Lara Trump, a new Fox News contributor, posted a video of herself interviewing Mr Trump on a range of issues. She later posted a screenshot of an email she received from Facebook warning her of the ban. "In line with the block we placed on Donald Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts, further content posted in the voice of Donald Trump will be removed and result in additional limitations on the account," an email from "Katelyn" read.
It's possible that Facebook only means to block Trump from directly using another person to bypass the ban, but the phrasing — "content posted in the voice of Donald Trump" — seems to rope in everyone who writes about Trump in a way that passes along his words and ideas. What is "the voice of Donald Trump"?
If I put up a video of Trump talking, am I posting "in the voice of Donald Trump"? Notice the threat of "additional limitations" on one's account. It's not just Lara Trump who is threatened. It's anyone who's pro-Trump and even anyone who wants to write about what Trump is saying.
Is it Facebook's agenda to stop Trump family and associates from passing along his video or is it to create an enclave in which Trump does not exist — to render Trump a nonperson?
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»So wrong. Hope he sues for violation of first amendment and wins
Wouldn't know. I left Facebook 2 months ago, and have no intention of going back.
Trump is going to be the excuse “liberals” use to do the things they been aching to do for years.
The latter. And you, and folks like you, are next.
Trying to erase the 45th President of the United States because they don't like him? The left are exactly what they called Trump, and they are too dumb to realize it.
Whatever their agenda is, their actions sure appear designed to erase Donald Trump. That would be fine if they some niche site, so the obvious solution to this problem is to break up Facebook.
Is it Facebook's render Trump a nonperson?
Yes. See also unborn children, or dissidents in the Soviet Union. Stalin wouldn't just kill you. He'd also airbrush you out of photographs, deny your very existence.
It's the whole point of Roe v. Wade. You not only pretend that you haven't gotten rid of a baby, you deny that there ever was a baby, or that you were ever pregnant. It's a very conscious decision to lie.
It was the legal basis of slavery.
It was the legal basis of the Nazi Holocaust.
If Trump is mugged, or dies in an auto accident, will you be allowed to report it on Facebook, or mention it? Apparently not. They're attempting to kill his virtual presence, to make Facebook a "clean" place where the dirty people don't exist.
If you were devious and clever, and if your intention was to make Trump a folk hero, this is one of the things you would do.
Is it Facebook's agenda.. — to render Trump a nonperson?
Well, if you have to ask....
C'mon now.
" is it to create an enclave in which Trump does not exist — to render Trump a nonperson?"
These commie-pinko libs are so stupid. Trump is the elephant in the room. They keep trying to walk around him, but there's no space.
Not comparing Trump to Jesus in a spiritual sense, but Jesus was a relegated to non-personhood. He was killed. His disciples were scattered. And the movement flourished beyond measure.
I’m Trumptacus.
They are shunning and Excommunicating him, while attempting to put a scarlet letter on him.
While they continue lawfare efforts to destroy him.
And ignore all the wrongs, including illegal actions, that were taking again them.
For the ends justify the means.
It’s ok, because it’s Trump.
Is there some sort of fine distinction between outright fascist censorship of a political leader and censorship of anyone who might want to share or even discuss his views that you find compelling?
The censorship of Donald Trump should earn the absolute contempt of any believer in political liberty. Full stop. This chickenshit is just more of the same.
What’s amazing is the hubris to think their censorship of Trump will work.
Fear the zinger.
Nice people are not nice.
Or as Hannar Arendt put it, virtue that goes public turns into the worst sort of evil.
Here is the interview:
Here’s The Trump Interview Facebook Banned – Lara Trump Interviews President Donald J Trump
From Conservative Treehouse
Just the other day CNN reported that nobody knows the sex of a baby that is born until we pick a narrative. On the left there is no truth, there is only narrative. Facts don't exist until we decide what the facts are.
So they are comfortable making facts disappear from the narrative. That's what they do.
There are no facts, just narrative. There is no nature, just invention.
I know, I’m a bit slow...
I bet Trump knew his interview would probably be censored.
He is using the old trope, banned in Boston.
Ray - SoCal said...
What’s amazing is the hubris to think their censorship of Trump will work.
After all we've observed, and what it's achieved, I'd counter with:
What’s amazing is the hubris to think their censorship of Trump not will work.
I think it is the latter. This recent move is absurd. Trump is still an ex-president, and what he has to say is newsworthy. Journalists can and should be covering what he says, and people have a legitimate interest hearing what he has to say. This is clearly an attempt by Facebook to completely cancel him. I doubt it has anything to do with any imagined danger from what he has to say, and is more about lowering his public profile enough that he can't marshal the kind of popular support he had in 2016, should he choose to run again.
The world needs more of this. Merica.
Yes. They mean to 'disappear' him. And anyone who follows him. If Facebook had their way, no conservative would be allowed to speak or take part in their society.
It would be a very bleak society if it was filled only with people of that ilk. Eloi.
I hope he runs in the primary (and drops out). How will Facebook justify banning one candidate and not the others?
Somewhere Goebbels is smiling.
Has Facebook banned any post including video of Hitler? The answer to that question leads to an answer to Prof. Althouse's question.
Stole this one... If you lie often enough, it's Journalism.
And yet YouTube Unveils it's "hide" feature after Grandpa Gropes had so many down votes on the Whit House YouTube page, far more than likes.
Such a good look for the powers that be. The benefits that roll in from this will likely sustain me for the remainder of my lifetime.
Oh, the joy that fills my soul.
It really is a shocking move by Facebook.
The other thing that shocked me yesterday is Delta putting out a statement condemning the new Georgia voting laws, and MLB letting it be known they were thinking about pulling the All Star game out of Atlanta over the law. What is this? This actually has me kind of rattled. I don't want companies to start putting partisan pressure on our non-partisan activities.
On March 22, I posted on my Facebook page an image of a article headline that said something like "Does President Biden have dementia or Alzheimer's Disease?"
I did not post a link to the article itself. Rather, I posted only an image of the article's headline.
With that image, I wrote this comment:
Congratulations to "President" Biden for completing two months in office.
Before I go to sleep every night, I get down on my knees by my bed and pray that Biden will remain in office for his entire four-year term. In other words, I am praying for a miracle.
I hope that all my Facebook friends will join me in my prayers.
I hope that Biden's special medicines will get him through his first press conference, next Thursday. I think that Biden will perform adequately during this press conference and so will remain in office through the month of March.
One month at a time!
A few days later, I saw that the image was removed from my post. My comment still was there. Underneath the blank space (where the image had been) was this link:
When I clicked on that link, I went to another webpage, which says:
403. That’s an error.
Your client does not have permission to get URL /proxy/hSgwWssJdx-BcQFXdC9jVVBQWT5PGtse4mZCzal3fjhX6n086_1mGWzNL3RxgMr6yeKDIHT0HSd5JuepiRY0EPsXhxxVkddo9SIJWOHmaScExJDDvP4UYhHxu-TDqs3w?fbclid=IwAR2TLjtjY0N8vFwgZnkEC9m-DVRARxQzriwZXeUOrVtLTuPRSNhkX8lwOLU from this server. (Client IP address:
Forbidden That’s all we know.
Have we all figured out what they are now, what they are doing and what they've gotten away with or are some of us still pretending?
This is creepy. They really think we need a program of deMagafication in this country like postwar Germany. It’s totally insane and it makes me want Trump to return triumphantly in 2024 to put Big Tech in its place.
I fucking hate Delta. As crappy and shitty as all airlines are acting these days, they are particularly snotty.
