"... years earlier in front of his 5-year-old sister, police and sources told Fox News. Brandon Elliot, 38, was arrested shortly after 1 a.m. Wednesday in Manhattan. He has been charged with attempted assault as a hate crime, assault as a hate crime, assault and attempted assault, police said Wednesday.
Around 11:40 a.m. Monday, Elliot is said to have attacked a 65-year-old woman on West 43rd Street between Eighth and Ninth avenues in Manhattan while she was on her way to church.. A startling video shows a man, identified by police as Elliot, punching kicking the woman as she walks along the sidewalk, which [causes] her to fall to the ground. He then continues viciously kicking her in the head and body, according to the video and police. As he continued his assault, the suspect told her: 'F--- you, you don’t belong here'..."
The article doesn't mention Elliot's race, even though he was charged with a hate crime. I presume the photograph is supposed to do the delicate work of conveying the information.
Glad they caught the bastard.
You might want to check with Cyrus Vance Jr's office to see when he established the lighter sentences and release programs for New York.
We get the leaders we deserve.
When are Asians going to be able to walk the streets without being assaulted by White supremists?
If Obama had a son...
The article doesn't mention Elliot's race, even though he was charged with a hate crime.
Everybody knows that is the race is not mentioned, then the culprit is Black.
"...Lifetime parole for (stabbing) his mother (to death)..."
His race isn't mentioned because it doesn't fit the narrative. Journalism is all about storytelling now. Any facts that confuse the story are edited out. It's "1984" as an operations manual.
"Lifetime parole"
Or also known as...in saner times...a life sentence in jail and possibly the gas chamber.
'Lifetime parole'. These guys are a laugh riot, if anyone was actually laughing.
“ The article doesn't mention Elliot's race, even though he was charged with a hate crime. I presume the photograph is supposed to do the delicate work of conveying the information.”
Of course, the alleged perpetrator is Black. Very Black. The inconvenient reality is that the major perpetrators of hate crimes, of cross racial violence, in this country are Black. Inconvenient because BLM, White Supremacy and White Fragility, etc. narratives are so demonstrably false.
Your daily "China virus" violence nicely covered here:
Everybody knows that is the race is not mentioned, then the culprit is Black.
I don't know about that, Mike Sylwester. Seems to me a lot of 'youths' turn out to be young muslims.
I have an idea for our honorary 'white' friends in the asian community. Since the media and the left have decided to go 'clown nose on/clown nose off' regarding your victimhood status or lack thereof, we promise to look the other way if you gun down copious vibrant youth in the process of victimizing you.
Welcome to the club.
A diversity (e.g. people of orange) motive? Perhaps. Has he targeted others in the class?
A crime of opportunity. Certainly.
If he had been younger, he would be a "Yout."
New York is great this way. Now theyn have put a cop killer (execution style) on the "Police Reform Board."
Richard Rivera is a member of the Reimagining Public Safety Collaborative of Ithaca and Tompkins County upstate, the New York Post revealed on Monday. Rivera was 16 when he fatally shot Officer Robert Walsh during an attempted robbery in Queens in 1981. He was released from prison in 2019 and is now an advocate for the homeless – as well as a member of a body charged by the Democrat governor with reforming police in the wake of last year’s death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Hey, he is reformed !
Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgments), not limited to racism, breeds adversity. So, does "critical race theory" (i.e. inference, liberal license), concepts of "Jew privilege", life deemed unworthy of life (selective-Jew), immigration reform in lieu of emigration reform, equity with selective measure, etc.
And of course, they're playing up the 'hate crime' part of it, not the early prison release part.
Going to be fun to see the media's reaction when the Roof Koreans make a come back.
Am I the only one who got an “Access Denied” error when following the link in this post?
As he continued his assault, the suspect told her: 'F--- you, you don’t belong here'..."
It looks like the place of the assault was on the edge of Hell's Kitchen, near Midtown Manhattan. Hell's Kitchen is 15% Asian and 6.3% African-American; Midtown Manhattan is 20.8% Asian and 4.6% African-American. It's not the Asian woman who was somewhere she didn't belong.
He was told to report to his parole officer from time to time, but no one told him not to hit someone or stomp them...your honor..
Matt..if she was outside her neighborhood would that justify being hit? just asking..
that the race wasn't mentioned = black.
