March 5, 2021

This is something people do around here.


There's a name for it, I think, but I've forgotten what it is — if I ever knew.


Lurker21 said...

Hobbits or Keeblers?

Kay said...

Is that a “hairless” Chia Pet in the foreground to the left a bit?

Duke Dan said...

I think littering is the word you are looking for.

Howard said...

They call them Fairy Houses in California and Center Mass. Little girls love them.

Quaestor said...

People are treating that missing chunk of bark as if it were a piscina.

Piscina, that's a word likely to be forgotten if ever known in the first place.

Quaestor said...

Propitiating dryads or Faunus or even Cernunnos?

LordSomber said...

Elfin magic.

gadfly said...

It is called tree rot. Do not allow children to play under rotting trees.

gadfly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

We had a 'fairy garden' in the children's section of the community garden like that. Kiddo loved it in the early elementary years,, could spend lots of time rearranging.

Big Mike said...

Well around here people set up impromptu memorials to family and friends who’ve died in auto accidents. You see a section of guard rail that looks newer and more shiny than the neighboring sections, with simple wooden crosses and flowers, sometimes stuffed animals. Very sad.

LA_Bob said...

"This is something people do around here."


pacwest said...

Fairy Garden. Grandkids love it and have fun building it. The arts and crafts part of it provides hours of fun and teaching.

mockturtle said...

Reminds me of some of my neighbors' 'yard art'.

James Graham said...


Charlie said...

Cargo cult.

Linda said...

what might have started out as a fairy garden has now become a junk yard!

stevew said...


Quaestor said...

This is something people do around here.

Around there must be an annoying place to live.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Where I come from we call that dumping your trash in the woods.

Howard said...

Being jealous of children's joy is the primary tell of INCELs and Cucks. Go murder some varmints and you'll feel much better about yourself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't shop at Penzy's

Quaestor said...

Well around here people set up impromptu memorials to family and friends who’ve died in auto accidents.

Around here as well.

Imagine hospital rooms or emergency ICUs, places where people routinely die, being memorialized in a similar fashion.

Mark Nielsen said...

Duke Dan wins the internet today.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you need spices - try Savory Spice Shop - based in Colorado.
They are probably super liberal - but they don't HATE you if you are not.

Tomcc said...

No, not littering. Restrained and whimsical. I'm sure my daughter would have enjoyed it as a child. Or even now!

Drago said...

Howard: "Being jealous of children's joy is the primary tell of INCELs and Cucks."

Team "Cancel Dr Seuss" and "Talk To Your 3 Month Old About White Privilege" checks in.

History began anew 37 seconds ago.


Arturo Ui said...

Another Antifa who stormed the Capitol

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Former President Barack Obama didn’t believe Pete Buttigieg could win the presidency because he was too short and gay, according to a new book about the 2020 election.

The book, “Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency,” by the Hill’s Amie Parnes and NBC’s Jonathan Allen, describes Obama’s comments during an October 2019 meeting with elite black donors in New York City.

“He’s thirty- eight,” Obama said, pausing for dramatic effect, “but he looks thirty.” The audience laughed. Obama was on a roll, using the tone of light ridicule he some-times pointed at himself— “ big ears” and “a funny name,” he’d said so many times before. Now, it was directed at Buttigieg. “He’s the mayor of a small town,” the former president continued. “He’s gay,” Obama said, “and he’s short.” More laughter.

The report continues on to say, “Only months earlier, Buttigieg had sat in Obama’s postpresidential office in Washington seeking counsel on how to maintain equanimity in the face of homophobia on the campaign trail.

Now, behind his back, Obama was riffing on him to some of the wealthiest Black men in America at a time when Buttigieg had been dubbed ‘Mayo Pete’ by critics who believed he couldn’t connect with African American voters.”

- Cassandra Fairbanks

MadTownGuy said...

Cave of the Mounds near Mt. Horeb used to have a Smurf garden in one of the niches along the pathway in the cavern. Somewhere I have a picture of it but on our last visit there in 2014 it was gone.

FullMoon said...

Found in antarctic after glacier melted?

Look like target practice for 12 year old with bb gun.

Browndog said...

James Graham said...


My first thought.

Narayanan said...

Quaestor said...
Well around here people set up impromptu memorials to family and friends who’ve died in auto accidents.

