April 2, 2021

"Though still early in his presidency, these three false claims have been repeated by President Biden despite previous fact-checking."

Writes WaPo fact checker Glenn Kessler, in "President Biden, recidivist": "[T]here are three claims President Biden has made that appear impervious to fact-checking, given that he’s already said them at least three times. Some readers have noticed, sending us puzzled emails about why the president keeps making these statements."



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campy said...

"Some readers have noticed, sending us puzzled emails about why the president keeps making these statements."

Who's puzzled? Liars lie; it's what they do.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Some readers have noticed, sending us puzzled emails about why the president keeps making these statements."

They're puzzled why a man with dementia says odd stuff? Interesting.

Lucid-Ideas said...

In his own defense, he genuinely doesn't remember what he's said previously. This includes what he just said 5 minutes ago.

Ken B said...

“Puzzled emails” Funny.

Michael K said...

Biden has been a liar all his political career. He sort of peaked in his 1988 presidential campaign when he was caught grossly plagiarizing Neil Kinnock's biographical speech. You would think that would be the end of Biden but he has soldiered on lying all the while.

Meade said...

“Impervious to fact checking “ In other words, unable to trickle into Joe’s skull to reach what’s left of Joe’s deceitful corrupted brain.

Dude1394 said...

Because the democrat media ( even though one of their own has fact checked it ) will ignore it and report it as if true. That is what they do.

Iman said...

Dementia Joe Show
sniffs air and nuzzles teh lies
prep for reacharound

Iman said...

egg-sucking old yeller deserves Old Yeller treatment.

gilbar said...

The Cool Thing IS:
If you're a Speechwriter, for someone suffering from dementia...
You can have him say ANYTHING, and no one mind

i mean; Come On, man!

BarrySanders20 said...

Lotsa President Biden-Boomhauer audio clips where old Joe explains things.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

"Just the place for a Snark!" the Bellman cried,
As he landed his crew with care;
Supporting each man on the top of the tide
By a finger entwined in his hair.

"Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:
That alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:
What I tell you three times is true."

Bob Boyd said...

Facts don't matter.

donald said...

He’s been a complete scumbag his entire political life. I ain’t giving him a break because he’s senile. Fuck him. He’s and his entire family have been garbage their entire lives. It’s gonna be awesome when the aneurysm hits.

donald said...

I’ll absolutely laugh like crazy.

Nonapod said...

It's hard for me to understand how anyone can actually be "puzzled" by anything that Joe Biden says or does. He's been in politics for 5 decades. He has a long history of lying, a long history of gaffes and stumbles, and a long history of hypocrisy. And it's not like it's difficult to find. So he keeps telling the same lies over and over again and people honestly can't comprehend why? Really?

But... OK. Let's really think on this. Let's pretend we're all idiots. Let's pretend history just started this morning. Why would a politician keep telling the same series of lies over and over again? Hmmm... Well, generally, when a politician tells a lie, a few things can happen. Sometimes that press jumps on that lie and challenges the politican. But what if the press, for whatever reason, decides not to call the politican out on their lie? What if there are no negative consequences for telling a lie? What could happens then? This is a tough one, I know. What if... they decided to keep telling the same lie since they weren't ever really held accoutable for it previously? Crazy, right?

Tomcc said...

I would assume that it took him some amount of time to memorize that statement. Now it's one of his "good" memories. I don't know if anyone can pry it back out.

stevew said...

With Joe the repeated lying is "puzzling". With Trump the, purported, lying was "outrageous and disqualifying".

Given his obvious debilitated mental state I suspect the script is burned into Biden's brain and cannot be edited or deleted. In that sense he is not repeatedly lying, sort of.

Skeptical Voter said...

Shufflin Senescent Joe is not only a liar, he's a habitual serial liar. A regular recidivist where falsehood is concerned. That's what you become when you are a swamp creature for going on 50 years now. As for the general dumbness, nastiness and vicious attitudes--well Joe had that from the get go.

Bob Smith said...

The old mantra: Joe just gets a little over enthusiastic, cut him some slack.
The new mantra: C’mon man, Joe’s senile. Cut him some slack.

tcrosse said...

Ask whoever is at the other end of his earpiece.

Big Mike said...

How many times did he insist that the truck driver in the accident that killed his first wife had had a “liquid lunch”? That’s despite the official findings that the accident was entirely the fault of his wife.

Having known many politicians in my life, I would say that all politicians are sleazy to some extent or another, with Democrat politicians generally being worse in that regard than Republicans. Even so, Joe Biden is in a class almost by himself.

Dave Begley said...

Why even bother? Joe's not President. Ron Klain and Susan Rice are the co-Presidents.

John Borell said...

WaPo now just admitting what many of us have always known—Joe Biden lies. Often.

donald said...

I would be real interested in the liquid lunch thing because 1 would prove my assertion that he is a complete fucking scumbag is the correct interpretation.

Leland said...

Nothing puzzling to me. The partisan media does this every election cycle. Right now, we are as far from another election as can be, so the media pretends to be neutral. They correct long standing falsities they made about the other party, so they can show they correct their errors. They point out untruths made by Democrats to show they will question Democrats. You even have open arguments between Democrat Senators and their financial backers to suggest they are not giving each other favors.

This time next year, these stories will be forgotten by the same media that reported them. In the mean time, Biden is still occupying the White House, Kessler is still cashing his paycheck, and the Gell-Mann pandemic continues.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Thats it? I dont believe Joe will come near breaking the record of the last losing Pinnochio, because he doesn't tweet and stand in line on way to helicopter talking to reporters on the way to the golf course. So far record STOCK MARKET(hasn't mentioned it once)and no it didnt crash when he won... $$$ in pockets,Biggest(relief) plan passed in 50 + days and on way to another reconciliation for Infrastructure bill(McConnell says no votes from him so its a no brainer,Dems just decide how much Repubs ''say NO but take the dough" Poll approval rating over the roof? This senile old man seems to be kickin butt so far ? cmon man Beaucoup Dinky Dau.. :)
Fact Checker Analysis
In four years, President Trump made
30,573 false or misleading claims
The Fact Checker’s database of the false or misleading claims made by President Trump while in office.

