September 17, 2021

6:28 a.m.





Achilles said...

Ivermectin is officially a horse de-wormer now.

It's discovery won a Nobel Prize 5 years ago. 5. Years. Ago. They don't hand out Nobel Prizes for Horse De-wormers.

And if you scroll to the bottom the entire premise of this completely dishonest article is wiped out by the correction.

The New York Times is complete trash. It is getting people killed spreading completely dishonest information. Other countries are saving the lives of their citizens using cheap and effective drugs.

The average Democrat is a stupid sheep and the people pushing this propaganda are murderers.

Howard said...

Interesting that the light sun smear on the bottom panorama is absent in the reflection.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Joe Rogan took Ivermectin and he looks healthy as a horse.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Elon's Space X did some kind of first this week, but I don't detect much excitement, outside the Elon Musk fanbase.

Achilles said...

Biden Administration makes it illegal for Fox to fly drones over their camps of illegals flooding across the border.

People who support the uniparty are just shitty people.

Chuck said...

From the US Food and Drug Administration; Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID 19.

It's been asserted that "other countries are saving the lives of their citizens using cheap and effective drugs." Which countries are those? You seem to be making a case that other national health services, other national medical boards, and other-nation medical administrators are not only approving (Ivermectin? Hydroxycholorquine? Something else?) "cheap and effective drugs" for use in COVID treatment, but that they are providing those drugs, for just such uses. So where is that happening? Which countries?

I can assure you that I know of some cheap and effective pharmaceuticals for COVID; the US FDA-approved vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen J&J. They are now proven to be effective in preventing almost all serious forms of COVID. They are not perfect medications for preventing the spread of COVID. But of course, neither is Ivermectin. In fact, no one even claims that Ivermectin does any damned good at all in preventing the spread of COVID. On top of which, the proof that it does any good in treating COVID is nearly nonexistent.

I hate you people. You, and the dumbfuck rightwing radio talk show hosts who died of COVID after spreading lies about the vaccines. You're hurting people. You're feeding them bullshit. The economy is suffering because of you assholes. People are suffering. Hospital emergency departments and ICU staffs are suffering.

I don't expect you jackasses to be convinced by any new information. I don't plan to win any arguments with you. I want every institution, every group, organization, business, gathering, etc., to just mandate masks and vaccines. I don't care what you do. I just don't want to be around you, and I don't want you around me. All I want is what works, and mandates work:

rhhardin said...

Railroad wheel slippage

Click the "show more" in the description after watching a good bit of it, and see if you can find the explanatory single word that makes everything clear.

gilbar said...

hey people! We ALL Need, to cut our Chuck some slack, he's going through a tough patch
i just heard about his problems, when someone pointed out a post he'd put up on reddit
[33M] my wife started seeing another man ... and he voted for Trump.
Not his Ex-wife, the one he's currently Married to. From the post:

.... About 6 months ago she mentioned the idea of bringing in another man into the relationship to spice things up. I hesitantly agreed...

Fast forward to Mid-November. I make a joke at the dinner table about how finally the fucking cheeto is going to be out of office. The new boyfriend, who's always been nice to me, told me to "shut the fuck up you fucking liberal pussy". I was taking aback by his sudden anger.
He's much larger than me so I admittedly just looked at my wife as a plea for help. She just continued eating trying to act like nothing was going on...

Long story short, after he had left for the night, I told the wife that we can't associate with him (for obvious reasons). This is where it got bad. She defended HIM and told ME that I was being DISRESPECTFUL for not understanding that some people have different political views!!! ... I told her we were done if she doesn't stop seeing him... after a few days of fighting, and her continuously saying things would be fine, I packed up and left, thinking she'd finally comply.

Now, I've driven by the house a few times and his pickup truck is always parked there. In fact, I THINK HE FUCKING MOVED IN.

So, like i said; we need to cut him some slack; he's going through enough

Lucien said...

As we near another “debt ceiling crisis” isn’t it obvious that the US can create as many dollars as it wants whenever it wants, and so need never default on any of its obligations unless the President ant Treasury Secretary willfully choose to do so?
That doing so would likely be inflationary doesn’t change the facts.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"US Drone Strike In Kabul Mistakenly Killed Civilians, Not Terrorists: Pentagon"

link to video

Drago said...

Pro-marxist LLR Chuck: "I hate you people. You, and the dumbfuck rightwing radio talk show hosts who died of COVID after spreading lies about the vaccines. You're hurting people. You're feeding them bullshit. The economy is suffering because of you assholes."

