September 8, 2021

"In backgrounding partisan politics and foregrounding Lewinsky’s experience of being strung along by the leader of the free world, at great personal expense, whether she knew it or not..."

"... the show makes Tripp an awful friend, a bitter woman, a conservative hack primarily responsible for the world crashing around Lewinsky’s ears, but one who is also granted an inch of ground to stand on. Bill Clinton was far worse than his allies and friends ever wanted to admit. That she chose the most harmful, duplicitous, self-serving way to address this is still true—but if she comes out looking bad, it’s still better than she’s ever looked before."

As for Bill Clinton... why isn't he the villain (at long last)?
[T]he show is fuzzy on the question of Clinton himself. There’s a kind of bifurcation between the relationship’s effect on Monica—destabilizing—and the show’s gentle treatment of him. Impeachment seems to have little doubts that he exposed himself to Jones and that he ultimately misused Lewinsky, but Clive Owen’s Clinton is deeply understated. (Edie Falco’s Hillary is barely in the show.) There’s no Slick Willie here, no Big Macs, just a low-key lonely, deceptively charming guy. While at this particular moment I don’t want to be calling out for more didacticism in our television, the soft spot for Bill Clinton in this explicitly feminist retelling is a song that’s been playing for 20 years.

"Explicitly feminist"? What does that really mean? Superficially feminist would be a better way to say it. It will always be fake feminism — 20 years ago and now and beyond — until Bill Clinton is held to account. 


SGT Ted said...

The Feminist Inc. response to the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal destroyed their credibility in regards to workplace sexual harassment by revealing that liberal/left politics were more important than protecting women or holding men to account.

Lurker21 said...

Yeah, and when they make the movie about Cuomo, he won't be the villain either ...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left love them some phony Vindman - who had his FBI's permission to listen to the President's telephone calls - pressed up to his ear. which did or did not happen and in either case is complete bs.

But the left hate them a woman who helped us understand what a vile pile of shit Bill Clinton is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember - Stormy Daniels and her lawyer Michael Avenatti
are heroes!

Linda Tripp was bad because she helped us learn who Bill really was. Damn her!

Kai Akker said...

---It will always be fake feminism — 20 years ago and now and beyond — until Bill Clinton is held to account. [AA]

Held to account for? Being a married man who pursued (how much did he have to pursue that woman?) a single adult woman for their hopefully mutual sexual pleasure and intimacy?

At what age do women take any responsibility for their behavior? How can there be any feminism, fake or otherwise, until that is understood to be part and parcel of it?

In this case, from what I can recall, "that woman" did take some or most of the responsibility for her behavior, to her credit. If Clinton is held to account, wouldn't that have happened contemporaneously with his wife, the offended party here?

Dave Begley said...

Oh, Ann. Bill Clinton will never be held to account. Just like Hillary and Fauci. They are immune.

I just watched David Mamet's "The Winslow Boy." Very good! In it, the issue of sovereign immunity is key. At that time (circa 1900) the Attorney General had to approve of any suit against the Crown. In his Order, he had to state, "Let right be done."

Right will never be done as against the Liberal Elite. Two systems of justice.

gilbar said...

"As for Bill Clinton... why isn't he the villain (at long last)?"

Because he was Pro Abortion!
Because IF he is taken down from his pedestal, women would have to admit Abortion is Everything
Because (if Abortion isn't Everything), they'd have to admit; that Every Good thing Willie gets credit for, was Forced on him by Newt and the republicans

Ice Nine said...

>As for Bill Clinton... why isn't he the villain (at long last)?<

What, you've never noticed that 'D' behind his name?

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, are you deliberately forgetting the underhanded way Bill Clinton’s enablers went after women who had gotten even peripherally involved with Horny Bill? Or did you really buy into the meme that Paula Jones was trailer park trash? (“Drag a $100 bill through …”). Linda Tripp came right out and said that she taped the conversations with Lewinsky in self defense, knowing that as a confidant of the President’s bimbo James Carville and others in the Clinton White House would set out to destroy her job and her reputation.

