March 16, 2021

"The U.S. Capitol Police, working with federal, state and local intelligence partners, has concluded that 'there does not exist a known, credible threat against Congress or the Capitol Complex that warrants the temporary security fencing.'"

"Therefore, alterations to the temporary fencing around the Capitol will soon be made, and the National Guard presence will also begin to draw down. However, the USCP will continue to monitor the threat posture, and plans will be adjusted if and as needed."  

From a press release from Nancy Pelosi.


Whiskeybum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Whiskeybum said...

And there never was.

Temujin said...

Someone should walk by and toss an egg over the fence. Let's watch her role out DefCon 2 again.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Sure. Nothing to do with the bad publicity around feeding them bad meat and metal shavings and the horrendous raid they did on Congresswoman Greene’s office.


chuck said...

"Come out, damned spot! Out, I command you!"

BarrySanders20 said...

"We need to put up the fence and ring it with guards to find out if there's a threat."

From a press release by Nancy Pelosi

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Armed Forces are just a Democrat prop now. Hope we don’t actually need them to fight or anything.

DavidUW said...

must have started polling poorly.

Kevin said...

I'm sorry, can you repeat it again in Tik Tok?

That is the only language the United States Armed Forces understands in 2021

Psota said...

Climb down.

Yancey Ward said...

I disagree with this assessment. I have heard rumors that the Trump Inauguration is supposed to occur on April 15th. Are you listening FBI guys?

Rusty said...

You notice they didn't say they were taking it down. Just altering it.
Fascism just come naturally to some, I guess.

I Callahan said...

This must not be polling well...

The Vault Dweller said...

So what seems more likely? The presence of the armed forces was there to heighten the tension immediately after the capitol riots to support the insurrection narrative. Or the presence was there to try and draw out the story of the insurrection narrative over time. A difference of trying to elevate the peak or extend the breadth of the emotions and the story. My guess is it was to elevate the peak. The longer something goes on without anything happening the more people will ask questions about it. And strong emotions at the onset or immediately after an event can permanently frame an event in a persons mind.

Amadeus 48 said...

Pelosi, Pelosi, you will haunt my dreams for years after you have been dragged off to hell by demons.

When you take a Baltimore political hack's daughter off the San Francisco, watch her roost in a congressional seat for 34 years, and let her id roam free in our fair republic, you get Nancy Pelosi: an ignorant, petty, vindictive busybody.

Biden? Schumer? Pelosi? Yes, America, these midgets sit atop the federal government.

Today is Practice Invective Tuesday.

Lucid-Ideas said...

The fence can come down, but we will never forget, or forgive.

Owen said...

Way too little.

And way, way, too late.

That said: this is just more spin. To make the People think everything is back to "normal." Just wait until H.R.1 goes through, then we'll see normal, all right.

Browndog said...

Local D.C. residents and democrat politicians have been screaming to get it down.

Otherwise, it stays.

Wondering what the "credible threat" was before..

gilbar said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Armed Forces are just a Democrat prop now. Hope we don’t actually need them to fight or anything.

how could you call them just a Democrat prop ?
pregnancy flight suits? PREGNANCY FLIGHT SUITS?
oh, i see... Never mind!

Tim said...

In other words, the nation did not immediately assume there was a huge mob waiting to rebel and attack Congress, instead laughing at the crazy old woman who called a minor disturbance a "armed insurrection",so I need to get these reminders out of the way quickly, because my misdirection didn't work.

PM said...

Now how will they keep the migrant children out?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One of Joe’s executive orders apparently rescinded the UCMJ since the Guam National Guard is now employed to intimidate Republicans inside congressional offices.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I thought we’d have better weather in a banana republic.

Tim said...

Blind pig finds acorn.

Ice Nine said...

But then of course there never was, was there.

Rick said...

What are things known on January 7?

Narr said...

The razor wire and fencing are needed to decorate the Biden-Harris Unaccompanied Child Lounge and Rest Havens.

Prove me wrong

Michael K said...

There are still 300 people in jail on misdemeanor charges who have been denied bail.

