September 1, 2021

Late summer color — 6:39 a.m.



Ann Althouse said...

Such a bright, crisp day — clearly signaling our escape from August. It's September 1st and everyone seems energized. The "good mornings" from the people of the dawn out on the trail in the woods today were jauntier than ever. September! The best part of the year begins!

Joe Smith said...

A very soothing photo...I need a blanket, a picnic basket, and a good bottle of cabernet : )

MadisonMan said...

It's so dark in the morning when I get up now. The one thing I object to! Also wore long sleeves today. My dermatologist will be pleased.

Achilles said...

Making apple cider vinegar/olive oil salad dressing with sage/rosemary/thyme/basil/oregano.

It needs to age for a few days to break down the nutrients in the herbs.

Started soaking the steak I eat to break fast in apple cider vinegar. Marinating as you say.

If you listen carefully you can hear the wails and gnashing of teeth from the Carbohydrate industry. The FDA and food industry are going to go down in the same dustbin of failures as the "experts" who pushed COVID are.

Insulin Resistance is a plague that dwarfs Cancer.

rehajm said...

Puzzle that one.

rehajm said...

I'm now in the south covid free but I miss Fall in New England- no humidity, McIntosh apples, cider and cider doughnuts.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

This pic just makes me feel good.

Kai Akker said...

Sad to read intelligent people making the case for more censorship needed online. I saw a column about how America needs to shut down "misinformation" on vaccines for the CCP virus.

Are they so devoid of reflective thought? Educated people who are this stupid? Man oh man. There must be a great shock coming to people who never reflect and never consider. I don't know what precisely it will be, but this degree of idiocy will get toppled by something; some kind of painful reality check.

(And then who will they blame it on, TrumpBushReaganIke Inc.? Insurrectionistas? Crazed blog commenters? All of the above?)

Howard said...

Meat eaters are just evil people whom are traitors to the planet. Even worst than travelers.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Report: Al Leiter, John Smoltz won't appear at MLB Network studios after refusing COVID-19 vaccine.

More outed refuseniks.

Kai Akker said...

Does cider really make a decent adult beverage? The latest artisanal trend, it seems. How good could it be when they sell it in cans?