Says "President Biden Announces Intent to Nominate 11 Judicial Candidates" (White House press release).
Quote attributed to Biden:
"This trailblazing slate of nominees draws from the very best and brightest minds of the American legal profession. Each is deeply qualified and prepared to deliver justice faithfully under our Constitution and impartially to the American people — and together they represent the broad diversity of background, experience, and perspective that makes our nation strong."
Who writes this stuff? You've got the "best and brightest" cliché (puffed up with "very"). You've got the silly mixed metaphor, "trailblazing slate." You've got the syrupy ideology — "broad diversity... makes our nation strong."
Looking at the list, I see that 9 of the 11 are female.
Mr. Biden is not the first Democratic president to try to reshape the federal bench. When Mr. Obama was elected, his lawyers also considered appointing judges who did not have the traditional pedigrees of litigating experience at major law firms, graduating from top colleges, selection to elite clerkships and service as federal prosecutors.
But when Mr. Obama’s counsel’s office sent the names of public defenders or sole practitioners to the American Bar Association for the standard review before nomination, the group frequently objected. One person familiar with the effort said the Obama White House ran into what he called “endless difficulties” with the bar association, which would indicate privately that it intended to rate such candidates poorly.
Late last year, during his transition, Mr. Biden agreed with advisers to end the tradition of Democratic presidents of submitting names to the bar association before nominating them. The association will be free to issue judgments on those nominees, but only after the president has already made his selections public.
That could help Mr. Biden fill judicial vacancies more quickly, said several people familiar with the process. The president and his lawyers are keenly aware that Democratic control of the Senate may not last past the midterm elections in 2022, giving him a short window in which to make his mark on the judiciary....
ADDED: In my American experience, the phrase "The Best and The Brightest" has a dark, sarcastic edge.
Ha ha. Underneath, they're all snobs.
"Who writes this stuff?"
Choads. Choads write it for other choads who consume it and regurgitate it to lesser choads who swallow and digest it wholesale in the hope they can become greater choads.
Sounds like we’re going to get a bunch of wise Latinas.
DNC corporate politics using public relations pablum. Happy talk is a TDS salve. It naturally has the opposite effect on Trumpers.
Biden's ear piece is running the country. Who is at the other end ?
Fight these mincing pricks every step of the way.
I hope there's an Australian aborigine. Average IQ 60.
"Diverse" meaning various kinds of statist?
The White male working class will vote solidly for Republicans.
The White male working class will be for the Republicans what the Blacks are for the Democrats.
The real damage of allowing a Democrat back into the White House. Bad laws can be repealed. Bad executive orders can be rescinded. Judicial appointments endure.
Oh, how I wish Trump could have beaten the margin of fraud. And I don't even like the guy.
It's crazy women who loathe the law.
I bet they are woke arts grads with aspirations of the Hawaiian judge judicial style.
So, I guess no Brett Kavanaugh types in the bunch, huh?
I can see the bar being upset not just because their protection racket but because people without law degrees probably don't make for fair and reasoned judges.
Haha! Who am I kidding? It's all because of the protection racket...
"broad diversity"
"I see that 9 of the 11 are female."
A diversity of broads?
Are any of them trangender or differently abled?
Oh, how I wish Trump could have beaten the margin of fraud. And I don't even like the guy.
I think they were prepared for that. The absentee ballots with no folds were the first line, then when it looked like that would not be enough, Dominion took over.
The White male working class will be for the Republicans what the Blacks are for the Democrats.
Blacks are about 13% of the US population.
White males are about 36% of the US population. Suppose that half of them are working class -- about 18% of the US population.
If practically all the Blacks vote Democrat and practically all the White male working class will vote Republican, then that particular ratio is a Republican advantage.
I've grown to detest the leftist word "Diversity"
Is Biden really saying that the preponderance of White judges raises serious questions about due process and the Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial. Especially for Black defendants?
I would summarize the "anti-racist" position as follows: If a Black defendant receives a jail sentence from a non-Black judge, he should have the right to seek a new trial before a Black judge.
If you asked these nominees, "have you ever had a dick in your mouth?" Would all of the men and half of the women answer in the affirmative?
The importance of diversity is that then you always have a judge somewhere who thinks like a white male. Otherwise it's all crazy all the time.
"Diversity" = "People who are not qualified except for the color of their skin or what they have (or don't) between their legs".
Wait a Washington DC minute...this is truly not as diverse a group of nominees as Joe says it is. I mean, there is no nominee that is transgender, the most vital minority group in our society as there is today...
Interesting that Obama ran into the same sort of problems with the ABA that Trump did. The ABA committee or group "vetting" judicial nominees had a distinct preference for those with a silk stocking background and a liberal/progressive persuasion. Trump short circuited all that blather by asking the Federalist Society to prepare a list of judges--and ignored the ABA. Good call.