This is Delta’s home. Presumably they are not run by retards and aware that the opportunity to legally vote has been greatly expanded. I would choose now to stop flying with them, but I did that last month.
MayBee said...The other thing that shocked me yesterday is Delta putting out a statement condemning the new Georgia voting laws, and MLB letting it be known they were thinking about pulling the All Star game out of Atlanta over the law.
Corporations using their market power to subvert democracy...
Facts don't exist until we decide what the facts are.
To the Left, facts are whatever is convenient and useful.
1. Trump is unpersoned, and loses all political power.
2. Do to shaming and political pressure, Trump is uncensored.
3. Trump starts his own platform to bypass the media
4. Trump uses other methods to bypass the censorship filters, such as parlor.
As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power. - Econlib
It’s not like today’s left is the first group of power mad people seeking to use corporate power to push a political agenda. It’s not like I generally fly Delta, but in the future I will go out of my way not to. The fascists have been using boycotts to bring corporations into line and those of us who believe in individual freedom have been loathe to use this tactic, but the day when we can ignore this stuff is long past.
Whistling past the graveyard.
It has been a little sad to lose contact with some of my Facebook friends that were somewhat distant from my life, but I don’t miss the daily crap from Facebook. We are planning a funeral service for my mother, and there are some people I would like to tell about it, but there are other ways to contact them and deleting my Facebook and Twitter accounts has been decidedly positive, netted out.
Who could be so evil as to hold contact with a persons family and friends hostage to their political aims? Facebook, that’s who.
Everything the media does in relation to Trump confirms that the election was a fraud.
Trump is the legitimate president.
"Look what Trump makes us do! We have to stop him!"
Is it Facebook's agenda.. — to render Trump a nonperson?
No, this is normal behavior. Death to the Teletubby Zuckerberg and his Facebook!
Yes the Tech-Media information complex is trying to ghost Trump, as if the man who just got more votes than Obama doesn’t exist. This is a great way to ensure half of America never trusts the mediaswine to act in a fair or impartial manner. What’s the end game here? What happens when Trump runs again?
As for the NBA, well that ship has sailed. Would I like to be able to watch a sporting event and just enjoy it, like in the old days? Sure, but that’s not in the cards. No way the fascist left is going to leave that audience unmolested. I was watching golf for a while, and I like golf, but I had pretty much stopped when the Golf Channel ran anti-Trump ads, err I mean short ‘promos' for MSNBC every twenty minutes, and when the PGA pulled their event from a Trump course, that was the final straw. They hate me, why watch them? Playing golf is more fun than watching golf anyway, and healthier too.
Yeah--they are idiots at Facebook. Back in the 80s, the Brits would not allow Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness to speak on the air. I never quite got the point of it. It made Thatcher look ridiculous and gave Adams and McGuiness superpowers.
Equity in the NBA!
I miss the NFL, but the NFL I miss is long gone. This cheap substitute that only comes with doses of partisan propaganda is not the real thing. It is completely missing the most important element, leaving your cares behind for three hours.
"to render Trump a nonperson?"
They're trying.
But as Trump said, in the one self-effacing moment he managed, it's not about me, it's about you.
Shit. I have 1,500 bucks credit at Delta because my flights were covid cancelled. I can eat it okay but will have to stew on how to make it up to them, so to speak.
I have a long memory...
And yet they'll allow content posted in the voice of Donald Duck
Two points:
(1) Even ignoring the ideological objections, this is such a strategically stupid move that will have the exact opposite of its intended effect.
(2) I've had a Facebook account since you needed a university affiliation to join. I have never once relied on it for news. Why do people do that?
I think it's part of a larger trend towards echo chambers and ideological cocooning. Polarization and division means less of a broad center. It seems people are less interested in being informed and more interested in having their worldview reflected back at them. Less aggregation, more curation. Less dialogue, more monologue.
The key moment may have been Jon Stewart's infamous appearance on Crossfire. The news media was too "sensationalized" and was abetting political spin. Trenchant criticism. Of course, the most immediate effect of the Daily Show was Keith Olbermann doing a psychotic Edward R. Murrows impression, and Rachel Maddow in toreador blazers and dumb hipster glasses ending every sentence with a sarcastic tone. Or as she would describe it, being witty.
Next up will be blogger (owned by Google) that will try to stop Althouse from writing about Trump.
If Pres. Biden really wants to "bring the country back together", he will call this out as an outrage, and demand that it be undone.
Of course, he doesn't really.
Seems like Facebook is a PAC now if not it’s own political party.
Memory Holes don't dig themselves.
I am Laslo.
Next up will be blogger (owned by Google) that will try to stop Althouse from writing about Trump
I thought they would have arrived here by now. I now suspect blogger is a platform backwater they've kind of forgotten about.
Farmer, I was having a discussion with my wife just the other day about how the Daily Show bears a lot of responsibility for the terrible media environment we are now in. I hated the Daily Show when Jon Stewart was on it, because his whole schtick was to make some sarcastic snarky comment, but if anyone ever called him out on it for any reason, he would try to shrug it off like it was just a joke and no one should be taking it seriously. Nonetheless, I had hordes of friends who got most of their news from the Daily Show. I think the toxic sewers of Twitter and Facebook owe much to that kind of detached, non-serious engagement with current events. Snarky one-liners are currency there, and in fact people don't really seem to care to engage with anything that is happening if it doesn't give them an opportunity to look bitchy in front of their friends. I've also had a Facebook account since the very early days, but I deactivated my account earlier this year. It had become a big time suck, and I concluded that even though it allowed me to connect with family and friends, it was not a positive force in my life. Their decision to try to manipulate what people could post and discuss was the last straw for me.
... the most immediate effect of the Daily Show was Keith Olbermann doing a psychotic Edward R. Murrows impression
He gives these a half dozen times a day. It's now more of a Bill the Cat impression. ACK!
Is it acceptable to paraphrase Trump? Is it safe to say "love Trumps hate"? Is it safe to say "I trumped my wife and her partner in bridge"? Can you "Trump another individual"?
What a GRAY area! If only there was a hard and fast [new] rule we could all see and clearly understand! How can you effectively un-person someone when so much ambiguity swirls?!?!?
The old soviet rules were just so much clearer!
The left ARE the fascists they have been waiting for. Where's Antifa when you REALLY need them???
I have never once relied on [Facebook] for news. Why do people do that?
When all the advertising dollars were reallocated to online local newspapers shrank away to almost nothing and outside of LA there’s no useful daily newspaper in SoCal. Radio and TV care little for the ’burbs. I know several people who keep up with local events via FB newsgroups or FB “neighborhood” groups that have replaced local news, and often include a Sheriff feed and local government announcements. Because tiny streams of facts trickle through the feed people have become used to getting news from FB.
It is viewpoint discrimination and another glaringly obvious piece of evidence Facebook is a publisher, not a platform, and should not have protections it claims while pretending to be a content neutral platform for open discourse, when it is in reality anything but.
Is there some sort of fine distinction between outright fascist censorship of a political leader and censorship of anyone who might want to share or even discuss his views that you find compelling?
The censorship of Donald Trump should earn the absolute contempt of any believer in political liberty. Full stop. This chickenshit is just more of the same.
The word "fascist" doesn't even make sense in that sentence. What differentiates "fascist" censorship from non-fascist censorship?
While I think the censorship is idiotic, there are problems conflating "free speech" with access to certain media platforms. Either we take the view that content control is a business decision subject to the wishes of the shareholders and board of directors or we attempt to regulate it with law. Hardcore pornography, depictions of morbid violence and brutality, and pro-genocide advocacy are all protected speech but nobody really expects the government to force Facebook to host such material on its servers. So if we concede that Facebook can censor material, then we are asking what it can censor and why it can censor it.
