August 10, 2021

Whither Cuomo? What can he do now?


With all support yanked from out under him, he had to go. But what now? 

From that NYT link:

Mr. Cuomo is resigning on a defiant note, not a submissive one. That is, arguably, the best he could hope to achieve, given the New York State Assembly’s commitment to moving forward with impeachment.... 

“It’s not about me, it’s about we,” Cuomo says as he resigns his office, effective in 14 days.

He adds it's "the best way I can help now."

ADDED: "New York tough means New York loving, and I love you. And everything I have ever done has been motivated by that love. And I would never want to be unhelpful in any way. And I think that, given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing" (video).


Anon said...

"But what now?"

He's gonna "help"--help reveal the true nature of NY's Covid disaster, expose the hypocrisy of the Dem power elite, prove the corruption in Albany.

Andrew Come-Clean Cuomo. Would be fun, wouldn't it?

Lesson to fellow Dems: be like Bill or Joe, not like Andrew. Always appear to hold enough power and influence to be useful tomorrow and the day after. What would have happened to Joe & Co. if he hadn't run for president?

Leland said...

Cuomo's fortune was virtual. The media gave him good will, because they same his as a foil to Trump. But outside that echo chamber, nobody else was buying it. CNN's ratings plummeted, while Andrew's brother and coworkers tried to prop up the governor. The ratings for Emmy's dropped. Andrew certainly wasn't going to ascend to any higher office. There is no reversal. It is only the acceptance of the reality (the screen everyone else was watching, if one prefers) that was always there.

Kathy Hochul will take over. She is competent enough having been Lt. Gov for 6 years. She's running 5th in polling, but with Andrew gone, her numbers may rise. Hochul unlikeable numbers are near the bottom of her competition for the Democrat Primary.

Michael said...

In three years he can find redemption and run for President! Who else have they got?

M Jordan said...

NewsMax's Greg Kelly has played this whole thing correctly. He's repeatedly defended Cuomo in this sham Me-Too moment. Cuomo's real crimes -- and they are many -- begin in nursing homes and empty support ships. But Kelly's attempt is to soften Cuomo up so that, enraged at his own team, he starts digging up bodies.

If that happens, things will get fun again.

wendybar said...

And yet, he is still blaming the women.

Mikey NTH said...

Killing Granny = Okay, you can stay.
Touching Fanny = Oh No, you got to go.

mccullough said...

At least he gave two weeks notice.

John henry said...

All is proceeding to plan. One of the only potential vp candidates when Kamala resigns was Cuomo. One less alternative now to president emeritus Donald trump.

Pedjt becomes veep before the end of the year. Biden resigns or is pushed (25 A) and not only Bob's your uncle but Donald trump is our president.


Anon said...

I'm sure there was a deal that allows him to avoid prosecution. In some ways, that makes me angry. He breaks the law and the worst that happens is he loses his job. No justice for the women.

Paul G said...

I can't believe Ron DeSantis would allow this.

Almaron Dickinson said...

I'm sure he can find a spot at CNN, perhaps an "Andy & Chris" show where they can yuck it up with giant nose swabs and nursing home COVID tales.

Skippy Tisdale said...

What did Chris Cuomo know and when did he know it? I'm thinking as early as grade school.

Yancey Ward said...

I hope he was actually guilty of what he was accused of, but I doubt it still. However, even if he isn't guilty of the harassment, he is getting what he deserves being a Democrat in high office. His real crime was sending sick COVID patients into the nursing homes, and then trying to deny it happened, and then covering up the actual numbers this policy killed, but he couldn't be taken down for that because the same policies were followed in other states run by Democrats. So, good riddance- he has no future unless he is willing to pull the skeletons out of the other closets, and he won't do that because his own closet is still full of them. Hopefully, CNN will fired Fredo, too.

Clyde said...

I hear San Clemente is nice.

Temujin said...

Cuomo will run again and most likely hold office again, just not as Governor. Give him 2-3 years. Honestly, as quickly as things are raised, then forgotten these days, I'm thinking two years out for him. Then a nice slot as a US Senator or a Cabinet post, or maybe a simple reward for the years he was a producer of grift for Democrats- an Ambassadorship to somewhere nice. Who's currently got Italy or The Vatican? A lot of people owe him a lot from his 'work' over the years.

In the meantime, CNN & MSNBC will host his tearful comeuppance and it'll be a hit. Mika will cry as he's speaking. And once again, women can swoon, men can wish they were like him, he can bring his Emmy back out onto the mantle, and all will be well on the Left again.