Which they tried to do anyway, with the gleeful assistance of reporters at the New York Times and the Washington Post, and, especially, America’s feminists.

Achilles said...

Focusing on this helps people get past the real issue: Bill Clinton is an admitted rapist.

His wife threatened and abused his victims.

The DC uniparty is just riddled with people like this.

Joe Smith said...

The biggest scandal was Bill lying to everyone in America, including his cabinet, and none of them had the balls to resign in protest.

But it's what democrats do. Right or wrong doesn't matter...power is everything.

rehajm said...

Yes, she is. We expected nothing less...

As I mentioned as we were discussing Lewinsky here the other day, she's no victim but was at that dangerous age- an adult old enough to know better yet still young enough to make major errors. She's an eternal reclamation project but noting ever really caught on- the handbags, no place in politics while the Clintons are still around, her 'activist' moniker for something or other...too bad for her but I suspect had her reputation been rehabilitated she'd have somehow been at the center of a few more of the Deomcrats biggest fuck ups over the years...

wendybar said...

Bill Clinton is the abuser, but as a Democrat, he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Hillary called all of the women that Bill abused "Bimbo Eruptions" The only one erupting anything was the horndog in chief. Democrats are for abusive men. Always have been, always will be. They use the #Metoo bull crap only to get Republicans. Of course a few of their favorites had to take the fall too, but Bill and Hillary Clinton NEVER will. This is why we laugh at them and their hysterics. It's actually hilarious to watch.

wendybar said...

Linda Tripp would be called a heroine and would have been celebrated, if this was Trump rather than Clinton, and we all know it.

etbass said...

" "Explicitly feminist"? What does that really mean? Superficially feminist would be a better way to say it. It will always be fake feminism — 20 years ago and now and beyond — until Bill Clinton is held to account. "

Amen, Professor.

Wilbur said...

This is all old news, tin-foil hat stuff. Bill Clinton wants to get back to work for the American people.

Ralph L said...

Tripp gave Lewinsky the best advice she ever heard: save the dress.
I'll wager Betty Currie got the kid gloves, too.

"Explicitly" isn't the right word. Ostensibly?

Captain BillieBob said...

Democrats are never held to account. Except for maybe Gary Hart. Ted Kennedy, the Lion of the Senate, nope. Womanizer JFK, nope. Cuomo, not likely. There will be no reckoning for Bill other than he's stuck with Hillary until he dies or she kills him.

Achilles said...

They have to talk about this because everyone is talking about this.

But they can't talk about it honestly because so many of our elected officials and members of the elite media are rapists.

Joe Biden is a rapist. They stole an election to install a rapist as president.

And to keep the sheep under their thumb.

But you can feel the undercurrents swelling.

mikee said...

"Explicitly feminist" is correct. Feminism, which in Althouse's youth may have had advocates arguing for equality of the sexes, has become over the past several decades just another "-ist" and "-ism" used by leftists to promote their authoritarian ideology of state control. In Clinton's time as president, feminists admitted they would drop to their knees to service good old Slick Willie, provided he continued to outwardly support their ideology of leftist, feminist power-grabbing. That was explicit feminism in the 1990s. Today it remains the same or worse, with Me Too refusing to treat grabby old Joe's treatment of employees and young girls with anything like their treatment of beer-loving Supreme Court nominees.

Explicitly feminist can be shortened to "leftist."

Unknown said...

From Slate: “If you never thought we did Monica wrong, you’ve just never thought about it.“

Got a mouse in your pocket? Who is this “we”?

tcrosse said...

I'm surprised that Slate and its commentariat managed to keep Trump out of it.

madAsHell said...

You've been selected for the re-education camp. Stand over there.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...Lewinsky’s experience of being strung along by the leader of the free world, at great personal expense, whether she knew it or not...

In addition to his various criminal activities, Clinton was a pig who was cheating on his wife, and was using a young woman to do so.