I was wondering when you were going to flex your far left democratical talking points to try and minimize what you leftists have done and continue to do to crush our economy.

Your Beloved Hero Biden is also doing what we expected him to do with completely open borders which you also have always supported, as Meade proved years ago when he called you out on this very blog.

And you should know, no one who posts at this blog cares in the least what a pro-marxist like you thinks of them.

In fact, your hatred of real Americans is something every normal person wears as a badge of honor....with joy.

A. Badge. Of. Honor.

Congrats Reid Hoffman-Fake Conservative Boy. Not even your fellow leftists want you posting for Team Dem anymore.

Thats how toxic and exposed you are.

And its.......glorious.

Drago said...

Achilles: "And if you scroll to the bottom the entire premise of this completely dishonest article is wiped out by the correction."

Speaking of having a point wiped out by a correction, it was just yesterday that our loud and proud admitted and confessed smear & lie merchant, pro-marxist LLR Chuck, was obliterated in record time as his astonishingly feeble lie regarding what Acting SecDef Miller said about Thoroughly Modern Milley's traitorous and unconstitutional acts re: ChiCom suck-uppery, was crushed at the very moment pro-marxist LLR Chuck published hs latest serial lie at Althouse by Millers very public statements!

Double drat, eh Chuck?! I'll bet you were hoping you could sneak that one thru, didnt you?

What a hilariously incompetent lefty putz you've become. You have completely devolved to gadfly-level.

I recommend getting that river of gin and tonics flowing early tonight. You're gonna need it.

Maybe commit to rereading all those "legal" analyses from Lawrence Tribe that you have posted around your in-home Rachel Maddow Shrine.

Thoughts and prayers tiger. Thoughts and prayers.

StephenFearby said...

Daily Mail purported exclusive:

Bill Barr warned Trump that independent voters thought he was 'f**king a*****e' and he needed to 'dial back' outrageous behavior or he'd lose election - then chided him for 'wheeling out clown car of lawyers' to contest results, book claims

Peril, by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, lifts the lid on Bill Barr's strained relationship with President Donald Trump in the last months of his presidency

The former US attorney general was one of several administration officials who tried to get Trump to change course ahead of the election last year

During one conversation in April, Barr warned Trump to 'dial it back' and that he doesn't 'gain anything by continuing to be more and more outrageous'

Barr told Trump that his base of supporters merely 'tolerate' his wild behavior but they 'don't support you because you act that way'

The two would clash again after the election when Trump began pushing claims of widespread voter fraud following his defeat

The DOJ chief believed having lawyers like Giuliani and Sidney Powell, who both spouted conspiracy theories, representing Trump was a bad move

'Every self-respecting lawyer in the country has run for the hills. Your team is a bunch of clowns,' he told Trump

Sounds right (for a change). Unfortunately, Trump has both the habit of being his own worst enemy and doesn't learn from his mistakes.

That's why he lost the election to a clown like Biden.

Wa St Blogger said...

I don't care what you do. I just don't want to be around you, and I don't want you around me.

I have a very simple solution for that. Lock yourself in your own little abode and stay there. See how easy that is? No more stressing what OTHER people are doing. You control your own destiny.

All I want is what works, and mandates work.

Yes, lots of government forced activities will achieve the results that someone with dictatorial powers wants. I gave you this advice before. MOVE to a country that does what you want. Australia looks like a good option if you want a western style nation. China if you prefer stronger socialism. I am sick of you lecturing us. Get thee to a dictatorship and STFU.

Bender said...


That's what whoever gave the go ahead on the bombing of those innocent civilians needs to be charged with. That's what Joe "Give Me Someone to Kill So I Look Tough" Biden needs to be charged with.

Bender said...

France recalls its ambassador to the United States over submarine dispute.

That's HUGE.

Big Mike said...

That doing so would certainly be massively inflationary doesn’t change the facts.

@Lucien, FIFY

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darkisland said...

The human version of Ivermectin is used by a billion people around the world regularly as and anti-parasitical. Several billion people take HQL routinely as a prophylactic against malaria.

Ivermectin for about 20 years. HQL for nearly 50.

Both drugs are about as risky as aspirin or acetaminophen (Pretty much not risky at all) You can overdose and cause damage but you really, really, have to work at it with all 4 drugs.

