September 9, 2021

Sunrise, 6:27.


Write about anything you want in the comments. This is just my recording of the fact that the sun came up this morning, and I was witnessing the predictable but glorious occasion in my usual place beside the lake they call Mendota.
Lake Mendota originated after the Wisconsin glaciation, which occurred approximately 15,000 years ago. Glacial ice, which had covered the Madison lakes... at a thickness of over 300 meters, began to retreat northwest about 14,000 years ago.... Although a large lake that stretched from the northern part of Lake Mendota down to Stoughton did exist for about 1,000 years, falling water levels caused this large lake to separate into the four current Madison lakes about 10,000 years ago, leaving numerous shallow-water marshes between those lakes. ... 
Lake Mendota and Lake Monona are separated by an isthmus known as the Madison Isthmus, on which the majority of Madison, WI, is located....

We are honored to live on the isthmus. My usual place for viewing the sunrise is a peninsula, and I think a peninsula is a fine place for a sunrise run. But an isthmus is the perfect site for a house. 

On a typical summer day, the lake is filled with those engaging in water sports, including boating, fishing, water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, canoeing, windsurfing, kayaking, and sailing.

I have never seen anyone water skiing on Lake Mendota. Or wakeboarding or tubing. But those other things, yes, but never anything close to "filled" with people doing these things. It's a big lake, and it's mostly empty, as you see it in my sunrise photos.

The Wisconsin State Capitol and much of the state government is located on the narrow Madison Isthmus, and the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus is situated along the southern shore of Lake Mendota. In the early 20th century, Chancey Juday and Edward A. Birge founded an influential school of limnology.... Lake Mendota has been called "the most studied lake in the world," with the UW–Madison Center for Limnology resting on its southern bank.... 
In March 2021, researchers from the Center for Limnology concluded that climate change and the associated lengthening of summer weather have driven the annual formation of dead zones in Lake Mendota, which are oxygen-deficient layers deep in the water column. These dead zones have been shown to remain in the lake for up to two months in the summer and have the potential to devastate the habitats of benthic fish.

Benthic fish — I just learned — are the ones that lie around on the bottom of the lake. As they lie on their side, one eye migrates around to join the other eye on the same side of the head. And that's called metamorphosis. 


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Olivia Rodrigo is a pop song machine. We may be witnessing the next Taylor Swift.

Original Mike said...

We used to swim in the lakes a lot when I was a kid (in the 60s). Not sure how much swimming occurs today.

Original Mike said...

For paddling, Wingra is the best.

rhhardin said...

Britannia est insula. Europa non est insula. Italia paenae est insula. Italia est paenaeinsula. - 8th grade Latin book, first lesson.

Robert Marshall said...

Is there anything climate change CAN'T do?

Your lake, indeed your entire local geography, came about due to global cooling in the last ice age, and then global warming (not human-caused) that chased the ice away. Begs the question: are current conditions better than ice-age conditions? I'm asking for a wooly mammoth friend.

Now, you're getting dead-zones underwater, threatening your lazy, bottom-dwelling benthic friends. Unless the Center for Limnology can show how it is they know these zones haven't been around for a long time, I'd be skeptical. Everything these days is caused by climate change, or so they say.

And if global warming leads to more of you Badger folks water-skiing in the summer, that's a plus, isn't it? At least as long as the boats are electric-driven. Here at Lake Burton in NE Georgia, we have no shortage at all of water-sport folks.

rehajm said...

“In March 2021, researchers from the Center for Limnology concluded that climate change and the associated lengthening of summer weather…”

translated: We began with a conclusion and went looking for stuff nobody knows about to support the conclusion we started with.

rehajm said...

Isthmus be my lucky day!

john mosby said...

I think I posted this once before, but didn’t get any traction:

Could a court reach the merits of the 2020 election if a military member refuses an order from Biden, and then in her court martial raises the defense that he is not the duly elected president?


Humperdink said...

Retiring from my maintenance supply distribution business next month. The supply chain(s) are a wreckage. Absolute turmoil. Additionally, my costs go up daily. Thank you Shufflin' Joe and those that helped elect him. I am looking at you LLR. Good time to go.

Interestingly, I have also retired my third SUV, an Acura MDX. Before that, it was two Lexus RXs. In total, the three vehicles accumulated over 825K miles. Replaced two transmissions, but no major engine work. It probably helped that I changed engine oil every 3500 miles.

Will Cate said...

