২৩ আগস্ট, ২০২১

"But I say, this is the greatest rally in the history of our country, this is the greatest movement in the history of our country.... And it’s probably the greatest movement in the history of our world...."

"Call it, make America great again, call it America first, call it what you will. I believe it’s the greatest movement probably in the history of the world. It’s just starting. It’s just starting. We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. So with love of our nation, swelling in our hearts, and it does swell in your hearts. That’s why you’re standing here in the rain, listening to this person. You’re saying, 'Darling, it’s raining. Let’s go home.' But nobody is leaving all the way back hundreds and like football fields behind, football fields. 'Darling, it’s raining,' but they say, 'We’re not going home because we love our country.' But with swelling in our hearts, the spirit of America is stirring ourselves. And I say these words to you, and you’ve heard these words before, in some cases many times before, we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America, despite what you’re seeing today so sad and so pathetic, we will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And you know what it is, we will make America great again. Thank you Alabama. God bless you all."

Donald Trump dished out hearty helpings of intense hyperbole and corny warmth at his August 21st rally in Alabama. The transcript is now out: here

The hearts are swelling —  swelling! — and the rhetoric is wholly swollen: It's the greatest movement the history of our world — probably. 

Despite what you’re seeing today so sad and so pathetic, we will make America proud again... and don't people want to feel proud? How easy is the other side making it for Trump when they're pushing shame — imposing shame. It's obvious that Trump is running for President, running hard, though he can't say it yet for legal reasons having to do with campaign finance law. 

I'd say it will be hard for any Democrat to run against his hugeness and his logic-transcending emotional power, and yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach. 

৭৫টি মন্তব্য:

stan বলেছেন...

Dominion machines now regret their millions of extra votes.

Without rampant violations of the Constitution in many states changing voting procedures, Biden gets crushed by more than ten million votes.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

I'd say it will be hard for any Democrat to run against his hugeness and his logic-transcending emotional power, and yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach.

Hundreds of thousands of sketchy ballots and last minute antics by Dem controlled counties may have helped just a little.

Owen বলেছেন...

"I'd say it will be hard for any Democrat to run against his hugeness and his logic-transcending emotional power, and yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach AND SOME VERY CREATIVE ELECTIONEERING."

Fixed it for you.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Oh my God, Althouse. Do you have any idea how much scorn you are going to receive for implying that Trump actually lost the election?

I usually don't make predictions (because one inevitably ends up looking stupid, when a certain candidates, e.g., Scott Walker, crashes and burns barely after it starts), but Trump is not running in 2024. He is going to string all his minions along, grifting money off them, until he announces for some bullshit reason, that he has decided not to run.

Trump doesn't care about anyone but his immediate family. And if it was between him and Ivanka (obviously his favorite) going to jail, I am sure he would even throw her under the bus.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

I don't know if Trump can win again. But the media sure is acting like they are scared of that possibility. Normally big public events of former presidents get a fair amount of coverage. And if the former president only served 1 term, and was constitutionally able to serve an additional term, and was giving a big rally that sounded like he was going to run again, it should be big news. Yet, there seems to be rather little coverage of this.

I also like the use of the word "Darling". I don't know if I would say he uses the word frequently, but Trump does seem to use the word more often than it is used by most people, which is not very often at all. Though when he uses it is seems to always be used in the voice of another character sometimes an actual person sometimes a hypothetical one. The only person I can think of that used "Darling" more often was Zsa Zsa Gabor.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

Even if you believe that Biden won legitimately, it's questionable whether such a tactic would work a second time. Biden's campaign hid him while promising that Biden would restore decorum and competence to the WH. Instead, we've gotten national humiliation, inflation, and the looming threat of more lockdowns. After four years of this, a lot of voters may decide that the first three years of Trump's admin are worth a repeat, even if it means mean tweets. They may also be a lot more suspicious of any candidate who tries to hide out like Biden did.

IamDevo বলেছেন...

I believe you overlooked Biden's most brilliant and effective electoral strategy, the one that enabled him to win the greatest number of ballots ever cast for a candidate in a presidential election, namely, fraud. You're welcome.

Charlie Eklund বলেছেন...