The process is the punishment. The guy who was arrested by a SWAT team in Naples FL was charged with using pepper spray. No video evidence. The FL judge released him but the feds insisted he be imprisoned. The Chauvin trial is now the model for Pelosi justice.

chickelit said...

Has there ben an epiphany yet on who murdered Ashli Babbit or is it still a deep state secret?

Mike Sylwester said...

What about QAnon?

The FBI has indicated that QAnon posted an Internet message saying that Donald Trump would be inaugurated on March 4, 2021. The FBI indicated further that this QAnon message caused a lot of "chatter" among QAnon disciples.

* When and where was this QAnon message(s) posted on the Internet?

* Exactly what did the QAnon message(s) say?

Surely the FBI knows those details and could provide to the public an image of the QAnon message(s) that Trump would be inaugurated on March 4.



Might this be another one of the FBI's fabrications that the FBI concocted to cause trouble for Donald Trump and his supporters?

.... like the FBI fabrication that Trump and his campaign staff were colluding with Russian Intelligence?

.... like the FBI fabrication that Carter Page was NOT a CIA informant?

Has anyone ever seen QAnon and FBI fabricator Kevin Clinesmith in the same room?

Howard said...

Those arrogant bastards are just double daring you brave deplorable patriots to go into attack mode again. It's a trap don't fall for it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's mighty army... in animal fur horned face paint army - will soon protect the muffins.

Leave that fence up!

n.n said...

Hundreds of thousands assembled. Thousands at the capitol. Dozens of people... persons who were and were not "Trump supporters" inside. One unarmed woman, Ashli Babbitt, killed without cause. A congress that invited and press that incited protests.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The propaganda works until it doesn't.

n.n said...

re: A congress that invited and press that incited protests.

Over a 16 trimester period through stoking diversity, fanning the hate, and denying the audit of irregularities in several Democrat districts (e.g. Atlanta, Georgia of Every Child Left Behind fame).

Leland said...

Well good, but now I question the timing of the WaPo correction from yesterday followed by this abrupt backtrack from Nancy Pelosi's office on threats.

Is this because they managed to get the "COVID relief bill" (that relieves blue state debt and does little for COVID impacted businesses) passed and signed and HR1 out of the House? Now they can become boring again. Maybe they couldn't build sufficient Senate support while Senators had to pass through armed military guards daily.

Most of us knew from day 1 to the extent there was a credible threat, it could have been headed off by the presence of the National Guard prior to and during 6 January, as Trump requested. I doubt there was any credible threat for inauguration (the actual one or the various reported hoaxes we were told to believe were credible after) that was worse than what we witnessed on 21 January 2017.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The FBI is busy arresting and prosecuting innocent people and letting Antifa off the hook. what antifa?

walter said...

The chatter is Pelosi's dentures.

Howard said...

By definition in our legal system, April, everyone prosecuted is innocent. So what's your point girlfriend?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah - we go there.

I'm Not Sure said...

Next week:

Fence? What fence? There never was a fence.

J Melcher said...

If the January 6th "deadly armed insurrection" is any guide, the most danger to the
capitol police force follows on a few days AFTER the events. Jeffrey Smith and Howard Liebengood died of acute Epstein’s Disorder.

n.n said...

The Chauvin trial is now the model for Pelosi justice.

Social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere.

Breezy said...

The armed fencing would have come up in any Biden presser. So it had to come down before that, if it ever happens.

I bet a few governors were not happy about the misuse of NG service members, too.

rhhardin said...

It was obvious to anybody from the beginning. The narrative needed something else, so we had the narrative. They're bailing ahead of narrative collapse.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Has WAPO weighed in yet? I’m sure they have an anonymous source that will deny this.

Owen said...

chickelit @ 1:14: "Has there ben an epiphany yet on who murdered Ashli Babbit or is it still a deep state secret?"

I am not a cop and never even played one on TV but it just occurred to me that, if I were running the investigation into the clown show of Capitol Kops Defending Democracy on January 6, I would start by asking to see the records of all firearms issued to all on-duty officers on that day. Presumably people have to keep track of rounds issued and rounds expended. So far as I've heard, only ONE bullet was fired that day by anybody: it was fired by some "peace officer" blindly into a crowd where it missed fellow peace officers but struck and killed Ashli Babbitt. ONE BULLET. ALL DAY.