My elderly aunt lives right on a beautiful glacial lake in Maine, called Branch Lake, near the town of Ellsworth. Great for swimming (but chilly) & boating. Here in the south lakes are generally created by damming a river; whole different deal.

Clyde said...

I'm fully vaccinated, but if I wasn't, I'd be telling Creepy Joe to fuck right off. We don't need his authoritarianism in America. And I'm not wearing a fucking mask unless I'm getting on an aircraft where I have to. Other than that, again, he can fuck right off.

RigelDog said...

Sure it's not the lake that they call Gitcha-zoomie?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Here they go again?
Fundamentally Transforming America!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Humperdink said... Yes! In the early 70s I worked for a fully factory sponsored AA/FX funny car owner/driver. At lunch onr day, he explained the teardown of the motor before the raceday. I asked him about "break-in". He said that if you wanted longevity, change the oil @3000 miles. It has worked for me!

Gospace said...

Just sitting here perusing the Constitution of the United States to find where the President gets the power to order private citizens to be vaccinated.

Isn’t in the actual words. Do I look in the penumbras or the emanations? Or is it in the invisible ink between the lines?

Between this and the shenanigans going on with the North Carolina Supreme Court looks like Demoncrats want to spank a violent revolution.

tastid212 said...

Older South Carolina license plates display those sky colors - a red to blue gradient - that really were true to life as the sun went down. Not sure why they were canned. They were replaced by a boring white plate with dark blue letters & numbers. And a palmetto palm so small it just looks like a dark blotch.

Danno said...

Blogger rehajm said...Isthmus be my lucky day!

A bit dyslectic today? Or you be thinking in Sconnie mode.

But most excellent!

Howard said...

Me and my friends have been swimming about 30 miles a month over the summer in our local ponds including Walden. The most fun was going up to Lake placid and swimming the iron Man course in mirror Lake.

Tom Grey said...

Of course I was teasing you* about the name of the lake.
Who could miss the daily tags? Tags: Lake Mendota, photography, sunrise

Thanks, so much for the great info about Mendota.
My claim is that all floods and droughts and fires and hurricane damage need to be blamed on "climate change alarmists" who fail to support mitigation policies.
There are engineering ways to reduce the damage of floods, droughts, fires, and hurricanes, and the failure to be implementing those reductions is because the "Greens" actually want poverty, not less damage.

*I'm joking here, not there - I was silly and looked for the name of the lake in the title. Not the tags, which I "saw", but didn't really observe.

Now I remember about old AT&T dial phones, and reading how very very few people could draw the 10 holes and assign numbers and letters correctly. They "saw" it, but didn't really observe it. Sort of Sherlocky.

I went to apologize, then noted the tags with "Mendota", then saw your kind response about teasing. Only wish I had seen the tags and actually was teasing, rather than ... being a bit of a doofus?

Your brief but interesting blog remains an almost daily read - but those days after I don't read you, I read all your prior stuff. Usually also the read more, too.

daskol said...

I considered limnology, but I just couldn’t make up my mind one way or another.

MalaiseLongue said...

I watched Biden’s speech. The part where he said “Borders matter” was particularly funny. Also the part where he said “May God protect our troops.”

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Newspeak: "Fauci Was 'Untruthful' to Congress About Wuhan Lab Research, New Documents Appear To Show"

link text

Sydney said...

I was not aware of Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandate until I came here and saw it mentioned. That explains this letter I got today by email putting America’s primary care doctors on notice not to criticize the vaccine:

Josephbleau said...

The first time I saw the lake was with my lovely wife, an MS graduate of the U. We visited during a past art fair. The first thing I noted was a young man passing a 12 pack to his girlfriend before casting off from the dock in a plastic johnboat. Some things never change. We later went to a noted local orchid greenhouse, Sun City?. Ended up at a Norske BNB north of town.

Bender said...

So, Biden is dictating that employers fire their employees who decline to be vaccinated or tested.

Thanks America for voting for this thug who is tougher on peaceful U.S. citizens than he is on our enemies.

Sydney said...

Also, two FDA officials in charge of vaccine approval resigned to protest Biden’s insistence on boosters when the need for COVID boosters has not been proven:

Josephbleau said...

The legends were toldtome from the Menominee on down
of the big lake they call the Mendota.
Mendota is a large lake as big as a small lake
and the racist statues sleep init.