Updated Jan. 20, 2021

henge2243 said...

Joe would never lie. If he'd st..st...stutter..stut...stuttered out a lie as a boy in hard-scrabble Scranton, his dad, the coal miner, would have beaten his ass after he came home from the mine covered in coal dust.

n.n said...

Biden, WaPo et al are Pro-Choice. Sometimes they are humane, sometimes civil, sometimes one Pinocchio short of misinformation/disinformation. They will exchange positions when they deem it is politically congruent and to sustain appearances. A long and near legacy establishes that it may cost them democratic appeal... virtually nothing.

I'm Not Sure said...

Probably more like "The Fact Checker’s database of the intentionally misunderstood claims made by President Trump while in office."

Lawrence Person said...

I (D)on't know why Bi(D)en thinks he can repeat these (D)ebunke(D) lies and not have the press call him on it...

Bilwick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bilwick said...

Why does Biden keep repeating bushwa? Because he's senile and/or retarded (not to mention a "liberal") would be my guess.

320Busdriver said...

“and on way to another reconciliation for Infrastructure bill”

5% of 2+T on infrastructure and you’re going to refer to it as an infrastructure bill. I give you 5 Pinocchio’s. Congrats!

Rick said...

Left wingers have falsely claimed for decades that more than 1 in 5 women on campus are sexually assaulted during a 4 year term.

Biden lies because that's how Dems appeal to voters.

This one guy will point it out so that left wingers can later claim they treat Dems and Reps equally. But when a Dem lies only a tiny few media people point it out. When a Rep lies tit's all the media talks about.

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, what did those folks think was going to happen when they voted for Biden? That he was going to get smarter? That he would suddenly become honest?

Biden has been spouting dishonest nonsense for his whole career. Why would he change?

320Busdriver said...

MLB is now moving the All Star game from Atlanta because.......RACISM....FFS

tim maguire said...

Maybe politico is flattering itself that Joe Biden is aware they exist and what they fact check.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

President-Emeritus Biden says these things because it will help his Democrat buddies loot the American people. There's too much treasure in our hands that really belongs in Democrat's bank accounts. Just ask Nancy and Chuck.

FleetUSA said...

SloJoe is playing to the lo-fo voters. They don't follow fact checkers, they only follow our MSM Pravda for info.

donald said...

I played baseball. I loved the Atlanta Braves. I didn’t care about baseball’s labor issues. I’m a 35 year high school baseball umpire who has worked at Petco, Dodger Stadium, Wrigley, Atlanta Fulton County and whatever the new name is in Atlanta (I’m pretty good). I’m
Done. Fuck them. It is that quick and I Know I won’t go back.

Chuck said...

In addition to seeing the Washington Post fact-checker calling out Biden falsehoods, I wanted to note for Althouse that one of the most ardent Trump fact-checkers, Daniel Dale of CNN, is doing much the same.


I know that CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR and the rest of what is regarded as "main stream media" are highly imperfect news sources, but they are all SO MUCH BETTER than their most hostile critics. The amount of misinformation I hear coming out of Fox News, right wing talk radio, Newsmax and OAN is not just error-filled; it is nearly incomprehensible as news at all.

narciso said...

his lips are moving, move along,

JPS said...

"Some readers have noticed, sending us puzzled emails about why the president keeps making these statements."

I don't think he's all that senile. He's lost a step, and his never was an impressive intellect.

But as to why? Gosh, I don't know - because he's cheerfully full of shit and he'll lie big as long as he thinks it'll give his side an advantage?

(See also, "wanna put y'all back in chains.")


"CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR and the rest [...] are highly imperfect news sources, but they are all SO MUCH BETTER than their most hostile critics."

No, they're not, precisely because, coasting on their legacy credibility, which remains considerable, they can lie so much more effectively, and be taken so much more seriously, than can Fox, Newsmax, OAN, etc. And they do. Frequently.

JaimeRoberto said...

So is Wapo going to start keeping a database of Biden's lies? Will they use the same criteria they used for Trump?

Jamie said...

Gasp! Biden lies repeatedly?

Dammit, there go my pearls.

Drago said...

Banned Commenter, Who Was Banned, and a member in good standing of The Facebook/Google Lincoln Pedophile Project, LLR-lefty Chuck: "CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR and the rest [...] are highly imperfect news sources, but they are all SO MUCH BETTER than their most hostile critics."

It is pleasing to me that marxist supporting fake lawyers from MI are no longer even trying to continue perpetuating their faux "conservstive" blog persona at Althouse.

I am a strong believer in transparency.

eddie willers said...

MLB is now moving the All Star game from Atlanta because.......RACISM....FFS

God Damn It!

Now no more baseball or me. I am down to my beloved Georgia Bulldogs.

Please Kirby....don't do anything stupid.

Moondawggie said...

I think Kessler may be playing some inside politics here: performing a little battlespace preparation in the mind of John Q. Public to set up invoking the 25th Amendment and replacing Slow Joe with Kamala.

Temujin said...

He lost me on 'Debunking'. I hate the use of that word now. Because it's used to shut down any questions of fraud in the 2020 election. Biden's ranting on the Georgia voting law just passed is another lying screed. Screw Biden. Georgia's just passed law offer more hours, more days, and more ballot drop boxes than is necessary with an intelligent, advanced society. We are neither of those- clearly. But Biden and DEMOCRATS cannot shout RAAAACISM loud enough, often enough. Now MLB is pulling the All-Star game out of Atlanta because of this Biden lie.

That's really small shit. Wait until he gets us into a war because of some of his lies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left is a lie machine.

320Busdriver said...

Blogger donald said...
I played baseball. I loved the Atlanta Braves. I didn’t care about baseball’s labor issues. I’m a 35 year high school baseball umpire who has worked at Petco, Dodger Stadium, Wrigley, Atlanta Fulton County and whatever the new name is in Atlanta (I’m pretty good). I’m
Done. Fuck them. It is that quick and I Know I won’t go back.