The only good to come out of the Biden Presidency may be the appointment of Federal Judges who are in favor of letting personal injury plaintiffs have a Jury Trial. The current crop of GOP appointed Judges are all in favor of dismissing most PI cases by using a new Rule that gives the Federal Judges total discretion to decide whether to accept or reject the expertise of the Plaintiff's expert witnesses. It's an evil rigged system aimed at stealing monetary damage recoveries owed to truly poor victims by businesses and their Insurance Companies.
Top men I tell you, he's nominating Top Men, or Top Women.
I see that 9 of the 11 are female.
So not particularly diverse at all.
Adding a nominee with Common Sense and Ethics would certainly add some needed “diversity” and maybe a dude here and there.
How many graduated from non-Ivy schools?
Maybe the top men are women? Look to HHS for the lead. As narciso pointed to, China is moving on Sudetenland. How many by flu so far? Millions. Without burning a gallon of fuel.
We have gotten to the point of absurdity where you can selected a monolithic group by excluding specific races and sexes and call it "diverse and inclusive".
Are there any words used by the left that actually mean what they use them for? In other words, are they ever not lying?
Does it really matter? At the end of the day, all the Judges Trump nominated to the Supreme Court were fair weather friends to conservatism now that they have their lifetime jobs.
Okay, the Dems get to fill their dance card.
All I know is Trump fixed SCOTUS.
As Johnnie Cochran said: If it stays at nine, we'll be fine.
Wuhan flu is the latest warning shot. Stay afraid America.
Looking at the list, I see that 9 of the 11 are female.
Are you sure? Did you ask them? Today?
In other words, are they ever not lying?
No. They are always lying. It's more fun for them that way...
"traditionalguy said...
The only good to come out of the Biden Presidency may be the appointment of Federal Judges who are in favor of letting personal injury plaintiffs have a Jury Trial."
I would respectfully disagree. Jury trials for PI cases have been a disaster for the insurance companies. In lower income neighborhoods, the jury always finds in favor of he plaintiff. It has caused insurance rates for landlords to skyrocket in order for them to protect themselves from liability.
Sure, fuck the ABA. On that score I agree with Biden. But "diversity" is just code for "not a cis hetero white man." I remember when it was mildly controversial when Sotomayor talked about being a good judge as a "wise Latina with the richness of her experiences." Now, that's just standard fare Democratic thinking on what makes a judge good.
So, a bunch of AA hires. Let's hope they are merely incompetent, and not evil.
Elect a Clown, get a Circus.
"together they represent the broad diversity of background, experience, and perspective that makes our nation strong"
I'm betting that going to law school, passing the bar, becoming lawyers, and finally becoming judges makes them much more alike in background, experience, and perspective than they are different because of their early lives before law school.
“Deeply qualified.” Yes, “diverse” right down to the marrow of their bones. Otherwise, just notsobright lefties who will ignore the Constitution.
see that 9 of the 11 are female.
Here's the NYT article: "Biden Names Diverse Nominees
NOTHING says DIVERSITY, like 82% women!!
"Are there any words used by the left that actually mean what they use them for?"
Can't be many.
"In other words, are they ever not lying?"
Magic 8-Ball says: "Don’t count on it"
Jury trials for PI cases have been a disaster for the insurance companies. In lower income neighborhoods, the jury always finds in favor of he plaintiff.
In my rare experience with jury duty, I once was a potential juror in an insurance case. It was a hilarious experience. First, it was in Newport Beach, not a "lower income m]neighborhood." To start voir dire, the judge asked the jury panel if anyone had been sued. The entire panel raised their hands. NB is full of contractors and developers. The case went downhill for the plaintiff from that point. Eventually, the judge declared a mistrial in voir dire. It was fun.
If you look at the top 25-30 people he has picked for his administration, about 3 or maybe 4 are white non-gay Christian men. That is not "what America looks like" no matter what the Dems and the media claim.
Looking at the list, I see that 9 of the 11 are female.
We are so screwed.
The Pandemic is definitely sputtering out. There were only 7,077 deaths added to USA totals in the last 8 days. That is the lowest number since the week ending 10/30/20 when there were 5,584.
There is no discernible trend in the state numbers either.
• USA average deaths per 100,000 residents is 166 – last week it was 165.
• States that are 33% or more worse than USA average:
o AZ 232
o CT 221
o MA 246
o MS 235
o NJ 275 [worst state]
o NY 257 [next worst]
o RI 246
• Best States:
o AK 43
o HA 33
o ME 55
o OR 56
o UT 66
o VT 36
o WA 69
• Althouse’s state Wisconsin is 125 [was 124 last week]
• Summary:
o 29 states are below USA average
o 15 are at USA average or no more than 33% worse
o 7 states are 33% or more worse than USA average
Theses nominees are not diverse since only two of the eleven are men.