Around here as well.

Imagine hospital rooms or emergency ICUs, places where people routinely die, being memorialized in a similar fashion.
may not be a bad idea to do it inside and around nursing homes in NY -

Owen said...

Big Mike @ 1:01 and Quaestor @ 1:41: "...impromptu memorials." My thought also. I used to live on the far end of the Alaska Highway which at the time was 918 miles of bad gravel waiting to get worse. At almost every bend or dip there would be a white cross; or two; or more. I think it was institutionalized, i.e. done by the government not so much to mark the dead as to warn the living.

Certainly it had a sobering effect beyond that which a road sign might elicit.

Browndog said...

Roadside crosses/memorials are all over Michigan highways. 3 on my normal commute. They tried to ban them. Stopped trying, but will take them down along the inter-state.

CStanley said...

Re: Penzeys

The Spice House is the conservative or at least politically neutral alternative. The Penzey guy is a raving lefty looney and I believe it’s one of his siblings who runs the Spice House. I’ve been buying their stuff for years and it’s awesome,

CStanley said...

A local park has a wooded trail designated for fairy houses. The originators posted a sign specifying natural materials and a few people did that, but most little kids put toys out and then people started complaining that it was trash that was going to wash out into the watershed.

Gotta admit the natural creation with bark, woven twigs, and moss are a lot more attractive.

Rosalyn C. said...

I have a neighbor from Russia who does the same thing. Painted rocks, plastic dolls, all sorts of stuff she has placed at the base of a very large redwood. Her home inside looks the same with all sorts of decorations.

You probably weren't thinking of this term, but I think the term is "Horror vacui."

Howard said...

Blogger Drago said...

Howard: "Being jealous of children's joy is the primary tell of INCELs and Cucks."

Team "Cancel Dr Seuss" and "Talk To Your 3 Month Old About White Privilege" checks in.

Exactly. If the INCEL and Cuck dims don't stop this madness, you people will take back the house.

Howard said...

Blogger BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

If you need spices - try Savory Spice Shop - based in Colorado.
They are probably super liberal - but they don't HATE you if you are not.

Thanks, April :^)

Ken B said...

AA: There's a name for it, I think, but I've forgotten what it is.

“Building white supremacy.”

n.n said...

“Building white supremacy.”

A People of White camp, who were summarily cancelled, from which a Rainbow progressed, and People of Black, and People of Brown, were excluded. Social symbolics. Did they know? Was it premeditated?

n.n said...

And the animals came one by one, single species, evolving, progressing, purifying the land, a puss in a hat, an owl that's who, a climate stasis of green eggs and ham.

Big Mike said...

If the INCEL and Cuck dims don't stop this madness, you people will take back the house.

@Howard, should I take it you don't like a prosperous economy and peace in the Mideast?

Freeman Hunt said...

I know a professor (STEM field) who maintains a rather elaborate one. Supposed to be fun for neighbor kids to see the little changes over time.

Whiskeybum said...


Regarding Penzeys: I agree with everything you've said. The owner is a spittle-flecked Republican hater - I was first exposed to his rants back when the Wisconsin teacher's union was trying to recall Scott Walker. Several years ago, Penzeys opened a big store in Cedarburg, WI., one of the most conservative locales in WI. I've avoided setting foot in the store since the owner opened his yap publicly.

Inga said...

My two little Grandsons set up their dinosaurs under the trees and bushes in their yard. No fairies for these guys. They know by sight all manner of prehistoric creatures and name them one by one for me on our Facetimes.

Inga said...

Penzey’s has all the business they can handle. They don’t care about conservatives trying to cancel them.

wildswan said...

Fairy gardens. There's a great fairy garden trail at Pickity Place in NH near Wilton. Also a great cafe, and flower and spice store.

Jaq said...

This reminds me of the very cute movie Eurovision, where supplication to the elves plays a large role.

Iman said...

Duke Dan spots it right off...

Iman said...

Blogger Howard said...
They call them Fairy Houses in California and Center Mass. Little girls love them.

Sounds like Howeeee is doing some hunting and trapping. Stay out of Caliunicornia, mass*hole!

Iman said...

Lord of the Schmenges?

Temujin said...

Keebler Cookie Homes.