Dave Begley said...

Andrew can join Chris on CNN. Call it the "Brothers Cuomo." Must see TV.

Chuck said...

John henry said...
All is proceeding to plan. One of the only potential vp candidates when Kamala resigns was Cuomo. One less alternative now to president emeritus Donald trump.

Pedjt becomes veep before the end of the year. Biden resigns or is pushed (25 A) and not only Bob's your uncle but Donald trump is our president.


You need to catch up. PDJT was already re-inaugurated; it was back in March. This is just the calm before The Storm. A Great Awakening is happening, if you can see it.

Iman said...

“It’s not about me, it’s about we,” Cuomo says as he resigns his office, effective in 14 days.

He adds it's "the best way I can help now."

He’s helping… truly heroic! Cuomotose!

Things will now go from bad to worse to HORRIFIC! But that’s… okay.

Vance said...

Goodbye and good riddance!

Hopefully more old folks can survive in New York now.

wendybar said...

How long till @cnn launches their new prime-time show Cuomo & Cuomo?- Ted Cruz

tommyesq said...

Cuomo looks like he has aged 15 years over the last month or so.

daskol said...

Well, I lost a bet, because I didn't think he was going anywhere. I can only imagine the pressure that was brought on him to resign.

retail lawyer said...

Go Hollywood. He's starting out with an Emmy, good nickname as the "Luv Guv", his brother's already in the biz, and lots of babes on the sets.

What kind of Gov says that conservatives are not welcome in his state, while maintaining it as a sanctuary for illegal immigrants? I'm sorry to see him go, and wish him the very worst.

Mark said...

What can he do now?

He can be a regular person, rather than a privileged, elite politician.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well one things smart politicians can do is count--votes that is. I suspect that Cuomo realized that the votes were there for impeachment. I also suspect that various national Democrat honchos told the Luv Guv that there would be no support for him. So better to resign than be impeached. Call it the Nixon withdrawal stratagem. Quit before you're canned.

But have you noticed that if New York governors end their careers in disgrace, it's over sexual peccadilloes? OTOH out in Illinois, several of the state's governors have ended their careers with a prison term for some sort of financial shenanigans.

And in California, my home state governors get recalled for incompetence.

Jimmy said...

Nothing new here. A few months in the wilderness, then a return. Unrepentant, unchanged, still powerful. Like Clinton and others. He won't change his behavior. Unlike the rest of us, he will never be held accountable for his actions.

Meade said...
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Joe Smith said...

What a putz...he should have worn black face or a KKK outfit and he'd be fine.

Meade said...

“At least he gave two weeks notice.“

LOL. Still, two weeks is more than he gave his nursing home victims.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is Cuomo cancelled? If he is cancelled, he can't even make a Dorito commercial, like his dad.


Critter said...

How long before Andrew Cuomo is co-hosting a show on CNN with Fredo?

Gospace said...

Until the two weeks is up- he's not gone. And I don't see anything that says he can't change his mind before the two weeks is up.

I'll believe he's gone when he's gone, not two weeks, 10 days, 5 days, or 15 minutes earlier.

tcrosse said...
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Patrick Wahl said...

After a suitable cooling off period - The Chris and Andrew Show on CNN.

Lee Moore said...

What can he do now ?

I imagine he'll start churning out art at $500,000 a pop.

Bilwick said...

Somewhere Ed Koch is smiling. (Remember "Cuomo, not the Homo"?)

Roger Sweeny said...

"It's not me, it's you."

policraticus said...

Whither Cuomo?

The answer is obvious.

Step 1. Go directly to Random House, do not pass Go, and sign a 7 figure book deal for a[-nother] self-serving memoir that will explain how he has "grown in adversity," he's "learned so much" and "done the work" without actually, you know, confessing to anything improper or atoning for any sins beyond "caring too darn much."

Step 2. Profit.

BG said...

He'll have plenty of time to write another book, "They Asked for It."

LA_Bob said...

A few months ago, when all this started, an LA talk show host named John Phillips -- conservative it seems -- suggested harassment was not the reason Cuomo was under fire. Phillips said he had worked with Chris Cuomo in the past and had observed Andrew. Said Andrew didn't seem as much a harasser as an obnoxious dinner guest, figuratively speaking.

This was during the controversy over the nursing home scandal, for which Cuomo deserves blame. But, that was not the first problem. Cuomo supported NY subsidies for a Tesla Solar City project in Buffalo that didn't deliver the jobs promised. Cuomo also led the charge to shut down the controversial Indian Point nuclear reactor yet also denied a permit for a natural gas pipeline to help ensure enough energy to New Yorkers.