This way to bigotry practiced in plain sight with a quasi-religious ("ethical") imperative. A progressive path and grade.
That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. #BabyLivesMatter(BLM)
I spoke of my grandchildren's iffy future last week. The boys specifically.
Now I see, at the first cut, they have only a 20% shot at advancing to federal judgeships...but the are white. That must take them down to, what? < 2% change of rising to the highest ranks of American jurisprudence? White males are being locked out of leadership positions.
This nation was founded on the principle that no matter who you were, you could do absolutely anything. Work hard, follow the rules, all was open to you.
Not today.
I hope there's an Australian aborigine. Average IQ 60.
And an unPlanned African albino... person of albino... Albino-American... White Black... whatever. A survivor from the Serengeti plains.
From NPR; the real president speaks.
"Biden's staff says he has learned that lesson and that the president sees filling judicial seats as a top priority. Indeed, his chief of staff, Ron Klain, was counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee and, according to friends, "has that lesson imprinted on his brain."
I'd bet 80% of them are Ivy Leaguers.
A diversity of broads?
A diversity abroad, yes. Domestic diversity in the liberal (e.g. progressive: one step forward, two steps backward) sense of color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism).
Biden's staff says he has learned that lesson and that the president sees filling judicial seats as a top priority
He learned nothing. Democrats have worked for a State-established "Church" and religion through the judiciary since Republicans stood up to slavery and diversity. Reproductive rites (i.e normalization) were the cherry on top that added insult to injury.
Are any of them trangender or differently abled?
Buttigieg. Also, there is a trans/neo-feminine at the CDC.
If the republicans fought like the democrats they would filibuster them all, accuse all of them of rape, racism and child molestation.
"Who writes this stuff?"
Progs who know their female audience well.
selected a monolithic group by excluding specific races and sexes and call it "diverse and inclusive"
The Rainbow of inclusive exclusion. It's a politically congruent ("=") construct. A queer symbol to associate with human life. You have to be Pro-Choice to indulge it.
No Orthodox Jew? Why am I not surprised?
If the republicans fought like the democrats they would filibuster them all, accuse all of them of rape, racism and child molestation.
Americans think... they thought we had the numbers. The silent majority. All's fair in lust and abortion.
I suppose it's possible that PJB was using the phrase "best and the brightest" with the same ironic intent that it was used by David Halberstam to describe the highly credentialed fools who got us into the Vietnam war.
Hahaha, jk!
We already know that when a Democrat says "diverse" it is a political definition of the word that has no relevance to any dictionary definition. If it was all black lesbians that would be considered "diverse." Also, the Democrat "diverse" means left-wing activist. If the hypothetical black lesbians all voted for Trump and supported voter ID laws, they would become non-diverse very quickly, perhaps explicitly described as honorary white men. This is all BS and we all know it. Anyone who falls for it is either a liar or a fool.
As for cutting out the ABA that's not a big loss as they are not trustworthy either having shown outward bias for decades, but it does make me think that this bunch of nominees must be objectively terrible if they don't think the ABA will rubberstamp it with enthusiasm. I suppose even the ABA has standards.
Would you rather have the absolute best brain surgeon, or one who is not as good (although qualified) but meets a quota? Why should this be any different?
Loyal leftists, all. Diversity!
A trans/Neo/feminine....
Well. S/he has nice hair.
I guess.
Rhhardin should be pleased.... soap operas for everyone!
If you please, Lucid-
Wth is a choad??
I personally believe an Australian Aborigines would be preferable to a choad...
Where were all the comments about Trump picking white males?
A key diversity component for Viden was picking more former public defenders than federal prosecutors. He also renominates two Obama nominees who had been blocked by McConnell.
Seems to be seeking a multiplier effect by promoting lower federal judges, thereby creating vacancies for further appointments.
I am a paralegal thus been working in law firms for years. The obsession with a handful of top law schools is real. Rank is everything. Having worked for lawyers that graduated from small law schools and those from Yale - definite cultural differences but I don't see huge cognitive differences. Getting unstuck from this thinking would be huge and would probably require total focus on that goal. The profession is so stuck on specific credentials, even for support staff. That is why nearly every law firm receptionist has a BA/BS in something like art history or literature. Do they need one? Fuck no!
"Looking at the list, I see that 9 of the 11 are female."
These days that's a dangerous assumption.
Let's just go to a straight quota system.
Every public institution must have the exact percentages of men/women, black/white/Asian/Hispanic as are in our country.