Having said that, Monica was no innocent here. Clinton was the second older, married man with whom she had an affair. She knew what she was doing.

Yancey Ward said...

Is there any doubt why lots of women stay with emotionally and physically abusive men?

AlbertAnonymous said...

“… a conservative hack primarily responsible for the world crashing around Lewinsky’s ears”

The only thing responsible for anything crashing around Lewinsky’s ears would be Bill Clinton’s hands as she Kamala Harris-ed his Willie Brown.

Temujin said...

"It will always be fake feminism — 20 years ago and now and beyond — until Bill Clinton is held to account."


tim maguire said...

Linda Tripp was a terrible friend. But the thing about the Monica Lewinsky story is that Monica Lewinsky is not the main character. Her tragedy is a detail, insignificant compared with the legal and sexual abuses of the President of the United States. However bad a friend Tripp may have been, it's Bill's fault that some of the consequences fell on Monica.

Kevin said...

"Explicitly feminist"? What does that really mean? Superficially feminist would be a better way to say it.

The purpose of a system is what it does.

Leland said...

"misused Lewinsky"

wendybar said...

"According to an NPR review, some of the titillating details that the press fixated on in the late ’90s are missing from the television series. There are “only passing references to that blue dress” and no sex scenes – especially none with cigars."

Trying to rewrite history to keep that he actually got impeached for lying about having a sexual relationship with a young intern. THIS is the reason they are attacking the DEAD Linda Tripp, who Monica should ACTUALLY be thanking for telling her to keep the semen stained blue dress. If she didn't....Bill would have gotten away with MORE...and Hillary would be cackling in the White House...Hillary is the pathetic one. SHE should be worried about what the "bomb" is that Rose McGowan tweeted about yesterday. If her husband wasn't such a sleezebag...she wouldn't have to worry about it...but SHE covered up his picadillos so watching their lives implode is going to be fun.

Chris Lopes said...

"Held to account for?"

Lying under oath and trying to get others to do the same. Had he simply admitted the affair in the beginning, the matter would have gone away. Since Bill (well Hillary really) couldn't stand to have his critics proven right, he started a months long process that led to his impeachment.

Heartless Aztec said...

The life and times of an Alpha male - Accolades, Affection and Accusations.

Iman said...

“As for Bill Clinton... why isn't he the villain (at long last)?”

I’m afraid you’ll have to find a pair of Clinton-era regulation knee pads to find out.

Iman said...

Haven’t seen this yet. Were they able to find an actor for the Carville role, or did they have to fall back on a snake?

Quaestor said...

Impeachment is a work of fiction. It bears no more resemblance to the history of the Clinton presidency than Pirates of the Caribbean bears to the history of buccaneering. The real villain of that infamous imbroglio was Monica Lewinsky, and Impeachment only compounds her guilt.

This is not to say that Bill Clinton was innocent -- that odious mountebank has a long record of villainy against women, long before the Lewinsky affair and probably long afterward as well -- but in this case, Clinton was Faustus to Lewinsky's Mephistopheles. By temptation, Mephistopheles brought Faustus to the gates of Hell, but it was by his own crimes that Faustus stepped over the threshold. Just so Lewinshy enticed the ever so temptable Clinton to disgrace the highest office in the land, but it was Clinton's perjury that forced his impeachment.

Lewinsky played the role so many contemptible women have played countless times before and since, the willing temptress and betrayer of her lover, the homewrecker who seeks to steal a husband from a lawful wife. However, Lewinsky was also a traitor because she headlessly endangered a sitting President of the United States and by extension the nation as a whole by exposing Clinton to blackmail. The woman is far from stupid, and it would require a grossly stupid woman not to foresee the danger posed by such a compromised presidency.

Lance said...

Linda Tripp was a terrible friend

So was Daniel Ellsberg.

Kai Akker said...

I'm surprised by the anti-feminist Puritanism raging here, starting with our hostess! Give Monica Lewinsky her agency back! (Hat tip to Shouting Thomas.)