I am trying to get a hold of someone at the Brewers office. I will not renew my season ticket package primarily over this MLB decision. Very sad as yesterday was a great start to a new season. We watched every minute of the game.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Making sure we have voter ID and laws that prevent fraud = JIM EAGLE!

gspencer said...

Who's running this presidency?

It's something we ought to know.

donald said...

They have to pull the Braves out of Atlanta right? I mean this evil cannot be countenanced. I
Mean they’re owned by Liberty Media. What the hell do they care as long as they can broadcast porn in hotel rooms.
Fucking assholes. They have destroyed baseball. BASEBALL!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Woke and Weak CEOs
They’re denouncing Georgia’s election law, but have they read it?

AS far as I can tell, the new laws in GA are weak sauce and do not go far enough to ensure election integrity. That the collective hivemind left are freaking out is telling.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Someone tried to crash a barricade at the Capitol. 1 Capitol Police officer dead, 1 injured.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left ruin everything they touch.

I'm Not Sure said...

"The left ruin everything they touch."

If only. They also ruin stuff they never get close to.

Mike Sylwester said...

Moondawggie at 2:56 PM
I think Kessler may be playing some inside politics here: performing a little battlespace preparation in the mind of John Q. Public to set up invoking the 25th Amendment and replacing Slow Joe with Kamala.

An astute comment

Jim at said...

Luckily, I doubt he'll ever need to remember who scored four touchdowns for Polk High...

Classic. I was thinking the exact, same thing.

walter said...

View the profiles of professionals named "Jim Eagle" on LinkedIn. There are 80+ professionals named "Jim Eagle", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, .
Class action lawsuit now!

narciso said...

we'll find out the real story soon enough, and promptly memory holed, much like they did the 48 dead cops,

Iman said...

Joe lies, Joe lies,
Joe lies, when he cries
When he cries

donald said...

Who the fuck is Rob Mannfred? Besides being the guy who wants to eliminate the minor leagues to
Pick up a few more sheckles and apparently drive, I’m guaranteeing right here right now millions of fans away from the game. Fans who actually paid money.

Jim at said...

MLB is now moving the All Star game from Atlanta because.......RACISM....FFS

After they shit BLM all over the fields last season, you expected something different?

Again, it's amazing how easy they made it for me to walk away after 46 years. And they continue to confirm my decision.

narciso said...

noah green, nation of islam member, is the punk with the kamikazi scotsman tryouts,

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mr Wibble said...

Luckily, I doubt he'll ever need to remember who scored four touchdowns for Polk High...

Whaddaya mean? Joe remembers making every one of those touchdowns!

C'mon, Man!

narciso said...

facebook already deleted the account, andy ngo managed to get screen caps,

hawkeyedjb said...

Is it because Joe Biden is too stupid, or too dishonest? "Yes" is an acceptable answer.

chuck said...

Is it because Joe Biden is too stupid, or too dishonest? "Yes" is an acceptable answer.


Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bleh said...

Weird to pick on these three particular lies when some of Biden's other whoppers are far more consequential. Most obviously, the "veins bulging" Fine People Hoax, which was the lie that formed the centerpiece of his campaign.

Biden constantly slanders Trump, and not just with the Fine People Hoax. Just last week, during his dreadful press conference, Biden accused Trump of starving migrant children at the border. No fact check. No pressure on him from anyone left-of-center to apologize. Just let the lies fly when you're going after Trump.

Rt41Rebel said...

"Fucking assholes. They have destroyed baseball. BASEBALL!"

After they destroyed the NBA and NFL, MLB was obviously next.

The NHL and NASCAR will follow.

bleh said...

What's weird with Biden is most of his lies are prepared and scripted. His staff has done researche and worked hard at crafting his lies. Trump was a bullshitter who was constantly winging it and getting himself into trouble for it. He would misstate things, exaggerate, bloviate, and just generally act like a salesman. Biden blurts out deliberate, prepared falsehoods and often quotes numbers to bolster his claims, giving his statements the ring of truth and preparedness. But no one seems to care.

Jim at said...

The NHL and NASCAR will follow.

The NHL already went with Skating for Black Lives, and then they quit for two days when Blake got shot violating a TRO and then going after cops with a knife. Eff them.

And NASCAR? You mean Noosecar? When all the sniveling drivers pushed Bubba Wallace's car to the front of the starting grid because somebody discovered a pull rope on his garage door?

What does it take for people to realize they've all gone woke?.

They hate you. Hate them back. Or better yet, ignore them. Let them FOAD.

rehajm said...

What incentive do lefties have to tell the truth. They've pulled off the biggest whoppers in American political history and were rewarded with absolute power. Why stop now?

I suspect they just let him say whatever since it's easier than teaching a senile man new things. It's surprising WaPo 'fact checker' would repeat the inquires rather than just ignore them. Perhaps there's some buyer's remorse amongst the left? Not likely, just some disappointment they feel stupid trying to worship Dementia Joe like they do their other leaders.

bleh said...

Even this fact-checking of fairly meaningless falsehoods is a service to Biden. It communicates to the reader, "see, we're holding Biden to account and exposing his lies, so you know we're keeping Biden honest." They want the reader to be thinking, "if these are the worst lies that Biden has told, wow, that means he's pretty damn honest!"

They want us to think Biden is being careful and the press is doing its job in pushing back against him.

rehajm said...

Even this fact-checking of fairly meaningless falsehoods is a service to Biden. It communicates to the reader, "see, we're holding Biden to account and exposing his lies, so you know we're keeping Biden honest." They want the reader to be thinking, "if these are the worst lies that Biden has told, wow, that means he's pretty damn honest!"

Yup. This is why, cept it's also cover for his upcoming whoppers.

They dump this on a holday weekend, too. Not a coincidence...

n.n said...

There are three Pinocchios in the image. I would have given four, one kept in reserve, and another excluded as an article in good faith.

Jaq said...

" I hate the use of that word now. Because it's used to shut down any questions of fraud in the 2020 election"

It's how cults operate. What did you expect? Google "thought stopping phrases."