In short,
Yes that's FB's agenda.
It would take unusual stupidity not to realize that from the beginning of the banning of Trump.
The left has to silence the opposition.
Because the left cannot compete in the arena of ideas. The lefts ideas and agenda are wrong, bad for the people, bad for society, bad for families. Every single time they attempt to defend their position, they are exposed as posers.
I am suppose to believe two opposites.
A.President Trump is a Dunce, a know nothing egomaniac.
B.President Trump must be silenced
I dont want AOC silenced, I wish she was interviewed by the media 3 times a day. All the better to shine the light on what passes for Democrat deep thinking. Like the word "surge" is pure White Supremacists. Bring it on.
"President" Biden received MORE VOTES, than ANYONE, EVER!
He is INDISPUTABLY "President", and is LOVED; by ALL AMERICANS
There Was NO Fraud. There Was NO Cheating
That's WHY, We HAVE TO Stomp Down on Trump!!!
Trump Can NOT be permitted, because he was Fairly Rejected!!
It's NOT that democrats Stole the election, it's that The People have Spoken!!
To slightly paraphrase a line from the movie "The Ten Commandments"
Mark Zuckerberg: Let the name of Trump be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of the United States. Let the name of Trump be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time.
I think that encompasses the attitude.
Those all-capitalized words don't make you look unhinged at all
Only the drooling idiot can be the arbiter of anything
"(2) I've had a Facebook account since you needed a university affiliation to join. I have never once relied on it for news. Why do people do that?"
-- Because the same generation of people who started on Facebook with a university affiliation were the ones who thought The Daily Show was actual news. Facebook has always appealed to the middle and upper middle class elite.
(2) I've had a Facebook account since you needed a university affiliation to join. I have never once relied on it for news. Why do people do that?
Why do people do this? Take a solipsistic view of the world?
Tens of millions of Americans get their news from Facebook.
The also find out how Aunt Joni's pie turned out, let friends know about their next doctor appointment, and get the news of the day--all in the same place. Quick and easy.
I can't believe people still get their news from local affiliates. Just as much propaganda and half-truths as on CNN, delivered by 25 yr. old illiterates. I don't ask why people still watch it.
I am Trumptacus
"there are problems conflating "free speech" with access to certain media platforms. “
There are also problems when those who control all of the major media platforms align themselves with a particular political party and undertake to control allowable speech. Calling them “certain” media platforms is kind of dishonest slight of hand because these “certain media platforms” just happen to utterly dominate what Americans are allowed to hear and know.
These “certain media platforms” completely buried the story that Joe Biden was out selling his power to all comers, using his son Hunter as the bag man, and that he took hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars in graft all the while selling out the interests of the United States.
“Get your own platform” you say? Well they shut down Parler pretty easily, didn’t they? And they are using the FBI, and no doubt the NSA to shut down free speech, and “certain media platforms” meaning all of the ones with easy entry into almost all American homes, are providing cover for them.
Nobody that I know relies on FB for news.
We all use it to talk with friends.
Where to find news that approximates reality is a serious problem.
Blogs aren't the influential force they were a decade ago. They're mostly filled with Boomers and older millennials.
I'm a Gen Xer, and we either gets lumped in as a Boomer or old Milennial I guess. I guess anyone born before 1984 is just a "Boomer" now though.
I agree that the Daily Show has generally had a detrimental effect on political discourse for an entire generation overall. The more prominant social media platforms that discourge long form debate and rewards terse generalizations, snarky quips, insults, group think, and the worst sort of human behavior are the main reason we are were we are. The Daily Show help set the tone, though.
Basically Big Tech has inveigled themselves into a position where they can collect a tax on the real economy. You can’t run a business without writing a check to Google every month. They are like the stevedore’s unions, who control all of the ports of entry worldwide and use that monopoly power to demand what is essentially a tax on the world economy.
Everything Standard Oil did to monopolize the oil industry was perfectly legal until one day it wasn’t.
So the former President of the USA gets canceled. And it is not on the front page.
Anyone who uses Facebook supports this.
Bob Boyd said...
"Look what Trump makes us do! We have to stop him!"
Facebook: You know I would never hurt you. It’s just... this war... AND THAT LYING SON-OF-A-BITCH TRUMP!!!
Althouse: “Is it Facebook's agenda to stop Trump family and associates from passing along his video or is it to create an enclave in which Trump does not exist — to render Trump a nonperson?”
Meade: “I’m Trumptacus.”
You laugh, but Facebook’s moderation policy(ies) is far less subjective than that of the Althouse blog.
Just the other day CNN reported that nobody knows the sex of a baby that is born until we pick a narrative.
What CNN actually said was pretty meaningless (suprise!):
"It's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth, and for some people, the sex listed on their original birth certificate is a misleading way of describing the body they have."
"Gender identity" = part of a person's personality.
You can always ID someone's actual, unchanging sex by their chromosomes, perhaps excepting the 1 out of ~5000 people who are actually some form of "intersex".
@Mike (MJB Wolf):
I know several people who keep up with local events via FB newsgroups or FB “neighborhood” groups that have replaced local news, and often include a Sheriff feed and local government announcements. Because tiny streams of facts trickle through the feed people have become used to getting news from FB.
That makes sense. Tampa Bay still has a pretty substantial local news market, so I hadn't considered that. Amazingly, I am still surprised at how credulous people are. I have no idea why anyone would watch Fox News, MSNBC, or CNN and think they're being informed. The content is just the means to the end: commercials and affiliate fees.
J. @7:39
Spoken like a true quisling.
At least you recognize who the true commissars are.
Another good business strategy is to not deplatform half of your customers. Nyet, comrad?
I don't know if that is true; I know exactly what I can do here without getting into trouble. On Facebook, I can reliably go and browse and find Holocaust deniers, Antifa groups promoting violent protests, and flat Earthers. I have no idea which content counts as "in Trump's voice." Is posting a recording of Trump saying something stupid bannable? According to this, yes. According to this, SNL skits mocking Trump using a caricature are still in his voice -- so are those bannable?
Here, it's very clear what is and isn't allowed, the tools Blogger allows though don't give the level of control needed to actually enforce it.
I've been trying to read books about the 1930s, as preparation for where our nation seems headed, financially and (I fear) politically. But Shirer's Hitler is just too depressing a figure to want to spend much time on. Piers Brendon's Dark Valley is informative, but so unrelentingly grim in tone and emphasis that I can see I will never make it through that one, either.
One of the errors some Jews made at the time was famously holding to the belief that things couldn't get worse, that Hitler's steps were temporary aberrations and sanity would sooner or later return. But trends tend to persist. When we sometimes say now that such-and-such a bad development could be coming, here..... or, they will be using this tactic or that..... there is a similar error in those formulations. They are phrased in a future tense. But it is already all around us. We are in the middle of the totalitarian fog. There is no logical basis on which to think it may get better, because trends once in motion tend to persist much longer and run much farther than most imagine at any given time.
A Presidential election was decided by fraud; deep and determined fraud by one party. The incumbent president who was defrauded had first been impeached twice on phony "evidence" and they were shooting for a third time. The intelligence agencies were completely on the side of the treasonous. In addition, one of the radical cadets tried to assassinate 25 Republican congressmen. Antifa/BLM rioters are encouraged in their assaults on the law-abiding and their property. Even the markets have been rigged by the government--with an assist from large speculators who think getting personally richer outweighs the long-term harm of the policies. We are deeply in it now. I have always been optimistic about our country but we are in the middle of a crisis and its outcome is far from clear. Facebook and the other good citizens who are closing the blinds on any glimpse of these truths are not minor bad guys, misled by their own hubris. They are dangerous enemies of freedom. American founding values and the Constitution are a great asset, but a sane outcome to all this is not guaranteed by anything.