But I like 'Lord of the Schmenges' from Iman.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Quaestor, I know what a piscina is, only from a mystery short story whose title and author I've long since forgotten.

Penzeys: Their politics sux, but their spices really are very good. What to do? (I visited their Portland store once; it's unbelievably boutique-y, such that you half expect to see extravagantly-priced leather handbags carefully and delicately displayed on plinths.) My usual recourse has been, but their spices are processed by companies who, well, deal in bulk. I will check out this Savory Spice Shop.

Jaq said...

If you like these elf houses and you like rom coms, you could do worse than to watch Eurovision on Netflix (If it’s still there) if you haven’t seen it.

CStanley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CStanley said...

@ Michelle Dulak Thompson-
Again I’d recommend Mr Penzey’s sister and brother-in-law’s business, The Spice Shop. The spices are nearly identical to Penzeys, as they are both building on the family business started by their parents. The couple who own the Spice Shop responded to Penzey’s hate filled political screeds by offering a special with the code “nopolitics”.

In addition to high quality individual spices they have some great blends, many based on Chicago’s ethnic neighborhoods.

Mikey NTH said...

What a whimsical thing to have in the yard. How typical for the usual people here not to take some joy from it, but rather go all politics all the time.

Ralph L said...

they have some great blends, many based on Chicago’s ethnic neighborhoods.
I hope they give them a good washing first.

Danno said...

There is one of these not far off the bike path around Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, if it is still there.

Danno said...

It is (or was)-

Iman said...

Quite the opening segment on Tucker Carlson’s show this evening.

R C Belaire said...

Ann Arbor, a.k.a. Madison East, has its share of these sites as well.

Josephbleau said...

In the Nevada desert you come across areas where the local schizophrenic pilgrim piles up rocks and large plastic dolls along paths paved with bottle caps outside of town. This display is the Wisconsin equivalent.

Josephbleau said...

"There's a name for it, I think, but I've forgotten what it is — if I ever knew."

I'll save that thought for my later years when I wonder why I tolerated women.

Inga said...

Mitchell Street

Fox Point

Galena Street

Three Milwaukee based spice blends, forget the streets of Chicago.

Inga said...

For. Milwaukee fish fry...
Ruth Ann's Muskego Ave Chicken/Fish Seasoning

For when you bring home your deer from hunting “Up north” Wisconsin and make your own sausage!
Venison Sausage Seasoning

Jaq said...

Coming 2 America was an enjoyable movie. Not as good a movie as the first one, character development a little thin, but fun to watch. I always assume that anything from Amazon is gonna be woke to the nth degree, but it wasn’t.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


I found it, but it's The Spice House, not Shop. This has to be the right one, given that the owners are Penzeys :-)

CStanley said...

Yes that’s right, Michelle, sorry for the error!

Josephbleau said...

I buy stuff from Penzeys in Evanston. Did not know they were political. The Ozark Fried Chicken and Back of the Yards Steak are great. My integrity demands I must buy it if it is the best at reasonable cost.

mikee said...

Compare and contrast these folk art installations with the plywood sheet art of post-riot Minneapolis. Which is more of a reaction against recent events, or a means of re-imagining destruction as something beautiful.

Is tree rot a sylvan equivalent to urban broken windows & looted stores?

Tina Trent said...

These are real. See Portlandia Snail Sketch.

Lewis Wetzel said...

In response to Abbot lifting the mask mandate in Texas, Newsom has told Californians to wear two masks.
No, I am not making this up.

MayBee said...

Tim in Vermont- so Eurovision is a good movie? I've stayed away because I didn't think anything about the competition could be as good as the competition itself.

Jaq said...

"so Eurovision is a good movie?”

It’s an homage to the competition. It’s a romantic comedy. Although the male lead is not going to be much to look at.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It is a fairy house/garden.

However it appears to be the trailer trash version with itty bitty pieces of garbage, broken refrigerators and rotting couches outside.

PM said...

Deep on Mt Tamalpais, there's an unmarked trail that leads to a certain tree where you turn to find a place called Music Stand. Hikers/hippies used to play music there back in the day. There are some old music stands there. Those who find this place leave guitar picks, capos, wind chimes, harmonicas, fetishes of all sort. That pic reminds me of this.

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