Yeah, Joe Biden’s minimalist 2020 campaign beat Trump legitimately and without any skulduggery or cheating. Is it madness to call BS on that? No, instead, it is madness, or worse, to fall into line and pretend to believe such a heaping pile of bosh.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Fraudulently win. There is no way that Joe Biden won more votes than any other person ever....No way. Either that, or there is SO MUCH hate on the left, that they would rather vote in a delusional old white man, then the guy who was trying to actually make America great again.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win

In a few days we should learn the findings of Arizona's audit of the vote.

Elliott A বলেছেন...

The current administration has only one policy: do the opposite of what Trump did or would do. The disasters already are shifting sentiment amongst the voting public as they realize "you don't know what you've got til it's gone". He is also laying the groundwork for characterizing his opponents as demonstrably anti-American. I believe that after the fiasco of the next year and a half until the congress flips, people will agree with him.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Althouse writes, "I'd say it will be hard for any Democrat to run against his hugeness and his logic-transcending emotional power, and yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach."

And how does a barely-there candidate prevail against the rampaging Trumpsaurus rex?

With barely-there ballots, naturally.

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

"I'd say it will be hard for any Democrat to run against his hugeness and his logic-transcending emotional power, and yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach."

That was before a theoretical Biden presidency became a very real (and surreal) one. That was before 4$ a gallon gas, a massive boarder crisis, inflation, and tens of thousands of people trying to get on the last plane out of Kabul. Even Trump with his brand as damaged as it is, could win. And that's not something I ever thought could happen.

Critter বলেছেন...

..we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach.

And vote fraud as the Arizona forensic audit is about to detail.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

As someone who comes from northern Alabama, my first thought was "Where the hell in Cullman is there a venue for a Trump rally"? Cullman has a population of about 16,000 people, and has no venue large enough for a Trump rally, as far as I know.

It turns out they held it on a farm, which makes perfect sense as there's probably no other possible venue to fit 25,000+ people. So, now my question is: Why Cullman? Why not Birmingham or Huntsville, which would have facilities? Both are, like Cullman, right off of I-65.

That's my question to Trump & the Alabama Republican Party.

Koot Katmandu বলেছেন...

Well I for one do not believe Biden won. I think the mail in ballots were used to great effect to cheat. I can not prove it of course and I guess the legal system can not either. But lack of proof does not mean it did not happen.

When you consider both parties really wanted PDT gone you have to ask did the Rs give the Ds a green light to cheat. I think the Rs did. I still can not understand how so many people voted for Biden when it was clear he is senile. Did they all just assume he would bow out soon and pass on it on the Harris?

Leora বলেছেন...

This is why I have trouble believing that 5 million more people intentionally voted for Biden.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Well the Democrat dead can't hear, but they can and do vote early and often.

Still it is a mystery how you've got an election with vibrant life force on one side, and a non existent basement dwelling mushroom on the other side--and the mushroom---or mushbrain--wins.

It's a puzzlement.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

and yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win

You have verifiable proof of that? May we see it?

Barbara বলেছেন...

O, how I wish he would step aside and use his energy to help the party leaders—if there are any—get behind a strong, electable conservative. Face it. He’s too old for 2024.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

The media lied, refused to cover Biden stories, the FBI lied, and the pandemic gave Joe an excuse to hide. And the Democrats cheated. That's why he won.

Douglas B. Levene বলেছেন...

I voted for Trump in 2020, and I don’t regret that because he was a better-than-average president, but he lost my support with his campaign of lies about election fraud and his attempt to steal an election he lost that he could have won with a modicum of self-control. I won’t vote for him if he’s the GOP candidate in 2024, period. I obviously can’t vote for the Democrats, so that would leave me either not voting for president or voting for a protest candidate. It’s a crappy system, but as the man says, better than the alternatives.

PM বলেছেন...

The DNC knows Biden can't win twice and Kamala can't win once, so it's spending a ton of cash in CA to make sure Golden Boy Gavin is not tainted by a recall if Trump decides to run.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...


The election was stolen and lots of fake votes were right there in Dane County.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

It's obvious that Trump is running for President, running hard, though he can't say it yet for legal reasons having to do with campaign finance law.

There is no legal reason for him not to say he is running for president. But if he did say he was running from president, then all the money he is grifting from his marks would have to be used for the campaign. Now, he can just take the money and do what ever he pleases (e.g., pay off more porn stars).

gadfly বলেছেন...

stan said...
Dominion machines now regret their millions of extra votes.