So they are safe. The other criteria the FDA uses for approving drugs is whether they are effective. There are a number of studies that seem to show that they are. There are some studies that show they are not. If I was worried about kungflu, I would have no qualms about taking either, or both. They won't hurt me, might help me. I'd be happy to take that risk.

I think, based on everything I read, that the vaccine is only slightly better than totally useless. I also think, based on the CDC data, that there are serious risks in the vaccine. And, most of all, "my body, my choice. If someone wants to get vaccinated, good for them. If not, fine with me.

I am vaccinated (Johnson Jab) but the only reason I did that is because I travel a lot and was worried that Sleepy would impose some sort of airline restrictions and strand me somewhere with no way to get home but swimming.

I don't see why someone like Chuck, who seems to have an inordinate fear of PEDJT, would want to take his vaccine. You know, the one he caused to be rushed to market with incomplete testing and so on.

Another question for Chuck, or other Michiganders: I was in Kalamazoo for a while in July. Pretty much nobody, outside of the medical plant I was in, wore masks. Not restaurant staff, store staff, nobody.

Ditto the Chicago suburbs where I spent a day on my way to MI. (Ditto St Louis when I was there last month)

How is that working out for you all? Are you back to masking? or still living dangerously? (wink, wink)

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Here's a dining tip if you live somewhere that you have to show a kungflu card to eat or use other facilities.

When they ask, be polite, say "of course". As you pull your wallet or phone out to show them your card, ask to see theirs.

The reactions have been hilarious. Sometimes it is a flat "no" and I just give them the stinkeye. Other times they ask why I want to see it "Well, you are handling my food, I want to see proof that you are safe." or "If I have to show you my medical record, it only seems fair that you show me yours." Sometimes they call the manager who asks why I want to see it.

I never complain when they won't show it.

I find it onerous in the extreme to be asked for it. The least I can do is have some fun and perhaps cause some discomfort.

At Cheesecake factory, when I asked last week, I got an immediate "Of course". The hostess pulled out her phone and showed me her card like it was the most natural thing in the world. Good for them. I suggested to our health department that all restaurant employees should be required to wear their card in a visible location. (Never got a reply)

John Henry

Darkisland said...

For those who enjoy Libtards of Tik-Tok, here is a guy who puts them all to shame.

Speaking at the Dallas city council pleading for people to take the vaccine.

John Henry

Big Mike said...

It's been asserted that "other countries are saving the lives of their citizens using cheap and effective drugs." Which countries are those?

India, mostly. In fact India is very interesting because of the contrast between the states of Uttar Pradedh and Kerala. Here’s the money quote:

“On August 15, Kerala accounted for 18,582 of India's 32,937 new cases and 102 of India's 417 new deaths. By contrast, the Ivermectin-using state of Delhi, with nearly the same population size, recorded only 53 new cases and ZERO deaths. In comparison, Uttar Pradesh, with almost eight times as many inhabitants, had only 30 new cases and ONE death.”

Wikipedia credits Uttar Pradesh with a population of more than 200 million, Delhi with 16.8 million, and Kerala with 33 million as of 2011. In Uttar Pradesh they push vaccines, but supplement vaccination with treatment using ivermectin, plus prophylactic use of ivermectin on people who’ve come in contact with newly-infected patients. The National Capital Territory of Delhi does the same. Kerala does not use ivermectin and, like the US, focuses pretty nearly exclusively on vaccination. If there is any other difference in medical approaches that could account for such a huge disparity in caseload and death rate, I have not seen any suggestion as to what it could be.

I take my health seriously. I am fully vaccinated and have been since March. But if I should fall victim to a “breakthrough” infection, then the fact that treatment via HCQ (+ zinc) or ivermectin are banned in my home state of Virginia, and that the Biden administration has made clear its intention to ration monoclonal antibody treatments, are … problematic.

I hate you people.

We kind of figured it out. Of course you may have noticed that we reflect that feeling right back at ya.

The economy is suffering because of you assholes.

A more honest assessment might be that the continued use of restrictions on economic activities, all in the name of “for our own good,” is causing the economy to suffer. Here’s the tell. To my knowledge not a state run by a Democrat governor has set a target of what percent of the population being vaccinated will cause all restrictions to be dropped, not even for the impossible-to-reach goal of 100%!

I don't expect you jackasses to be convinced by any new information.

And apparently facts are pretty meaningless to you, so stalemate.

I want every institution, every group, organization, business, gathering, etc., to just mandate masks and vaccines.