Should be easy. A lot of white people in government will need to be fired to achieve this, but that's not my problem.
Fight these mincing pricks every step of the way.
Who? Republicans in the Senate?
Yeah. Right.
Choad - Noun - Urban euphemism for penis that is wider than it is long, usually with the implication that said 'choad' is flaccid and incapable of an erection, while the 'choad' defensively asserts that a wider-than-long and flaccid 'choad' is still better because it is 'girthy' (adj).
It is a perfect description of the people "that write this stuff". They use flowery language to embellish something puny, defective, and worthy of scorn.
Where were all the comments about Trump picking white males?
Trump is not a diversitist (e.g. racist, sexist, ageist). His concept of diversity is individuals, minority of one... selected for qualification and order.
Only Orthodox Jewish men named Solomon should be appointed judges. We'd all be a lot better off.
Republicans in the Senate are the mincing pricks. (The D's are even worse.)
Each race and sex should have its own court system.
It's the only way to be fair.
Mutiny Mutiny Rumble Rumble
When Dems say "diversity" they mean "derma-diversity".
They are skin-obsessed.
Trump surprised many by putting on the bench people who respected the Constitution, understood the law, and would apply the law fairly without bias. Biden intends to diversity the bench by adding people who do not respect the Constitution, ignore the plain meaning of the law, and would apply the law to reflect political correctness.
When the staff read Biden the list and the name "Rupa Ranga Puttagunta" came up, they knew they had a winner.
Francisco Pizarro: Trailblazing Slate?
Obviously, being a woman of color is the most important prerequisite to "deliver justice faithfully under our Constitution." Knowledge and judicial temperament obviously are less important than possession of melanin-enhanced skin and a vagina.
Clyde, you troglodyte, where did you get the idea that women necessarily have vaginas? That's soooo 2018.
Joe Smith,
Every public institution must have the exact percentages of men/women, black/white/Asian/Hispanic as are in our country.
Yeah, I don't think that would actually go over too well. Sometimes, you really do want the best person for the job, though it's best if you hush that up to the extent possible. Otherwise people might get the idea that actual ability makes some kind of weird difference or something.
Fortunately, base on the 2020 election litigation results, it appears both Democrats and Republicans put on the bench people who respected the Constitution, understood the law, and would apply the law fairly without bias. Trump may be going on a wedding tour to argue otherwise.
That the candidates are not from the usual places likely reflects the influence of his own attorney, Dana Remus, who is big on judges who have been defense attorneys and other nontraditional (for judges) practice of the law. She is from the next town over and known to us. You might find it interesting to look her up. St Paul's, Yale Law, lawprof at UNC.
The diversity is a necessity for Democrats, even if it's mostly for show.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that "deeply-held conviction" is one of those phrases that is best understood as enough of an opposite of the truth that it has to be forcefully asserted to shout down criticism before it starts
I really REALLY don't care if a judge is male, female, gay. straight, male-identifying, female-identifying, Black, White, Of Color, of Colour, off-color, abled, disabled, differently-abled, deaf, blind, Native American, non-Native American, left-handed, right-handed, or Other. What I do care about is whether that judge will be fair to a party who is NOT male, female, gay. straight, male-identifying, female-identifying, Black, White, Of Color, etc. So please tell me what reason there is to believe that these judges, although chosen for what group each represents, will be fair to those who are different from them. Shouldn't the Senate pursue that issue at the confirmation hearings?
Each race and sex should have its own court system.
It's the only way to be fair.
Fair is out. Equal is inconvenient. Equitable is the new em-pathetic appeal and oxymoron.
The diversity of America: over 300 million people. Oh, racism, sexism, etc., that kind of diversity [dogma], bigotry in plain sight.
@ The Godfather - yeah, a yuge percentage of Americans say they agree with you about that, but it is sooo mid 20th C to expect that, dude. Get with it. Stope trying to apply reason to these things. It will only make you unhappy. You've been warned.
Who writes this stuff? Certainly not Biden. He's not smart enough.
Correction: Aware enough.
"This trailblazing slate of nominees draws from the very best and brightest minds of the American legal profession. Each is deeply qualified and prepared to deliver justice faithfully under our Constitution and impartially to the American people — and together they represent the broad diversity of background, experience, and perspective that makes our nation strong."
These are obvious lies
1: The Left rejects the possibility of "impartial" judges. That's the thesis behind "diversity", that you can't be impartial, that your race and sex determine how you will see things
2: You can either have merit and "the best", or you can have "diversity". Seeking "diversity" means you will reject better people who don't have the "right" sex and / or skin color.
Since they're going out with obvious lies just to start with, we can be sure that the people pick are all left wing ideologues picked with no reference to anything other than "diversity" and dishonesty
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