Without rampant violations of the Constitution in many states changing voting procedures, Biden gets crushed by more than ten million votes.

Thanks for saving me the trouble required to demonstrate how supporters unquestionably believe and adhere to Trump's flat-out-lyin' babble. You did good. Damn those Georgia Republicans who did the right things by making some needed changes to voting laws and by tightening count accuracy using Dominion vote tabulators. Three full counts later, few errors detected.

Iman বলেছেন...

We are one election away from the U.S. regaining control of the free world…

and providing the leadership that is so obviously and sorely needed.

Sally327 বলেছেন...

I don't know how it sounded in person but reading the transcript made me think of the movie Elmer Gantry:

You think, uh, religion is for suckers and easy marks and molly-
coddlers, eh? You think Jesus was some kind of a sissy, hey? Well,
let me tell you, Jesus wouldn't be afraid to walk into this joint or
any other speakeasy to preach the gospel. Jesus had guts. He wasn't
afraid of the whole Roman army...Jesus was a real fighter - the best
little scrapper, pound for pound, you ever saw. And why, gentlemen?
Love, gentlemen. Jesus had love in both fists!

Temujin বলেছেন...

I know when my host is egging me on. Sometimes I allow myself to be egged. No eggs today. This time I'm just sitting back, waiting for Trump to announce his running, some time next year perhaps? The sound you will hear will be the sound of 20 million foreheads hitting the table in front of them.

This was a great line: ..."I'd say it will be hard for any Democrat to run against his hugeness and his logic-transcending emotional power,..."

"What do you want for Christmas, Temujin?"
"Logic-transcending emotional power!"

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

"The hearts are swelling — swelling!"

You must have hated 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' ended.

Conrad বলেছেন...

Biden may have "won," but the game was fixed in a number of ways. Putting aside outright fraud, the rules and procedures for elections were changed by officials who, in at least some cases, did not have the constitutional authority. Then you had tach giants making unannounced decisions to alter their algorithms to bring up search results that were anti-Trump, which amounted to a huge in-kind campaign contribution. Then you had lefty billionaires directly contributing millions to local election boards for the purpose of drumming up turnout in Dem strongholds (another massive campaign contribution that would have been deemed criminal if it had been Republican billionaires doing the same thing in GOP strongholds). Then you had the media and the tech giants flat-out refusing to cover, or even permitting users to talk about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. This was flat-out censorship on a scale never before seen, done for purely partisan reasons. So even if you don't accept that there was fraud per se, the election was absolutely stolen through the manipulation of powerful leftist interests and never-Trumpers.

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

"I believe the giant stood spread-legged above a sunny farm field, wearing only his leafy tunic, crown of leaves, and elf shoes. Does that say "God" to you?"

Why yes. Yes it does.


PeterJ বলেছেন...

The minimalist, barely there approach isn't working as well for Biden after becoming president.

Iman বলেছেন...

Jason Whitlock writes of the scales falling away from some eyes re: Trump AND Biden…


Jamie বলেছেন...

yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach.

Suuuuure we did.

And gadfly manfully does his duty (I am gendering gadfly only for ease, not out of any personal knowledge I have of gadfly's gender): Three full counts [of ballots] later, few errors detected.

Everybody now! If the ballots can't be verified as (a) real and (b) legally cast, then it doesn't matter how many times you count them.

I'll say again here what I said repeatedly at the time: if you were trying to enable the possibility of as much voting fraud as might be needed in certain key precincts of certain key states, what would you do differently from what Democrats in those precincts and states did actually do?

hombre বলেছেন...

Gadfly wrote: “‘
stan said Without rampant violations of the Constitution in many states changing voting procedures, Biden gets crushed by more than ten million votes.’

Thanks for saving me the trouble required to demonstrate how supporters unquestionably believe and adhere to Trump's flat-out-lyin' babble. You did good. Damn those Georgia Republicans.”

I don’t know about 10 million votes, but no one can honestly contend that state election laws, hence the Constitution, were not violated by local and state election officials, arguably and effectively altering the outcome of the election. It ain’t rocket science and, ignorant partisan arguments to the contrary, Trump has nothing to do with intelligent people noticing.

MikeR বলেছেন...