Does that include Democrats like AOC and the glitterati at the Met gala? How about high-ranking Democrat politicians like Gavin Newsom or Nancy Pelosi rubbing shoulders with donors at Napa Valley fundraisers? Only the serving staff masked. What about refugees from Afghanistan or Haiti, or illegal border crossers in the Southwest US? None of them are required to get vaccinated. Why only US citizens trying to do their jobs so they can feed their families?

I don't care what you do. I just don't want to be around you, and I don't want you around me.

Feeling is sort of mutual.

All I want is what works, and mandates work

Except that they don’t, but ivermectin does.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

And here’s what I originally came to comment on:

“Gen. McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, to announce no ISIS-K fighters killed in U.S. drone strike in Kabul Aug 29. 10 civilians killed, including 7 children in Toyota. No disciplinary action expected, officials say. US military stands by intel leading to strike.”

[Emphasis mine]

Chris Lopes said...

From the "return to normalcy" file.

"The Pentagon admitted Friday that a drone strike that killed multiple civilians in Afghanistan last month killed only civilians and not an Islamic State extremist as it first reported.

“The strike was a tragic mistake,” Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of US Central Command, told a Pentagon news conference.

For days after the Aug. 29 strike, Pentagon officials asserted that it had been conducted correctly, despite numerous civilians being killed, including children. News organizations later raised doubts about that version of events, reporting that the driver of the targeted vehicle was a longtime employee at an American humanitarian organization and citing an absence of evidence to support the Pentagon’s assertion that the vehicle contained explosives."

This administration is turning into an even bigger shit show than the Trump cultists predicted.

J. Farmer said...

The country is ungovernable. As much as we like to complain about the government, the problem is not so much with the state as with the nation. There is no unifying national identity or culture that binds people together and creates trust and familiarity among otherwise disconnected people. The Anglo-Protestant cultural core that used to serve that purpose has been dismantled. In its place, we have retreated into a myriad of identity enclaves. Racial, ethnic, sexual, political, religious, geographic, vax status. This division prevents the populous from providing any kind of check on the establishment's power. That's why for the last 30 years every president has been the object of an embarrassing lovefest from his own party and an hysterical hatefest from the opposition.

Mutaman said...

"Joe Rogan took Ivermectin and he looks healthy as a horse."

Howard re Joe Rogan and the rest of the Know Nothings:

“We have no time for idiots in this country anymore,” Stern said. “We don’t want you. We want you to all either go the hospital, and stay home, die there with your COVID. Don’t take the cure, but don’t clog up our hospitals with your COVID when you finally get it. Stay home, don’t bother with science, it’s too late. Go f— yourself, we just don’t have time for you.”

Big Mike said...

The country is ungovernable by Democrats.

@Farmer, FIFY.

Mutaman said...

"France recalls its ambassador to the United States over submarine dispute"

Recall! Does that mean the new ambassador will be Larry Elder? Wow, have to admit a huge win for the Trumpster Know Nothings.

Gospace said...

J. Farmer said...
The country is ungovernable.

Violence is breaking out at local school board meetings over masking. One in the next county over from me. Restaurant hostesses are being assaulted because they're asking for vaccine IDs. It's not that the country is ungovernable, but that the country is governed with the consent of the governed- and that's being rapidly withdrawn because the elites think they're actually elite. And they've mistaken their role- they think they're rulers rather than governors. It's not just a difference in semantics. And the people are getting pissed.

Oh, wait- you were talking about Afghanistan. Afghanistan isn't a country- the area we call Afghanistan is arbitrary lines on a map. It would take 4 generations of iron rule over the area by a complete dictator to make it into a country. First rule- no one can marry or breed with anyone closer than 6th cousin - and everyone must keep track of their family ties. This will break up the clan system and rule by elders. First generation- people will find 6th cousins in the next village or town. Next generation will have to go over 100 miles away. 3rd and 4th generation will be scouring the country. After generation 4- relax it to no one can marry 2nd cousin or closer. And keep it that way. That's how the area we now call Germany became united as Germany- the Church at times required (IIRC) 8th cousin marriages.

After the whole area is related to each other in traceable ways- they have a national identity, and the dictator- if enlightened- can move to make the country a Republic. Not a Democracy- a Republic with a rule of law, like we once had. Might require other countries to grant his family asylum for voluntarily giving up power. Trouble is- the West has broken their promises too many times for any dictator to trust them. Hard to regain trust once lost.

