১৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২১

6:51 a.m.


Write about anything you like in the comments.




৪৯টি মন্তব্য:

Achilles বলেছেন...

Looks like Mark Milley has committed Treason.

Fuck Joe Biden.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

What's the fair share of federal income taxes that people in the bottom half of the income distribution should pay?

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

Norm Macdonald, Comedian and ‘Saturday Night Live’ Star, Dies at 61

God damn it.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"I’m pretty sure, I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure if you die, the cancer dies at the same time. That’s not a loss. That’s a draw."

- Norm MacDonald


Original Mike বলেছেন...

Here comes the sun…

rcocean বলেছেন...

Norm dead at 61. Battled cancer for over a decade. You'd never know from the way he acted, A class act and a funny man. His Andy Richter joke and his Old Harold Delany story still crack me - even though I've heard them 12 times each. Only the good comics die young, the boring ones live till they're 90.


Kevin বলেছেন...

RIP Norm McDonald. Underappreciated comedy legend.


Kai Akker বলেছেন...

DJIA down -342 as I'm looking at it. Third straight day foreign and pre-market traders rallied stocks, only to get hit with selling when Wall Street opened. When does the fantasy end?

Captain BillieBob বলেছেন...

Looks like the dems are getting ready to throw Milley under the bus

Howard বলেছেন...

Words pale.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Arthur....Arthur...King of the Britons...OH, DON'T GROVEL!

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Norm - Be seein ya!

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed বলেছেন...

Milley the Self-Hating White Traitor is being underbussed by the regime. Those vaxx mandates must really be getting massive negative response.

The stray voltage has been used on Milley. Fortunately for him there is a sweet tell-all book deal and cushy think tank or corporate board seat (or both!) waiting for him as a reward for his service to the Dems.

Captain BillieBob বলেছেন...

Fox News has called the recall for Newsom. Details at 11:00

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Curious as to how the MSM handles the Gen. Willey Milley's treasonous acts. Of course, the Biden's administration doesn't view China as the enemy. They view the China as the Golden Goose.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

Joe Biden says that he got a job offer from Boise Cascade, back in the day. Boise Cascade says not so. Joe Biden's serial lies are evidence he's suffering from Hillary Clinton Liars Syndrome.

DaveL বলেছেন...

Looks like the dems are getting ready to throw Milley under the bus

Can anyone confirm the story that he consulted Nancy Pelosi (a "dem") about it and she gave him the go ahead? What can one do to punish a treasonous member of Congress? Censure? Arrest?

Baceseras বলেছেন...

A bloody and a sudden end,
Gunshot or a noose,
For Death who takes what man would keep,
Leaves what man would lose.

W.B. Yeats

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Give Milley a gun with one bullet and leave him in a room alone.

If he doesn't do the honorable thing, try him, strip him of his rank, and hang him.

If we can't get that done then we are over as a super power, and are just another arm of the Chicoms...

Iman বলেছেন...

Norm was a unique talent. Never thought he’d be outlived by Artie Lange.

Here in California, the Otter gotta go!

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

QUESTION: What is tighter than the Britney Spears prenup?

Answer: The Socials strangle hold on Covid "misinformation".

Lucien বলেছেন...

It seems obvious to me that one uses a vaccine to avoid contracting a disease and a treatment if your efforts at avoiding disease have failed.

So why the violent opposition to treatments (ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, hydro chloroquine)?

If vaccines were 100% effective, then no vaccinated person would ever need treatment, and no vaccinated person would care whether someone else were vaccinated - or masked. But vaccines are not 100% effective, so vaccinated people sometimes contract the disease and need treatment. Why shouldn’t we root for all treatments to work, and for development of even better treatments?

StephenFearby বলেছেন...

President Moron's Incredible Word Salad @ Shanksville, PA (Washington Examiner Transcript)

“Mr. President, what is going through your mind today, sir?” the reporter asked.

'...“I’m thinking about my — for real, this is my fourth trip here. And I was thinking about a guy named Davis Sezna that I grew up with, who, like a lot of people, are probably having a tough day today," Biden responded. "He — I was sitting at home watching television in 2000 and — 2000, in September, and I was watching TV, and my kids were in the swimming pool just outside, and — and all of a sudden came on TV this guy sitting on a bank in the — on the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal."

He added, “And he — and they said he just lost his son that ran into a beam that was coming up in the D&C Canal that had been there from another, I guess, dock. And his — he lost his 15-year-old son, Teddy. And he’s on the phone, and all of a sudden, my phone rings, and he’s calling me. It turned out to be my buddy, Davis Sezna, because he knew I had lost — anyway.”