I remember being really impressed with Jon Stewart’s appearance on Crossfire because I was very young and stupid. Crossfire was dumb and “hurting America” (to use Stewart’s language), but Jon Stewart was also hurting America. All that happened was the media embraced some of his glib snark and moved further left. They abandoned any pretense of “balance” which was the ostensible purpose of shows like Crossfire.
It’s just gotten worse since then. More smugness and certainty. More assholes.
MLB letting it be known they were thinking about pulling the All Star game out of Atlanta over the law.
I couldn't find any confirmation of that, only that the head of the players association raised the question, and Biden (or whoever actually does the 'thinking' for him) immediately endorsed it. Nothing from the MLB brass. I sure hope they nip that in the bud.
The Biden administration is illegitimate... unelected.
Media censorship is necessary to hide that reality.
The Dem/CCP alliance has been fighting a war against the American people for over a year.
This will lead to no damned good. Much worse to come.
There is no logical basis on which to think it may get better, because trends once in motion tend to persist much longer and run much farther than most imagine at any given time.
This is why I've been saying for some time that the only way, for example, to rid ourselves of the facemasklockdown religion is to have mass (un)civil disobedience.
The tyrants will not stop voluntarily and never have. They must be forced. With force, if necessary.
If you don't have the stomach for the fight,, and I'll admit, and have admitted I don't (I've stated I'm too old to be warring in the streets; the last real fight I got into was 15 years ago now), prepare yourself to move out of the country: second passport, offshore bank accounts in non-dollar currencies, etc. I've done so. The luxuries of being financially independent include being able to restart somewhere else.
Oops, apparently CNN changed their original false statement ("..."there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth"), written by an affirmative-action hire, into the meaningless statement about describing bodies that I posted above.
Cnn search also has the original falsehood.
The question that interests me is how Facebook truly thinks their unprecedented actions of censorship against a former president will be recorded by history?
My guess is that FB believes they will have outsized influence in how that history is written.
Stop lying, Chuck.
If we're ever allowed to riot again, I want the horned fur hat. Someone else can surround his nipple with tattoos.
The Biden administration is illegitimate... unelected.
Media censorship is necessary to hide that reality.
Media censorship is necessary to hide reality.
The Biden administration is...elected.
@tim in vermont:
“Get your own platform” you say? Well they shut down Parler pretty easily, didn’t they? And they are using the FBI, and no doubt the NSA to shut down free speech, and “certain media platforms” meaning all of the ones with easy entry into almost all American homes, are providing cover for them.
I don't disagree. And I certainly don't take the libertarian view of the issue. That was the view the Republican Party took in the 90s regarding concerns over media consolidation, particularly after the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Noam Chomsky wrote Manufacturing Consent over 30 years ago. Michael Parenti's Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media was published a few years before that. Boorstin's The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America was published in the early 1960s. Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion in the early 1920s.
The problems of the mass media have long been known but are not easily solved. The tools we've used in the past have included antitrust litigation, equal-time rules, Fairness Doctrine, etc. The tension between broadcasting being a for-profit enterprises responsive to economic concerns and its public character and obligations. The regulatory apparatus put in place starting in the 1930s to address this tension was dismantled following the neoliberal deregulation agenda starting in the late 1970s.
There are no easy fixes to the problem.
Michael said...
So the former President of the USA gets canceled. And it is not on the front page.
"If we're ever allowed to riot again, I want the horned fur hat."
-- Given the almost nightly Portland riots, what makes you think we've ever NOT been allowed to riot?
J. @7:39
Spoken like a true quisling.
At least you recognize who the true commissars are.
I know this may sound like a radical idea, Rusty, but have you ever considered just having a polite, adult conversation with someone you disagreed with that didn't involve insulting them? Maybe you and I just have a disagreement or maybe you've misunderstood me or perhaps I wasn't clear in what I was writing. Or must it always be that I am [insert negative adjective here]?
For example, you could quote something I wrote and explain how it demonstrates the traits of a "quisling." Or even just identity something I wrote that you think is incorrect, and why it's incorrect.
In any event, if we all agree it's a problem, what is the solution?
Another good business strategy is to not deplatform half of your customers. Nyet, comrad?
Facebook users are not Facebook's "customers." They are the product.
They are going for the non person. Trump is the boogeyman from their nightmares. But then I tend to assume that many of the Facebook "regulators and censors" were bed wetters into their late 30s at the very least. And those who weren't bed wetters were and are wankers. .
It's like the White Christmas episode of Black Mirror.
So Ann (and others)
Do you still have a facebook account?
Doesn't that make you an enabler?
Seems like anyone who has not canceled their facebook account has no moral right to complain.
This is America so you all will still complain about how awful it is.
But nobody should pay any attention to you.
Ditto those of you still using Google for search (Try DDG or Bing and Brave is now coming out with a search engine) Chrome (Brave and Dragon are both identical to Chrome without tracking you to Google)
Just DO NOT USE these companies
And so on:
There should be some additions to this list but it is not a bad start
Use means support. Yeah, I know it is impossible to be 100% free of these companies. But you can come close.
John Henry
You laugh, but Facebook’s moderation policy(ies) is far less subjective than that of the Althouse blog.
Ridiculous to compare the two.
What you're really doing here is putting yourself, a pathetic troll, on a par with Donald Trump, a man who became President of the United States and shook the Washington/media/big business griftocracy to it's core. You need a doctor, bud.
I am Trumptacus...
Blogger Darkisland said...
Do you still have a facebook account?
Doesn't that make you an enabler?
Let me reword that:
If you do, that makes you an enabler.
If you do, you should shut up and love big brother.
Especially, most especially, if you have Alexa, Siri Echo or similar in your house.
John Henry
Todd said...
Is it safe to say "love Trumps hate"?
How about "love Trump's hate"
As in (I) love Trump's hate
Or (we should all) love Trump's hate
Is that permitted?
John Henry
If you use Facebook you're part of the problem!
Also, twitter, instagram, google, youtube, Delta Airlines, Citibank, paypal, Amazon, Home Depot, NFL/NBA/MLB, General Motors, and all the other corporate fascists!
Just start all of your own companies to meets your needs!
Trump is coming out with his own TrumpBook.... and I have closed my FB account (did it a month ago) and will get one on Trump's.
I don't care if Trump charges 5 bucks a month... to hell with Facebook and it's banning of what it perceives as 'truth'.
the media internalized chomsky's message, America is no good, it should be nuked from orbit, to make way for the new man, the great linguist made what would then be considered godwin allusions to Reagan, curiously none of the Soviet dinosaurs qualified,
"Hi Folks"
What a horrible way to start an email.
There is not a single reliable source for news, local and national. I get mine by perusing a variety of sources, some self-described news outlets, others blogs like this one and other internet sources. Then I have to sift through it all to determine the truth because, as I say, there is no 100% reliable source. The harder bit is finding the news and truth that goes unpublished. Some are trying to make that so difficult as to be impossible.
FWIW, I quit and deleted FB and Twitter in the fall of 2017. Still use Instagram but that seems less political to me, I suppose because I post photos and only look at the photos that the people I follow post.
Meade at 8:17 AM
Stop lying, Chuck.
What was Chuck's lie?
So is this a form of silent treatment? Shunning? Making Trump an unperson?