With a shore full of hippies and union thugs more
that have left thoughtful reason behind them.
The Capitol roof reflected their songs
but helium balloons were innocent trespass.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden's mandates on private employers seems to immediately fall afoul of the Adminstrative Procedures Act, which has been in the news the last year or so, and was again just a week or so ago. The OSHA rules changes would seem to require the same procedures as any other change in rules, and they seem to have been skipped here, or don't take effect for months in the future. One or the other.

Josephbleau said...

Unvaxxed employees who work at home must be fired. Students who attend on line classes must be dis-enrolled. Don't talk to me about your stupid freedom, dammit, I am the head bastard in charge so do or be screwed, you worthless little f*ck!!! sincerely Joe B.

walter said...

I thought I might have been too viro-illiterate to wonder about this, but...lookee here at this April!(now would be deemed a "vaccine"):
"Regeneron now has the edge in the race to produce antibodies to reduce the risk of Covid-19. The company today reported full results from a pivotal trial showing an 81% reduction in the risk of symptomatic Covid-19 in 1,505 subjects living with infected individuals. Additionally, triallists receiving Regen-Cov2 (casirivimab plus imdevimab) appeared to get better faster, recovering in one week compared with three for placebo. Regen-Cov already has emergency use authorisation for mild to moderate Covid-19, and these results – an update from a previous positive interim analysis that found 100% reduction in symptomatic Covid-19 – open the way for EUA in prevention. With vaccine programmes under way in many western countries Regeneron is unsurprisingly pitching Regen-Cov2 as complementary, arguing that where vaccination levels are low and individuals are at high risk of infection, for example in settings like nursing homes, there is space for the therapy. Unlike Lilly's rival antibody bamlanivimab, which is intravenous, Regen-Cov2 is injected subcutaneously, potentially widening its use. The US government has bought 1.25 million doses of Regen-Cov2, but it is unclear who will pay beyond this current epidemic, leaving pricing as well as increased vaccine rollout as potential barriers to future uptake.

And oh..I have a 30-ish step-niece who works in a care facility. She had clotting after first shot and was on pause re 2nd. She likely voted for Joe.

Gahrie said...

@ Althouse:

I'm in and out of the site now days, so I may have missed it. (Thanks for bringing back something resembling the unique community we used to share, I still miss it)

Have you commented on the shenanigans going on at the North Carolina Supreme Court yet? I'd really and honestly be interested in your take on what is going on over there.

Big Mike said...

I'm fully vaccinated, but if I wasn't, I'd be telling Creepy Joe to fuck right off.

In my opinion those of us who are fully vaccinated have the same need to tell Creepy Joe the rapist and his Democrat enablers to eff right off.

I understand their problem — even polls that skew very Democrat are showing Joe Biden’s approval rating in the dumpster. It’s not just Rasmussen. It’s polls like NPR/PBS and ABC/WP that also show Biden’s disapproval rating to be above 50% while his approval rating is 44% or lower that should have Biden pissing his Depends.

So what’s their solution? Well, now we know. They can’t possibly imagine that mandatory vaccination (including of people who had VOVID-19 and recovered, and whose natural immunity has been measured at 13 times that provided by vaccines). will either be popular, nor will it put an end to COVID. I think he’s headed for the same territory inhabited by Dick Nixon in 1974.

gilbar said...

Robert Marshall said...
are current conditions better than ice-age conditions? I'm asking for a wooly mammoth friend

Geologically, we are in a TEMPORARY Warm spot, in the middle of ice ages
In fact; the resumption of cold, is WAY PAST DUE
This delay, in the return of ice age; might very conceivably be BECAUSE of man's actions

Which would YOU Rather have?
One Mile of ice over your head, and a frozen world?
Warmer Summers, and less snowy winters?

we are rapidly approaching a moment of truth both for ourselves as human beings and for the life of our nation. Now, the truth is not always a pleasant thing, but it is necessary now make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless, distinguishable post-war environments: one where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed.

I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say... no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh... depended on the breaks.

Big Mike said...

Recently Althouse had a post based on two academic types lamenting that the American population doesn’t trust bureaucratic experts anymore. IIRC, they welcomed mandates as a way to force the people to do what they ought to do.

My comment suggested that the only things the bureaucratic experts were actually expert at were climbing the bureaucratic ladder, empire building, and backstabbing. But the latest confirmation comes from the CDC, which issued mask policies based on the science, except that these policies ran contrary to the wishes of the teacher’s unions. So the CDC changed the policies because what good is science when faced with politics?

gpm said...

>>Britannia est insula. Europa non est insula. Italia paenae est insula. Italia est paenaeinsula. - 8th grade Latin book, first lesson.

