September 22, 2021

"Biden slips into political quicksand amid Haitian migrant buildup."

A clickbait headline at Politico. 

From the article: 
The White House condemned footage of Border Patrol agents on horseback appearing to use reins to deter Haitian migrants, which drew blowback from the agents themselves. 
In sharply visceral terms, the national Border Patrol union blasted the White House on Tuesday, characterizing it as inept for failing to have a plan in place to deal with the influx of some 15,000 migrants that left agents overwhelmed.... 
“We’re outnumbered by 200 to one. We’re put into a situation where we’re in between people — there’s a propensity for violence when there’s large crowds. We’re expected to control that,” [Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council] said. “We don’t strike anybody. We used the tactic we were trained with — and the White House vilified us.”


The Savage Noble said...

Nah, the media, social and mainstream, vilified you, and the White House sucked into the embracing void behind them. You are the hated reality borne of a conflict between messaging and need.

Yancey Ward said...

Bucks stop elsewhere in this sorry assed administration.

Original Mike said...

"In sharply visceral terms, the national Border Patrol union blasted the White House on Tuesday, characterizing it as inept for failing to have a plan in place to deal with the influx of some 15,000 migrants that left agents overwhelmed.... "

The White House has a plan and this is it. They want as many people as possible to enter our country illegally. I don't see how it is possible to come to any other conclusion.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"The White House condemned footage of Border Patrol agents on horseback appearing to use reins to deter Haitian migrants"

These Border Patrol agents are Biden employees plain and simple.

Leland said...

The White House condemned footage of Border Patrol agents on horseback appearing to use reins to deter Haitian migrants, which drew blowback from the agents themselves.

Diagram sentence, note the unnecessary prepositional phrases, remove, and rewrite:

The White House condemned footage of Border Patrol agents appearing to deter Haitian migrants, which drew blowback.

Lurker21 said...

Thenk you. Thenk you. No questions. Please clear the room.

Captain BillieBob said...

Damn those racist horses.

Who is funding all this?

And they ain't going back to Haiti.

Why aren't the Republicans condemning this invasion? Never mind I know the answer.

Howard said...

Trump trained the mounted cops to whip POC who's crime is wanting a better life. Actually this sounds more like a Kamala Harris operation. This story reminds me of the Hendrix tune Voodoo Chile as performed by Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble.

R C Belaire said...

Biden in general, and Alejandro Mayorkas specifically, are not in any way, shape, or form, competent enough to deal with the border and immigrants. Whether by omission or commission, they are causing irreparable harm to our country.

Temujin said...

The first thing Joe Biden and his team of Brilliant Minds did upon entering office, is take apart the Trump Administration's arrangements with Mexico and other Central American countries to keep migrants out and/or slowed down. Our illegal immigration slowed down to a 'normal' slow, constant leak under Trump. With Biden coming in office, and Democrats having spent months/years talking about the 'rights' of the illegal immigrants, the spigot was turned wide open.

The Haitians are coming in by the hundreds. How is this possible that thousands arrive at the same time, in the same groupings? It's as if they've been summoned, grouped, and sponsored to make this trip.'s nice of the media to find their way south and stumble onto what is just one small part of the illegal immigration crisis that we have brought upon ourselves. I know they were down south screaming at the top of their lungs, pointing fingers, and writing heart-rending stories when Trump was in office and his team was working on getting a handle on things. And they did. They got a handle on it.

Then Biden came in and thousands of people, families, small children, risked their lives coming up through the jungles, across rivers, through the Darien Gap, getting raped, murdered, or just beaten and robbed along the way. The media seemed to miss all of this action until now. 15,000 Haitians under a viaduct in Texas is apparently something they cannot ignore (though I am sure they tried).

One would think that with Kamala as our 'Border Czar' we'd have some processes in place and everyone would be smiling, but they are not. And there are no processes, no President, no Vice-President present. Just a literal gathering of dolts running HHS.

What we are witnessing is a crisis. This is a demographic-changing event. Much like what happened to Europe from 2015-2018, we have altered forever and in a manner that is not natural, the demographics, culture, language, safety, security, and future of our country. Why, it's almost as if that is the plan of some people sitting in large comfy leather chairs somewhere.

Mike Sylwester said...

Future Democrat voters should not be whipped by ICE thugs (i.e. by Ku Klux Klanners)!

Daniel12 said...

Maybe they should be trained to use different tactics.