I think the states in the USA that allow first cousin marriage- which aren't the ones you think they are- need to get rid of it. In fact, I'm all in favor of jettisoning 2nd cousin marriage. I have almost 16000 people on my ancestry tree- and have been adding DNA linked relatives, ought be over that number soon. With that many people, there's lots of branches. And I can see trends. The more inbreeding, the more people in that line in institutions, whether they be medical, psychiatric, or prison. It's very consistent. I have to go back 6 generations to find a 1st/2nd cousin marriage. But then, I have to go back 5 generations to find someone in any direct ancestry line who died in the same state (or nation or province) in which they were born. And another generation to get within 50 miles of their birthplace. Yet I have relatives living in my 5th great grandfathers house in Virginia who are direct descendants of his. You would think being in the same house for that many generations they'd be rich- they're not.

Big Mike said...

@Farmer, I have some unexpected free time so let me elaborate on my earlier snark at you. From where I sit, the country is ungovernable when Democrats are in charge for a couple of reasons. First, because they keep trying to govern as though the country consists exclusively of cities and suburbs. Are policies designed for an urban area likely to be applicable in a rural household where the nearest paved road is twenty minutes away? If I put that as a question on an exam then I think you’d get it right. But subconsciously you (and I mean you, personally) figure (wrongly) that there are so few of those pesky rural folks you can just run ‘em over. Where you’d get food without farmers and ranchers, well, I suspect it’s one of the things you (mistakenly) think you’ll fix later.

Second, because Democrats like to work top down. They impose from above (e.g., lockdowns) and react with vehement anger that anyone would dare say, “well, that doesn’t work for me.” And that’s not a prescription for long-term success.

Third, they fall in love with strange theories that either have never worked anywhere they’ve been tried (e.g., communism and it’s present incarnation as communitarianism, socialism, Democratic Socialism) or pseudo-scientific theories whose predictions have utterly failed to match physical reality (e.g., AGW).

But when Republicans take over the government the country becomes ungovernable because Democrats throw a collective hissy fit and deliberately try to undercut everything they do. Sometimes through sheer perseverance a Republican like Donald Trump makes headway, for instance the US economy of 2018-2019, but it takes a lot of effort. Does that mean Democrats deliberately set out to hurt their own citizens just to deny a success to Republicans? Have we not had four years (January 2017 to January 2021) of exactly that?

Mr. Forward said...

If your kid has to wear a mask why does President Xi not have to wear handcuffs?

MadTownGuy said...

J. Farmer said...

"The country is ungovernable."

Fact not in evidence.

"As much as we [What you mean, we, Kemo Sabe?] like to complain about the government, the problem is not so much with the state as with the nation. There is no unifying national identity or culture that binds people together and creates trust and familiarity among otherwise disconnected people."

There are commonalities, one of which you point out, but 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' is in fact part of our culture that the radical Left seems intent on destroying.

"The Anglo-Protestant cultural core that used to serve that purpose has been dismantled relentlessly attacked. In its place, we have retreated into a myriad of identity enclaves. Racial, ethnic, sexual, political, religious, geographic, vax status. This division prevents the populous from providing any kind of check on the establishment's power."

The point of driving wedges into the populace is a tactic of the Left to justify a new Establishment with more centralized power.

"That's why for the last 30 years every president has been the object of an embarrassing lovefest from his own party and an hysterical hatefest from the opposition."

You've described the tactics of the Left well enough. The Right, not so much. You've also made your case for the radical Left and the reactionary Right having common goals - I think, rather, that they have a common tactic of establishing centralized power but beyond that, I see no compatibility because the worldviews are so different. They both tend toward totalitarianism but there is no common cause.

Achilles said...

Farmer is absolutely right.

The majority of people in the US believe in the constitution and unalienable rights given to us by god.

That means the Government or even a majority of people voting cannot take them away.

There are a minority of people like Mutaman and Chuck that simply cannot leave other people alone. They are authoritarian and fascist. Most people don't want what they have to offer so they have to lie and fall back on appeals to authority.

There is massive evidence all over the world that cheap safe drugs have reduced death rates and case severity.

Tough to push mandates and central government regime power if there is a cheap easy treatment already available.

So they have to lie.

That is what authoritarians do. You are the stupid sheep Chuck. You are the gullible fool Mutaman.

And even if everyone in the world thinks like you I am going to fight you. Because it is the right thing to do.

You are wrong. You are lying. You are using censorship. You are pushing state authority to eliminate freedom.

You are terrible people and we will defeat you.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer is right by the way.