I would certainly be hard-pressed to vote for him again. The other side just learned how to push all his buttons, and he was button-pushed way way over the edge by the election and afterwards. By now his flaws have become a huge unnecessary target. Nikki Haley or Kristi Noem.

MikeR বলেছেন...

@big mike "'and yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win.' You have verifiable proof of that? May we see it?"
Uh, yeah. Go to DC and see who's in the White House.
I'm tired of this idiocy. It cost us too much already.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

Trump’ll be the first president since Roosevelt to win three times.

dbp বলেছেন...

Biden won for three reasons:

Before Biden was president, lots of people were able to convince themselves that he could be an okay president. The minimalist campaign helped: To see Joe "functioning" is to disabuse yourself of the notion he could be a credible president.

The media hammered at Trump relentlessly--they were less able to do so before he was president, which may be why he won in the 2016, but not in the 2020. They will be less able again in 2024.

The media and the minimalist campaign kept the race within the margin of fraud. We will never know if the fraud was determinative but it was too close to rule-out.

Paul বলেছেন...

Yea Biden used a 'minimalist approach'.. but Biden's owners stuffed the ballot boxes to.

Gonna be a long three years till the next election.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"it will be hard for any Democrat to run against his hugeness and his logic-transcending emotional power"

Not that hard. Because the hugeness is swollen and the emotional power only appeals to a minority.

"yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach"

Yet? It was exactly the right strategy. Not just because Joe was incapable of doing anything more, but because the point was to be not-Trump. Trump is yuuge, but he's also a loser. A yuuge loser.

The complication next time is that they can't hide Joe in his basement anymore, and so far Kamala is a cackling nitwit. And of course, just as there was an anti-Donald reaction, there may be an anti-Joe (or whomever) reaction.

Michael বলেছেন...

Trump lost to Covid and the attendant unreliable voting procedures ushered in as a result.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

No way, no how did Biden get 25% more votes than Captain Zero.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Althouse I tried to point out some of the insane and crazily false things he said in that speech. But you viewed it as off topic from your blog post.

What’s the allowable theme here?

Drago বলেছেন...

gadfly: "Thanks for saving me the trouble required to demonstrate how supporters unquestionably believe and adhere to Trump's flat-out-lyin' babble."

Note: to this very day gadfly believes passionately that russia collusion existed, the Putin changed actual votes to get Trump elected, that russians offered bounties to kill American soldiers, that DJT laundered money for the russians, Trump supporters bludgeoned officer Sicknick to death with a fire extinguisher (gadfly has never retracted that assertion), and...(well, this could turn into quite a long list)

We'll just leave it there.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'...and yet we just saw Joe Biden run against him, run against him and win, using a minimalist, barely-there approach.'

Even without going over voting 'irregularities,' Joe had the most powerful media in the history of the world backing him up.

He received billions in free advertising/propaganda across all the board. Print, internet, social, TV, radio...that's not even counting the active censorship of important and relevant issues.

Drago বলেছেন...

Field Marshall Freder (who advocates for dropping Daisy Cutter bombs in Kabul...literally): "Now, he can just take the money and do what ever he pleases (e.g., pay off more porn stars)."

Last time I checked, a certain porn star was paying Donald Trump...........

....to the tune of $294,000.

$293,000 in lawyer fees + $1,000 more in sanctions after she lost her lawsuit against Trump....which was headed up by a lawyer who received universal praise and adoration from the Althouse lefties, like Freder.

Spoiler: that lawyer is not in jail.

Talk about grift! Do you know how much Avenatti raised from the Freders of the world! LOL

Avenatti dined out nicely on the lefty schmucks for quite along time indeed.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

My prediction is that Donald Trump will be constitutionally ineligible to run for president. In 2024 he will be finishing the 3 years of his rump term.

Kamala will resign, possibly September but could be later in the year.

DJT will be nominated and confirmed as VP.

Biden will resign.

Bob's your uncle, Betty's your aunt and Donald J Trump's our president.

I am predicting before 12/31/21 but will take a king's X if it happens on Jan 20, 22 for symmetry.

Chuck বলেছেন...

This is one of the most unhinged pages of comments I’ve ever seen on this blog.

Readering বলেছেন...

Boy, if an ambitious Republican, seeing Democratic vulnerabilities, cannot figure out a way to push this nasty, fraudulent old man aside, it will be a sorry verdict on the GOP.

rcocean বলেছেন...