9th grade Latin, first lesson:

Maria laudat. Also amo/amas/amat.

At our 20th high school reunion (gad, I'm about to go to the 50th next week), one of my friends (then and now a professional comedian) did a routine playing on something like Abul Abbas Abbat. Which I laughed at hysterically and everyone else was,
Say What? He was teaching at a girl's high school on the South Side of Chicago (I think Maria, aka Lugen Tech, if that means anything to anyone here). There was another joke I can't quite remember involving G L O R I A.

Sorry to be that one but, FWIW, "paenae" is misspelled.


DLH said...

The original album name for U2’s Joshua tree was originally going to be “The Two America’s”. That discourse was apparently because of perceptions and opinions of Reagan’s policies in El Salvador. They may need a new album for this. I’ve been avoiding the vaccination bull shit but now because I work in a non remote work area with a certain number of employees I’m forced to vaccinate? I might contribute to lyrics.

Narr said...

Thanks, gilbar. Good quote. One of my favorites:

More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.

Prof, high priestess of the dawn, sooner or later perhaps you'll see Venus and even Mercury on your run.

This evening there was a slender orange-slice moon cupped toward gleaming Venus.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

john mosby said...

Could a court reach the merits of the 2020 election if a military member refuses an order from Biden, and then in her court martial raises the defense that he is not the duly elected president?

It would be tried in a military court, and whatever the military member think of Biden or the election, I doubt they would look favorably on disobeying an order. And I doubt the judge would allow the sort of circus necessary to mount such a defense.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The millennial temperature trend is down: -0.137 deg C per millennia. There have been 5 previous high periods where civilization flourished and grain production was high: Optimum, Minoan, Roman Empire, Medieval and Modern. Each succeeding high period was cooler than the previous high. The Medieval Warm Period ended about 1300 A.D.; the Black Plague arrived about 1344 A.D. The temperature has been warming since ca. 1700 and the Little Ice Age ended around 1850, the same base year the Climate Fraudsters are using as their reference temperature.

walter said...

FWIW, "fully vaccinated" is clearly a moving target.

And oh...
"Preliminary data were collected from June 2006 through October 2009 on 715,000 patients, and 1.4 million doses (of 45 different vaccines) were given to 376,452 individuals. Of these doses, 35,570 possible reactions (2.6 percent of vaccinations)
were identified. This is an average of 890 possible events, an average of 1.3 events per clinician, per month. These data were presented at the 2009 AMIA conference.
In addition, ESP:VAERS investigators participated on a panel to explore the perspective of clinicians, electronic health record (EHR) vendors, the pharmaceutical industry, and the FDA towards systems that use proactive, automated adverse event reporting.
Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported.
Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting: reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative.
Proactive, spontaneous, automated adverse event reporting imbedded within EHRs
and other information systems has the potential to speed the identification of problems with new drugs and more careful quantification of the risks of older drugs.
Unfortunately, there was never an opportunity to perform system performance assessments because the necessary CDC contacts were no longer available and the CDC consultants responsible for receiving data were no longer responsive to our multiple requests to proceed with testing and evaluation."

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Biden’s latest move surely will help the supply chain issues.

Rt41Rebel said...

"I work in a non remote work area with a certain number of employees I’m forced to vaccinate?"

In which state do you work? This plan is gonna get shut down before implementation even begins. This plan is not intended to be implemented. It's intended to make us talk about anything other than Afghanistan and 9/11 for a week or so.

Gahrie said...

The temperature has been warming since ca. 1700 and the Little Ice Age ended around 1850, the same base year the Climate Fraudsters are using as their reference temperature.

It's more ominous and dramatic than that. The earth has been in an ice age for the last 2.5 million years. It's called the Quarternary. During this ice age there have been several periods of dramatic global warming. These are called interglacials. The last interglacial began around 12,000 years ago , and is called the Holocene. (There have been serious attempts the last decade or so to get the Holocene recognized as a new epoch in order to avoid admitting it is in fact an interglacial)

Man appeared on earth 300,000 years ago. For the vast majority of that time, around 290,000 years, we lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers in small bands. Then the Holocene began, the Earth began to warm, and man discovered agriculture.

Agriculture led to surplus. Surplus led to specialization. Specialization led to cities. Cities led to civilization, and lastly civilization led to history. History only goes back 6,000 years.

