Capitol grounds to the nearby McDonalds at 4th and C Streets, is also the cause of the Great In-N-Out Burger Conflagration of 2021.
LLR Chuck and gadfly will be along shortly to fully explicate the connection.
I believe the newly discovered In-N-Out Burger information, provided in Dossier form, involved Michael Cohen meeting In-N-Out executives in Prague, Oklahoma (Population 74864) while simultaneous communications between Trump and In-N-Out execs was perpetrated via Secret Server "pinging" between Vision Bank (at the corner of US Route 377 and 8th street) and Trump Tower.
As we speak the FBI, acting on a tip from a disinterested source from Perkins-Coie law firm, is mobilizing to conduct large scale SWAT-like raids on the small town of Prague OK in order to get to the bottom of this compelling information....and to get one of those colorful slushy drinks that can be found at the local Sonic.
More on this later on pro-marxist pro-CRT Biden voter LLR Chuck's Second Favorite "news" show: Brian Stelter's '"Reliable" (wink wink) Sources" (Maddow's show will forever remain LLR Chuck's All-time favorite).
Brian said...
Chuck said: A completely irregular, suspicious, extralegal deployment of the presidential pardon power.
Extralegal? Please enlighten us with your legal knowledge on the limitations of presidential pardon powers. Can a president pardon a former president? Can he pardon a wealthy donor to his campaign? Can he pardon over 100,000 draft evaders in one fell swoop?
free hint : whenever Chuck says anything - tack on when done by R President
i Sh*t You NOT! According to Resident Jo Biden's teleprompter; The REASON that black congressional aide MURDERED Ashli Babbit, was because of (wait for it!) White Supremacy!
not Congressional Aide. Black - may be. Member of Capitol Police.
- not charged because he was saving country from "white supremacy"
Biden is OK with it. I am not OK with this murder under color of law
It is truly amazing the lengths Chuck will go to to make himself more of a clown.
Yancey Ward: "It is truly amazing the lengths Chuck will go to to make himself more of a clown."
LLR Chuck is the Stacey Abrams of Althouse blog....with one exception. Abrams is far more conservative than LLR Chuck.
Narr 11:29 a.m. -- bravo! That's a perfect sentence.
I am reminded of an old (as in 30+ years) SNL skit about the supervisor of a nuclear reactor going on vacation and leaving his staff with the instruction, "Remember: You can't put too much water in a nuclear reactor." Once he leaves, the staff are in a quandary: Does he mean "Put in as much water as possible"? Or does he mean "Be very cautious adding water, because too much will make it go all China Syndrome"? They are still squabbling over this when the scene changes.
We're in Hawai'i, and the boss is looking towards land, where there's a gigantic mushroom cloud. The waitress or whoever who's served him his last pina colada looks out at the cloud, and the boss says, "Remember: You can't look too long at a radioactive cloud," and then retires, leaving the waitress staring quizzically at the cloud.
This is way back when SNL was funny. Right around the same time -- this is when Zima was a thing, and so was "clear" everything -- they had a spoof ad for clear gravy. ROTFL, if that's not itself dated.
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