Enigma said...

Propaganda has dominated news outlets and US politics for several years now. The truly idealistic left and those with sincere morals will show no mercy when left hypocrisy cannot be denied.

I'd say "grab the popcorn" if the situation wasn't so dire. The adults in the room need to stand up now.

madAsHell said...

political quicksand

Does that also garble your diction, and jumble your vocabulary?

CJinPA said...

...put the Biden administration in the exact place it’s tried to avoid: knee deep in immigration politics.

Democrats fear immigration politics. Immigration politics got a Republican elected president in 2016 (if you had to pick a single issue.) To the Left's confused relief and delight, the Establishment GOP will not run on the power - political and principled - of immigration politics.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

The Biden Administration's motto "Inepti sumus."

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Yes, saw the AP story this morning wherein DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas cravenly denounced mounted CBP agents for using agency approved crowd control methods.

Wa St Blogger said...

We used the tactic we were trained with

That won't count as a defense when the media and the Dems decide to push an agenda.

hawkeyedjb said...

I quit my job - a highly paid job at a highly respected tech company - when my boss began blaming his subordinates for the failure of his own policies. I realized that his behavior was an indicator of low moral character as well as incompetence. The employees of the Border Patrol are getting a taste of that combination.

Rabel said...

I don't see the headline as "clickbait," which normally involves exaggeration or outright dishonesty to entice readers to click on a link for the primary purpose of generating ad revenue. If anything it downplays the current disaster at the border by describing it as a "buildup."

On the other hand, describing a non-clickbait headline as clickbait and posting a link could well be described as clickbaiting even absent the financial motivation.

Not your usual MO and likely inadvertent but - I clicked.

And I'm sure that by now others have pointed out that Kamala has been notified and will soon be speaking to the person in charge of border policy. Good on her.

Narayanan said...

what is difference between quicksand / mire / swamp

Biden's natural habitat.

Skeptical Voter said...

If you want to look at a really cruel political trick (and of course Biden and his confreres have frequently done that) look at what Team Biden did to the Haitians that were flown back to their "home" in Haiti. Many of the Haitians who have crossed the border at Del Rio had left Haiti years ago and had taken up residence in Brazil and Chile. They had been granted refugee status in those countries. That was their current home. When Biden announced "come on down, the border's open" they went to Chiapas in Southern Mexico. Let's call that "waiting in Mexico" under the Trump policy. The Mexican government let the Haitians move from Chiapas to the border last month. How else do you think 15,000 Haitians appeared in a few days on the border?

Team Biden took some of the Haitians to places like Tucson for processing there. They were then released into the American community with a promise to show up for a court date sometime. Mission accomplished--those folks will wind up staying in the USA for the rest of their lives.

But for show (sort of like the drone strike in Kabul that wiped out ten innocent people including seven kids) Team Biden needed to deport some "Haitians" to their home--Haiti.
But the poor sods that got put on that plane to Port Au Prince hadn't called Haiti their home for ten or more years. Their real "homes" were Brazil or Chile where they'd been granted refugee status. You wanna talk about getting shafted! The people on that plane were royally shafted by Team Biden. But the optics looked good--for Biden. It's bait and switch for the US public. One plane load of Haitians to Haiti--regardless of whether that was fair or not--and busloads and planeloads of other Haitians scattered around the US countryside for a sort of catch and release.

Narayanan said...

did Biden reclaim the BUCK from Kamala for Border issues?

Michael said...

15,000 Haitians managed to get from their impoverished hellhole to Del fucking Rio, Texas more or less all at once. Who planned and executed this? And who picked Del Rio when there are other crossings close to the coast. The press seems to equate this sudden appearance of thousands to the long marchers from Central America and yet no one seems to have tracked this giant gop of humanity. Did they walk. Were they in buses. Very incurious press. And our crack intelligence apparatus which sees over the horizon didn’t notice or give notice. Perhaps they were the planners.

Captain BillieBob said...

Is the WHITE House outraged over the women and children being abused by the cartels. How about the human trafficking? Drug trafficking?
Didn't think so.
Is the Big Guy getting his cut?

Heartless Aztec said...