It is indeed puzzling that Biden lies, it's a puzzle wrapped in a riddle wrapped in an enigma. Honest Joe must not know he's lying. I mean it's not possible that the guy who likely molested his own daughter and uses his son to further his own corruption is a sociopath.

Sebastian said...

"President Biden, recidivist"

Well, he lied about his academic record, he lied about his first wife's death, he lied about . . .

Let's make this easier: did he ever tell the truth about anything of any importance?

Francisco D said...

Wait a minute! Wasn't Trump the one who lied all the time?

Isn't that why we let Dems steal the election, so that we would have honesty back in the White House?

Don't tell me the media has been gaslighting us all this time.

n.n said...

Even this fact-checking of fairly meaningless falsehoods is a service to Biden.

Ever since Americans were held as a captive audience in JournoLism 101, they have been careful to redistribute and hedge their bets in order to sustain a colored... perception of color.

n.n said...

Wasn't Trump the one who lied all the time?

Yes, and the Democrat-presented witnesses and evidence were overwhelmingly self-incriminating.

Jaq said...

I would be interested to see an example of a Trump lie as deliberate and as clearly false as this one that has been repeated and acted on, BTW, by Delta Airlines and MLB.

Just what MLB needed at the start of a season, a new reason to boycott them.

DavidUW said...

The Dem party platform is based entirely on lies.

why would it surprise anyone that one of its oldest political hacks would repeat the lies.

Michael K said...

Bad news for the Woke. The capital attacker today is a black Muslim. The story will be gone tomorrow.

Jaq said...

Like father like son:

"“There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was the—that it was Russian intelligence,”

The laptop wasn't stolen, he signed it over.

Jaq said...

You can almost hear Hunter saying "That's the ticket!" after each phrase.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left's use of Russia as a scapegoat for everything - is long past tired.

and they have the audacity to lecture US on conspiracy theories.

Jaq said...

"Understand that one thing: that the double standard of the left isn’t hypocrisy — it’s hierarchy." - Kate at SmallDeadAnimals.com

Clyde said...

Why does Biden* keep making the same false statements? Because he's a [Expletive] liar.

walter said...

Take me out to the Woke Game.
Take me out to the fail.
Preach Social Justice and all that crap.
Replace the anthem with Cardi B's WAP.
Wear your mask, unless you are Fau-ci.
Whitey is always to blame.
It's all race, hate, canceling bait at the ole ball game!

gadfly said...

I missed the Althouse post that covered Trump's incredible reasoning about vote counts.

TRUMP: “Joe Biden did not get 80 million votes. . . . I got 63 million votes four years ago and won quite handily in the Electoral College. . . . We were hoping to get 68 (million) or so and we felt that was a path to an easy victory. I got 74 million votes.”

Actual vote counts through 2/8/21 which have nothing to do with winning presidential elections:

Biden 81,281,502 - 51.3%
Trump 74,222,593 - 46.8%

Then there is this gem from Bloomberg:

Back in 2006, the radio host Howard Stern gave Donald Trump, his daughter Ivanka and his son Donald Jr. a little on-the-air math test that's worth recalling . . . .

"You went to the Wharton School of Business?" Stern asked Donald Jr.

"Yes," Donald Jr. responded.

"What's 17 times 6?"

As Trump's son struggled for an answer, his sister began to laugh.

"What is it? Do you need a calculator?" she inquired, chuckling.

"96?" Donald Jr. asked, taking stabs at answers. "94?"

"Wrong," Stern said. "Wrong!"

"That's not a practical application," Ivanka responded, coming to her brother's rescue. That prompted Stern to ask Ivanka to multiply 17 times 6 for him. Before she could respond, her father decided to bail out the family.

"It's 1,112," Trump said, pronouncing his answer "eleven-twelve." He nodded confidently toward Stern, missing the correct answer, 102, by 1,010.

A math deficit has never stopped Trump — a serial bankruptcy artist . . . .

Michael K said...

gadfly is losing it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

rehajm hit it right on the numbers. Chuck verified it upthread. The DNC is the Liars Club. Look at the Clintons, Obamas, Susan Rices, and Brasilles. The Strzoks, Pages, Wrays where are the Bidens? They're in the in the on deck box. Dems thrill to gettin away with their whoppers.
Mount Olympus "I did NOT have sex with that... what? a Blue Dress you say? Runner up to I did Not is Joe is the moderate. Dem voters suck it up like hungry guppies.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Oh by the way, abortion, in which a human life is lost, is Women's Health Care. Patterning Josef Mengele there aren't you ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hunter is a drug abuser. He was probably coked out of his mind when he dropped off his laptop and signed it over to the repairman...
Of course the FBI have the laptop know. Which means they will sit on it and do nothing. The FBI is as corrupt as the elite toppy top of the democrat-Communist Party USA.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what does that have to do with anything, Gadfly? is that relevant or important in any way? No.
WE all note you and other leftists have nothing to say when Joe lies. Or the obvious corruption that IS your new found party.

donald said...

MLB should move the game to Minneapolis. Get right down in the dirt assholes. Hopefully some fans can be assaulted.

Mark said...

Biden keeps making these false claims because he is an OLD and DEMENTED guy. Once those types of people get some thing into their head, no matter how patently false, you cannot talk sense into them.

320Busdriver said...

bleh is entirely correct.

These lies are fabricated in Geppetto’s mind. That waste of oxygen Jen Psaki actually stated that “;what Gov Kemp said is not based in fact”
Kemp said the bill expands voter access. Just read it. Maybe compare it to the laws in DE even. Then get back to me.

Matt Sablan said...

Makes the fact Kessler decided not to count Biden's lies while in office even sillier.


320Busdriver said...

Walter.......... that is really quite good!

I'm Not Sure said...

Regarding MLB and Atlanta- do MLB stadiums require an ID to buy a beer?

rhhardin said...

The debunked stuff is harmless fiddle crap; what about the fine people hoax, the russia hoax, etc. That's narrative lies to the opposite. WP won't debunk that.

rhhardin said...