But, I suspect the real problem was that "familiarity breeds contempt". Althouse linked to the NYT Gail Collins editorial on 8/5, and the second paragraph suggests as much. Three terms as governor with a fourth one planned was simply too much, especially for other ambitious NY politicians, like Cuomo's good buddy AG Letitia James. All the high-minded hand-wringing over "sexual harassment" -- ignored for years -- has simply been the tar people tossed at Cuomo and made it stick enough to get him out.

Politics and piling on. What else is new?

Whirred Whacks said...

Good timing for Ann! Restored comments just in time for Cuomo’s resignation. Wait’ll you see what happens next month when Newsom is recalled.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Later Coumo. May I complement the host again for bringing back comments? These are some of my favorite short-form writers. Really really short form.

Kevin said...

"Whither Cuomo? What can he do now?"

Talking head on CNN and MSNBC would seem to be an option.

It's not like he masturbated and exposed himself on a conference call.

And even if he had...

Iman said...

Cuomo’s partial Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer approach to his “apology”/resignation announcement was funny:

“Now don’t get me wrong, this is not to say that there are not 11 women who I truly offended, there are. And for that, I deeply, deeply apologize. I thought a hug and putting my arm around a staff person and while taking a picture was friendly, but she found it to be too forward. I kissed a woman on the cheek at a wedding, and I thought I was being nice, but she felt that it was too aggressive. I have slipped and called people, honey, sweetheart and darling. I meant it to be endearing, but women found it dated and offensive. I said on national TV, to a doctor wearing PPE and giving me a COVID nasal swab, “You make that gown look good.” I was joking, obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t have said it on national TV, but she found it disrespectful.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anyone on the collective left embarrassed they gave this creep an EMMY?

gadfly said...

Politics is a strange game that depends on who sets the rules. Fredo's brother went down easy when the METOO game was used which brings about the question of why no resignations or lawsuits by any of the Touched 11 until now.

On the other hand, actual cheating on his wife, multiple times, multiple partners, did not get Donnie bumped because that was permissible among the far right GOP when the party-in-charge said so. Even fomenting a coup attempt was A-OK among the Trumpets when intelligent voters said bye-bye.

Yancey Ward said...

LA Bob is probably right- Cuomo was stop in the bottle of New York politics- there are basically three offices for alpha politician wannabees- the two Senate offices and the Governorship. Schumer the Schmuck isn't going anywhere in the next 10 years, nor is Jellybrand- they are both Democrats who can't be challenged in the primaries. So, Cuomo had to go to relieve the pressure in that bottle. I bet the AG doesn't get the nomination, though- the Lt. Governor will prove hard to beat in the primaries because she has the office to work from.

Michael said...

Whoa! Wait. "(Says) he will resign..." is not the same thing as resigning. Could there be some kind of deep fake going on here? Somehow it's just not the right time. Maybe in a couple weeks. Sooner, later, sometime, never. Seems unlikely, but consider whom we're dealing with.

Barry Dauphin said...

What can he do now ?

He can host Jeopardy!

Tacitus said...

A compelling argument against hereditary offices. Having a dad who was governor/senator/president before you should be a near disqualification.

How many exceptions have there been in American politics?

John and John Quincy Adams I suppose. And JQ is generally rated as an average President although above average as a diplomat and in several other roles.


Bunkypotatohead said...

He should have worn a mask while giving that resignation speech. When you can see his lips move, it's hard to take him seriously.

JaimeRoberto said...

He could hire OJ's ghost writer to write "If I Groped Them".

roger said...

What can he do now ?

This is the Age of Bill Clinton. He will wait in the wilderness until our betters among the Progressive Elite call for him and he will run up and lick their hands like the dog that he is. Progressives have no standards at all.

gadfly said...

"Whither Cuomo? What can he do now?"

He can demand a court trial to head off impeachment. On the surface the abysmal lack of facts is absurd. The sexual molestation events supposedly occurred in a public places; there was no physical or other evidence; the "victims" had no complaints until one begot another - all the way to eleven; aggressive prosecutors immediately got carried away in publishing unsubstantiated charges; no one actually witnessed anything. Not guilty verdicts should be returned in about an hour or two for each accuser.

Then the eldest son of NY Gov. Mario Cuomo, can return to his infamous "shining city on the hill" with molestations gone but with the long-dead, SARS-CoV-2 riddled, bodies from nursing homes suddenly returning to the forefront.

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