How hard would it be to figure out whose firearm discharged that bullet?

J. Farmer said...

Consider the past 20 years. Control of the White House, Senate, and House has shifted between the two parties. What is substantially different about America's political economy today as compared to then? Was there ever a decisive break from the past or are we merely seeing the accumulation of long-term trends? Are there differences of kind or just disagree?

If the stability of a society hinges on the outcome of an election or the success of a particular political party, that society could not have been very stable in the first place.

Ken B said...

Translation: the polls came in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Proud Boys and Oath keepers are destroying parts of Portland each night.

oh wait... hmmmm.

Joy Behar. White leftist - voice of the corrupt democrat party elite liars club.

vermonter said...

Owen: “How hard would it be to figure out whose firearm discharged that bullet?”

They know who did it, they just don’t want us to know.

Ken B said...

I think there has been a change. Power has been consolidated. Even unions are now pushing to punish and surveillance workers.

Howard said...

J Farmer: you're absolutely right and that's been the game for eons that each political party tells it's loyal membership that they are the Bullwork standing between themselves and destruction. I think there must be some sort of evolutionary lizard brain autonomic response that most people are incapable of controlling. Otherwise how would it work so well for both of the parties that are in power.

Therefore, when you don't buy into that game it's very very hard not to be smug, no?

Francisco D said...

I guess the whole Hunger Games motif that Pelosi was looking for didn't poll very well.

Onto the next scam.

Todd said...

In other words, they have milked it for all they can and even they, as bubble protected as they are now realize that the optics are not good for them any longer. Crises averted!

Owen said...

Vermonter @ 1:47: "...They know who did it, they just don’t want us to know."

Yeah. I know. But you know what that means? What that does to the endless implicit negotiation of trust between "us" and "them"? Our willingness to put up with their rules and impositions and requests and expectations?

It means they *all* fired that bullet. And it hit *all* of us.

Metaphorically speaking, of course. But metaphors matter. We are engaged in a symbolic struggle that is wound up into the actual one. And this is a very bad message.

Real American said...

I was in favor of the fencing around the Capitol even though some members of Congress still managed to get out.

walter said...

When does the guy who stole the lectern get executed?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Real American - ha!

Skeptical Voter said...

The COW aka Crazy Old Witch Pelosi has concluded that Caracas on the Potomac is a bad look.

In a just world Nancy Pelosi would be arrested for felony stupid and held without bail---the process would be the punishment. That won't happen---and it sure shouldn't happen to any of the "insurrectionists" arrested and held all over the country.

But I do believe in the Hereafter--and I advise Ms. Pelosi to pack an asbestos pantsuit. She'll need it.

MountainMan said...

Now do something about the crisis on the border.

I'm Full of Soup said...

For more than a month,, this fact was known by or at least suspected by almost every commenter on this blog who does not slurp up the BS from the Dems or their MSM lapdogs.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One of Joe’s executive orders apparently rescinded the UCMJ since the Guam National Guard is now employed to intimidate Republicans inside congressional offices.

I just wanna know one thing. Was the Guam ANG already in town doing occupation duty or were they flown here at tax-payer expense to put on that little show for the DNC?

Openidname said...

" Yancey Ward said...

"I have heard rumors that the Trump Inauguration is supposed to occur on April 15th."

I dunno, Yancey, I heard April 1st.

Tinderbox said...

Hopefully the Dem-led military has used this crisis well to field test the new approved hairdos and maternity combat uniforms.

Bob Smith said...

Here’s a helpful hint. Nancy Pelosi lied about Trumps phone call to promote a phony impeachment. She’s fundamentally dishonest.

narciso said...

did we forget this puppet regime, treated guardsmen, worse than pows, warehousing them in cold buildings, feeding rations filled with metal shavings, pepperidge farm remembers,

Nicholas said...

"the threat posture" - indeed. "Posture" is the operative word.

JaimeRoberto said...

Poor Eric Swalwell will be traumatized again by the absence of the National Guard.

David53 said...

Yes, April 1st. What a perfect date to sow confusion.

J. Farmer said...

Fascism just come naturally to some, I guess.