If that college-educated woman Ms. Lewinsky is too young at 22 and 23 to be doing adult things, then surely she is too young to do other adult things like vote or hold a responsible job. When should women be allowed to vote? And don't say never. My guess is 40 would be acceptable, but kind of hard to say based on logic or emotional maturity, isn't it. Jobs.... well, when? I guess later on in life.

Michael said...

Re: many comments above. What I found the most appalling about the whole business was the incredible tackiness of it all. If Bill and Monica had had a quiet affair in the Willard Hotel, it would have been Hillary's decision to take it or leave it. But to carry on as they did in the very Oval Office, reportedly while on the phone to Congressmen, was so totally disrespectful of the Presidency, the American people, and him/herself as to beggar belief. No wonder we have the culture we do.

That plus the staggering hypocrisy of the Boxers, Mikulskis, etc., of the world. If Clinton had been President of Exxon or Chase Bank or the Ford Foundation or Mass General Hospital, he would have been ridden out of town on a rail at once, and those powerful Democratic women would have been the first to heat the tar and slash open their pillowcases. Given the power differential the issue of consent would have been laughed off.

Narr said...

Come on, man! What difference, at this point, does it make?

If I had had one of my interns polishing my knob, I'd have been out of a job before sundown, and I guarantee my wife wouldn't have sided with me.

The Ds will toss a nebbish or liability aside if they have to (Franken, Cuomo) but their big guys and molls are immune for all intents and purposes. It has become the American Way.

Michael K said...

I don't get why Linda Tripp was a bad friend. She advised Lewinski to keep the famous dress. Had she not done so, she would have been another crazy woman. It was her decision to go public, as I recall.

gahrie said...

At what age do women take any responsibility for their behavior? How can there be any feminism, fake or otherwise, until that is understood to be part and parcel of it?

No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.

Kai Akker said...

---[Held to account for?] Lying under oath and trying to get others to do the same. Had he simply admitted the affair in the beginning, the matter would have gone away. Since Bill (well Hillary really) couldn't stand to have his critics proven right, he started a months long process that led to his impeachment. [Chris Lopes]

But he was held to account on all that, 20 and more years ago. In addition to the impeachment, he had his law license suspended for years, he was disbarred from practicing in front of the Supreme Court, and he was fined $90,000.

No, the post's reference to holding Clinton to account meant something else, I think, Chris.

Your point that some of the trouble would have been abated had he admitted to it all -- maybe, though I would bet not. I sometimes thought he should have just said I needed it to function, and maybe he could have made it through -- but there were too many other things behind and beyond l'Affaire Monica which were already in process, or might become a legal subject.... he was in too deep, he must have figured.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Kai Akker said...
---It will always be fake feminism — 20 years ago and now and beyond — until Bill Clinton is held to account. [AA]

Held to account for? Being a married man who pursued (how much did he have to pursue that woman?) a single adult woman for their hopefully mutual sexual pleasure and intimacy?

1: Yay for Althouse!

2: Boo for Kai

What should Clinton be held accountable for?
1: Rape
2: Abuse of power in his position as Governor of Arkansas
3: Violating his marriage vows (for the really stupid: If you can't trust him to uphold his marriage vows, how can you trust him not to screw you over, too?)
4: Perjury and obstruction of justice while the chief law enforcement officer of teh US
5: Sexual harassment of Monica Lewinski.
If the screwing had been "CEO of large company and office intern" that would have been a straight up easy win in a sexual harassment lawsuit, under laws singed by Bill Clinton. Because the power imbalance is just too great. At least, that's what teh feminists said when it wasn't Democrat President Clinton, protector of Roe, who did the sexual harassing

Any other questions?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Kai Akker said...
But he was held to account on all that, 20 and more years ago.

He was not removed from office, he didn't go to jail, and he was allowed to remain a member of "polite society".

The money was chump change, and he wasn't ever going to be a lawyer again anyway.

It was a wrist slap, not a punishment

Chris Lopes said...