Bob Boyd at 8:37 AM
What you're really doing here is putting yourself, a pathetic troll, on a par with Donald Trump, a man who became President of the United States and shook the Washington/media/big business griftocracy to it's core.
Chuck is a good commenter.
Someone above criticized the local news. It’s pretty worthless here in PHX. I don’t want to hear about more shootings, more violence. You rarely actually have to deal with the violence, because it is a huge, sprawling, metro area, but the size and the population is why there is so much. But, by necessity, it swamps everything else. But rural MT is quite different. In the W MT news we watch, murders are rare. Ditto other major felonies. So, you hear about the stupid crimes, the crimes by teenagers. But you also hear about a lot of good stuff going on. And then there is the AG News. At first it seems quaint, to tack something like that to the end of the 12:00 news every day. But the information in it is critical to the livelihoods of so many Montanans. The funny thing is that my partner doesn’t feel like I it is news, unless it includes the Ag News - and we don’t farm.
Soviet facebook.
good people all over need to dump it. Courage.
This gives one more reason to refer to Facebook as "feces"book.
Is it not time to ask the authorities what Facebook and all the others are doing to stop us hearing from Trump or are the authorities cohorts with these organizations in this disgraceful issue.
Well, we can start our own companies. PEDJT is apparently going to start one. Mike Lindell is starting a Twitter alternative.
But there are already plenty of alternatives. DDG and Bing both work just as well as Google for search.
Brave, Dragon, Dissenter (I think) are identical to Chrome, built on the same open source software except that they don't communicate your every move to Google.
Parler, Twitter and Mastodon are alternatives to Twitter.
Mastodon even better because it is a federation of individual Mastodon "Instances" that anyone can run.
Substack, Medium, Wordpress and other alternatives to blogger
There are a number of alternatives to YouTube
Loews, Menards, the local independent Ace HW store etc as alternative to HoDe
Lots of other banks and airlines.
Not saying that you can avoid them 100%. That is probably impossible. But you can avoid them a lot and I do.
Make these assholes your third or fourth choice, not your first.
John Henry
Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
The Dem/CCP alliance has been fighting a war against the American people for over a year.
It has been more open and brazen over the past year but the war has been going on since the 1930's
PDJT was just the first one who seriously pushed back against it.
John Henry
Chuck is a good commenter.
You're a good commenter.
I've said enough about Chuck.
Chuck’s best comments: “Comment has been deleted by the blog administrator.”
Scared yet?
Is it Facebook's agenda to stop Trump family and associates from passing along his video or is it to create an enclave in which Trump does not exist — to render Trump a nonperson?
(shakes head) That was obvious months ago.
Hell no. Trump for President 2021.
Are Inga and I the only ones who sees this happening?
We agree on the event, we disagree on whether it is a good thing. I think it is.
Spread the word.
John Henry
It's wrong to delete Chuck's comment and then accuse him of lying in the deleted comment.
Chuck is not allowed to respond to the accusation.
Most of us understand that Chuck did not "lie" in the deleted comment.
You may delete his comment, but then you should refrain from accusing him.
Bob Boyd said...
"You laugh, but Facebook’s moderation policy(ies) is far less subjective than that of the Althouse blog."
Ridiculous to compare the two.
What you're really doing here is putting yourself, a pathetic troll, on a par with Donald Trump, a man who became President of the United States and shook the Washington/media/big business griftocracy to it's core. You need a doctor, bud.
Bob Boyd, I am explicitly comparing the subjectivity of Facebook moderation, and Althouse blog moderation. Not comparing myself to Trump (eeeeuuw, anyway).
Facebook's ban of Trump came with a couple of written statements, plus a referral to an oversight board. Facebook has extensive written guidelines for posting and the removal of accounts, and those will be reviewed and applied by the oversight board.
In comparison, Althouse has had about a half-dozen iterations of increasingly vague and subjective two-sentence statements of posting rules. Indeed, Althouse soon abandoned calling them "rules" at all, and instead called them "guidelines."
One of the largest reasons for my own friction with Althouse is that I repeatedly questioned the lack of any meaningful application of her own guidelines. I publicly asked Althouse for MORE active moderation, not less. I can think of few commenters in the history of the Althouse blog who have endured more personal attacks and defamatory comments than I have.
And now, as you see at the bottom of this page, Althouse no longer has any commenting rules/guidelines/suggestions at all. "This blog does not allow anonymous comments." That is all.
They are doing great at proving the notion they are abusive overreaching ninnies.
Begging the question "What are they so afraid of?"
@ Mike Sylwester
Isn't the comment still there at 7:58?
Banned, friendless, gin-soaked pederast associate and all-around asshole C__! compares a blog to a platform.
Great legal mind at work.
Facebook delenda est. Or at the very least substantially broken up.
Or maybe social media should be regulated as common carriers, subject only to limitations on actual obscenity. Slander and defamation are civil matters, but the posters would be liable rather than the networks. Then Facebook and Twitter could no more ban specific users or content than could a telephone company.
Facebook’s moderation policy(ies) is far less subjective than that of the Althouse blog.
Straw man. The knock on Facebook is not that their policies are "subjective." It's that it is an arm of the DNC. It uses its market power to carry out the objectives of the Democrats, chiefly now to censor the 45th President of the United States, and any claims of election fraud. Prior to the election they shut down discussion of matters damaging to Biden's campaign, such as Hunter's laptop. There's nothing "subjective" about that. They are simply doing the bidding of Schumer and Pelosi.
the media internalized chomsky's message, America is no good, it should be nuked from orbit, to make way for the new man, the great linguist made what would then be considered godwin allusions to Reagan, curiously none of the Soviet dinosaurs qualified,
That has never been Chomsky's message. The "Soviet dinosaurs" bit is the deflection that's always indulged in when American actions are criticized. It's Jeane Kirkpatrick's "blame America first" critique. It isn't a defense of an American atrocity to say that other states also commit atrocities. Chomsky's point was that American citizens should primarily be concerned with critiquing American society, just as Russian citizens should primarily be concerned with critiquing Russian society. Unsurprisingly, Soviet critics were often attacked for being insufficiently critical of Western capitalist society. They similarly recognized this tactic for the deflection that it was.
Paul said...
Trump is coming out with his own TrumpBook.... and I have closed my FB account (did it a month ago) and will get one on Trump's.
And it too, along with it's users, will be deplatformed. Just like Parler.
This "run away and start your own non-oppressive thingy" LOLbertarian thought process drives me crazy.
Run, but they will catch you.
You may not be interested in the culture war, but it's very much interested in you
Oppression is perfectly fine as long as it's not the government doing it!
This shit will stop only if Republicans win back Congress and threaten Big Tech's monopoly.
I bet if they implemented an "equal time" rule today, Republicans would not be allowed to participate.
walter said...
Banned, friendless, gin-soaked pederast associate and all-around asshole C__! compares a blog to a platform.
Great legal mind at work.
What would be the operational and/or legal difference, between moderating blog comments and operating a platform like Facebook?
Both are essentially private spaces, where the owner/operators would have some considerable leeway to operate things as an entertainment, and program the visible comments exactly as they choose to do so.
Both blog owners and platform operators want to generate audiences and viewership/membership. But on their own terms.
And both blog owners and platform operators want to avoid liability for comments made by third-party readers/members; but they both feel the need to moderate and eliminate comments that could impose liability on the blog or the platform.
So here, you called me a gin-soaked pederast. If you did that seriously, under circumstances where I was actually harmed, and where I could find you and serve you with legal process, I might sue you for per se defamation. And conceivably, make Althouse a co-defendant. Yours is a comment that Althouse typically allows here.