People who do not believe in individual freedom are seeking to overturn what this country was founded on and return to the historical norm of rulers and ruled.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "Recall! Does that mean the new ambassador will be Larry Elder? Wow, have to admit a huge win for the Trumpster Know Nothings."

Note how the trained automaton immediately chants the magic words when confronted with reality.

Achilles said...

Fauci: No, you don't wear a mask."

Fauci goes on to advise "you avoid all the paranoid aspects."

The best things Fauci says you can do?

Good diet, don't smoke, exercise, sleep.

These people are absolutely dishonest and evil. How long before twitter deletes this?

Chuck said...

Blogger Achilles said...
Farmer is absolutely right.

The majority of people in the US believe in the constitution and unalienable rights given to us by god.

That means the Government or even a majority of people voting cannot take them away.

There are a minority of people like Mutaman and Chuck that simply cannot leave other people alone. They are authoritarian and fascist. Most people don't want what they have to offer so they have to lie and fall back on appeals to authority.

You missed my point entirely.

I no longer care about arguing with people like you, about what the government can or cannot do. I’m past that. I’m at the point where I just want to make the case to private interests: we the vaccinated supermajority want you to privately impose good safety precautions. We don’t want to patronize your businesses, go to your entertainment venues, enter your offices or stores if you won’t do that. We like the fact that many business leaders have seen the light on this subject and are mandating masks and proof of vaccinations. We are vaccinated; your corporate leaders are vaccinated; why should we conduct our business or live our lives in fear of the unvaccinated and unmasked? We don’t want to see you compromise general public health for a loud, ignorant minority.

We want you to understand that it’s good business for you, acting privately without regard to the government at any level, to make your own mandates to appeal to a supermajority of your clientele. You will hear from us if you don’t.

Now the anti-vax and anti-mask loudmouths might also claim that their business with likewise is dependent on your complying with their wishes. You can choose; the 70% of vaccinated people or the 30% of unvaccinated (of which it may even be less, of devoted anti-vaxxers who refuse to get a shot, as opposed to simply having not done it).

It’s going to be good business for you. Health insurers are getting out in front; they are no longer waiving co-insurance payments from people who become seriously ill with COVID after failing to be vaccinated. We have the airlines; the hospital staff vaccine mandates; the university community vaccine mandates; and everywhere, being allowed by the courts.

Gospace said...

Biden and Democrats have energized one part of the economy. Link is to the data- draw your own conclusions,

Chris Lopes said...

" The country is ungovernable"

This one comes up whenever libs are in charge and are screwing up in ways that can't be hidden. This is the same place Bush, Obama, and even Orange the Clown managed to govern. We aren't ungovernable, Biden and his folks are incapable of governing.

Original Mike said...

Why Did The CDC Stop Recording Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in The U.S. on May 1st? – Today We Got The Obvious Answer, Vaccine Companies Want to Sell Booster Shots

Jeez…Is anybody in the government on the up-and-up? This is appalling.

Chuck said...

You unvaccinated losers are costing us money:

Drago said...

Achilles: "J. Farmer is right by the way.

People who do not believe in individual freedom are seeking to overturn what this country was founded on and return to the historical norm of rulers and ruled."

Correct. And it is very helpful that pro-marxist LLR Chuck has completely embraced the reality of his far far leftism and passionate support for total government control thru fascistic mechanisms over all aspects of life.

Even better from the viewpoint of our very very racist LLR Chuck, the crushing of the black and hispanic communities who are the most vax hesitant communities of all.

Given LLR Chuck's wild-eyed adoring praise and support for ALL (without exception) Whitmer policies, which Whitmer routinely violated herself to applause and more adoration from LLR Chuck, I cant say I am surprised.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "You unvaccinated losers are costing us money:"

In case anyone was wondering, this particular talking point was conjured up by the dems to explain away Bidens/Dems/LLR's economic performance which has continued to lead to one after the another downward GDP projection.

In the future, if you want to know what our pro-marxist LLR Chuck will be posting that day, just check out the DNC/Media Matters/MSNBC/etc websites and you will have captured the entirety of what LLR Chuck will be posting each day.

This is a failsafe practice as LLR Chuck never, at any time for any reason, fails to mimic every far left/marxist talking point, narrative, tone, language etc of his "elite" democratical masters.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

You missed my point entirely.

No I didn't.

Germany used corporations allied with the state to push their fascist crap just like you are trying to do.

People like you are enemies of freedom. But our country is not full of Germans. You are a minority this time.

I look forward to the confrontation between me and people like you.

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