"- maybe, though I would bet not."

It would have avoided the whole "lying under oath" thing that got him impeached. It wouldn't have made the public embarrassment disappear, but it would have avoided committing a federal crime.

Chris Lopes said...

"Had she not done so, she would have been another crazy woman."

People tend to forget the well orchestrated campaign to paint Monica as a crazy ass bitch. I remember watching a segment on a network news broadcast where they had a room full of interns ridiculing the idea of getting close enough to POTUS to flirt with him, let alone have sex. I remember it well because I bought into it hook, line, and sinker. It sounded perfectly reasonable that a young woman might fantasize about having an affair with the president. Had Monica sent that dress to the dry cleaners, I'd be thinking that this very day.

Leora said...

I'm really tired of talking and or thinking about the Clintons. We have a long and colorful history. Let's talk about someone else.

Grover Cleveland was accused of raping of woman who bore him a child. He still won election twice. His opponents in the first election went to his rallies and chanted "Ma, Ma" where's my pa?" After he won, his supporters added "Gone to the White House, Ha Ha Ha." I read somewhere that at his first nominating convention he told his fellow Democrats that Americans didn't want a gelding for President.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"the offended party here?"

The nation President Clinton lied to right in its face? Just brainstorming here.

Mea Sententia said...

The powerful are seldom held to account for their wrongs. They die peacefully in their beds.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I still think Lewinsky herself has never faced appropriate criticism.
She knowingly cheated with a married man.
She lied to federal agents, obstructed justice, and almost certainly committed perjury.
She was young, but was an adult and did all of these things knowingly, intentionally, and for her own benefit. That she's treated like a hero now is another indictment of her brand of feminism.

Bilwick said...

The part of the story I always found Lewinsky's statement (to Tripp as I recall): "You have no idea what these people are capable of." Apparently someone had tipped Lewinsky off to the Arkancide phenomenon.

Scott said...

I must disagree with our hostess, "Explicitly feminist" is in fact a perfect phrase here. Feminists have been little more than the Ladies Auxiliary for the Democratic party for many decades now, and they are beginning to discover the rather limited rewards that other such mascots such as blacks receive in exchange for their servile loyalty. As the trans community becomes the new hotness, they (feminists) are being discarded from positions of relevance as they are no longer assumed to be anything other than yet another loyal tribe that the Left can milk for votes in their insatiable quest for power.

retail lawyer said...

I had an actual French girlfriend during those years, feminist enough to have Simone de Beauvoir posters, etc, who actually thought the whole episode was wonderful, except for Bill's taste in women, who she thought were sort of vulgar. She admired Bill for pulling America up to Euro standards of liberte. She thought Americans making a big deal of this Puritans. She now works for The World Bank and if I ever run into her I will inquire about the DSK (he of the IMF) disgrace. That's probably OK too . . .

Tom Grey said...

Every time I hear any Dem/ Feminist critique of Trump or any Republican, I think of Lyin' Clinton, committing perjury.

"On February 12, 45 Democrats and 10 Republicans voted not guilty on the charge of perjury. While the Senate was split 50-50 on the charges of obstruction of justice."

Every single Democrat supported Clinton's perjury about sexual harassment; and 10 then 5 Reps did, as well.

Slick Willy was enabled by his (bitchy?) wife, Hillary - seemingly in a marriage of political (and financial!) convenience.

Kai Akker said...

---It was a wrist slap, not a punishment. [Greg]

Maybe. Impeachment is a pretty serious matter, though -- the first one in 125 or so years.

Wonder what he went to bed thinking each night. What has that damn little pecker gotten me into now?

Kai Akker said...

---1: Yay for Althouse! 2: Boo for Kai

Greg, you of all people like that logic? The woman can't be taken seriously enough to be held responsible for her own choices, the man is to blame for all?

That is Althouse's crie de coeur for aggrieved women everywhere. The double standard is as anti-feminist as it gets, though. She knows (I think!) her rhetoric took her out of the realm of logic and into victimology.