Banned Commenter, Who Was Banned for Posting Racist Comments and Threats Against Women and Children and Also Explicitly Declared His Purpose At Althouse Blog To Be Driving A Wedge Between Althouse And Her Readers While Also Passionately Defending Pedophiles At Leftist Funded Blogs Such As The Lincoln Google/Facebook Project, LLR-lefty Chuck: "You laugh, but Facebook’s moderation policy(ies) is far less subjective than that of the Althouse blog."
walter (re: Whitmer Fanboy and marxist Warnock supporter LLR-lefty Chuck): "Banned, friendless, gin-soaked pederast associate and all-around asshole C__! compares a blog to a platform. Great legal mind at work."
LLR-lefty Chuck, a well known and altogether pathetic liar, has long claimed to be a hotshot legal beagle who commands $2,000 per hour and a minimum $40,000 retainer just to speak with him.
If you suspect, as everyone else suspects, that LLR-lefty Chuck, who has yet to meet a democratical he was unwilling to heap adoring praise upon or a conservative he was willing to defend, is lying about his legal acumen, then I suspect your suspicions are well founded.
Racist Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "So here, you called me a gin-soaked pederast. If you did that seriously, under circumstances where I was actually harmed, and where I could find you and serve you with legal process, I might sue you for per se defamation."
LLR-lefty Chuck, like all leftists, routinely threatens women and children and anyone who has experienced his blog shenanigans and calls him out on it.
LLR-lefty Chuck gets very, very, very, very upset about that.
Many have long advocated for a "Chuck Watch" when he reaches these frequently observed fever pitch moments in order to warn off and protect any neighborhood women or children, or pets as well most likely, who might be so unfortunate as to be wandering by Chuck at just those critical times.
...LLR-lefty Chuck, a well known and altogether pathetic liar, has long claimed to be a hotshot legal beagle who commands $2,000 per hour and a minimum $40,000 retainer just to speak with him...
No, I never did that. Not once, not ever. And your obsessive attacks on me are a perfect illustration of the kind of off-topic, distracting, nauseating comments that Althouse rightly asks her commenters not to post.
Simple legal note for our supposed legal beagle pro-marxist LLR-lefty Chuck: the Truth is an absolute defense for any ill-founded defamation lawsuits you might want launch from your "lofty" (wink wink) legal perch against those calling you out for gin-soaked support of pederasty.
It’s not like I generally fly Delta, but in the future I will go out of my way not to.
Several years ago, my wife's mother was dying and she was in Oregon. We decided to fly up for a final visit. I saw that Delta, which I usually avoid, had a special rate and promised "Cancel anytime and for any reason." I bought two tickets, then before we could go, she died. I called Delta to cancel the trip and got an argument. Finally, they insisted on a copy of the death certificate. So much for ad promises. Never sent the death certificate and never flew with them again. My experience on the few times I used them was dirty airplanes.
LLR-lefty and Noted Liar LLR-lefty Chuck: "And your obsessive attacks on me are a perfect illustration of the kind of off-topic, distracting, nauseating comments that Althouse rightly asks her commenters not to post."
As with all pro-marxist pro-democratical types, LLR-lefty Chuck routinely engages in projection.
Remember, this liar happily proclaimed his 2 primary purposes at Althouse blog to be:
1) Lie about and smear Trump
2) Drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers
No doubt LLR-lefty Chuck was completely besotted when he foolishly made explicit what his true lefty purpose at Althouse blog was all about, but it doesn't make it any less revealing.
LLR-lefty Chuck was left reeling after realizing he had given the game away so openly and stupidly.
He has been scrambling, and no doubt drinking heavily, ever since.
Noted Liar LLR-lefty Chuck: "No, I never did that. Not once, not ever."
Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: LLR-lefty Chuck routinely attempts to "reset" his exposed persona at Althouse blog by denying many, many things he said repeatedly in the desperate hope that a new reader at Althouse blog will not be aware of those previous statements.
Blogger Mr Wibble said...
Blogs aren't the influential force they were a decade ago. They're mostly filled with Boomers and older millennials.
Your right. GenX is the generational middle child nobody pays attention to.
Drago said...
Noted Liar LLR-lefty Chuck: "No, I never did that. Not once, not ever."
Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: LLR-lefty Chuck routinely attempts to "reset" his exposed persona at Althouse blog by denying many, many things he said repeatedly in the desperate hope that a new reader at Althouse blog will not be aware of those previous statements
Then just quote me and link to the quote.
Bob Boyd at 10:12 AM
Isn't the comment still there at 7:58?
Yes, I see now that I assumed mistakenly that Chuck's comment was deleted.
I am glad that it is not deleted. My comment at 10:07 (about deleting and accusing) was factually wrong.
Apparently, Chuck's alleged "lie" seems to be this:
Facebook’s moderation policy(ies) is far less subjective than that of the Althouse blog.
I myself do not consider that comment to be a "lie". Rather, I consider it to be a reasonable opinion.
You think Delta is bad. You people must not remember Eastern Airlines.
Remember to drink Pepsi, shop at Lowes, and ship via USPS or FedEx.
The blogger who shall not be named triggers Drago into full Karen mode. Such is the destiny of a perennial backseat driver.
Drago, calm down!
There is not a single reliable source for news, local and national. I get mine by perusing a variety of sources, some self-described news outlets, others blogs like this one and other internet sources.
The real problem is that once you do that and decide what you believe, you might want to tell someone else about it. If tell someone, the average brainwashed "woke" person will look at you like you are insane, and in the worst (best?) case they will shun you and report your sin to everyone they know. You will lose all your "friends" and maybe even be fired or de-platformed.
They will do that because they've never gone beyond the boundaries of the "acceptable" sources, don't even know how to find other opinions, are scared by other opinions, and are surrounded by their fellow bobble-heads all nodding in unison at the chorus of gaslighting.
One of my favorite example of LLR-lefty Chuck's blog antics, which was part of why he was repeatedly banned, was his repeated, passionate, over the top, defense of Stolen Valor Senator Blumenthal who famously spent years and years lying over and over again about his supposed combat service in Vietnam! After Blumenthal was exposed for being a LLR-lefty Chuck approved democratical liar, LLR-lefty Chuck spent weeks at Althouse blog pretending Blumenthal did no such thing and that even if he (Blumenthal) was engaging in Stolen Valor lies (spoiler: he was) that it wasn't any big deal at all!!
It was at that time that I realized how this tied directly into LLR-lefty Chuck's treatise length "explanation"-explainer of how he, LLR-lefty Chuck, once spent an agonizing 19 seconds or so pondering whether or not to join the military and, of course, given who he is, decided that the military wasn't something he wanted to do.
Most people would simply answer a question about military service by saying, "no, I never served."
But not our LLR-lefty Chuck! He gave us thousands of words to describe his "deep", "deep" thought process which led to his inevitable decision! LOL Unbelievably funny!
And this also provides insight as to why LLR-lefty despises with a white-hot passion any conservative who served in the military and, in particular, any conservative who served with distinction in combat. LLR-lefty Chuck has shown a very strange predilection for viciously attacking such people.
And if that conservative military veteran also happens to be black? Whoa. That always sends LLR-lefty Chuck completely over the edge.
Mike Sylwester: "Drago, calm down!"
Just making a point in between meetings amigo.
The Dem/CCP alliance has been fighting a war against the American people for over a year.
It has been more open and brazen over the past year but the war has been going on since the 1930's
PDJT was just the first one who seriously pushed back against it.