Tax cuts go to people that pay taxes, mostly.

It returns seed corn to the economy as seed corn, which is good for everybody next year.

gadfly said...

US News recently wrote "US Tops 500,000 Virus Deaths, Matching the Toll of 3 Wars"

Unfortunately for the president, the wars were: WWII - 405,000, Korea - 36,000 and Vietnam - 58,000. So perhaps Biden's problem is accurate reading not math.

Browndog said...

Kessler is the one that emailed Jennifer Palmeri (sp) that ran Hillary's campaign to inform them he'd be happy to report anything the campaign wanted them to--"yes, I'm a hack".


John Cardillo

“Woke” @MLB just took away the over $100,000,000 in revenue the All-Star Game and draft bring to predominantly black Atlanta businesses because rich white leftists complained about GA’s voter integrity law.

Jaq said...

Death tolls in Europe topped a million. They just passed that grim milestone with no media fanfare. Imagine that.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

BLM is MLB spelled backwards.

rcocean said...

MLB has gone hard-left and only Democrats need watch it. Just like the NBA they're telling everyone who isn't a left-wing Democrat to go fuck themselves.

I hope people get mad, and boycott. I'm going to. If they're the Democrat Baseball League, this NOT Democrat will stay away - as requested.

The Godfather said...

Do you remember the old joke: Why does a dog lick his [private parts]? Because he can!
Why does Joe Biden (or any other Democrat politician) lie? Because . . . .

n.n said...

US News recently wrote "US Tops 500,000 Virus Deaths, Matching the Toll of 3 Wars"

Planned Parent/hood, a Democrat institution, of course. Spreading social contagion driving herd stampedes, disinformation and stigmatization of early, inexpensive, low-risk, effective treatments (e.g. HCQ, Ivermectin), mandates that break even at best, and increase infection rates, at worst. Also, "fat is beautiful" is a past, present, and progressive comorbidity that accounts for nearly 80% of Covid-19 cases. Then there is the collateral damage. Unaccompanied children and other [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform with "benefits".

n.n said...

BLM is MLB spelled backwards

Baby Lives Matter? Mayby later, baby.

Ambrose said...

He's been lying for longer than half the country has been alive.

Jessica L. Smith said...

After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don’t believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com or WhatsApp him +15068001647
you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS

Rt41Rebel said...

Gutfeld laughed at MLB for at least being consistent, as they allow fans to vote 5 times for All Star players.

CapitalistRoader said...

Has Glenn ever considered that Biden is mentally retarded? Joe was never very bright, evidenced by Corn Pop and leg hair and 7-Eleven Indian accents and Obama having a big stick. Can Glen make the leap from stupid to stupid-aggravated-by-senile-dementia?

n.n said...

“Woke” @MLB just took away the over $100,000,000 in revenue the All-Star Game and draft bring to predominantly black Atlanta businesses because rich white leftists complained about GA’s voter integrity law.

Maybe Later, Baby are diversitists. Nice.

Thank Joe for steering them to the left axis.

mockturtle said...

Joe was a despicable person before but his dementia makes him more an object of pity. His ambitious family doesn't care that his embarrassing condition is on public display. Honestly, I don't know what's worse: A President with dementia or the Cackle Queen. I think I'll take the dementia at this point.

And some clueless people thought Trump made us a world laughing stock!

MountainMan said...

As MLB caves to the lies of the woke left, the public should know how Georgia’s voting laws stack up against New York’s - where Major League Baseball is headquartered:
In New York, there are only 10 days of early voting. Under the Election Integrity Act, Georgia now has 17 mandatory days of early voting, with the option for two additional Sundays.

New York requires an excuse for absentee voting. Georgia does not. And while New York just enacted automatic voter registration in December, Georgia has had it in place for over 15 years.

Let’s be clear: MLB’s decision is not about access to voting. It’s about a lack of courage to stand up to the lies of a radical mob hellbent on distorting the truth for political gain.

If MLB is worried about access to the ballot box, they should check their own
backyard. They may be afraid of Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams, but I’m not.

- Gov. Brian Kemp statement on Facebook

Jupiter said...

Apparently even a stopped clock like Joe Biden knows better than to believe anything published in the WaPo.

Drago said...

The Poor Man's LLR-lefty Chuck, gadfly: "A math deficit has never stopped Trump — a serial bankruptcy artist . . . ."

gadfly, whose only known real endeavor was to launch his own blog site and attempted to use his posts at Althouse to drive traffic to this Internet Graveyard by constantly linking to things he/she/xe cribbed from others, is also, among other things, numerically illiterate.

On the day DJT was inaugurated, there were hundreds of distinct Trump business entities that comprised his portfolio of businesses.

Gadfly, failed blogger, has no idea exactly how many because his little lefty pals never told him.

And if you dont know the denominator, the numerator alone doesnt tell you very much.

And if you dont know either of those, like gadfly, then that makes you.......well, gadfly.

Jupiter said...

Blogger DINKY DAU 45 said...
"Thats it? I dont believe Joe will come near breaking the record of the last losing Pinnochio ..."

Another Commie who just can't let go. He's gone, DINKY. Gone. Take a deep breath, DINKY, and prepare to move on. There's more to life than hating Donald Trump. Well, maybe not in your case.

Drago said...

What do other billionaires think about their failures and bankruptcies along the way?

Here's Mark Cuban:

"Before Mark Cuban became a billionaire in 1999, he experienced a string of failures. But if you ask him, past mistakes don't matter.

"It doesn't matter how many times you f--- up," Cuban said on Barstool Sports' "Pardon My Take" podcast on Feb. 4. "You only gotta be right once. Then everybody tells you how lucky you are."'

Think like Mark Cuban and not like The Li'l Poor Man's LLR-lefty Chuck, gadfly.

Drago said...

"Failure is Part of the Success Equation"
--Mark Cuban

Think like Mark Cuban and not like The Li'l Poor Man's LLR-lefty Chuck, gadfly.

Bob Smith said...

Joe’s been lying all his life. That’s why he went into politics.