I think this word needs to be retied from contemporary use. Fascism doesn't simply mean authoritarian or dictatorial. One of its foundational notions is that total warfare between great powers would be a regular threat and that society must be oriented around this principle, including promoting a strong national unity. It saw the liberal ideas of the 19th century as having led to decadence and decline. Materialism and hedonism had left men physically, spiritually, and morally soft and weak. Mass gatherings were organized to venerate a glorious past, and it promoted a cult of youth and virility. It saw violence against political opponents as a morally justified defense of the nation, which it saw as threatened by saboteurs and the rule of weak, unfit individuals. It promoted a hierarchically arranged society of "great men" with an absolute ruler at the top.

I think the primary cause of the decline of fascism as an organized political movement was the decline of the threat of a major war on the continent. The destructive power of total war, including the advent of WMD, made the costs of war too great to justify. Germany has been much more successful at dominating the continent via the EU than it ever was through Lebensraum.

narciso said...

corporatism, it's organizational cousin is live and well, ideological synergy among corporations media and government, with practically no pushback,

so the goal of this roundup, is really about preempting any resistance to the diktats, about guns, speech, ballot integrity,

Tommy Duncan said...

This fencing will go a long ways in resolving the cage shortage on the Mexican border.

WK said...

To paraphrase a couple great statesmen: I was for the wall before I was against the wall....

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...


gilbar said...

Owen said...
Presumably people have to keep track of rounds issued and rounds expended. So far as I've heard, only ONE bullet was fired that day by anybody: it was fired by some "peace officer"

Serious Questions
A) What, ON EARTH makes you think the round came from an issued firearm?
B) What, ON EARTH makes you think the ROUND was an issued round?
C) What, ON EARTH makes you think it was fired by some "peace officer"

If seems, MUCH MORE LIKELY to me, that it was
a private firearm, firing a private round, and held by a private person
was it a private security person? or a private Congressional Aide? or a Congressman?
If you think about How Much they want us NOT to know WHO fired it;
it seems quite likely, that WHO is an interesting WHO

Arturo Ui said...

'No remorse': Man accused in Capitol officer beating, who allegedly buried badge in backyard, ordered to jail

Thomas Sibick is accused of ripping the radio and badge from the tactical vest worn by Officer Michael Fanone, who was later pulled into a mob where he was battered and shocked with a stun gun by rioters who attempted to take his service weapon.

BUMBLE BEE said...

They've got Agent 86 on the case.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The Dems are scared of Trump personally, as well as what he represented, so (since they have WHite House/Senate/House) they are going all out to consolidate their long-term position/power now. That started well prior to the election. They don't want to risk the damage to their long-term prospects should there be another Trump/Trump-style presidency.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Fascism can be boiled down to two words: enforced unity. Everything else flows from that. No dissent is allowed and because people want to dissent from the official narrative, force must be used to squash that dissent. Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook are enforcing their unity viewpoint by banning any message that doesn't conform.

All of the "ism"s, communism, Nazism, totalatarianism, etc., have different aims but use the same method to reach those aims: armed suppression of anyone who disagrees.

n.n said...


She's Pro-Choice. Her Choice was to deny a federal offer to do crowd control, which encouraged hundreds of people who were and were not "Trump supporters" to visit and dozens more to protest inside the capitol.

Tomcc said...

This has to be the most bizarre 5 month period, politically, that I've ever experienced.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Hmmmm.”

“Might this be another one of the FBI's fabrications that the FBI concocted to cause trouble for Donald Trump and his supporters?”

No. I am pretty sure that Q actually posted it. But the thing to keep in mind is that part of what he does is troll the Deep State, which follows him avidly.

One story I heard was that the March coup was ready to go, until the Deep State responded that they would retaliate with a dirty bomb. I don’t find that overly plausible. But trolling them, and making them overreact is very plausible.

Shouting Thomas said...

Arturo is now our go to guy for:

“But let’s talk about this instead!”

Mike Sylwester said...

Bruce Hayden at 3:59 PM
I am pretty sure that Q actually posted it [the Internet message about Trump being inaugurated on March 4]

I look forward to the FBI showing to the public that QAnon message, along with the details of when and where it was posted.

narciso said...

he rides a squirrel with great panache, usa today was caught lying about the blake case, 'but it will be fine'

I'm Not Sure said...

