September 26, 2021

The statue of Hans Christian Heg, restored to its place of honor at the Wisconsin Capitol.



Photographed by me, this morning. 

Click the "Hans Christian Heg" tag to scroll through many posts about this statue, which was torn down by protesters last summer and put back up this week. Keep going all the way back to 2011 and you'll find 3 different posts — March 2nd, March 13th, and March 21st— with my video showing Meade addressing vandalism to the statue during the "Wisconsin Uprising" (when taking over a Capitol building was celebrated by people of the left).


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


wendybar said...

So how much did taxpayers have to pay to remove it once Progressives tore it down... and then to replace it?? Why don't they charge the ones who tore it down???

David Begley said...

Looks great!

Andrew said...

Were any of the protesters jailed, or fined? I don't have time to read through the previous posts. My guess is very few, if any. I hope I'm wrong.

I still don't get it. Destruction of public property is a crime. It doesn't matter what your cause is. Why so few arrests and prosecutions, among all the cities this took place in? Every person directly involved in the vandalism (placing or pulling a rope, for example) should be charged. There are plenty of videos with the evidence.

Of course, I'm being very naive. Such is life.

Howard said...

Happy Days

Heartless Aztec said...


Yancey Ward said...

The protesters will eventually return to destroy it again.

DanTheMan said...

They should have installed it on a large hinge, so it can be repeatedly pulled down and then stood back up... after the oppressed have had their fun.

Mr. Majestyk said...

"Protesters"? Isn't "rioters" more apt?

Meade said...

“ They should have installed it on a large hinge”


If larger than an orange,
You must fix it on a door hinge

Narr said...

Meade makes the first -written- use of the rhyme "orange" and "door hinge" that I've seen! (Maybe I lead a sheltered life.)

Anyway, Hurrah for the Union, boys! Hurrah for Colonel Heg!

Uncle Pavian said...

I should probably drive down 10th Street some time and check on whether the statue of The Pioneer Woman and Abraham Lincoln are still standing on the south side of the Kansas State Capitol.

DanTheMan said...

If the statue don't swivel,
You must be uncivil.

DanTheMan said...

>>"Protesters"? Isn't "rioters" more apt?

Jeez, get with the program Majestyk. "Mostly peaceful art critics".

Chuck said...

My only wish is that Meade could have been at the US Capitol on January 6 to give those destroyers of public property the ‘what fer.’

Butkus51 said...

still in blackface

Unknown said...

One small, very small victory against Cancel Culture.

Lucien said...

Three cheers for Heg-emony!

ussmidway said...

Great photos Ann -- so glad for you & Meade as this is a reason to be proud of Wisconsin and the history of the Abolition Movement (mysteriously led by white men like Hans -- the original BLM activists, and by far the most brave & effective).

Kevin said...

They should have installed it on a large hinge, so it can be repeatedly pulled down and then stood back up... after the oppressed have had their fun.

Like those drinking birds we used to have as kids.

Available at Amazon. Please use the Althouse link.

Kevin said...

I still don't get it. Destruction of public property is a crime. It doesn't matter what your cause is.

Why do you think Soros is focusing on getting his DA's elected?

It's only a crime if the DA will charge and prosecute you.

Kevin said...

It's only a crime if the DA will charge you and prosecute you.

And now you know why Trump is guilty of so many "crimes" that don't seem to be on the books.

gilbar said...

I'm currently reading
Service With the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers: Four Years with the Iron Brigade

by Rufus R. Dawes, who started out in Mauston, Wisconsin; personally organizing a company (The Lemonweir Minutemen) that became part of the 6th Wisconsin (part of the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the 1st Corps of the US Army (The Iron Brigade).
By the 1st of July 1863, Rufus was a Lt Colonel and was in charge of the whole 6th Wisconsin.
Compared to the other regiments in the Iron Brigade, the 6th had pretty easy day of it. They went in with 340 Men, and the next day, still had 172 answering role call
30 KIA, 116 wounded and and not present, and 22 missing (captured, or blown into little bits)
The 2nd Wisconsin (another Iron Brigade unit) lost 77% of their men (Killed Wounded, Missing) in the three days of Getysburg.
Wisconsin men were made of stronger stuff back then

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Nice. Really.

To complete the picture for contemporary America just needs a 50 foot perimeter chainlink fence (12 ft) topped with razor-wire and 24/7 armed National Guardsmen in battle gear spaced at 10 ft intervals. Maybe Madison can get a good deal on used portable barriers from Portland or D.C.

gilbar said...

Andrew said...
Were any of the protesters jailed, or fined?

Compare these 'protesters' to History's Greatest Threat to the USA... EVER;
That is, those people that:
A) were invited into the US Capitol by security guards
B) Stayed Within the Ropes
C) Are STILL Imprisoned without trial...Without charges

loudogblog said...