Jeff Weimer said...

Kessler's putting his mark down early on an easy call; don't trust anything from here on out.

PB said...

Joe says what he's told to say.

robother said...

I take it that gadfly is concerned that, Biden, is one pinocchio away from being banned like Trump from Facebook, Twitter, etc. for spreading misinformation.

Jaq said...

"Honest Joe" Biden flunked the third grade. The people who put him in power think that's a good thing. He is not likely to interfere with the way they choose to run the country.

Drago said...

Coyotes are literally tossing little girls over the wall onto US territory and the lefties are cheering.

Lets face it, in a typical lefty's mind, as with aborted children, there is real possibility for additional "spark of divinity" child "parts" revenue streams when kiddos get launched over walls and stacked like cordwood in democratical "spark of divinity" cages in numbers hundreds more than design capacity.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ah - but little innocent Hunter wrote a book.

Unknown said...

Really, Professor! You just happened to put this post right after “it sounds like a loon”?

Browndog said...

Every professional sports league and collegiate conference would have done the same thing.

American communists run this country. Choosing not to believe it doesn't change the fact.

n.n said...

Coyotes are literally tossing little girls over the wall onto US territory and the lefties are cheering

Underage illegal alien females with "benefits" is socially progressive, forward-looking.

Lets face it, in a typical lefty's mind, as with aborted children,

Also forward-looking. Think of the "burden"! Keep women appointed, available, and taxable. Feminists and masculinists approve.

there is real possibility for additional "spark of divinity" child "parts" revenue streams when kiddos get launched over walls and stacked like cordwood in democratical "spark of divinity" cages in numbers hundreds more than design capacity.

They think that they can abort the child, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too. CAIR (catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform) is a value-added bonus. Their base seems to agree.

GingerBeer said...

Because they're the only three lies he can consistently remember?

Lurker21 said...

Biden says things that aren't true, but the media finds that endearing. Good Ol' Joe and his strange relationship with the truth.

Does he know he's lying? I don't think so. Like a lot of people he has his own truth. If he says something three times, it's true for him.

But that's not an excuse. Lies are still lies.

walter said...

You're welcome, 320.
But consider becoming 420 Busdriver.

iowan2 said...

Do you remember the old joke: Why does a dog lick his [private parts]? Because he can!
Why does Joe Biden (or any other Democrat politician) lie? Because . . .

Old joke, you missed by thiiissss much

Why to dogs lick their balls?---Because they can
Why do dogs lick their penis?---Because they don't have a thumb.

(can't make a fist)

iowan2 said...

Why does Joe lie?

Because he knows the propaganda media will repeat it for him without complaint.

narciso said...

back at the ranch


Howard said...

Yeah, Gadfly... think more like Mark Cuban:

Cuban also called Trump an "idiot" for how he's run the country as president.

"Look, personally I don't have a problem with the guy," Cuban said. "Now professionally as the president, I think he's an idiot. You know, I never thought he was smart in talking to him."

Cuban said he didn't think Trump planned on winning the election in 2016 and became president by "accident."

Browndog said...

owan2 said...

Old joke, you missed by thiiissss much

Why to dogs lick their balls?---Because they can
Why do dogs lick their penis?---Because they don't have a thumb.

Sick fuckers. All of ya-

This is a family show.

Howard said...

Brilliant comment on a thread about the media complaining about Biden's repeated *lies*

You should stop snorting so much glyphosate on the farm.

Blogger iowan2 said...
Why does Joe lie?

Because he knows the propaganda media will repeat it for him without complaint.

iowan2 said...

Unfortunately for the president, the wars were: WWII - 405,000, Korea - 36,000 and Vietnam - 58,000.

This is an honest question, I dont think I've ever seen

Are war deaths like covid deaths. In that, every member of the military that dies, active battle or not, considered in the total count? Or do the men have to be in theater? If in theater do he have to be in "battle"? Does a HQ aide that dies of heart attack count as as a war death, because he is in theater?

Quaestor said...

Who fact-checks the fact-checkers?

n.n said...


A model of social justice.

Chuck said...

Michael K said...
Bad news for the Woke. The capital attacker today is a black Muslim. The story will be gone tomorrow.

Right now, as I type this, Erin Burnett on CNN is looking at the race and the motive of the attacker. And running a chyron saying that the attacker exclaimed that "The U.S. government is the number one enemy of the black people."

This Althouse blog post was about Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post doing a fact-check on Joe Biden.

In my earlier comment further up the page, I pointed out how CNN's online presidential fact-checker, Daniel Dale, was regularly fact-checking Biden.

And now you predict that the MSM will ignore the race of the attacker, just as CNN goes on air talking about the race, religion and motives of the attacker.

I love this shit, Dr. K.

I really do.

Michael K said...

Cuban said he didn't think Trump planned on winning the election in 2016 and became president by "accident."

Cuban is a blowhard with lots of CCP friends.

Rt41Rebel said...

"Coyotes are literally tossing little girls over the wall onto US territory and the lefties are cheering"

Being tossed over the wall is probably the least tramatic experience those girls had in the last few weeks.

madAsHell said...

"You only gotta be right once. Then everybody tells you how lucky you are."'

At one time, I had some engineering colleagues that had been Vietnamese Boat People. All of them had horror stories of being captured, and sent back to re-education camp in Vietnam.

Their mantra......"You only gotta get out once!!"

Michael K said...

And now you predict that the MSM will ignore the race of the attacker, just as CNN goes on air talking about the race, religion and motives of the attacker.

I love this shit, Dr. K.

I really do.

I can tell and the story will be gone in 2 days. You are such a loser, Chuck. Are you one of those plaintiff med-mal lawyers that I used to see lose routinely ?

donald said...

MLB has gone hard-left and only Democrats need watch it. Just like the NBA they're telling everyone who isn't a left-wing Democrat to go fuck themselves.


Who thinks that Rob Mannfred has any fucking idea what any fucking state in the union’s voting laws are including Georgia. I’m sure this guy went to one of the best (I never use quotation marks unless I’m you know, quoting somebody) colleges in America’ has attained this position, and like so many big shots I meet is a fucking idiot.