We all know that. Reading the MSM, is like reading the Pravda back in the USSR.
"The article doesn't mention Elliot's race, even though he was charged with a hate crime."
Which tells you the attacker is most likely a black male, and possibly a hispanic male.
Ah, black, of course
If he was white, that would be hate crime.
If he was asian, it wouldn't be reported.
Only two races are left: Hispanic and Black.
Given high black crime rates, whenever you hear of "youths" or "teenagers" and crime you know its black.
"Am I the only one who got an “Access Denied” error when following the link in this post?”
The Access Denied only seems to be if you click on it from Althouse directly. If you just load the link and go, it works. So the deplatforming of Althouse creeps on in it’s petty pace from day to day.
The article doesn't mention Elliot's race, even though he was charged with a hate crime.
The MSM doesn't report either that the overwhelming degree of hostility and number of anti-Asian hate attacks are from members of the Black community.
Am I the only one who got an “Access Denied” error when following the link in this post?
On the linked webpage, click in the browser's link box and then press your ENTER button.
Byline by Flannery O'Connor
In the Georgia shooting, we had The Great White Defendant, which meant we could finally talk about anti-Asian violence.
Now we need a GWD for attacks on Jews.
Big Mike
I get an access denied too.
I use a non standard Browser though (Perfect Browser).
His mom was lucky he didn't hate her. That would have been super duper bad.
"Lifetime parole"
This monster was released after serving 16 years for KNIFING HIS MOTHER THREE TIMES IN THE CHEST!
What did they expect?
From the "Access Denied" screen, I cut-and-pasted the URL and clicked on that. Worked OK.
It’s a measure of how pervasive white supremacy is that it drives even Black matricides to attack elderly Asian women.
Isn't it interesting the media isn't using the race of the perp as a proxy to link violence to politics? If this keeps happening I'm going to suspect their conclusions depend on how events can be linked to their political preferences.
"On the linked webpage, click in the browser's link box and then press your ENTER button.”
That’s not the point. The point is why are referrals from Althouse suddenly blocked?
"the photograph is supposed to do the delicate work"
Delicate, because . . .?
Not arguing with Althouse, of course.
“Am I the only one who got an “Access Denied” error when following the link in this post”
I got the problem in Chrome, but not Safari. Appears maybe to involve running the embedded video. Maybe.
N / 101: "the Roof Koreans"
Was there for the '65 and the '92.
They don't play.
Killed his mother in front of his sister and is paroled "for life" is all you need to know.
The link does not work directly because it is https and not http so it sets off the servers alarms as potentially malicious.
The attack was in proximity too the parole office just south of the Port Authority. Rough crowd gathers there every morning. Definitely not Asians.
tim in vermont at 2:24 PM
That’s not the point. The point is why are referrals from Althouse suddenly blocked?
This has been a peculiarity of Fox News for several years.
It has nothing to do with Althouse.
Funny how that goes, isn't it?
The poor guy just didn't have his diversity, equity and inclusion training yet. It's really society's fault. He just hasn't had the opportunity to do the work.
From the video, I would say attempted murder would be an appropriate charge. Once down, multiple kicks to the head are easily potentially deadly. They may of course alter charges over time.
But contrast that with the George Floyd case, or the quiet walk-back of the charges from the DC "insurrection."
Percentage of hate crimes committed by blacks?
Not even the NY Post raised the race of the attacker. I haven’t checked the Daily Mail.
You get the feeling that the race first/white man bad project is going to collapse of its own weight. Individuals are unique.
Where is the clamour for equity in the NBA or the NFL?
Ms. Althouse presumes.
Not that it isn’t justified I. This particular instance, but in general, Asians accusing other people of racism = lulz.
Crime reporting in the media rarely mentions the race of the perpetrator, unless it is significant to the story.
The stories I've seen about this crime identify the victim as Asian, because that is pertinent to the specific charges that were filed against the offender. The race of the assailant, however, is irrelevant to any aspect of the story, so it isn't mentioned.
bbkingfish at 3:32 PM
The race of the assailant, however, is irrelevant to any aspect of the story, so it isn't mentioned.
If the attacker had been White, his race would have been in the headline.
"Percentage of hate crimes committed by blacks?"