Sebastian said...

"As for Bill Clinton... why isn't he the villain (at long last)?"

Well, you know.

Clinton's real talent is to be a scoundrel without being Cuomoed. It's one reason why Hill had to run, and run again.

Of course, he also knew his Dems and his "feminists": he played them well.

The dirty secret is they like their leaders that way, until they become too embarrassing. But if your man supports abortion, a little harassment doesn't count. Abortion absolves.

Chris Lopes said...

"The part of the story I always found Lewinsky's statement (to Tripp as I recall): "You have no idea what these people are capable of."

I'm pretty sure this related to the vast machine used to discredit any female who accused Clinton of something. As it turned out, she was right to be afraid. They almost convinced everyone she was a nut.

William said...

Monica ended up hors de combat, but she wasn't truly a victim. She herself was kind of an enabler. If you know a guy is an alcoholic, you don't pour him a tall , cool one on a hot day. Clinton was a known horn dog and she flashed her panties at him.....If the cards had fallen her way, Miss Subtle Diplomacy would have parlayed her pantie flashing and oral skills into the prestige job she demanded at the United Nations. The job would not have gone to some honor student from Smith College but to her. She tried to hot wire the system. It gang agley, but it wasn't such a bad plan. I'm sure that there are other women who have used similar tactics to get ahead, so to speak. Bad luck for her, but it was a game that she chose to play.

Kai Akker said...

---It would have avoided the whole "lying under oath" thing that got him impeached. [Chris Lopes]

A great point, Chris. Seems too clean a solution to be believed! I do recall that he had been breaking laws left and right everywhere he went, though.

Ann Althouse said...

“ I'm surprised by the anti-feminist Puritanism raging here, starting with our hostess! Give Monica Lewinsky her agency back! ”

I’m thinking of Paula Jones.

And all the women in the office who did not receive favors.

And Juanita Broaddrick.

And Kathleen Willey.

Chris Lopes said...

"Maybe. Impeachment is a pretty serious matter, though -- the first one in 125 or so years."

It was a serious matter. Now it's just another partisan tool. You impeach someone for a phone call, then impeach him a week before he leaves office, you have turned a constitutional safeguard into a joke.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

“ I'm surprised by the anti-feminist Puritanism raging here, starting with our hostess! Give Monica Lewinsky her agency back! ”

I’m thinking of Paula Jones.

And all the women in the office who did not receive favors.

And Juanita Broaddrick.

And Kathleen Willey.


They always talk about Monica because that was "consensual."

They don't want to talk about the rapes that they swept under the rug.

Michael said...

Let's take a second to not feel sorry for two others victims of Bill's behavior: Al Gore and Hillary. Both denied the Oval Office by the slimmest of margins. A difference making number of votes were lost because of the stench they picked up from Bill. Since both gave full throated defenses, they got what they deserved.

P.S.: Intriguing counterfactual to ponder: Bill keeps it zipped, Gore gets elected and is sitting in the Oval Office on 9/11.

Michael said...

William said...
Monica ended up hors de combat, but she wasn't truly a victim.

Dirty Little Not So Secret Of Politics: the halls of Power are filled with aging men feeling a decline in the virility. Those same halls are filled with young women who are looking leap up a few rungs of the ladder at once. Demand, meet Supply.

mikee said...

Quaestor: Lewinsky "headlessly" endangered the president.

Really? You sure that is the descriptor you wanted to use? Perhaps "heedlessly" was what you typed, and intended, and autocorrect inserted into your comment a long-forgotten Easter Egg of a joke by a 1990s programmer. Either intentional or not, thanks for the chuckle.

Bender said...

Finally someone mentions Paula Jones.

The egregious part of this whole scandal wasn't about Bill cheating on Hillary or being tacky in the Oval Office or lying in the investigation.