Arturo is now our go to guy for:

“But let’s talk about this instead!”

Arturo tells lies. I don't know why anybody wastes their time reading them.

Known Unknown said...

Polling data came in.

Known Unknown said...

"Consider the past 20 years. Control of the White House, Senate, and House has shifted between the two parties. What is substantially different about America's political economy today as compared to then? Was there ever a decisive break from the past or are we merely seeing the accumulation of long-term trends? Are there differences of kind or just disagree?"

Trump won. An outsider. Not on the approved list. Sure, there would've been a low level of outrage over a Jeb Bush presidency (ha ha ha ha) and he would've been Hitler 5.0 or whatever we are up to now, but he's still basically one of the Washingtonians.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hope you don't mind, Tim in Vermont - but I saved this: I thinks it's good food for thought.


Let’s refer to noted fascism expert Benito Mussolini on what fascism is:

"No action is exempt from moral judgment; no activity can be stripped of the value which a moral purpose confers on all things."

-Sounds like woke to me. Sounds like how the woke treat the least deviation from the woke.

"Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the conscience and the universal, will of man as a historic entity. It is opposed to classical liberalism[<<-- Free Market Economics, not “liberalism” as we now use the term since the liberals stole it]"

-Sounds kinda like what people who think that anybody who disagrees with them should not be allowed to speak might say...

"It the State which creates the nation, conferring volition and therefore real life on a people made aware of their moral unity."

-Moral unity! Deviate from it at your peril!

"Fascism is therefore opposed to that form of democracy which equates a nation to the majority, lowering it to the level of the largest number; but it is the purest form of democracy if the nation be considered as it should be from the point of view of quality rather than quantity, as an idea, the mightiest because the most ethical, the most coherent, the truest, expressing itself in a people as the conscience and will of the few, if not, indeed, of one, and ending to express itself in the conscience and the will of the mass,.."

-Unify behind the purity of the moral judgement of the few who will impose their moral judgement on the mass of men through the combined power of the government and corporations which serve the will of that government!


The Doctrine of Fascism

--Tim in Vermont - 2/15/21, 4:46 PM

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Part of the forced unity - the elite white left's denial of the existence of Antifa.

n.n said...

Shoot to abort an unarmed woman. No remorse.

Denying crowd control. No remorse

Stoking diversity, normalizing protests, inviting incursions (Occupations), and inciting insurrections over more than 16 trimesters. No remorse.

Irregularities and fraud in multiple Democrat districts. Denying civil rights. No remorse.

Publishing misinformation and disinformation... demos-cracy is aborted in darkness.

Affirmative discrimination of National Guard and progress to cancel soldiers. Stalking Americans and exercising liberal license to deny civil rights. Gay appeal.

J. Farmer said...


corporatism, it's organizational cousin is live and well, ideological synergy among corporations media and government, with practically no pushback,

Corporatism does not refer to the corporations defined by law as legal entitles distinct from their owners. In that sense, corporation is just one of many ways to legally organize a commercial business. The "corporations" that corporatism refers to are more akin to guild associations or feudal estates than individual business interests. Under corporatism, the functions of a society are divided among various industrial and professional groups, and the role of citizens is to be members of one of these groups, and it is the job of the state to coordinate their class interests.

The "synergy among corporations media and government" is part of the critique of capitalism. Marx himself noted in the mid-19th century, "the bourgeoisie has at last, since the establishment of Modern Industry and of the world market, conquered for itself, in the modern representative State, exclusive political sway. The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie."

Wince said...

Beside fencing, Democrat paranoia manifests itself in many forms of "Blue Anon" conspiracies...

Notice, the day after Campos's op-ed on the probability of the senate changing hands and the timing of Breyer's retirement...

Democratic Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse called on the new attorney general Merrick Garland to examine the FBI’s “fake” investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

n.n said...

The Doctrine of Fascism

Neither libertarian nor conservative. What's Left (pun intended)? A Twilight Amendment, a Pro-Choice quasi-religion, a liberal ideology. A State-established Cult. Here's to progress: one step forward, two steps backward.