I suppose that the one good thing that came from this is that more people know about his legacy than before his statue was torn down.

Original Mike said...

"So how much did taxpayers have to pay to remove it once Progressives tore it down... and then to replace it?? Why don't they charge the ones who tore it down???"

Oh, they're not responsible for their actions. They were overcome with rage that they're white. Or something …

Critter said...

The adults have restored reason and order.

Owen said...

Didn’t he lose his head in this latest assault? Was it welded back on? Is there a shiny scar? Close-up pics would help determine this important question.

Quaestor said...

Howard needs to clarify his attitude toward defilers of our national cultural heritage and destroyers of public property.

rcocean said...

How noble of him to give his life for black folks. If only more white people were like him.

rehajm said...

“ They should have installed it on a large hinge“

…the plinth rounded and weighted, like a Bozo Bop Bag.

Howard said...

Q: you need to clarify your attitude for compelled speech.

rhhardin said...

IIt would have been better to put The Rock on the plinth instead.

Drago said...

Quaestor: "Howard needs to clarify his attitude toward defilers of our national cultural heritage and destroyers of public property."

Throughout 2020 Howard proclaimed the antifa statue attackers the literal equivalent of Normandy D-Day heroes.


And Howard continued that, along with his moronic CRT "hot take" "explainers" right up until the moment the democraticals/LLR-democraticals pulled their pre-election switcheroo at which point Howard denied antifa ever existed.

tim in vermont said...

Just saw the Simpsons episode where Bart cuts off the head of Jebidiah Springfield in order to be "popular" and he ends up being "the most hated little boy in Springfield." All I can say is that the Simpsons nailed it.

tim in vermont said...

"It wasn't until I removed the head of Jebidiah Springfield that the town realized that we were taking our heritage for granted." - Bart

I mean come on. Simpsons totally nailed the whole thing.

wildswan said...

At the battle of Chickamauga a series of errors led to the development of a huge hole in the Union line coincidently just before Confederate General Longstreet moved 10,000 men in column against that exact point. Colonel Heg's 15th Wisconsin was the only regiment which had been moved to fill the hole left by the division which moved away. Longstreet poured through the hole, at one point surrounding the regiment. On either side of the hole entire regiments and wings of the Army broke and fled from the Confederates. There was the potential for the loss of the whole Army of the Cumberland which was trapped in a narrow valley. But some regiments resisted the rout, including the Wisconsin 15th. It moved back as an organized formation until it reached the line being formed by General Thomas and it then held a place in that line. This defense by General Thomas, this line held by the 15th among others, prevented the routed part of the Army from being captured. Afterward the 15th was part of the Army that charged right up and took Missionary Ridge.
BLM thought that tearing down Colonel Heg's statue was rather a smart thing to do. Because he was white.
I'm just glad the statue is back up and I think UW-Madison should make an effort to make this local history known.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Madison doesn't deserve it.
You should give it back to Norway.

Richard said...

Not of my vowels come from Norwich ("Narich") in CT. So it would be a "bar hinge"

Mackinly Kantor wrote a Landmark--for jr. hi. level--book on Gettysburg. Had a lot to say about the Iron Brigade. Quite sad.

Bill Befort said...

Has Madison shown the least remorse for officially desecrating, in 2019, the graves of 140 Southern POWs who died of neglect in the prison camp there? This infamous act, a disgrace to the heirs of the Iron Brigade, is noted — though not with the ignominy it deserves — in the Wikipedia article on the "Confederate Rest" graveyard.

traditionalguy said...

Good news. Hey was a true hero. But the woke cancel culture only sees the Norwegian immigrants lead by Heg at Chickamauga as privileged white men carrying assault weapons.

Now let’s see if James Madison’s name and his Constitution thingee can survive the cancel mob.

ganderson said...

I hope the statue of “the Crusher” in South Milwaukee is still there.

Libby Saunders said...

Need to mount all these patriotic statures on "jack-in-the-box" mounts.

Allow them to be concealed below grade on a spring driven platform and then Sprung on the Woke.

Maybe we can acclimate the Woke to reality the same way a jack in the box does for a 18 mo old. They may be startled and triggered to start, but over time they may become functioning children who are no longer terrified of a statue.

john mosby said...

Tim in Vermont: are you saying Heg should have been replaced by History’s Greatest Monster?


Mark said...

That the animals that tore down the Heg statue were not put in prison for life, not just for vandalism but for being too ignorant to remain free, is a travesty. If you go just a little west of the La Fayette road, near an old log school house and the Viniard home you find the real monument to Hans Christian Heg: the spot where he was killed in action attempting to rally his troops.

These morons pretend to be our "betters", filled with so much admirable virtue. But we should treat them with even more contempt because they are nothing but ignorant savages.