All of human existence has occurred during the current ice age. Most of it was brutal and pretty miserable. The last 10,000 years, the standard of living for humans has improved immensely, and the species has been remarkably successful. However that entire 10,000 years has occurred in an interglacial, one that appears to be ending.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Trump was in the WH, the Fauci fallacy could not have unravel.

linked video

“In all things God works for the good of those who love him” Rom. 8:28

Big Mike said...

This plan is not intended to be implemented. It's intended to make us talk about anything other than Afghanistan and 9/11 for a week or so.

@Rt41Rebel, please read my 8:00 comment. When the powers that be look at the popularity of “the plan” (as you put it), I think they will want a return to the days of when we were talking about Afghanistan.

Humperdink said...

It has been reported the US Postal Service employees are exempt from Shufflin's Joe vaxx mandate (or womandate or whatever).

Humperdink said...

Now I read the 644K postal union employees are included. Who knows now.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Too many people preaching practices
Don't let them tell you what you wanna be
Too many people holding back
This is crazy, and baby, it's not like me
I second it.

Ann Althouse said...

"There are engineering ways to reduce the damage of floods..."

From the linked Wikipedia article on Mendota:

"While the lakes are separated by dry ground, they are connected by the Yahara River. Navigation along this portion of the Yahara River is controlled by the Tenney Park Lock and Dam, which was constructed to allow shallow drafting boats to cross this dredged section of river through what was once wetlands. Today, the Tenney Park Locks also help to maintain water levels in the Madison lakes, as under normal conditions, the water level in Lake Mendota is kept five feet above that in Lake Monona. By contrast, when water levels are too high, the Tenney Park Dam is closed to minimize flow from Lake Mendota into Lake Monona and Lake Waubesa, while when water levels are too low, all the dams along the Yahara River are opened to maximize water flow.[9][10] In early 2021, Dane County obtained an Ellicott 'Dragon Dredge' as a means of reducing the consequences of flooding from the Yahara River and the Madison lakes by removing silt and muck deposits that have accumulated for decades at choke points between the lakes. This acquisition was part of a multi-million dollar flood mitigation effort led by Dane County Executive Joe Parisi dating back to 2019, when historic rains inundated creeks and caused the waters of Lake Monona to rise to their highest levels in over a century, that would allow Dane County to more efficiently move large volumes of water between the Madison lakes to avoid similar catastrophic impacts from flooding."

So... we do stuff. Despite all the leftism.

Narayanan said...

So... we do stuff. Despite all the leftism.
But are the people who do the stuff ?

since to do stuff they need to possess right stuff

wendybar said...

The Fascist in Chief is forcing EVERYBODY who works to be vaccinated...that is, unless they are Federal Postal workers who work within the general public everyday. Their Union is stronger than YOUR feelings. Those Unions are really who are running the country. Joe is just their puppet who follows whatever directions are written out for him. If he does good...more ice cream for him!!! What a joke this whole debacle is. He is trying to bury what he did in Afghanistan by leaving Americans behind.

Chuck said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
I understand their problem — even polls that skew very Democrat are showing Joe Biden’s approval rating in the dumpster. It’s not just Rasmussen. It’s polls like NPR/PBS and ABC/WP that also show Biden’s disapproval rating to be above 50% while his approval rating is 44% or lower that should have Biden pissing his Depends.

Biden’s low polling numbers are better than Trump’s best-ever numbers, right? Did Trump piss in his depends?

I’ve actually never heard a credible report that President Biden wears adult diapers. I have heard credible reports that Trump wears adult diapers:

DLH said...

I work in Maryland. Carroll County which is pretty much rural. My sons high school was on the local news yesterday because they don’t require masks and the typical news media acted like that was crazy. Sheep. Anyways I do agree it’s a distraction from Afghanistan debacle and plummeting polls for “the big guy”. Frank Underwood used same tactics in House Of Cards.

William50 said...

So... we do stuff. Despite all the leftism.
This brings to mind an old saying, something about blind squirrels and nuts.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck recommends Depends, don't you, Chuck?

Yancey Ward said...

"Prof, high priestess of the dawn, sooner or later perhaps you'll see Venus and even Mercury on your run."

Mercury is in the evening sky right now- I managed to spot it with the binoculars last evening. It is hard to spot in the evening sky this time of year because of the angle of the ecliptic with the horizon in the evening sky- in short, Mercury and Venus both are closer to the horizon even at their greatest elongation points. Mercury will transition to the morning sky next month, and will be easier to see.

tcrosse said...

Tenney Park is a lovely spot to watch the sun set over Lake Mendota.

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