John Henry
Oh, please. Pay no attention to those huge historical and systemic factors in front of your face. US-Sino relations are really the result of an amorphous "Dem/CCP alliance." (What is its structure? How is decision-making carried out? How are these decisions translated into action locally in the US and China? I digress).
How does a "Dem/CCP alliance" explain Nixon's opening to China? Reagan's signing of the third Joint Communiqué, reaffirmation of the One China policy, visit to Beijing, and authorization of U.S. military sales to China, H.W. Bush taking a less critical stance to Tiananmen than the US Congress, and Bush II's support for permanent normalized trade relations with China. H.W. Bush was considered an "old friend" of China's, and George W. Bush having presided over the warmest period of diplomatic relations since '72?
Trump's strategy was completely boneheaded. The China-US trade imbalance is not a sign of us having been cheated or done wrong by the Chinese or sold out by weak or ineffectual negotiators. It was pursued by policy planners and US business interests looking to utilize Chinese labor and facilities to lower costs and increase profits. If a US factory closes down and moves its operation to China, that isn't China victimizing us.
After being a key social media tool Steve Bannon gamed to pass Brexit and elect Trump, Facebook has pulled the rug.
Read your Bible... The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
Howard: "After being a key social media tool Steve Bannon gamed to pass Brexit and elect Trump, Facebook has pulled the rug."
Oh, so Steve Bannon "gamed" Facebook to pass Brexit.
So that's how it happened.
Behold, the "deep" thoughts of Howard regarding internal UK political outcomes.
Exit question: Does Howard even know what "Brussels" is?
Because acknowledging the truth is doubleunplusgood
Trump's strategy was completely boneheaded. The China-US trade imbalance is not a sign of us having been cheated or done wrong by the Chinese or sold out by weak or ineffectual negotiators. It was pursued by policy planners and US business interests looking to utilize Chinese labor and facilities to lower costs and increase profits. If a US factory closes down and moves its operation to China, that isn't China victimizing us.
You may have missed the 100 times Trump says he doesn't blame China for taking advantage/screwing over America. Our fault, not theirs.
“Many have long advocated for a "Chuck Watch" when he reaches these frequently observed fever pitch moments...”
I suggest an alternative...a Drago watch. A sure fire way to derail a thread is to engage him. It’s hard not to rebut his lies, but I do believe that by now most commenters here know his schtick is to engage in either outright lies or over the top exaggeration.
In Re the Georgia voting law. I now understand it applies to white people as well.
And any hating on Delta do not fly American or United. LOL.
“Isn't the comment still there at 7:58?”
Yes, I see now that I assumed mistakenly that Chuck's comment was deleted. I am glad that it is not deleted.
But why did you “assume” that Chuck's comment was deleted — and then make a serious charge “without evidence,” as they say?
Why not do a search on “Chuck” — which turned up his comment in about 2 seconds — before making an unsupported charge?
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "I suggest an alternative...a Drago watch. A sure fire way to derail a thread is to engage him."
Like all leftists, including LLR-lefty Chuck, Inga also does not "appreciate" that everyone remembers and can recount her non-stop conspiracy lies for over 5 years as it interferes with her attempts, like LLR-lefty Chuck, to "reset" her Blog persona as someone who is completely reasonable.
Inga likes to believe she can exist under a history "resets every 15 minutes" policy, but that only works if other soviet-types play along.
This is why Inga is jumping in here. In defending her fellow leftist LLR-lefty Chuck, she is in essence defending herself as well.
It's all rather transparent and predictable.
I think Inga should spend more time telling us why Biden's Earpiece is creating so many new "spark of divinity" cage for migrant children in Texas and why that is such a wonderful thing since she felt it appropriate to lecture all of us on how the obama/Harris/Biden's Earpiece administration would be handling this scenario "competently".
You may have missed the 100 times Trump says he doesn't blame China for taking advantage/screwing over America. Our fault, not theirs.
I don't know about 100 times, but sure he said that, too. He also said, "I love China." And he said...
"We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing. It’s the greatest theft in the history of the world."
"The single biggest weapon used against us and to destroy our companies is devaluation of currencies, and the greatest ever at that is China. Very smart, they are like grand chess masters. And we are like checkers players. But bad ones."
"There are people who wish I wouldn’t refer to China as our enemy. But that’s exactly what they are. They have destroyed entire industries by utilizing low-wage workers, cost us tens of thousands of jobs, spied on our businesses, stolen our technology, and have manipulated and devalued their currency, which makes importing our goods more expensive— and sometimes, impossible."
"We have been ripped off by China. We've been ripped off by the European Union...We've been ripped off by everybody."
I don't blame Howard for just posting links now since he is clearly in over his head and has nothing substantive of his own to add to his hilarious claim that Bannon "gamed" Facebook to get Brexit passed.
Next up for Howard: 7 guys running a server farm in Macedonia, paid by russian oligarchs, pulled off the vote of the century in Britain!
Sorry, but where were Lara and Eric when others were being de-platformed or silenced? This has been going on for quite a while, as we all know, but only now it becomes IMPORTANT because it's them? We didn't hear a peep out of them because they likely (secretly) agreed with the decisions for those "awful" people.
Okay Karen
KellyM: "Sorry, but where were Lara and Eric when others were being de-platformed or silenced?
This took about 5 seconds.
Look before you leap.....
Howard: "Okay Karen"
You can even google to find out where Brussels happens to be! Its like "magic" Howard.
Then, if you are feeling extremely "brave" today, you could actually google and read up on all the treaties signed by EU member nations and what was promised and what actually happened all the way up to the last 5 to 10 years when the EU-ophiles became much more explicit about their "United States of Europe"!
Then you would actually know something!
And wouldn't that be something?
After being a key social media tool Steve Bannon gamed to pass Brexit and elect Trump, Facebook has pulled the rug.
Read your Bible... The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
Attributing the Brexit referendum to Cambridge Analytica is a bit like attributing Trump's election to Russian Twitter bots and Facebook ads. Bannon has a knack for showing up to things at the 11th hour and then taking credit for whatever happens next. I think he reveled in his media reputation as a Svengali and political mover-and-shaker. He's been trying to monetize that ever since without much success. He's basically Glenn Beck with an Ivy League education.
Just making a point in between meetings amigo.
Drago, you are a good commenter, but you would be an even better commenter if you reduce your personal attacks on other commenters.
I agree with most of the substance that you write.
I guess the only remaining "question" for Howard in his "in depth" analysis of why Brexit passed in Britain, besides Steve Bannon/Facebook, is how many hawaiian shirt boogaloo-ers stood outside of British polling locations to "move" the right number of votes in the "Leave" column?
Inga can explain it further to you Howard.
Mike: "Drago, you are a good commenter, but you would be an even better commenter if you reduce your personal attacks on other commenters."
I comment very infrequently these days as the schedule and work load simply won't allow it, so I'm sure you can handle it.
“Hell no. Trump for President 2021.
Are Inga and I the only ones who sees this happening?
We agree on the event, we disagree on whether it is a good thing. I think it is.”
I don’t see Trump becoming President in 2021, that is your fantasy or the fantasy of other conspiracy theorists and I have never agreed with you on this ridiculous notion.
Blogger J. Farmer said...
"J. @7:39
Spoken like a true quisling.
At least you recognize who the true commissars are.
I know this may sound like a radical idea, Rusty, but have you ever considered just having a polite, adult conversation with someone you disagreed with that didn't involve insulting them? Maybe you and I just have a disagreement or maybe you've misunderstood me or perhaps I wasn't clear in what I was writing. Or must it always be that I am [insert negative adjective here]?