Michael K said...

-Unify behind the purity of the moral judgement of the few who will impose their moral judgement on the mass of men through the combined power of the government and corporations which serve the will of that government!

The closest we have gotten top fascism before in this country was Roosevelt's NRA. "We do our part !" Fascism was quite popular in the 30s as democracy was seen to have failed. Read "The Forgotten Man."

The difference was that the economy was doing very badly then. Now, we were doing quite well with Trump in the White House using common sense in economics. The problem was the threat perceived by politicians of both parties and resentment by the super rich that their quixotic concerns, like Global Warming and too much democracy, were a threat to their hegemony.

How could these Main Street Babbits (notice the echo?) be doing so well when they are just common? The elites should be in charge. That same sentiments were seen in the late 20s and early 30s. The gentry left is always unhappy. Never enough.

Mark said...

the Guam National Guard is now employed to intimidate Republicans inside congressional offices

The unlawful politicalization of Guardsmen was clear here, but you are absolutely right -- this was the use of the military to intimidate a member of the legislative branch.

That's Third World private army stuff.

J. Farmer said...

@Mike of Snoqualmie:

Fascism can be boiled down to two words: enforced unity. Everything else flows from that. No dissent is allowed and because people want to dissent from the official narrative, force must be used to squash that dissent. Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook are enforcing their unity viewpoint by banning any message that doesn't conform.

Is the NFL requiring fans to "stand and and show respect for the flag" an example of "enforced unity"?

All of the "ism"s, communism, Nazism, totalatarianism, etc., have different aims but use the same method to reach those aims: armed suppression of anyone who disagrees.

Liberalism, republicanism, libertarianism, anarchism, syndicalism? When have "Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook" used armed suppression?

M Jordan said...

When did Nancy Pelosi sell her soul to the Devil? Cause she did.

M Jordan said...

I've got this theory that the Left has already jumped the present shark, that the American Version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution has already ended, that the American Robespierre, who'er he may be, has already been guillotined.

Serious. You never know when history has changed until after it has ... unless you're a true seer. As I am.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Does the NFL require fans stand and do anything? I think not.
"please stand for the...."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The FBI are very busy looking for anyone who might not worship the corruptocratics like they should.

also very busy ignoring Antifa.

Original Mike said...

"Is the NFL requiring fans to "stand and and show respect for the flag" an example of "enforced unity"? "

If they did require it, I suppose it would.

Narr said...

In case you missed it, Juan "Fronthand/Backhand" W of The Five began his act today praising the Biden-Harris admin's fresh approach, wise foresight, and hard work-- they have developed some great slogans!


See you after dindin

320Busdriver said...

Softening you up for the main show.

They can use the nuclear option on the filibuster, but now it appears they will use the reconciliation process to jam through ALL of their crazy ideas, including huge tax increases, under the cover of a infrastructure bill. But you still have HR1 and their 2A wish lists that they can only do if they go nuclear.

Stolen elections have consequences..sit back and enjoy the ride.

wildswan said...

Word got out that the American Insurrectionists had notified each other that DC has strict gun control laws and so to leave guns at home. Security services in other countries kept congratulating the FBI on controlling the unarmed Insurrection on a superpower. giggle, giggle. "Were you scared? So brave? Do you think you have enough barb wire up in case they come back? What if they bring squirt pistols? I hear the US Marines on 6th Street were at a fashion show modelling Pregnancy Combat wear and couldn't decide on what color to wear to the Insurrection. snigger. You do know most insurrectionists world-wide use guns, just in case you ever come over as advisors, OK?"

n.n said...

What if they bring squirt pistols?

Some of the protestors who may and were not "Trump supporters" wielded our national flag to destroy public property. Exemplifying the America, second, third, and Pro-Choice mentality of the insurrectionists.

n.n said...

Is the NFL requiring fans to "stand and and show respect for the flag" an example of "enforced unity"?

Religion/morality, its relativistic sibling ethics, its politically congruent cousin law, and community organization.

chickelit said...

Owen wrote: How hard would it be to figure out whose firearm discharged that bullet?