Humongous. The black-vs-everyone-else category of crime approaches 8-10 instances out of every 100,000 per capita. The next lowest number is Hispanics (often vs. blacks) at 2-3 out of every 100,000.
It's not even close. If blacks disappeared from North America tomorrow the violent crime rate would more than halve, possibly reduce by more than 2/3rds.
It is not even close.
NYC JournoList said...
The link does not work directly because it is https and not http so it sets off the servers alarms as potentially malicious.
No, Althouse's link is an https link. I've had that happen with Fox News links on other sites. It's something to do with their scheme for publishing html documents. It's like they publish initially to a temporary server then move the page to it's permanent location on another server at a later point.
I'm sad to see that hate crimes have become entrenched in our society. By that I mean the idea that a biased motivation for a crime gets more attention and more punishment than a similar crime without that same motivation. The crime itself seems about the same level of badness regardless of the motivation of the attacker. Society ought to punish bad actions, not bad thoughts. It used to be a fair amount on the left felt the same. I remember an episode of The West Wing, where the red-haired reporter guy, who winds up partnering up with Press Secretary CJ Craig, states his opposition to hate crime legislation saying it was punishing thought crime. This must have been back in the early 2000's. How has society changed with the mass acceptance of hate crime legislation? The crimes still occur. But now society seems to be on guard for hidden racists, sexists, and whatever variety of phobe is out there constantly. The mere accusation of impure thoughts is enough to tank some people's career. And yet those targeted crimes still exist and in some cases have gone up. We have paid a price for this legislation and appeared to have gained nothing.
How old was he when he killed his mother?
If he had beaten up an old black guy, this wouldn't have made the news anywhere.
bbkingfish said...
The race of the assailant, however, is irrelevant to any aspect of the story, so it isn't mentioned.
The point is that while perp race is irrelevant to this story the same media deemed race pertinent to the Atlanta and Boulder murders. That is (revealingly) until the moment the perp was proven not white. Then race magically became irrelevant again.
The article doesn't mention Elliot's race, even though he was charged with a hate crime. I presume the photograph is supposed to do the delicate work of conveying the information.
Surely a sophisticated consumer of journalism like yourself knows the delicate work of conveying the perp's race is communicated by forgetting to mention it at all.
@The Vault Dweller
I dislike the 'hate crime' category too. I do not believe in the concept of 'hate crimes', but some people do and they are responsible for creating and promoting the double standard under which we live and I will absolutely go all in for promoting and doubling-down on the double-standard they've created.
Saul Alinsky should've been assassinated, but I'm not below making scumbags live by their own set of rules...and more importantly making them die by them.
When he gets paroled for this crime, I hope he doesn't do it again.
if a cop had shot him, they would say he was 'just getting his life back together'
I presume the photograph is supposed to do the delicate work of conveying the information.
Althouse sentence of the day.
"Saul Alinsky should've been assassinated
Don't you mean executed?
Did he call for his mother when he was arrested?
@Kirk Parker
"Don't you mean executed?"
According to Alinsky's rules, I do not.
"Lifetime Parole"
Well that didn't work.
It really is interesting how many crimes are being committed recently by people who are known by police, yet when the crime is committed, we are told we need new legislation. Said new legislation isn't to give the police the ability to have acted when they maybe couldn't have before, because their inaction wasn't due to legal barriers. The new legislation is to limit the freedoms of others, most often the particular freedom of self-defense, although this "hate crime" is about limitation of freedom of speech. And make no mistake, his 'F--- you, you don’t belong here'..." isn't a crime, if you think it is, please tell me your stance on vaccine passports or people not wearing masks in public.
The race of the assailant, however, is irrelevant to any aspect of the story, so it isn't mentioned.
We all know, even you, that if he had been anything but black it would be in the story. If he had been white it would have been in the headline.
Can you say, 'disingenuous'?
As long as we're talking about race: "Asian" or "Asian-American" is not a race. Asia stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the Pacific Ocean and from the Indian Ocean to the North Pole. BILLIONS (I could even say BILLIONS AND BILLIONS) of people live there: Jews, Arabs, Sikhs, Areans, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thais, Tibetans, Koreans, Japanese, Russians, etc. And that's not even counting the "and Pacific Islanders" suffix we often add to "Asian". Most of the human race is probably "Asian".