For example, you could quote something I wrote and explain how it demonstrates the traits of a "quisling." Or even just identity something I wrote that you think is incorrect, and why it's incorrect.
In any event, if we all agree it's a problem, what is the solution?
Another good business strategy is to not deplatform half of your customers. Nyet, comrad?
Facebook users are not Facebook's "customers." They are the product."
Have you ever tried not being a smug pedantic ass?
Quit making excuses for people and policies that are obviously anti individual.
Farmer (to Howard): "Attributing the Brexit referendum to Cambridge Analytica is a bit like attributing Trump's election to Russian Twitter bots and Facebook ads."
We are talking about Howard and Inga here Farmer. You'll just have to accept that is their "limit" when it comes to analytical "rigor"
Michael McNeil at 11:42 AM
Why not do a search on “Chuck” — which turned up his comment in about 2 seconds — before making an unsupported charge?
Yes, I should have done that.
I too am sometimes rushed. As Drago wrote: Just making a point between meetings, Amigo.
I have seen many times that Chuck's comments are deleted. I just assumed that it happened again here in this thread.
Blogger Drago said...
KellyM: "Sorry, but where were Lara and Eric when others were being de-platformed or silenced?
"This took about 5 seconds.
Look before you leap....."
Mea Culpa...
KellyM: "Mea Culpa..."
We've all been there.
No worries as I know where you are coming from.
The saddest part of Howard's latest moronic commentary?
He literally believes, like the hundreds of Inga's conspiracy theories voiced over the last 5 years, that Steve Bannon working with Facebook literally, not figuratively, literally, swung the election.
We are talking about an election where the Conservatives destroyed Labour's Red Wall and flipped dozens and dozens of districts that Labour had held for 60/70/80/90 years!
And many if not most of those districts flipped had originally voted to Remain (in the EU).
Howard cannot explain that.....because of course he can't.
So instead we get: Steve Bannon!!!eleventy1!1!!1!111!
It's almost as bad as reading Inga opining on geo-military strategy via mind-reading of political leaders.
Where does Katelyn live?
Interesting comment, thanks J. Farmer!
> Bannon has a knack for showing up to things at the 11th hour and then taking credit for whatever happens next.
Mike Sylwester said...
I have seen many times that Chuck's comments are deleted. I just assumed that it happened again here in this thread.
Very similar to that fellow C__!
In layman's terms, that's called a hint.
J. Farmer said...
No lies detected.
In your effort to bolster your narrow interpretation you reminded everyone that Trump stood up for America, even if he doesn't stand up to cynical wordsmiths.
It will be interesting to see if anti-Fauch Bannon and Deace ever mention each other.
It would be more analogous if Google deleted Althouse's Trump parsings or C__!'s Trump posts here.
The left are exactly what they called Trump, and they are too dumb to realize it.
Maybe some, but the majority are too evil and arrogant to admit it.
Wonder if these people in favor of silencing the opposition will ever realize that they are the bad guys?
Amerika the beautiful, courtesy of the oligarchs.
Blogger J. Farmer said...
After being a key social media tool Steve Bannon gamed to pass Brexit and elect Trump, Facebook has pulled the rug.
Read your Bible... The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
Attributing the Brexit referendum to Cambridge Analytica is a bit like attributing Trump's election to Russian Twitter bots and Facebook ads. Bannon has a knack for showing up to things at the 11th hour and then taking credit for whatever happens next. I think he reveled in his media reputation as a Svengali and political mover-and-shaker. He's been trying to monetize that ever since without much success. He's basically Glenn Beck with an Ivy League education.
Great take on Bannon
Have you ever tried not being a smug pedantic ass?
Quit making excuses for people and policies that are obviously anti individual.
Let me share a story with you, Rusty. I've been online since 1989 when I got my father's hand-me-down Tandy 1000 from RadioShack. BBS to Usenet to online service providers (Prodigy,CompuServe,AOL) to the world wide web. Chat rooms. Pen palling. Forums. Instant Messenger. IRC. Irritation at my sisters for picking up the phone in the middle of a download. Elation at the news of having a second phone line installed (I had thought only offices could do that). I remember being really disappointed when I finally got an FTP to The Anarchist Cookbook. Offline, I've spent the last 20 years working around juvenile delinquents, correctional populations, forensic commitments, child abuse and neglect, the developmentally impaired, sexually violent predators, and people in crisis situations (e.g. suicide attempts, psychotic breaks, relapse, withdraw, detox).
So you see, I really really really don't give a flying fuck about whatever petty insults you can type on a screen. Extend your list fifty fold if it makes you feel better. Whatever importance your feelings about me have to you, they mean nothing to me. I see no reason to constantly insert the personal and the emotional into every dialogue. Feel free to think I'm subhuman filth for all I care.
In the meantime, let me suggest a little introspection. Think of a toddler expressing frustration over an inability to vocalize a thought by having a tantrum. Allow me to suggest an exercise: practice only differentiating thoughts from feelings. It may seem obvious, but consider how often people finish the sentence "I feel..." with a thought. Once you get the hang of this, expand it from the intrapersonal to the interpersonal by practicing differentiating your thoughts and feelings from others' thoughts and feelings. The first gives self-knowledge, the second self-control. That is all the self-empowerment available to you. But luckily all you'll need.
wendybar said...
“The left ARE the fascists they have been waiting for. Where's Antifa when you REALLY need them???“
Antifa = Communists; communists and fascists are all leftists—the fight between fascists and antifa is just over which one of them gets positive press.
Althouse asked:
"What is "the voice of Donald Trump"?"
In a follow-up email to Lara Trump, Facebook made it clear that "the voice of Donald Trump" is literally "the voice of Donald Trump."
No lies detected.
I didn't say he lied, I said he didn't understand. US manufacturing did not go to China because we got "ripped off" by them or because they "cheated" us. US manufacturing also went to Mexico and Vietnam and Bangladesh and Thailand. And for the same reason, lower costs, lax labor and environmental standards, large impoverished populations willing to endure employer abuse and exploitation, etc. NAFTA was supported by Reagan, negotiated by Bush, and signed by Clinton. When George W. Bush became president, we had three "free" trade agreements. When he left we had 16. Pat Buchanan primaried H.W. Bush over globalization, advocating "America First" in 1992. A third-party candidate named Ross Perot ran on the issue, too. There were plenty of warnings about the "new world order" that went unheeded.
Blaming the economic dislocations and disruptions of globalization and the last 40 years on Chinese malfeasance is ridiculous scapegoating. Never mind that huge neoliberal agenda pursued in the interest of trade liberalization or the use of "structural readjustment" via the World Bank and IMF to liberalize foreign markets. It was nefarious scheming by the Chinese.
In your effort to bolster your narrow interpretation you reminded everyone that Trump stood up for America, even if he doesn't stand up to cynical wordsmiths.
Standing up for America should include identifying the correct enemy: American elites, not machinations from the Orient. If all the US manufacturing in China moved to India tomorrow, how would that solve the problem of deindustrialization? The signature achievement of the Phase One deal was China's commitment to purchase a ridiculously arbitrary, mercantilist figure ($200 billion) of American-made goods and services. That's the exact opposite direction we wanted to move in. The biggest thing Trump did to the elite in America was cut their taxes.
I view things as if we are living in 1935-36 era Germany. Hitler was in charge, but Germany hadn't been fully Nazified yet.
Actually: Hitler had a decrepit, tottering senile old "respected figure" that he took over from, in the form of General Hindenburg I believe it was.
Strange, we have Kamala Harris taking over from a decrepit, tottering senile old allegedly "respective figure." Odd "coincidence" that.
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