I suspect that the coward's identity is known but for some reason, race, employer, backlash, it will never be released. And so it will fester until at least someone takes responsibility for it. The uber liberals here think that Ashli had it coming to her. I would spit on them if I could.

J. Farmer said...

If they did require it, I suppose it would.

Does the NFL require fans stand and do anything? I think not.

"This season, all league and team personnel shall stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem. Personnel who choose not to stand for the Anthem may stay in the locker room until after the Anthem has been performed."

-Statement From NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell

"I think that’s good. I don’t think people should be staying in the locker rooms, but still I think it’s good. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. Or you shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there. Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem and the NFL owners did the right thing if that’s what they’ve done."

-Donald Trump on Fox & Friends about the policy.

The ability of private business interests to control narratives has been a part of media criticism for decades. What obligation does Facebook or Google or Twitter have to allow users free reign of their platform?

iowan2 said...

If the stability of a society hinges on the outcome of an election or the success of a particular political party, that society could not have been very stable in the first place.

OK, I agree with this.
But our society was never designed to depend on a single election.
But 99% of the population have been trained to believe there is not a single facet of their life that does not get influenced by the federal govt. They have been conditioned to believe a President is key to their happiness.
This illusion is a learned response from SCOTUS ruling on things that have nothing to do with federal power.
Until States rebel and take back their enumerated powers, we are stuck in our National Groundhogs Day of elections with too much at stake.

Dude1394 said...

So like everything else the democrats and their press lapdogs have said for 4 days is bullshit.

Original Mike said...

"This season, all league and team personnel shall stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem. Personnel who choose not to stand for the Anthem may stay in the locker room until after the Anthem has been performed."

Those aren't fans.

PB said...

There never was a threat, and perceiving one where non existed is as big an intelligence failure as not perceiving one that did exist.

iowan2 said...

Here’s a helpful hint. Nancy Pelosi lied about Trumps phone call to promote a phony impeachment. She’s fundamentally dishonest.

No. The phony phone call was carefully avoided at all costs. Pelosi knew it was a fake story, The media told her. Pelosi also avoided any mention of Jan. 6th in the impeachment papers. Because there was no "inserection". At the most they would have had to Impeach the President for encouraging citizens to petition the govt for redress. I aint no con-law prof, but that doesn't sound impeachable.

I have discovered there is lots of information is what the Dems are not mentioning.

J. Farmer said...

@Original Mike:

Those aren't fans.

Hahaha. I just caught the typo. My white-hot hatred of proofreading gets me again! Of course, that should have read:

"Is the NFL requiring players to "stand and and show respect for the flag" an example of "enforced unity"?

My bad.

donald said...

No shit Sherlock.

Paul said...

Meanwhile US National Guard uniformed soldiers tried to intimidate a US Representative.

A throwback to the days of the Weimar Republic and the Nazis using such tactics to intimidate Parliament members... to force then to vote for Hitler.

Mark said...

That's not a typo.

That's getting caught.

J. Farmer said...


That's not a typo.

That's getting caught.

Sure. I quoted the NFL anthem and Trump's response because we all remember that big controversy in 2018 when the fans started taking a knee during the anthem to protest racial injustice. Back then, the right tended to support the idea of the NFL "enforcing their unity viewpoint by banning any message that doesn't conform."

chickelit said...

Sure. I quoted the NFL anthem and Trump's response because we all remember that big controversy in 2018 when the fans started taking a knee during the anthem to protest racial injustice. Back then, the right tended to support the idea of the NFL "enforcing their unity viewpoint by banning any message that doesn't conform."

Part of the controversy back then was that the Kaepernick-inspired player fealty to BLM was perceived to be anti-cop and anti-white protestation. It harkened back to the 1968 Olympics black power salutes. By 1972, radical politics entered the Olympics in a sad and tragic way. Many people enjoy sports as an escape from politics. Those who insist on bringing politics into sports -- especially controversial politics -- deserve the consequent fan abandonment.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


By 1972, radical politics entered the Olympics in a sad and tragic way.

I'm afraid part of the problem here is that many people will have no idea what you are talking about. Even if you throw in "Munich," it'll ring no bells.

Sam L. said...

Why do I not believe Pelosi? Years of experience.

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