One of Trump's most endering qualities to me, is the naive salesman puffery. Everything it the greatest thing ever. And the Future, my goodness its going to be great. Greater than ever. LOL!

Yes, Trump is running for POTUS at this momement. What he will do in 2023, two years from now is anyone's guess. He can't retire because he needs to help get the R's back the House in 2022. And also help retire those awful RINO traitors like Lisa Murkey and Thune who betrayed his voters.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Since people keep wanting to talk as why he lost. Trump won the election. It was stolen. Look at any statisitical analysis of WI, GA, AZ, Penn, or Michagan. The D's said they'd win "By any means neccessary". And they did.

gilbar বলেছেন...

There IS an exciting oneness to a Maga rally

Iman বলেছেন...

I would contend that “minimalist” and “barely there” are NOT an approach, they are Biden’s reality.

Gooder and harder. Enjoy your intelligent, informed choice, Biden voters and NeverTrump!

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck: "This is one of the most unhinged pages of comments I’ve ever seen on this blog."

Things LLR Chuck didn't find unhinged or even distasteful: The Lincoln Pedophile Project grooming underage boys for sex and the entire leadership/founders group there covering it up for years.

So, given that, is LLR Chuck's assessment of "unhinged" really the standard anyone would want to use?

gilbar বলেছেন...

Chuck said...
This is one of the most unhinged pages of comments I’ve ever seen on this blog.

you Really should get out more often! I've seen comments here, that if i mentioned; would guarantee that this comment wouldn't get posted. I wouldn't have to say ANYTHING about them...
Just the mention of them would get me in trouble

Drago বলেছেন...

Readering: "Boy, if an ambitious Republican, seeing Democratic vulnerabilities, cannot figure out a way to push this nasty, fraudulent old man aside, it will be a sorry verdict on the GOP."

Just how would a republican push the nasty, fraudulent old man Biden aside?

Sounds like a job for democraticals.

On the other hand, democraticals are still giving Bill Clinton standing ovations and were just recently still giving Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein and Michael Avenatti standing ovations, so I guess there's not much hope on that front.

Drago বলেছেন...

You know what is really unhinged?

Seeking military strategy advice from the Very Plump George Conway who never met a buffet he didn't want to commune with for hours and hours.

Drago বলেছেন...

I think any objective observer who witnessed a blog participant attacking children, threatening women with physical violence and offering up racist attacks against black conservatives would probably think that was unhinged behavior.

Drago বলেছেন...

By QUINT FORGEY 08/23/2021 01:21 PM ED

Pentagon confirms latest mission to rescue Americans stranded in Kabul

2 hours later:

"I think it's irresponsible to say Americans are stranded. They are not,"
- Jen Psaki (Heroine to all LLR's everywhere)

mikee বলেছেন...

In an election where every possible vote that could be found, legally, illegally, fraudulently, honestly, soberly or drunkenly, was tabulated, 74,216,154 Trump votes against 81,268,924 Biden votes, there were almost 3,000,000 votes for other, unknown, minor candidates for president.

Just over 1.1% of all the adults of the United States took a look at the 2020 race and offered up their votes as protests, in the sure knowledge their candidate would not win. When you have this many people - more people than watched CNN or MSNBC in 2020 - throw their votes away rather than go with your guy Biden, or your guy Trump, there's something wrong with the contestants, and with the contest.

Here's to Jo Jorgenson, the Pat Paulson of 2020.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@MikeR, I need to understand your position. Are you saying that the 2020 Presidential elections were honest (or “honest enough, as some might put it)? Because then we have nothing to say to one another. My reason for knowing that the election was stolen is pretty fundamental: the thrice-damned Democrats act guilty. If you don’t see it, well it’s pretty obvious to those of us who’ve raised children.

If your position is that the election was stolen, but under the Constitution there’s nothing at this point that can be done about it, well, that’s not only understandable, but actually not that far off my own position. In which case the goal should be to see to it that this can never happen again, are we agreed on that?

daskol বলেছেন...

Presidents Empty Chair and Barely There bookend this force of nature. For now. Unless Trump has to run against Biden again, who is clearly thee least beatable president in our nation's history--but nobody could have done it--I like Trump's odds.

Pianoman বলেছেন...