Quaestor said...

Who cares what the Resident of the United States says or does as if he demented doings or senile sayings could alter by the merest jot anything more important than in what order his morning oatmeal and sectioned fruit are eaten?

The coup d'etat is complete, the fatal blow to our Consitution has long since fallen. The only thing remaining is Joe's departure for Camp David from which he shall never return.

iowan2 said...

Brilliant comment on a thread about the media complaining about Biden's repeated *lies*

A few propagandist bringing it up, is nota deterent.

The White House press pool riding Psaki non-stop, and forcing her to call out Bidens repeated lies is what needs to happen. The next propagandist that interviews Biden will ask the question, listen to the answer and move on.
Biden has done this hundreds of times over the last 18 months, repeated a lie that was pointed out in the media. The media always buries it QUICK.

Of course the media does the same all the time. "Trump told Russia to hack Hillary's emails" "Trump said White supremacists were fine people"
Those debunked lies and many more get repeated to this day. Why would Biden think he couldn't keep getting away with it. The propaganda media will publish it, without comment.

Up your troll game. It sucks

Robert Cook said...

"Cuban said he didn't think Trump planned on winning the election in 2016 and became president by 'accident.'"

That's what I've always believed, and still do.

Michael K said...

Chuck, I had one med-mal case in which I told the defense attorney that, if the plaintiff's lawyer asked about the care after 3 PM when the defendant should have realized what was going on, I could not help him. He said, "Don't worry. He is not smart enough to do that."

So, I testified on the agreement that I would not defend the care after 3 PM. The defense lawyer was right. He never asked. It wasn't in Michigan, though, so your reputation is safe with me.

Michael K said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Cuban said he didn't think Trump planned on winning the election in 2016 and became president by 'accident.'"

That's what I've always believed, and still do.

I think he planned to win but did not expect to do so. I was surprised, too.

Putin at least wins his fixed elections. The Biden ear piece seems to have learned.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Heard Ted Crus say today he visited a facility in Texas
Sen. Cruz tours Kay Bailey Hutchison Center where migrant teens are being temporarily housed "The sight of looking across a giant room and seeing 2,200 teenage boys all in cot after cot after cot after cot is horrifying.
Well only about %10 testing positive, nothing to see here - move along.

Browndog said...

The ALL-Star game in Atlanta was supposed to be all about honoring Hank Aaron. The legit all time Home Run king.

Sadly, he passed from covid. The vaccine, not the Chinese bio-weapon.

Chuck said...

Michael K said...

I can tell and the story will be gone in 2 days. You are such a loser, Chuck. Are you one of those plaintiff med-mal lawyers that I used to see lose routinely ?

No. Thanks so much for asking a question that is so incredibly unrelated to our discussion, and is of such minimal interest to so many.

But I’ll bookmark this for the next few days. Because getting in your grill is such good fun.

Browndog said...

Sorry, but I laughed out loud at this Biden/Easter meme

Rusty said...

Biden just recently promised to build back America and bring jobs back the the US. In the next breath he promised to raise corporate income taxes to 28%. Democrats are dumb as shit and think you are too.

Leland said...

Funny reading the left wing trolls lose it because the WaPo admits the truth when it is inconsequential. Their bubble truly is delicate.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

At root, Biden is dishonest to himself about himself.

The rest emanates from that.

n.n said...

Vietnamese Boat People. All of them had horror stories of being captured, and sent back to re-education camp in Vietnam.

This isn't the Soviet Union, not even Vietnam. It's not even Libya. We have willing partners, starting with the President of Mexico, and more leaders south of the border. We don't have to leave children behind.

Speaking of diversitist bridges... Emigration reform to mitigate [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout.

wildswan said...

Maybe Joe doesn't know they are lies. I spotted him reading his statement from a card during one video. Doesn't read the papers; plays video games; says what they tell him to say. What are staff for? Hunter's OK, he knows that. Now the staff, who give Joe his cards every day, they can be embarrassed because they don't have age-related decline. So why does staff keep it up? It's like watching lemmings swim slowly out to sea convinced that they won't have to keep it up for long. "Oh, I'm sure it'll get shallow again very soon." No, you got to do this for the rest of life - or sink.

wildswan said...

Maybe Joe doesn't know they are lies. I spotted him reading his statement from a card during one video. Doesn't read the papers; plays video games; says what they tell him to say. What are staff for? Hunter's OK, he knows that. Now the staff, who give Joe his cards every day, they can be embarrassed because they don't have age-related decline. So why does staff keep it up? It's like watching lemmings swim slowly out to sea convinced that they won't have to keep it up for long. "Oh, I'm sure it'll get shallow again very soon." No, you got to do this for the rest of life - or sink.

Browndog said...

Lying, hypocrisy, thievery, all that-

The left does not see that as the vice you see it-

To them, it's a virtue.

They play a different game, while we're still stuck playing the old, fair, losing game.

They seek to destroy us, while we cry "that's not fair!"


Bruce Hayden said...

“Someone tried to crash a barricade at the Capitol. 1 Capitol Police officer dead, 1 injured.”

As everyone has said here - the perp was a militant Black Muslim. Nothing to see. Except that the gun grabbers aren’t getting what they want right now, to justify grabbing all of our Modern Sporting Rifles (AR-15). The perps aren’t turning out to be angry white me but everyone else. The OC shooter a couple days ago in CA was apparently Hispanic. And we had another Black in the mix.

Joe Smith said...

The man is senile, but at least he's a moderate.

walter said...

Will "Calypso Louie" make a statement on this?

Bilwick said...

Remember, comrades: there is no truth but socialist truth.

Drago said...

Howard: "Yeah, Gadfly... think more like Mark Cuban:"

In terms of business failures in relation to overall business success.

But that's a bit too much nuance for the pro ChiCom lefty/LLR-lefty gang.

Per usual.

Paul said...

Biden repeats them cause the ghost of Goebbels told him to.

Repeat the lie enough and people will believe it.