I hypothesize that the perp Brandon Elliot (WASP name if I ever heard one) saw brown (yellow?) skin and "slanty eyes" and said -- what? -- "gook"? I have members of my family who have a mixture of American and "Asian" ancestry -- send your young men some place to fight your wars and they'll come back with brides and children. I think it's a plus for our country (even if the wars sometimes weren't). When I retired from the Big Law Firm almost 20 years ago we were just starting to get "Asian" associates -- Chinese, Korean, Iraqui, Japanese. There is NO EXCUSE for failing to condemn a racist attack on a victim even if you can't yet agree on an appropriate adjective to describe her race.
As more and more people get their news from FB or Twitter (or their news update from CNN 3 times a day), I can assure you that all of the folks that did the #stopasianhate after the massage parlor killings don't even know about this incident. Occupy Democrats won't create a StopAsianHate meme; Heather Cox Richardson isn't going to mention it.
My liberal friends are positive that it is all the hateful "rednecks" in this country who harrass Asians - after all, our granddaddies used the word "j**" back in the '50s following WWII.
The stories I've seen about this crime identify the victim as Asian, because that is pertinent to the specific charges that were filed against the offender. The race of the assailant, however, is irrelevant to any aspect of the story, so it isn't mentioned.
In a sane world, perhaps. But in the world we live in, not mentioning the race of Black criminals when discussing crime has given the American people an erroneous perspective on crime.
Young Black males make up around 5% of the population. (Black people are approximately 13.5% of the population, 50% of those are males, accounting for age, 500,000 young Black men in jail, and extremely high mortality rates.)
This 5% commit over 50% of all violent crime. People are shocked when I tell them this, and accuse me of lying. Do you know why people react that way?
Because the MSM almost always leaves out the race of the criminal if they are Black because it is supposedly irrelevant.
Do you think the public might have different opinions about crime, race relations and interactions between Black people and the police if they knew the truth?
Do you know why the MSM gets away with misinforming the public about crime, and the racial aspects of crime?
Because even though 5% of the population is committing 50% of the violent crime, they are mostly doing it to each other so no one gives a shit.
Like Mark Twain, I'm willing to extend some sympathy towards this poor orphan....I would think that murdering your own mother is a crime worthy of more than seventeen years in prison, but I guess not. Still, when people misbehave in such flagrant fashion, I blame the parents.
Killed his mother in front of his sister and is paroled "for life" is all you need to know.
Maybe he got mercy for being an orphan? [rimshot]
As to the race, since the NYT came up with "white Hispanic" for George Zimmerman, maybe this guy is a black white supremacist? Or a white supremacist of color?
Planned Parent/hood. A dark sarcasm. A morbid irony. A victim of social progress.
maybe this guy is a black white supremacist
People... Person of Gray.
Diversitist, rabid, perhaps. Has he targeted other People of Asia, People of Female? Well, other than his maternal womb.
they are mostly doing it to each other so no one gives a shit.
There are people who are Pro-Life, diversity agnostic, and work to address causes, not profit from treating symptoms, but they are a minority.
Killed his mother in front of his sister and is paroled "for life" is all you need to know.
Planned Parent/hood. When, and by whose Choice, can a life be deemed unworthy of life? He may have taken a cue from the established religion and acted preemptively. Bray to the mortal gods and goddesses for equity. They're playing with a double-edged scalpel.
It seems likely the perp is a man with a deep personality disorder who can be triggered into murderous rage in one second flat. Older middle-aged women one of his triggers.
I had a case with one of this type of criminal. He'd go to jail for a few years and then go apeshit on some undeserving older woman within a few months of his release.
"There is NO EXCUSE for failing to condemn a racist attack on a victim"
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, it's just that the word "racist" is unnecessary there.
"There is NO EXCUSE for failing to condemn a racist attack on a victim"
Was the attack motivated by diversity? Has he attacked others in the class? Color, age, sex? He elected to abort his mother.
If anyone comes back here would you let me know what the hell "parole for life" means.
This was a "spark of divinity" attack on the Asian woman.
Inga can explain.
Dog bites man isn't news.
The race of the attacker is only reported when its a white person.
Going to be fun to see the media's reaction when the Roof Koreans make a come back.