Fuck Joe Biden.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well your union, your job, the work they want you to do is only important to Joe if you help The Narrative. Biden’s old boss Barry viewed the peasants— er, Federal workers— the same way, as lawns on his chessboard. When allegedly non-essential workers were furloughed Barry had the few Park Service employees left barricade the National Mall in order to punish DC tourists and make sure some Little People would feel the pain of the government shutdown. These guys patrolling a border their boss says is “closed” while illegal aliens stream across by the thousands is just part of the misery in store during the Biden era. And another preventable “shutdown” is coming. Hoo boy.

gilbar said...

it's Just a Seasonal Thing... It Happens, Every Year; come summer; the numbers will go down

Right? i mean, Right? That's What they told us; The Biden Admin wouldn't lie
Not to US, right? i mean; Right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corruptocrats want open borders and non stop illegal entrants.

name another nation on earth who allows this?

Mark said...

The Biden White House does an EXCELLENT job.

An excellent job at insulting and alienating everyone, even friends and allies.

Kevin said...


Horse shit would have been a better analogy.

Chris Lopes said...

It looks like Biden has found the sweet spot for immigration policy disaster. No matter how he plays it now, a significant portion of the public is going to view it as wrong. That he's been forced (due to practical and political concerns) to continue policies he actually campaigned against just makes the dilemma more ironic.

tcrosse said...

Republicans pounce.

Big Mike said...

and the White House vilified us.

Well, you cannot expect them to accept the blame for their crappy policies, can you? After all, they’re Democrats.

Quaestor said...

From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.

Biden is the bullet.

Michael K said...

Border Patrol agents are little people.

Hardly worth the concern of the elites running Biden.

This is all theater to pacify one-world leftists. How many illegals is enough ? To swing the 2022 elections ? Is a billion illiterates enough ?

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Border Patrol should be happy. At least he didn't provide them with weapons of war.

Drago said...

According to lefty bookend buddies Howard and pro-marxsy LLR Chuck, there is no Haitian migrant crisis and there never has been.

Just like their claims that there is no increase in inflation, no American hostages in Afghanistan, no Hunter Biden laptops, no supply chain shortages, no decrease in manfacturing or consumer confidence, and.....

.....well, you get the idea.

Of course, once you step away from loony lefty land, and by definition Howard and Chuckles, and back into reality, you have to confront that reality.

jaydub said...

I clicked through to the article. I didn't consider it to be clickbait because it certainly did not meet the basic clickbait criteria of deception, sensationaliism or exaggeration in a headline. Quicksand seems an accurate description of the situation which Biden and his principal assistants have created for themselves and the country. More to the point this border crisis is just another example of the incompetence and chaos that characterizes the daily routine of this administration. I also found it humorous that the VP felt obligated to take a cheap shot from hundreds of miles away when she was given the responsibility for the whole migration problem which she continues to ignore. Moreover, the press finds it unremarkable that these "refugees" who have had to transit several other potential asylum countries to get to our border have nevertheless opted to not ask for asylum in any of them, i.e., the "refugees" themselves have bypassed the asylum opportunities all along the route. Our press is as corrupt as the Biden administration. Eff em!

Ice Nine said...

Personally, I'm sorta down with the whip approach...

Iman said...

Is this his Haitian Divorce?

pacwest said...

Minimum one more year of this. 2 million counted probably means 3 to 4 million entries this year. Most likely even more next year since the ball is already rolling. The financial costs will be staggering. An additional 100 billion down the tubes. (Although I guess you could consider that chump change these days). The civil costs are going to be even worse. There is going to be a lot of violence. China is drooling.

Assimilation - 0% chance of that happening with these kind of numbers.

Sebastian said...

"the White House vilified us"

Was he surprised? Disdain for law enforcement is the Dem MO.

They don't want a country. Border Patrol is in the way.

Jaq said...

Remember how quick the press. was to assure us that even though it *looked* like the Taliban had hanged that guy from the helicopter, of course it wasn't true. That's because our press is with the Taliban and against the Border Patrol.

Maynard said...

Trump trained the mounted cops to whip POC who's crime is wanting a better life.

You have to admire the man's energy. First, he is a despotic autocrat who threatens democracy and world peace. Next, he cooks up the COVID virus and convinces the world that it came out of a virology lab in Wuhan. He tries to overthrow the government on January 6. On top of it all, he is the most racist POTUS in American history, according to the loving, caring, honest and sincere Joe Biden.

The man is amazing.

Big Mike said...

Bucks stop elsewhere in this sorry assed administration.