Drago said...

When it comes to politics, Cuban refused to even entertain criticism of the lefties/LLR-lefties beloved Chinese communist party and its concentration camps.

So Howard and gadfly and LLR-lefty and pro-marxist democraticals Chuck are "all in" on Cuban's political views and not believers in his business views.

Most Americans go the other way on that...because they are sane.

stephen cooper said...

what wildswan said is true.

Curious George said...

Since Inga's not showing up, let me fill in for our resident dullard:

"Trump lied way more blah blah blah blah" Link to some lefty websites blah blah blah blah

Marcus Bressler said...

Why is Chuck still here?


I'm Not Sure said...

"Why is Chuck still here?"

Is there anyplace else that would put up with him?

Skeptical Voter said...

If Chuckles hears something he doesn't like on Fox it's "misinformation" or better yet "lies".

Chuckles some of us can disagree with other people's opinions without calling them "liars". Try it--you might like it.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Baghdad Biden

Drago said...

Marcus Bressler: "Why is Chuck still here?"

Because the pro-pedophile, pro-marxist Brian-Stelter-Fanboy FakeCons, like LLR-lefty Chuck, have been completely exposed for what they are and always have been and they are desperate to keep up the disinformation "churn" in the forlorn hope that the sheer volume and intensity of their lies and smears and conspiracy theories will be sufficient to muddle the thinking of actual conservatives and republicans.

That it doesnt work and has no chance of working is a testament of just how completely Trump exposed these charlatans and their NAMBLA-Curious defenders, like LLR-lefty Chuck.

Chris Lopes said...

If you are down to bringing up Trump to defend Biden, you really have no argument left. Biden is the guy in the White House. He's responsible for his own screw ups and lies. If you can't handle that bit of reality, perhaps you should stick to reruns of Madam Secretary.

Mutaman said...

"“Impervious to fact checking “ In other words, unable to trickle into Joe’s skull to reach what’s left of Joe’s deceitful corrupted brain."

So handicapped and crippled but still able to beat your boy by seven million votes. Damn Black people. Other than that have a happy Easter.

Moneyrunner said...

Kessler’s “fact checks” are misdirection. He chooses three issues that are actually very minor, quibbles really. Who really cares about a minor discrepancy comparing battle field deaths to Covid deaths. Unless China unleashed Covid as a war on the West, comparing deaths due to medical causes to deaths in battle is literally like comparing apples to oranges.
If you want to fact-check Biden, you can go to his lie that Trump called Nazis in Charlottesville “fine people.” Fact check Biden on his fundamental election theme: that Trump’s actions during the pandemic were fatally flawed. That Trump was responsible for the people who died on his watch and electing Biden would fix the flaws in the Trump plan.
Or fact-check Biden on the mis-labelled $1.2 trillion “Covid Relief Bill” in which a minute fraction deals with Covid. Of Fact-check Biden on the $2 trillion “Infrastructure” bill which has a minute fraction designated for infrastructure.
Kessler picks quibbles to direct people away from much bigger lies, nation-changing lies, that are being told. And seeing the reaction in Arthouse’s comments, he succeeded.

Chris Lopes said...

"So handicapped and crippled but still able to beat your boy by seven million votes."

One of the things that winning an election does is that it makes the winner responsible for the crap that goes down on his/her watch. The fact that he beat Trump doesn't mean he's not screwing up. Again, waving the "he's not Trump" flag is not a defense for bad policy choices.

Rusty said...

"So handicapped and crippled but still able to beat your boy by seven million votes."
And some of those were actual, real people. Maybe even citizens.
When Mutaman speaks I really miss Christopher Hitchens. There isn't one progressive that questions the orthodoxy.

Iman said...

Impervious to common sense or rational thought, mutamyn crawls back under its rock...

stlcdr said...

How many Americans have died since the Vietnam war? How many Americans died in 2020 vs 2019? How many people died of cancer in 2020, and 2019?

When politicians talk about numbers, they are implicitly talking about who they want to blame, or demonize.

Chuck said...

For Michael K’s benefit; is everyone taking stock of this morning’s news coverage of yesterday’s Capitol attack?

USA Today goes into detail about the suspect’s attraction to Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. The New York Times puts its story on page A1. NPR’s Weekend Edition led with the story.

This is is MSM that was supposed to ignore the story and bury any notion that the attacker was a devotee of the Nation of Islam.

Jack Klompus said...

"That's what I've always believed, and still do."

Nobody cares what you believe about anything, you one-dimensional, pseudo-radical poseur clown from Florida.

Achilles said...

"Some readers have noticed, sending us puzzled emails about why the president keeps making these statements."

Nobody is puzzled.

They just don't want to admit the path we are on. The part they are playing.

The Biden Regime is completely illegitimate.

The people who support the Biden Regime are the same type of people that helped the Nazi's take over Germany.

The people that stand silently by are the same type of people that were silent in Germany in the 1930's.

Most people in this country would turn Anne Frank in. They would be prison guards at the camps.

You should stop lying to yourselves.

JAORE said...

During the run up to the election Biden repeated the "Fine people on both sides" lie multiple times. Since that horrifying lie was left unchallenged, why stop now?

As to "I dont believe Joe will come near breaking the record of the last losing Pinnochio, because..." it is simple. There are none so blind as he who will not look.

The left and media searched for any hint of incorrectness by Trump with the zeal of a Russian server farm mining bit coins. Then the counted each as a clear and deliberate lie.

Do he same for Biden and watch the counters smoke.

Lurker21 said...

USA Today goes into detail about the suspect’s attraction to Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. The New York Times puts its story on page A1. NPR’s Weekend Edition led with the story.

And that's it? It's already not a story on TV and soon enough it won't be in the papers anymore. Now suppose the attacker was a Trump supporter or just an old fat white guy. You'd hear a lot more about it than just that.

This is is MSM that was supposed to ignore the story and bury any notion that the attacker was a devotee of the Nation of Islam.

Whoever thought that? Obviously the media was going to mention the story. And then it would go away.

Skippy Tisdale said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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