It was about using the power of his office to deny due process and civil rights to Paula Jones in her sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill. His entire administration was dedicated to destroying this private citizen and denying her her day in court. Bill's relationship with Lewinsky was relevant because it showed that he had a history of sexual involvement with employees, and his lying about it obstructed the justice that Jones had a right to.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Kai Akker said...
---It was a wrist slap, not a punishment. [Greg]

Maybe. Impeachment is a pretty serious matter, though -- the first one in 125 or so years.

No, perjury and obstruction of justice are pretty serious matters.

Being left in office after having been proved to have committed those crimes? That's a joke.

Greg, you of all people like that logic? The woman can't be taken seriously enough to be held responsible for her own choices, the man is to blame for all?

1: Bill Clinton signed into laws that he himself then violated. He shoudl be held to those laws, even if no one else should
2: Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey: None of them chose to be abused by Clinton
3: All the female interns / staff who didn't put out for Bill, and so didn't get the benefits that Monica got

All those women were victims of Bill Clinton

Sally327 said...

After all this time the most interesting part of the story, IMO, is the relationship between Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky. Oh and Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg. I see Lucianne is being played by Margo Martindale, a really great actress! It almost makes me want to watch this show.

One wonders what Lucianne thinks about her son Jonah, the Never Trumper that he now is.

Jamie said...

I'm sure that there are other women who have used similar tactics to get ahead, so to speak.

Oh, one or two...

I'm a woman (lest there be anyone here unaware of that). I actually don't care if women try to use their "wiles" to get ahead - or if men do, if the situation allows. I'm not crazy about the line-jumping, but people will tend to use everything they have to gain an advantage. It's a risky strategy, sometimes even a dangerous one, but hey, you be you.

What I mind is when they receive the advantage they sought but aren't competent in the job, yet are allowed to stay there. Foot in the door - sure. Permanent sinecure unrelated to sexual skill on the basis of a sexual skill - nope.

Tim said...

Decided not to watch this after I realized that Clinton is not the villain of the story. Linda Tripp was no hero, but she was not the villain. Clinton was and remains the person who should be pilloried.....but nobody was going to produce that would probably not be good for their health.

Ryan said...

Let's take a closer look at Bill Clinton.

SteveM said...

Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinski should be viewed as an irrelevant distraction from the main point which is that Bill Clinton, as Governor of Arkansas, sexually harassed Paula Jones by exposing his erect penis to her, and settled the suit against him by paying Paula Jones $850,000. That is the behavior of a sexual predator who has done it before and is comfortable in engaging in such behavior.

Birches said...

Althouse at 7:58 with the mic drop.

Thank you.

various buts said...

Bender and SteveM nailed it. All the people who to this day trot out the "it was just sex" line are willfully obscuring the fact that he lied under oath and what that really means. Both to the Paula Jones case as well as the legal system in general. That the president put himself and his personal liability above the concerns of the legal system. Nixon didn't get impeached for doing the same, but only because he resigned before the nation had to endure that process. No Clinton defender (of either Bill or Hillary) has ever reconciled the fact that Richard Nixon, one of the great villains of 20th century politics, had more good sense and love of the country than Bill.

And to respond to Kai Akker's assertion that he was punished, I would agree in only the legalistic sense of the word "punishment". Instead of living a life in ignominy, he went on to earn tens (hundreds?) of million of dollars and not once did he have to apologize or give up any of the trappings of his status as a result of what he did. Strip away all partisanship and we all know he was wrong. Not alone in that, but undeniably wrong. He has never atoned or acknowledged that despite the admission that he lied to the public while president. I think all of us would be thrilled to escape repercussions after such an out-loud and public scandal the way he did.

LA_Bob said...

"As for Bill Clinton... why isn't he the villain (at long last)?"

Seems like the biggest hit Clinton took was from Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign. "...Ronald Reagan," said Obama, "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not, and in a way that Bill Clinton did not."

Oooooooh, that had to hurt. Equated to Nixon. Ouch!

Monica to Clinton: "Oh, Bill, let me satisfy you!"

Obama to Clinton: "Oh, Bill, you're such a eunuch".

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