And then, a year later, I got a call. His son was on the 106th floor, and he lost his son. And they called him “Deeg.” He was Davis Jr. And so, it’s a tough day for him and everybody who’s lost somebody. And, you know, I know you’ve heard me say it before, and I’ll probably get criticized for saying it again, but these memorials are really important, but they’re also incredibly difficult for the people who were affected by them — because it brings back the moment you got the phone call. It brings back that instant you got the news, no matter how many years go by. So I’ve been thinking about him. I’ve been thinking of all the people I was — when I was down at the rock, talking to a number of family members who lost somebody. You know, think about it — talk about genuine heroism. I’m not talking about any — I’m not talking about the news media now. But think of all of you, if you’re on that plane, knowing two terrorists are in the cockpit. How many would say, “I got a good idea: Let’s go up and rush that cabin”? Even though you knew that probably they were going to do something and you were going to lose anyway. But it’s one thing to say, “I know I should step up,” and another thing to do it. That’s genuine heroism. That’s not “on the margins.” That’s not “maybe you did a heroi-…” I mean, you know. And I just — I just think — I thought that President Bush made a really good speech today — genuinely good speech — about who we are. We’re not — the core of who we are is not divided. It’s just this notion of — I don’t know how to explain it. I think, Jeff, I talked to you a little about this. I think the real issue for those kids that — just had a picture taken with — couple of them had Trump hats from last year — I think, for them, it’s going to be: Are we going to, in the next 4, 5, 6, 10 years, demonstrate that democracies can work, or not? Because I had — just had a long — I’m not going to discuss with you now, but I had a long conversation with President Xi for over an hour and a half — not last night; the night before last. And I’ve had that one-on-one summit with Putin. And I’ve spoken with others. There’s a lot of autocrats who truly believe that democracies can’t function in the 21st century. Not a joke.'

"...Anyway, you asked what I was thinking. That’s what I’ve been thinking about today."


The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...


Not Norm.

Drago বলেছেন...

BillieBob Thorton: "Looks like the dems are getting ready to throw Milley under the bus"

Maybe. Its also quite possible, even probable, that Woodward is simply making it all up.

Given Woodward's hilarious attempts over 4 decades to recapture his W. Mark Felt/Deep Throat insider scoop stature and history of fabricating stories and embellishment, the odds are its a fiction.

Not to defend the execrable General Thoroughly Modern Milley of course. Who should have been sacked long ago.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I remember laughing uncontrollably, by myself, when Norm delivered the "breaking news" on his ESPN like sports show. "Breaking - The Mike Tyson app has just raped another app". Still makes me laugh, in spite of the new rules.

Mea Sententia বলেছেন...

On seeing this image, methought... Behold, the sun god Vax cometh from his chambers to let his benevolent rays shine upon the earth. See where he riseth even now. Come, come ye sinners, come forth from the dark. Allow his radiance to fall upon you and keep you safe from harm.

(my apologies for this bit of whimsy)

ALP বলেছেন...

RIP Norm. Now you can collaborate with Mitch Hedberg. Imagine the comedy gold those two would create.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

The news about Milley confirms my… slouching towards… yea we did it, we fixed the election because the country was in an existential crisis. There was a madman in the White House! Don’t you understand? We saved the country.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

If you’re wondering why I said “I was by myself” before. I remember sometimes laughing very hard as if to let my company know I know what’s funny. Being by myself, I was, I believe, not necessarily attending to that kind of need. I don’t know.

Bender বলেছেন...

Espionage or treason, either way it's criminal.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'QUESTION: What is tighter than the Britney Spears prenup?'

I was not expecting 'prenup' to end that sentence.

But She's been around a bit and has seen a few things so I shouldn't have been surprised : )

Mr. Majestyk বলেছেন...

I'm not worried about the vaccine mandate. Although I haven't, you know, actually taken the vaccine, I'll just identify as vaccinated. Problem solved!

Narr বলেছেন...

Norm Macdonald was barely a blip on my screen--part of a whole generation (and more) of comic talent that I was aware of without really watching. The Big C is an SOB, for sure--my father and his little sister both died of it by the time they were 40. Of course they both smoked like fiends.

What strikes me about the Milley story ("underbussing" is brilliant and I'm stealing it) is that whether it's true or not many people who should know better want it to be so, and heartily approve.

That's as bad as what he is supposed have done, and is very illuminating as to the true nature of elite opinion.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Electric car charging points in people’s homes will be preset to switch off for nine hours each weekday at times of peak demand because ministers fear blackouts on the National Grid.

Under regulations that will come into force in May, new chargers in the home and workplace will be automatically set not to function from 8am to 11am and 4pm to 10pm. Public chargers and rapid chargers, on motorways and A-roads, will be exempt.

The government is also taking powers to impose a “randomised delay” of up to 30 minutes at other times to avoid pressure on the grid if there is a scramble among motorists to recharge their batteries at the same time.

There are only 300,000 battery electric vehicles (EVs) on the UK’s roads.

A future coming to a garage near you…


Gahrie বলেছেন...

The news about Milley confirms my… slouching towards… yea we did it, we fixed the election because the country was in an existential crisis. There was a madman in the White House! Don’t you understand? We saved the country.

That's certainly going to be the blurb on a lot of books in 5 or 6 years. They're going to admit it eventually. Too many people know and it's too good of a story. COVID was the dog that got wagged, and Election night was in your face obvious, probably because things were going so bad and they had to fake more votes than they wanted to. But c'mon...