Was she Korean or Chinese? They tend to handle things differently.
Almost 30 years ago when I lived in Denver, there was a multiple homicide shooting at a Chuck E Cheese restaurant. The victims were all white. About a day later I noted to my wife that it was done by a black, since the media had not released a description of the suspect. She said I was a racist. Guess who was right?
Ann Althouse observed:
"The article doesn't mention Elliot's race, even though he was charged with a hate crime. I presume the photograph is supposed to do the delicate work of conveying the information."
I presume that you presume correctly, Madame La Professeur. If he were a white guy, it would have led by direct reference and not as..."delicate"...work. Pictures do the heavy lifting, and allow people to come to their own conclusions about the perp. Probably leading to some pretty solid confirmation bias on what they believe about the race of the accused generally.
I don't believe there should be such a thing as "hate crimes". It's a dangerous path we travel with that.
I have seen many videos of such unprovoked attacks and the vast majority of perps were dark-complected. But according to libs, dems and the msm, it's all white supremacy.
The victim is Oriental. I am Occidental. Go ahead and cancel me.
About a year and a half ago I was changing trains at the Lindbergh station in Atlanta with my then six year old granddaughter. I told her that her Uncle had been robbed at gunpoint right outside of the same station a few months earlier. She thought about it for a moment, and then asked me , "what color was the skin of the robber?" This from a little girl who had never heard a racist comment from anyone in her family in her life. I told her that she already knew the answer to her question. Even a six year old girl knows that white people don't generally go around robbing people at gunpoint. Is this little girl a racist, or is she merely a sentient being?
Perhaps I'm wrong but it's my understanding that blacks cannot be racists and hence I deduce that they cannot commit hate crimes and so this wasn't one. I'm sort of old and the social justice warrior regime is bewildering, so excuse me if I didn't get this right. I can't understand Eddie Murphy's new movie, Coming 2 America, either. Should I denounce it when I see trailers on Amazon or is it OK?
I think you'll soon find that Mr. Elliot is part of an inclusive, multi-ethnic, multi-racial white supremacism that is very tolerant and accepting when it needs to be.
Serious question: Why s "Asian" any more acceptable than Oriental?
Serious answer: In a civilized society, civilized people call their fellow citizens what they prefer to be called.
Serious answer: In a civilized society, civilized people call their fellow citizens what they prefer to be called.
I prefer to be called His Royal Highness gahrie the first, emperor of Terra.
Serious answer: In a civilized society, civilized people call their fellow citizens what they prefer to be called.
And when was that poll taken?
(I do not want to be called "senior citizen". Though I used that discount when I went to see the Godzilla versus Kong movie last night)
I'm going with Stevew the Elder, cuz I am.
Blogger Earnest Prole said...
Serious question: Why s "Asian" any more acceptable than Oriental?
Serious answer: In a civilized society, civilized people call their fellow citizens what they prefer to be called.
No one seriously thinks any people ethnically from the Far East asked not to be called oriental.
Here is the real white liberal thought: occidental and oriental are words of direction. They assume a place, a western place, a Western worldview. As with all things left, one must erase yourself as a reference point of knowing.
I used the word "oriental" until I was called on it about 15 years ago by a young Asian-American I worked with. I had no idea the word was offensive, but he assured me that it was. He seemed quite sincere, and I haven't used it since, I don't think.
J Oliver,
Here is the real white liberal thought: occidental and oriental are words of direction. They assume a place, a western place, a Western worldview.
But no one seems to have a problem with "occidental," do they? It's the name, among other things, of a small liberal arts college in CA. I can't imagine an "Oriental College" anywhere in the US.
Earnest Prole,
In a civilized society, civilized people call their fellow citizens what they prefer to be called.
But you can see where this has gotten us, right? Negro to "colored" to "black" to "Afro-American" to "African-American" and now back to "Black," capital "B." Pronouns and deadnaming. "Latinx," an obvious BS word that can't be pronounced in the Spanish language to which it refers, the same language it denounces for having genders for all objects, and which nearly all Latinos and Latinas specifically reject. "BIPOC," which wasn unknown a year ago and is now everywhere. Does anybody ask to be called BIPOC?
I don't want to be called "white" particularly, still less WaPo's newly-mandatory "White." But nobody asked me.
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