@Yancey, did Biden and his backers perhaps make the mistake of thinking “The buck stops here” referred to kickbacks?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Tucker Carlson 9/22/21 lays it bare for you to see. Also a flashback ...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Skeptical Voter has it right: Most of these people, while born in Haiti, haven't lived there for a decade or more, but in Brazil or Chile or Peru. They are arriving now not because of the worse-than-ever mess Haiti itself is currently in, but because Biden's Administration all but formally declared the southern border open to all comers. Shipping them "back" to Haiti is ridiculous, at least as ridiculous as shipping "Dreamers" back to their home countries. Haiti, or what passes for the Haitian government at the moment, has agreed to take some of them back, but dumping a large population of people who haven't lived there in a long time on a country reeling from both natural and political disasters is beyond cruel.

These are, of course, economic refugees, people who are impoverished in South America where they have lived for many years. But economic refugees are, per the Left, as desperate as any other sort. And these people have walked through the Darien Gap, a route I'd hesitate to recommend to John Rambo.

I think -- though am hesitant to say -- that Biden, while more or less OK with the hundreds of thousands of Mexican and Central American people who have come through on his watch, might be just a teensy bit concerned about Haitians, who are (a) Black, rather than Hispanic or indigenous; and (b) Francophone. All that ginned-up HS Spanish might not go far in communicating with these people; yes, they've been living in Spanish-speaking nations, but I suspect that most have been plopped in refugee camps consisting mostly of other Haitians.

Howard said...

Everything's a crisis these days. We need immigration Czar.

Josephbleau said...

Even in Republican Texas there are ic engines and gasoline. Why does a government agency have horses for personnel transport? Because horses are good for riot control, the rioters don't know if the horse is really not going to hurt them Chicago Police have horses. But the stream of lies/hides from Beiden are bald faced. They don't hide the pea, they just tell you that the pea you see is under a different shell. When they say that Haitians will be flown back to Haiti they know in false witness that they are going to Iowa. Joe Beiden is a Fucking Goddamned Liar, and a creepy sex freak, and has a creepy criminal son. Sue me, there is no denial.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Everything's a crisis these days. We need immigration Czar."

No, we need a Crisis Czar.

Quaestor said...

Howie the Boy Wonder writes, "We need immigration Czar."

Bullshit. We need enforcement of the laws that already exist. Nothing more. "Czars" are bullshit bureaucrats whose first and only duty is to bury a crisis under a mound of paper.

LA_Bob said...

Skeptical Voter said, "But the poor sods that got put on that plane to Port Au Prince hadn't called Haiti their home for ten or more years. Their real "homes" were Brazil or Chile where they'd been granted refugee status. You wanna talk about getting shafted!"

As Haiti goes, so goes Afghanistan.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I see they put the CBP gauchos on paid administrative leave pending a “full investigation” of the horrible obvious mistreatment of these poor (now that they’ve paid the coyotes) “migrants.” Sucks to be playing redshirts in one of these Biden Theatrical Ass-coverings.

Nicholas said...

Is "sharply visceral terms" the new term for "pounce"?

Tina Trent said...

The ICE agent tells the whole story. They were being attacked — no less — by mobs of adult men who were trying to gain control of their horses, likely to pull them off of them and beat the, or worse.

ICE has been deliberately underfunded for a long time. Trump was reversing the trend. He too should have done more.

But the President won’t send in other forces under his command — military and police. Too busy condemning the tiny crowd of nitwits from Jan. 6. And not the difference in what he and Pelosi said and did about those people, versus what we are doing about these invaders, many coyotes, already caught for 33 rapes at the scene and now attacking police officers.

This is a national disgrace.

Jaq said...

I am stealing that Big Mike.

Jaq said...

If anybody doubts that the Border Patrol agents were being attacked, there are other news stories of these same illegal aliens attacking bus drivers and even pilots.

SOURCES: "They’ve been basically overpowering the drivers and they’ve actually hijacked a couple of the buses and driven them down the road a little ways and escaped. This happened multiple times," said a top federal law enforcement official.

Jaq said...

"One Haitian woman said she & her family decided to travel from Chile, where they were residing, to Del Rio because they heard, & I quote, 'President Biden was letting people in.'

...Don't you think that you bear responsibility for this latest crisis?"
asked Mayorkas

Check in on Mickey Kaus from time to time if you want to stay informed.

wendybar said...

And the Biden administration put these men, doing their jobs, on leave so that hundreds of thousands MORE illegals can spew into our country, to Cloward and Piven us to death.

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