Suddenly, after most of the results are in nationwide, for the first time in history, a state stops counting ballots, and sends the pollwatchers home. It just happens to be a key battleground state, with a large urban area that has failed to report its results. Than the same things happens three more times in quick succession. Remember, this had never happened before, and now it happens four times?

Then, a few hours later, just about enough time for someone to fake enough ballots to make the difference, counting starts again. But with no poll watchers. Wondrously all four shift to Biden.

Remember we are supposed to believe that in an election in which President Trump got more votes than anyone else in history, and increased his share of the vote among all demographics except White women, Biden got even more votes than him. Biden. With Harris as VP.

Then the Democrats and the media spent the next six months insisting that of course the election was fair and above board, and any questioning of it literally treasonous. Have you seen any serious discussion of the unprecedented events on Election night?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Probably the most accurate thing to say about Norm is that he pissed a lot of people off, and most of them deserved it.

john mosby বলেছেন...

Milley was also prepared to refuse any order to deploy troops under the Insurrection Act to states that were printing Biden ballots. Imagine a general telling Kennedy or Eisenhower that when the kids needed to be walked into the schools down South.


Mutaman বলেছেন...

"The county has, for whatever reason, also refused to produce the network routers. We want the routers, Sonny, Wendy, we got to get those routers, please. The routers. Come on, Kelly, we can get those routers. Those routers. You know what? We're so beyond the routers, there's so many fraudulent votes without the routers. But if you got those routers, what that will show, and they don't want to give up the routers. They don't want to give them. They are fighting like hell. Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers?"

Larry Elder doing a cover of Trump's big hit.

Bender বলেছেন...

Elder's problem -- beyond the illegal ballots -- was that Newsome was able, with Elder's help, to convert this to a general election pitting Democrat against Republican.

With Elder making the election about himself and his election, he took all the spotlight off of the recall itself, he took the focus off of Newsome and how disastrous he has been.

Bender বলেছেন...

I'm not worried about the vaccine mandate. Although I haven't, you know, actually taken the vaccine, I'll just identify as vaccinated. Problem solved!

Papers please.

daskol বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

The AOC dress with the literal message reminds me of the “black lives matter” yard signs you find all over Montclair NJ and Cobb County GA. Those just happen to be some of the most valuable grass roots in the country.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

"Looks like Mark Milley has committed Treason."

Assuming Woodward's story is true and accurate, whether Milley is a traitor under the provisions of the United States Code is debatable. However, he would undeniably be guilty of mutiny and conspiracy to make a mutiny. Under Article 94, Milley could be sentenced to life imprisonment or even shot. At the very least he could be publically degraded to the rank equivalent of a recruit -- a real Alfred Dreyfus-style humiliation, complete with having his insignia and brass ripped from his uniform, his decorations and citations for merit or valor disavowed and revoked, and his sword broken.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving officer. Let it be so.

wildswan বলেছেন...

In another galaxy far, far away Milly's Thoroughly Diverse Army, following Milly's Army Purge, strategized the Efhanistan Exit Disaster. As in a previous episode, 13 Days in January, Milly strategized with the opposing Army's generals throughout Efhanistan Exit and, as a result, hostages for good behavior on the part of the Diversity Unitary State were left. Moreover, as assurance of good faith, Milly also left for the Rallibanners, army supplies and lists of intelligence agents ("After the Army Purge, no one in power cares about them," he said.) In Episode 3 We see General Milly being "underbussed." (Trigger warning: a maximum Central City punishment only exceeded in horror by the dreaded not-invited-to-the-party torture.) Jow Bae-Djen, the President of the Diversity Unitary State, has begun to suspect that General Milly is not loyal. Tune in and watch Milly argue that one man's treachery is the same man's loyalty in the Diversity State. Will Jow buy that or will he fall asleep?

Captain BillieBob বলেছেন...

Blogger Drago said...

Maybe. Its also quite possible, even probable, that Woodward is simply making it all up.

Given Woodward's hilarious attempts over 4 decades to recapture his W. Mark Felt/Deep Throat insider scoop stature and history of fabricating stories and embellishment, the odds are its a fiction.

Not to defend the execrable General Thoroughly Modern Milley of course. Who should have been sacked long ago.

I agree that it's a fiction. But why now? Byeden needs a scapegoat for the disaster in Afghanistan. Who better than the guy in charge of the military. Somebody has to go down for the fiasco, might as well be MIlley. Isn't this how democrats operate these days. Make an accusation by leaking to the press, have the media pick it up, have other media confirm. This is classic a Pelosi wrap up smear tactic.

daskol বলেছেন...

You’d think you get used to the destruction of norms in our era, but this one hurts.

The best pig joke of all time.

The second best pig joke I’ve ever heard.

The best wh correspondent dinner of them all, and a demonstration that whatever else is wrong with him—a lot—Clinton was a good sport.

A lot of people say the Bob Saget roast is one of Norm’s peak moments. He was the comedian’s comedian. RIP.

Iman বলেছেন...

Mark “Mattoon” Milley?

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Blogger daskol said...

The best pig joke of all time.

I'm old and out of touch, so I had never heard of Norm McDonald until today. Watching these clips made me laugh out loud. I really missed something by being unaware of him.