Who's going to run for Team D in 2024? Biden isn't going to make it. Harris will be a complete disaster as President, and will probably be primaried. But anyone that the D's pick will be tarnished by this slo-mo disaster that we're seeing.

Remember -- it's only the first year of this administration. There's over three years to go.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Althouse wrote:
... It's obvious that Trump is running for President, running hard, though he can't say it yet for legal reasons having to do with campaign finance law.

That’s a misstatement. In fact, it is what Trump would like his loyal believers to think. And it isn’t true.

If Trump was now running an election campaign, he can and should say so. But campaign finance law allows Trump to avoid being explicit about a campaign for a while.

What Trump is doing, is CHOOSING not to declare his candidacy, which allows him to avoid a great many campaign fundraising and expenditure rules. Trump is not being forced to not declare his true intentions by some onerous law. Trump is deliberately playing the campaign finance game to his personal advantage by concealing his true intentions, and he might just get himself into “Stormy” weather, legally speaking, by so doing.

Ajnal বলেছেন...

the greatest con man that ever lived...you must be proud.

he can run for president from jail, but he can't win.

Drago বলেছেন...

Pro-marxist LLR Cbuck: "What Trump is doing, is CHOOSING not to declare his candidacy, which allows him to avoid a great many campaign fundraising and expenditure rules."

Pro-marxist LLR Chuck actual thought: Donald Trump continues to abide by the letter of the law (darn it!) and the democraticals/pro-marxist LLR's must find a way to criminalize those legal activities!

Drago বলেছেন...

Pro-marxist LLR Chuck: "Trump is not being forced to not declare his true intentions by some onerous law. Trump is deliberately playing the campaign finance game to his personal advantage by concealing his true intentions, and he might just get himself into “Stormy” weather, legally speaking, by so doing."

Just read that and let the "Beria-ian" marxism wash over you.....

Chuck বলেছেন...

Well since Althouse seems to like the Drago style of commentary, I’ll just hammer this a bit more.

Trump’s current fundraising operations allow him to run a SuperPAC, with no personal limits on donations, few corporate limitations, and very limited reporting. It is truly the swampiest form of fundraising in all of politics. And important to Trump is that the expenditures also have far fewer reporting requirements. Trump is able to keep fleecing his donors, to keep Don Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Jason Miller, Stephen Miller, et al, all on the payroll. Quite possibly his criminal defense lawyers too.

This is all Trump’s choosing. He doesn’t have to do any of this. He’s deliberately staying undeclared to exploit these advantages.

The moment he were to declare, he would have to separate all PAC affairs from a campaign, and the campaign would be required to perform much more public quarterly reporting.

I am not sure whether Trump could personally run any of this as a charity or other non-political non-profit. I cannot recall if the terms of the New York court order finding that the Trump family foundation(s) had been operated fraudulently would enjoin Trump from involving himself in that sort of operation.

But again; Trump himself keeps making bogus untrue statements in interviews about how it is “illegal” for him to declare his candidacy for anything when that is not true. He doesn’t want to do anything that messes up the big money making scam he’s got going now.

Drago বলেছেন...

Pro-marxist LLR Chuck continues to be very very very upset over DJT obeying the laws as written and used by politicians of all stripes for as long as those rules have been in existence and is desperately seeking some way to criminalize legal activities.

So, if that is called "hammering" by pro-marxist LLR Chuck, then its the equivalent of "hammering" with a marshmallow.

Keep working on your gin-induced fantasies tiger! You are entertaining everyone with your leftist lunacy.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Shorter Chuck: he just hates it that Trump learned from observing Democrat politicians how to live up to the very letter of the law and operate within the constraints of the laws as written.

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Abigale Huels বলেছেন...

I stumbled upon your blog post while browsing the internet, and I must say, your analysis of the recent political rally is quite interesting. It's amazing how people's opinions can differ so greatly, with some claiming it's the greatest rally ever while others hold a completely different view.

As I read post , I could think of the recent hello molly exchange, where the company faced criticism for promoting a certain body type in their clothing line. Just like in the case of the rally, opinions were divided, with some defending the brand's right to market to a certain demographic while others called for more diversity and inclusivity.

It's fascinating how different events and issues can elicit such strong emotions and reactions from people. In the end, it all comes down to perspective and personal values.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic.

Amelia বলেছেন...

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